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O impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade funcional de idosos: a importância de políticas públicas que valorizem o Aging in place / The impact of environmental factors in the disability in older people: the importance of the public housing policies for aging in placeMichele Lacerda Pereira Ferrer 02 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A incapacidade no idoso é multidimensional, envolvendo aspectos de saúde física, emocional, cognitiva, ambiental e social. Os fatores ambientais têm um impacto importante como facilitadores ou barreiras nas atividades e participação social do idoso, especialmente relacionado ao ambiente de moradia e a capacidade de continuar vivendo no próprio domicilio apesar do envelhecimento (Aging in place). Políticas públicas devem ser pensadas levando a questão do Aging in place em consideração. Objetivos: investigar o impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade de idosos que residem em conjuntos habitacionais verticais de interesse social que não contam com quesitos de acessibilidade como o elevador, sob a perspectiva da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Método: Para alcance dos objetivos propostos foi necessário a realização da validação de construto e identificação das propriedades psicométricas e de normatização do WHODAS 2.0- 12 itens para avaliação da incapacidade em idosos brasileiros. Após esta etapa, foi realizada a análise dos fatores ambientais sugeridos pela CIF e reconhecidos por moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais e sua associação com a incapacidade funcional. Os estudos transversais aqui apresentados foram realizados com duas amostras distintas: Amostra 1 para o processo de validação de construto e normatização do WHODAS 2.0 contou com 350 idosos assistidos pelo Centro de referência do Idoso na cidade de São Paulo. Com dados desta amostra foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória, confirmatória e teoria de resposta ao item e análise de variância para validação de construto e observação da distribuição dos escores na amostra. Amostra 2 contando com 96 idosos residentes em um conjunto habitacional com 26 edifícios verticais com até 4 andares em Bragança Paulista (SP) para análise do impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade dos idosos. Com os dados desta amostra foi realizada análise de regressão linear multivariada para identificação dos fatores ambientais mais associados ao aumento do escore de incapacidade. Resultados: O WHODAS 2.0, 12 itens apresentou boa adequação das cargas fatorais em um modelo unidimensional somente com 10 itens dos 12 avaliados. A retirada do item 6 (concentrar-se) e 10 (lidar com pessoas estranhas) na análise fatorial exploratória melhorou o desempenho do teste com variância explicada de 70 por cento (x2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, RMSEA = 0,06; Alpha de Cronbach = 0,95 e Mc Donald = 0,92). Na análise da associação entre barreiras ambientais e incapacidade observou-se que fatores ambientais como escadas, acesso ao transporte público, ruídos, clima e preconceito reconhecidos como barreira foram associados a um aumento no escore do WHODAS 2.0-BO. Conclusão: A presença de barreiras ambientais como dificuldade de acesso ao transporte público, presença de escadas na entrada da casa, ruídos, condições climáticas adversas e preconceito foram associadas a um aumento no escore de incapacidade, o que pode impedir idosos de continuar vivendo no próprio domicílio na presença de tais barreiras. Políticas públicas deveriam considerar o envelhecimento e as barreiras ambientais identificadas neste estudo para a garantia do Aging in place. / Introduction: Disability in older people is multidimensional with physical, emotional, cognitive, environmental and social aspects. The environmental factors could have an important impact as facilitators or barriers in their activities and social participation, specially related to the habitation and the aging in place. Public housing policies should be made based on aging in place. Objectives: to investigate the impact of environmental factors in disability of older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex building for low-income families with no elevator, by International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) perspective. Method: As a first step to this study purpose, analyses of the psychometric properties and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0- 12 item were necessary to validate this instrument and assess disability in Brazilian older people. After that, the analysis of the environmental factors (as suggested by ICF) recognized by older people living in apartment complex building and their association with disability was done. The cross-sectional studies here presented were done with two different samples: Sample 1 was used to identify the construct validation and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0 12 item. This sample had 350 individuals attending a community based reference center for older people in São Paulo. The construct validity was tested with Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Parallel Analysis, Item Response Theory. Sample 2 was used to analyse the perceived environmental factors and the disability. It had 96 older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex for low income families in Bragança Paulista. The regression linear analysis was done to identify the environmental barriers associated to disability in the older people. Results: The WHODAS 2.0, 12-item version, is a unidimensional scale, and goodness of fit occurs only with 10 items evaluating disability in older people. Withdrawn items 6 (concentration) and 10 (leading with strangers) established an appropriate adjustment, with high and excellent values for all indicators. The explained variance was 70 per cent and confirmatory analysis showed X2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, and RMSEA = 0,06; reliability indexes Cronbachs ( = 0.95) and McDonalds ( = 0,92) were adequate. This new version was named WHODAS 2.0-BO (Brazilian version for older people). At the environmental barriers and disability association study was observed the association between perceived barriers as public transportation, stairs, noise, climate and prejudice and disability with the increased WHODAS 2.0-BO score. Conclusion: older people who recognize environmental barriers such as access to public transportation, stairs, noise, adverse climate and prejudice have an increase in disability score, which can prevent them from aging in place. The public policies should consider the aging and the environmental barriers identified by this study in order to assure aging in place.
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Inégalités environnementales en région Ile-de-France : répartition socio-spatiale des ressources, des handicaps et satisfaction environnementale des habitantsGueymard, Sandrine 16 November 2009 (has links)
Encore peu explorée à ce jour, la thématique des inégalités environnementales fait l’objet d’un intérêt grandissant en France. Parmi les multiples définitions proposées et les quelques tentatives d’évaluation réalisées, une acception semble toutefois plus fréquemment rencontrée. Cette dernière renvoie à l’existence d’inégalités sociales dans l’accès aux ressources environnementales et l’exposition aux nuisances, risques et pollutions. Cette thèse s’est donc proposée, à l’échelle de la région Ile-de-France, d’explorer les relations qu’entretiennent les caractéristiques physiques de l’environnement et les caractéristiques socio-économiques des individus et des territoires. Partant d’indicateurs statistiques usuels, sociaux et environnementaux, deux typologies multicritères ont été réalisées à l’échelle des 1300 communes franciliennes. Leur croisement permet de confirmer l’existence d’une correspondance globale entre les caractéristiques environnementales et sociales des communes et ce, à la fois à l’échelle régionale ainsi qu’à l’échelle plus réduite des départements de première couronne francilienne. Nos résultats révèlent toutefois des liaisons plus ou moins prononcées selon les facteurs environnementaux renseignés et plus particulièrement selon la nature même de ces facteurs, porteurs d’aménités ou de désaménités environnementales. Cette première lecture est alors complétée par une enquête par questionnaires auprès des habitants de 6 communes franciliennes (600 personnes). L’enquête, centrée sur le vécu environnemental des habitants, réaffirme en premier lieu l’importance de la qualité de l’environnement en tant que facteur de choix et d’arbitrage résidentiel des ménages. Parmi les variables renseignées, deux registres explicatifs apparaissent plus particulièrement structurants des différences de satisfaction constatées: (i) l’ancrage résidentiel et la relation affective qui s’instaure au lieu de vie ; (ii) la confiance que les individus accordent aux moyens d’action collectifs pour prendre en charge les attentes qu’ils expriment en matière d’environnement. Aussi, l’analyse des déterminants de la satisfaction environnementale révèle que la satisfaction serait peut être moins directement dépendante des variables socio-économiques stricto sensu, des caractéristiques « objectives » de l’environnement, que des capacités et aptitudes différenciées des individus de contrôler leur environnement et d’agir sur celui-ci. Ce faisant, les informations livrées par le ressenti de la population in situ adressent des questions à la mesure empirique des inégalités environnementales et au cadre d’analyse, encore aujourd’hui en débat, de telles situations inégalitaires. / Still little investigated until now, the issue of environmental inequalities is a subject of growing interest in France. Among numerous definitions and a few evaluation attempts, one understanding seems to be more common. It refers to social inequalities in regard of both the access to environmental resources and the exposure to nuisances, risks and pollution. This thesis’ purpose was to explore the relations between the physical characteristics of the environment and the socio-economic characteristics of the individuals and the territories on the scale of the Paris metropolitan area. Two multi-criteria typologies were carried out on the scale of the 1300 cities belonging to the Paris metropolitan area, based on usual statistical indicators – both social and environmental. The crossing of these typologies confirmed the existence of an overall match between the environmental and social characteristics of the cities. This appeared to be true both on the regional scale and on a smaller scale, the departments of Paris’ inner suburbs. Our results revealed connections that are more or less distinct depending on the examined environmental factors and particularly on the very nature of these factors, i.e. whether they encompass environmental amenities or desamenities. The empirical research in form of questionnaires and distributed among inhabitants of 6 cities of the Paris metropolitan area (600 people) completed this first approach. The survey, focusing on the personal environmental experience of the inhabitants, initially reaffirmed the importance of environmental quality as selection criteria and residential arbitration for the households. Among the examined variables, two explanatory registers appeared especially structurant of the recorded differences in satisfaction: (i) the residential anchorage and the emotional relation taking place in the living space ; (ii) the trust individuals grant to means of collective action to convey their environmental expectations. Therefore, the analysis of the determinants of environmental satisfaction unveiled that satisfaction would be be less directly related to neither sole socio-economic variables or “objective” environmental data than to the individuals’ differentiated capacities and aptitudes to control their environment and act upon it. Hence, the information collected on site driven by the population’s feeling questions the empirical measurement of environmental inequalities as well as the framework of analysis for such unequal situations– at this stage still an ongoing discussion.
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O impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade funcional de idosos: a importância de políticas públicas que valorizem o Aging in place / The impact of environmental factors in the disability in older people: the importance of the public housing policies for aging in placeFerrer, Michele Lacerda Pereira 02 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A incapacidade no idoso é multidimensional, envolvendo aspectos de saúde física, emocional, cognitiva, ambiental e social. Os fatores ambientais têm um impacto importante como facilitadores ou barreiras nas atividades e participação social do idoso, especialmente relacionado ao ambiente de moradia e a capacidade de continuar vivendo no próprio domicilio apesar do envelhecimento (Aging in place). Políticas públicas devem ser pensadas levando a questão do Aging in place em consideração. Objetivos: investigar o impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade de idosos que residem em conjuntos habitacionais verticais de interesse social que não contam com quesitos de acessibilidade como o elevador, sob a perspectiva da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Método: Para alcance dos objetivos propostos foi necessário a realização da validação de construto e identificação das propriedades psicométricas e de normatização do WHODAS 2.0- 12 itens para avaliação da incapacidade em idosos brasileiros. Após esta etapa, foi realizada a análise dos fatores ambientais sugeridos pela CIF e reconhecidos por moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais e sua associação com a incapacidade funcional. Os estudos transversais aqui apresentados foram realizados com duas amostras distintas: Amostra 1 para o processo de validação de construto e normatização do WHODAS 2.0 contou com 350 idosos assistidos pelo Centro de referência do Idoso na cidade de São Paulo. Com dados desta amostra foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória, confirmatória e teoria de resposta ao item e análise de variância para validação de construto e observação da distribuição dos escores na amostra. Amostra 2 contando com 96 idosos residentes em um conjunto habitacional com 26 edifícios verticais com até 4 andares em Bragança Paulista (SP) para análise do impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade dos idosos. Com os dados desta amostra foi realizada análise de regressão linear multivariada para identificação dos fatores ambientais mais associados ao aumento do escore de incapacidade. Resultados: O WHODAS 2.0, 12 itens apresentou boa adequação das cargas fatorais em um modelo unidimensional somente com 10 itens dos 12 avaliados. A retirada do item 6 (concentrar-se) e 10 (lidar com pessoas estranhas) na análise fatorial exploratória melhorou o desempenho do teste com variância explicada de 70 por cento (x2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, RMSEA = 0,06; Alpha de Cronbach = 0,95 e Mc Donald = 0,92). Na análise da associação entre barreiras ambientais e incapacidade observou-se que fatores ambientais como escadas, acesso ao transporte público, ruídos, clima e preconceito reconhecidos como barreira foram associados a um aumento no escore do WHODAS 2.0-BO. Conclusão: A presença de barreiras ambientais como dificuldade de acesso ao transporte público, presença de escadas na entrada da casa, ruídos, condições climáticas adversas e preconceito foram associadas a um aumento no escore de incapacidade, o que pode impedir idosos de continuar vivendo no próprio domicílio na presença de tais barreiras. Políticas públicas deveriam considerar o envelhecimento e as barreiras ambientais identificadas neste estudo para a garantia do Aging in place. / Introduction: Disability in older people is multidimensional with physical, emotional, cognitive, environmental and social aspects. The environmental factors could have an important impact as facilitators or barriers in their activities and social participation, specially related to the habitation and the aging in place. Public housing policies should be made based on aging in place. Objectives: to investigate the impact of environmental factors in disability of older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex building for low-income families with no elevator, by International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) perspective. Method: As a first step to this study purpose, analyses of the psychometric properties and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0- 12 item were necessary to validate this instrument and assess disability in Brazilian older people. After that, the analysis of the environmental factors (as suggested by ICF) recognized by older people living in apartment complex building and their association with disability was done. The cross-sectional studies here presented were done with two different samples: Sample 1 was used to identify the construct validation and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0 12 item. This sample had 350 individuals attending a community based reference center for older people in São Paulo. The construct validity was tested with Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Parallel Analysis, Item Response Theory. Sample 2 was used to analyse the perceived environmental factors and the disability. It had 96 older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex for low income families in Bragança Paulista. The regression linear analysis was done to identify the environmental barriers associated to disability in the older people. Results: The WHODAS 2.0, 12-item version, is a unidimensional scale, and goodness of fit occurs only with 10 items evaluating disability in older people. Withdrawn items 6 (concentration) and 10 (leading with strangers) established an appropriate adjustment, with high and excellent values for all indicators. The explained variance was 70 per cent and confirmatory analysis showed X2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, and RMSEA = 0,06; reliability indexes Cronbachs ( = 0.95) and McDonalds ( = 0,92) were adequate. This new version was named WHODAS 2.0-BO (Brazilian version for older people). At the environmental barriers and disability association study was observed the association between perceived barriers as public transportation, stairs, noise, climate and prejudice and disability with the increased WHODAS 2.0-BO score. Conclusion: older people who recognize environmental barriers such as access to public transportation, stairs, noise, adverse climate and prejudice have an increase in disability score, which can prevent them from aging in place. The public policies should consider the aging and the environmental barriers identified by this study in order to assure aging in place.
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Posouzení vlivu sociálních a environmentálních faktorů na ceny nemovitostí pro bydlení v okrese Hodonín / Assessment of the Impact of Social and Environmental Factors on the Housing Prices in the Hodonín RegionSapáková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The target of this diploma thesis is to examine the effects of the factors affecting the price of residential property in district Hodonín. Price changes was analysed under the decree given conditions and depending on the change of individual factors. Average prices are calculated from the compiled database of apartments and houses in the district Hodonin. Comparing factors are selected from the valuation methods and from the parameters affecting to the real estate market. Necessary information regarding the selected factors were obtained from the Czech Statistical Office. Final comparison results are graphically illustrated on dependence of individual factors on housing prices. Each factor is evaluated with the assesment to the price and whether this factor is important affected The work could also be used to assess differences in property prices for housing in locations Hodonín district and generally help to clarify the effects on property prices.
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Vliv environmentalních proměnných na tvar UV-reflektantní kresby u druhu Gonepteryx rhamni / Influence of environmental variables on the shape of ultraviolet pattern in Gonepteryx rhamniPecháček, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Many species are sensitive to a light in ultraviolet spectrum. Some species have surface patterns that reflect ultraviolet light. These markings have been observed in many animal taxa; butterflies (Lepidoptera) are no exception. UV-reflectance in butterflies has been primarily connected to sexual selection and in this respect it has been a subject of many studies. In my work I propose an alternative view to this phenomenon. The aim of my work is to reveal how a particular environmental factors influence the morphospace of UV- reflectant patterns and wing shape of the Gonepteryx rhamni (Pieridae). The effect of various environmental factors (latitude, longitude, altitude, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index - NDVI or net primary productivity - NPP) on wing morphospace was tested using the methods of Geometric morphometrics. I have also studied shape variability among the males and females, specimens from different locations and differences in morphospace of several G. rhamni subspecies. The dataset used in this analysis includes 118 males and 67 females from the Palearctic ecozone. The effect of almost all environmental (except to NDVI and NPP) predictors on shape of the UV-pattern and wing margin was significant in the case of males. In the...
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Genetická diverzita a struktura populací Campanula glomerata na regionální škále v Bílých Karpatech / Genetic diversity and structure of populations of Campanula glomerata on regional scale in White CarpathiansČerná, Mariana January 2020 (has links)
Habitat fragmentation can adversely affect species populations due to reduced genetic diversity and increased population differentiation due to habitat isolation, reduced population size, and disruption of gene flow. Many species suffer from habitat fragmentation and isolation, and Campanula glomerata is a good example of a species that is noticeably declining in many places due to changes in landscape management. The question is how the model species responds to these changes and whether is the change are reflected in genetic diversity and population structure. The aim of this work is to determine the degree of genetic diversity and to reveal the genetic structure of populations of the model species C. glomerata on a small regional scale in the White Carpathians. This system will allow us to compare populations from two different regions that have been affected to varying degrees by agricultural intensification and fragmentation in the last century. It is a southwestern and northeastern part of the region, which differs from each other in the history of management in the landscape, but also in the continuity of meadows, species composition and environmental conditions. For this purpose, I developed and optimized a total of 16 usable microsatellite markers, 4 of which come from related species of...
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Změny ve vegetaci přechodových rašelinišť v rybničních epilitorálech / Vegetation changes in transition bogs at fishpond epilitoralsSpilka, Josef January 2010 (has links)
This study concerns in a three peatland sites: the epilitorals of Pilská reservoir and Hořejší Padrťský fishpond in Příbram region and Kamenný fishpond in Pilsen. These peat-bobg were affected by negative conseqences of human activities. The aim of this study is to find out what kind these changes was and what extent they were. The changes in vegetation were observed from two points of view. The GIS analyses of aerial photographs represent the macroscale view. Repeating of old phytosociological relevées was the microscale view. To understand the cause of vegetation changes, the species-environment analyses were used. Four transects were made for this purpose and a water table level, pH and conductivity were mesured monthly along these transects. One-shot measurements of N and P water concentration and a peat depth were also carried out. Measured data from transects were uses in multivariate vegetation analyses and also in one- way analysis, aimed to an expansion plant species. All three sites of concern came through strong changes in past. In all of them the area of biotops of great conservation importance decreased and some endangered plant species have been lost there. The changes in Pilská reservoir epilitoral were mostly anthropogenic, whereas the mires of Hořejší Padrťský fishpond and Kamenný...
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Hur beskrivs aktivitetsbalans i studier med kvantitativ design? : En Scoping Review / How is occupational balance described in studies with quantitative design? : A scoping review.Ahlsgård, Linn, Callenryd, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Det finns allt fler studier inom området “Aktivitetsbalans” inom Arbetsterapin. Studier lyfter associationer till aktivitetsbalans inom olika livsområden men än finns få studier som sammanställer Forskningsläget kring dessa associationer. Samlad kunskap behövs kring arbetsterapeutens förebyggande, återställande och bibehållande insatser gentemot sina klienter. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva forskningsläget kring vad som är associerat till aktivitetsbalans i kvantitativa studier. Metod: Designen för examensarbete var scoping review. Datainsamling genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl och Medline. Tjugo artiklar inkluderades och analyserades med numerisk och tematisk analys. Resultat: Examensarbetet resulterade i teman och underteman som beskriver associationer till aktivitetsbalans. Följande fem teman skapades: Hälsa och välbefinnande, Sociodemografi, Aktivitet, Interpersonella faktorer och Omgivningsfaktorer. Dessa utmynnade i elva underteman som associerar till aktivitetsbalans: Hälsa, livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse, personfaktorer, variabla personfaktorer, sysselsättning, tillfredsställelse med aktivitetsutförande, problematiskt internetanvändande, familj och sociala relationer, barn med särskilda behov, samhällsinformation och isolering. Slutsats: En persons hälsa, relationer och dagliga aktiviteter har genom arbetet visat sig ha ett samband med aktivitetsbalans. Även personliga egenskaper och delar av den omgivningen där personen befinner sig i förefaller vara associerat till aktivitetsbalansen. Aktivitetsbalans har i examensarbetet visat sig ha associationer till flera olika delar av en människas tillvaro. / Introduction: More research is getting produced regarding ”occupational balance” (OB) in the field of occupational therapy. Studies lifts associations to occupational balance in different areas of life but there’s still few studies that conclude these associations. Congregated knowledge is needed in the occupational therapist daily preventive, restorative and maintaining work. Aim: To describe the current research about associations to OB in quantitative studies. Method: The study design was a scoping review. Data was collected from Cinahl and Medline. Twenty articles were included and analysed through numerical and thematical analysis. Results: The thesis resulted in five themes and eleven sub-themes describing associations to OB. Following five themes were created: Health and wellbeing, sociodemographic, activity, interpersonal factors, environmental factors. These themes resulted in eleven sub-themes with associations to OB: Health, life quality and life satisfaction, personal factors, variating personfactors, employment, family and social relationships, children with special needs, problematic internet use, social information, isolation, and satisfaction with occupational performance. Conclusions: A persons health, relations and daily activities have shown a relationship to occupational balance. Personal characteristics and surrounding environment of which the person belongs seems to relate to occupational balance. Occupational balance has shown associations to many parts of the human life.
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Zusammenhang zwischen der pränatalen Umgebung, regulatorischen T-Zellen im Nabelschnurblut und dem Allergierisiko in der frühen KindheitHinz, Denise 16 April 2013 (has links)
Regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulation atopischer Erkrankungen. Die Voraussetzungen für eine allergische Reaktionslage werden schon während der intrauterinen Entwicklung geschaffen. Über den Einfluss der intrauterinen Umgebung auf die Tregs zur Geburt ist bisher wenig bekannt.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte in der prospektiven Geburtskohorten-Studie LINA (Einfluss von Lebensstil und Umweltfaktoren auf das Allergierisiko Neugeborener) geklärt werden, inwiefern der Immunstatus der werdenden Mutter, eine atopische Familienanamnese sowie Umweltexpositionen während der Schwangerschaft den Immunstatus der Neugeborenen beeinflussen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde dabei auf Tregs gelegt. Weiterhin sollte die Relevanz der Tregs zur Geburt für das Allergierisiko im ersten Lebensjahr des Kindes analysiert werden.
Die Messung der Anzahl und Funktionalität der Tregs im Blut der werdenden Mutter in der 34. Schwangerschaftswoche und im Nabelschnurblut erfolgte sowohl durchflusszytometrisch in einer Subkohorte (n=24 Mutter-Kind Paare), als auch durch eine methylspezifische qPCR in der gesamten Kohorte der LINA-Studie (n=346 Mutter-Kind Paare).
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten erstmals darauf hin, dass mütterliche Tregs möglicherweise einen regulatorischen Einfluss hinsichtlich der Programmierung des fötalen Immunsystems haben (Hinz et al., Clin Exp Allergy 2010). Die durchflusszytometrische Charakterisierung der Tregs der Mutter-Kind Paare zeigte beim Vergleich der Expression von CD4, CD25, CD127 und FOXP3, dass der Anteil der CD4+CD25high Tregs im Nabelschnurblut deutlich höher war, der Anteil FOXP3 positiver Zellen innerhalb der CD4+CD25high Tregs Population war zur Geburt jedoch signifikant geringer, verglichen mit den werdenden Müttern. Weiterhin war eine geringe Anzahl mütterlicher Tregs während der Schwangerschaft und eine erhöhte Produktion der TH2-Zytokine IL-4, IL-5 und IL-13 mit erhöhten Gesamt-IgE-Spiegeln im Nabelschnurblut verbunden (Hinz et al., 2010).
Durch die Quantifizierung der Tregs auf Basis des TSDR-Methylierungsstatus` im FOXP3 Gen, einer spezifischen und zuverlässigen Methode zum Nachweis stabiler Tregs, konnte der Zusammenhang zwischen einer Vielzahl pränataler Faktoren, Tregs zur Geburt und dem Allergierisiko in der gesamten Geburtskohorte geklärt werden (Hinz et al., Allergy 2011). Das männliche Geschlecht des Kindes, die Atopie der Eltern, Rauchen und Desinfektionsmittel-Exposition während der Schwangerschaft sowie eine erhöhte mütterliche Produktion von IFN-γ, IL-13 und IL-17E war mit einer geringeren Treg-Anzahl im Nabelschnurblut assoziiert. Für Kinder mit einer geringeren Treg-Anzahl im Nabelschnurblut war das Risiko für eine atopische Dermatitis und einer Sensibilisierung gegen Nahrungsmittelallergene im ersten Lebensjahr signifikant höher (Hinz et al., 2011).:Bibliografische Beschreibung II
Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV
1. Einleitung 1
1.1. Hintergrund der Untersuchungen 1
1.2. Historischer Hintergrund/Definition „Allergie“ 1
1.3. T-Zellpopulationen mit Relevanz für die Entwicklung allergischer Erkrankungen 2
1.4. Regulatorische T-Zellen 5
1.5. Bedeutung des Immunstatus zur Geburt - prädiktive Marker für die Allergieentstehung 8
1.6. Ursachen der frühkindlichen Allergieentstehung – genetische Prädisposition und pränatale Umgebung 10
1.7. Die LINA-Studie 13
2. Zielstellung 15
3. Originaldateien 16
4. Diskussion 34
4.1. Unterschiede im Phänotyp und der Funktion der Tregs in der Schwangerschaft und
zur Geburt 36
4.2. Zusammenhang zwischen dem Immunstatus der werdenden Mutter und dem des Kindes
zur Geburt 37
4.3. Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Anzahl der Tregs zur Geburt 41
4.4. Zusammenhänge zwischen der familiären Prädisposition und der Anzahl der Tregs im Nabelschnurblut 42
4.5. Zusammenhänge zwischen Umweltfaktoren während der Schwangerschaft und der Anzahl der Tregs im Nabelschnurblut 44
4.6. Zusammenhang zwischen der Anzahl der Tregs zur Geburt, Sensibilisierung und
allergischen Erkrankungen im ersten Lebensjahr des Kindes 46
4.7. Stärken und Schwächen der Untersuchungen 47
5. Zusammenfassung 49
6. Literaturverzeichnis 52
Anlage – Supplemental Materials 66
Hinz et al., Clin Exp Allergy 2010 66
Hinz et al., Allergy 2011
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Spatiotemporal Variation of Karst Ecosystem Service Values and Its Correlation With Environmental Factors in Northwest Guangxi, ChinaZhang, Mingyang, Zhang, Chunhua, Wang, Kelin, Yue, Yuemin, Qi, Xiangkun, Fan, Feide 01 November 2011 (has links)
In this investigation we analyzed the spatiotemporal variation of ecosystem service values (ESVs) and its correlation with numerous environmental factors (EFs) for the karst region of Northwest Guangxi, China, from 1985 to 2005 using remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and statistical techniques. The results indicate that historically ESVs for this karst region decreased from 1985 (109.652 billion Yuan) to 1990 (88.789 billion Yuan) and then increased at the turn of the twenty-first century. However, the ESVs in both 2000 (103.384 billion Yuan) and 2005 (106.257 billion Yuan) never achieved the level recorded in 1985. The total of nutrient cycling, organic production and gas regulation combined were 72.69, 64.57, 70.18 and 72.10% of ESVs in 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2005, respectively. In contrast, the ESVs of water conservation, soil reservation, recreation and culture were determined to be relatively low contributing only 17.44, 23.82, 19.26 and 24.76% of total ESVs, respectively, during these four years. With regards to the spatial distribution of ESVs, larger values were recorded in the west and smaller ones recorded in the east. The most significant factors that were deemed to influence ESVs are annual rainfall, per capita cropland, slope and vegetation coverage. Annual rainfall and slope exert a negative force, whereas per capita cropland and vegetation coverage exert a positive force on ESVs. The results of the study would suggest that ecosystem conditions of this important karst region have been improved as the result of the implementation of rocky desertification control policies.
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