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Transboundary Law for Social-Ecological Resilience? : A Study on Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea AreaBohman, Brita January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the role and effectiveness of law in the transboundary environmental governance of the Baltic Sea with regard to eutrophication. To this end, it reviews the applicable international agreements with their related instruments, as well as the EU legal frameworks, for the protection of the Baltic Sea environment on the basis of theories on resilience in social-ecological systems. The scientific discourse on resilience in social-ecological systems provides theories on effective governance of complex environmental problems with nonlinear causal connections. The governance features identified in resilience governance also show significant similarities with characteristic features of the concept of ecosystem approach. The resilience features can thus provide guidance to the operationalization of this concept, which lacks a distinct meaning in the legal context. Eutrophication is one of the main environmental problems in the Baltic Sea. Despite the fact that this problem has been acknowledged since the 1970s, only little progress has been visible in the attempts to limit the problem. Environmental governance in the form of cooperation and common action has, however, been established by the coastal states of the Baltic Sea to reduce the discharges to their common resource. This was originally coordinated through the Helsinki Convention and its administrative organization HELCOM in the 1970s. Since the year 2000 a new set of legal instruments and approaches have developed, emphasizing also the ecosystem approach. These instruments have a basis both in HELCOM and in EU environmental law, most significantly represented by the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. They establish a unique regulatory structure, with new approaches to regulation, which also give rise to questions regarding interpretation and effectiveness that have not previously been analyzed. It is concluded that applicable law in the Baltic Sea area reflects resilience features such as adaptability, flexibility and redundancy within the legal structure. The legal structure for the Baltic Sea is dynamic and stretches over many levels of governance. The applicable legal instruments are constructed so as to be adaptable and flexible. The legal instruments moreover include significant elements that provide for participation at different levels and in different forms, which contribute to enabling the mentioned resilience features. However, the Baltic Sea legal structure – as law in general – has different core functions than just providing for effective environmental governance. Law is based in a number of general principles connected to the rule of law and the function of law as a foundation for stability in the society and in human interactions. These principles are also important since they are directly linked to enforcement, monitoring and control. While the legal structure in the Baltic Sea may provide for effective governance and social-ecological resilience, the resilience features reflected in law do not always appear as far-reaching as suggested by resilience theories, much due to the legal principles. It is however because of these principles and the base for binding requirements they enable, that law can push for governance measures and features that might not have been accomplished otherwise. This, in the larger perspective, includes creating requirements that steer human activities away from critical thresholds. / Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management, BEAM
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On Transnational Actor Participation in Global Environmental GovernanceUhre, Andreas Nordang January 2013 (has links)
The formal access of transnational actors (TNA) to international organizations (IO) has increased steadily over the past five decades, and a growing body of literature is at the moment concerned with the theoretical and normative implications of these developments. However, very little is known as of yet about who the TNAs in global governance are, where they come from, which issue areas they focus on, and when and where they choose to participate. Using analytical tools from interest group theory, in particular a subfield called population ecology, this study describes and explains the chronological development of two populations of TNAs in global governance, namely the observer communities of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. TNAs’ financial resources and their geographical proximity to global governance venues emerge as important factors influencing their capacity to participate, causing these TNA populations to be stratified and volatile.
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Environmental governance from a gender perspective. Theoretical reflections and case studiesAgüera Cabo, Mercè 08 July 2011 (has links)
In the second half of the twentieth century we saw the environmental debate escalate into one of the most challenging and complex issues that authorities at international, national, regional and municipal levels have to deal with. The inherent complexity of environmental problems, which brings out the interconnections between the economic, socio-cultural and ecological dimensions of the territory, is increased by the social, scientific and political focuses of the debate, and their interdependencies. In the framework of governance, scientific and technical assessments are a relevant but not “unique” source for legitimating environmental policymaking. The discussion is opened towards the consideration of different existing perspectives on the environment. The main objective of the present study is to systematize and explore in-depth the perspectives brought by feminism and gender to environmental governance. What is the specificity of a feminist and gender outlook? In what sense does it bring new light to environmental governance processes? Such questions are explored empirically and theoretically. / Durant la segona meitat del segle XX hem assistit a l’escalada del debat ambiental fins a convertir-se en un dels reptes més complexes amb els que han d’enfrontar-se les autoritats tant a nivell internacional, nacional, regional com municipal. En el marc de la governança, l’assessorament científic i tècnic deixa de ser la única font possible per a legitimar la presa de decisió política respecte a la gestió del medi ambient. La discussió s’obre a la consideració de les diferents perspectives (científiques, socials i polítiques) que existeixen respecte al nostre entorn. El principal objectiu d’aquest estudi és explorar en profunditat i sistematitzar les perspectives que aporten els estudis de gènere i feministes a la governança del medi ambient. Quina és l’especificitat d’una mirada de gènere i feminista? En quin sentit aporten una nova llum als processos de la governança ambiental? Aquestes qüestions són explorades empírica i teòricament.
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Att indexera hållbarhet : En metautvärdering av Miljöaktuellts rankning av svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbeteHåkansson, John January 2014 (has links)
This Bachelor's thesis in Environmental Science studies the quality of an index of performance measurement of Swedish municipalities' sustainability governance offered by the environmental magazine Miljöaktuellt. Executed for six consecutive years, this evaluation is arguably the most comprehensive and widely spread local sustainability assessment in Sweden. Contextualizing this quantitative measurement tool in the paradigm of New Public Management, the research questions posed are: 'to what extent does the index employed by Miljöaktuellt correspond to the requirements of a set of quality criteria for sustainability assessment?' and 'is the index appropriate as a measure of, or a goal for, Swedish municipalities' internal sustainability efforts?' Through the perspective of evaluation theory, Miljöaktuellt's index is seen as a performance evaluation, thus categorizing this study as a meta-evaluation. Through a qualitative thematic approach, the index is analyzed using the 8 BellagioSTAMP-principles that were developed as tools for assessing quality of sustainability assessments as themes for the analysis. The results found by Miljöaktuellt are clearly and effectively communicated, but the index in itself is shown to be inadequate in methodological rigour in its handling of indicator data, lacking analytical power as ecological indicators are given disproportionate attention compared to economic and social indicators, and insufficient in transparency due to unexplained theoretical considerations, rendering the index inappropriate as a basis for policy guidance in Swedish municipalities. / Denna kandidatuppsats i miljövetenskap syftar till att undersöka kvaliteten hos tidningen Miljöaktuellts utvärderingssystem av svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbete som de har granskat och rankat årligen i sex år. Detta index är antagligen den mest genomgripande utvärderingen av kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete i Sverige. Miljöaktuellts kommunrankning sätts in i New Public Management-paradigmet och utvärderingssamhällets kontext för att besvara frågeställningarna som lyder: ”Hur väl överensstämmer Miljöaktuellts kommunrankning med en uppsättning kvalitetskriterier för utvärdering av hållbar utveckling?" och ”Är kommunrankningen lämplig att använda som mått på, eller mål för kommuners interna hållbarhetsarbete?" Från ett utvärderingsteoretiskt perspektiv betraktas kommunrankningen som en kvalitetsutvärdering; denna studie kategoriseras därmed som en metautvärdering. Indexet analyseras som en tematisk innehållsanalys med utgångspunkt i de 8 BellagioSTAMP-principerna som utvecklats som ett mätverktyg av utvärderingar av hållbar utveckling. Även om Miljöaktuellt kommunicerar sina resultat väl bedöms tidningens index sakna metodologisk tyngd i behandlingen av dess indikatorer, brista i analytisk kapacitet då ekologiska indikatorer ges oproportionerlig tyngd på bekostnad av ekonomiska och sociala indikatorer, samt sakna nödvändig transparens då teoretiska överväganden inte uttrycks och motiveras. Dessa brister gör indexet olämpligt som underlag för politiska beslut inom svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbete.
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Direito e governança ambiental globalLehmen, Alessandra January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo dedica-se a investigar de que formas a governança ambiental global se tem desenvolvido no mundo globalizado e como se articula o influxo recíproco entre esta e o direito internacional ambiental. Tomando por base o fenômeno da globalização, o status de preocupação comum da humanidade que reveste as questões de proteção internacional ao meio ambiente e, ainda, o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, verifica-se de que formas a nova governança ambiental global se distingue da governança tradicional, para, em seguida, refletir sobre as implicações deste processo para o direito internacional ambiental. Dá-se especial relevo à crescente participação de atores não estatais, buscando compreender seu papel e a quebra de paradigma consistente na adoção de formas contratuais, voluntárias, para a consecução dos objetivos da proteção internacional ao meio ambiente. Considerando-se que os instrumentos da nova governança são inclusivos, mas, ao mesmo tempo, multifacetados e, por vezes, caóticos, busca-se conciliá-los com os instrumentos da governança tradicional com vistas a garantir que a flexibilidade das soluções construídas de baixo para cima não seja ameaçada e, ao mesmo tempo, que seja conferida coesão ao sistema, evitando que antinomias ponham em risco a efetividade desejada. Para tanto, propõe-se uma nova arquitetura institucional que compreende duas instituições centrais: uma Organização Mundial do Meio Ambiente (OMMA) e uma Corte Internacional de Meio Ambiente (CIMA), constituídas de forma a consagrar expressamente a principal característica da nova governança ambiental global, a saber, a participação de atores não estatais. / This dissertation aims at investigating how global international governance develops in the globalized world, and how the reciprocal influx between the later and international environmental law is articulated. Taking into consideration the globalization phenomenon, the status of a common concern of humanity that characterizes the issues of international environmental protection as well as the concept of sustainable development, the study analyzes how the new global environmental governance sets itself apart from traditional governance, while reflecting upon the implications of said process for international environmental law. The increasing level of participation of non-state actors is especially considered in an effort to understand its role and the breaking of a paradigm it entails, consisting in the adoption of voluntary, contractual instruments for achieving the goals of international environmental protection. Bearing in mind that the instruments of the new governance are inclusive but at the same time multifaceted and even chaotic, this study tries to reconcile them with traditional governance instruments so that the flexibility of bottom-up solutions is not threatened and that at the same time the system gains cohesion, thus avoiding contradictions that may jeopardize its desirable effectiveness. In order to reach these goals, a new institutional architecture which encompasses two central institutions is proposed: a World Environmental Organization (WEO) and an International Environmental Court (IEC), constituted so as to expressly recognize the main feature of the new global environmental governance, that is, the participation of non-state actors.
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Green Economy Governance: Transforming States and Markets through the Global Forest Carbon Trade in California and ChiapasJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores the intersection of two major developments in global
environmental governance: the vision for a Green Economy and the growing influence of non-state actors. The work draws on multi-sited thick description to analyze how relationships between the state, market, and civil society are being reoriented towards global problems. Its focus is a non-binding agreement between California and Chiapas to create a market in carbon offsets credits for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD). The study draws on three bodies of scholarship. From the institutionalist study of global environmental politics, it uses the ideas of orchestration, civil regulation, and private entrepreneurial authority to identity emerging alignments of state and non-state actors, premised on an exchange of public authority and private expertise. From concepts borrowed from science and technology studies, it inquires into the production, certification, and contestation of knowledge. From a constitutionalist perspective, it analyzes how new forms of public law and private expertise are reshaping foundational categories such as territory, authority, and rights. The analysis begins with general research questions applied to California and Chiapas, and the international space where groups influential in these sites are also active: 1) Where are new political and legal institutions emerging, and how are they structured? 2) What role does scientific, legal, and administrative expertise play in shaping these institutions, and vice versa? And 3) How are constitutional elements of the political order being reoriented towards these new spaces and away from the exclusive domain of the nation-state? The dissertation offers a number of propositions for combining institutionalist and constructivist approaches for the study of complex global governing arrangements. It argues that this can help identify constitutional reconfigurations that are not readily apparent using either approach alone. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Science and Technology Policy 2015
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Direito e governança ambiental globalLehmen, Alessandra January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo dedica-se a investigar de que formas a governança ambiental global se tem desenvolvido no mundo globalizado e como se articula o influxo recíproco entre esta e o direito internacional ambiental. Tomando por base o fenômeno da globalização, o status de preocupação comum da humanidade que reveste as questões de proteção internacional ao meio ambiente e, ainda, o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, verifica-se de que formas a nova governança ambiental global se distingue da governança tradicional, para, em seguida, refletir sobre as implicações deste processo para o direito internacional ambiental. Dá-se especial relevo à crescente participação de atores não estatais, buscando compreender seu papel e a quebra de paradigma consistente na adoção de formas contratuais, voluntárias, para a consecução dos objetivos da proteção internacional ao meio ambiente. Considerando-se que os instrumentos da nova governança são inclusivos, mas, ao mesmo tempo, multifacetados e, por vezes, caóticos, busca-se conciliá-los com os instrumentos da governança tradicional com vistas a garantir que a flexibilidade das soluções construídas de baixo para cima não seja ameaçada e, ao mesmo tempo, que seja conferida coesão ao sistema, evitando que antinomias ponham em risco a efetividade desejada. Para tanto, propõe-se uma nova arquitetura institucional que compreende duas instituições centrais: uma Organização Mundial do Meio Ambiente (OMMA) e uma Corte Internacional de Meio Ambiente (CIMA), constituídas de forma a consagrar expressamente a principal característica da nova governança ambiental global, a saber, a participação de atores não estatais. / This dissertation aims at investigating how global international governance develops in the globalized world, and how the reciprocal influx between the later and international environmental law is articulated. Taking into consideration the globalization phenomenon, the status of a common concern of humanity that characterizes the issues of international environmental protection as well as the concept of sustainable development, the study analyzes how the new global environmental governance sets itself apart from traditional governance, while reflecting upon the implications of said process for international environmental law. The increasing level of participation of non-state actors is especially considered in an effort to understand its role and the breaking of a paradigm it entails, consisting in the adoption of voluntary, contractual instruments for achieving the goals of international environmental protection. Bearing in mind that the instruments of the new governance are inclusive but at the same time multifaceted and even chaotic, this study tries to reconcile them with traditional governance instruments so that the flexibility of bottom-up solutions is not threatened and that at the same time the system gains cohesion, thus avoiding contradictions that may jeopardize its desirable effectiveness. In order to reach these goals, a new institutional architecture which encompasses two central institutions is proposed: a World Environmental Organization (WEO) and an International Environmental Court (IEC), constituted so as to expressly recognize the main feature of the new global environmental governance, that is, the participation of non-state actors.
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Direito e governança ambiental globalLehmen, Alessandra January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo dedica-se a investigar de que formas a governança ambiental global se tem desenvolvido no mundo globalizado e como se articula o influxo recíproco entre esta e o direito internacional ambiental. Tomando por base o fenômeno da globalização, o status de preocupação comum da humanidade que reveste as questões de proteção internacional ao meio ambiente e, ainda, o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, verifica-se de que formas a nova governança ambiental global se distingue da governança tradicional, para, em seguida, refletir sobre as implicações deste processo para o direito internacional ambiental. Dá-se especial relevo à crescente participação de atores não estatais, buscando compreender seu papel e a quebra de paradigma consistente na adoção de formas contratuais, voluntárias, para a consecução dos objetivos da proteção internacional ao meio ambiente. Considerando-se que os instrumentos da nova governança são inclusivos, mas, ao mesmo tempo, multifacetados e, por vezes, caóticos, busca-se conciliá-los com os instrumentos da governança tradicional com vistas a garantir que a flexibilidade das soluções construídas de baixo para cima não seja ameaçada e, ao mesmo tempo, que seja conferida coesão ao sistema, evitando que antinomias ponham em risco a efetividade desejada. Para tanto, propõe-se uma nova arquitetura institucional que compreende duas instituições centrais: uma Organização Mundial do Meio Ambiente (OMMA) e uma Corte Internacional de Meio Ambiente (CIMA), constituídas de forma a consagrar expressamente a principal característica da nova governança ambiental global, a saber, a participação de atores não estatais. / This dissertation aims at investigating how global international governance develops in the globalized world, and how the reciprocal influx between the later and international environmental law is articulated. Taking into consideration the globalization phenomenon, the status of a common concern of humanity that characterizes the issues of international environmental protection as well as the concept of sustainable development, the study analyzes how the new global environmental governance sets itself apart from traditional governance, while reflecting upon the implications of said process for international environmental law. The increasing level of participation of non-state actors is especially considered in an effort to understand its role and the breaking of a paradigm it entails, consisting in the adoption of voluntary, contractual instruments for achieving the goals of international environmental protection. Bearing in mind that the instruments of the new governance are inclusive but at the same time multifaceted and even chaotic, this study tries to reconcile them with traditional governance instruments so that the flexibility of bottom-up solutions is not threatened and that at the same time the system gains cohesion, thus avoiding contradictions that may jeopardize its desirable effectiveness. In order to reach these goals, a new institutional architecture which encompasses two central institutions is proposed: a World Environmental Organization (WEO) and an International Environmental Court (IEC), constituted so as to expressly recognize the main feature of the new global environmental governance, that is, the participation of non-state actors.
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A Social-Ecological System Approach for Forest Resource Management of the Himchari National Park in BangladeshJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Deforestation is a common phenomenon in Bangladesh, leaving the country under a great threat of losing its natural habitat. The increasing rate of natural habitat loss has raised questions regarding the country’s forest resource management practices. These practices were originally adopted to protect the forest ecosystem and secure the livelihood of the people dependent on forest resources. Despite the support from development partners like the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the country is still struggling to protect its forest resources from human encroachment. One of the major problems is the lack of inconclusiveness in current approaches. Most initiatives are not evidence-based and are project-based for only a certain period of time. This has failed to ensure sustainable outcomes. This study looks at Bangladesh’s Himchari National Park forest management system to generate evidence regarding deforestation from 1991-2018 and highlight existing gaps. To identify and analyze the gaps, the study uses a social-ecological system (SES) lens. Results reveal deforestation across different time periods, articulates the overall governance structure regarding forest resource management, and provides an overview of the major gaps within the system. The study also offers a set of recommendations for improving the existing management system and policy implications. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Urban and Environmental Planning 2020
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THREE ESSAYS ON ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE IN CHINA / 中国の環境ガバナンスに関する3つのエッセイZhang, Tuo 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22948号 / 経博第623号 / 新制||経||294(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 諸富 徹, 教授 矢野 剛, 教授 劉 徳強 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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