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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dhāri Devī, Goddess of the Floods : Development, Disaster and the Transitions of a Place of Worship

Niebuhr, Frances Anke January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Der Werdegang des Dhārī Devī Tempels versinnbildlicht die Vorstellung von Katastrophen als Wendepunkte. Insbesondere Flutdesaster begleiteten Transformationsprozesse des Ortes am Fluss Alaknanda im indischen Himalaya. Bereits eine Sturzflut im Jahre 1894 prägte maßgeblich den Platz und die Identität der Gottheit. Lokale Flutlegenden bekamen neue Aktualität mit der Planung eines Wasserkraftwerks in der näheren Umgebung. Sie wurden Teil der Debatten rund um das Bauprojekt, das eine Verlegung der sakralen Stätte erforderte. Vorliegende Fallstudie beleuchtet Flut-Diskurse und veranschaulicht ihren Einfluss auf ein Entwicklungsprojekt. Dazu belegt sie, wie vorangegangene Kontroversen die öffentliche Deutung zweier Flutdesaster in 2012 und speziell des „Himalaya Tsunamis“ in 2013 formten.

Television Representing Television: How NBC's 30 Rock Parodies and Satirizes the Cultural Industries / How NBC's 30 Rock Parodies and Satirizes the Cultural Industries

Bratslavsky, Lauren 06 1900 (has links)
ix, 94 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This project analyzes the cun-ent NBC television situation comedy 30 Rock for its potential as a popular form of critical cultural criticism of the NBC network and, in general, the cultural industries. The series is about the behind the scenes work of a fictionalized comedy show, which like 30 Rock is also appearing on NBC. The show draws on parody and satire to engage in an ongoing effort to generate humor as well as commentary on the sitcom genre and industry practices such as corporate control over creative content and product placement. Using a textual analysis, the show is examined to explore issues related to the television industry, the production of culture, and the culture of production. Of concern is the contradictory relationship between the critical potential of 30 Rock's self-reflexive content and the commercial, commodity structure of the television industry within which the series is located. / Committee in Charge: Carl Bybee, Chair; Patricia A. Curtin ; Janet Wasko

Estudio de los factores que favorecen la continuidad en el maltrato de la mujer.

Sepúlveda Sanchis, Julia 05 November 2004 (has links)
En esta investigación se realiza un estudio sobre las circunstancias socio-vitales de las mujeres maltratadas que deciden romper con la situación de violencia diferenciándolas de aquellas que no toman la decisión de romper en un principio, pero que finalmente acaban rompiendo con la situación de violencia. A partir de una revisión de la literatura existente, se han relacionado una serie de factores considerados "factores de riesgo" y una serie de "factores protectores" estrechamente relacionados con las situaciones de violencia. A estos factores se añadieron otras variables que según nuestra experiencia profesional, aportarían la información necesaria y adecuada para llevar a cabo el estudio planteado. El estudio se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 678 mujeres que habían sufrido maltrato físico y maltrato psicológico. La información social, psicológica y jurídica obtenida se clasificó según fuese considerada como factor de riesgo o de vulnerabilidad para ser víctima de violencia, o como factor protector. Los análisis estadísticos consistieron en realizar un análisis bivariante entre las distintas variables o factores y la variable dependiente "ruptura", utilizando la prueba c2, así como un análisis multivariante en el que se realizó un análisis de regresión logística para determinar la influencia de conjuntos de factores hacia nuestra variable dependiente "ruptura". Los resultados de nuestros análisis indicaron que para poder manejar este tipo de situaciones y confrontarlas con éxito para preservar su integridad física y psicológica, era de vital importancia la percepción de la propia mujer víctima de malos tratos, así como otros factores entre los que destacaba la cronicidad de los sucesos de violencia, el cual aparecía como uno de los factores más importante a la hora de poder romper con la situación de violencia.Conclusiones: La confrontación de la violencia es un proceso mediatizado por diferentes esferas a nivel social, político, cultural, económico y emocional, en el que es fundamental y necesario orientar a la víctima de manera que se ajusten los objetivos de intervención profesional con los personales de la mujer víctima de violencia sin invadir su realidad personal. / This study has carried out a study on the partner-vital circumstances of battered women. Differentiating women who decide to break up with the situation of violence from those that don't take the decision of breaking up in the first place, but finally they finish breaking up with the situation of violence. In a review of the literature related with this topic, we have selected several risks factors and other considered protective factors closely related with situations of violence. To this factors some others, that according to our experience would give the necessary information for the study, have been added. The study was carried out with a sample of 678 women that had suffered physical and psychological abuse. The social, psychological and legal information was classified as a risk factor to the victim of violence, or a protective factor. The statistical analysis consisted on carrying out bivariate analysis between the different variables or factors and the dependent variable "rupture", using the test c2, as well as a multivariate analysis in which an analysis of logistical regression to determine the influence of groups of factors toward our dependent variable "rupture." was carried out. The results of our analyses showed that to be able to manage this type of situations and to confront them with success to preserve physical and psychological integrity of the victim, it is of main importance the victim's perception of physical or psychological battering, as well as other factors among those, highlight the periodicity of the violent events, which appears like one of the most important factors when the victim is able to break up with the situation of violence. Conclusions: The confrontation of the violence is a process known at a social, political, cultural, economic and emotional levels. It is fundamental and necessary to guide the victim so that the objectives of professional intervention are adjusted with victim's personal circumstance without invading their personal life.

De svenska nazisterna : en kvalitativ undersökning av de svenska nationalsocialisternas mediestrategier under 30-talet

Eriksson, Johan, Pouzeev, Viatcheslav January 2010 (has links)
Nationalsocialisterna i Sverige hade under 1930-talet sitt största och effektivaste medieorgan i tidningen Den Svenske Nationalsocialisten (DSN) och genom tidningen använde de sig av mediestrategier för att föra fram sina budskap till det svenska folket. I uppsatsen undersöker vi vad för sorts mediestrategier det handlade om och hur de svenska nationalsocialisterna arbetade för att bli hörda och skapa en opinionsbildning. Vi har analyserat 11 nummer från DSN med hjälp av retoriska begrepp i en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att få svaret på de frågorna. Vi har i uppsatsen använt oss av Elizabeth Perses och Peter Goldings modeller över medieeffekter. Perse är medieforskare med en grund i uses and gratifications- området medan Golding är en professor i sociologi som skrivit flera böcker om politisk kommunikation och masskommunikation. Vårt material är hämtat i partiets egen tidskrift och huvudsakliga politiska organ: Den Svenske Nationalsocialisten –   vilken vi analyserat för att på så sätt lyfta fram vilka mediestrategier som partiet använde sig av. För att ge en ytterligare inblick i hur partiet arbetade har vi även använt oss av protokoll, bilder, med mera, både från partiets arkiv på Kungliga biblioteket (KB) i Stockholm och Arkiv Gävleborg. Nationalsocialisterna använde sig av en varierad retorik. Framförallt så var retoriken av känsloväckande karaktär, riktad till det svenska folket. De framhöll sig själva som medvetna om omvärlden, tydliga med sina mål och hänsynslösa mot sina fiender. Oftast fanns det ingen gråskala utan retoriken var "svart eller vit". De visade att de brydde sig om olika grupper i samhället och framställde sig inbjudande inför dessa. Nationalsocialisterna använde vissa begrepp flitigt återkommande i negativa sammanhang (till exempel "jude" och "demokrati"). Retoriken skulle skapa långsiktiga effekter men framförallt kortsiktiga direkta effekter och omedelbara politiska förändringar i samhället vilka de också uppmuntrade det svenska folket att bidra till.

thesis submission test - DO NOT PICK UP TASK

Vanderjagt, Leah Unknown Date
No description available.

The Role of Patient Characteristics in Reducing 30-day Hospital Readmissions

Bennett, Amelia, Schuman, Robert, Smith, Nathan, Warholak, Terri January 2013 (has links)
Class of 2013 Abstract / Specific Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine what characteristics are most often associated with patients who are readmitted to a hospital for care within a 30-day time period for one of the five applicable conditions listed in the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, including heart failure, pneumonia, myocardial infarct, vascular procedures, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: This study was a retrospective chart review of patients who had a 30-day inpatient hospital readmission to a tertiary referral teaching hospital in Tucson, Arizona during the period from January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012. Patient demographics and other characteristics thought to influence readmission were collected, including sex, age, race, type of insurance, number of applicable diagnoses at first admission, and number of medications prescribed at first discharge. “Applicable diagnoses” included: congestive heart failure (CHF); pneumonia (PN); myocardial infarct (MI); vascular procedures (VP); and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Main Results: Of the 1,102 patients included in this study, only 5% were readmitted for one of the five applicable conditions. The largest proportion of patients who were readmitted for the same diagnosis were in the 21 to 40 year old category, whereas the largest proportion of patients who were readmitted for different diagnoses were in the greater than 40 year-old category. The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that none of the independent variables predicted 30-day readmissions with the exception of Asian race (p=0.008, n=8) and other race (p=0.012, n=57). In addition, the only significant predictor of 30-day readmission was the diagnosis at initial admission (p<0.05). Conclusion: In our sample, only 5% of patients readmitted at 30-days were readmitted for an applicable condition. This means the majority of readmissions include diagnoses that are not currently affected by the changes to Medicare reimbursement, though other diagnoses are likely to be added to the list in the coming years. Our study provides evidence that specific patient demographic characteristics are not closely linked to 30-day readmissions. Therefore, it may be necessary to turn the focus away from targeting specific patient populations and towards improving efforts in the areas of discharge planning and quality of care for all patients.

Isolobale Substitution in Tetraphosphortrisulfid und in seinen Derivaten / Isolobale substitution in tetraphosphortrisulfide and its derivatives

Hepp, Alexander 08 September 2000 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluß von exo- und endocyclischen isolobalen Substitutionenin A4E3, P5E2X, beta-P4E3IR und alpha-P4E3XY untersucht (A=P und/oder As, E =S und/oder Se, X=Halogen, R=CHI2, Y=Halogen.) Die einzelnen Verbindungsklassen wurden synthetisiert und die 31P und 77Se-NMR-Werte bestimmt. Die ermittelten 31P/77Se-NMR-Daten und die 31P/77Se-NMR-Daten aus der Literatur bildeten die Grundlagen zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der isolobalen Substitution. Dazu werden die Elektronegativität der Liganden, Bindungswinkel und die 31P/77Se-NMR-Parameter miteinander in Beziehung gebracht. Dabei wurde ein linearer Zusammenhang zwischen Bindungswinkeln und chemischer Verschiebung bzw. Kopplungskonstanten in den A4E3-Verbindungen beobachtet. Des weiteren konnten lineare Zusammenhänge zwischen der Elektronegativität der exocyclischen Liganden (meist Halogene)und bestimmten NMR-Werten gefunden werden. Beide Phänomene konnten zurückgeführt werden auf den s-Anteil der Bindungen und/oder die Elektronendichte der betrachteten Kerne. Des weiteren wird eine Übersicht der Präparationsmethoden und eine einheitliche Benennung der Kerne in den Phosphorchalkogengerüsten vorgestellt. Die 31P/77Se-NMR-Daten der vorgestellten Phosphorchalkogenide werden im Anhang nach Strukturklassen geordnet aufgeführt (ca. 500 Verbindungen). Keywords: Phosphor, Selen, Schwefel, Iod, Brom, Chlor, Arsen, NMR, 31P, 77Se, Tetraphosphortrisulfid, P4S3, alpha-Tetraphosphortrichalkogendihalogenid, alpha-P4S3I2,beta-Tetraphosphortrichalkogendihalogenid, beta-P4S3I2, Pentaphospordichalkogenhalogenid, P5S2I, Elektronegativität, Hybridisierung, Fermi-Kontakt-Term

Difference in estimated VO2max between the 30-15 intermittent fitness-test and 20-meter shuttle test in amateur floorball-players.

Råsäter, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Background: Floorball is a sport where not a lot of research have been done, it is a young sport and up until now it has only been played in Europe. The sport is in present days growing rapidly in popularity and is expanding worldwide. Because of the lack of research coaches have little knowledge regarding VO2max testing within the sport. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare results of both a 30-15 intermittent fitness test (IFT) and a 20-meter shuttle test (beep test) and see if there is a difference between estimated VO2max for athletes playing floorball. The hypothesis was that because the 30-15IFT mimics the movement pattern of floorball more than the beep test does, athletes playing this sports should score a higher result in the 30-15IFT. Methods: The study was done on fifteen sub-elite floorball players (8 male and 7 female) aged 20.6 years ± SD 3.5. The test persons performed two aerobic fitness tests, Beep test and 30-15IFT. The beep test consists of a number of 20 meter shuttle runs with increased speeds every minute and the 30-15IFT consists of 30 seconds of running followed by 15 seconds of rest with increased running speed every 45 seconds. A paired sample t-test was used to compare the estimated VO2max results of both tests. Results: Results show that 66% test persons scored a higher result in the 30-15IFT compared to the beep test. However, there was no statistical difference between the two tests.  The players scored a mean value of 48.3 ml/kg/min ± 3.8 during the 30-15IFT and 45.4 ml/kg/min during the beep test ± 5.9, p=0.06 Conclusion: The 30-15IFT is equally as good as the beep test at estimating VO2max in floorball players. A factor that might have affected the results was that the formula for calculating VO2max in the beep test does not take age and weight into consideration while the formula for the 30-15IFT does. In the future, work should be done at “constructing” a new formula for the beep test.

Development of a Krypton target for Cyclone-30 at KFSH&RC

Oberdorfer, F., Akkam, Q., Schneider, J., Alyanbawi, S., Al-Jammaz, I. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction Krypton-81m is a radioactive gas with a half-life of 13 s, and found to be useful in many applications in nuclear medicine, particularly for lung perfusion studies and ventilations. Due to high demands for 81mKr, we have developed an automated Krypton system to be installed in one of the Cyclotron’s beamlines at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) and to deliver large activity of the radioactive gas. Material and Methods The effective cross section of producing 81Rb is between 15 and 30 MeV [1]. Therefore, range and stopping power of the effective cross section were calculated with respect to gas density of 0.0185 g/cm3. This value is equivalent to gas density at 5.0 bars at room temperature. SRIM calculations resulted in a range of 589 mm. However, due to limitation in fabricating such long target chamber, the target length is chosen to be 250 mm. Attached to the end of target body is a special water circulating flange ‘back-pool’, its purpose is to absorb the rest of the energy and protons Bragg peak. The target body is made of Aluminum with the inner part being electroplated with nickel. The target body is of conical shape. The target body is electrically isolated from other parts to allow accurate beam current reading. Full access to the target loading/unloading steps is made through touch screen technology (FIG. 2) for user access. Additionally, the target control system is designed to be protected through chain of interlock steps. The production cycle of 81Rb is explained as follow. Target is evacuated to approximately 10−3 mbar before being filled with natKr at pressure of 5 bars. At the end of bombardment, recovery of natKr is done via cryogenic vessel. Finally, the radioactivity is washed with KCl and pushed to Hotcells through the nitrogen gas for chemistry processing. Irradiation time was approximately 30 min. Results and Conclusion Experimental results clearly showed a fairly good activity of 81mKr as shown in TABLE 1. In all experiments, the radionuclidic purity of 81mKr was above 99.59%. 79mKr and 79Kr were also measured with a percentage of, respectively, 0.34 and 0.07 %. Special attention has to be drawn to last experiment where the yield significantly in-creased, due to the period where the KCl left inside the target (10 min) before pushing the solution to the Hotcells

Development of [NH3] Ammonia target for Cyclone-30 at KFSH&RC

Alrumayan, F., Alghaith, A., Akkam, Q., Marsood, A., AlQhatani, M. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction Nitrogen [13N] NH3 is a liquid radioisotope, produced by medical cyclotrons for nuclear medicine application and widely applied for evaluation of myocardial perfusion in clinical assessments [1,2]. Owing to its short half-life (10 minutes), the unloading procedure of the radio-active solution of [13N]NH3 from the target is crucial in saving the activity produced for patient. Therefore, an efficient technique in un-loading the radioactive solution from the target body was developed using COMSOL Multiphysics. The new design of the target with improved unloading technique resulted in 30% increase of the available 13N activity. In our experiments, 13N was produced by the 16O(p,α)13N reaction. The energy of proton beam was 16.5 MeV. Material and Methods A 2D model was developed using COMSOL Multiphysics to simulate the inner geometry of [13N] Ammonia target. In the 2D model, water and aluminum were used as materials for the inner body and outer boundary (walls), respectively. The physical equations used to solve the problem of allocating proper place for the loading/unloading opening is turbulent, k-ε Module being extracted from fluid flow module. FIGURE 1 shows the result of simulating water flow on the target water channels. The entrance of the pushing solution (for unloading) was designed to create a turbulent flow inside the target body and, hence, to collect most of the activity inside the target. FIGURE 2 shows the setup for 13N production. A peristaltic pump is used to push the solution after irradiation to the hotcell at 6 ml/min flowrate. The distance from the target to the hotcell is approximately 30 meters. Results and Conclusion FIGURE 3 presents activity produced in milicurie (mCi) for several patient runs. The activity obtained in some experiments reached up to 330 mCi when we irradiated the target with 25 μA for 15 min. This was satisfactory for delivery to the patient at the nuclear medicine department. Moreover, purity of [13N] purity was above 95 % what meets the standard regulation for administration to a patient.

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