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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Género y políticas de desarrollo: la brecha entre el decir y el hacer. Desarrollo rural y políticas agropecuarias en Costa Rica

Zumbado Hancock, Carla 03 October 2003 (has links)
El propósito principal de esta tesis es dar respuesta a las siguientes dos preguntas: ¿Cómo han sido integradas las mujeres y, específicamente, el género al mundo del desarrollo, tanto a nivel teórico como a nivel práctico?¿Existe una brecha entre las teorías sobre las mujeres y el desarrollo y las prácticas concretas de desarrollo focalizado en las mujeres? El marco teórico constituye la Parte I de la tesis. En este marco teórico se describe la evolución de la teoría sobre las mujeres y el desarrollo desde un punto de vista feminista. Se examinan, en particular, las dos visiones teóricas dominantes en los últimos 30 años, Mujeres en el Desarrollo (MED) y el enfoque de Género en el Desarrollo (GED), así como sus estrategias políticas. El marco teórico dibuja el camino que deberían haber tomado las políticas y las acciones concretas de desarrollo. El marco teórico pone los cimientos para hacer la Parte II -el trabajo empírico y estudio de caso- de la tesis que consiste de un análisis desde la perspectiva de género de una situación y un contexto real. La Parte II pretende averiguar, mediante un estudio de caso, cómo se están llevando a la práctica las teorías y políticas de desarrollo con atención a las mujeres del Tercer Mundo en el caso tratado. Para realizar la Parte II, se crea una método cualitativo para poder dar respuesta a las dos preguntas planteadas en la tesis. El método se aplica al caso de la política agropecuaria de Costa Rica elaborada desde la perspectiva de género y 3 proyectos locales de desarrollo socioproductivo que pretenden poner en práctica las directrices de la política agropecuaria desde la perspectiva de género. Los 3 proyectos están protagonizados por mujeres campesinas. La tesis cuestiona, pues, discurso y práctica, en concreto las intervenciones reales que vinculan ambas cosas.Se concluye que, aunque el debate teórico entre MED, GED y la corriente dominante de desarrollo ha sido sustancioso, la traducción de la teoría a la práctica continúa siendo problemática. El estudio de caso demuestra que en el proceso de operativizar la teoría se pierden ciertos principios básicos de GED -como las relaciones sociales de género y los intereses estratégicos y las necesidades prácticas de género de las mujeres-. Esto provoca una brecha entre la teoría y la práctica de desarrollo desde la perspectiva del género. / How have women and, specifically, gender been mainstreamed into the world of development, at the practical and theoretical level?Does a gap exist between theories on women and development and the concrete practices of development that focus on women?The theoretical framework constitutes Part I of the thesis. This framework describes the evolution of the theory on women and development from a feminist perspective. In particular, the two theoretical currents that have dominated the theory for the past 30 years are examined, Women in Development (WID) and Gender and Development (GAD), as well as their political strategies. The theoretical framework indicates the path that the policies and concrete development practices 'should' have taken. The theoretical framework lays the foundations for Part II -the empirical work and the case study- of the thesis that consists of an analysis from a gender perspective of a real situation and context. Part II attempts to find out, using the case study, how development theories and policies that focus on Third World women are being implemented in the case analysed. In order to carry out Part II, a qualitative method is created to answer the two main questions posed in the thesis. The method is applied to study the case of the Costa Rican agricultural policy that was elaborated from a gender perspective and 3 local gender projects of socioproductive development that try to put into practice the guidelines of this agricultural policy. Peasant women are responsable for the 3 projects. Thus, the thesis questions discourse and practice, and specifically the concrete interventions that unite them.The conclusion is that, although the theoretical debate between WID, GAD and mainstream development theory has been substancial, the translation of the theory into practice continues being problematic. The case study shows that in the process of implementing the theory certain basic principales of GAD are lost -such as the social relations of gender and the strategic interests and practical needs of gender of women-. This creates a gap between the discourse and practice of development from the gender perspective.

Temps, treball i benestar: una aproximació des de la vida quotidiana

Moreno Colom, Sara 17 September 2007 (has links)
L'objectiu de la tesi doctoral és estudiar la importància del temps com a factor de benestar quotidià en el context de la societat contemporània. Més concretament, es proposa analitzar la creixent vinculació del temps amb el benestar a partir de les relacions socials que s'estableixen entorn del treball. Quina és l'aportació dels diferents temps de treball al benestar o què es percep socialment com a benestar són dos dels interrogants de partida. La perspectiva teòrica proposada per abordar aquest objecte d'estudi pivota sobre tres eixos. En primer lloc, es proposa un canvi d'enfocament en la concepció del benestar: un canvi que suposa el pas del benestar material al benestar quotidià, el pas d'una aproximació macro a una aproximació micro vers aquest concepte. Aquest canvi es caracteritza per l'ampliació de la perspectiva econòmica i productivista que sovint s'utilitza per definir i mesurar el benestar. En aquest sentit, la tesi defensa l'ús d'un concepte de benestar que permeti considerar tant els aspectes materials com els simbòlics. En segon lloc, es proposa mesurar les necessitats −individuals i socials− no només en termes de risc vinculats a l'ocupació, sinó també en termes de promoció del benestar quotidià lligats a la reproducció en general i a la cura en particular. Per això, es parteix de la perspectiva de gènere a l'hora de definir el concepte treball i la seva relació amb el temps, la qual cosa suposa tenir present que el treball no és, estrictament, un sinònim d'ocupació i que el temps no equival, únicament, a la jornada laboral. D'aquesta manera l'objecte d'estudi també inclou els temps i els treballs no reconeguts econòmicament però imprescindibles per a la reproducció i el benestar de les persones. En tercer lloc, s'entén el concepte temps amb tota la seva amplitud, és a dir, no cenyit a les agulles del rellotge, la qual cosa suposa subratllar-ne el caràcter multidimensional i, més específicament, el doble vessant que el caracteritza: l'objectiu i el subjectiu. Concretament, es parteix de la idea que el contingut i la mesura del temps depenen dels contextos socioculturals on es defineixen. Aquesta reflexió no es pot obviar ni per estudiar la importància creixent del temps dins la societat actual, ni per respondre com i per què el temps s'ha situat al centre de les demandes i necessitats socials existents en la societat del benestar. Aquests tres eixos es fan operatius a través de la vida quotidiana, considerada un escenari material i simbòlic. Pel que fa la perspectiva metodològica, en primer lloc, proposa la combinació de les aproximacions quantitativa i qualitativa amb l'objectiu de conèixer els significats subjectius atribuïts al temps dedicat al treball. I, en segon lloc, es proposa la combinació de les anàlisis estructural i biogràfic per tal d'introduir la dimensió longitudinal. Aquest plantejament metodològic es concreta amb l'ús de l'entrevista biogràfica i l'anàlisi estructural del discurs.L'opció per aquestes tècniques d'investigació i anàlisi respon a la doble voluntat de recollir les percepcions subjectives relacionades amb el temps, el treball i el benestar segons les condicions materials d'existència, així com discriminar la influència de les variables curs de vida i generació. Es considera que el material empíric recollit a través d'aquesta tècnica d'investigació permet aprofundir en les raons estructurals i biogràfiques que expliquen la importància del temps com a factor de benestar. / The goal of the PhD is to study the importance of the time as a factor of daily well-being in the context of the western society. More precisely, it proposes to analyze the increasing linking between time, well-being and work. Some questions to answer are: Which is the contribution of social times to well-being? What is perceived socially as a well-being?The theoretical approach included three points. First point proposes change the conception of well-being, that is, from material well-being to daily well-being. This change supposes a step in the use of the concept: from macro and economical approach to a micro and social approach. The investigation defends the use of well-being as a concept which it allows to consider the material characteristics as well as the symbolic ones. The second point proposes to measure the individual and social needs in terms of risk linked to the employment and in terms of promotion of the daily well-being through domestic work and care. Because of that, the research included de gender perspective to use main concepts such as work and time. From this point of view, work is not considering a synonym of employment and time is not considering a synonym of work time. Consequently the object of study also includes times and works not recognized economically but indispensable for human's reproduction and well-being. The third point defends the multidimensional character of time as sociological concept. These three points are made operative through daily life which is considered a material and symbolic framework.The methodological perspective introduces the combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to knowing the subjective meanings attributed at the time work. And, in order to introduce the longitudinal dimension it proposes the combination of structural and biographical analyses. More over, the empirical work included the biographical interview and the structural analysis of the speech. On the one hand, both techniques approach to the subjective perceptions according to the material conditions. In the other hand, they allow knowing the structural and biographical reasons that explain the importance of the time as a factor of well-being.

On the stability and efficiency of decentralized matching processes

Burani, Nadia 14 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Sobre el nucleo de una economía con incertidumbre

Sancho Pifarré, Ferran 01 September 1983 (has links)
En una economía con incertidumbre individual. Afectando las dotaciones iniciales de los consumidores las asignaciones en el nucleo permiten la disminución del riesgo al que se enfrentan los consumidores. La utilidad esperada en el nucleo puede hacerse arbitrariamente próxima a la utilidad cierta que cada cosumidor obtendría en una asignación walrasiana de la economía donde todos los consumidores ven sus dotaciones reemplazadas por el valor esperado de su dotación estoclástica en la economía con riesgo. El nucleo de la economía estocástica converge pues hacia el conjunto de equilibrios walrasianos sin incertidumbre.

Blurring the line : television advertainment in the 1950s and present / Television advertainment in the 1950s and present

Hernandez, Carolina, M.A. 10 February 2012 (has links)
With the rise in product placement and integration on television in recent years, much of the popular press has discussed it as being a new phenomenon, one that has come about as a result of shifts in how audiences view television. As audiences change their viewing practices due to modern technologies such as DVRs and online streaming, product placement has increased in the industry's attempts at still reaching audiences with commercial messages. This thesis seeks to prove that instead of the common current assumption that this increase in product placement on television is a new phenomenon, this surge in blurring the line between advertising and entertainment is actually part of a long history of doing so in American commercial television. Historically, it was very common in the 1950s to have fictional television characters promoting products or to have the product featured as part of the story line in an episode. In fact, I believe the instances are common enough to establish generic expectations from audiences and industry alike. By understanding product placement and other forms of television advertising as part of a genre, it allows for shows like 30 Rock to employ parodic techniques that make their instances of product integration obvious to their viewers. Both the history of advertainment and its generic conventions create a base for current shows to riff off of, thus allowing them to combine entertainment and advertising to please the networks, but acknowledging to their viewers what they are doing and parodying it so as not to alienate them. / text

Studio del moto dei fluidi in mezzi porosi in regime non-darcy

Tabaroni, Gian Carlo <1976> 17 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of alkali flooding combined with intermittent flow in carbonate reservoir

Srisuriyachai, Falan <1980> 16 April 2008 (has links)
The majority of carbonate reservoir is oil-wet, which is an unfavorable condition for oil production. Generally, the total oil recovery after both primary and secondary recovery in an oil-wet reservoir is low. The amount of producible oil by enhanced oil recovery techniques is still large. Alkali substances are proven to be able to reverse rock wettability from oil-wet to water-wet, which is a favorable condition for oil production. However, the wettability reversal mechanism would require a noneconomical aging period to reach the maximum reversal condition. An intermittent flow with the optimum pausing period is then combined with alkali flooding (combination technique) to increase the wettability reversal mechanism and as a consequence, oil recovery is improved. The aims of this study are to evaluate the efficiency of the combination technique and to study the parameters that affect this method. In order to implement alkali flooding, reservoir rock and fluid properties were gathered, e.g. interfacial tension of fluids, rock wettability, etc. The flooding efficiency curves are obtained from core flooding and used as a major criterion for evaluation the performance of technique. The combination technique improves oil recovery when the alkali concentration is lower than 1% wt. (where the wettability reversal mechanism is dominant). The soap plug (that appears when high alkali concentration is used) is absent in this combination as seen from no drop of production rate. Moreover, the use of low alkali concentration limits alkali loss. This combination probably improves oil recovery also in the fractured carbonate reservoirs in which oil is uneconomically produced. The results from the current study indicate that the combination technique is an option that can improve the production of carbonate reservoirs. And a less quantity of alkali is consumed in the process.

Valutazione delle performance degli scalpelli da perforazione: studi teorici, analisi dati e valutazioni tecnico-economiche

Magagni, Matteo <1975> 16 April 2008 (has links)
The study is aimed to calculate an innovative numerical index for bit performance evaluation called Bit Index (BI), applied on a new type of bit database named Formation Drillability Catalogue (FDC). A dedicated research programme (developed by Eni E&P and the University of Bologna) studied a drilling model for bit performance evaluation named BI, derived from data recorded while drilling (bit records, master log, wireline log, etc.) and dull bit evaluation. This index is calculated with data collected inside the FDC, a novel classification of Italian formations aimed to the geotechnical and geomechanical characterization and subdivisions of the formations, called Minimum Interval (MI). FDC was conceived and prepared at Eni E&P Div., and contains a large number of significant drilling parameters. Five wells have been identified inside the FDC and have been tested for bit performance evaluation. The values of BI are calculated for each bit run and are compared with the values of the cost per metre. The case study analyzes bits of the same type, diameters and run in the same formation. The BI methodology implemented on MI classification of FDC can improve consistently the bit performances evaluation, and it helps to identify the best performer bits. Moreover, FDC turned out to be functional to BI, since it discloses and organizes formation details that are not easily detectable or usable from bit records or master logs, allowing for targeted bit performance evaluations. At this stage of development, the BI methodology proved to be economic and reliable. The quality of bit performance analysis obtained with BI seems also more effective than the traditional “quick look” analysis, performed on bit records, or on the pure cost per metre evaluation.

Comunidades discursivas de historia de la educación en américa latina, estudio de caso: venezuela (1998-2008)

Mora García, José Pascual 13 July 2009 (has links)
El trabajo presenta un estado de la cuestión, destacándose los aportes y los investigadores más representativos de las Comunidades Discursivas de Historia de la Educación, entre ellos: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, México, Chile, y Venezuela. Se abunda en el surgimiento y desarrollo de la bibliografía relativa a los temas específicos de este trabajo, esto es, la formación de grupos académicos y tomando en cuenta algunos de los indicadores bibliométricos. El Corpus Teórico se inicia con el curriculum como historia social, y la construcción del campo intelectual en Venezuela. En paralelo se analiza las políticas educativas del Estado venezolano en materia de ciencia y tecnología (1998-2008). Luego se tocan otros temas como la importancia del debate postmoderno, las apreciaciones deontológicas de la universidad a debate. Lo propio sucede con el balance sobre la historia de la universidad en Venezuela, y la evolución de la historia de la educación. / This work represents a state of the question, standing out the contributions and the most representative investigators of the Discursive's Community of The History of Education, among them: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, and Venezuela. We focus in the sprouting and development of relative bibliography about specific subjects on this work, this is, the conformation of academic groups and looking some of the bibliométric indicators. The Theoretical Corpus begins with the curriculum social history, and the construction of the intellectual field in Venezuela. In parallel on it, analyze the educative policies of the Venezuelan State in the matter of science and technology (1998-2008). Then it strokes other subjects as the importance of the postmodern debate, the deontological appreciations from the university to debate. The own thing happens to the balance on the history of the university in Venezuela, and the evolution of the history of the education.

Valorisation of organic waste: new developments from proton nuclear magnetic resonance characterization

Vannini, Marianna <1986> 21 May 2015 (has links)
The last half-century has seen a continuing population and consumption growth, increasing the competition for land, water and energy. The solution can be found in the new sustainability theories, such as the industrial symbiosis and the zero waste objective. Reducing, reusing and recycling are challenges that the whole world have to consider. This is especially important for organic waste, whose reusing gives interesting results in terms of energy release. Before reusing, organic waste needs a deeper characterization. The non-destructive and non-invasive features of both Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry and imaging (MRI) make them optimal candidates to reach such characterization. In this research, NMR techniques demonstrated to be innovative technologies, but an important work on the hardware and software of the NMR LAGIRN laboratory was initially done, creating new experimental procedures to analyse organic waste samples. The first results came from soil-organic matter interactions. Remediated soils properties were described in function of the organic carbon content, proving the importance of limiting the addition of further organic matter to not inhibit soil processes as nutrients transport. Moreover NMR relaxation times and the signal amplitude of a compost sample, over time, showed that the organic matter degradation of compost is a complex process that involves a number of degradation kinetics, as a function of the mix of waste. Local degradation processes were studied with enhanced quantitative relaxation technique that combines NMR and MRI. The development of this research has finally led to the study of waste before it becomes waste. Since a lot of food is lost when it is still edible, new NMR experiments studied the efficiency of conservation and valorisation processes: apple dehydration, meat preservation and bio-oils production. All these results proved the readiness of NMR for quality controls on a huge kind of organic residues and waste.

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