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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vinstdelningssystem i en advokatbyrå : - systemets påverkan på övriga ekonomistyrningssystem

Neckmar, Jacob, Skragge, Adam January 2014 (has links)
De största affärsjuridiska advokatbyråerna i Sverige har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste decennierna och advokatens yrkesroll är i förändring. Byråerna har blivit mer professionella i strukturen, men dess ägandeform har länge förblivit oförändrad. Ägandeformen består av ett delägarskap vilket innebär att advokatbyrån ägs av ett antal advokater som även är anställda på samma byrå. Den potentiella vinsten fördelas i slutet av varje år mellan delägarna, vilket sker på olika sätt vid olika vinstdelningssystem. Fallföretaget i vår studie förändrade vid årsskiftet 2014 sitt vinstdelningssystem till ett equal partnership. Vi har i studien undersökt varför fallföretaget valt att byta vinst- delningssystem och hur förändringen påverkat användningen av andra ekonomi- styrningssystem. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av Malmi och Browns (2008) ramverk över ekonomistyrningssystem som ett paket och Andersons (2001) ramverk över olika vinstdelningssystem. Insamling av data omfattas av en intervjustudie med fyra delägare på fallföretaget samt en enkätundersökning med 13 delägare. Studiens resultat tyder på att ett förändrat vinstdelningssystem var en förutsättning för att utnyttja byråns fulla potential. Vidare ställer ett equal partnership högre krav på användning av övriga ekonomistyrningssystem, då incitamenten i belönings- och kompensationssystemet har förändrats.

Business activities at the base of the pyramid (BOP) in South Africa

Vasanjee, Kamlesh C. 23 July 2011 (has links)
This research was designed to provide insight into South African financial companies’ activities among the poor or the BOP (Base Of the Pyramid). South African businesses should build resources and capabilities with a strategic intent to create and exploit the traditionally under serviced markets while delivering goods and services that are of value. In doing so, managers, marketers and business leaders should view the South African adult population as households and not individual decision makers. The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of an equal partnership model for the BOP engagement in the South African economy. In the investigation of the equal partnership model, it was found that the participants (including the BOP as producers or consumers, business, local community members, nongovernmental organisations and local government) could derive mutual value. This mutual value can be described as the enhancement in growth for the business, raising the BOP out of poverty, involving the poor in the economy and boosting national economic growth (through job creation, tax revenue and investment). Findings of this research supported the aspects of resource commitment, experiential preparation, innovation and technology use in product or services together with mutual value creation for all partners (especially the poor). In addition, there was support for the different levels of risk taken by the partners, responsibilities expected from participants, the sustainability of the collaboration and the required depth of understanding of BOP circumstances. Bank managers responded positively to there being value at the level of the poor (such as profits, poverty alleviation and improved reputation). The collectivist nature of the poor in South Africa (in that the poor carry out financial decisions at the household level) was not established in this research and needs further investigation. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Vaiko dalyvavimas tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Child participation meeting special educational needs in comprehensive school

Mauricas, Dainius 03 September 2010 (has links)
Teorinė vaiko dalyvavimo, tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius, analizė parodė, kad aktyvinant vaiką dalyvauti specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių tenkinime, galima padėti jam atrasti mokymo(si) prasmingumą, mokykloje perteikiamų žinių koreliaciją su savo interesais, vertybėmis. Suaugusieji, norintys padėti vaikui dalyvauti, turi mokėti pripažinti kiekvieno vaiko gebėjimus. Edukologiniuose mokslo šaltiniuose vaiko dalyvavimas neatsiejamas nuo humanistinio ugdymo idėjos, kurios esmė kiekviename vaike matyti augantį žmogų. Vaiko dalyvavimas tenkinant jo specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius turi būti vientisas, o ne epizodinis. Vaikas turi suvokti šios veiklos tikslus, žinoti, kodėl jis turi tą daryti. Svarbu, kad komandoje, kurioje modeliuojamas specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių tenkinimas, vaikas netaptų „dekoracija“, o užimtų prasmingą vaidmenį. Magistro darbe iškelta hipotezė, kad mokinio, turinčio specialiųjų poreikių, aktyvesnis dalyvavimas ugdymo(si) problemų sprendime atveria platesnes galimybes įtakoti jo mokymo(si) motyvaciją bei suaugusių ugdymo proceso dalyvių tikėjimą vaiko galimybėmis bei kurti palankesnes, vaiko įgalinimą skatinančias, ugdymosi aplinkas. Empiriniam tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinkti kokybinio tyrimo metodai: interviu su tyrime dalyvaujančiais mokiniais, turinčiais specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių, diskusija grupėje (Focus grupė) su mokinių, dalyvaujančių tyrime, tėvais bei mokytojais, dirbančiais su minėtais mokiniais, atvejo tyrimas natūraliame... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theoretical analysis of the participation of a child in satisfying the special needs of education has shown that it is possible to help the child to discover the meaningfulness of learning, the correlation between knowledge given at school and his or her interests and values while encouraging the child to participate in satisfying the special needs of education. The adults, who want to help the child to participate, must be aware of recognizing the abilities of every child. The participation of a child is related to the idea of humanistic education in the academic literature of education. The essence of this idea is to see the growing person in every child. The participation of a child in satisfying his special educational needs must be integral, not episodic one. The child has to perceive the aims of this activity and to realize why he has to do that. It is very important that a child would not become a “décor” and would have a significant role in the team in which the satisfaction of special educational needs is being designed. In Master’s degree paper hypothesis was raised-more active participation of children with special needs in educational problem solving process opens wider possibilities to influence their learning motivation. Thus adult educational process participants start to believe in children’s abilities and then they create a more congenial educational environment, which induces a child’s capacities. The methods of qualitative research (interview with the... [to full text]

Shifting Power in the Humanitarian Sector:Why INGOs need to hand over control and how to do it.

Manzari, Martina January 2023 (has links)
In the world, power is unequally distributed, and so it is in the humanitariansector. After the inability of the humanitarian community to meet the localisationtargets set in the Grand Bargain, the failure has been attributed, among otherreasons, to international actors’ unwillingness to cede power. This thesis aims toexplore how INGOs can hand over control to local responders and use thelocalisation agenda to re-balance the unequal distribution of power amonghumanitarian actors. This study seeks to uncover how the colonial legacies still present in the sectorhave affected the efficacies of responses and, more specifically, the realisationof the commitments related to localisation. By interviewing a series ofhumanitarian professionals involved in the localisation efforts of theirorganisations, the empirical research has investigated the persistence andimpact of power imbalances in the work of humanitarians and collected theirsuggestions on the actions that INGOs could implement to facilitate the transferof control towards local responders. The thesis suggests that power imbalances might reduce in those cases whereINGOs adopt renewed localisation commitments which address the root causesof unequal power distribution. The recommendations at the end of this workmight be highly relevant for the global debate around redefining the localisationagenda in a way that satisfies both international and local actors while alsobenefiting affected communities.

Personcentrerad vård under LPT : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Rosén, Aksel, Hjertberg, David January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienters delaktighet i sin vård ses idag som en självklarhet i Sverige och personcentrerad vård (PCV) är ett verktyg för att öka delaktigheten. Genom att lyssna till patientens berättelse, sträva efter ett jämbördigt partnerskap och dokumentera det som framkommer får sjuksköterskan möjlighet att med patienten skapa en hållbar och långsiktig effekt av vården. Inom tvångsvården enligt Lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård (LPT) ges sjukvården rätten och skyldigheten att vårda patienten mot deras vilja när det anses vara befogat för att skydda patientens liv och hälsa. Enligt LPT är syftet med tvångsvården att förmå patienten till att ta emot vården som erbjuds frivilligt.   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka erfarenheter hos sjuksköterskor i psykiatrisk vård av att arbeta med PCV med patienter som vårdas enligt LPT.  Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju. Detta har sedan analyserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Studiens resultat uppvisar erfarenheter av att främja patientberättelsen men även hinder för denna. Det framkommer även erfarenheter av partnerskap som bedrivs under LPT. Partnerskapet främjas till stor del av sjuksköterskans bemötande. Till sist framkommer erfarenheter av dokumentationens betydelse för PCV som bedrivs enligt LPT. Slutsats: Utifrån den fakta som läggs fram rörande PCV och LPT i bakgrunden är dessa två begrepp relativt komplicerade att förena. I resultatet av denna studie kan det konstateras att delaktighet kan främjas PVC i vård som bedrivs enligt LPT, som i sin tur främja delaktighet. Förhållandet mellan begreppen PCV och delaktighet blir i det närmsta cirkulärt där de stödjer varandra och skapar uppbyggande symbios Kliniska implikationer: Baserat på resultatet framkommer en tilltro till att PCV kan vara positiv i bemärkelsen att det skapas ökad delaktighet mellan patient och sjuksköterska i vård som bedrivs enligt LPT. / Background: Patients' participation in their care is today seen as a matter of course in Sweden and person-centred care (PCV) is a tool to increase participation. By listening to the patient's story, striving for an equal partnership and documenting what emerges, the nurse has the opportunity to create a sustainable and long-term effect of care with the patient. In coercive care under the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act (LPT), healthcare is given the right and obligation to care for the patient against their will when this is considered justified to protect the patient's life and health. According to LPT, the purpose of coercive care is to induce the patient to receive the care offered voluntarily.   Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the experiences of nurses in psychiatric care of working with PCV with patients being cared for according to LPT. Method: The study has been conducted with a qualitative semi-structured interview. This has then been analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Results: The results of the study show experiences in promoting the patient's story but also obstacles to it. There is also experience of partnerships conducted under LPT. This partnership is largely promoted by the nurse's treatment. Finally, experience of the importance of documentation for PCVs carried out under LPT emerges. Conclusion: Based on the facts presented regarding PCV and LPT in the background, these two concepts are relatively complex to reconcile. In the results of this study, it can be concluded that participation can be promoted PVC in care conducted according to the LPT, which in turn promotes participation. The relationship between the concepts of PCV and participation becomes almost circular where they support each other and create constructive symbiosis. Clinical implications: Based on the results, there is a belief that PCV can be positive in the sense that increased participation between patient and nurse is created in care conducted according to LPT.

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