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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The power of negativity and its functioning in the metafictional text through five works : vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire, John Barth’s Coming Soon!!!, Graham Swift’s Waterland, Robert Coover’s Gerald’s Party and Don DeLillo’s White Noise. / Le pouvoir de la négativité et son fonctionnement dans le texte métafictionnel à travers cinq œuvres : pale Fire par Vladimir Nabokov, Coming Soon!!! par John Barth, Waterland par Graham Swift, Gerald’s Party par Robert Coover et White Noise par Don Delillo.

Bouraoui, Jihene 27 October 2012 (has links)
La thèse se donne comme objectif l’appréhension des catégories de la négativité dans le texte métafictionnel en tant qu’une force libératrice et transformatrice qui, à la fois, assure la survie du texte malgré son aspect fragmentaire et multidirectionnel, et pousse le lecteur à s’engager dans une quête de l’insensé et du paradoxal qui n’embarque pas sur le nihilisme ‘négatif’, mais aboutit plutôt à la découverte de la face cachée constructive de la négativité, qu’est l’autocréation. Pour mener un tel projet, un assemblage littéraire de cinq œuvres disparates- Pale Fire par Vladimir Nabokov, Coming Soon!!! par John Barth, Waterland par Graham Swift , Gerald’s Party par Robert Coover et White Noise par Don Delillo- sert de terrain propice au travail de la négativité qui consiste essentiellement à démystifier et détruire des systèmes clos d’origine métaphysique et construire de nouveaux systèmes de valeurs, sans aucune prétention ou aspiration à la transcendance et la suprématie. Pour comprendre l’économie d’un tel texte, on va suivre trois étapes dont chacune correspond à une partie de la thèse : « L’éthique du texte métafictionnel », « L’esthétique du texte métafictionnel » et « La politique du texte métafictionnel ». La première partie s’engage à dégager l’ensemble d’impératifs éthiques qui mettent en œuvre la force de négativité. La deuxième partie s’engage à étudier les techniques de narration et d’écriture mises en œuvre pour activer les impératifs éthiques. La troisième partie s’engage à explorer la faisabilité et les limites des principes que l’on peut se construire en s’appropriant la négativité du texte. Le processus mis en œuvre dans les trois parties de la thèse est marqué par un combat perpetuel qui démontre l’aspect fallacieux et artificiel des construits et prouve, paradoxalement, notre incapacité de s’en passer pour exister. / The dissertation addresses the challenge to think the power of negativity and its ultimate constructive objective. It launches an enterprise, both at the textual and extratexual levels, that requires the individual to destroy and create at once, without any pretention to establish an everlasting system that dictates the encoding and decoding of thoughts and perception and management of cognitive, bodily and everyday life needs. Such an enterprise is based on the consideration of a literary assemblage of five novels: Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire, John Barth’s Coming Soon!!!, Graham Swift’s Waterland, Robert Coover’s Gerald’s Party and Don Delillo’s White Noise. It demonstrates that the text is governed by an economy that does not embark on « negative » nihilism; it is rather an economy that transforms the unproductive forms (abyss, loss, spectre, madness, excess, death) into a capacity for resistance and a creative departure. It is an economy that sustains the text and prevents it from collapsing, through a set of ethical imperatives, a poetics of self-creation and a politics whose objective is not to resolve the paradoxes underlying the text. Throughout the three part of the dissertation, there is a continuous struggle to unveil the constructs and to explain the rationale behind our unavoidable need for them to keep going.

Etik och filantropi – ett redskap för intern påverkan? : En kvantitativ studie utifrån medarbetares perspektiv inom detaljhandeln / Ethics and philanthropy - a tool for internal influence? : A quantitative study from the perspective of employees in the retail sector

Ljungdahl, Amanda, Andersson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Samhällen förändras över tid. Kraven på företags ageranden i samhället har ökat, delvis på grund av en tilltagen globalisering och rörlighet, men även till följd av en ökad medvetenhet om företags påverkan på samhället. Utifrån dessa förändringar har begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility växt fram och tagit allt mer utrymme i diskussionen om företags sociala ansvar. Archie Carroll ämnade i sin CSR-pyramid att definiera gränserna för företags sociala ansvar och delades således in ansvarsområdena i fyra delar. Två utav dessa ansvarstaganden är etiskt och filantropiskt ansvar som denna studie riktar fokus på. Det etiska ansvaret omfattar aktiviteter och praxis som förväntas av samhället att företag ska utföra, men som inte har fastställts i lagar och förordningar. Det filantropiska ansvaret handlar om att företag kan vara goda samhällsmedborgare genom att bidra med sina resurser till samhället. Varken det etiska eller filantropiska ansvaret är lagstadgade, företag kan således själva välja om de vill delta i sådana aktiviteter. Det är inte enbart samhället som ställer krav på företags ageranden, utan även dess medarbetare. Det finns en avsaknad av studier som belyser medarbetarens perspektiv i frågan vilket gav inspiration till denna studie. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida medarbetare tycker att det är viktigt att företag tar ett etiskt och filantropiskt ansvar. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om etiska och filantropiska ansvarstaganden påverkar medarbetares benägenhet att identifiera sig med ett företag. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en deduktiv ansats där hypoteser testas och analyseras. En kvantitativ metod valdes och en enkätundersökning genomfördes för insamling av datamaterialet. Medarbetarna som besvarade enkäten arbetar på köpcentret Asecs i Jönköpings kommun. Slutsats: Sammanställningen av enkäten visar att medarbetare tycker att det är viktigt att företaget tar ett etiskt ansvar. Det filantropiska ansvarstagandet ansågs inte som lika viktigt. Sammanställningen visar även att etiskt och filantropiskt ansvarstagande gör medarbetare mer benägna att identifiera sig med företaget. / Background: Communities change over time. Demands for corporate actions in society have increased, partly because of increased globalization and mobility, but also as a result of increased awareness of companies' impact on society. Based on these changes, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has grown and taken up space in the discussion about corporate responsibility. In his CSR pyramid, Archie Carroll intended to define the boundaries of Corporate Social Responsibility and divided the responsibility into four parts. Two of these responsibilities that this study focuses on are ethical and philanthropic responsibility. Ethical responsibility is activities and practices that society expects companies to carry out, but which have not been established in laws and regulations. The philanthropic responsibility is that companies can be good citizens by contributing their resources to society. Neither ethical nor philanthropic responsibility is statutory, so companies can choose whether or not to participate in such activities. It is not only society that sets demands on corporate actions, but also its employees. There is a lack of studies that shed light on the employee's perspective on the issue, which inspired this study. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether employees think it is important that companies take ethical and philanthropic responsibility. The purpose is also to investigate whether ethical and philanthropic responsibility affects employees' tendency to identify with a company. Method: The study is based on a deductive approach where hypotheses are tested and analyzed. A quantitative method was chosen and a survey was conducted to collect the data material. The employees who answered the questionnaire work at Asecs shopping center in Jönköping. Conclusion: The compilation of the survey shows that employees think it is important that the company takes ethical responsibility. Philanthropic responsibility was not considered as important. The compilation also shows that ethical and philanthropic responsibility makes employees more inclined to identify with the company.

Paradigm development in Systematic Theology

Lehmann, Lando Leonhardt 30 November 2004 (has links)
Systematic Theology, like all other disciplines, are subject to basic assumptions about its first principles, which is determinant for the way the discipline understands itself and does its work. The consequential perception the discipline has of knowledge acquisition and method of research in turn determines its interpretation of the knowledge acquired. The three areas of understanding (metaphysical assumptions, epistemological theories and ethical praxis) together form a cycle that builds the basis of a paradigm. Paradigms are continually present and are by nature developmental. The development from the macro-, to the messo-, and micro-levels in the structure of a paradigm is described through the three areas of understanding, providing a method for analysing paradigms. Using a developmental method of observation (affective awareness), analysis (ontological way of understanding), theorising (a different way of thinking) and application (ethical responsible living) suggests a fundamental reconsideration of the task of all disciplines, including systematic theology. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M. Th.(Systematic Theology)

Being in Brazil : an autoethnographic account of becoming ethically responsible as a practitioner-researcher in education

Blair, Andrea Jane January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores an autoethnography which is written in the spirit of ubuntu, with and through others. Viewing this as an ethically responsible methodology for educational research conducted in and between the Global North and the Global South, this autoethnography foregrounds both self and other. The story of a practitioner- researcher unfolds around a move from disillusionment with the examinations factories of the English education system into exploring a human ethic of essential care (Boff, 2005) and a pedagogy of unconditional love (Andreotti, 2011) in a Brazilian non- government organisation. In these shifting contexts, the writer shares a journey of critical reflection (Brookfield, 1995; 2000) on ethical relationships in research and education, deconstructing the hegemonic assumptions underpinning her worldview. Borrowing insight from postmodern philosophy for education and actionable postcolonial theory in education, a journey of (un)learning unfolds as the author grapples with taken-for-granted assumptions about and in the Global South. The aims of the study emerge from a life lived forward (Muncey, 2005) through critical reflection on the ends of education and the role of the practitioner-researcher. As such, the nature of data collection becomes a process of data creation incorporating a rich tapestry of research conversations, images, sounds and other embodied memories. As ethical relations become a central focus of the author’s critical reflection, the author has sought to minimise her inflection on the data and in doing so includes many of the original contributions gifted to her throughout a two year period. Through critical self- scrutiny and reflection the author has been able to examine her own educational and cultural assumptions through a different lens in the Global South. The beauty of this autoethnography lies in exploring the kinds of intercultural spaces the author and others inhabit in twenty-first century research and classrooms.

Paradigm development in Systematic Theology

Lehmann, Lando Leonhardt 30 November 2004 (has links)
Systematic Theology, like all other disciplines, are subject to basic assumptions about its first principles, which is determinant for the way the discipline understands itself and does its work. The consequential perception the discipline has of knowledge acquisition and method of research in turn determines its interpretation of the knowledge acquired. The three areas of understanding (metaphysical assumptions, epistemological theories and ethical praxis) together form a cycle that builds the basis of a paradigm. Paradigms are continually present and are by nature developmental. The development from the macro-, to the messo-, and micro-levels in the structure of a paradigm is described through the three areas of understanding, providing a method for analysing paradigms. Using a developmental method of observation (affective awareness), analysis (ontological way of understanding), theorising (a different way of thinking) and application (ethical responsible living) suggests a fundamental reconsideration of the task of all disciplines, including systematic theology. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th.(Systematic Theology)

O Papel da Tradução na Formação Inicial de Professores de Língua Inglesa

Dalben, Tatiany Pertel Sabaini January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-08-21T13:23:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 TESE - TATIANY PERTEL SABAINI DALBEN.pdf: 9755637 bytes, checksum: 91dacf87742b594c84690281f352409a (MD5) ficha catalográfica.doc: 240640 bytes, checksum: e252111a859608a785f0f2167f06959a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Setor de Periódicos (per_macedocosta@ufba.br) on 2018-08-21T13:58:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 TESE - TATIANY PERTEL SABAINI DALBEN.pdf: 9755637 bytes, checksum: 91dacf87742b594c84690281f352409a (MD5) ficha catalográfica.doc: 240640 bytes, checksum: e252111a859608a785f0f2167f06959a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T13:58:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 TESE - TATIANY PERTEL SABAINI DALBEN.pdf: 9755637 bytes, checksum: 91dacf87742b594c84690281f352409a (MD5) ficha catalográfica.doc: 240640 bytes, checksum: e252111a859608a785f0f2167f06959a (MD5) / RESUMO Até recentemente, a tradução parece ter sido ignorada no campo da Linguística Aplicada (LA). Nas últimas décadas, porém, começaram a surgir alguns estudos e publicações que enfatizam a necessidade de repensá-la como atividade importante para o processo de ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (LE) (COOK, 2010). Mesmo assim, poucas pesquisas têm investigado o uso da tradução na formação inicial de professores de LE no Brasil. Dessa forma, este estudo em nível de doutorado tem como principal objetivo verificar e discutir a contribuição da tradução para a formação inicial de professores de língua inglesa (LI) em um curso de graduação em Letras, principalmente com relação ao desenvolvimento da competência linguístico-comunicativa (CLC), da competência comunicativa intercultural (CCI), do processo de conscientização sobre verdades e realidades e da responsabilidade ética do futuro docente. Ao buscar cumprir tal objetivo, esta pesquisa também está i) preenchendo a lacuna existente na literatura das áreas da LA e dos Estudos de Tradução; ii) promovendo discussão em torno da desconstrução de crenças e mitos sobre o uso da tradução em sala de aula de LI; e iii) problematizando a política de ensino com relação ao uso da tradução nesse contexto. Para tanto, esta pesquisa qualitativa, interpretativista, utiliza o método etnográfico para realizar um estudo ocorrido nos dois primeiros semestres do Curso de Letras/Inglês da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC) em Ilhéus, Bahia, em 2014. As descrições das análises exibem os resultados coletados a partir de 4 (quatro) tipos de instrumentos: a) 2 (dois) questionários – 1 (um) para os 31 (trinta e um) professores de LI em formação (PLIF) e 2 (dois) para os 2 (dois) professores formadores (PF); b) 8 (oito) atividades de tradução realizadas pelos PLIF; c) registros etnográficos coletados durante a observação da aplicação de tais atividades em sala de aula; d) 4 (quatro) entrevistas semi-estruturadas – 2 (duas) para os 2 (dois) PF e 2 (duas) para os PLIF. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, respaldo-me na perspectiva desconstrutivista (DERRIDA, 1967/1971, 1967/2011; ARROJO, 1986/2002, 1992/2003; OTTONI, 2005), através da qual se pode considerar a tradução uma prática de leitura, de interpretação, um processo produtor e transformador de significados que ocorre a partir de um jogo marcado pela ausência de um centro ou de uma ‘origem’, um movimento de suplementariedade do qual fazem parte aspectos diversos que compõem a escritura (écriture). As análises demonstraram que, através da tradução, os PLIF desenvolveram aspectos da CLC (ALMEIDA FILHO, 1993/2002, 2014), pois adquiriram conhecimento sobre a estrutura da LI e demonstraram saber usá-la para construir seus textos traduzidos. Além disso, os professores em formação desenvolveram habilidades, atitudes e conhecimentos que compõem a CCI (KRAMSCH, 1993; BYRAM, 1989, 1997; BYRAM et al., 2002), como, por exemplo, a elaboração de conhecimentos plurais sobre línguas, culturas e sociedades; a superação de preconceitos linguísticos e culturais; a abertura para aceitação das diferenças; a ampliação dos conceitos de língua e cultura, dentre outros. Por fim, as análises também indicaram que a prática da tradução favoreceu o processo de conscientização sobre verdades e realidades (FREIRE, 1979, 2002) dos PLIF, os quais, ao fim e ao cabo, se revelaram sujeitos crítico-reflexivos, curiosos e questionadores das verdades absolutas, além de terem desenvolvido a percepção sobre a sua responsabilidade ética (FREIRE, 1996/2013) que deve permear sua prática educativo-crítica. / ABSTRACT Until recently, translation seems to have been ignored in the field of Applied Linguistics (AL). However, in the last decades, it has become a theme of some researches and publications which claim it must be ‘reintroduced’ within the foreign language (FL) teaching classroom (COOK, 2010). All the same, little investigation has yet been done on the implications of its use for undergraduate English language (EL) students pursuing their certification in Brazil. In this line of thought, this PhD research proposes to verify and discuss the contribution of translation as a practice for the professional preparation of pre-service EL teachers in the undergraduate course of Letras, especially concerning the development of the linguistic-communicative competence (LCC), the intercultural communicative competence (ICC), the process of consciousness about truths and realities and ethical responsibility. In pursuit of such an objective, this work also: i) bridges the gap in the literature in the areas of AL and Translation Studies; ii) promotes discussions on the deconstruction of beliefs and myths about the use of translation within the FL classroom; and iii) problematizes teaching politics regarding the use of translation in this context. Therefore, this qualitative, interpretative research used ethnographic methods to carry out a study in the first and second semesters of an undergraduate group of EL students in the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) in Ilhéus, Bahia, in 2014. Through the analysis, I searched to understand and describe the results collected from 4 (four) types of instruments: a) 2 (two) questionnaires – 1 (one) for the 31 (thirty) students and another for the 2 (two) professors); b) 8 (eight) translation and reflective activities undertaken by the students in the classroom; c) ethnographic notes collected from class observations; d) and 4 (four) semi-structured interviews – 2 (two) for the 2 (two) professors and 2 (two) for the students. As for the interpretation of data and the development of the study, I relied on the deconstructive perspective (DERRIDA, 1967/1971, 1967/2011; ARROJO, 1986/2002, 1992/2003; OTTONI, 2005), which views translation as a reading and interpretative practice, a process of meanings production and transformation, that occurs as a play within language characterized by the absence of a center or origin, a move of supplementarity formed by various aspects that compose the writing (écriture). The results show that through the use of translation in EL classrooms, Letras undergraduate students are able to develop aspects of the LCC (ALMEIDA FILHO, 1993/2002, 2014), once they acquired knowledge about the structure of the EL and demonstrated to know how to use it to communicate through their translated texts. Moreover, the results also indicated that through the practice of translation, these students could develop ICC abilities, attitudes and knowledge (KRAMSCH, 1993; BYRAM, 1989, 1997; BYRAM et al., 2002), such as plural knowledge about languages, cultures and societies; overcoming linguistic and cultural prejudice; improvement of the concepts of language and culture, among others. Finally, the analysis also showed that translation can favor the process of consciousness about truths, realities and practices (FREIRE, 1979, 2002), since the undergraduate EL students became more curious and inquisitive about pre-established and absolute truths. It has promoted a critical-reflexive attitude towards various aspects and contributed to the development of the perception of their ethical responsibility (FREIRE, 1979, 2002, 1996/2013) and, as such, pervade their critical practice in education.

Proč se lidé přestávají loučit se zemřelými? / Why do people tend to not saying goodbye to the dead?

HYBRANTOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the search for answering the question of people´s not saying goodbye to the deceased. The first chapter deals with the topic of dying and death in the past and compares it to the present situation. Another chapter emphasizes the significance of the ritual in human life, it deals with the early and current funeral rituals, their justified meaning from a psychological point of view. It also deals with the places of the last resting of our ancestors. The third chapter deals with the ethical aspect of this issue and, in particular, with the search for the answers, which are the cause of the current situation. The last chapter focuses on social work with survivors, deals with accompanying, mourning, and counseling help.

Empowering young people through narrative

Steyn, Lynette 06 1900 (has links)
Dominant discourses on power, childhood and gender lead to power inequalities in social relationships in families and schools, allowing abuses of power (the subjugation and marginalisation of women and young people). These dominant structures of belief are often disrespectful of young people's experiences, stories and knowledges. This research attempted to respond to dilemmas in child relationships, to challenge belief structures that construct relationships between adults/young people, and to empower young people to stand up for their beliefs and make their voices heard. The research was guided by a post-modern, narrative pastoral approach. To deconstruct discourses that restrict young people within social institutions, social construction discourse, feminist post-structuralism, narrative theology and feminist theology were used. Narrative practices were used to look at depression, guilt, trouble and anger. Re-authoring conversations were used to construct preferred stories about young people's identities and to explore alternative stories and the not-yet-said on drugs. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

Empowering young people through narrative

Steyn, Lynette 06 1900 (has links)
Dominant discourses on power, childhood and gender lead to power inequalities in social relationships in families and schools, allowing abuses of power (the subjugation and marginalisation of women and young people). These dominant structures of belief are often disrespectful of young people's experiences, stories and knowledges. This research attempted to respond to dilemmas in child relationships, to challenge belief structures that construct relationships between adults/young people, and to empower young people to stand up for their beliefs and make their voices heard. The research was guided by a post-modern, narrative pastoral approach. To deconstruct discourses that restrict young people within social institutions, social construction discourse, feminist post-structuralism, narrative theology and feminist theology were used. Narrative practices were used to look at depression, guilt, trouble and anger. Re-authoring conversations were used to construct preferred stories about young people's identities and to explore alternative stories and the not-yet-said on drugs. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

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