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Numerical methods for all-speed flows in fluid-dynamics and non-linear elasticity / Méthodes numériques pour des écoulements multi-régimes en fluidodynamique et élasticité non-linéaireAbbate, Emanuela 19 December 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse on s’intéresse à la simulation numérique d’écoulements des matériaux compressibles, voir fluides et solides élastiques. Les matériaux considérés sont décrits avec un modèle monolithique eulérian, fermé avec une loi d’état hyperélastique qui considère les différents comportements des matériaux. On propose un nouveau schéma de relaxation qui résout les écoulements compressibles dans des différents régimes, avec des nombres de Mach très petits jusqu’à l’ordre 1. Le schéma a une formulation générale qui est la même pour tous le matériaux considérés, parce que il ne dépend pas directement de la loi d’état. Il se base sur une discrétisation complétement implicite, facile à implémenter grâce à la linéarité de l’opérateur de transport du système de relaxation. La discrétisation en espace est donnée par la combinaison de flux upwind et centrés, pour retrouver la correcte viscosité numérique dans les différents régimes. L’utilisation de mailles cartésiennes pour les cas 2D s’adapte bien à une parallélisation massive, qui permet de réduire drastiquement le temps de calcul. De plus, le schéma a été adapté pour la résolution sur des mailles quadtree, pour implémenter l’adaptativité de la maille avec des critères entropiques. La dernière partie de la thèse concerne la simulation numérique d’écoulements multi-matériaux. On a proposé une nouvelle méthode d’interface “sharp”, en dérivant les conditions d’équilibre en implicite. L’objectif est la résolution d’interfaces physiques dans des régimes faiblement compressibles et avec un nombre de Mach faible, donc les conditions multi-matériaux sont couplées au schéma implicite de relaxation. / In this thesis we are concerned with the numerical simulation of compressible materials flows, including gases, liquids and elastic solids. These materials are described by a monolithic Eulerian model of conservation laws, closed by an hyperelastic state law that includes the different behaviours of the considered materials. A novel implicit relaxation scheme to solve compressible flows at all speeds is proposed, with Mach numbers ranging from very small to the order of unity. The scheme is general and has the same formulation for all the considered materials, since a direct dependence on the state law is avoided via the relaxation. It is based on a fully implicit time discretization, easily implemented thanks to the linearity of the transport operator in the relaxation system. The spatial discretization is obtained by a combination of upwind and centered schemes in order to recover the correct numerical viscosity in different Mach regimes. The scheme is validated with one and two dimensional simulations of fluid flows and of deformations of compressible solids. We exploit the domain discretization through Cartesian grids, allowing for massively parallel computations (HPC) that drastically reduce the computational times on 2D test cases. Moreover, the scheme is adapted to the resolution on adaptive grids based on quadtrees, implementing adaptive mesh refinement techinques. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the numerical simulation of heterogeneous multi-material flows. A novel sharp interface method is proposed, with the derivation of implicit equilibrium conditions. The aim of the implicit framework is the solution of weakly compressible and low Mach flows, thus the proposed multi-material conditions are coupled with the implicit relaxation scheme that is solved in the bulk of the flow.
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Gamma positivity in enumerative combinatorics / Positivité gamma en combinatoire énumérativeHan, Bin 06 September 2019 (has links)
La positivité gamma d’une suite combinatoire unifie à la fois l’unimodalité et la symétrie de cette suite. Trouver des nouvelles familles d’objets dont les polynômes énumératives ont une positivité gamma est un défi et un sujet important en combinatoire et géométrie. Il a attiré beaucoup d’attention ces derniers temps en raison de la conjecture de Gal, qui affirme que le gamma-vecteur a des coefficients positifs pour n’importe quel polytope simple. Souvent, le h-polynôme pour les polytopes simpliciaux de signification combinatoire peut être donné en tant que fonction génératrice sur un ensemble d’objets combinatoires apparentés par rapport à une statistique telle que le nombre des descentes, dont les polynômes énumératifs sur les permutations sont des polynômes Eulériens. Ce travail traite des propriétés gamma de plusieurs polynômes énumératifs de permutations tels que les polynômes Eulériens et les polynômes de Narayana. Cette thèse contient cinq chapitres / The gamma positivity of a combinatorial sequence unifies both unimodality and symmetry. Finding new family of objets whose enumerative sequences have gamma positivity is a challenge and important topic in recent years. it has received considerable attention in recent times because of Gal’s conjecture, which asserts that the gamma-vector has nonnegative entries for any flag simple polytope. Often times, the h-polynomial for simplicial polytopes of combinatorial signification can be given as a generating function over a related set of combinatorial objects with respect to some statistic like the descent numbers, whose enumerative polynomials on permutations are Eulerian polynomials.This work deals with the gamma properties of several enumerative polynomials of permutation such as Eulerian polynomials and Narayana polynomials. This thesis contains five chapters
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Semi-solid constitutive modeling for the numerical simulation of thixoforming processes.Koeune, Roxane 14 June 2011 (has links)
Semi-solid thixoforming processes rely on a material microstructure
made of globular solid grains more or less connected to each other,
thus developing a solid skeleton deforming into a liquid phase.
During processing, the material structure changes with the
processing history due to the agglomeration of the particles and the
breaking of the grains bonds. This particular evolutive
microstructure makes semi-solid materials behave as solids at rest
and as liquids during shearing, which causes a decrease of the
viscosity and of the resistance to
deformation while shearing.
Thixoforming of aluminum and magnesium alloys is state of the art
and a growing number of serial production lines are in operation all
over the world. But there are only few applications of semi-solid
processing of higher melting point alloys such as steel. This can
partly be attributed to the high forming temperature combined with
the intense high temperature corrosion that requires new technical
solutions. However the semi-solid forming of steels reveals high
potential to reduce material as well as energy consumption compared
to conventional process technologies, such as casting and forging.
Simulation techniques exhibit a great potential to acquire a good
understanding of the semi-solid material process. Therefore, this
work deals with the development of an appropriate constitutive model
for semi-solid thixoforming of
The constitutive law should be able to simulate the complex rheology
of semi-solid materials, under both steady-state and transient
conditions. For example, the peak of viscosity at start of a fast
loading should be reproduced. The use of a finite yield stress is
appropriate because a vertical billet does not collapse under its
own weight unless the liquid fraction is too high. Furthermore, this
choice along with a non-rigid solid formalism allows predicting the
residual stresses after cooling down
to room temperature.
Several one-phase material modeling have been proposed and are
compared. Thermo-mechanical modeling using a
thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive law has been developed. The
basic idea is to extend the classical isotropic hardening and
viscosity laws to the non solid state by considering two non-dimensional internal parameters. The first internal
parameter is the liquid fraction and depends on the temperature
only. The second one is a structural parameter that characterizes
the degree of structural build up in the microstructure. Those
internal parameters can depend on each other. The internal
parameters act on the the viscosity law and on the yield surface
evolution law. Different formulations of viscosity and hardening
laws have been proposed and are compared to each other. In all
cases, the semi-solid state is treated as a particular case, and the
constitutive modeling remains valid over the whole range of
temperature, starting from room temperature to above the liquidus.
These models are tested and illustrated by mean of several
representative numerical applications.
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Un método de elementos finitos para análisis hidrodinámico de estructuras navalesGarcía Espinosa, Julio 20 December 1999 (has links)
La predicción precisa de los efectos producidos por el acoplamiento fluido estructura para cuerpos parcial o totalmente sumergidos, incluyendo superficies libres, es un problema de gran relevancia en la ingeniería naval así como en muchos otros campos del diseño de estructuras sometidas a la acción de fluidos.Las dificultades que se encuentran en la resolución de los problemas de interacción fluido estructura se deben principalmente a las siguientes causas:1. La dificultad de resolver numéricamente las ecuaciones de la dinámica de un fluido incompresible que, en general, si descartamos el caso más simple del modelo del flujo potencial, tienen un importante carácter no lineal. 2. Los obstáculos que se presentan al resolver la ecuación de la superficie libre, que constriñen el movimiento de las partículas a una superficie fluida de posición a priori desconocida.3. Las dificultades asociadas a la resolución del problema del movimiento de un cuerpo sumergido debido a las fuerzas de interacción, minimizando la deformación de los elementos de la malla y reduciendo, de esta manera, la necesidad del remallado.En la presente tesis se presenta un método estabilizado basado en el método de los elementos finitos que pretende solventar cada uno de los problemas anteriores. La metodología se basa en la modificación de las ecuaciones diferenciales de la dinámica de fluidos que gobiernan el flujo viscoso incompresible y el movimiento de la superficie libre, mediante la aplicación del método de cálculo finitesimal (FIC) propuesto en este trabajo.En el presente caso las ecuaciones modificadas son resueltas usando un esquema de pasos fraccionados semi-implícito y el método de los elementos finitos (FEM). El movimiento del cuerpo sumergido en el fluido debido a las fuerzas de interacción se calcula resolviendo un problema estructural dinámico, para el cual las fuerzas del fluido son las condiciones iniciales. Se incluye, además, un algoritmo para el movimiento de la malla debido a la deformación del dominio de cálculo. Este método minimiza la distorsión de la malla debida al movimiento del sólido rígido y al cambio de posición de la superficie libre. Este algoritmo se basa en la solución iterativa por el método de elementos finitos de un problema lineal, donde la malla de cálculo se considera un sólido elástico sometido a la deformación prescrita por el cambio en el dominio de cálculo. Las características de elasticidad del sólido, y en concreto su rigidez, se aplican de manera que los elementos que más se deforman tienen una rigidez mayor. Por último se presentan varios ejemplos de interés industrial, aplicación de la metodología propuesta en diferentes campos de la ingeniería naval.
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Eulerian Droplet Models: Mathematical Analysis, Improvement and ApplicationsKeita, Sana 23 July 2018 (has links)
The Eulerian description of dispersed two-phase flows results in a system of
partial differential equations describing characteristics of the flow, namely volume
fraction, density and velocity of the two phases, around any point in space over
time. When pressure forces are neglected or a same pressure is considered for both
phases, the resulting system is weakly hyperbolic and solutions may exhibit vacuum
states (regions void of the dispersed phase) or localized unbounded singularities (delta shocks) that are not physically desirable. Therefore, it is crucial to find a physical way for preventing the formation of such undesirable solutions in weakly hyperbolic Eulerian two-phase flow models.
This thesis focuses on the mathematical analysis of an Eulerian model for air-
droplet flows, here called the Eulerian droplet model. This model can be seen as the
sticky particle system with a source term and is successfully used for the prediction
of droplet impingement and more recently for the prediction of particle flows in air-
ways. However, this model includes only one-way momentum exchange coupling, and develops delta shocks and vacuum states. The main goal of this thesis is to improve this model, especially for the prevention of delta shocks and vacuum states, and the adjunction of two-way momentum exchange coupling. Using a characteristic analysis, the condition for loss of regularity of smooth solutions of the inviscid Burgers
equation with a source term is established. The same condition applies to the droplet
model. The Riemann problems associated, respectively, to the Burgers equation with
a source term and the droplet model are solved. The characteristics are curves that
tend asymptotically to straight lines. The existence of an entropic solution to the
generalized Rankine-Hugoniot conditions is proven. Next, a way for preventing the
formation of delta shocks and vacuum states in the model is identified and a new
Eulerian droplet model is proposed. A new hierarchy of two-way coupling Eulerian
models is derived. Each model is analyzed and numerical comparisons of the models
are carried out. Finally, 2D computations of air-particle flows comparing the new
Eulerian droplet model with the standard Eulerian droplet model are presented.
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[pt] O presente trabalho busca apresentar uma proposta de inclusão de tópicos elementares da teoria de Grafos, com destaque para os Grafos Eulerianos, na educação básica. Iniciamos com uma introdução a essa teoria destacando algumas definições importantes que fundamentam o trabalho além de
concepções teóricas relevantes para tratar da questão específica dos Grafos Eulerianos. Posteriormente, algumas sugestões de atividades sobre o tema, que podem ser aplicadas em qualquer nível da educação básica desde o Ensino Fundamental até o Ensino Médio, são apresentadas com o intuito de auxiliar e
inspirar o professor desse segmento que esteja interessado em utilizar novas propostas na sua prática pedagógica. Assim, esse profissional pode se valer do presente trabalho como um recurso motivador para novas construções ou simplesmente adaptá-lo, alterá-lo e/ou utilizá-lo na realidade da sua sala de
aula. Algumas das atividades propostas foram aplicadas com alunos do sétimo ano de uma escola pública do Rio de Janeiro e a metodologia e avaliação desta aplicação encontram-se também descritas no presente estudo. Desta forma, pretende-se promover uma reflexão sobre novas estratégias que incrementem o
processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Matemática na busca de uma educação Matemática mais autônoma e mais significativa. / [en] This paper seeks to show a proposal of inclusion of elementary topics of Graphs theory, with emphasis in Eulerian graphs, on basic school. We begin with an introduction to this theory highlighting some important
definitions which underpin this paper beyond relevant theoretical conceptions to deal with the specific issue of Eulerian graphs. In addition, some suggestions of activities on the subject, which can be applied in any level of basic education, from Elementary to High School, are presented with the intention of help teachers interested in using new proposals on their pedagogical practice. So they can use this material as a motivating resource for new constructions or just adapt it, change it and/or use it in his
classroom routine. Some of the proposed activities were applied with seventh year students from a public school of Rio de Janeiro and the methodology and evaluation of this application are also described on this present work. Therefore it is intended to promote a reflection about new strategies that increase the
teaching-learning process of Mathematics in the searching for more autonomy and more meaningful mathematical education.
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Biotic factors drive bacterioplankton community in a tropical coastal site of the equatorial atlantic oceanKavagutti, Vinicius Silva 01 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-04-25T19:44:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The relationship between latitude and microbial diversity in the ocean is
controversial. Niche models predict higher richness at high latitudes in winter, while
snapshot field-sampling point towards higher richness at intermediate latitudes, with
lower values both towards equatorial and Polar Regions. However, given the dynamic
nature of ocean’s ecosystem it is difficult to account for temporal variations in empirical
assessments of microbial biodiversity. Here, we compared the components of diversity
(richness and evenness) and microbial population stability (coefficient of variation) in
two coastal ocean observatories with similar trophic state located in contrasting
latitudes, one located in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and one temperate located in the
Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, to evaluate which factors drive the dynamics of
microbial communities in each site. Our observations support the view that, as animals
and plants, microbial communities exhibit higher (or at least similar) richness towards
the equator, at least in the coastal ocean. We also found evidence of increasing stability
with increasing evenness in tropical microbial communities when compared to the
temperate ones. Temperature and silicates drove temperate free-living prokaryotic
communities, while tropical ones were driven by stochastic factors such as biotic
interactions with eukaryotes. We propose a conceptual framework where microbial
community composition would be driven by deterministic factors in higher latitudes and
once the factor temperature is removed moving towards the equator, more stochastic
factors such as biotic interactions would emerge as the main factors shaping microbial
communities. This study highlights the importance of comparative studies on Eulerian
time-series distributed at different latitudes to fully understand the diversity patterns of
microbial communities in the ocean. / A relação entre a latitude e diversidade microbiana no oceano é controversa.
Modelos de nicho preveem maior riqueza em altas latitudes no inverno, enquanto
amostragens pontuais indicam uma maior riqueza em latitudes intermediárias, com
valores mais baixos para regiões equatoriais e polares. No entanto, dada a natureza
dinâmica do ecossistema oceânico, é difícil explicar variações temporais da
biodiversidade microbiana nas avaliações empíricas. Nesse trabalho comparamos os
componentes da diversidade (riqueza e equitabilidade) e estabilidade das populações
microbianas (coeficiente de variação) em dois observatórios oceânicos costeiros com
estados tróficos semelhantes, localizados em latitudes contrastantes: um localizado no
Oceano Atlântico Equatorial e um em clima temperado localizado no noroeste do Mar
Mediterrâneo, a fim de avaliar quais fatores estruturam a dinâmica das comunidades
microbianas em cada local. Observamos que tal como animais e plantas, as
comunidades microbianas exibem maior (ou pelo menos similar) riqueza no equador
pelo menos em águas costeiras. Também encontramos evidências de aumento da
estabilidade com o aumento da uniformidade nas comunidades microbianas tropicais,
quando comparadas com as de clima temperado. De modo geral, temperatura e silicatos
foram as variáveis que condicionaram as comunidades procariotas de vida livre no
observatório da região temperada, enquanto que no observatório tropical, fatores
estocásticos tais como interações bióticas com eucariotos, foram os fatores que mais
influenciaram as comunidades bacterianas. Assim, propomos um quadro conceitual
onde a composição da comunidade microbiana seria impulsionada por fatores
determinísticos em latitudes mais elevadas, enquanto que em latitudes menores, seriam
determinados por fatores mais estocásticos, como interações bióticas. Nosso estudo
destaca a importância de estudos comparativos utilizando series temporais Eulerianas
em diferentes latitudes para entender os padrões de diversidade das comunidades
microbianas no oceano.
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Modélisation et simulation de l’interaction fluide-structure élastique : application à l’atténuation des vagues / Modelisation and simulation of fluid-structure interaction : application to the wave damping phenomenaDeborde, Julien 12 June 2017 (has links)
Une méthode complètement Eulérienne reposant sur un modèle 1-fluide est présentée afinde résoudre les problèmes d’interaction fluide-structure élastique. L’interface entre le fluideet la structure élastique est représentée par une fonction level-set, transportée par le champde vitesse du fluide et résolue par un schéma d’ordre élevé WENO 5. Les déformationsélastiques sont calculées sur la grille eulérienne à l’aide des caractéristiques rétrogrades.Nous utilisons différents modèles d’hyperélasticité, afin de générer puis d’intégrer les forcesélastiques comme terme source des équations de Navier Stokes. Le couplage vitesse/pressionest résolu par une méthode de correction de pression et les équations sont discrétisées parla méthode des volumes finis sur la grille eulérienne. La principale difficulté réside dansles grands déplacements de fluide autour du solide, source d’instabilités numériques. Afind’éviter ces problèmes, nous effectuons périodiquement une redistanciation de la level-setet une extrapolation linéaire des caractéristiques rétrogrades. Dans un premier temps,nous effectuons la vérification et la validation de notre approche à l’aide de plusieurs castests comme celui proposé par Turek. Ensuite, nous appliquons notre méthode à l’étudedu phénomène d’atténuation des vagues par des structures élastiques. Il s’agit d’une desvoies possibles pour réduire l’impact des fortes houles sur notre littoral. De plus dans lalittérature et à notre connaissance, seules des structures élastiques rigides ou élastiquesmais monodimensionnelles ont été utilisées pour réaliser ces études. Nous proposons deplacer des structures élastiques sur les fonds marins et analysons leur capacité d’absorptionde l’énergie produite par les vagues. / A fully Eulerian method is developed to solve the problem of fluid-elastic structure interactionsbased on a 1-fluid method. The interface between the fluid and the elastic structureis captured by a level set function, advected by the fluid velocity and solved with a WENO5 scheme. The elastic deformations are computed in an Eulerian framework thanks to thebackward characteristics. We use the Neo Hookean or Mooney Rivlin hyperelastic modelsand the elastic forces are incorporated as a source term in the incompressible Navier-Stokesequations. The velocity/pressure coupling is solved with a pressure-correction methodand the equations are discretized by finite volume schemes on a Cartesian grid. The maindifficulty resides in that large deformations in the fluid cause numerical instabilities. Inorder to avoid these problems, we use a re-initialization process for the level set and linearextrapolation of the backward characteristics. First, we verify and validate our approachon several test cases, including the benchmark of FSI proposed by Turek. Next, we applythis method to study the wave damping phenomenon which is a mean to reduce thewaves impact on the coastline. So far, to our knowledge, only simulations with rigid orone dimensional elastic structure has been studied in the literature. We propose to placeelastic structures on the seabed and we analyse their capacity to absorb the wave energy
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Métodos numéricos para escoamentos com linhas de contato dinâmicas / Numerical methods for flows with dynamic contact linesFelipe Montefuscolo 28 May 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno de molhamento, estudo de como um líquido se deposita em um sólido, apresenta problemas ainda em aberto, dos pontos de vista da modelagem física e da simulação numérica. O maior interesse acadêmico neste tipo de escoamento é a linha tríplice (ou linha de contato) formada da interação sólido-líquido-gás. A condição de contorno clássica de não escorregamento na interface líquido-sólido leva a uma singularidade no tensor de tensões nesta linha. Além disso, ainda não está estabelecido qual o melhor modelo para descrever o ângulo de contato formado entre a superfície livre e o substrato (o sólido). Neste trabalho, são discutidos métodos numéricos para a simulação de linhas de contato dinâmicas. Os efeitos da tensão superficial são estudados com a abordagem do princípio do trabalho virtual, o qual leva o problema à equações na formulação variacional, linguagem natural para o tratamento numérico com o método dos elementos finitos (FEM). O domínio é discretizado por uma malha não-estruturada de forma que as interfaces separadoras são explicitamente representadas pela malha. As derivadas temporais são tratadas em uma abordagem Lagrangeana-Euleriana arbitrária (ALE). Finalmente, são apresentados os resultados numéricos obtidos com o método ALE-FEM, discutindo alguns aspectos da sua convergência temporal e espacial. / Wetting phenomena, study of how of a liquid spreads out on a solid substrate, presents challenges both in physical modeling and in numerical simulation. The triple line (or contact line) formed by the solid-liquid-gas interaction has increasingly attracted the attention of the fluid dynamic community. The classical no-slip boundary condition on the liquid-solid interface leads to a singularity in the stress tensor at contact lines. Furthermore, there is no consensus on what the best model to describe the dynamics of the contact angle formed by the solid substrate and free surface. In this work, numerical methods for simulating dynamic contact lines are considered. The capillarity effects are studied in the approach of the virtual-work principle, which describes the problem in the variational formulation, natural language for numerical treatment with the finite element method (FEM). The domain is discretized by a dynamic unstructured mesh, where the separating interfaces are explicit represented by the mesh. Time derivatives present in the governing equations are treated with the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) framework. Finally, we discuss some temporal and spatial convergence issues ofthe ALE-FEM method.
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Simulation de modèles multi-matériaux sur maillage cartésien / Simulation of multimaterial models on Cartesian gridBrauer, Alexia de 08 October 2015 (has links)
On s’intéresse à la simulation d’écoulements compressibles multi-matériaux et, notamment, aux interactions fluide/structure dans les régimes transitoires et en dynamique rapide. Le but est de pouvoir décrire l’évolution de matériaux de lois de comportement très différentes à l’aide d’un modèle unique. Les milieux sont seulement différenciés par leurs équations d’état et sont séparés par une interface dite sharp. Les matériaux peuvent être des fluides ou des solides élastiques et sont soumis à de grandes déformations. Le modèle est écrit dans le formalisme eulérien. Le schéma numérique est résolu sur des grilles cartésiennes pour des simulations en trois dimensions.Une extension du modèle permet de décrire les déformations plastiques des solides. / We are interested in the simulation of compressible multimaterial flows and especially influid/structure interactions in transient states and fast dynamics. We aim to describe the evolution of materials of very different constitutive laws with an unified model. The materials are only differentiated by their own constitutive laws and are separated by a sharp interface. They can be as well fluids or elastic solids and under go large de formations. The model is written in the Eulerian framework. The numerical scheme is solved on Cartesian grids for simulations in three dimensions. An extension of the elastic model is added to describe the plastic deformations of solids.
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