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Assisted Death: Historical, Moral and Theological Perspectives of End of Life OptionsBando, Catherine 01 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The paper explores historical positions on suicide and philosophical, theological, and moral positions on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. In 1900, most people died from infectious diseases, which have relatively short periods of morbid decline. With advances in the biomedical sciences, people are living longer, and most people die from chronic diseases, which are usually accompanied by prolonged periods of morbid decline. In addition to living longer, people today are generally more individualist and seek methods to control many aspects of life. While assisted death is rarely used, it represents a means to control end-of-life suffering. The paper demonstrates that there is substantial opposition to assisted death among philosophers, theologians and bioethicists. The paper also argues that improved education about end-of-life palliative alternatives would alleviate fears about end-of-life suffering. The thesis is that the use of palliative alternatives is morally and ethically superior to physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia.
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Nu finns jag bara kvar som ett minne : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i mötet med patienter som uttrycker önskan om eutanasi / Now I only remain as a memory : A qualitative literature study on the nurse's approach in the meeting with patients who express the wish of euthanasiaFransson, Olivia, Morales, Viviana January 2022 (has links)
Alla former av eutanasi är olagligt i Sverige, däremot väljer allt fler länder att framföra ett mer liberalt perspektiv av det och legalisera det. I sjuksköterskans profession och arbete ingår det att bemöta patienter som har en dödsönskan och efterfrågar eutanasi. Av den anledningen var det av vikt att kunna klarlägga vilka faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt kring fenomenet i de länder som eutanasi utförs. Arbetets syfte var att belysa sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i mötet med patienter som uttrycker önskan om eutanasi. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där resultaten av tio vetenskapliga artiklar sammanställdes. Datamaterialet analyserades utifrån Fribergs modell. I resultatet redovisades teman som påvisade att det var en emotionell och transformativ upplevelse att delta vid eutanasi, vissa sjuksköterskor upplevde en påtaglig psykisk påverkan av lidandet. Det åskådliggjordes även att religion och kultur hade en inverkan på sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt samt människor utanför vården ex. Familj och samhälle. Det förklarades hur betydelsefullt det var med kommunikation, samarbete och att organisationen samt lagen skapade tydliga riktlinjer att förhålla sig till. I diskussionen lyftes det fram både negativa och positiva aspekter av eutanasi, där sjuksköterskan kunde påverkas av olika faktorer. Etisk stress och maktlöshet var känslor som kunde uppstå hos sjuksköterskan vid bemötande av eutanasi. På liknande sätt stärktes även sjuksköterskan i sin yrkesroll, vilket gjorde det till ett komplext och känsloladdat ämne. / All forms of euthanasia are illegal in Sweden, despite that more countries are deciding to form a more liberal perspective on it and legalise it. Because the nurse plays a central part in the euthanasia process there's a relevance in bringing attention to the phenomenon since it is a complex and emotionally charged subject. Consequently, there is a need for extended knowledge about what factors affect the nurse’s approach towards the phenomenon. Therefore, the aim of this study is to highlight nurse’s approach to euthanasia. The method used for this study is a qualitative literature review based on the results of 11 scientific articles. The contents of the articles were analysed according to Friberg’s analysis model. The results of the analysis are presented in 3 base themes and 6 sub-themes. "Nurse's approach towards participation in euthanasia" highlights how the nurse's experience of participation was transcending and emotional, and some nurses experienced a tangible psychological impact caused by the suffering. "Factors that affect a nurse's approach" shows that religion and culture as well as people outside of healthcare, for example family and society, have an effect on the nurse's approach. "Collaboration in healthcare" explains how important communication and teamwork is, besides that the organisation and the law create clear guidelines. The uncertainty among these factors affects the nurses approach towards euthanasia, often in a negative way. In conclusion, euthanasia is a complex and emotional subject that creates ethical and moral dilemmas for nurse's, dilemmas that will never be discussed enough. Plenty of the nurses described how they often feel uncertain about the subject euthanasia and a clearer communication is important in the euthanasia process.
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No description available.
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Timely On-Farm Euthanasia of Pigs: Exploring Caretaker Decision-Making and Training MethodsMullins, Caitlyn R. 22 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Framing Death: The Use of Frames in Newspaper Coverage of and Press Releases about Death with DignityHolody, Kyle J. 11 July 2006 (has links)
Since passing its Death with Dignity Act into law in 1997, Oregon remains the only state in America to make physician-assisted suicide an explicit legal right. Currently, the legality of physician-assisted suicide falls under the jurisdiction of each individual state. Had the United States Supreme Court ruled differently in a recent case, however, the issue would have transferred to federal jurisdiction.
The Death with Dignity National Center (DDNC) takes responsibility for developing the original Death with Dignity Act and has since moved on to proposing similar legislation in other states. It also champions states' rights, fearing that placing physician-assisted suicide under federal jurisdiction would severely hinder its goals. The DDNC has led the legal movement for making physician-assisted suicide an end of life choice available in each state, as well as for keeping that decision at the state level.
Utilizing a content analysis, this study coded for frames used by the DDNC in its press releases and frames used in newspaper coverage of death with dignity across the same period of time. It was found that press releases about and newspaper coverage of the death with dignity social movement shared significant correlations in terms of the frames each used, as well as the level of substance given to these frames. Few significant correlations were found, however, for frame valence. It seems as though discussion of this social movement utilizes the same substantive or ambiguous frames, but cannot decide whether these frames are positive, neutral, or negative. / Master of Arts
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Évaluations physiologiques de la tricaïne méthanesulfonate pour l’anesthésie des grenouilles africaines à griffes (Xenopus laevis)Lalonde-Robert, Vanessa 04 1900 (has links)
Il existe peu d’études sur les effets physiologiques et pharmacologiques du médicament anesthésiant le plus utilisé chez les anoures, la tricaïne méthanesulfonate, et son utilisation chez la grenouille Xenopus laevis. Notre premier objectif était d’évaluer l’effet de bains d’immersion de 20 minutes de 1 et 2 g/L de tricaïne méthanesulfonate sur la fonction cardiorespiratoire, l’analgésie et les réflexes ainsi que d’étudier la pharmacocinétique. Nos résultats démontrent que des bains de 1 et 2 g/L produisent une anesthésie chirurgicale de 30 et 60 minutes respectivement, sans effet significatif sur le système cardiorespiratoire. À la suite d’une immersion à 2 g/L, on note une demi-vie terminale de 3,9 heures. Cette dose ne produit aucun effet sur l’histologie des tissus 24 heures après l’immersion. Dans une deuxième expérience, nous avons évalué les effets d’une surdose de tricaïne méthanesulfonate en bain d’immersion sur les systèmes cardiorespiratoire et nerveux central grâce à l’électroencéphalographie ainsi que l’effet d’une injection de pentobarbital sodique après 2 heures d’immersion. L’EEG montre un effet dépresseur sur le SNC avec l’utilisation de la tricaïne méthanesulfonate sans voir un arrêt de signal d’EEG sur la période de 2 heures d’enregistrement. Les surdoses à 1 g/L et 3 g/L n’ont pas d’effet significatif sur le rythme cardiaque, et l’injection de pentobarbital suite au bain d’immersion de tricaïne méthanesulfonate est nécessaire pour induire l’euthanasie. Nous avons démontré que le bain de tricaïne méthanesulfonate peut produire une anesthésie de 30 à 60 minutes avec dépression du SNC sans effet cardiovasculaire chez les Xenopus laevis. / Very few studies exist on the physiological and pharmacological effects of the most commonly used anesthetic agent used in amphibians, tricaine methanesulfonate, in Xenopus laevis frogs. Our first goal was to measure the effects of 20 minutes bath immersions of 1 and 2 g/L tricaine methanesulfonate on cardiorespiratory system, analgesia and reflexes. We also studied the pharmacokinetic of tricaine methanesulfonate following an immersion in a 2 g/L bath. Our results show that both 1 and 2 g/L baths produce surgical anesthesia during 30 and 60 minutes respectively, without significant effect on the cardiorespiratory system. Following the immersion in a 2 g/L bath, the tricaine methanesulfonate has a terminal half-life of 3,9 hours and no effect on tissue histology is observed 24 hours after anesthesia. In a second experiment, we evaluated the effects of tricaine methanesulfonate overdose on cardiorespiratory system and on central nervous system using electroencephalography. Moreover, we evaluated the effect of sodium pentobarbital injection after 2 hours of immersion. A significant EEG depression of central nervous system activity occurred with the use of tricaine methanesulfonate following 2 hours of recording and the pentobarbital injection was necessary to induce euthanasia. We showed that tricaine methanesulfonate can produce safe anesthesia of 30 to 60 minutes with reduction of CNS activity and without cardiorespiratory effect in Xenopus laevis.
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Att vilja ha hjälp att dö : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av, samt attityder kring dödshjälp. / Wanting help to die : A literature review about nurses’ experiences of, and attitudes towards assisted dying.Andersson, Marika, Karlsson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dödshjälp är endast lagligt i ett fåtal länder och stater i världen, men det förekommer att patienter förmedlar en önskan om dödshjälp till vårdpersonal, även i andra länder. Läkare beskriver bördan med att hantera förfrågningar om dödshjälp och försöker undvika dessa genom att behandla patienters fysiska samt psykiska behov. Anhöriga till individer som dött genom dödshjälp, menade att den döende individens livskvalitet förbättrades i slutet av deras liv relaterat till beslutet gällande dödshjälp. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors attityder till, samt erfarenheter kring dödshjälp. Metod: En litteraturöversikt, i enlighet med Friberg genomfördes. Systematisk sökning har utförts i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Resultatet av översikten baseras på 13 originalartiklar. Resultat: Sjuksköterskors attityder varierar oavsett om de arbetar i länder där dödshjälp är lagligt eller inte. Tendenser tyder på att sjuksköterskor är mer positivt inställda till eutanasi än läkarassisterat självmord. De underliggande aspekter som påverkar sjuksköterskors attityder grundas på deras personliga värderingar utifrån professionell kunskap, erfarenheter och religiösa övertygelser. Sjuksköterskor kan rättfärdiga sina handlingar genom så kallad dubbel-effekt, där goda handlingar utförs trots att det kan leda till negativa konsekvenser. Palliativ vård fungerar som preventiv strategi, vilket tidvis minskar antalet förfrågningar om dödshjälp. Diskussion: Resultaten är diskuterade utifrån Beauchamp och Childress etiska principer, samt vårdande utifrån deras tolkning av vårdande etik. Det uppstår konflikter mellan sjuksköterskors personliga värderingar, yrkesprofessionella kunskap, lagar och de etiska principerna i vårdandet av döende individer med obotliga sjukdomar.
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Évaluations physiologiques de la tricaïne méthanesulfonate pour l’anesthésie des grenouilles africaines à griffes (Xenopus laevis)Lalonde-Robert, Vanessa 04 1900 (has links)
Il existe peu d’études sur les effets physiologiques et pharmacologiques du médicament anesthésiant le plus utilisé chez les anoures, la tricaïne méthanesulfonate, et son utilisation chez la grenouille Xenopus laevis. Notre premier objectif était d’évaluer l’effet de bains d’immersion de 20 minutes de 1 et 2 g/L de tricaïne méthanesulfonate sur la fonction cardiorespiratoire, l’analgésie et les réflexes ainsi que d’étudier la pharmacocinétique. Nos résultats démontrent que des bains de 1 et 2 g/L produisent une anesthésie chirurgicale de 30 et 60 minutes respectivement, sans effet significatif sur le système cardiorespiratoire. À la suite d’une immersion à 2 g/L, on note une demi-vie terminale de 3,9 heures. Cette dose ne produit aucun effet sur l’histologie des tissus 24 heures après l’immersion. Dans une deuxième expérience, nous avons évalué les effets d’une surdose de tricaïne méthanesulfonate en bain d’immersion sur les systèmes cardiorespiratoire et nerveux central grâce à l’électroencéphalographie ainsi que l’effet d’une injection de pentobarbital sodique après 2 heures d’immersion. L’EEG montre un effet dépresseur sur le SNC avec l’utilisation de la tricaïne méthanesulfonate sans voir un arrêt de signal d’EEG sur la période de 2 heures d’enregistrement. Les surdoses à 1 g/L et 3 g/L n’ont pas d’effet significatif sur le rythme cardiaque, et l’injection de pentobarbital suite au bain d’immersion de tricaïne méthanesulfonate est nécessaire pour induire l’euthanasie. Nous avons démontré que le bain de tricaïne méthanesulfonate peut produire une anesthésie de 30 à 60 minutes avec dépression du SNC sans effet cardiovasculaire chez les Xenopus laevis. / Very few studies exist on the physiological and pharmacological effects of the most commonly used anesthetic agent used in amphibians, tricaine methanesulfonate, in Xenopus laevis frogs. Our first goal was to measure the effects of 20 minutes bath immersions of 1 and 2 g/L tricaine methanesulfonate on cardiorespiratory system, analgesia and reflexes. We also studied the pharmacokinetic of tricaine methanesulfonate following an immersion in a 2 g/L bath. Our results show that both 1 and 2 g/L baths produce surgical anesthesia during 30 and 60 minutes respectively, without significant effect on the cardiorespiratory system. Following the immersion in a 2 g/L bath, the tricaine methanesulfonate has a terminal half-life of 3,9 hours and no effect on tissue histology is observed 24 hours after anesthesia. In a second experiment, we evaluated the effects of tricaine methanesulfonate overdose on cardiorespiratory system and on central nervous system using electroencephalography. Moreover, we evaluated the effect of sodium pentobarbital injection after 2 hours of immersion. A significant EEG depression of central nervous system activity occurred with the use of tricaine methanesulfonate following 2 hours of recording and the pentobarbital injection was necessary to induce euthanasia. We showed that tricaine methanesulfonate can produce safe anesthesia of 30 to 60 minutes with reduction of CNS activity and without cardiorespiratory effect in Xenopus laevis.
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Žádost o ukončení života v zemích Beneluxu z pohledu občanského práva / Request for termination of life in Benelux countries from the perspective of civil lawLutonský, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Request for termination of life in Benelux countries from the perspective of civil law The master's thesis is about euthanasia which is known as one of the most controversial and discussed topic in the world of law and medicine, especially termination of life on request. The aim of this work is to innovatively interduce unique legislation of termination of life on request in Benelux countries from the perspective of civil law because I am convinced of its importance despite being overshadowed by the meaning of criminal perspective. In a first chapter the terminology, definition and theory dividing will be explained. The other terms which are connected with the things above are the content of this part as well. The human rights related to euthanasia are discussed in next part of this work. Benelux countries have their own euthanasia enactment - this is what third chapter is about. Next part shows in-depth analysis of due care criteria which are countained in second chapter of Termination of life on request and Assisted Suicide Act. Fulfilment of these is one of criterias needed for impunity of the executor of termination of life on request. Fifth chapter is a key part of this work for civil law perspective because of legal requirements for request itself. It also describes related institutes -...
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Vybrané aspekty problematiky základního lidského práva dle čl. 6 Listiny základních práv a svobod / Selected Aspects of the Dilemma of the Basic Human Right according to Declaration of Basic Rights, Paragraph 6Niklová, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the selected aspects of the dilemma of the basic human right according to Declaration of Basic Rights, paragraph 6. It focuses mainly on controversial themes such as euthanasia, abortion and death penalty. It provides readers with the definition of the conflict of these three perspectives with breaking the right to life. It shows historical development of the enactment in the Czech Republic and also in the international context. Last but not least, it describes the attitude of selected states (namely Germany, USA and China) to the solution of conflict relations within this area. The attitude of other states is foreshadowed in terms of euthanasia and abortion.
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