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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et Optimisation d'un Générateur Synchrone à Double Excitation de Forte Puissance / Modeling and Optimization of a large Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Generator

Ammar, Aymen 28 June 2013 (has links)
Alliant flexibilité de contrôle et bon rendement, les Machines Synchrone à Double Excitation (MSDE) sont de plus en plus investiguées pour diverses applications de petites et moyennes puissances et rarement pour des applications de fortes puissances. Cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude d’un Générateur Synchrone à Double Excitation (GSDE) de forte puissance. Un modèle de comportement a été établi. Des méthodes analytiques et semi-analytiques ont été utilisées pour la modélisation multi-physique de la machine. Ce modèle a été validé, dans un premier temps, par comparaison aux résultats d’un modèle éléments finis.Comparé à un Générateur Synchrone à Pôles Saillants (GSPS), le GSDE offre des solutions plus intéressantes énergétiquement et économiquement, que ce soit en fonctionnement à vitesse constante ou à vitesse variable. Dans le cadre d’un fonctionnement en générateur éolien, l’augmentation du nombre d’encoche par pôle et par phase et l’augmentation de la fréquence d’alimentation contribuent à l’amélioration des performances de la GSDE. Cependant il faudrait tenir compte des impacts sur l’électronique de puissance et le multiplicateur mécanique. En plus, la distribution de Weibull et le bon choix de la plage utile de variation de la vitesse du vent, jouent un rôle important sur le dimensionnement optimal du générateur éolien.Un prototype de GSDE d’une puissance d’1MVA a été dimensionné, optimisé et fabriqué. Tout d’abord, le prototype a servi à la validation du modèle multi-physique. En plus la réalisation des essais sur deux étapes (avant et après le collage des aimants permanents) a montré l’apport énergétique du GSDE par rapport au GSPS / The use of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine (HESM) can widely be extended to any size of power applications in regards to its high efficiency and simplicity of flux control. The aim of this thesis consists to analyze different design constraints and develop optimization processes of a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Generator (HESG).Analytical and lumped models were used with reasonable level of accuracy and minimum computation time. The model has been validated by comparing the result to those achieved by FEM.The study shows the technical and economical advantages of the use of HESG compare to the conventional Salient Pole Synchronous Generator (SPSG). The comparison between the two generator topologies was considered for constant and variable speed applications such as wind energy. The influence of several parameters such as frequency and the number of slot per pole and per phase was investigated. For the case of wind energy application the study shows the importance of Weibull distribution and the speed range when looking for the optimized generator.In order to validate the multi-physics model, a 1MVA HESG was considered and a prototype produced. To highlight the advantages and performances of HESG generator a test program was carried out into steps. A first set of tests have been made before bounding the permanent magnets and the second set of tests have been made after bounding the permanent magnets

Intracellular and extracellular signatures of action potentials initiated in the axon / Signatures intracellulaires et extracellulaires des potentiels d'action initiés dans l'axone

Telenczuk, Maria 23 September 2016 (has links)
Le potentiel d'action est un des événements de signalisation majeurs du cerveau. Ce travail est dédié à l'étude de la génération du potentiel d'action, et son impact dans le potentiel extracellulaire ainsi que dans le réseau local. Pour ce faire nous avons abordé trois questions principales. Premièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés à comprendre pourquoi les potentiels d'action ont souvent un début brutal dans les enregistrements somatiques des neurones de mammifères. Nous avons montré que l'hypothèse du couplage résistive critique explique comment le potentiel d'action est initié dans le segment initial de l'axone pour fournir le 'kink' dans le soma. Deuxièmement, nous avons évalué l'impact de la position du segment initial sur le potentiel extracellulaire. De façon importante, nous démontrons que l’impact de la position du segment initial axonal dans la forme et l’amplitude du potentiel d’action dépend de la distance entre le site d’enregistrement et l’axone, et de sa position par rapport à l’axe soma-segment initial axonal.Finalement, nous avons exploré l’impact d’un seul potentiel d’action dans l’activité de réseau, car cet effet est souvent questionné. Nos montrons qu’un seul potentiel d’action d’un neurone pyramidal hippocampique peut commencer l’activité «sharp-wave ripple” qui consiste en l’activation de multiple interneurones. L’ensemble de nos résultats montre que les potentiels d’action sont des événements complexes modelés par la biochimie de le membrane neuronale et la morphologie de l’axone. De plus, ces caractéristiques neuronales modulent fortement leur impact dans le champ extracellulaire et l’activité de réseau. / The action potential is considered one of the major signaling events in the brain.Although it has been studied for years, many questions remain unanswered. The present work is dedicated to the study of action potential generation, its impact on extracellular field and local network establishment. We considered three questions: Firstly, (i) we asked why mammalian neurons often have characteristically sharp onset in the somatic recordings of action potentials. We show that the Critical Resistive Coupling Hypothesis is sufficient to explain how the action potential is initiated in the axon initial segment to provide for the ‘kink’ in the soma, while the Back propagation Hypothesis is not sufficient to explain it. Next, (ii)we asked how the placement of the axon initial segment might affect the extracellular field. We show that the impact of the axon initial segment position on the shape and amplitude ofextracellular action potential depends on the distance between the recording site andthe axon and on its position along the soma–axon initial segment axis. Finally, (iii)we inquired if a single action potential might have an effect on the network activity. Weshow that a single action potential from a single pyramidal neuron in the hippocampus can trigger sharp-wave ripple activity consisting of the firing of multiple interneurons.Altogether, our results show that action potentials are complex events shaped by the biochemistry of the neuronal membrane and morphology of the axon. In addition these features strongly modulate the neuron’s impact on the extracellular field and network activity.

Etudes des relations structure-activités de molécules photoactivables pour imager et déclencher des processus biologiques sous excitation 2-photon / Structure-activity relationship studies of photoactivatable molecules upon two-photon excitation for imaging and triggering biological processes

Chennoufi, Rahima 03 December 2015 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit abordent l’étude de deux familles distinctes de molécules photoactivables induisant des processus biologiques différents sous excitation 2-photon : les triphénylamines (TPAs) et les Nanotriggers de deuxième génération (NTs). Les TPAs présentent un grand intérêt pour la thérapie photodynamique (PDT) 2-photon, grâce à leur section efficace d’absorption 2-photon élevées (325-764 GM) et leur capacité à induire la mort cellulaire, médiée par la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS) sous excitation 1- ou 2-photon. De plus, leur forte fluorescence permet d’imager la mort cellulaire grâce à un comportement singulier dans les cellules : les TPAs sont initialement localisés dans le cytoplasme des cellules vivantes, principalement au niveau mitochondrial, mais se re-localisent dans le noyau des cellules en apoptose. Les NTs de deuxième génération ont été conçus suivant le modèle de NT1, le premier Nanotrigger synthétisé. Leur structure générale a été conceptualisée pour se fixer à la protéine NO synthase (NOS) et générer un potentiel redox élevé uniquement sous excitation lumineuse, initiant ainsi un transfert d’électron à travers la NOS aboutissant à une production de NO. Les structures chimiques des sept molécules nouvellement synthétisées diffèrent à plusieurs niveaux. Cette étude a permis d’identifier, parmi les sept NT de deuxième génération, deux molécules ayant la capacité de pénétrer dans les cellules endothéliales, de cibler la eNOS et d’initier le transfert d’électron à travers la eNOS sous excitation 1- ou 2-photon. Les expériences réalisées au cours de cette thèse sur les deux familles de composés, ont également permis de mettre en évidence les relations entre la structure des molécules et les différents mécanismes induits par leur photo-activation. / The presented works in this manuscript approach the study of two distinct families of photoactivatable molecules that induce different biological processes under 2-photon excitation : triphenylamines (TPAs) and second generation Nanotriggers (NTs). TPAs present a great interest for 2-photon photodynamic therapy (PDT), thanks to their high 2-photon absorption cross-sections (325-764 GM) and their ability to induce cell death mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) production under 1- or 2-photon excitation. Moreover, their high fluorescence allows the imaging of cell death due to their particular behaviour in cells: TPAs initially localize in the cytoplasm of living cells, but translocate to the nucleus of apoptotic cells. Second generation NTs were designed based on the model of NT1, the first synthesized Nanotrigger. Their general structure has been designed to bind to the NO Synthase protein (NOS) and generate a high redox potential under excitation only, leading to the initiation of the electron flow through the protein and resulting in NO production. The chemical structures of the seven newly synthesized molecules differ on many levels. This study has identified, among the seven second generation NTs, two molecules which are able to penetrate in endothelial cells, target eNOS and initiate the electron transfer at the eNOS level under 1- or 2-photon excitation. The experiments presented in this thesis allowed to establish structure-activity relationships for each compound family regarding the different mechanisms induced by their photoactivation.

Thermalisation dans une nanogoutte : évaporation versus réactivité / Thermalisation in a nanodroplet : evaporation vs reactivity

Salbaing, Thibaud 26 September 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes moléculaires sous irradiation sont présents dans le monde vivant et la matière inerte. D’un point de vue macroscopique, ils sont constitués d’un très grand nombre de molécules mais l’action d’un rayonnement agit à travers les électrons localisés sur une molécule, créant ainsi, localement et sur des échelles de temps courts, une situation manifestement très éloignée de l’équilibre thermodynamique. Etudier les nanosystèmes moléculaires sous irradiation permet d’accéder à la manière dont l’énergie déposée dans une molécule va être redistribuée dans le système, via les interactions entre molécules. Les distributions de vitesses d’une molécule évaporée mesurées pour les nanogouttes de méthanol protonées présentent un comportement bimodal avec, comme observé pour l’eau, l’évaporation de molécules avec des vitesses nettement supérieures à celles attendues après redistribution complète de l’énergie. De plus, une réaction dans l’agrégat, conduisant à la formation du diméthyléther protoné avec élimination d’une molécule d’eau, a été observée. La possibilité d’étudier la compétition suite à l’irradiation entre l’évaporation moléculaire et une réaction d’élimination pourra contribuer à contraindre les hypothèses quant à la formation de molécules prébiotiques en conditions interstellaires.Les résultats sur les nanogouttes mixtes eau-méthanol ont été comparés à ceux obtenus avec celles dopées en pyridine et celles d’eau pure. L’analyse de la partie basse vitesse des distributions de vitesses des molécules d’eau évaporées montrent que l’évaporation intervient avant la redistribution complète de l’énergie dans l’ensemble de l’agrégat. Il apparaît qu’il y a moins d’énergie disponible pour l’évaporation d’une molécule d’eau quand l’excitation initiale est déposée sur le méthanol protoné ou sur l’ion pyrimidium. Ainsi, à la différence de l’ion hydronium qui est parfaitement solvaté, les impuretés favorisent la croissance de ces petits agrégats d’eau dont la présence dans l’atmosphère facilite les premières étapes de la formation des aérosols / Molecular systems under irradiation are present in the living as well as in inert matter. From a macroscopic point of view, the matter is made up of a very large number of molecules but the action of radiation acts through the electrons located on a molecule and thus, creating locally and on short time scales a situation clearly far from the thermodynamic equilibrium. Studying molecular nanosystems under irradiation provides access to understanding of how the energy deposited in a molecule will be redistributed into the system through interactions between surrounding molecules.The velocity distributions of evaporated molecules measured for irradiated protonated methanol nanodroplets have a bimodal behaviour, as observed for water, including evaporation of molecules with much higher velocities than expected after complete redistribution of energy. In addition, a reaction in the cluster leading to the formation of protonated dimethyl-ether with elimination of a water molecule was observed. The possibility of studying the competition between molecular evaporation and an elimination reaction following irradiation of a nanodroplet will contribute to constrain the hypothesis on the formation of prebiotic molecules under interstellar conditions. The results for the water-methanol mixed nanodroplets were compared with those obtained with pyridine doped water nanodroplets and protonated water nanodroplets. Analysis of the low velocity part of the velocity distributions of the evaporated water molecules shows that evaporation occurs before the complete redistribution of energy in the cluster. It appears that there is less energy available for evaporation of a water molecule when the initial excitation is located on the protonated methanol ion or on the pyrimidium. Thus, unlike the hydronium ion which is fully solvated, impurities promote the growth of these small water clusters, whose presence in the atmosphere facilitates the early stages of aerosol formation

A New Multiple Input Random Excitation Technique Utilizing Pneumatic Cylinders

Sharma, Akhil 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Theoretical Studies of Energy Transport in Complex Systems

Bhattacharya, Pallavi January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Photosynthesis involves the absorption of photons by light-harvesting pigments and the subsequent transfer of excitation from the absorption centre to the reaction centre. This highly efficient phenomenon of excitation transfer has traditionally been explained by the Forster mechanism of incoherent hopping of excitation from one chromophore to another. Recently 2D electronic spectroscopic evidences were gathered by Fleming and coworkers on the photosynthetic Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex in green sulfur bacteria [1]. Subsequent simulation studies by the same group [2] led to the proposition of a quantum-mechanical, coherent, wave-like transfer of excitation among the chromophores. However, Fleming's conclusions regarding retention of coherence appeared surprising because, the complex would interact with the numerous degrees of freedom of the protein scaffold surrounding it, leading to decoherence, which is expected to be rapid. Thus, we were interested in proposing an analytical treatment to rationalize the excitation transfer. Traditional approaches employed for studying excitation energy transfer involve the master equation techniques where the system-bath coupling is perturbative and is truncated after a few orders. It is important to note that the system-bath coupling causes both decoherence and population relaxation. Such a perturbative approximation is difficult to justify for the photosystem, as the system-bath coupling and the interchromophoric electronic coupling have comparable values. Also, these treatments are largely numerical studies and demand involved calculations. Thus, exact calculations for such a system (7-level) are very difficult. Consequently, we were interested in developing an analytical approach where the coupling is treated as non-perturbative. We devised a novel analytical treatment which employs a unitary transformation analogous to the one used for the theory of nonadiabatic effects in chemical reactions [3]. Our treatment rests on an adiabatic basis which are eigenstates calculated at each nuclear position (i.e. at each configuration of the bath) bearing a parametric dependence in Qi, where Qi denotes the shift of the exciton at site `i' due to the environment. The treatment is justified because in the case of coherent transfer, the excitation would travel mostly amongst the adiabatic states and the effects of non-adiabaticity are small. We observed that the system-bath coupling, after the unitary transformation, could be decoupled at the lowest order into two parts: a) an adiabatic contribution, which accounts solely for decoherence (this is evaluated almost exactly in our approach) and b) a non-adiabatic contribution which accounts for population relaxation from one adiabatic state to another (treated by a Markovian master equation). When we applied our technique to the FMO complex, our prediction for population evolution at the chromophores showed excellent correspondence with those obtained by Nalbach and coworkers using path-integral calculations [4], which are exact. These were calculations where the environment was modelled using a Drude spectral density. Our method allowed the calculations to be readily performed for different temperatures as well. It should be specifically emphasized that, unlike the involved and cumbersome path-integral calculations by Nalbach and coworkers [4] or the hierarchical equation calculations by Ishizaki et al. [2], our method is simple, easy to apply and computationally expedient. Further it became evident that the ultra-efficiency of energy transfer in photosynthetic complexes is not completely captured by coherence alone but is the result of an interplay of coherence and the dissipative influence of the environment (also known as ENAQT or Environment Assisted Quantum Transport [5]). An added advantage of our analytical treatment was the flexibility it offered. Thus, we could use our formalism to perform expedient analyses on the behavior of the system under various conditions. For example, we may wish to evaluate the consequences of introducing correlations among the bath degrees of freedom on the efficiency of transfer to the reaction centre. To this end, we applied our formalism by introducing correlations among the bath degrees of freedom and then by introducing anticorrelations among the bath degrees of freedom. The conclusions were interesting, for they suggested that the efficiency of transfer to the reaction centre was enhanced by the presence of anti-correlations, when compared with an uncorrelated bath. Uncorrelated baths, in turn, had a higher efficiency of energy transfer than correlated baths [6]. Thus, the population evolution is fastest for the anti-correlated bath, followed by the uncorrelated bath and is slowest for the correlated bath. Similar conclusions have been reached at by Tiwari et al. [7]. We could also extend the formalism for studying the system under different spectral densities for the environment, apart from just the Drude spectral density which is popularly used in literature associated with FMO calculations. For instance, the FMO system could be analyzed for the Adolphs-Renger spectral density [3, 8]. Once again our results showed excellent agreement with those reported by Nalbach. We also analyzed the FMO system under the spectral density proposed by Kleinekathofer and coworkers [9]. It was found that these latter spectral densities had more profound participation from the environment, therefore coherences were destroyed more effectively and population relaxation was faster. The excitation transfer to the final site (site closest to the reaction centre in the FMO complex) was found to be faster for the Adolphs and Renger spectral density and the spectral density proposed by Kleinekathofer and coworkers, when compared to the Drude spectral density. Also, the excitation transfer was fastest when we modelled the environment using the Kleinekathofer spectral density. This reinforced the previous conclusions that the dissipative effects of the environment promote a faster energy transport. Being an almost analytical approach, our technique could be applied to systems with larger number of levels as well. A good example of such a case is the MEH-PPV polymer. 2D electronic-spectroscopic experiments performed on this polymer in solution speculate that the excitation energy transfer might be coherent even at physiological temperatures [10]. A prototype for studying this system might be a conjugated polymer with around 80-100 chromophores. Linewidths and Lineshapes in the vicinity of Graphene It has been reported that a vibrating dipole may de-excite by transferring energy non-radiatively to a neighboring metal surface [11]. It is also understood that due to its delocalized pi-cloud, graphene has a continuum of energy states and can behave like a metal sheet and accept energies. Thus, we proposed that if a vibrationally excited dipole de-excites in the vicinity of a graphene sheet, graphene may get electronically excited and thus serve as an effective quencher for such vibrational excitations. Depending on the distance of the dipole from the graphene sheet, the transfer might be intense enough to be spectroscopically probed. We have investigated the rate of such an energy transfer. We use the Dirac cone approximation for graphene, as this enables us to obtain analyt-ical results. The Fermi Golden rule was used to evaluate the rate of energy transfer from the excited dipole to the graphene sheet [12]. The calculations were performed for both the instances: a) energy transfer from a dipole to undoped graphene and, b) energy trans-fer from a dipole to doped graphene. For undoped graphene, the carrier (electron) charge density in the conduction band is zero and we would only have transitions from the valence band to the conduction band. As a consequence of absence of carrier charge density in CB (conduction band), the screening of Coulombic interactions in the graphene plane is ineffective. Thus, one could use the non-interacting polarizability for undoped graphene in the rate expression [13]. However, when we consider the case of doped graphene where EF is shifted upwards into CB, the conduction band electrons will contribute to screening. In this case, we have two sets of transitions: a) from ki in VB (valence band) to kf in CB and b) ki in CB to kf in CB, where ki and kf are the wavevectors which correspond to the initial and final electronic states in graphene. So we have used the polarizability propagator in the random phase approximation [14] to calculate the rate following the approach of [13]. It is also known that the imaginary part of the frequency domain dipole-dipole corre-lation function is a measure of the lineshape [15]. We were, thus, interested in evaluating the lineshape for these transitions. For evaluating the correlation function, we used the partitioning technique developed by L•owdin [16] and subsequently extracted the lineshape from its imaginary part. Using this method, we calculated lineshape for the vibrational excitation of CO molecule in the vicinity of an undoped graphene lattice. The linewidth for this system also was obtained. It could be seen that the vibrational linewidth for 1 CO in the vicinity (5 A) of undoped graphene (EF = 0:00eV ) is small (0:012 cm ) but could be observed experimentally. The lineshape calculations were also extended to cases where it is possible to have atomic transitions by placing an electronically excited atom in the vicinity of the graphene sheet. We considered the following two cases: a) 3p ! 2s transition in hydrogen atom, at a distance of 12 A from the graphene sheet and, b) 4p ! 3s transition in hydrogen atom, at a distance of 20 A from the graphene sheet. The linewidths for atomic transitions could be easily probed in these cases ( 55 cm 1 for 3p ! 2s and 56 cm 1 for 4p ! 3s). In the preceding calculations, the transi-tion dipoles were considered perpendicular to the graphene surface. It is worthwhile to note that if the transition dipoles are considered parallel to the graphene surface, the respective linewidths would be half of those obtained for the case where the transition dipoles are perpendicular. Another interesting possibility would be to consider a lanthanide metal complex placed within a few nanometers from graphene. Lanthanides are known to have sharp f-f transitions [17] and consequently, one could easily observe the effects of broadening due to energy transfer to the electronic system of graphene. Energy Eigenmodes for arrays of Metal Nanoparticles In the final part of the thesis we consider organized assemblies of metal nanoparti-cles, specifically helical and cylindrical assemblies and investigate the plasmonic excitation transfer across these assemblies. These were motivated by recent studies which reported growth of chiral asymmetric assemblies of nanoparticles on D and L- isomers of dipheny-lalanine peptide nanotubes [18]. The plasmons in the helical/cylindrical assemblies are expected to couple with each other via electromagnetic interactions. We construct the Hamiltonian for such systems and evaluate the eigenmodes and energies pertaining to these modes in the wave vector space. We also perform calculations for the group velocity for each eigenmode as this gives us an idea of which eigenmode transports excitation the fastest.

Probing Light-Matter Interactions in Plasmonic Nanotips

Schröder, Benjamin 14 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Asinchroninių generatorių tyrimas / Study of the induction generator

Ščerba, Andrius 02 June 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikti trifazio asinchroninio generatoriaus, sujungto pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo ir pagal susižadinimo schemas, prie įvairių apkrovų eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Pateikti šių tyrimų bei skaičiavimų rezultatai, atlikta jų analizė. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo schemą, tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad jo energetiniai rodikliai nedaug mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Generatoriaus apvijomis tekant nurodytajai srovei In = 4,7 A, jo atiduodama į tinklą aktyvioji galia P2 = 2,6 kW yra 18,18 % didesnė už nurodytąją variklio galią Pn = 2,2 kW. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal susižadinimo schemą esant pastoviam jo sukimo greičiui (n = const) ir kondensatorių talpai (C = = const), tyrimai rodo, kad šio generatoriaus energetiniai rodikliai yra ženkliai mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Didėjant generatoriaus apkrovai gana sparčiai mažėja jo fazinė įtampa. Generatoriaus didžiausia apkrovos srovė I1 = 2,68 A, kuri buvo išmatuota esant sukimo greičiui n = 2000 min-1 = const ir kondensatorių talpai C = 120 μF = const, yra 43 % mažesnė už nurodytąją variklio srovę. Todėl galima teigti, kad asinchroninis generatorius, dirbantis pagal susižadinimo schemą, nebus pilnai išnaudotas. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad asinchroninį generatorių, dirbantį pagal susižadinimo schemą, galima daugiau apkrauti didinant jo įtampą. Kad tai pasiekti, reikia, didinant generatoriaus apkrovą, atitinkamai didinti jo sukimo greitį arba (ir)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present work presents an experimental research of a three-phase induction generator which was connected using separate excitation and self-excitation schemes under various loads. The results of the research and the calculations are provided and analyzed. The research results obtained from the separately excited induction generator show that its energetic indicators are not significantly lower than the provided motor indicators. When the rated current In = 4,7 A flows through the windings of the generator, its released active power P2 = 2,6 kW is greater than the rated motor power Pn = 2,2 kW by 18,18 %. The research on a self-excited induction generator with a constant revolution speed (n = const) and capacity of its capacitors (C = const) shows that the energetic indicators of this generator are of significantly lower values than the provided motor indicators. When the load of the generator is increased, its phase voltage decreases rather rapidly. The maximum load current I1 = 2,68 A of the generator was measured under the following conditions: the rotational speed n = 2000 min-1 = const and the capacity of the capacitors C = 120 μF = const. The results showed that it was 43 % less than the rated motor current. Therefore, it can be concluded that a self-excited induction generator will not be exploited to its full capacity. The carried out research shows that it is possible to increase the load of a self-excited induction generator by increasing its voltage. It is... [to full text]

Contribution to the Control of the Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine for Embedded Applications / Contribution à la commande d’une machine synchrone à double excitation pour des applications embarquées

Mbayed, Rita 12 December 2012 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse est une contribution à la commande de la Machine Synchrone à Double Excitation (MSDE) pour des applications embarquées. La MSDE allie les avantages de la machine synchrone à aimants permanents et la machine synchrone à rotor bobiné. Le flux d'excitation dans cette machine est généré par deux sources : les aimants permanents et un enroulement qui est placé au stator afin d'éviter les contacts glissants. Cette dernière source permet de régler le flux dans l'entrefer. Le modèle de la machine est basé sur un modèle de Park et prend en considération les pertes fer et la saturation des circuits magnétiques. Les paramètres du prototype existant au laboratoire ont été identifiés. La commande de la MSDE est effectuée en deux modes : générateur et moteur. En génératrice, l'application visée est la génération électrique en avionique. Deux réseaux de distribution sont traités : Réseau à haute tension et à fréquence variable et réseau haute tension DC. Dans ce dernier cas, la MSDE est associée à un pont redresseur à diodes. Dans les deux cas, la commande est élaborée dans le but de maintenir l'amplitude de la tension constante via le control du courant d'excitation uniquement. Le control est scalaire. L'approche est validée par simulation avec Matlab/Simulink et par expérimentation. Pour le mode moteur, l'application visée est la propulsion dans un véhicule électrique. Une commande optimale des courants est étudiée en vue de minimiser les pertes. Les pertes joules sont considérées premièrement. Ensuite, les pertes fer sont ajoutées. Finalement, le problème de minimisation est étendu pour inclure les pertes dues à l'onduleur et au hacheur. L'optimisation par la méthode des multiplicateurs de Lagrange (Kuhn-Tucker conditions) est utilisée pour trouver des expressions analytiques des courants statoriques et inducteur optimaux. Des simulations avec Matlab/Simulink prouvent que la solution obtenue est celle qui assure les pertes minimales tout au long du nouveau cycle de conduite européen. / This thesis is a contribution to the control of the Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine (HESM) in embedded applications. The HESM combines the advantages of the Permanent Magnets (PM) machine and the wound rotor machine. The excitation flux in this machine is produced by two different sources: the PMs and a DC field winding that is placed at the stator to preserve a brushless structure. The latter source is used to control the flux in the air gap. The machine model is based on a Park model and takes into account the iron losses and the magnetic circuit saturation effect. The electric parameters of the laboratory prototype are identified. The machine is controlled in generator mode and motor mode. In power generation system, the study treats in particular the aircraft power supply in more electric aircrafts. Two distribution networks are studied: High voltage variable frequency network and high voltage DC network. In the latter case, the HESM is coupled to a diode bridge rectifier. In both cases, the control aims to maintain the output voltage magnitude equal to its reference via action on the field current only. The control is scalar. Simulation with Matlab/Simulink and experiments validate the approach. For the motor mode, the attention is paid to the electric propulsion in an electric vehicle. An optimal current control with minimal losses is elaborated. The copper losses are considered in a first place. Iron losses are added next. Finally, the optimization problem is extended and it includes the losses due to the inverter and the chopper. Analytical expressions of the reference armature and field currents are computed using extended Lagrange multiplier method (Kuhn-Tucker conditions). Simulation with Matlab/Simulink software proves that the analytical solution yields indeed to the current combination that guarantees the minimal losses over the New European Driving Cycle.

Caractérisation de l'efflux calcique du réticulum sarcoplasmique du muscle squelettique normal et dystrophique / Characterization of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium efflux in normal and dystrophic skeletal muscle fibers

Robin, Gaëlle 20 September 2013 (has links)
La contraction du muscle squelettique est initiée par une libération de Ca2+ du réticulum sarcoplasmique (RS) en réponse à une dépolarisation du sarcolemme. Celle-ci induit un changement de conformation du récepteur des dihydropyridines (DHPR) localisé dans les tubules T entraînant l'ouverture du récepteur de la ryanodine de type 1 (RyR1), canal calcique du RS, et la libération du Ca2+ accumulé dans le RS. Au repos, RyR1 serait maintenu fermé par une action répressive du DHPR. Néanmoins, un efflux de Ca2+ continu se développe à travers la membrane du RS, constamment compensé par l'activité des pompes Ca2+-ATPases. Des études suggèrent que cet efflux pourrait être impliqué dans la perturbation de l'homéostasie calcique dans une des pathologies musculaires des plus fréquentes et sévères, la myopathie de Duchenne. Le travail présenté vise à caractériser l'efflux de Ca2+ du RS dans les fibres musculaires squelettiques de souris normales et mdx, modèle murin de la myopathie de Duchenne, en couplant la technique de potentiel imposé et la mesure fluorimétrique du Ca2+ intracellulaire. La mise au point d'une mesure directe des variations de Ca2+ du RS à l'aide du Fluo-5N a permis de révéler dans les fibres mdx une fuite calcique du RS exacerbée. Cette approche a permis de démontrer que l'efflux calcique du RS dans la fibre musculaire squelettique au repos n'est pas un phénomène incontrôlé à travers RyR1 mais un efflux étroitement contrôlé par le DHPR. Enfin, on s'est intéressée à l'efflux de Ca2+ du RS lors d'une stimulation musculaire prolongée. Nos résultats montrent que le déclin du signal calcique cytosolique dans ces conditions résulterait de la déplétion calcique du RS / Contraction of skeletal muscle is triggered by the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in response to depolarization of the sarcolemma. Depolarization elicits a conformational change of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) localized in the tubular membrane that controls the opening of the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1), the SR Ca2+ release channel. At rest, RyR1s are kept in a closed state imposed by the repressive action of DHPRs. Yet, a resting Ca2+ efflux occurs across the SR membrane, constantly balanced by the pumping activity of SR Ca2+-ATPases. Several studies suggest that this SR Ca2+ efflux, considered as purely passive, may contribute to the alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis in one of the most common and severe skeletal muscle disease, namely the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The present work aims at characterizing the SR Ca2+ efflux in skeletal muscle fiber from normal and mdx mice, the murine model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, by combining voltage-clamp and intracellular Ca2+ measurements. The development of a methodology allowing direct monitoring of Ca2+ changes in the SR using the Fluo-5N led us to reveal an elevated SR Ca2+ leak in mdx fibers, which may contribute to the alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis. Still using this approach, we demonstrate that the resting SR Ca2+ efflux in normal skeletal muscle fiber is not, an uncontrolled process through RyR1 but is tightly controlled by DHPR. Finally, we investigates the SR Ca2+ efflux during long-lasting stimulation. Our data indicate that the decline of SR Ca2+ release in these conditions results from SR Ca2+depletion and does not involve voltage-dependent inactivation of SR Ca2+ release

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