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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Romų moterų situacija Šūtkos darbo rinkoje Makedonijoje: antropologinė atvejo analizė / Tthe situation of roma women in Shutkin (Macedonia) labor market: anthropological case study

Sonda, Mindaugas 10 June 2013 (has links)
Šiame magistro tezių darbe pristatomi Šūtkos romų bendruomenėje atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrime buvo siekiama identifikuoti žemo romų moterų užimtumo priežastis Šūtkos darbo rinkoje. Pagrindinis dėmesys darbe skiriamas 13-26 metų nuolatos Šūtkoje gyvenančioms romų moterims ir merginoms. Statistinių duomenų analizės parodė, jog romų moterų užimtumo situacija Šūtkos darbo rinkoje – gerokai skiriasi nuo romų vyrų, ketvirtadalis romų moterų čia gyvena žemiau skurdo ribos. Pirmoje studijos dalyje, skaitytojai yra supažindami su tyrimo metu taikytomis antropologinių, sociologinių bei istorinių disciplinų teorijomis. Tyrimo analizė paremta esmine Walby (2007) suformuluota ir pateikta socialinių kategorijų sąveikos (angl. intersectionality) teorija pagal kurią ir bandoma paaiškinti romų moterų žemo užimtumo priežastis romų bendruomenėje Šūtkoje. Antroje darbo dalyje pristatomas lauko tyrimas, jo specifika bei visos patirtos etinės problemos ar kiti iškilę sunkumai, o trečiojoje – atliekama tyrimo metu surinktos empirinės medžiagos analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė svarbias romų moterų nepatekimo į Šūtkos darbo rinką priežastis – ankstyvo pasitraukimo iš ugdymo sistemos problema bei religinių, etninių ir kitų socialinių kategorijų įtaka moteriškos lyties atžvilgiu buvo itin aktuali. Turėdamos menkas patekimo galimybes į ugdymo sistemą bei patirdamos ankstyvą iškritimą iš jos, veikiamos kitų socialinių kategorijų romų moterys neįgyja tinkamo išsilavinimo. Dėl šios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This thesis is giving us the results of research in Sutkin Roma community. The study was intended to identify low-Roma women in employment causes Sutkin labour market. The main focus of the work is paid regularly Sutkin 13-26 years living Roma women and girls. Statistical analysis of data showed that the employment situation of Roma women in the labour market Sutkin - far different from the Roma men. In the first part of the study, readers are introduced to the study treatment anthropological, sociological and historical disciplines theories. The study is based on a fundamental analysis of Walby (2007) formulated and presented to the social categories of interactions theory which attempts to explain and Roma women's low employment Sutkin cause of the Roma community. The second part of the paper presents a field study, its specifics and all incurred ethical problems or other difficulties encountered, and the third - the examination of empirical material collected during the analysis. The results revealed the importance of Roma women Sutkin not penetrate into the labour market reasons - an early exit from the education system, and the problem of religious, ethnic and other social categories influence of female sex has been very relevant. They have very little access to educational opportunities for the system, and they find themselves in the early retiring from her exposed to other social categories of Roma women do not acquire the proper education. For this reason... [to full text]

Socially poorer than peers? : Economic resources and school class friendship relations

Hjalmarsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
That a lack of economic resources negatively affects the social relations of children is often assumed, sometimes described, but rarely tested using methods allowing generalization. When addressing this issue, previous research has largely been limited to self-reported data on social relations. This thesis uses peer reported measures of social relations in combination with survey and register data to examine the effect of economic resources on the probability of social isolation and on the number of school class friendships of Swedish adolescents. While not entirely unambiguous, the results indicate that a lack of economic resources negatively affects the social relations of children, at least in regards to the school class social relations of adolescents. The results point to the importance for adolescent’s social relations of having the economic and material possibilities to participate in the social life and in the activities undertaken by peers.

Inkludering och exkludering i en förskoleklass : En observationsstudie om maktförhållanden i den fria leken

Lindqvist, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to the field of social access in children's free play in the pre-school class, by looking at how children are included and excluded and how power structures arises in the free time. In order to capture the events that occur among the children, observations were chosen as research method. The results show that the children wanted to play with each other, and that the most common way to facilitate play was to ask "Can I join?". There were also other strategies being practiced regularly. It was also common to exclude other children from playing, and this was especially when the children wanted to protect their ongoing game, or that someone was not allowed to join because he or she ruined it for the others. Other aspects that affect which status the children had in the group was when they compared their skills with each other, to see who could jump the farthest, draw the best and so on. Knowledge on how to read and write were two other abilities that gave high status in the pre-school class. / Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur socialt tillträde och makt visas i en förskoleklass, och då titta på hur barn inkluderas och exkluderas och de maktpostitioneringar som uppstår i den fria leken. För att kunna fånga händelser som sker mellan barnen, valdes observationer som undersökningsmetod. Resultatet visar att barnen gärna ville umgås med varandra, och att det vanligaste för att få vara med och leka var att fråga "Får jag vara med?", men det fanns även andra strategier som förekom regelbundet. Att exkludera andra barn ur den sociala gemenskapen var också vanligt, och då framförallt för att barnen ville skydda sin pågående lek eller att någon inte fick vara med för att den förstörde för de andra. Andra aspekter som påverkade vilken status barnen hade i barngruppen handlade om att de jämförde sina färdigheter med varandra; vem som kunde hoppa längst, rita häftigast och så vidare. Här kom även kunskaper som att läsa och skriva in, vilket var två förmågor som gav hög status i förskoleklassen.

Mobbning i arbetslivet : en dokumentanalys

Zebili, Dimka, Aram Aslan, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Mobbning i arbetslivet är ett dolt problem som alltid funnits på arbetsplatser i Sverige. Vuxenmobbning handlar om psykiskt våld och upprepade kränkningar som skadar människor och leder till utfrysning, utslagning och isolering. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen och kunskapen kring mobbningsproblematiken på arbetsplatsen och dess konsekvenser. Syftet är också att ta reda på vilka rättsliga möjligheter och begränsningar det finns att vidta, samt vilka förebyggande strategier som forskning och utredningar föreslår. Materialet består av fyra domstolsbeslut kring mobbning i arbetslivet. Syftet uppnås med hjälp av en dokumentanalys av materialet. Resultaten analyseras med hjälp av två teoretiska modeller: förloppsmodellen och rollmodellen samt teorier om stigma och stämpling. I uppsatsen sammanställs empirin utifrån fyra teman: konflikter, syndabockarna, krisen och utslagningen. Studiens huvudresultat är att destruktiv ledarskap och missköta konflikter skapar förutsättningar för mobbning i arbetslivet och resulterar i att människor stigmatiseras, stämplas som avvikare och exkluderas från samhället.   Avslutningsvis görs förslag till vidare studier utifrån funderingar kring huruvida lagändringar skulle kunna påverka hanteringen av grundproblemet positivt vad gäller mobbning i arbetslivet. / Bullying in the life of work is a concealed issue that always has existed in Swedish workplaces. Adult bullying is about mental violence and repeated violations that harm people and often leads to ostracism, exclusion and isolation. The aim of this study is to increase understanding and knowledge about the bullying issue in workplaces and its consequences. The aim is also to find out what legal possibilities and limits there are to take and what preventative strategies that research and investigations suggests. In order to find out about this we have based our study on four court decisions dealing with bullying in the workplace. In addition, official documents, newspaper articles, laws and documents issued by authorities and other organizations that publish articles on the Internet are also used in this study. The aim is achieved by using a document analysis of data. It is compiled on empirical data based on four themes: conflicts, scapegoats, crisis and exclusion. The results are analyzed by using two theoretical models: progress model and role model, and also theories about stigma and stamping are being used. The basic finding is that the destructive leadership and mismanage conflict create conditions for bullying in the workplace and results in people stigmatized, branded as outliers and excluded from society. Finally made ​​suggestions for further studies based on concerns about whether legislative changes could affect the handling of the basic problem positively in terms of bullying in the workplace.

Biological Insights from Single-Particle Tracking in Living Cells

Sanamrad, Arash January 2014 (has links)
Single-particle tracking is a technique that allows for quantitative analysis of the localization and movement of particles. In this technique, trajectories are constructed by determining and connecting the positions of individual particles from consecutive images. Recent advances have made it possible to track hundreds of particles in an individual cell by labeling the particles of interest with photoactivatable or photoconvertible fluorescent proteins and tracking one or a few at a time. Single-particle tracking can be used to study the diffusion of particles. Here, we use intracellular single-particle tracking and trajectory simulations to study the diffusion of the fluorescent protein mEos2 in living Escherichia coli cells. Our data are consistent with a simple model in which mEos2 diffuses normally at 13 µm2 s−1 in the E. coli cytoplasm. Our approach can be used to study the diffusion of intracellular particles that can be labeled with mEos2 and are present at high copy numbers. Single-particle tracking can also be used to determine whether an individual particle is bound or free if the free particle diffuses significantly faster than its binding targets and remains bound or free for a long time. Here, we use single-particle tracking in living E. coli cells to determine the fractions of free ribosomal subunits, classify individual subunits as free or mRNA-bound, and quantify the degree of exclusion of bound and free subunits separately. We show that, unlike bound subunits, free subunits are not excluded from the nucleoid. This finding strongly suggests that translation of nascent mRNAs can start throughout the nucleoid, which reconciles the spatial separation of DNA and ribosomes with co-transcriptional translation. We also show that, after translation inhibition, free subunit precursors are partially excluded from the compacted nucleoid. This finding indicates that it is active translation that normally allows ribosomal subunits to assemble on nascent mRNAs throughout the nucleoid and that the effects of translation inhibitors are enhanced by the limited access of ribosomal subunits to nascent mRNAs in the compacted nucleoid.

Narkotikų vartotojų ilgalaikis nedarbas ir socialinė atskirtis. Klaipėda, 2000-2008 m / Long term unemployment and social exclusion of drug addicts (klaipeda, 2000-2008)

Gulijeva, Evelina 26 June 2014 (has links)
NARKOTIKŲ VARTOTOJŲ ILGALAIKIS NEDARBAS IR SOCIALINĖ ATSKIRTIS. KLAIPĖDA, 2000 - 2008 M. SANTRAUKA Narkomanija – ypatingai aktuali problema Klaipėdos uostamiestyje. Apžvelgiant 2000 - 2008 metus, šiame mieste registruojamas narkotikų vartotojų skaičius nuo 2000 - ųjų m. vis didėjo ir būtina pažymėti, kad ŽIV paplitimo rodiklis 2008 m. lyginant Lietuvos miestus buvo didžiausias. Priklausomybė nuo psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų nulemia daugelį ne tik medicininių, bet ir psichologinių bei socialinių problemų. Silpni ryšiai su artimaisiais, neigiamas visuomenės požiūris į šiuos asmenis, nedarbas, išsilavinimo stoka, socialinio pobūdžio problemos – tai priežastys, dažniausiai lemiančios asmenų, priklausomų nuo narkotinių medžiagų socialinę atskirtį. Siekiant išvengti narkomanijos sukeliamų padarinių, būtina suteikti sąlygas šiems žmonėms pasveikti ir sugrįžti į pilnavertį gyvenimą. Todėl šiuo magistro darbu buvo siekta atskleisti veiksnius, lemiančius narkotikų vartotojų socialinę atskirtį bei jų integracijos į visuomenę galimybes Klaipėdoje. Tuo tikslu buvo iškelta darbo tezė ir dvi hipotezės. Darbo tezė: pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys narkotikų vartotojų socialinę atskirtį Klaipėdoje yra ilgalaikis nedarbas, finansinės, kriminalinės, nakvynės, sveikatos problemos, konfliktai su šeima ir aplinkiniais, socialinės integracijos galimybių stoka bei neigiamas visuomenės požiūris. Hipotezės: 1. Ilgalaikis nedarbas labiausiai įtakoja Klaipėdos narkotikų vartotojų socialinę atskirtį. 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / LONG TERM UNEMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION OF DRUG ADDICTS (KLAIPĖDA, 2000-2008) SUMMARY Drug addiction is an especially relevant issue in Klaipėda Port. If reviewing the years 2000-2008, the number of drug users registered in this city had been increasing since the year 2000, and it should be noted that the HIV prevalence rate in 2008 was the highest in comparison with other Lithuanian cities. Addiction to psychoactive substances determines many social problems, not only medical, but also psychological. Weak relations with close relatives, the negative attitude of the society towards these persons, unemployment, lack of education, and problems of social nature are causes that mostly condition the social exclusion of persons addicted to narcotic substances. In order to prevent consequences caused by drug addiction it is necessary to provide for these persons proper conditions to recover and to return to a full-rate life. Therefore, this Master thesis sought to reveal factors determining the social exclusion of drug users and possibilities for their integration into society in Klaipėda. For this purpose there were raised a thesis and two hypotheses. Thesis: main factors determining the social exclusion of drug users in Klaipėda are long-term unemployment, financial, criminal, night-stay and health problems, conflicts with family and the people round about, lack of possibilities for social integration and negative attitude of the society. Hypotheses: 1. Long-term unemployment... [to full text]

Lone Mothers Exiting Social Assistance: Gender, Social Exclusion and Social Capital

Cumming, Sara January 2014 (has links)
After the North American wave of “welfare reform” in the 1990s, much research has measured the success of the work-to-welfare model. Lone mothers as a group have proved a particularly intractable challenge to policies aimed at moving welfare recipients into the labour market and financial independence. The present dissertation focuses on lone mother welfare recipients and explores the processes they live as they receive and attempt to leave social assistance. This research adds to current scholarship by identifying factors that promote or frustrate the process of exiting social assistance, and by examining the effectiveness of policies and programs aimed at integrating these welfare recipients into the labour market. Concentrating on the welfare regime in Ontario, this dissertation explores the experiences of a diverse sample of thirty lone mothers participating in Ontario Works, the provincially-mandated work-to-welfare program. Each lone mother was interviewed annually for a series of four interviews. Focus groups with caseworkers provided insight into the lone mothers’ processes of attempting to leave social assistance, highlighting the differences between program design and program delivery. The dissertation asks three overarching research questions: What is the role of the provincial welfare regime in transitioning lone mothers from receipt of social assistance to paid employment? How did the lone mothers’ lives change over the study period? What elements facilitated exiting social assistance and what elements acted as obstacles or barriers? The research and analysis are shaped by three theoretical lenses; gender, social exclusion and social capital. The results highlight that there is no predictive factor: no profile emerged of the lone mother most likely to achieve independence. The research identifies “stayers”, “leavers” and three additional groups: “blenders”, “traders”, and “betweeners,” and establishes that while many exit the welfare stream, few did so because of financial independence. These results point to substantial inadequacies in the provincial work-to-welfare programming in addressing the particular needs of lone mothers. Gender neutral policies proved to overlook the key aspects to lone mothers’ experiences, such as their caregiving responsibilities and the realities of a labour market that stratifies based on gender. Lone mothers were effectively excluded from programs designed to increase bridging and linking social capital; such programs are only available to recipients who have succeeded in eliminating their barriers to joining the labour market. Bonding social capital, which is not targeted by Ontario Works and which depends on the personal resources of each woman, emerges as the key determinant of success in exiting, as it allows the lone mothers to overcome the caregiving challenge. The research also indicates that those without bonding social capital are those most likely to be socially excluded from multiple social realms.

The effectiveness of neo-liberal labour market policy as a response to the poverty and social exclusion of Aboriginal second-chance learners

MacKinnon, Shauna 03 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the political economy of labour market policy in Canada and its effectiveness in addressing the social and economic exclusion of Aboriginal people. For many Aboriginal people, the colonial experience has left a legacy of destruction that all too often makes the journey through life extremely complicated. Aboriginal people generally have lower education levels than non-Aboriginal people and they earn lower incomes. The Aboriginal population is growing at a faster rate than the non-Aboriginal population and is on average much younger. In provinces like Manitoba where Aboriginal people make up 15 percent of the overall population, they are an important source of labour. Yet the statistics suggest that there is much to be done to bring Aboriginal people to a state of social and economic inclusion. Low high-school completion rates imply that the primary school system is failing Aboriginal children, leaving many unprepared to enter post secondary education and the labour market. Labour market policies can help address poverty and exclusion. While they can broadly include a set of policies affecting both the supply and demand for labour, this research shows that in a neo-liberal political economy, they have come to be much more limited in scope, focusing almost solely on supply-side solutions. For Aboriginal adults, this has meant support for short-term training programs aimed at preparing them for jobs determined by the market. This creates challenges for individuals who have a host of factors standing in their way. An examination of Manitoba based initiatives shows the implications of the policy environment for Aboriginal second-chance learners. It also shows how some programs have adapted to the neo-liberal environment to better serve their students and leads to some concluding thoughts on what might be done to further improve outcomes for Aboriginal second-chance learners.

The Role of Tcrb Subnuclear Positioning in V(D)J Recombination

Chan, Elizabeth Ann Wilcox January 2014 (has links)
<p>T cells and B cells each express unique antigen receptors used to identify, eliminate, and remember pathogens. These receptors are generated through a process known as V(D)J recombination, in which T cell receptor and B cell receptor gene loci undergo genomic recombination. Interestingly, recombination at certain genes is regulated so that a single in-frame rearrangement is present on only one allele per cell. This phenomenon, termed allelic exclusion, requires two steps. First, recombination can occur only on one allele at a time. In the second step, additional recombination must be prevented. Though the mechanism of the second step is well-understood, the first step remains poorly understood.</p><p>The first step of recombination necessitates that alleles rearrange one at a time. This could be achieved either through inefficient recombination or by halting further recombination in the presence of recombination. To separate these mechanisms, we analyzed recombination in nuclei unable to complete recombination. We found that rearrangement events accumulated at antigen receptor loci, suggesting that the presence of recombination does not stop additional rearrangements and asynchronous recombination likely results from inefficient recombination at both alleles.</p><p>Association with repressive subnuclear compartments has been proposed to reduce the recombination efficiency of allelically excluded antigen receptor loci. Of the alleleically excluded loci, <italic>Tcrb</italic> alleles are uniquely regulated during development. Other allelically excluded alleles are positioned at the transcriptionally-repressive nuclear periphery prior to recombination, and relocate to the nuclear interior at the stage in which they recombine. However <italic>Tcrb</italic> alleles remain highly associated with the nuclear periphery during rearrangement. Here we provide evidence that this peripheral subnuclear positioning of <italic>Tcrb</italic> alleles does suppress recombination. We go on to suggest that peripheral localization mediates the first step of allelic exclusion.</p><p>In search of the mechanism by which recombination is suppressed on peripheral <italic>Tcrb</italic> alleles, we investigated the subnuclear localization of a recombinase protein. Two recombinase proteins are required for recombination, one of which is recruited to actively transcribing (and more centrally located) DNA. Here we demonstrate that one recombinase protein is unable to localize to peripheral <italic>Tcrb</italic> alleles, potentially serving as the mechanism by which recombination is suppressed on peripheral alleles.</p> / Dissertation

Concept to practice - applied inclusiveness : an emergent model of socially inclusive practice

Richards, Sandra D. January 2004 (has links)
Research indicates that large numbers of young people are underachieving in UK schools, and that school exclusion levels are unacceptably high. In addition, there are increased numbers of students unable to secure a place in mainstream schools. These unplaced and excluded young people are described by New Labour as `vulnerable', `disaffected' or at risk of disaffection (Social_Exclusion_Unit 1998b). The numbers of young people considered `disaffected' indicates a national problem and so, in response to this, there is a government led drive to `socially include' `excluded' young people and young people considered `at risk' of `exclusion'. This UK study examines the principles and practices of practitioners working with identified `at-risk' and `hard to reach' populations. This thesis seeks to unpack this complex situation of social `exclusion' and `inclusion' as it relates to education by asking; who are the `actors' in this expanding world of `social inclusion'? How can some practitioners `reach' and `include' so called `hard to reach' `disaffected' young people? This research explores socially inclusive practice. It aims to investigate whether a model of socially inclusive practice exists or can be established that could be used by educators, parents, human resource (HR) professionals and others concerned with client services in the helping professions. Social exclusion is one of the key concerns of the New Labour agenda. Inclusive education is perceived as central to promoting social inclusion (Social_Exclusion_Unit 1998b) and as a result there are a number of social inclusion projects operating throughout the UK. These projects generally offer provision for young people who, in the judgement of excluding mainstream practitioners, should be placed outside of their responsibility. These excluding practices reflect the values and ideal of the institution and how they perceive their own ability to respond to the total needs of the learner in their care. Excluded young people are typically referred to pupil referral units (PRU's), study centres or other education provision established to meet the statutory requirement of the education authority to maintain education provision. The practitioner is the focus of this investigation and preliminary issues associated with an investigation into social inclusion practice will be considered in an attempt to identify `what works' in opening up educational opportunities to an inclusive culture. This study then, examines the practice and rationale employed by staff at a project providing education otherwise than at school (EOTAS) to young people unplaced, excluded or at risk of exclusion from mainstream school by analysing empirical data collected over a 3-year period using qualitative instruments. Grounded Theory is the methodological approach used to elicit data and the findings provide valuable insights into inclusive education practices. In addition, a number of relevant and important issues are identified. The theoretical model that emerges is informed by the insights and issues that emerge in this, the first major UK study, into inclusive practice in education where the practitioner is the main focus of the study. This research puts forward a model of professional understanding for inclusive education and makes a contribution to the development of new approaches. The results offer clear indicators for a transferable framework of socially inclusive practice.

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