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Comportamento hidrodinâmico para o processo de exclusão com taxa lenta no bordoBaldasso, Rangel January 2013 (has links)
Apresentamos o teorema de limite hidrodinâmico para o processo de exclusão simples simétrico com taxa lenta no bordo. Neste processo, partículas descrevem passeios aleatórios independentes no espaço {O, 1, , N}, respeitando a regra de exclusão (que afirma que duas partículas não ocupam o mesmo lugar ao mesmo instante). Paralelamente, partículas podem nascer ou morrer nos sítios O e N com taxas proporcionais a N-1 . Com o devido reescalonamento, a densidade de partículas converge para a solução fraca de urna equação diferencial parcial parabólica. Além disso, no primeiro capítulo, apresentamos seções sobre o Teorema de Prohorov, o espaço das funções càdlàg e a métrica de Skorohod definida nesse espaço. / We present the hydrodynamic limit theorem for the simple symmetric exclusion process with slow driven boundary. In this process, particles describe independent random walks in the space {O, 1, , N}, using the exclusion rule (which says that two particles do not occupy the same place at the same time). We also suppose that particles can be born or die on the sites O and N with rates proportional to N -1 . With the right rescaling procedure, the density of particles converges to the weak solution of a parabolic partial differential equation. In the first chapter, we present sections about Prohorov's Theorem, the càdlàg function space and Skorohod's metric defined in this space.
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Sociální problematika mužského bezdomovectví / Social dilemma of male homelessnessTICHÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the issue of male homelessness in České Budějovice. In theoretical parts I described mostly general causes of homelessness and other specific problems associated with life of the homeless. I targeted the impediments in return to the common life, such as difficulties in searching the employment, health state of this population and also a barrier in communication with organizations and institutions, which would facilitate their return to the common life. In the next parts I described services available to the homeless persons to manage their difficult situation in living in the Czech Republic. In relation to the social services I described fundamental legislature relevant to rendition of these services. Statistical data from count homeless in Prague and Brno were marginally enclosed to the theoretical parts. In practical parts I concentrated on usage of alcohol and other habit forming substances by the homeless persons, and on their going through an execution of punishment in former times. Further I focused on the causes of their hard life situation. All information for this research I obtained from the clients, who use the services of sanctuary house of St. Pavel in České Budějovice.
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Přístupy veřejnosti k problematice bezdomovectví. / Public opinion on homelessness.RUDOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Abstract {--} Public opinion on homelessness The issue of homelessness became very relevant in the last year. At present, the number of people without home has been growing and a nation-wide problem comes into being which cannot be overlooked by the society. As well as other problems of the current world, also the issue of homelessness is one of the popular mediaʼs topics. The homelessness as extreme expression of the poverty and social exclusion is, all the time, an issue neglected not only by the specialists and the state, but also by the lay public. For this reason it is necessary to address the public and first of all to inform the public sufficiently of the given issue. Only based on the knowledge and understanding the people will be able to treat this issue thoroughly and in a thought-out way and they will not avert the eyes from this problem. The target of my thesis is to evaluate the attitude of public to the issue of homelessness. In connection with it two hypotheses were postulated: 1) The citizens of younger age (15-30 years) have a more tolerant attitude to the issue of homelessness than citizen of older age (31-70 let). 2) The women have a higher understanding for the aid to homeless persons then men. A quantitative research was made among persons in the age group of 15-70 years residing permanently in České Budějovice and surroundings, in the form of a controlled questionnaire applying the method of the accidental choice of the respondents. The whole research was performed in the hospital in České Budějovice under the supervision of the medical staff and partly also through internet. The research file consisted of 60% respondents. The questions in the questionnaire were directed on establishment of the attitude of the public to the issue of the persons without homes. On the questions formulated in this determined way the total attitude of the respondents to homeless people was estabilshed as well as the differences in the attitude to the homeless people depending on age and sex of the respondent. The results of the research part of the thesis really proved the highly negative attitude of citizens to homeless people, however, the persons of younger age (15-30 years) showed a higher tolerance rate then citizens of older age (31-70 years). The women also showed a higher extent of altruism then men. Based on these results the hypotheses postulated in advance were confirmed unambiguously and with them also the target of the thesis.
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Dítě jako dobrý "job", nebo spíše zátěž pro rodinu? / Child as a good "job", or rather a burden for the family?VEBROVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the sphere of a dual point of view to the importance of the child for the family. The first point of view considers the child to be a limiting factor (burden) and the second one to be a possible source of income (advantage). The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The aim of the thesis is to describe the current situation on the field of social (and family) policies in relation to families and to explicate, if their provisions can really affect, possibly to what degree, the attitude of the families to parenthood
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Biomassa subterrânea da pastagem natural sob intensidades de pastejo contrastantes e submetida a diferimentosAtaide, Pablo Fagundes January 2015 (has links)
O sobrepastejo é a principal causa de degradação das pastagens naturais, resultando na diminuição do potencial produtivo e consequente capacidade de suporte desses campos, além da substituição da vegetação natural por espécies de menor valor forrageiro. A exclusão temporária do pastejo é uma ferramenta que pode contribuir para a recuperação ambiental e da capacidade produtiva das pastagens degradadas. Esta ferramenta, além de proporcionar o crescimento da biomassa aérea das plantas, permitindo que espécies de alto valor forrageiro se reproduzam, pode influenciar características importantes na biomassa subterrânea que envolve sequestro de carbono e melhoria nas características do solo. Neste trabalho buscamos compreender as relações entre o sistema radicular das pastagens naturais e a biomassa aérea, com a hipótese de que o diferimento, além de promover a recuperação de áreas degradadas pelo sobrepastejo via acúmulo de pasto e aumento da cobertura do solo, aumenta também a biomassa de estruturas subterrâneas. Foram aplicados três tratamentos de diferimentos: diferimento de primavera (DP), diferimento de outono (DO) e não diferido (ND) em duas áreas com histórico de intensidade de pastejo contrastantes 4% (4 kg de MS para cada 100 kg PV) e 8-12% (8 kg de MS para cada 100 kg de PV na primavera e 12 kg de MS para cada 100 kg de PV no restante do ano) avaliados por dois anos consecutivos. A biomassa de raízes (Braíz) foi maior no primeiro ano de avaliações no 4% e no 8-12% nos períodos pós DP e no 4% nas avaliações pós DO. A biomassa de rizomas (Briz) foi maior nos diferimentos (DP e DO) quando comparados isoladamente com o não diferido (ND) no 4%, no segundo ano pós DP para o 8-12% e foi maior para o DP no efeito cumulativo dos dois anos. A (Bsubt) também foi maior no primeiro ano de avaliação somente no 4%. A relação da biomassa aérea/subterrânea (R:A/S) foi maior nos diferimento de primavera (DP) e outono (DO) no ambiente com OF 4% nas comparações com o não diferido (ND) nos dois anos de avaliações e o DP apresentou uma melhor resposta cumulativa. O diferimento aplicado em período favorável ao crescimento vegetal proporciona aumento da biomassa aérea e, em ambientes com longo histórico de sobrepastejo, pode aumentar a biomassa de rizomas contribuindo para a maior cobertura vegetal de espécies que apresentam esse tipo de estrutura subterrânea. / The overgrazing is the main cause of degradation of rangelands, resulting in decreased production potential and consequently carrying capacity of these fields in addition to the replacement of natural vegetation by species of lower feed value. The temporary grazing exclusion is a tool that can contribute to environmental recovery and the productive capacity of degraded pastures. This tool, in addition to providing the growth of the biomass plant, allowing species of high forage value to breed, can influence important features in the underground biomass involving carbon sequestration and improved soil characteristics. This study aims to understand the relationship between the root system of natural pastures and biomass, with the hypothesis that the deferral, and promote the recovery of degraded areas by overgrazing pasture via accumulation and increased soil cover, also increases biomass underground structures. Deferrals three treatments were applied: spring deferral (DP), autumn deferral (DO) and not deferred (ND) in two areas with contrasting grazing intensity of historical 4% (4 kg DM per 100 kg BW) and 8-12% (8 kg DM per 100 kg of body weight in the spring and 12 kg DM per 100 kg of body weight in the rest of the year) evaluated for two consecutive years. The root biomass (Braíz) was higher in the first year of evaluations at 4%, and 8-12% in post DP periods and 4% in after THE assessments. The biomass of rhizomes (Briz) was higher in deferrals (DP and DO) compared alone with no deferred (ND) at 4% and was higher in the DP in the cumulative effect of two years. The (Bsubt) was also higher in the first year of assessment only 4%. The ratio of aboveground / underground biomass (R: A/S) was higher in spring deferral (DP) and autumn (DO) in the environment with OF 4% in comparison with the non-deferred (ND) in the two years of reviews and the DP showed better cumulative response. The deferral applied in good times to plant growth provides increased biomass and, in environments with long history of overgrazing, can increase the biomass of rhizomes contributing to higher vegetation species that exhibit this type of underground structure.
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Libertad e inclusión. Reflexiones sobre el concepto de integración política en HegelCasuso, Gianfranco 09 April 2018 (has links)
Partiendo de una breve descripción de las características del modelo comunitarista de integración social con el propósito de marcar distancia y aclarar algunos malentendidos en lo relativo a sus vínculos con la Sittlichkeit hegeliana, en el presente trabajo se analizan algunos de los textos claves de Hegel en los cuales se aprecia su comprensión de la unidad política. Ligado a ello, se intenta reconstruir la noción de integración que se desprende de dichos textos para, finalmente, concluir con algunas reflexiones en torno al potencial de una teoría de inspiración hegeliana para analizar determinados fenómenos vinculados, en la actualidad, con los conceptos de desintegración y exclusión social.---Freedom and Inclusion. Reflections on the Concept of Political Integration in Hegel”. Starting from a short description of the features of the communitarian model of social integration with the purpose of keeping one’s distance and of clarifying some misunderstandings concerning its bonds with the Hegelian Sittlichkeit, this paper analyzes some of Hegel’s key texts in which his understanding of the political unity is appreciated. Connected to this, there is an attempt to reconstruct the notion of integration that follows from those texts so that we can finally conclude with some reflections on the potentiality of a theory of Hegelian inspiration for analyzing certain phenomena tied at present with the concepts of social disintegration and exclusion.
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El derecho a la educación en el Perú en tiempos neoliberales / El derecho a la educación en el Perú en tiempos neoliberalesMolinero Nano, Vanetty 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article attempts to make a reflection about the right to education in Peru, in order to draw some mechanisms to secure, protect and promote this right from the state and civil society. In this way, the analysis begins from an historic perspective, to demonstrate that human rights are social constructions. Then, Peruvian legislation referred to the right to education is reviewed, showing how the conceptualization of this right is transformed with the neoliberal context. Afterwards, the analysis is concluded by identifying the strifes that have been developed with the aim of guarantying the right to education in Peru. / A través del presente texto se busca reflexionar acerca del derecho a la educación en el Perú, con el objetivo de delinear algunos mecanismos para que este derecho pueda ser asegurado, protegido y promovido desde el Estado y la sociedad civil. Para ello, el análisis presentado se inicia desde una perspectiva histórica, en donde se identifica que los derechos humanos son construcciones sociales. Asimismo, se revisa el marco legal peruano que ampara el derecho a la educación y las transformaciones que van surgiendo en su conceptualización desde el contexto neoliberal. Finalmente, se concluye el análisis y las reflexiones buscando identificar las luchas que se han dado para garantizar el derecho a la educación en el Perú.
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Complex boundaries for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion process / Mécanismes de bord complexes pour le processus d’exclusion simple totalement asymétriqueSonigo, Nicky 02 November 2011 (has links)
Le processus d’exclusion simple est défini formellement de la façon suivante : chaque particule effectue une marche aléatoire sur un ensemble de sites et interagit avec les autres particules en ne se déplaçant jamais sur un site occupé.Malgré sa simplicité, ce processus présente des propriétés que l’on retrouve dans beaucoup de modèles de mécanique statistique plus complexes. C’est la conjonction de la simplicité du processus et de l’intérêt des phénomènes observés quien fait l’un des modèles de référence en mécanique statistique hors équilibre. Dans cette thèse, je me suis intéressé au cas du processus d’exclusion totalement asymétrique (les particules sautent uniquement vers la droite) sur Nafin d’étudier son comportement en fonction du mécanisme de création de particules: on crée des particules au site 0 avec un taux dépendant de la configurationactuelle. Dès que ce mécanisme n’est plus un processus de Poisson, le processusd’exclusion associé n’admet plus de mesure invariante sous forme de produitce qui fait que les méthodes classiques de calcul sur le générateur infinitésimaln’aboutissent que rarement. Je me suis donc appuyé principalement sur les méthodesde couplage et de particules de deuxième classe.Dans la première partie de la thèse, je me suis intéressé au modèle introduitpar Grosskinsky pour lequel j’ai obtenu les résultats suivants : si le taux maximumde création et la densité initiale de particules sont plus petits que 12 et sile mécanisme de création est à portée intégrable, il n’y a pas de transition dephase c’est-à-dire qu’il n’y a qu’une seule mesure invariante.Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, je me suis intéressé au problème inversedont le but est de construire un processus à portée finie mais non-intégrableayant une transition de phase. Pour cela, je me suis inspiré des méthodes développéespour le processus des spécifications de Bramson et Kalikow. / The simple exclusion process is formally defined as follows : each particle performs a simple random walk on a set of sites and interacts with other particles by never moving on occupied sites. Despite its simplicity, this process has properties that are found in many more complex statistical mechanics models. It is the combination of the simplicity of the process and the importance of the observed phenomena that make it one of the reference models in out of equilibrium statistical mechanics. In this thesis, I’m interested in the case of the totally asymmetric exclusion process (particles jump only to the right) on N to study its behavior according to the mechanism of particle creation : particles are created at site 0 with arate depending on the current configuration. Once this mechanism is no longer a Poisson process, the associated exclusion process does not admit a product invariant measure. As a consequence, classical computation methods with theinfinitesimal generator are rarely successful. So I used mainly the methods of coupling and second class particles.In the first part of the thesis, I’m interested in the model introduced by Grosskinsky for which I get the following result : if the maximum rate of creation and the initial density of particles are smaller than 12 and if the creation mechanism is of integrable range, there is no phase transition which means that there is only one invariant measure. In the second part of the thesis, my goal was to construct a process with finite and non-integrable range that has a phase transition. For this, I was inspired by methods developed for the process of specification of Bramson and Kalikow.
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Medvetenhet kring informationssäkerhet på internet : En kvantitativ jämförelse mellan Sverige och Israel / Information security awareness online : A quantitative comparison between Sweden and IsraelAlmgren, Olivia, Hoang, Kit Yan January 2017 (has links)
The increasing amount of information on the internet entails an increasing need for privacy protection. Information security is becoming a vital part of everyday lives due to digitization. There has been relatively little research on information security awareness, especially from a cultural, age- and knowledge perspective. This study aims to examine and to gain knowledge about information security awareness of users and their view of privacy online. By replicating the method of an israeli research paper by Halperin and Dror (2016), a comparison between Israel and Sweden is possible. Data were collected through surveys and the results show differences and similarities between Sweden and Israel. In particular when looking at age and knowledge. / Den ökade mängden information på internet medför ett ökat behov gällande skyddandet av den personliga integriteten. Digitaliseringen gör att informationssäkerhet blir en vital del av vardagen. Det finns relativt lite forskning om medvetenheten kring informationssäkerhet, ur ett kulturellt, ålders- och kunskapsperspektiv. Den här studien har haft som avsikt att undersöka och få en förståelse för internetanvändares medvetenhet kring informationssäkerhet samt hur de ser på personlig integritet på internet. Studiens metod bygger på en israelisk undersökning av Halperin och Dror (2016). Metodiken har replikerats för att möjliggöra en jämförelse mellan Israel och Sverige. Studiens empiri har samlats in via enkäter. Resultaten visar på att det finns skillnader och likheter mellan Sverige och Israel, framför allt ålders- och kunskapsmässigt.
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Inclusão digital como direito fundamental / Digital inclusion as a fundamental right.Victor Hugo Pereira Gonçalves 16 March 2012 (has links)
A inclusão digital tem sido um tema muito difundido nos discursos políticos e econômicos por conta da penetração das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, que conectam o mundo todo em segundos. Com a internet, rede mais visível destas tecnologias, o ser humano tem acesso a dados, informações e conhecimentos que jamais ocorreu na história. A inclusão digital tornou-se uma necessidade humana por suas possibilidades infinitas e benéficas de uso. Todos precisam estar conectados. Contudo, em decorrência destas possibilidades, há uma profusão de discursos que se entrecruzam e não necessariamente atendem a perspectiva da inclusão, visto que a maioria da população mundial está excluída digitalmente. Diante disto, há que se pensar a inclusão digital para além do simples acesso a uma tecnologia de informação e comunicação. A inclusão digital, como necessidade histórica, possui um valor que deve ser transformado em direito a ser utilizado pelo ser humano contra esta exclusão. A inclusão digital como um direito deve se questionar desde a utilização do conceito de inclusão digital e sua relevância acadêmica até como inserir a inclusão digital dentro do mundo jurídico. Para percorrer este caminho, percebeu-se um distanciamento entre os discursos que proferem a inclusão digital e as práticas que geram a exclusão. Assim, a construção da inclusão digital, para não gerar exclusão, tem de ser associada a um direito. Mais que um simples direito, um direito fundamental. Os direitos fundamentais são frutos das lutas contra o absolutismo e ferramentas de transformação social. É somente nesta perspectiva que a inclusão digital se tornará relevante no enfrentamento das exclusões atuais e virtuais. A inclusão digital como direito fundamental tem de ser apropriada pelo ser humano, a fim de combater as práticas exclusivas. / The digital inclusion has been a theme much spread in politics and economics speeches, because the penetration of the information and communication technologies, who connected the whole world in seconds. With the internet, the net most visible in this technologies, the human being have access to datas, informations and knowledges that ever occurred in the History. The digital inclusion became a human need on account of his possibilities. Everyone must be connected. However, in result of this possibilities, there is a exuberance of speeches that intercrosses and not necessarily answers the perspective of digital inclusion, due to the fact that the most of the world population is excluded. In this matter, must be rethinked the digital inclusion beyond to the simple access a some information e communication technologies. The digital inclusion, as a historical need, possess a value that must be transformed in right to be used by human being against this exclusion. Therefore, the digital inclusion as a right must to question itself since the usability of the concept and his relevance until how to insert itself in the legal frame. So, to trespass this path, it was noticed that exist a gap between the speeches which pronounces the digital inclusion with practices that created exclusion. Therefore, the digital inclusion construction must be, to not generate exclusion, associated to a right. More than a simple right, to a fundamental right. The fundamental rights are product of fights against absolutism and are the tools of social transformation. It\'s only in this perspective that a digital inclusion will become relevant against exclusions actual and virtual as well. The digital inclusion as a fundamental right must be appropriated by human being to fight the exclusive practices.
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