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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grön, grönare, greenwashing : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur greenwashing uttrycks i förpackningsdesign / Green, greener, greenwashing : A qualitative textanalysis of how greenwashing is expressed in packaging design

Butkuviene, Tanja January 2022 (has links)
Medan många företag ställer om till grön produktion och marknadsför dessa gröna initiativ, utnyttjar vissa företag denna trend genom greenwashing, vilseledande marknadsföring som inte håller det som lovas. Trots att greenwashing är ett allvarligt problem för samhälle, företag och individ, finns väldigt lite forskning, specifikt kring greenwashings visuella uttryck, eller executional greenwashing.Studien ämnar att, genom en kvalitativ textanalys med ett multimodalt vidgat textbegrepp, utifrån retorik och semiotik, baserat på Ledin och Machins (2018) förpackningsanalys delområden, undersöka hur greenwashing kommer till uttryck. Detta undersöktes genom bland annat appellform, konnotationer och andra visuella metoder. I studien analyserades förpackningarna till Arvid Nordquists kaffe, Classic Gran Dia och Schwarzkopfs hårfärg, Natural & Easy, 570.I studiens teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning diskuteras hållbarhetskommunikationen hos förpackningsdelar som exempelvis produktmärkningar, bild, text, form och färg, där olika relevanta teorier förs in och exemplifieras med greenwashad eller grön marknadsföring. Även marknadsföringens designprinciper tas upp, och relevanta teorier runt tolkande, mottagare och kontext lyfts.Den första forskningsfrågan sökte svar på vilka retoriska och visuella metoder som framkom inom greenwashing. Analysen visar att appellformerna framkom på liknande sätt på både en grön och en greenwashad förpackning. Ethos framkommer genom produktmärkningarna, medan pathosargumenten framkom mestadels i bild. Textbaserade argument tenderade att vara logos. Konnotationernas samspel med produktens faktiska egenskaper och logiska argument avgör huruvida kommunikationen upplevdes som grön eller greenwashad. I studiens delar som förklarades greenwashade återfanns bland annat konnotationerna gamla tider, natur, oförändrad, äkta, oskyldigt, ekologiskt, kvinnligt, handgjort, organiskt, personligt, enkelt, modernt, tradition och hantverk. Greenwashing framkom genom brist på transparens och otydlighet om återvinningsbarhet. Greenwashing framkom i textbaserad argumentation som föreföll bland annat vag, vilseledande och hade förväxlingsbar formulering. Greenwashing framkom också genom visuell låg läsbarhet och förändrad läsordning genom bland annat användandet av versaler, gradvariation, fetstil, samt information utspridd på olika sidor.Den andra forskningsfrågan fokuserade på relationen eller skillnaden i uttrycket mellan grön och greenwashad. Den greenwashade förpackningen använde naturliga konnotationer fanns i större utsträckning. Det blev också tydligt att textens förmåga att förändra intrycket av en bild som greenwashad beror på om deras budskap samspelar. Det fanns även en uttalad skillnad iförpackningarnas läsbarhet, vilket kan användas strategiskt för att erbjuda en alternativ, grönare tolkning. Genom produktmärkningarna har vi också sett att gröna och greenwashade förpackningar verkar knyta an till den en grön samhällsdiskurs.De observerade relationerna eller skillnaderna mynnade ut i den tredje forskningsfrågans efterfrågade potentiella implikationer med rekommendationer för utformningen av grön marknadsföring, så som tydlighet, läsbarhet, fokus på att text och bild samspelar samt transparens. Uppmaningen till konsumenter rörde främst att inhämta adekvat kunskap om märkningar och retorisk argumentation. / Whilst many businesses transition to green production and market this initiative, some businesses instead use this green trend by greenwashing, use of misleading marketing claims that do not live up to its promise. Despite greenwashing being a serious problem for society, businesses and individuals, there is a lack of research, particularly regarding its visual expression; called executional greenwashing.This study aims to, by the means of qualitative text analysis with a multimodal, extended text concept, originating with tools from rhetoric and semiotics, based on Ledin and Machins (2018) packaging analysis area examine how greenwashing is expressed. This is investigated through the use of rhetoric appeals, connotations, and other visual methods. The study analyzed the packaging of Arvid Nordquist's coffee, Classic Gran Dia, and Schwarzkopf hair dye, Natural & Easy, 570.In the studies, theoretical framework, and earlier research, the sustainability communication of the packaging areas, for example, imagery, text, shape, and color are discussed, and relevant theories are brought in and exemplified by greenwashed or green marketing. Some marketing design principles are explained, as well as relevant theories regarding the interpretation, the receiver, and context.The first research question aimed to find what rhetoric and visual methods are evident in greenwashing. The analysis showed that appeals were used similarly within a green or greenwashed packaging design. Ethos was mainly expressed in product markings and pathos through imagery. The text-based arguments tended to use logos. The connotations interplay with the product’s actual properties and logical marketing arguments decided whether the communication was experienced as green or greenwashed. Within the studies areas that were found greenwashed, several connotations were found, for example, old times, nature, unaltered, real, innocence, organic, feminine, handmade, personal, simple, modern, tradition, and craftsmanship. Greenwashing was expressed by a lack of transparency and unclearness about the packaging’s recyclability. Greenwashing was expressed in text-based arguments that appeared vague, misleading, and used easily mixed-up phrasing. Greenwashing was also evident by low visual readability and changed reading order by the usage of uppercase, variation in letter size, bold font, and the information being spread over different sides.The second research question focused on the relation or difference in the expression between green and greenwash. The greenwashed packaging used connotations related to nature more. It also became evident that the texts’ ability to change the impression of an image beinggreenwashed depended on the communications coherence. There where a significant difference in the packaging’s readability, which could be used strategically to offer up an alternative, greener interpretation. We also saw how green and greenwashed packaging seemed to tie into a green discourse.The observed relations or differences showed potential implications, as asked for by the third research question; including recommendations for the construction of green marketing material, such as the focus on clarity, readability, coherence between image and text, and transparency. The implications for the consumer consisted mainly of advice to obtain knowledge about markings and rhetoric argumentation.

De dödsdömdas hälsa : En studie av de dödsdömdas hälsa från två avrättningsplatser på Gotland / The health of the doomed : A study of the executed’s health from two executional sites on Gotland.

Bárány, Mia January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis covers two executional sites on the island of Gotland with focus on the palaepathology among the executed individuals. The aim is to see which pathological changes that occured most often and if they have any correlation between these and these individuals socioeconomic status. To achieve this the author has examined the bones from Galgberget to identify apparent pathological changes on long bones, vertebrates, maxillaries and mandibles. I have also compared the bones from Galgberget with previous analyses from the other executional site in Grötlingbo parish. The most common pathological change that became identified were osteophytes, arthritis and a couple of oral pathologies like calculus and cavities. Osteophytes and arthritis do share a comparability since they both are derived from osteoarthritis which is a denegerative joint disease. Calculus and cavities also share smiliarities, due to the fact that cavities is the first stage before it becomes calculus. No other pathological similarities were found among the two sites. Although the appearances of Schmorl’s nodes were significantly large among the bone assembly from Galgberget. Schmorl’s nodes is a vertebral lesion that may occur in all ages and have different causes. Other common pathological changes identified from Galgberget were skeletal anomalies and enthesopathies. Smiliar to Schmorls nodes, enthesopathy have different causes and often show in a relation to heavy physical work. It can be concluded that the presence of Schmorl’s nodes, skeletal anomalies, enthesopathy and osteophytes do share an equivalence with each other, when you think about how you get these pathological changes in life. With further studies regarding the material from Galgberget, the view of the people who were executed there may have a real potential to change.

Executional Greenwashing: The Unseen Attraction to Nature : A qualitative study on Consumers Perception of Advertisement within Fast-Moving Consumer Goods that is ‘Executionally Greenwashed’

Panboon, Edwin, Wahlgren, Jean-Philipe January 2021 (has links)
With society's growing concern of the environmental impact that consumerism has today, consumers are more aware than ever of how their consumption habits affect their surroundings. This study is based on the consumer's journey of choosing products based on their environmental impact and the complications of it. The study will examine a subsection of Greenwashing, called Executional Greenwashing, that is used to subconsciously communicate messages about greenery towards the consumer, inferring their decision making. The goal of the research is to provide an understanding of how consumers react to Fast-Moving Consumer Goods advertisements containing Executional Greenwashing elements and what factors influence their reaction. The study uses primary and secondary data together with conducted interviews to examine how the use of Executional Greenwashing affects consumers' emotions towards advertisements containing these elements. The findings reveal how knowledge and expertise are the main factors to influence how consumers react to Executionally Greenwashed advertisement. The study also provides a conceptual model based on the findings to explain what emotions are affected in consumers. Consumers and researchers can use these findings to gain a further understanding of the effects of Executional Greenwashing and continue upon this research to achieve a complete understanding.

Bridging the Broadband Divide through Universal Service Funds : Key Principles for Broadband Connectivity Projects in Underserved Areas

Joshi, Raoul, Hammarström, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
The rapid emergence of broadband, or always-on Internet, during the course of the last decade, has increased the importance of the so- called information society in urban and industrialized societies world- wide. Liberalized information and communications technology (ICT) market forces worldwide have however failed to supply these services to rural and low-income regions resulting in the so-called digital divide. One financial tool, adopted by many developing nations to drive broadband investments in underserved areas, is the universal service fund (USF), a public fund mainly levying its resources from ICT market players. USFs have previously been used to fund telecom networks but with the growing importance of broadband, structural and regulatory discrepancies are preventing USFs from adequately supporting broadband investments. Currently, little up-to-date academic theory exists within this field; thus, this thesis serves to outline principles that policy-makers and regulators need to consider when designing or reforming universal service fund mechanisms. The research is based on a series of qualitative country case studies investigating policy, procedural, and executional aspects related to USFs and rural broadband. Publicly available material has been complemented with interviews of stakeholders from various levels to establish a holistic empirical base upon which conclusions have been drawn. The conclusions outline principles governing public involvement in USFs, roles played by various stakeholders in the broadband ecosystem, and strategies for rural broadband network deployment. / Framfarten av bredband under det senaste årtiondet har ökat vikten av det så kallade informationssamhället i de industrialiserade och urbaniserade samhällen. Marknadskrafterna inom den liberaliserade informations- och kommunikationsindustrin har dock misslyckats med att göra dess tjänster tillgängliga till glesbefolkade och låginkomstregioner, vilket har lett till en digital klyfta. Ett finansiellt hjälpmedel som många utvecklingsländer har anammat för att påskynda bredbandsinvesteringar i regioner med få bredbandsuppkopplingar är fonder för samhällsomfattande tjänster (USF), som är en offentlig fond vilken får den största delen av sitt kapital genom en pålaga på intäkterna från aktörer inom informations- och kommunikationsindustrin. USF:er har tidigare använts för att finansiera telekomnätverk, men i takt med att bredbandets ökande genomslag i samhället har strukturella och regleringsmässiga problem med USF:erna uppdagats vilka hindrar dem från att effektivt stödja bredbandsinvesteringar. För närvarande finns lite akademisk teori på området, och sålunda syftar denna uppsatts till att tillhandahålla principer vilka beslutsfattare och regulatorer bör efterfölja vid utformning eller reformering av mekanismer för samhällsomfattande tjänster för bredband. Arbetet baseras på en serie kvalitativa fallstudier av länder med policy, procedurella och verkställande aspekter kopplade till USF:er i områden med få bredbandsuppkopplingar i fokus. Material tillgängligt för allmänheten har kompletterats med intervjuer av intressenter från olika organisations- och samhällsnivåer för att skapa en heltäckande empiri på området från vilka slutsatser har dragits. Slutsatserna innehåller principer som rör offentlig inblandning i USF:er, roller för samhällets olika intressenter i ett ekosystem för bredband, samt strategier för utbyggnad av bredbandsnätverk i glesbefolkade områden.

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