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Experiences of advanced psychiatric nursing graduates involved in a service-learning project at a higher educational institution in the Western CapeKing, Hatchwell Aldoneal January 2020 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / The re-engineering of the healthcare landscape requires Higher Educational Institutions (HEI)
to employ teaching and learning approaches that would produce graduates, who could respond
to the transformative initiatives within the healthcare system. Graduates are required to become
involved in a service-learning project, as part of their learning experience, within the Masters
of Nursing in Advanced Psychiatric Nursing programme. Their learning and teaching activity
is intended to prepare them to become competent advanced psychiatric nurse specialists, who
are able to address social transformation.
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Kvinnor och mäns erfarenheter efter en hjärtinfarkt : En beskrivande litteraturstudieEdling, Emelie, Lindberg, Helena January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I sjuksköterskans profession ingår att främja hälsa, förebygga sjukdom, återställa hälsa och lindra lidande. En hjärtinfarkt är en omtumlande händelse och flera tusen drabbas varje år, för en sådan kris saknar ofta människor beredskap. En hjärtinfarkt kan ge plötslig, svår smärta samt ångest och orsakas av stopp i ett kranskärl, vilket leder till syrebrist i hjärtat. Anhöriga kände ett stort ansvar och saknade information från sjukvården. De kände även en oro att deras närstående skulle drabbas av ännu en hjärtinfarkt. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnor och mäns erfarenheter efter en hjärtinfarkt. Metod: Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie utgjordes av tio kvalitativa artiklar identifierade i databasen PubMed. Huvudresultat: Det framkom att flera konsekvenser upplevdes efter hjärtinfarkten, såsom utmattning, ångest, oro och rädsla för att drabbas igen, vilket gav begränsningar i livet. Efter hjärtinfarkten kunde livet präglas av en rädsla att anstränga det sjuka hjärtat och minskad tro på hjärtats förmåga. Vidare framkom behovet av mer information från sjukvården. Närstående visade sig ha stor betydelse för tillfrisknandet samt möjligheten att få träffa andra i samma situation. Hjärtinfarkten var för många en väckarklocka som gav insikt om det viktiga i livet och kunde motivera till livsstilsförändringar. Slutsats: Hjärtinfarkten medförde många konsekvenser. Trots en rädsla att anstränga det sjuka hjärtat kunde händelsen motivera till livsstilsförändring. Anhöriga var ett stort stöd i tillfrisknandet, dock fanns en önskan om mer stöd och information från sjukvården. Denna litteraturstudie kan ge vårdpersonalen ökad förståelse för erfarenheter efter en hjärtinfarkt samt bidra med kunskap om hur eftervården kan utformas. / Background: The nursing profession includes promoting health, preventing disease, restoring health and relieving suffering. A heart attack is a dizzying event and several thousand are affected every year, because such a crisis often leaves people unprepared. A heart attack can cause sudden, severe pain and anxiety and is caused by a blockage in a coronary artery, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the heart. Relatives felt a great responsibility and lacked information from the health service. They also felt a concern that their loved ones would suffer another heart attack.Aim: To describe women's and men's experiences after a heart attack.Method: The results of this literature review consisted of ten qualitative articles identified in the PubMed database.Main results: It turned out that several consequences were experienced after the heart attack, such as fatigue, anxiety, worry and fear of being hit again, which gave limitations in life. After the heart attack, life could be marked by a fear of straining the diseased heart and diminished belief in the heart's ability. Furthermore, the need for more information from the health service emerged. Relatives proved to be of great importance for recovery and the opportunity to meet others in the same situation. For many, the heart attack was an alarm clock that provided insight into the important things in life and could motivate them to make lifestyle changes.Conclusion: The heart attack had many consequences. Despite a fear of straining the sick heart, the event could motivate a lifestyle change. Relatives were a great support in the recovery, however, there was a desire for more support and information from the health care. This literature study can give the care staff an increased understanding of experiences after a heart attack and contribute with knowledge of how aftercare can be designed.
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Sexual Experiences and Association with Depression and Anxiety Among Sexual Minority WomenEngelbrecht, Brie 15 July 2020 (has links)
Depression and anxiety are among the most prevalent forms of mental illness in the U.S, affecting an estimated 18% of the population. Recent studies have shown that sexual minority women may undergo sexual experiences that affect their risk of anxiety and depression. However, prior studies of this association are sparse and have largely been conducted among sexual majorities and have yet to examine differences between vulnerable sexual orientation groups. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship between sexual experiences (i.e., sexual assertiveness, sexual self-efficacy, and outness) and anxiety and depression among young sexual minority women in a cross-sectional study (N=328) from the Young Sexual Minority Women’s Experiences with Sexual Violence study, 2017-2018. We used multivariable linear regression models to examine the relationship between sexual experiences and anxiety and depression while adjusting for important risk factors. Overall, findings indicate that sexual minority women who reported low sexual experiences reported more anxiety and depression. Bisexual/pansexual/fluid women had higher sexual assertiveness, sexual self-efficacy, anxiety, and depression scores and lower outness scores compared to lesbian women. Among both lesbian and bisexual/pansexual/fluid individuals, those who had higher sexual assertiveness scores also had lower anxiety scores Interventions aiming to improve mental health of sexual minority women should utilize the promotion of sexual experiences.
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Exploration of needs, problems and living experiences of older persons in Uganda: implications for policy and decision makingNankwanga, Annet January 2010 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The purpose of the study was to explore the needs, problems and living experiences of the older persons in Uganda and their implications for decision making and policy. The study was an exploratory descriptive cross-sectional study that involved triangulation of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It was guided by five objectives, which included: exploring the living experiences of Uganda' s older persons living in both rural and urban settings; identifying the barriers to these people's effective participation in society; establishing the mechanisms that they use to cope with the barriers; evaluating the extent to which their needs are addressed by policy; and proposing policy strategies
needed to address their plight. The study sample consisted of two purposively selected sub samples of 165 older persons for qualitative data and 50 key informants for quantitative data. The key informants were selected from Ministries of Gender, Labour and Social Development; Urban, Housing and Physical Planning; Agriculture; Health; Education and Sports, Public service, and nongovernmental organizations dealing with the older persons in Uganda. Data were collected using in depth interviews with older persons, self administered questionnaire to key informants and documentary review. The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis including documentary review, while the quantitative data was analysed using the frequency option of the descriptive method of SPSS, and graphical method of the Excel programme. Results show that the living experiences of most of Uganda's older persons are characterised by pathetic economic, health, social, housing and accommodation, water supply, and sanitation conditions. The barriers to the effective participation of these people in society take the form of age-related prejudices, problems, and limitations faced at personal, household and community levels. They basically include constraints to the physical fitness, healthcare, economic status, food security and nutrition, and realization of accommodation and housing conditions desired by these people to live a life by which they can effectively participate in society. Other barriers include: large numbers of
grandchildren most of whom are orphans left behind by the older person's children claimed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and community members ignoring them as helpless people who have outlived their usefulness. Accordingly, the coping mechanisms used by these people were established as the psychological, physical, healthcare, and economic ways by which they deal with each of the aforementioned barriers. A review of development policies such as PEAP, PMA, NAADS, HIV/AIDS policies among others revealed that a number of policies and programs in Uganda exclude the older persons from active participation. Findings show further that though the extent to which the Constitution of Uganda government recognizes the plight of the older persons is appreciable, it is largely insufficiently translated into policy action by which the plight can be effectively addressed. A number of strategies were therefore proposed to help address this insufficiency, thereby solving the needs and attending to the barriers facing these people in an effective policy manner. The strategies focused on improving older persons' physical fitness, access to healthcare, economic capacity, food security and nutrition, and housing and accommodation. Other strategies focused on dealing with the impacts of HIV/AIDS and community prejudices held against older persons. The study was concluded by observing that although the quality of the living experiences of Uganda's older persons can be improved by dealing with the barriers faced by these people, the mechanisms that they use to do so are not adequate. It was also noted that there was need to translate the constitutionally recognised plight of the older persons into effective policy action. Consequently, it was recommended that the proposed policy strategies should be adopted and translated into the needed policy action. Further research was also recommended into the legal implications and funding implications of the proposed policy strategies.
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Att vara förälder till en tonåring med diabetes typ 1 : En litteraturbaserad studie / Being a parent of a teenager with type 1 diabetes. : A literature based study.Hultberg, Ellen, Bergman, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Background About 7000 children and teenagers live with type 1 diabetes in Sweden. Parents take a big responsibility when it comes to their child's diabetes care. Nurses play an important role when it comes to supporting parents during this time. In order to increase knowledge about how nurses can develop their support for this group, it’s important to study parents' experiences of living with and supporting their teenager with the disease.Aim The aim of this study was to investigate parents' experiences of being a parent to a teenager with type 1 diabetes.Method A qualitative literature review method was chosen to investigate parents' experiences of being a parent to a teenager with type 1 diabetes. The literature review included nine scientific articles from CINAHL and PUBMED.Results Two main themes emerged: (1) Concerned parents and (2) Lack of knowledge about diabetes and diabetes management. Parents felt that they did not have time to take care of their own well-being which resulted in mental illness among many parents. Most parents experience difficulties in handing over the responsibility of the diabetes care to their teenager,as they are worried about what the future. Most parents feel insecure in several daily situations, showing evidence of a lack of knowledge.Conclusion Nurses need to focus more on caring for parents. It is important that the nurse pays attention to parents' need for support. By involving parents in the care, a good relationship is created between the nurses and the parents. / I denna litteraturstudie undersöks upplevelser av att vara förälder till en tonåring med diabetes typ 1. Diabetes typ 1 drabbar till största del barn och ungdomar, och att drabbas av en kronisk sjukdom i tonåren är en utmaning för de flesta. Genom att analysera tidigare forskning om föräldrars upplevelser visades två huvudteman kring att föräldrar känner oro och uppleverokunskap. Resultatet visade att när ett barn eller tonåring drabbas av diabetes typ 1 spelar föräldrarna en central roll i vårdandet, de är ofta närvarande och får ta det största ansvaret till en början. Föräldrar upplever ofta sjukdomshanteringen som krävande och stressande, vilket påverkar föräldrarnas psykiska mående. Daglig ångest och oro plågar många tonåringar och föräldrar som lever med diabetessjukdomen nära, tonåringar upplever ofta skamkänslor vilket upprör föräldrarna. Psykisk ohälsa bland föräldrar är vanlig, speciellt hos mödrar då det största ansvaret ofta läggs på dom när det kommer till att hantera diabetessjukdomen. En stor oro över att deras tonåring ska drabbas av lågt blodsocker påverkade många föräldrar, denna oro gör det svårt att släppa kontrollbehoven. Konflikter mellan tonåring och förälder var vanlig då föräldrar upplever tonåringen som krävande och svårhanterad. När ens barn blir tonåring vill de gärna ta eget ansvar, över sitt liv men också över sin sjukdom. Föräldrar berättar att det är väl medvetna om att tonåringen kommer klara det och att överlämningen av ansvaret måste ske, men är oroliga över vissa situationer en tonåring kan hamna i. Föräldrar upplevde också en rädsla över dagliga situationer som rörde diabetessjukdomen, vilket kunde förklaras med okunskap och osäkerhet hos föräldrarna. Föräldrar hade önskat en mer lättillgänglig källa att hitta snabb och lätt information på, då de upplever att information de tidigare fått inte uppfattats ordentligt på plats. Sjuksköterskor behöver hitta en bra balans av att vårda tonåringen i samband med föräldrarna. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna behöver stöd och hjälp, det är sjuksköterskans ansvar att se till att föräldrarna får ordentligt med stöd under denna stressiga tid.
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Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av mötet med kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relationer : En litteraturbaserad studie / The nurse´s experiences of meeting women who have been exposed to violence in close relationshipsNordling, Julia, Nordström, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Background: Violence against women is a global public health problem that has consequenses for the individual as well as the society. The number of women exposed to violence is assumed to have increased in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic. Many are exposed to violence in their home environment where their partner is the perpetrator. Women often avoid seeking medical care and therefore the number of unreported cases is assumed to be high. Since the nurse often is the first to come in contact with the abused woman, it is important that the nurse has the knowledge required to be able to identify the women. Aim: The aim of this study was to highlight the nurse´s experiences of meeting women who have been exposed to violence in close relationships. Aim: The aim of this study was to highlight the nurse´s experiences of meeting women who have been exposed to violence in close relationships. Results: The study resulted in two main themes: the nurse’s internal factors and the nurse’s external factors. Seven subthemes were designed: emotional impact, perceptions and attitudes, treatment, stress and lack of time, the nurse’s responsibility, lack of knowledge, identifying violence and a supportive environment. Conclusion: The nurse has a responsibility to care for women exposed to violence. The results of this study showed that there is a lack of knowledge, which leads to the nurses feeling insecure in their profession. Furthermore, organizational factors as well as the nurse´s own feelings affect the work with the abused women.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser att möta patienter som har en psykisk ohälsa när de söker somatisk vårdBerglund, Jenny, Risberg, Jane January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa ökar globalt och även inom den somatiska vården har det skett en ökning av denna patientgrupp. Patienter med psykisk ohälsa kan ofta ha svårt att uttrycka sig och symtomen kan vara svåra att tolka för sjuksköterskorna. Det kan vara en utmaning för sjuksköterskor inom den somatiska vården att vårda de patienterna vilket ofta grundar sig i okunskap, rädsla och fördomar.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse i mötet med patienter som har en psykiska ohälsa när de söker somatisk vård.Metod: En litteraturstudie med beskrivande design för att få en fördjupad förståelse av sjuksköterskors upplevelser. Litteraturstudien innehåller 10 vetenskapliga artiklar.Huvudresultat: I resultatet framkom det att sjuksköterskor upplevde osäkerhet och rädsla när de vårdar patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom den somatiska vården. Det visade sig bottna i de fördomar och den stigmatisering som finns i samhället. Sjuksköterskor upplevde att de patienterna var svåra att bemöta och att dem inte hade de rätta förutsättningarna för att kunna ge den bästa vården.Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att det var svårt att vårda patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom den somatiska vården. De upplevde rädsla och brist på hur de skulle möta dem. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att dem behövde mer utbildning inom området för att kunna möta och vårda de patienterna. Därav är det av vikt att vidare åtgärder vidtas för att ge de bästa förutsättningarna både för sjuksköterskor och patienter.Nyckelord: Allmän vård, Psykisk ohälsa, Sjuksköterskor, Upp
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Personers erfarenheter av att överleva ett hjärtstopp – en litteraturstudieJonsson, Frida, Nyman, Elice January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Svenska Hjärt-Lungräddningsregistret rapporterade år 2019 att 1532 personer överlevt hjärtstopp. Vid en sådan händelse är larmning, hjärt- och lungräddning samt tidig strömstöt från hjärtstartare viktig för ökad chans till överlevnad. De sjuksköterskor som ställs inför dessa situationer har en betydande roll i mötet med dessa patienter och deras anhöriga. Syfte: Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att överleva hjärtstopp under de första 6 åren efter händelsen.Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie med en tematisk analysmetod baserad på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Huvudresultat: Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visade förändringar och utmaningar både fysiskt, psykiskt samt emotionellt. Överlevarna uttryckte en stor tacksamhet till en andra chans i livet, men även ångest och oro för att våga lita på sin kropp igen. De beskrev minnesförluster efter händelsen där många av dem hade behov av att fylla dessa minnesluckor. Det var en stor omställning att gå från tryggheten på sjukhuset med all personal, till att behöva klara sig själv när det var dags att åka hem. Väl hemma var det en utmaning att vänja sig vid ett nytt liv och finna sin nya identitet. Slutsats: Att uppleva ett hjärtstopp väckte många känslor kring liv och död. Hjärtstoppet gav överlevarna en påminnelse om att livet är skört samt en känsla av tacksamhet för en andra chans i livet. Händelsen efterlämnar mycket ångest och rädslor inför framtiden samt en känsla av att inte vara densamma varken fysiskt eller psykiskt. Med bättre stöd för de komplikationer som hjärtstoppsöverlevarna drabbats av, kan den individuella livskvalitén samt upplevda hälsan öka. / Background: The Swedish Heart- and Lung register reported in 2019 that 1532 people survived cardiac arrest. In such an occurrence, early warning, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early electric chock from defibrillation are important for increasing the chance of survival. The nurses who face these situations have a significant role in meeting these patients and their relatives. Aim: To describe people's experiences after surviving a cardiac arrest during the first 6 years after the occurrence.Method: A descriptive literature review with a thematic analysis method based on 12 scientific articles. Main Result: The result of this review showed changes and challenges both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Cardiac arrest survivors expressed gratitude for a second chance in life, but also anxiety and worry about trusting their body again. They describe memory loss after the occurrence where many of them felt the need to fill these memory gaps. It was a big change to go from the safety of the hospital with all the staff, to having to take care of themselves when it was time to go home. Once they were home, it was a challenge to get used to a new life and find their new identity. Conclusion: Experiencing a cardiac arrest evokes many feelings about life and death. The cardiac arrest reminded the survivors that life is fragile, and gave a feeling of gratitude for a second chance at life. The event leaves a lot of anxiety and fears for the future as well as a feeling of not being the same, either physically or mentally. With better support for the complications suffered by cardiac arrest survivors, the individual quality of life and perceived health can increase.
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Experiences of Adolescents and their Parents after Receiving Genomic Screening Results for the AdolescentLillie, Natasha 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Upplevelser av den sexuella hälsan hos personer med bukstomi : En litteraturöversiktKroner, Shane, Mehta, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
Background: Abdominal ostomy is an artificial opening in the abdomen that is done through a surgical procedure. This is due to cancer diagnosis and / or inflammatory diseases of the intestine. Intimacy and sexuality are important aspects of the quality of life of an individual that can be affected by different factors. It is the nurse's responsibility to promote health, and the nurse's role to convey knowledge of sexual health to patients. Aim: The purpose was to describe the experiences of sexual health in people with abdominal ostomy. Method: Literature review with a qualitative approach. Results: The results show that people with abdominal ostomy experienced a change in sexualhealth caused by various aspects. The results also show a need for increased healthcare guidance about sexual health, and support from relatives is an important component. Conclusion: Taboos about sexuality were discussed and need to be put in relation to where in the world one is. Sexual health is individual and looks different globally, because there are different societal and cultural norms and values. Strategies for healthcare professionals were discussed in order to be able to address sexual health and to support people with abdominal ostomy in the best possible way
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