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An experiential constructivist exploration of bulimia and women's relationshipsLonoff, Julia Rachel. January 2010 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-101).
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Development of a recognition of prior learning assessment model for the hospitality industry to be used by tertiary education institutionsDixon, Sharmaine January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Food and Beverage Management at the Durban Institute of Technology, 2003. / Historically, any large hotel of standing/rating in South Africa would staff the top levels of their kitchen brigade with educated, professional cooks imported from all over the world from such places as Germany, Switzerland, England or France, to name but a few / M
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Enrolled nurses' experiences of conversion to first levelMilligan, Mary January 2007 (has links)
The study focuses on enrolled nurses' experiences of conversion and altered perceptions of self and others as they progress through a conversion course to first level. The experience involves a cultural transition that requires questioning of traditionally held values and adoption of a critical stance to professional practice. The transition mirrors current tensions within nursing as the prevalent direction of professionalisation in recent years has influenced the need for individual accountability that has implications for the self-regulation of practice. Thirty enrolled nurses participated in the study and were interviewed on three occasions as they progressed through specific parts of a conversion course. A grounded theory approach was utilised and important findings emerged in relation to the nature of learning from practice, the influence of gender and class on perceptions of academic ability and occupational standing and the development of self-agency through critical reflection. The findings challenge predominant scientific values within professional nurse education and support the validity of a situated learning approach for this group of experienced nurses. It is contended that, if opportunities for professional development and education are to be genuinely accessible, the diverse needs influencing learner participation must be considered. The main recommendations include the provision of accessible, experiential learning conversion courses for enrolled nurses and the development of a facilitative approach to professional development within nurse education.
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Issues Related to Implementing High-Fidelity Simulation in a Nursing ProgramRay, Sherry Rene 01 January 2017 (has links)
Due to the shortage of clinical sites, nursing educators, deans, and directors are compelled to implement alternative clinical solutions such as high-fidelity simulation (HFS). The problem is that nursing educators are often not prepared to implement HFS as a teaching strategy. Faculty readiness is imperative for a successful simulation program and student outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions and practices of faculty, deans, and directors on the implementation of HFS across the nursing curriculum. Kolb's experiential learning theory provided the theoretical support for both the teaching and learning required by faculty for a successful simulation program. The key research question was to investigate how nursing educators perceived the implementation of HFS across the curriculum and how nursing deans and directors provided support for integrating HFS throughout the curriculum. The study population included 13 nursing faculty and 7 deans using simulation at prelicensure programs. Data collection included interviews, observations of simulation labs, and document analysis. Data were analyzed using open and priori coding. Five themes emerged relating to need for faculty development, need for time, need for resources, need for space, and need for support. These findings were consistent with the literature. Based on the findings, a professional development program in simulation pedagogy was developed. The faculty development program could lead to a positive social change by reducing barriers and increasing the use of simulation. Increasing the use of simulation allows nursing students to practice clinical reasoning skills and gain confidence and competence with the goal of improving patient outcomes.
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The Role of Service Attributes, Experiential Quality and Experiential Value in the Sharing EconomyLu, Can 12 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Experiential Design: An Interdisciplinary Certificate Program for Post-Secondary Design EducationSanvido, Loran 02 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Online Business Education During Crisis in Developed and Emerging Countries : A Comparative Study Between Linköping University and University of DhakaTanannum, Bushra January 2022 (has links)
Background: The growing importance of online mode as an effective alternative was accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic. Considering the differences of experiences that teachers and students of online Business education of in developed and developing countries faced during the pandemic, there is a need for a comparative study of the experiences in this field to point out the challenges and opportunities in using online Business education during crisis like Covid-19 and guide countries. The significance of sensemaking in online education during crisis and the role of Experiential Learning in making sense of online education and its lack of emphasis in Business discipline calls for discussing the role of Experiential Learning in sensemaking of the online educational experiences of teachers and learners of Business programs in countries of different developmental context, identifying the best practices to provide them with necessary guidelines and help use online mode effectively during crisis. Aim: The main purpose is to compare between developed and developing countries regarding the role of Experiential Learning in the sensemaking of the experiences of teachers and learners in online business education during crisis in order to provide guidelines to for using online mode effectively during crisis. Methodology: This is a qualitative study conducted through semi-structured interviews for primary data collection. Primary data was collected by interviewing teachers and students of Business programs of Linkoping University in Sweden and University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. 13 interviews were conducted from Linkoping University and 12 interviews were conducted from University of Dhaka. Thematic analysis method was used to analyze the findings. Findings: Findings indicate that teachers and students of Business Programs can effectively use online Business education during crisis by adapting Experiential Learning Cycle for retrospective learning when no knowledge or resource is available, Converging learning when knowledge is available and accommodating style when support for resource skill or knowledge is insufficient. The main difference in experience between developed and developing countries are the availability of resource, training and knowledge. / <p>The presentation was held online as the author of the thesis was in Dhaka, Bangladesh at that time. </p>
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Arenaboomen inom svensk fotboll : En studie om hur allsvenska fotbollsklubbar använder sig av olika marknadsföringsstrategier.Strömberg, Marcus, Nyiri, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Inledning Under många år har det varit svårt för fotbollsklubbarna i allsvenskan att locka publik till sina matcher och de senaste 10 åren har det dessutom byggts nya arenor med större publikkapacitet. För att attrahera fler åskådare till fotbollsmatcherna är marknadsföring en viktig del där problematiken ligger i att det är flera delar som behöver samordnas. Syfte Syftet med studien har varit att kartlägga och beskriva hur fotbollsklubbarna arbetar med olika marknadsföringsstrategier för att locka mer publik till matcherna. Studien grundas på de lag som spelar på fotbollsarenor som byggts eller renoverats de senaste tio åren. Metod Genom relevanta vägval har studiens frågeställning kunnat besvaras. Det genom insamling av material i form av teoretiskt material från litteraturen och genom intervjuer. Studien har utgått från en hermeneutisk forskningsprocess för att tolka det insamlade materialet. Slutsats Fotbollsklubbarna i studien använder sig på något sätt av alla de marknadsföringsstrategier som har presenterats. Det behövs dock läggas mer arbete på att få en bättre balans mellan dem för att kunna skapa en framgångsrik marknadsföring. Lyckas de få en liten höjning av publikantalet kan det i slutändan hjälpa då folk lockar folk.
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The impact of leadership and management of host schools on the construction of professional identity of teacher traineesMatoti, S.N. January 2008 (has links)
Published Article / The paper reports on the findings of a study that investigated the impact of leadership and management on the construction of professional identity of teacher trainees. The writer argues that the overall leadership and management of the host schools, where student teachers do experiential training (teaching practice), has an impact on the construction of their professional identity. The host schools provide different learning experiences (environment) which may either enhance or hinder the development of a positive professional identity. A questionnaire comprising of open-ended questions was administered to 40 teacher trainees at the School of Teacher Education, Central University of Technology, Free State. The students had just return from a six-month period of experiential training. The aim of the questionnaire was to examine their views on their experiences and expectations of the teaching practice, and whether or not the leadership and management of the school has had an impact on the construction of their professional identity. The findings revealed that a supportive and enabling environment within the host school provided a good learning experience and consequently enhanced the development of a positive professional identity whereas a non-welcoming and threatening environment had the opposite effect. Suggestions and recommendations for providing a supportive and enabling environment for all students are made.
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An evaluation of the influence of experiential marketing on spectators' behaviour in the Taiwanese professional baseball leagueLai, Cheng-Hao January 2014 (has links)
The relationships between service quality, consumer satisfaction, and loyalty have been widely discussed in the service marketing literature, but there is still an ongoing debate about these relationships because they have not been well studied in spectator sport industry (Theodorakis & Alexandris, 2008). Schmitt (2011) claimed that consumer experiential could be a new perspective for evaluating the nature of these relationships. However, experience marketing has some special and unique attributes requiring specific definitions in specific research contexts. Thus, the current research attempts to (1) identify what kinds of experiences are found in Taiwanese professional baseball games; (2) test models of relationships between consumer experience, service quality, satisfaction and loyalty taking into account the unique aspects of the specific context of Taiwanese professional baseball games; and (3) test the role of consumer experience on the relationships between perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty. In order to achieve the research aims, the current research adopted a mixed method approach using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Four focus groups, representing the qualitative stage, were conducted to acquire a better understanding of consumer experience types and characteristics in Taiwanese professional baseball games. The main findings of the focus groups are that (1) ordinary experiences include the game itself while additional events and activities characterise extraordinary experiences. However, (2) when games involve a special performance and record or modifies a ranking position, they can be seen as extraordinary experiences as well. Moreover, ordinary experience and extraordinary experiences also depend on clubs, game days, and stadiums. A questionnaire survey, representing the quantitative stage, was used to investigate the relationships between consume experience, service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The sampling strategy was designed based on the specific research context features (i.e., different clubs, dates and stadia), and 1,229 questionnaires were collected. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted in order to test the measurement model and compare theoretical models according to specific research context features. The main findings were that: (1) the degree of association between consumer experience and service quality is significant, (2) both direct and indirect relationships of consumer experience on consumer satisfaction and loyalty are significant, (3) only an indirect influence, via consumer satisfaction, of service quality on consumer loyalty is significant, (4) the differences of relationships are significant between clubs, but not significant between dates and stadia. The current research concluded that (1) consumer experience is an important dimension to take into consideration to better understand the formation of consumer loyalty, (2) there is a two-way relationship between service quality and consumer experience, (3) Intangible experience elements are captured by consumer experience while tangible experience elements are captured by service quality, (4) Extraordinary experiences in sport spectating events are highly dependent on situational factors, (5) specific research contexts features are important to take into consideration when conducting consumer experience research.
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