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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma solução baseada em ontologia para a prevenção de erros comuns em modelos de requisitos escriitos na linguagem i* / An ontology-basead solution for prevention of common mistakes in models requirements written in the language i*

França, Heyde Francielle do Carmo 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T17:19:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Heyde Francielle do Carmo França - 2016.pdf: 7287432 bytes, checksum: 9138c675f605c1734af600ab0faf3141 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-10T11:33:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Heyde Francielle do Carmo França - 2016.pdf: 7287432 bytes, checksum: 9138c675f605c1734af600ab0faf3141 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:33:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Heyde Francielle do Carmo França - 2016.pdf: 7287432 bytes, checksum: 9138c675f605c1734af600ab0faf3141 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / The Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) approach represents users’ needs through goals with focus on capturing the real intentions of stakeholders. Based on the GORE technique, the i* modeling language represents system’s and organization’s goals and brings several advantages. Despite that, the i* language faces problems regarding the quality of models, which include typical mistakes of misuse of i* constructs, the presence of ambiguities on the interpretation of those constructs, and the complexity of the resulting i* models. The aim of this work is to present an ontology-based solution for i* models in order to reduce the most well-known errors while constructing such models. To achieve this goal was accomplished initially a literature search, followed by an experimental research to produce the proposed solution This solution includes the extension of an ontology called OntoiStar+ with OWL restrictions to ensure that frequent mistakes in i* models are not found. Besides, the TAGOOn+ tool was also extended to validate i* models in the iStarML language and convert those to an OWL representation.To perform the tests were modeled two different domains, Media Shop and on universities, using these domains case studies have been reproduced and measured results. Results demonstrate an approximate coverage of 70% of those common errors with extension of OntoiStar+ and more than 80% with extension of TAGOOn+ tool. / A abordagem de Engenharia de Requisitos Orientada a Metas (do Inglês, GORE) representa as necessidades dos usuários através de metas e intenções, focando em capturar a real intenção dos stakeholders. Baseada na técnica GORE, a linguagem de modelagem i* representa metas do sistema e da organização e traz diversas vantagens. Apesar disso, a linguagem i* apresenta problemas relacionados à qualidade dos modelos, que incluem erros típicos de mau uso dos construtores, à presença de ambiguidades na interpretação dos construtores e à complexidade dos modelos resultantes. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar uma solução baseada em ontologia visando a redução de erros comuns em modelos de requisitos construídos na linguagem i*. Para atingir tal objetivo foi realizada inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliográfica, seguida de uma pesquisa experimental para produzir a solução proposta. Esta solução foi implementada realizando a extensão de um ontologia chamada OntoiStar+, na qual foram inseridas restrições na linguagem OWL para garantir que os erros frequentes de modelos i* não sejam reproduzidos. Foi realizada também a extensão da ferramenta TAGOOn+ para validação de modelos i* escritos em iStarML e conversão para modelos em OWL. Para realização dos testes foram modelados dois domínios diferentes, o Media Shop e um sobre universidades, usando estes domínios foram reproduzidos estudos de casos e mensurados os resultados. Os testes realizados em ambas soluções geraram resultados satisfatórios. Os resultados demonstraram uma cobertura de mais de 70% dos erros mais comuns com a extensão da OntoiStar+ e mais de 80% com a extensão da ferramenta TAGOOn+ .

Estuário / -

Sandra Maria Correia Favero 28 April 2015 (has links)
O processo de criação fundamenta esta pesquisa. A vivência entre a paisagem da Praia da Daniela em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, e o ateliê com a gravura em metal, suas especificidades e possibilidades gráficas, levaram à elaboração deste livro de artista. O que procuro são aproximações entre o estuário vivo e em constante movimento transformador da paisagem da Praia da Daniela com o meu estuário fictício, que segue na busca de um contínuo formar, desafiando o metal, provocando reações e transformações que acontecem em sua materialidade. / This is a practice-based research in which the creative process is at it\'s core. The construction of this artist\'s book is a fruit of the lived experience between two places: the landscape at the Daniela Beach, in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and the printmaking studio, considering the specificities and graphic possibilities of the Etching technique. What I seek is to interweave the living and transforming estuary in constant movement of the landscape at Daniela Beach, and my own fictitious estuary, which continuously seeks to give form, defying the nature of the metal, provoking reactions and transformations that happen in its materiality.

Os espaços experimentais das escolas públicas de arquitetura do Brasil: realidade ou utopia? / The experimental workspaces in public schools of architecture in Brazil: reality or utopia?

Albenise Laverde 23 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese está inserida no debate sobre a utilização da experimentação construtiva ao longo da concepção da materialidade e seu papel como recurso pedagógico. Trata mais especificamente, dos espaços e práticas experimentais no contexto acadêmico nacional, objetivando compreender o processo de configuração dos espaços da área técnico-construtiva implantados nas escolas públicas de arquitetura de acordo com as particularidades advindas de diferentes contextos do país, das políticas educacionais e das ações dos atores envolvidos, com a identificação das condições essenciais para que estas práticas sejam implantadas e potencializadas no contexto acadêmico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisas documentais e por meio de visitas técnicas realizadas em 21 escolas públicas de arquitetura localizadas em diferentes regiões do país, com entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores que atualmente estão à frente da área da Tecnologia da Construção. O trabalho trouxe contribuições de ordem teórica a partir da sistematização de uma bibliografia abrangente sobre um tema pouco estudado no contexto nacional. Quanto às contribuições de ordem prática, os dados obtidos nas visitas técnicas possibilitaram contextualizar os desafios enfrentados no ensino da Tecnologia da Construção, que não se resumem ao arranjo físico laboratorial, mas a uma dimensão mais ampla, abrangendo aspectos político-educacionais, estruturais e sócio-econômicos e também, questões de fundo, como as relações interpessoais e burocráticas. Estes resultados permitiram identificar as condições consideradas como essenciais na (re)formulação de estratégias voltadas à área da Tecnologia da Construção e sua infraestrutura, de maneira que as experiências existentes possam ser potencializadas e novas implantações tenham maior respaldo técnico de acordo com as particularidades contextuais. / This thesis is inserted in the debate about the use of experimentation in building along with the conception of materiality and its role as pedagogical resource. It approaches, more specifically, the experimental workspaces and practices in the Brazilian academic context. It aims to understand the process of shaping the workspaces of the technology and construction fields established in public schools of architecture according to the singularities from different contexts of the country, educational policies and activities of the actors involved, identifying the essential conditions for those practices to be implemented and strengthened in the academic context. The work was developed based on documentary research and through technical visits in 21 public schools of architecture located in different regions of the country, with interviews directed to the main actors who are currently in charge of the field of Technology of Construction. In relation to the practical contributions, the data obtained in the technical visits made it possible to contextualize the challenges faced in the education of Technology of Construction. These challenges are not limited to the physical arrangement of the laboratory; they embrace a broader dimension, covering education politics, structural and socioeconomic aspects and, still, background issues such as interpersonal relations and bureaucracy. These results enabled the identification of conditions considered essential in the (re) formulation of strategies directed to the field of Technology of Construction and its infrastructure, so that the existing experiences can be strengthened and new applications can have a greater technical support according to the contextual singularities.

Física térmica : uma abordagem histórica e experimental

Michelena, Juleane Boeira January 2008 (has links)
Em nossas escolas de ensino médio a Física é, freqüentemente, apresentada aos alunos como algo fragmentado, descontextualizado, sem relação com a vida do aluno, e como um conhecimento pronto e acabado. Desenvolvemos um material didático fundamentado nas teorias de aprendizagem significativa, de David Ausubel, e da interação social, de Lev Vygotsky, como sugestão de alternativa para esta situação. Este material é sobre Física Térmica, e possui uma abordagem histórica e experimental desta área da Física. O material desenvolvido é constituído de seis módulos, sendo que em todos os módulos se faz a abordagem histórica do conteúdo. Para cada conceito trabalhado são propostas atividades experimentais com material de baixo custo, numa tentativa de minimizar os efeitos da pobreza material da maioria das escolas no que diz respeito a seus laboratórios. Ao final de cada módulo são propostos exercícios conceituais. O material foi desenvolvido de modo a estimular discussões entre os alunos e com o professor, promovendo a interação social e a troca de experiências na construção do conhecimento. Este projeto foi aplicado de março a agosto de 2008, em uma escola estadual de Porto Alegre. / It is frequent, in our high school teaching, to introduce Physics to the students in a fragmented and out-of-context manner, with no relation to the student's daily life and as a final and complete knowledge. We have developed an instruction material founded on the basis of the theories of significant learning, of David Ausubel, and of social interaction, of Lev Vygotsky, as an alternative proposal to this situation. The material is on Thermal Physics, and presents a historical and experimental approach to this area of Physics. The developed material has six sections, and in all of the sections a historical approach of the contents is done. For each topic some experimental activities are proposed, with low cost material, in an attempt to minimize the lack of laboratory facilities of most of our schools. Conceptual exercises are proposed at the end of each section. The material was developed in order to stimulate discussions among the students and with the teacher, aiming the social interaction and the share of experiences in the construction of knowledge. This project was applied from March to August 2008, in a public school of Porto Alegre.

A construção e apropriação do conhecimento através da interação discente e di-docente em projetos experimentais no ensino de física

Sestari, Fabiane Beatriz January 2012 (has links)
No atual sistema educacional os métodos de ensino normalmente privilegiam a transmissão autoritária de conhecimentos, valorizando a habilidade do aluno em memorizar e reproduzir o conteúdo curricular, sem evidenciar a apropriação do conhecimento de forma significativa. Priorizar a construção do conhecimento, dar significado ao que se ensina e apresentar a Física atraente ao aluno representam desafios da prática docente. Com o intuito de valorizar as trocas entre os pares discentes e di-docente no processo ensino-aprendizagem e de promover uma ação educativa em que a aprendizagem de Física ocorra de forma consistente e duradoura, desenvolvemos uma proposta que integra um conjunto de metodologias: atividades experimentais, metodologia de projetos, e uso de mapas conceituais, como ferramentas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. A fim de instrumentalizar professores de Física e de outras áreas do conhecimento, estruturamos uma página na internet, denominada “Experimentando Física”, que apresenta as etapas de construção, as metodologias utilizadas e o material resultante. Através de mapas conceituais relacionamos experimentos físicos com os conceitos que os fundamentam. A página apresenta uma sugestão metodológica, bem como um vasto arsenal de projetos experimentais que podem ser utilizados em sala de aula a partir de vídeos criados pelos próprios alunos. Utilizamos como aportes principais dessa pesquisa a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e a teoria sociointeracionista de Vygotsky, enfatizando a importância da mediação no desenvolvimento do aluno e de seu aprendizado. Outros autores são citados a fim de reforçar a escolha desse referencial teórico. A proposta foi desenvolvida em seis turmas do ensino médio de uma escola privada no município de Carazinho/RS, no período de março a dezembro de 2011. / In the current educational system, teaching methods usually favor the transmission of authoritative knowledge, enhancing the student's ability to memorize and to reproduce the curriculum content, without exhibiting significant appropriation of knowledge. To give a priority to the construction of knowledge and to the meaning of what is taught, introducing Physics in an attractive manner to the student, those are some challenges of the teaching practice. In order to valorize exchanges among students themselves and the students with the teacher, in the teaching-learning process, and to promote an educational practice which results in a consistent and lasting Physics learning, we have developed a proposal that includes a set of methodologies: experimentation activities, projects methodology, and the use of concept maps as tools for the teaching-learning process. In order to equip the Physics teachers, and from other fields of knowledge, we designed a website called "Experiencing Physics", which introduces the construction stages, the methodologies used and the resulting material. Through concept maps we relate physical experiments with their underlying concepts. The page presents a methodological suggestion, as well as an extensive list of experimental projects that can be used in classroom, through videos created by the students themselves. We have adopted, as the main basis for this research, the theories of meaningful learning, by Ausubel, and of social interaction, by Vygotsky, emphasizing the importance of mediation in student's progress and learning. Other authors are cited to reinforce this theoretical choice. The proposal was developed in six high school classes at a private school in the city of Carazinho/RS, from March to December 2011.

An?lise do est?gio curricular supervisionado como pr?tica educativa no curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria do Centro Estadual Integrado de Educa??o Rural de ?guia Branca ? ES. / Analysis of supervised curriculum internship as an educational practice in the technical course on agriculture of the Integrated State Center for Rural Education of ?guia Branca - ES

Furtado, Nat?lia de Souza 11 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-27T12:27:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Natalia de Souza Furtado.pdf: 574981 bytes, checksum: f45f09dccdcccefb9091cb0875f02e40 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-27T12:27:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Natalia de Souza Furtado.pdf: 574981 bytes, checksum: f45f09dccdcccefb9091cb0875f02e40 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-11 / The research work was carried out at the State Integrated Center of Rural Education, located in the Northwest of the state of Esp?rito Santo. CEIER is a full-time school that has as its pedagogy the education of the field. The school has the secondary education, being this integrated to the technical course in farming. The research had as a procedure bibliographical survey, documentary analysis and field research. The research was qualitative in nature, with semi-structured questionnaires being applied to the students (questionnaire applied on-line) and to the 24 final students of the year 2016. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed using the reference framework of Franco (2008). It was also carried out a survey of the work of conclusion of internship defended in the year 2010 to 2015 with the objective of verifying in which area of agriculture the majority of the works take place. The main objective of this research was to investigate and evaluate how the activities carried out in the internship and the practical activities of experimentation developed in the Work of Completion Internship contributed to a greater learning of the students and if there was also a contribution in the professional qualification of the students graduating and of the technical course in agriculture. The results indicate that the students, both the graduates and the graduates consider it important to carry out the internship for a better training in the vocational course, and that the accomplishment of the internship work contributes significantly to the understanding of the theoretical contents learned during the course, an experience with scientific work, to solve problems, contributing not only to the learning teaching process but also guaranteeing a greater self-confidence for the future agricultural technician and student of higher education / O trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado no Centro Estadual Integrado de Educa??o Rural, localizado no Noroeste do estado do Esp?rito Santo. O CEIER ? uma escola de tempo integral que tem como proposta pedagogia a educa??o do campo. A escola possui o ensino m?dio, sendo este integrado ao curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria. A pesquisa teve como procedimento levantamento bibliogr?fico, an?lise documental e pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa, tendo a coleta de dados realizada atrav?s de question?rios semi estruturados aplicado aos estudantes egressos (question?rio aplicado de forma on line) e aos 24 estudantes concluintes do ano de 2016. Os resultados dos question?rios foram analisados utilizando o referencial de Franco (2008). Tamb?m foi realizado um levantamento dos trabalhos de conclus?o de est?gio defendidos no ano de 2010 a 2015 com o objetivo de verificar em qual ?rea da agropecu?ria ocorrem a maior parte dos trabalhos. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar e avaliar como as atividades realizadas no est?gio e as atividades pr?ticas de experimenta??o desenvolvidas no Trabalho de Conclus?o Est?gio contribu?ram para um maior aprendizado dos estudantes e se houve tamb?m contribui??o na qualifica??o profissional dos estudantes egressos e concluintes do curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes, tanto os concluintes como os egressos consideram importante ? realiza??o do est?gio para uma melhor forma??o no curso profissionalizante e que a realiza??o do trabalho de conclus?o de est?gio contribui significativamente para a compreens?o dos conte?dos te?ricos aprendidos durante o curso, para uma experi?ncia com trabalhos cient?ficos, para resolu??o de problemas, contribuindo n?o s? para o processo ensino aprendizado como tamb?m garantindo uma maior autoconfian?a para o futuro t?cnico em agropecu?ria e estudante do ensino superior


Dai, Lu 01 January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation consists of three major projects with the focus on the immunotoxicity of chromium and the behavior disorders caused by early ETOH exposure respectively. Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is widely used in various industrial processes and has been recognized as a carcinogen. As the first line of host defense system, the immune system can be a primary target of Cr(VI). T cell population represents a major arm of the immune system that plays a critical role in host anti-tumor immunity. Dysfunction of T cells compromises host anti-tumor immunity resulting in oncogenesis. Using mouse splenic T cells as an in vitro model system, the present study assessed the effects of Cr(VI) on T cell functions, as the first step of our investigation of the mechanism underlying Cr(VI)-inhibited immunosurveillance and carcinogenesis. Our results showed that Cr(VI) decreased the viability of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, inhibited T cell activation, functions, including cytokine release, and degranulation. Fetal ethanol (ETOH) exposure can damage the developing central nervous system and lead to cognitive and behavioral deficits, known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). The use of animal models, especially mouse models is essential for investigating the neurogenetic mechanism of fetal ETOH effects and screening pharmacotherapies against it, due to the extensive knowledge of mouse genetics. However, the availability of mouse model is limited. Via adopting various dosage, timing and administration routes of ETOH exposure, we developed two mouse models to assess behavioral or cognitive changes caused by fetal ETOH exposure in pre-weaning and adolescent period. Our results show that high dosage of ETOH exposure (4 g/kg) during PD 4-10 resulted in hyperactivity, disinhibition, and deficits in learning and memory in mouse offspring, which lays the groundwork for the future FASD research.

Possible breakdown of dopamine receptor synergism in a mouse model of Huntington's Disease

Kennedy, Samantha F 20 December 2017 (has links)
The model of basal ganglia function proposed by Albin, Young and Penney (1989) describes two anatomically independent motor pathways, the direct and indirect. However, under normal conditions striatal dopamine (DA) is required for the expression of motor behavior, and DAergic control of the two pathways (via D1 and D2 receptors, respectively) is dependent on co-activation. We tested for a possible breakdown of D1/D2 synergism using transgenic R6/1 mice bearing the human huntingtin allele (Htt). Motor stereotypy, observed prior to the onset of HD-related symptoms, was rated on a 5-point scale following activation of: A) D1 receptors alone, B) D2 receptors alone, and C) stimulation of both D1 and D2 receptors. Results revealed that mice with the HD allele, like their WT litter mates, depend on the co-activation of the indirect and direct motor pathways to facilitate deliberate behavior.

Molecular Targets of Psychedelics and Their Role in Behavioral Models of Hallucinogenic Action

Vohra, Hiba Z 01 January 2019 (has links)
Psychedelics are a subset of hallucinogenic drugs that exert their characteristic effects through agonist activity at the serotonin receptor 2A (5-HT2A). In this study, I aimed to characterize the modulatory role of the metabotropic glutamate subtype 2 receptor (mGluR2) in the 5-HT2A-specific rodent model of hallucinogenic action, head-twitch response (HTR). Secondly, I aimed to explore if 5-HT2A agonist-induced deficits in prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle response, an additional model of hallucinogenic action, could be produced in mice. Though 5-HT2A agonist-induced PPI deficits, which represent interruptions in normal sensorimotor gating, have been described in both rats and humans, attempts to translate this behavior to mice are rare. In contrast to prior gene knockout studies suggesting the mGluR2 is necessary for 5-HT2A agonist-induced HTR, mGluR2 knockout (Grm2-/-) mice still displayed HTR upon administration of the psychedelic 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI). Additionally, DOI and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) produced unexpected improvements in PPI in male 126S6/Sv wild-type mice, depending on the experimental protocol used and the origin of the animals. Sex differences were observed as DOI-induced improvements in PPI were present in female 129S6/Sv mice of the same origin and tested with the same protocol as their male counterparts; this effect in females was absent in 5-HT2A knockout (Htr2a-/-) mice. The results of this study shed light on issues with replicability and reproducibility in science, the importance of highlighting the origin and background of animal subjects, and potential sex differences in hallucinogenic drug action.

A gaming perspective on command and control

Brynielsson, Joel January 2006 (has links)
In emergency management and in military operations, command and control comprises the collection of functions, systems and staff personnel that one or several executives draw on to arrive at decisions and seeing that these decisions are carried out. The large amount of available information coupled with modern computers and computer networks brings along the potential for making well-informed and quick decisions. Hence, decision-making is a central aspect in command and control, emphasizing an obvious need for development of adequate decision-supporting tools to be used in command and control centers. However, command and control takes place in a versatile environment, including both humans and artifacts, making the design of useful computer tools both challenging and multi-faceted. This thesis deals with preparatory action in command and control settings with a focus on the strategic properties of a situation, i.e., to aid commanders in their operational planning activities with the utmost goal of ensuring that strategic interaction occurs under the most favorable circumstances possible. The thesis highlights and investigates the common features of interaction by approaching them broadly using a gaming perspective, taking into account various forms of strategic interaction in command and control. This governing idea, the command and control gaming perspective, is considered an overall contribution of the thesis. Taking the gaming perspective, it turns out that the area ought to be approached from several research directions. In particular, the persistent gap between theory and applications can be bridged by approaching the command and control gaming perspective using both an applied and a theoretical research direction. On the one hand, the area of game theory in conjunction with research findings stemming from artificial intelligence need to be modified to be of use in applied command and control settings. On the other hand, existing games and simulations need to be adapted further to take theoretical game models into account. Results include the following points: (1) classification of information with proposed measurements for a piece of information's precision, fitness for purpose and expected benefit, (2) identification of decision help and decision analysis as the two main directions for development of computerized tools in support of command and control, (3) development and implementation of a rule based algorithm for map-based decision analysis, (4) construction of an open source generic simulation environment to support command and control microworld research, (5) development of a generic tool for prediction of forthcoming troop movements using an algorithm stemming from particle filtering, (6) a non-linear multi-attribute utility function intended to take prevailing cognitive decision-making models into account, and (7) a framework based on game theory and influence diagrams to be used for command and control situation awareness enhancements. Field evaluations in cooperation with military commanders as well as game-theoretic computer experiments are presented in support of the results. / QC 20100825

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