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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dokumenthantering gällande frivilligpersonals insatser vid extraordinära händelser. : Vilka problem fanns med dokumenthantering vid skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 och finns det lösningar?

Sperens, Helen January 2016 (has links)
In this paper, I have examined the records management functions during extraordinary events from the perspective of what is documented, archived and made available regarding voluntary staff participation. Work organization during extraordinary events, also called emergency prepardness system, is based on work resources from regular employees in state and local government and in addition voluntary human resources. Records management is essential for organizations and society to protect and preserve reliable documents that evidence that the measures implemented and to support future actions, decisions and lessons learned. I chosed to perform an instrumental case study on the forest fire in Västmanland 2014 to create an image of the records management in extraordinary events. The survey has been focused on how the volunteer staff have been included in the documentation and where and how much is retained and archived. The case study has been carried out on the basis of grounded theory with data processing and analysis of documents and interview responses. The results of data processing gave a picture that records management was deficient during the fire and also afterwards with archiving and accessibility. Various professional groups performed the documentation for different purposes, in different records management systems, but without common practice and no one had overall responsibility for records management. It is missing a lot of written documentation regarding the voluntary efforts of staff at the extraordinary event, both among non-governmental organizations NGOs, voluntary defence organizations and authorities. Documentation is available only to a small extent and with varying factual content which makes it impossible to get an overall picture and it is difficult to know where the documents are archived. A further analysis of the results from the grounded theory-processing and some policy documents generated suggestions for improvements to include volunteer staff into the documentation in extraordinary events. The proposals deals with: a coordinating organization given the task of coordinating the guidelines for records management so that they are applicable for extraordinary events, and customized for different scenarios of events and different types of organizations participating in the work; that the archive theoretical model records continuum is used in the creation of strategies; to observe the laws and regulations that concern records management and extraordinary events; to appoint a person responsible for records management of each organization in emergency preparedness system; that authorities, municipalities and county councils continually train and practice their regular staff, elected officials and voluntary agreements personnel in processes of records management during extraordinary events; to introduce a common archive authority that collects, preserve and provide documentation regarding the work of extraordinary events. / I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur dokumenthanteringen fungerar vid extraordinära händelser utifrån perspektivet vad som dokumenteras, arkiveras och tillgängliggörs gällande frivilligpersonals medverkan. Arbetsorganisationen vid extraordinära händelser, även kallat  samhällets krisberedskap, är uppbyggd på arbetsresurser ifrån ordinarie anställd personal i stat och kommun samt därtill frivilliga personalresurser. Dokumenthantering är väsentligt för organisationer och samhället för att skydda och bevara tillförlitliga dokument som belägg för att åtgärder genomförts och som stöd för framtida åtgärder, beslut och lärdomar. Jag valde att utföra en instrumentell fallstudie på skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 för att skapa en bild av dokumenthanteringen vid extraordinära händelser. Undersökningen har gällt hur frivillig-personal har inkluderats i dokumentationen samt var och hur mycket som finns bevarat och arkiverat. Fallstudien har genomförts utifrån grundad teori med databehandling och analys av dokument och intervjusvar. Resultatet från databearbetningen gav en bild att dokumenthante-ringen var bristfällig under branden och även efteråt med arkivering och tillgängliggörande. Olika yrkesgrupper utförde dokumentation för olika ändamål, i olika dokumenthanterings-system, utan gemensamma rutiner och ingen hade ett övergripande ansvar för dokument-hanteringen. Det saknas en hel del skriftlig dokumentation om frivilligpersonalens insats vid den extraordinära händelsen, både hos frivilligorganisationer, frivilliga försvarsorganisationer och myndigheter. Dokumentation finns bara i liten utsträckning och med varierande faktainnehåll vilket gör det omöjligt att få en helhetsbild och det är svårt att veta var dokumentation finns arkiverad. En fortsatt analys mellan resultatet från grundad teori-bearbetningen och några styrdokument genererade förslag till förbättringar för att dokumentation om frivilligpersonal ska bli inkluderad vid extraordinära händelser. Förslagen behandlar: att en samordnande instans får uppdraget att samordna riktlinjer för dokument-hanteringen så att de blir tillämpbara vid extraordinära händelser och anpassade för olika scenarion av händelser och olika typer av organisationer som deltar i arbetet; att arkivteoretiska modellen records continuum används i skapandet av strategier; att beakta de lagar och förordningar som finns för dokumenthantering och extraordinära händelser; att utse en ansvarig för dokumenthantering hos varje aktör inom samhällets krisberedskap; att myndigheter, kommuner och länsstyrelser kontinuerligt ska utbilda och tillsammans öva sin ordinarie personal, förtroendevalda och frivillig avtalspersonal i processer av dokumenthantering vid extraordinära händelser; att införa en gemensam arkivinstans som samlat kan bevara och tillhandahålla dokumentation gällande arbetet med extraordinära händelser.

Kommunal krishanteringsförmåga : Uppsala kommuns beredskap inför en eventuell naturkatastrof

Runesson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
De senaste åren har det skett en nedprioritering av risk- och krisföreberedande arbete på kommunal nivå, främst gällande naturkatastrofer. En av anledningarna till detta är att de kommunala medlen prioriteras mot andra saker som exempelvis skola, vård och omsorg. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka lärdomar och förmåga rörande hanteringen av naturkatastrofer på olika myndighetsnivåer i Sverige. Lärdomar studeras utifrån ett verkligt exempel: skogsbranden i Västmanland sommaren 2014. Huvudfokus för uppsatsen är att studera Uppsala kommuns förmåga att hantera en eventuell framtida naturkatastrof. För att undersöka syftet används två teoretiska modeller: Framgångsfaktorer för krishantering samt DROP-modellen. Framgångsfaktorerna används sedan för att se om lärdomar har inhämtats ur skogsbrandskatastrofen. Uppsala kommuns förmåga analyseras genom DROP-modellen, som delas in i ett antal steg. Den kommunala förmågan analyseras i varje steg i modellen för att diskutera om motståndskraft mot en eventuell naturkatastrof finns. Resultatet av undersökningarna visar att lärdomar kan inhämtas från skogsbrandsstudien, men det som är avgörande för om lärdom verkligen tas är om myndigheterna själva aktivt väljer att ta åt sig av erfarenheterna. Dock är det osäkert om Uppsala kommun har förmåga att klara en eventuell naturkatastrof, då det finns prioriterings- och tolkningsproblematik i det beredskapsförebyggande arbetet.

Krizová připravenost Nemocnice ve Frýdku-Místku na vybrané mimořádné události / Crisis readiness of the hospital in Frydek - Mistek relating to selected extraordinary events.

ŠMÍDOVÁ, Monika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Crisis readiness of the hospital in Frydek - Mistek relating to selected extraordinary events" deals with issues concerning current state of readiness of the Hospital in Frydek-Mistek for selected extraordinary events and the tries to create methods and approaches to improve the hospital's emergency preparedness. I chose mainly qualitative research with quantitative elements for answering research question. First step was random choice from hospitals in Moravian-Silesian Region, so I visited the hospital in Frydek-Mistek and I made data retrieval dealing with extraordinary events. Based on my own observations and the provided documents I detected an incorrect crisis preparedness plan and because it is important to have such an operative plan, which deals with extraordinary events and the inaccurate plan could place hospital to risk, I decided to revise the plan by using special methology, which is set up for this issue. Since the risks involved in the crisis preparedness plan were insufficient in my opinion, I conducted my own risk analysis of the external and internal environment focusing on hospital operation in risk. Then I used the "KARS" method, which is a qualitative risk analysis within its correlation. I determined the risks that should be resolved primarily and after that I revised the plan by using new knowledge. The result of the diploma thesis is a draft plan for crisis readiness of the hospital in Frydek - Mistek, which could be used and refilled by hospital managment alternatively. The plan will be handed over to the hospital management.

Krizová připravenost Nemocnice Jihlava na vybrané mimořádné události / Crisis readiness of the hospital Jihlava relating to selected extraordinary events

VILÍMKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
There are currently many emergencies that may affect the security environment of the Czech Republic. No extraordinary event chooses time or place to intervene. Among the most vulnerable people we can rank people in social facilities or health facilities because these people are dependent on the help of others. Healthcare facilities have their own specificities, which need to be given increased attention, especially in the event of emergencies. Currently, patients' entitlement to health care is high. Care should be provided in its entirety and at a high level. The aim of this thesis is to increase the readiness of Jihlava Hospital for selected emergency events. A research question has been set for this work: What is the readiness of Jihlava Hospital for selected emergencies? Data acquisition will take several forms. The research and analysis of legal norms and documents related to the issue will be crucial. Analysis of synthesis, document induction and environmental observation will be used. Subsequent interviews with employees of Jihlava Hospital and other relevant people will also play an important role. To evaluate the readiness of Jihlava Hospital, a risk analysis will be performed using the KARS method. The result will be a Plan of Emergency Preparedness, which will be given to the hospital. Thesis can also serve research purposes for hospitals to increase their preparedness for emergency situations.

Zhodnocení využívání Katalogu typových činností integrovaného záchranného systému při řešení mimořádných událostí / Evaluation of use of the Catalog type activities of the integrated rescue system at solving exceptional events.

RATAJ, Martin January 2016 (has links)
For the effective use were created Catalogue of Standard Activities of Integrated Rescue System Units during a Joint Intervention (KTČ). The Catalogue of Standard Activities should thus serve as a guide for successful management of emergencies listed. The theoretical part devoted to particular standard activities, presenting conditions for their use, list of bound units and brief procedure for carrying out rescue and relief work. One of the objectives of the thesis was to evaluate the use of each of the standard activities listed in the Catalogue of Standard Activities in dealing with emergencies carried out by IRS units in the Czech Republic between 2010 2014 and the second objective was to design processing of another standard activities for inclusion into the catalogue. Objectives were fulfilled. The research part of the thesis was carried out by methods of analysis and the research of materials available, especially statistical yearbooks of IRS interventions for these years, and by methods of data collection within a qualitative research in the form of guided interview with members of the regional fire rescue corps. After the analysis and research of data obtained from the Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service the data were statistically processed to tables and graphs, and then compared with data obtained from respondents who were subjected to controlled interviews. Respondents were drawn from the ranks of the Fire and Rescue Service, where there was always approached just one member from each region of the Czech Republic. So it was questioned 14 respondents, of which 13 were willing to be interviewed on the issue. The interview consisted of 10 questions, aim of which was to find out, whether the Catalogue of Standard Activities is being used during IRS activities for joint intervention in dealing with emergencies in the corresponding region. Statistical results of the data obtained from the Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service revealed that the majority of incidents solved by using methods of standard activities are rather stagnating or growing. The decline appeared only in traffic accidents dealt with during the announcement of the second and higher degree of alarm. The interviews with members of fire brigades showed that the Catalogue of Standard Activities of IRS units is most often used to deal with emergencies that meet the elements of its use. It is most often the case of traffic accidents and demonstrating the intention of suicide. Conversely, the least number of incidence and therefore of use is noticed in ensuring public order during meetings and techno-parties, and during avian influenza. The busiest regions in dealing with emergencies, according to the results, are the South Moravian Region and the City of Prague. At the other end, in terms of workload, there is the Olomouc Region. Using synchronous comparison, which compared the frequency of dealing with emergencies using the Catalogue of Standard Activities in relation to the total number of incident solutions using the Catalogue of Standard Activities in the Czech Republic, South Moravian Region was established as the best region in using the aforementioned standards to deal with emergencies. The worst in it is, to the contrary, the Karlovy Vary Region. Extraordinary events proposed for inclusion into the Catalogue of Standard Activities are extraordinary events with the presence of highly dangerous infections, collapsing buildings, managing migration waves and terrorist attack. The research question was posed as follows: Are the standard activities of the IRS units used during the joint intervention to deal with emergencies on the list? The answer is affirmative. Standard activities of the units IRS during the joint intervention used to deal with emergencies.

Historie školství ve Čkyni v letech 1880 - 1948 / School history in Čkyně in the years 1880-1948

ŠIŠLÁKOVÁ, Marta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis describes the life of pupils at primary school in Čkyně during 1880-1948. The introduction outlines the history of the village, followed by a section on the history of education in the village. The following chapters deal with specific time periods in school life, focused on teachers, pupils and lessons, and on school anniversaries or celebrations that the school organized regularly or exceptionally. This thesis also mentions political and other significant events that took place in those years, and how these events influenced schooling. The most important sources for this work were local and school chronicles.

Komunikace s veřejností v době řešení krizové situace / Communication with the public at the time of the solution crisis situation

SALÁTOVÁ, Renata January 2008 (has links)
Life on our planet does not exist without risks. Nobody is protected against extraordinary events and crisis situations. Except for enormous traffic accidents and natural disasters such as floods, fires, windstorms, landslides and avalanches there are also probable accidents with leakage of dangerous chemical substances in the Czech Republic. Above listed probable situations require immediate reaction and in many cases their solution raises the need of communication with public. In the Czech Republic there was for this purpose created a system of crisis management, which carries out prevention and correction of crisis situations and during crisis outbreak exercises specific procedures leading to reduction of crisis effect. Integral part of activities is the area of information flow (crisis communication) including informedness of general public. The result of above described activity is the plan of communication with public. With respect to the fact that no rule of law solves the content and structure of this document, my proposal results from accessible scientific literature, performed analysis of chosen municipalities and consultation with professionals on this topic. Information is the base of all events, however they are useless if the do not reach these who were they addressed to. That is why their transfer should play the main part when carrying out precautionary measures against extraordinary events and crisis situations as well as in the time of crisis situation solution.

Dokumentation i gränslandet : Dokumenthantering av volontärsinsatser från ideella organisationer vid krissituationer

Strelnikova, Olga January 2021 (has links)
I vårt gemensamma samhälle anses volontärarbete ofta vara något speciellt, något som man kan ha eller inte ha. Denna missuppfattning beror delvis på bristande kunskap och intresse för denna typ av aktivitet. Men trots detta har volontärarbete alltid varit och kommer att förbli en central del av samhällets utveckling och funktion. I praktiken ser vi att den vanligaste formen av ideellt arbete är förmågan hos människor att organisera sig på lokal nivå (vanligtvis i en förening) för att lösa specifika lokala problem. Det civila samhället har alltid olika ideella organisationer. Ett sådant samarbete kan göra vad ingen annan kan. Ideella styrkor kan göra vad regeringen eller företagen inte kan (inte vill). Medborgarna kan spela en viktig roll för att hjälpa offren i olika krissituationer och kan också vara ovärderliga för myndigheterna.  Men volontärernas arbete är inte alltid väl dokumenterat. För att få en fullständig bild av alla deltagare och deras engagemang i nödsituationer måste registerhantering ta hänsyn till dess mångfald. ISO 15489–1:2016, en internationell standard för dokumenthantering, beskriver att systematisk dokumenthantering är viktig för både organisationer och samhälle för att skydda och upprätthålla tillförlitliga register, främst som bevis för att åtgärder har genomförts och för det andra som stöd för framtida åtgärder och lösningar.  Denna studie undersöker frågor relaterade till ett så ganska problematisk fråga i ideella organisationers lösning av en krissituation som att dokumentera deras medlemmars/deltagares arbete. Med hjälp av två ideella organisationer (Missing People Sweden och Svenska Röda Korset) granskas och analyseras de åtgärder som vidtas av organisationer för att lösa detta problem - hur man ska dokumentera volontärernas arbete, hur denna dokumentation kommer att sparas/ arkiveras för användning i framtiden. Intervjuer genomfördes med de studerande organisationerna, som låg till grund för slutsatser om den aktuella situationen. Dokumentteori och Records continuum modell togs som en teoretisk grund för uppsatsen. Som forskningsmetod används en instrumental fallstudie, baserad på studier av tillgänglig litteratur och vetenskaplig forskning och genomförande av kvalitativa intervjuer. Den diskuteras också hur organisationer som helhet hanterar frågan om information- och dokumenthantering i sina organisationer.  Studien visar att båda undersökta organisationerna dokumenterar medlemmarnas/deltagarnas arbete som återspeglar denna aktivitet i slutrapporterna om det utförda arbetet. All denna dokumentation förvaras vanligtvis endast i elektronisk form och bevaras/arkiveras på servrar. När det gäller frågan om dokumenthantering i allmänhet har organisationer helt olika tillvägagångssätt för denna fråga. / In our society, volunteering is often considered something special, something that one simply does or does not. This misconception is partly due to a lack of knowledge and interest in this type of activity. Nevertheless, volunteering has always been and will remain a central part of the development and functioning of society. In practice, we see that the most common form of non-profit work is the ability of people to organize at the local level (usually in an association) to solve specific local problems. Civil society always has different non-profit organizations. Nonprofit forces can do what the government or corporations cannot (do not want). Citizens can play an important role in helping victims in various crisis situations and can also be of great help to the authorities.  But the volunteers work is not always well documented. To get a complete picture of all participants and their involvement in emergencies, registry management must consider its diversity. ISO 15489-1:2016, an international standard for document management, describes that systematic document management is important for both organizations and society in protecting and maintaining reliable records, primarily as evidence that actions have been implemented and, secondly, to support future actions and solutions.  This study examines issues related to such a rather problematic moment in nonprofits resolution of a crisis as documenting the work of their members/participants. With the help of two non-profit organizations (Missing People Sweden and Swedish Red Cross), the measures taken by organizations to solve this problem are considered and analyzed - how to document the work of volunteers, how this documentation will be saved/ archived for future use. Interviews were conducted with the organizations, which formed the basis for conclusions on the current situation. Document theory and the Records continuum model were taken as a theoretical basis for the thesis. An instrumental case study is used as a research method, based on studies of available literature and scientific research, and conducting qualitative interviews. It also discusses how organizations as a whole handle the issue of information and document management in their organizations.  As the study shows, both organizations document the work of the members/participants that reflects this activity in the final reports on the work performed. All this documentation is usually stored only in electronic form and stored/archived on servers. On the issue of document management in general, organizations have completely different approaches to this issue.

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