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"Let us build an ark!" : Jonas De Geer and the negotiation of religion within radical nationalismLundström, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis illuminates meaning(s) of religion in a Swedish radical nationalist context. The empirical study is based on a critical text analysis of author Jonas De Geer, key ideology producer of Swedish radical nationalism. The research questions concern how the publications of Jonas De Geer, during the period 1996-2016, address issues related to religion and Christian imagery. The primary aim of the thesis – to study how the concept of religion is understood, negotiated and used in a Swedish radical nationalist context – is enunciated through an examination of how identity and antagonists are construed through the notions of religion in the material, and how these concepts change over time. An applied text analysis, informed by critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, constitutes the methodological framework of the study. The empirical analysis suggests that Christianity and national identity are construed as intertwined and natural, while Judaism is portrayed as the primary antagonist. Additionally, Islam and modernist ideals are depicted as weapons used by Jewish influence to dominate the West. Drawing on these empirical implications, the study concludes that religion functions as a racist configuration in De Geer's symbolic universe.
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Voliči české krajní pravice po r. 1990 z geografické perspektivy / Electorate of the Czech Extreme Right since 1990 in the Geographic PerspectiveFráně, Luděk January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the political-geographical analysis of the Czech extreme rights, its voters and electoral support in the period after 1990. The paper aims to evaluate the development of the Czech extreme rights in the period 1990-2010 in terms of its importance in the Czech political system, and especially from the perspective of regional differentiation of its electoral support, and to identify possible influencing factors that conduce the voters to support this political stream. The objective is to answer the question whether there are significant regional differences in the support of right-wing extremist parties and, if so, whether these differences are stable over time. Just monitoring of a longer period (1990-2010) will specify whether the regions with above-average support of far-right parties are stable, or whether the extraordinary support of these parties during the reported period varies regionally and some shifts occur for example, due to the social-economic changes in the transformation period. The thesis also examines the factors that could explain the regional differences in electoral support of the far rights. The aim here is to use the social- demographic and economic characteristics expressing the structure of the population as well as the influence of the local...
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Albania's counter-terrorism policy options: finding a strategy of common senseGjiknuri, Damian 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This research will assess the counter-terrorism policy options available to Albanian authorities. As part of this investigation, it will consider the nature of the terrorism threat, review the counter-terrorism policies that have been pursued in the past, and weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the current policy. These elements will provide background for an analysis of the available policy models on the basis of four main criteria: 1) political feasibility; 2) legal and constitutional constraints; 3) foreign policy objectives and 4) effectiveness. The state policy options this study will analyze can be placed under four broad categories: a) deterrence through hard line measures including military operation and emergency powers; b) co-option and conciliation; c) pursuit of sanctuary or a passive policy; or d) deterrence via criminal justice. All these options might be plausibly implemented by Albania; indeed they have been used at different times in different countries. The working hypothesis of this investigation is that a policy based mainly on deterrence through criminal justice will be the most effective way to counter the internal threats that Albania faces while improving the countrys international standing. / Civilian, Ministry of Defense of Albania
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Prelude to Islamic extremism : A study of radicalization among Muslims in Sweden and the effects of IslamophobiaAlgotsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Abstract [en] On 27 April 2017 Sweden was struck by an Islamic terrorist attack which with various terrorist attacks in Europe, lead to increased Islamophobia and far-right populism in the country. This has seemingly led to Swedes becoming more prone to believe Islamophobic conspiracy theories. Such as the notion that Muslims are terrorists and Islam a violent religion from which terrorism springs to life. This twisted perception and further Islamophobia can lead to Muslims being perceived as a potential threat, due to being associated with terrorism. Since radicalization has been linked to social alienation and discrimination, the concern regarding increased Islamophobia in Sweden and what consequences it has on radicalization among Muslims in Sweden is warranted. Islamophobia is a form of discrimination against Muslims, but research regarding radicalization has not fully integrated the concept of Islamophobia with Islamic terrorism and its radicalization. This despite the increase of global Islamophobia and the witnessed increase of Islamic terrorism in forms of [Western] foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), as well as home-grown cells and planned lone wolf attacks in recent years, which all indicate a potential increase in Islamic radicalization. As Islamophobia, far-right populism and extremist sentiments are growing in Sweden, this thesis presents a desk study through a qualitative text analysis, to investigate how the current climate and development affects Muslims in Sweden, and whether they are excluded as a result to presumably enhance national security. This is done through an abductive approach with an analytical framework focused on radicalization processes and the perspectives of inclusion and exclusion. The potential correlation between Islamophobia and radicalization among Muslims, where Sweden is used as an example to exemplify the consequences of Islamophobia regarding Islamic radicalization and security through exclusion contra development through inclusion is presented in this desk study.
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I skuggan av våldsbejakande extremism : En kvalitativ studie om Socialtjänstens arbete med barn till IS-återvändareMalmros, Annica, Nordström, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Våldsbejakande extremism är ett relativt nytt problem för Socialtjänstens verksamhet, vilket innebär att ett flertal socialsekreterare runt om i Sverige arbetar med ärenden som rör våldsbejakande extremism utan att ha någon specifik utbildning inom ämnet. Studiens syfte har således varit att få en djupare inblick i socialarbetares arbete avseende barn vars föräldrar har stridit för Islamiska staten (IS) samt vilka utbildningar som finns tillgängliga. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, insamling av empiri utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare från tre olika städer i Sverige. Analysering av empirin har utförts med hjälp av en konventionell kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Under intervjuerna framkom det att det råder skilda uppfattningar bland socialsekreterarna med avseende på utbildningen inom ämnet, där vissa anser att det underlag som tillhandahållits är bristfälligt, medan andra känner sig trygga i det. Vidare skiljer sig arbetssättet åt i de olika städerna rörande barn vars föräldrar som stridit för IS, exempelvis med avseende på uppsökande verksamhet. Det genomgående temat i intervjuerna var att dessa ärenden ska behandlas som vanliga ärenden och att socialsekreterarna inte ska särskilja barnen och familjerna, detta för att familjerna inte ska känna att de blir behandlade på ett annorlunda sätt på grund av sin bakgrund.
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Våldsbejakande islamistisk extremism – ett minfält inom skolans religionsundervisning? : En intervjustudie om lärares och elevers tankar i mötet med våldsbejakande islamistiskt våld på sociala medierSjögren, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utifrån individuella intervjuer med fem elever vilka gick sitt tredje år på gymnasiet, och sex gymnasielärare vilka undervi-sade i ämnet religionskunskap undersökt fyra frågeställningar. Min första frågeställning rörde hur elever och lärare förhöll sig till, och reagerade på den våldsbejakande islamistiska propaganda terrorgrupper Daesh sprider på sociala medier. Frågeställning två och tre rörde hur lärare och elever upplevde att de inom ramen för skolans religionsundervisning fick möjlig-heter att reflektera över, och behandla frågor rörande våldsbejakande islamistisk extremism, samt allmänna attityder till kulturell och religiös tillhörighet kopplat till intryck från sociala medier? Den fjärde frågeställ-ningen behandlade hur elever och lärare inom ramen för skolans religions-undervisning uppfattade att det gavs utrymme att differentiera mellan våldsbejakande islamistiska extremgruppers kulturella och religiösa ut-tryck, och mer generella och för Islam representativa religiösa och kultu-rella uttryck? Svaren på dessa frågeställningar visade att det ur en elev och lärarperspek-tiv fanns olikheter i hur man förhöll sig till medierade budskap på sociala medier. Här framträdde att det utifrån ett elevperspektiv fanns en avsak-nad av behandlande av den våldsbejakande islamistiska extremismen inom religionsundervisningen. Ur ett lärarperspektiv sågs den våldsbejakande islamistiska extremismen som ett stickspår, och som ett område vilket på grund av tidsbrist, fick stå tillbaka för annat lärostoff. Begreppet extremism vidgades även utifrån ett lärarperspektiv. Och de anticivilisatoriska vålds-handlingar Daesh utför blev en del av ett större terror - och extremistbe-grepp. Bland lärarna fanns det även varierade attityder till vilka klasser som var mottagliga för diskussioner rörande den våldsbejakande islamist-iska extremismen. Detta kunde kopplas till varierade studiekulturer, det upplevda behovet att diskutera islamistisk extremism inom religionsunder-visningen, samt hur väl läraren kände elevgruppen i fråga. Möjligheterna till differentiering mellan den våldsbejakande islamistiska extremismen, och en mer representativ och rättvisande bild av Islam uppfattades av både lärare och elever som att detta gavs utrymme för inom religionsundervis-ningen. Detta skedde genom lärares positiva framställning av Islam som religion, och genom interkulturella möten där eleverna själva fick möjlig-heter att möta och uppleva Islam, och därmed också få en positiv kontrast till medias ofta negativa framställning av Islam och muslimer.
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Le programme PREVENT et les musulmans en Grande-Bretagne, enjeux et contradictions de la "prévention du terrorisme" / PREVENT and Muslims : the contradictions of “prevention of terrorism” programmes in BritainArènes, Claire 01 December 2014 (has links)
Les attentats du 7 juillet 2005, commis par quatre musulmans britanniques, placent la « radicalisation endogène », processus menant des Britanniques à apporter leur soutien au terrorisme, au centre des préoccupations du gouvernement. Cette recherche s’intéresse au paradoxe que constitue le programme de prévention de l’extrémisme violent (Prevent) formulé après ces attentats : supposé remédier au « manque d’intégration » des communautés musulmanes britanniques dans l’ethos national, il encourage de fait le financement d’initiatives portées par ou pour les musulmans. D’autre part, il prétend œuvrer à la construction de relations de confiance entre musulmans et institutions britanniques, mais place ces relations sous le prisme du contre-terrorisme. Le programme Prevent se place donc sous le signe d’une double ambivalence : renforcement d’une identité exclusive musulmane au lieu de faire primer une identité civique britannique, et « sécuritarisation » des rapports entre musulmans et institutions plutôt que construction d’une relation de confiance. Ce travail postule que ce décalage s’explique par la résurgence d’un cadre différentialiste propre à la Grande-Bretagne, où la société est vue comme composée de groupes ethno-culturels distincts. Ce cadre de pensée, qui a constitué la base des politiques de gestion de la diversité, a été réinvesti par les politiques de contre-terrorisme après 2005 pour « gagner les cœurs et les esprits » des populations dont se réclament les terroristes, et remobilisé par les acteurs de la mise en œuvre de Prevent à l’échelon local. Ce sont les apories de Prevent que sonde ce travail de thèse, en inscrivant cette stratégie dans la filiation des politiques de sécurité et de gestion de la diversité britanniques, et en la confrontant à sa mise en œuvre sur le terrain. / In the wake of the July 7, 2005 London bombings, perpetrated by four British Muslims, the British government devised a policy, Prevent, aimed at preventing “home-grown radicalisation”, that is to say the process by which young Britons come to support and possibly engage in acts of terrorism. This work focusses on two contradictions embedded in Prevent. First, this policy is meant to facilitate the cultural integration of Muslims into the national community, but works in practice as a new mono-ethnic funding stream for which only associations headed by or working with Muslims can apply. Second, it aims at enhancing institutional engagement with Muslims but narrows down such engagement to counter-terrorism purposes. Therefore, Prevent reinforces exclusive forms of identification to a Muslim communal identity instead of favouring inclusion in a wider civic community, and it securitises institutional relations with Muslims rather than fostering trust. It is argued here that such contradictions arise from the legacy of previous approaches of ethnic diversity management in Britain, which are based on the assumption that society is made of distinct groups (communities) defined by their ethnicity. This culturalist pattern, which has been key in the building of anti-discrimination legislation and measures to support cultural diversity, has been reinvested lately by counter-terrorism policies aimed at “winning the hearts and minds” of the populations whose support is sought by the terrorists. It has then been reinforced by the practice of fieldworkers involved in the implementation of Prevent at the local level. This work discusses the implications of the paradoxical nature of the Prevent strategy, tracing it back to the legacy of previous policies and contrasting it with its implementation on the ground.
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Thinking Beyond The Führer: The Ideological and Structural Evolution of National Socialism, 1919-1934Steinback, Athahn 01 December 2019 (has links)
Much of the discussion of German National Socialism has historically focused on of Adolf Hitler as the architect of the Nazi state. While recognizing Hitler’s central role in the development of National Socialism, this thesis contends that he was not a lone actor. Much of the ideological and structural development National Socialism was driven by senior individuals within the party who were able to leverage their influence to institutionalize personal variants of National Socialism within broader party ideology. To explore the role of other ideologues in the development of Nazi ideology, this thesis examines how Hitler’s leadership style perpetuated factionalism, how when and by whom central elements of Nazi ideology were introduced, as well the ideological sources from which these concepts were adapted. After the party’s ultimate rise to power Hitler, always centrally positioned, eliminated internal competition and institutionalized his own variant of National Socialism whilst co-opting the concepts and structures developed by other ideologues that offered useful tools to pursue his goals. Through this analysis, this thesis seeks to demonstrate how the foundational elements of National Socialism took form, even before the party achieved power, and how these elements were subsequently utilized to consolidate Nazi control over the German state. Above all else, this thesis sheds much-needed light on the pivotal role of individuals and the conflict between them that engineered the cataclysm of the Third Reich.
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Die Linke und der Jihad : ideologische Schnittstellen zwischen der extremen Linken und dem sunnitischen Islamismus / The Left and Jihad : ideological convergences of the extreme left and Sunni IslamismHeger, Timo-Christian January 2007 (has links)
Im Zuge der Diskussionen um den Irakkrieg 2003 oder den Einsatz des israelischen Militärs gegen die Hisbollah 2006 konnte beobachtet werden, dass sich die extreme Linke stärker denn je dem politischen Islam angenährt hat. Zwar gab es bereits in den 1970ern Kooperationen linker und palästinensischer Terroristen, jedoch lässt sich festhalten, dass sich der Diskurs in Teilen der Linken (vor allem im „antizionistischen“, „antiimperialistischen“ Spektrum) ebenso wie bei den vormals eher säkular ausgerichteten arabischen Extremisten „islamisiert“ hat. Auf der anderen Seite finden sich im „islamischen Widerstand“ verschiedene Vokabeln und Denkfiguren wieder, die aus der „antiimperialistischen“ Rhetorik der Linken bekannt sind.
Trotz dieser Auffälligkeiten gab es bislang nur wenige Versuche, die extreme Linke (teilweise auch die extreme Rechte) in Verbindung mit dem salafistischen Islamismus zu bringen. Der Islamismus gilt hierbei dann oftmals als „dritter Totalitarismus“ oder „Islamofaschismus“, der die Riege totalitärer Ordnungsvorstellungen von Marxismus-Leninismus und Faschismus/Nationalsozialismus um eine weitere Spielart erweitert. In der Regel erfolgt diese Einordnung und Bewertung jedoch im Rahmen politischer Kommentare oder Essays und ohne tiefer gehende theoretische Betrachtung. Arbeiten, die sich – meist aus Perspektive des bundesdeutschen Verfassungsschutzes – mit möglichen Querfrontbestrebungen beschäftigen, gleichen das theoretische Manko zwar teilweise aus, gleichzeitig jedoch entbehren sie einer tiefer greifenden Analyse der ideologischen Basis der betrachteten Extremismen und verharren bei den oberflächlich zu erkennenden Feinbildern der jeweiligen Strömungen als Vergleichsmaßstab.
Die Arbeit schließt diese Lücke, indem sie in vergleichender qualitativer Betrachtung ideologische Schnittstellen zwischen der extremen Linken und dem salafistischen Islamismus untersucht. Den ideologischen Konstrukten kommt dabei eine wesentliche Rolle zu. Weltanschauliche Grundannahmen beeinflussen die Wahrnehmung der Umwelt und der eigenen Rolle innerhalb derselben; erst ihre Bindungskraft schafft einen Ordnungsrahmen, anhand dessen sich Gleichgesinnte zu einer Gruppe zusammenschließen können, um gemeinsame Ziele zu verfolgen. Diese Erkenntnis hat sich auch in konstruktivistischen Erklärungsansätzen internationaler Politik niedergeschlagen und beschränkt sich nicht nur auf die klassischen Akteure im internationalen System – die Nationalstaaten. Auch nichtstaatliche Akteure wie eben die Protagonisten des internationalen Terrorismus lassen sich auf diese Weise erfassen.
In der Untersuchung wird nach einleitenden Begriffserklärungen und Ausführungen zur angewandten Methodik zunächst eine idealtypische extreme Linke konstruiert, deren spezifische Ziele, Feindbilder etc. (Primärebene) und Vorstellungen über den Weg zum Erreichen dieser Ziele (Sekundärebene) die Analysekategorie für den nächsten Untersuchungsschritt bilden.
In diesem werden Quellen des Salafismus inhaltsanalytisch untersucht und so ideologische Schnittstellen aufgezeigt. Hierbei werden Sayyid Qutbs „Milestones“, Ayman az-Zawahiris „Knights under the Prophet’s Banner“ sowie verschiedene Botschaften Usama Bin Ladins als Quellenmaterial herangezogen. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf dem „al-Qa’idaismus“ als derzeit offensichtlichste Ausprägung eines weltweiten islamistischen Terrorismus.
Ausgehend von der idealtypischen Linken werden dabei nicht nur Schnittmengen auf der Sekundärebene oder hinsichtlich gemeinsamer Feindbilder (Antisemitismus, Antiamerikanismus, Antikapitalismus) festgestellt, wie dies bereits von anderen Autoren teilweise vorgenommen wurde. Vielmehr finden sich auch bei der positiven Zielbestimmung zumindest deklaratorische Gemeinsamkeiten, wenn etwa auch im Islamismus eine „herrschaftsfreie Gesellschaft“ verwirklicht werden soll und das Ziel der Gleichheit aller Menschen propagiert wird.
Abschließend wird die Frage diskutiert, ob sich aus den Ergebnissen neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich einer möglichen „Querfrontbildung“ zwischen der extremen Linken und dem Islamismus ergeben. Insbesondere durch Bin Ladin gab es bereits mehrfach Versuche, auch nicht-islamistische Kräfte für seinen Kampf zu gewinnen.
Auch bei der extremen Linken finden sich Stimmen, die im Islamismus und seiner Betonung des Religiösen lediglich ein Überbleibsel alter Strukturen erkennen, die nach erfolgreichem antiimperialistischem Kampf verschwinden werden. Dass positive Zielbestimmungen geteilt werden, lässt eine Querfrontbildung zumindest von Teilen des linksextremen und islamistischen Spektrums möglich erscheinen. In dem Maße, in dem sich der „al-Qa’idaismus“ im Sinne des Modells der „Leaderless Resistance“ entwickelt, können sich auch einzelne Linksextremisten zu Solidaritätsaktionen ermutigt fühlen. / While the ideological threat by al-Qa’ida and other Islamist groups has been compared to Fascism before, comparisons with the extreme Left have been made rather seldom, despite the fact, that within the extreme Left there are noticeable trends to express solidarity with Islamists and their “anti-imperialist” struggle. At the same time, the rhetoric of leading figures of “al-Qa’idaism” borrows heavily from the social revolutionary vocabulary of the Left.
This work compares key ideological premises of the extreme Left with those of Islamic fundamentalism, exemplified by Usama Bin Ladins al-Qa’ida, and derived from a content analysis of various sources of Islamism (Sayyid Qutb’s “Milestones”, Ayman az-Zawahiri’s “Knights under the Prophet’s Banner” as well as various messages by Usama Bin Ladin).
Both ideologies are considered to be “resistance identities” (Castells), directed at the perceived dominance of liberal capitalism and globalization. Both propagate a pre-modern model for the organization of society, they believe to be tainted by modernism.
As the first step in this approach, an ideal model of the extreme Left is constructed, trying to incorporate its various shapes into a single model. The goals and enemies (primary characteristics) as well as the proposed ways and means in order to achieve these goals (secondary characteristics) are then used in a content analysis of the sources on Islamism.
While previous authors have found various convergences on the secondary level as well as common enemies, so far common goals beyond the immediate victory over the United States, Israel or capitalism have been dismissed as unlikely. This is explained by obvious differences between Islamists and leftists concerning the role of women in society or the importance of religion.
However, a more thorough comparison of the two ideologies shows that, despite these differences, Islamists as well as Leftists propagate a societal model based on cooperation, without recourse to man-made laws or any form of government. This positively defined utopia could serve as a rationale for cooperation between leftist extremists and Islamists stretching beyond the “common enemy”.
Already, members of the extreme Left have explained the popularity of Islamism within the Islamic world with the Marxian term of “opiate for the masses”, thus expressing belief that as soon as “repression” and “exploitation” of the Third World have ended, the need for religion will vanish. In this point of view, differences about the role of religion could be defused. The more “al-Qa’idaism” is transforming into a form of leaderless resistance, individual terrorist acts committed by Leftist extremist in “solidarity” with the “Islamic masses” could occur.
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The Radical Voice in the Rhetoric of the Tea Party MovementLemuel, Joel M 23 July 2010 (has links)
This study examines the analyzes the 2010 National Tea Party Convention in order to determine whether the Tea Party Movements’ rhetoric is unique from the rhetoric employed by previously studied movements. The study forwards the concept of a pseudo-movement: a movement that appears radical, but has normative, procedural goals.
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