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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní pomoc znevýhodněným osobám v česko-slovensko-německém srovnání / Legal Aid in the Czech Republic,Slovak Republic and Federal Republic of Germany-A Comparison.

Brunovský, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The theme of this Master's degree thesis is Legal Aid in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany - A Comparison. The appeal of the selected issue results from its notable relation to history, legal philosophy or human rights, yet mainly from the possibility to compare different approaches to the provision of legal aid applied by each individual state. From a formal point of view, the thesis is composed of five chapters, the second and the third chapter being further divided into parts and sections. The introductory chapter outlines in the most general way the problem of the effect of economic inequality of individuals on the enforcement and protection of their rights. It also indicates the primary division of the text. Chapter Two comprises two parts: The first one briefly deals with the historic evolution of legal aid from the Ancient Rome to the expansion of the concept of equality before the law, as it emerged during the Enlightenment. Special attention is given to personality of Yves of Kermartin (1253 - 1303) and his legacy, which has inspired the lawyers of the following centuries. Part Two presents the theoretical fundaments of legal aid. Its third section, which deals with legal aid in relation to human rights, is of exceptional volume and importance. This...

La collègialité dans le procès civil / Collegiality in the civil lawsuit

Chaput, Jade 23 May 2019 (has links)
La collégialité est un mode d’organisation juridictionnel qui a su traverser différentes phases historiques. Le XXIème siècle pourrait être une époque charnière puisqu’il se caractérise par le développement des nouvelles technologies. Si de tout temps les justiciables ont souhaité obtenir une réponse rapide à leur litige, cette célérité d’accès à l’information ne fait qu’accroître leur attente. Or, la collégialité nécessite du temps. A cela s’ajoute son coût. Le droit positif témoigne une restriction d’accès à la collégialité au second degré tandis qu’elle est en discussion devant la Cour de cassation. Cette limitation n’est pas en désaccord avec la volonté de la préserver alors qu’elle ne doit pas conduire à terme à son éviction. Deux raisons justifient son maintien. La première est qu’elle renforce certaines garanties du droit à un procès équitable et ce, parfois de manière perceptible. La seconde raison tient au fait qu’elle permet de contrecarrer la complexité d’un litige comme l’illustre le renvoi d’une affaire à une collégialité. Les propositions afin de réduire ses contraintes matérielles sont multiples. Elles puisent leur inspiration dans le droit interne mais aussi externe, la collégialité n’étant pas une exception française. / Collegiality is a jurisdictional organization that has gone through different historical phases. The 21st century could be a pivotal time as it is characterized by the development of new technologies. If at all times litigants have wanted a quick response to their dispute, this speed of access to information only increases their expectations. However, collegiality requires time. To this is added its cost. Positive law testifies to a restriction of access to collegiality in the second degree while it is under discussion in the Court of Cassation. This limitation is not at odds with the desire to preserve it, although it should not ultimately lead to its removal. Two reasons justify its maintenance. The first is that it reinforces certain guarantees of the right to a fair trial, sometimes in a perceptible way. The second reason is that it makes it possible to counteract the complexity of litigation as illustrated by the referral of a case to collegiality. The proposals to reduce its material constraints are multiple. They draw their inspiration from internal but also external law, collegiality not being a French exception.

Le juge administratif irakien, les Droits de l'Homme et le droit à un procès équitable / The Iraqi administrative judge and human rights, The right of Fair trial

Doski, Zeerak 11 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la question du rapport entre la juridiction administrative et les droits de l’homme en Irak et au Kurdistan. Dans une première partie j’analyse l’influence de l’idéologie des droits de l’homme sur l’organisation de la justice irakienne. Les questions traitées sont diverses : le rôle joué par l’occident dans la promotion des droits de l’homme, l’internationalisation de la protection des droits de l’homme, la constitution irakienne, etc. Je montre comment la justice administrative irakienne essaie, sous l’influence du droit français, essentiellement, de progresser malgré les séquelles de la guerre et comment le juge administratif tente d’appliquer les principes des droits de l’homme, sans toujours s’y référer formellement.La question de l’indépendance de la magistrature aura sa place dans mon travail, car la question est objet de beaucoup de polémiques en Irak. Puis au niveau des droits de l’homme j’introduis par un exposé sur la signification philosophique des Droits de l’Homme et des droits fondamentaux, les générations des Droits de l’Homme et leur protection internationale.Dans la deuxième partie qui est plus pratique et opérationnelle j’expose la notion du droit à un procès équitable et j’essaie de montrer comment, là aussi, malgré la non intégration de cette notion en droit positif irakien le juge administratif l’applique et parfois de manière courageuse. Je traite la question de l’influence de l’idéologie des droits de l’homme sur l’organisation de la justice irakienne, puis diverses questions comme l’évolution de la justice administrative française (les recours au fond, les procédures de référé, le renforcement des pouvoirs du juge administratif au niveau du contrôle de la légalité interne. Dans cette partie j’analyse de manière comparée de multiples arrêts irakiens pour montrer à chaque fois comment le juge irakien progresse, quoique en imitant, voire en mimant le juge français, ce qui n’est pas rien. C’est un grand effort car le juge français reste dans le monde arabe la référence sur le plan du respect des droits de l’homme. La notion de police administrative occupe une place importante en raison du rapport bien étroit entre police administrative et droits de l’homme. / This thesis analyzes the question of the relationship between the administrative jurisdiction and human rights in Iraq and Kurdistan. In the first part I analyze the influence of the ideology of human rights on the organization of the Iraqi justice. The issues are diverse: the role played by the West in promoting human rights, the internationalization of the protection of human rights, the new Iraqi constitution (2005), etc. I show how the Iraqi administrative justice tries, under the influence of French law, essentially, to progress despite the aftermath of war and how the administrative judge tries to apply the principles of human rights, without always formally refer.The question of the independence of the judiciary will have its place in my work, because the question is the subject of much controversy in Iraq. Then at the level of human rights I introduce a presentation on the philosophical significance of human rights and fundamental rights, the generations of human rights and their international protection.In the second part, which is more practical and operational, I expose the notion of the right to a fair trial and I try to show how, again, despite the non-integration of this concept into positive Iraqi law, the administrative judge applies it and sometimes bravely. I deal with the question of the influence of the ideology of human rights on the organization of the Iraqi justice, then various questions like the evolution of the French administrative justice (the recourse to abuse power, the urgent proceedings, the reinforcement of the powers of the administrative judge in the control of the internal legality. In this part I analyze in a comparative way of multiple Iraqi cases to show each time how the Iraqi judge progresses, although by imitating, even miming the French judge. This is a big effort because the French judge remains in the Arab world the reference in terms of respect for human rights.Indeed the concept of administrative police occupies an important place in my thesis because of the close relationship between administrative police and human rights.

Le droit au juge dans l'Union européenne / The right to an effective judicial protection in the European Union

Nedelcheva, Stella 27 January 2015 (has links)
Le constat selon lequel le droit au juge au profit des personnes physiques et morales est un élément de l’État de droit, et donc de l’Union de droit, constitue le point de départ de l’étude du droit au juge dans l’Union européenne. Sur le plan de l’effectivité de la protection juridictionnelle des droits que les particuliers tirent de l’ordre juridique de l’Union, on ne peut que constater que celle-ci est profondément conditionnée par les voies de droit ouvertes aux individus dans les ordres juridiques nationaux.L’examen du droit au juge devant les juridictions nationales démontre que l’ordre juridique de l’Union a réussi à leur imposer les prémisses d’un véritable droit processuel de l’Union. Concernant la capacité des juridictions de l’Union à assurer le droit au juge des particuliers, il est permis de soutenir que les limitations originaires de ce dernier ont, en partie, été comblées par l’entrée en vigueur du Traité de Lisbonne, qui a réduit le déficit juridictionnel dans le cadre de l’Union par la mise en place d’une juridictionnalisation accrue, une meilleure accessibilité à certaines voies de recours et l’inscription de garanties complémentaires, notamment en ce qui concerne le respect du droit à un procès équitable. Le postulat selon lequel l’Union européenne dispose d’un système complet et effectif de protection des droits des particuliers, s’il n’est pas exempt de critiques, tend néanmoins à se confirmer.Telle est l’ambition de cette recherche qui s’ordonne selon une structure bipartite : la protection juridictionnelle devant les juridictions nationales ; la protection juridictionnelle devant les juridictions de l’Union européenne. / The finding that the right to an effective judicial protection for the benefit of natural and legal persons is an element of the rule of law, and thus the Union of law, is the starting point of the study to the effective judicial protection in the European Union. In terms of effectiveness of the judicial protection of rights, which individuals derive from the legal order of the Union, it has been established that this latter is deeply conditioned by the remedies offered to individuals in the national legal systems. The review of judicial protection before the national courts demonstrates that the legal order of the European Union has managed to impose national courts the beginnings of a real procedural law of the Union. Concerning the ability of the European Union courts to ensure the right to an effective judicial protection of individuals, it is permitted to argue that the original limitations to the judicial protection have, in part, been addressed by the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which reduced the judicial deficit through the Union by the extension of the jurisdiction of the courts, the improvement of the accessibility to certain remedies before the courts of the Union and the inclusion of additional safeguards, especially concerning the right to a fair trial. The assumption that the European Union has a complete and effective system of judicial protection of individual rights, which is not always free from criticisms, nevertheless, tends to confirm. This is the ambition of this research, which is organized in a bipartite structure: the judicial protection before the national courts ; the judicial protection before the courts of the European Union.

Nezávislost a nestrannost soudů s důrazem na rozhodnutí Velkého senátu Evropského soudu pro lidská práva / Independent and impartial tribunal with emphasis on judgements of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rigrts

Staňková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The right to an independent and impartial tribunal is one of core elements of a fair trial. Therefore, it is vital to lay emphasis on this requirement. Independent and impartial tribunals are the cornerstone of a democratic and modern society respecting the rule of law. Effective fulfilment of this requirement promotes faith in courts, the judicial system and justice itself. Independent and impartial tribunals are a necessary prerequisite to protection of other rights. Although the right to an independent and impartial tribunal is enshrined in many international treaties, this requirement is not always met in practice. This problem is emphasised, inter alia, by the Council of Europe which adopted the Plan of Action on Strengthening Judicial Independence and Impartiality in 2016, due to unsatisfactory fulfilment of this requirement among European countries. The main subject of this thesis is an analysis of judgements of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the right to an independent and impartial tribunal in a wider international context. Case law of the European Court of Human Rights significantly influences not only the general European view on human rights but it has also a substantial impact on the Czech legal environment. This thesis is divided into three...

Vymáhání soutěžního práva EU Evropskou Komisí a jeho soulad s právem na spravedlivý proces / The Enforcement of EU Competition Law and Its Compliance with The Right to Fair Trial

Bartoš, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
The Enforcement of EU Competition Law and Its Compliance with the Right to Fair Trial - the Abstract: The EU is a community based on common values among which the prime role is played by fundamental rights. One of the most important rights which serves also as a vehicle for the protection of other rights is the right to fair trial. That is valid also for the specific field of EU competition law. The European Commission issues in competition proceedings sanctions which are of criminal nature. Such sanction must be either imposed or at least reviewed by an independent court or tribunal with a full jurisdiction. This is a doctrine developed by the ECtHR in Strasbourg under art. 6 of the Convention and it has been well established in its case law for decades. Since the Commission itself is not an independent court or tribunal, its decisions must be reviewed by the ECJ which must exercise the full jurisdiction over the decisions in question. In the past the ECJ was criticised that it did not possess or exercise the full jurisdiction by which it failed to safeguard the standard of fair trial. Although the ECJ accepted the line of case law on criminal nature of Commission's decisions, at times it was indeed rather hesitant to review fully the parts of the decision where the Commission assessed the factual...

An evaluation of the benefit of plea and sentence agreements to an unrepresented accused

Botman, Andre January 2016 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Section 105A of the Criminal Procedure Act is unconstitutional with regard to its failure to extend benefits to an unrepresented accused. Unlike a represented accused, an unrepresented accused cannot benefit from section 105A. The only recourse available to him or her is to enter a plea of guilty under section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Act. This plea of guilty does not offer him the benefits under section 105A. This causes the section to operate unfairly against the unrepresented accused based on his/her failure to secure legal representation. This continued operation of section 105A infringes on the rights of an accused by not affording this protection to the accused. This is in terms of a right to equality before the law, freedom from discrimination and what constitutes a justifiable limitation under section 36 of the Constitution. South Africa has ratified or acceded to international and regional treaties which require, inter alia that the right to equality before the law is respected. This requires a model framework to be put in place to ensure that unrepresented accused can benefit from section 105A. An evaluation of the viability of adding the unrepresented accused to the protection under section 105A is done. This is informed by experiences from other jurisdictions, which aid the need for reform.

La procéduralisation des droits substantiels par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme : Réflexion sur le contrôle juridictionnel du respect des droits garantis par la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / The “procéduralisation” of substantial rights by the European Court of Human Rights : Considerations about the juridictional control for enforcement of the rights guaranteed by the European Convention of Human Rights

Le Bonniec, Nina 24 November 2015 (has links)
La procéduralisation des droits substantiels est un phénomène désormais incontournable du système conventionnel qui ne cesse de se développer et de s’étendre. Néologisme d’origine doctrinale, cette notion semble pourtant difficilement saisissable. La procéduralisation des droits substantiels appelle en ce sens différentes interrogations liées tant à sa définition qu’à sesimplications pour le mécanisme conventionnel. Que désigne cette notion complexe et hétérogène ? Comment le juge a-t-il réussi à la mettre en place alors que ce procédé était initialement totalement absent du texte de la Convention ? À quoi est-elle destinée ? L’hypothèse retenue est que la procéduralisation des droits substantiels est une technique juridique spécifique au sein du mécanisme conventionnel, qui permet au juge d’atteindre une meilleure effectivité des droits. Toutefois, loin d’être limitée à ce seul cadre, la procéduralisation s’avère inscrite au contraire dans une dimension beaucoup plus vaste touchant à des aspects institutionnels en étant au service de la réalisation d’un projet politique particulier. / The “procéduralisation” - or procedural processing - of substantial rights has become an unavoidable phenomenon in the conventional system and it keeps growing and spreading. Originally a doctrinal concept, this neologism seems somehow hard to grasp. The “procéduralisation” of substantial rights raises many questions about both its definition and implications for the conventional process. What is this complex and heterogeneous notion refering to ? How did the judge succeed to establish it, whereas this process was initially totally ignored by the European Convention ? What is it intended for ? We argue that the “procéduralisation” of substantial rights is a specific legal technique in the European case law, which enables the judge to achieve a better effectiveness for the rights. Nevertheless, the “procéduralisation” is not bounded inside this framework, but has proven on the contrary to fit into a much wider dimension related to institutional questions, being dedicated to the fulfilment of a specific political project.

Media coverage of athletes in legal proceedings : an analysis of the Kobe Bryant case

Holmquist, Brooke 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to understand the media's impact when reporting on high-profile athlete's legal proceedings. Through the use of text analysis, the study examined whether sports journalists gave preferential treatment to "home-town heroes" in the Kobe Bryant case. The study also attempted to find differences and similarities between sports reporters and sports columnists with regard to positive and negative treatment of the case.

The Regional Prosecution Model between Kenya and the European Union: Implications on International Criminal Law?

Stjärneblad, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Modern piracy has escalated outside the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden. In order to bring suspected pirates and alleged armed robbers to justice, the European Union has entered into a regional prosecution model with Kenya. In this study I examine if the regional prosecution model between Kenya and the European Union may have any implications on international criminal law by specifically analyzing the Kenyan jurisdiction to try piracy suspects and the right to fair trial in Kenyan criminal proceedings of piracy suspects. By using a legal method, this study offers some clarity regarding Kenya’s jurisdictional basis to prosecute piracy suspects, as well as, to what extent they respect the right to a fair trial in its criminal proceedings of alleged pirates. In addition, the legal analysis demonstrates that international criminal law may be undermined and subjected to mistrust. Furthermore, the legal analysis also offers indications on a normative development of the Security Council in relation to its role in bringing perpetrators of international crimes to justice.

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