Spelling suggestions: "subject:"motherhood""
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O estudo do cuidado como referência na relação paterna / The study of care as reference in paternal relationshipGal, Milene Garcia Von 14 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-14 / This Master's Thesis examines how parents care givers, volunteers participating in child care services infoster carers,and parents of children who had their origin childentered in institutional service of care and foster carers services on the Hospitality Service Special Protection of Children and Adolescents (Sapeca) and Institutional Services Home and Foster Family coexistence, in Campinas (SP), has build the father caring experience to their children and / or children who their welcomed, seeking to understand the meaning of this exercise. The conceptual references of the research were: The Contemporary Family - How to Be Traditional, Transitional and Contemporary; the Care, the fathers care and the Institutional welcoming- in institutions and Welcoming Families. Its related to the aexploratory research, qualitative, where the approach was based on case studies. The research procedures were structured from bibliographical and documentary surveys, supplemented by field research. Data collection was carried out from semi-structured interviews. Research people include four men, parents and care givers, all participants of the Social Protection Service of High Complexity. The results of the analysis obtained on these interviews showed that menand women can be care givers; and that care constitutes a human potentiality that manifests and evolves according to the circumstances. Parents care givers revealed different personal styles of care. They reported feeling pride and joy in caring for children, despite the traditional representations of gender, their different experiences of care in child hood, al so from different social classes they represent. They showed up ready to take care of their children. The results also indicate that the ability to take care of a child, can be stimulate deven after a brief break, due to protective measure and the quality of care received in infancy. And the evidence was that caring is an action built on daily basis,and not a defined task from the gender of the person who performs / A presente Dissertação de Mestrado analisa como os pais cuidadores, voluntários
participantes de serviços de acolhimento em famílias acolhedoras, e pais de origem que
tiveram seus filhos inseridos em serviço de acolhimento institucional e em famílias
acolhedoras doServiço de Acolhimento e Proteção Especial à Criança e ao Adolescente
(Sapeca)e Serviço de Acolhimento Institucional e em Família Acolhedora (ConViver), do
Município de Campinas (SP), constroem e vivenciam o cuidado paterno com seus filhos
e/ou com crianças que acolheram, procurando desvelar os significados desse exercício.
As referências conceituais da pesquisa foram: A Família Contemporânea Modo de Ser
Tradicional, em Transição e Contemporânea; O Cuidado, O Cuidado Paterno e o
Acolhimento Institucional em Instituições e em Famílias Acolhedoras. Trata-se de
pesquisa exploratória, qualitativa, cuja abordagem ocorreucom base em estudos de caso.
Os procedimentos depesquisa foram estruturadosa partir de levantamentos bibliográfico e
documental, complementados com pesquisa de campo. A coleta de dados foi realizada a
partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os sujeitos da pesquisa englobam quatro homens,
pais e cuidadores, participantes do Serviço de Proteção Social de Alta Complexidade. Os
resultados da análise do conteúdo dessas entrevistas evidenciaramque homens e mulheres
podem ser cuidadores; que o cuidado se constitui em potencialidade humana, que se
manifesta e se desenvolve de acordo com as circunstâncias. Os pais cuidadores revelaram
diferentes estilos pessoais de cuidados. Relataram sentir orgulho e alegria no cuidado
com os filhos, apesar das representações tradicionais de gênero, de suas diferentes
vivências de cuidado na infância, das diferentes classes sociais que representam.
Apresentaram-se aptos a assumir os cuidados com seus filhos. Os resultados também
indicam que a capacidade de cuidar de um(a) filho(a), pode ser estimulada mesmo após
um rompimento breve, em razão de medida protetiva e da qualidade dos cuidados
recebidos na infância. E evidenciam que cuidar é uma ação construída cotidianeamente e
não uma tarefa definida a partir dogênero de quem a realiza
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Relationship Transitions, Fatherhood, and the Prevention of Child MaltreatmentSchneider, William Joseph January 2016 (has links)
Child maltreatment is a prevalent and pernicious problem in the United States. In 2013, nearly 680,000 children were found to be victims of maltreatment, with actual instances of maltreatment likely significantly higher. Exposure to maltreatment has negative short and long-term impacts on child wellbeing and development. Poverty and single parenthood have long been shown to be primary determinants in the etiology of child maltreatment. Changes in family structure over the last 50 years have resulted in dramatic declines in the number of children who grow up in a two parent married household. Indeed, recent research indicates that large numbers of children will experience living with a single mother as well as experiencing multiple parental relationships throughout their childhoods.
At the same time that non-marital relationships have become increasingly common, ideas about the role of fathers in parenting have changed as well. Traditional normative views of fathers as breadwinners have given way to an increased focus on the ways in which father involvement in parenting can influence positive child development. In contrast, research on child maltreatment has largely left the possible role of fathers in protecting against child maltreatment unaddressed. To date, little research has investigated the ways in which mothers’ relationship transitions, as opposed to static measures of marital status, might be associated with the risk for child maltreatment or how fathers’ involvement in parenting may buffer the risk for maternal child maltreatment.
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A experiência da paternidade na meia-idade na perspectiva de pais, mães e seus/suas filhos(as) / The experience of fatherhood in middle-age from the perspective of fathers, mothers and their children.Colleti, Mayara 09 November 2017 (has links)
O conceito de paternidade e sua vivência tornaram-se alvos de intensa investigação na literatura científica a partir do início dos anos 1970. Os estudos realizados destacam os acelerados processos de mudanças estruturais e organizacionais que incidem na família e na sociedade, que redefinem constantemente o entendimento que se tem sobre a paternidade, intensificando assim, o interesse em compreender a vivência paterna nos mais diversos contextos. Apesar da discussão que gravita em torno dessa temática, no que diz respeito à idade, os estudos existentes se concentram na vivência de pais adolescentes e adultos e na relação destes com seus filhos e companheiras. O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender a experiência da paternidade na meia-idade a partir da perspectiva de pais, mães e filhos envolvidos. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório, descritivo, de corte transversal, amparado na abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, no qual utilizou-se o estudo de caso múltiplo como estratégia metodológica. Os participantes deste estudo foram membros de quatro famílias, denominadas de: Família Campos, Família Sampaio, Família Azevedo e Família Pires. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: (a) Formulário de Dados Sociodemográficos, que engloba o Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil; (b) Roteiro de Entrevista Semiestruturada realizada com o pai; (c) Roteiro de Entrevista Semiestruturada realizada com a mãe; (d) Roteiro de Entrevista Semiestruturada realizada com o(a) filho(a); (e) Desenho da Família (DF), aplicado nos filhos menores de 12 anos; (f) Genograma, aplicado a todos os membros da família em conjunto e, (g) Diário de campo. As entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio e, posteriormente, transcritas na íntegra. O corpus de pesquisa foi organizado por meio de análise de conteúdo temática e a análise e interpretação dos dados pautou-se na teoria psicanalítica e na literatura disponível sobre o tema da paternidade. A partir da análise do material coletado, pôde-se elaborar, em diálogo com a literatura, três categorias temáticas: (a) Construindo uma família: Adaptações da conjugalidade às novas experiências de ser pai; (b) Que pai eu sou e que pai eu quero ser? e, (c) Potencialidades e dificuldades da paternidade na meia-idade. Os resultados permitiram desvelar a paternidade na meia-idade como uma vivência composta por múltiplas articulações. A conjugalidade e a reavaliação do modelo transmitido pelo próprio genitor revelaram-se como aspectos importantes no exercício paterno e nas expectativas em relação ao desempenho desse papel. Dentre as especificidades da experiência paterna na meia-idade, a maturidade e a estabilidade financeira foram apontadas como potencialidade desejáveis dessa vivência, enquanto que a indisposição física e o receio de talvez não ser capaz de acompanhar o processo de desenvolvimento da(o) filha(o) foram caracterizados como barreiras/dificuldades. Espera-se que este estudo possa fomentar novas investigações acerca da vivência paterna em diferentes etapas do ciclo de vida, a partir do relato dos seus próprios protagonistas e daqueles que com eles compartilham tal vivência. / The concept of fatherhood and its experience became subject of intense research in scientific literature from the beginning of the 1970s. Studies emphasize the accelerated processes of structural and organizational changes that affect both family and society, which constantly redefine the understandings about paternity, thus intensifying the interest in comprehending paternal experience in several diverse contexts. Despite many discussions surrounding this subject, regarding age, most of the studies focus on the experience of fatherhood during adolescence and young adulthood, and their relations with their children and spouses. The present study aimed to comprehend the experience of fatherhood in middle-age from the perspective of fathers, mothers and children. This is an exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Participants were members of four families named: Campos, Sampaio, Azevedo and Pires. Instruments used for data collection were: (a) Sociodemographic form, which includes the Brazilian Economic Classification Criterion; (b) Semistructured interview with fathers; (c) Semistructured interview with mothers; (d) Semistructured interview with sons and/or daughters; (e) Family Drawing (FD), used with children younger than 12 years old; (f) Genogram, used with all members of the Family together; and (e) Field diary. Interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed in full. Corpus of research was organized through content analysis in thematic modality, and data interpretation was based on psychoanalytic theory and on the available literature regarding fatherhood. The analysis of collected data, along with dialogues with literature, enables the development of three thematic categories: (a) Building a family: Adaptations of conjugality to the new experiences of being a father; (b) What father am I and what father do I want to be?; and (c) Strengths and weaknessess of fatherhood in middle-age. Results showed fatherhood in middle-age as an experience composed by multiple articulations. Conjugality and reassessment of the model provided by their own parents were revealed as important aspects to the exercise of fatherhood and to the expectations regarding performance of this role. Among the specifities of the experience of fatherhood in middle-age, maturity and financial stability were considered desired strengths, whereas physical indisposition and the fear of not being able to follow children´s development were characterized as weaknesses/barriers. We expect that this study can foment new research approaching the experience of fatherhood in different stages of life cycle, from the perspective of the main characters and those with whom they share such experience.
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Exploring non-resident fatherhood and child well-being in the early years using the Growing Up in Scotland studyRogers, Sarah Lynne January 2016 (has links)
Levels of non-resident parenthood in Scotland are substantial. The 2011 Scottish Census indicated 28 per cent of all families with dependent children to be lone parent households. Whilst non-resident parenthood is not synonymous with non-resident fatherhood, 92 per cent of such households were headed by the mother (ONS, 2014). Child well-being in non-resident father households is an issue of concern amongst policy makers and practitioners and both law and policy appear to operate on the principle that the maintenance of non-resident father-child relationships is generally conducive to child well-being. Whilst there is evidence to suggest the well-being of children in non-resident father households is typically poorer than their contemporaries in two natural parent households (Amato and Keith, 1991; Amato, 2005), and indeed evidence to suggest non-resident father involvement may benefit child well-being (Amato and Gilbreth, 1999; Adamsons and Johnson, 2013), the existing research has a number of limitations. Firstly, studies have typically adopted narrow conceptualisations of child well-being. Secondly, few studies have sought to disaggregate the total effects of non-resident fatherhood to consider both those transmitted directly and indirectly via mediating variables. Finally, increasing numbers of non-marital births coupled with evidence suggesting cohabiting relationships to be at an increased risk of breakdown in children’s early years compared to marriages (Greaves and Goodman, 2010), has culminated in increasing levels of early years non-resident fatherhood, an issue which has received less attention in the literature. Using data from the Growing Up in Scotland study this research explores associations between non-resident fatherhood and child well-being and the potential pathways through which such associations may operate. The research conceptualises child well-being as a multi-dimensional construct comprising four key domains: social, emotional and behavioural development, cognitive development, general health and material resources and uses structural equation modelling to consider the extent to which firstly, living in a non-resident father household, and secondly, non-resident father involvement is associated with child well-being directly, or indirectly, via household income, maternal mental health and parenting behaviours. The results show that, relative to two natural parent households, child well-being across each of the four domains is poorer in non-resident father households headed by a lone mother but not in those where the mother has re-partnered. Only one statistically significant direct association was found in the domain of material resources with the results suggesting much of the negative association to be transmitted indirectly via household income and maternal mental health. For those children who were reported as having some form of contact with their father, the results indicate paternal involvement to be indirectly associated with fewer social, emotional and behavioural difficulties via maternal mental health. Finally, consideration of the circumstances and characteristics associated with the maintenance of contact and levels of paternal involvement revealed maternal relationship status to be an important correlate of both contact and involvement whilst parental relationship history and circumstances surrounding the pregnancy were additionally found to be important correlates of contact. This thesis argues that simple dichotomies of father presence / absence can serve to mask the complex network of relationships underlying associations between non-resident fatherhood and child well-being. It also argues that child well-being in non-resident father households would benefit from policies which seek to alleviate financial hardship and support maternal mental health. It suggests that the maintenance of non-resident father-child relationships is potentially beneficial for child well-being and argues that promotion and support of contact and involvement in children’s early years likely requires a targeted approach. It further argues that the role of the non-resident father should be construed broadly to include consideration of support for the wider household in which the child lives.
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Work-family enrichment experiences among working fathers : evidence from CataloniaGrau Grau, Marc January 2017 (has links)
Although there is still a gender division of labour in post-industrial countries, evidence seems to suggest that there are some fathers more involved than others, and interestingly, a growing number of fathers that want to be more involved with their children. Using the Catalan Survey on the Use of Time, this thesis aims to understand how paternal time devoted to children under 10 years old differs across educational level, income, age, number of (paid) working hours, occupation and partner’s occupation among other independent variables. Understanding patterns of those fathers involved with their children will presumably give some clues on how to promote gender equality in parenting. Furthermore, it will contribute to the fatherhood literature by expanding the research to Catalonia. Furthermore, while we know that fatherhood involvement is positively related with child outcomes and gender equality, less is known about the benefits of having both work and family roles for working fathers themselves and their jobs. Using the conceptual framework of WFE elaborated by Greenhaus and Powell (2006), this thesis seeks to explore how resources developed at home are positively transferred and applied at work, and vice versa. For that aim, 20 interviews with Catalan working fathers have been conducted. Understanding and shedding light on these hidden sources of enrichment between work and family domains might be a positive way to challenge the disproportionate attention to the conflict perspective in the work-family literature and to counteract the benefits of the “ideal worker” and “organization man”. The methodological contribution of this thesis is that it is the first study to use the Catalan Survey on the Use of Time to look at fathers as well as offering one of the first qualitative studies to examine the work-family enrichment process for fathers. Regarding the empirical contribution, the analysis of the time use data reveals that father’s age, educational level and partner’s occupation is positively associated with paternal time devoted to children. On the other hand, working hours is negatively associated with time devoted to young children. The qualitative analysis suggests that enrichment occurs under certain conditions. Interestingly, the sources of enrichment reported from family to work (invisible rewards) were different from the sources of enrichment reported from work to family. This thesis also suggested that fathers employed in higher-levels occupation were more likely to experience high levels of enrichment, but at the same time high levels of conflict.
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Um novo pai, novas funções? Considerações sobre a relação pai-bebê no período da dependência absoluta / A new father, new functions? Regards on father-baby relation in absolute dependence periodSantos, Carine Valéria Mendes dos 07 March 2014 (has links)
Nas configurações familiares ao longo da história os lugares do pai, da mãe e da criança estiveram e ainda estão em constantes transformações. Durante muito tempo, o pai esteve distante dos aspectos referentes aos cuidados com os filhos e aos afazeres domésticos. A inserção do pai nesse contexto é um fenômeno atual e vem redefinindo novas formas de ser família. Em vista do surgimento de novos arranjos e funcionamentos familiares, nos quais o pai tem se permitido ser também um cuidador, foi possível pôr a relação pai-bebê em evidência. A partir de correlações entre a teoria do amadurecimento pessoal desenvolvida por Winnicott e a construção de um novo modelo de paternidade, pensou-se nas novidades trazidas por um pai mais participativo no que diz respeito às interações afetivas estabelecidas com o bebê. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as formas de interação do pai como cuidador na provisão ambiental do bebê no período da dependência absoluta. Para tal finalidade, alguns pais foram acompanhados na maternidade do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo e em seus ambientes familiares. Através do método clínico-qualitativo, este estudo baseou seus achados nos dados construídos a partir dos seguintes instrumentos: transcrições das entrevistas pré e pós-nascimento (realizadas no último mês de gestação e no 3º mês de vida do bebê, respectivamente) e anotações em diários de campo provenientes das observações dos pais em momentos pré-natais no hospital e pós-natais em suas casas. A partir do que foi encontrado, a relação entre os pais participantes e seus respectivos bebês foi analisada no intuito de compreender: os referencias familiares anteriores provenientes das figuras parentais desses pais; a atualização e/ou transformação desses referenciais no exercício parental atual; a construção parental dos novos pais, bem como os processos de vinculação afetiva com o bebê ainda na barriga; os significados atribuídos a experiência de ser pai antes e depois do nascimento; as formas de interação entre o pai e o bebê na rotina de cuidados; a capacidade de reconhecimento das necessidades do bebê por parte dos pais; a constituição de novas funções paternas no período da dependência absoluta e a caracterização de um holding no qual os cuidados paternos estivessem incluídos. Desta forma, pôde-se discutir a construção de uma paternidade afetivamente inscrita na subjetividade do bebê desde os primeiros momentos de vida. Esta inscrição seria possibilitada pela disponibilidade dos pais em se adaptar à rotina de cuidados do bebê e estabelecer especificidades de holding ao longo das interações singulares e dos cuidados adaptados. Partindo das elaborações construídas ao final desse estudo, atentou-se para a importância de desenvolver: estudos voltados para a inserção do pai, como cuidador, em momentos iniciais do desenvolvimento infantil; para o estudo das implicações dos cuidados paternos na flexibilização de papeis e funções masculinas e femininas nas configurações familiares; assim como, para as implicações dessa flexibilização no posicionamento das instituições, voltadas para a atenção humanizada ao pré-natal e ao puerpério, perante a demanda de inclusão do pai no ciclo gravídico-puerperal / In family settings along history, the functions assigned to the father, the mother and the child were, and still are, in constant transformation. For a long time, the father was absent when it concerned to child care and housework. His inclusion in this context is a current phenomenon and has been redefining new ways of being a family. The emergence of new family arrangements, in which the father has also be allowed to take part as a caregiver, made possible to put in evidence the father-baby relationship. Correlations between the theory of personal maturit, developed by Winnicott , and the construction of a new model of fatherhood, allowed us to think about the novelties brought by a father who participates more in affective interactions with the baby . This research aimed to investigate the forms of interaction between the father as caregiver and environmental provider and the baby in the period of absolute dependence. For this purpose, some parents were followed at the Maternity Hospital of the University of São Paulo and in their family environment. Through clinical-qualitative method this study based its findings on data constructed from the following instruments: transcriptions of pre-birth interviews and post-birth interviews (held on the last month of pregnancy and 3 month old baby, respectively) and observations recorded on field notes about parents in prenatal moments at the hospital and after the baby birth, at their homes. From what has been found, the relationship between the fathers and their respective babies was analyzed in order to understand: previous references of the fathers familiar parental figures; upgrade and/or processing of these references in the current parental exercise; the parental construction of the new fathers as well as the processes of affective bonding with the baby still in the belly; the meanings attributed to the experience of being a father before and after birth; forms of interaction between fathers and babies in daily care; the fathers ability to recognize the needs of their babies; the establishment of new fathers\' functions during the period of absolute dependence and the characterization of a holding company in which father care was included . Thus, we discussed the construction of an affectively fatherhood inclusion on the baby subjectivity since the first moments of life. This entry would be made possible by the fathers availability to adapt to the baby care routine and establish holding specificities along the natural and appropriate care interactions. The results of this study showed the importance to develop studies: facing the insertion of the father in daily baby care, as a caregiver in early stages of child development; the implications of parental care in flexible roles, men and women functions in family settings; as well as the implications of flexibility in the positioning of institutions dedicated to prenatal and postpartum care in front of the demand for inclusion of fathers in pregnancy and childbirth
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Narrativas Interativas de presidi?rios sobre a experi?ncia da paternidade / Interactive Narratives of inmates about the experience of fatherhoodMiranda, M?rcia Lepiani Angelini 23 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Ciolfi (fernanda.ciolfi@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2016-04-08T11:42:12Z
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Marcia Lepiani Angelini Miranda.pdf: 4920811 bytes, checksum: 6920374bc5373e80e3e5fb8e962a81c3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-08T11:42:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Marcia Lepiani Angelini Miranda.pdf: 4920811 bytes, checksum: 6920374bc5373e80e3e5fb8e962a81c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Preliminary studies have indicated that the barriers imposed by the penitentiary system have been a great challenge for the maintenance of family bonds and for the healthy exercise of parenthood, affecting both the physical and mental wellbeing of inmates as well as their children?s. This qualitative study, of psychoanalytical inspiration, aims to understand the fatherhood experience of inmates. 41 adult inmates serving their time in a penitentiary from the inner state of Sao Paulo have partaken of this study, which were later divided into four groups to a group interview. An interactive narrative was elaborated, in a way that it focused the matter of fatherhood in prison, in order to be freely completed by the participants. A group discussion about fatherhood in prison was proposed as a second stage of the procedure. The researcher has been registered the encounters in the form of narratives. The collected narrative material was then taken as a collective expression of the inmates, being then submitted to psychoanalytical consideration in search of the affective-emotional meanings that the fatherhood experience assumes in a correctional facility. The findings of this study confirm previous researches when it comes to the benefits of closeness between imprisoned fathers and children, to the father?s feelings triggered by the isolation and separation from the child, to the family history of absent and violent fathers, to the importance of visits and letters to the maintenance of father-child bond, to the hope of recuperating the lost time in prison regaining the involvement with the child, when freed from prison, to the worrying about the child?s future and about the father image that his experience in prison helped build, to the feelings of guilt, regret and impotence in face of what the child lives during his/her father?s imprisonment. Considerations are made about the need for intervention to the participants? demands for the exercise of fatherhood in prison. / Estudos preliminares indicam que as barreiras impostas pelo sistema prisional t?m sido um grande desafio para a manuten??o dos v?nculos familiares e para a pr?tica parental saud?vel, afetando o bem estar f?sico e mental tanto de presos quanto de seus filhos. Este estudo qualitativo, de inspira??o psicanal?tica, visa compreender a experi?ncia paterna de presidi?rios. Participaram deste estudo 41 pais encarcerados adultos que estavam cumprindo pena em uma penitenci?ria do interior do Estado de S?o Paulo, sendo divididos em quatro grupos para uma entrevista coletiva. Foi elaborada uma Narrativa Interativa, de modo a focalizar a quest?o da paternidade na pris?o, para que fosse completada livremente pelos participantes. Como segunda etapa do procedimento foi proposta uma discuss?o em grupo sobre o tema da paternidade no c?rcere. Os encontros foram registrados pela pesquisadora sob a forma de narrativas. O material narrativo colhido foi tomado como express?o coletiva dos prisioneiros, sendo submetido ? considera??o psicanal?tica, em busca dos sentidos afetivo-emocionais que a experi?ncia da paternidade toma na pris?o. Os achados deste estudo confirmam pesquisas anteriores no que se refere aos benef?cios da aproxima??o entre pais encarcerados e filhos, aos sentimentos paternos desencadeados pelo isolamento e separa??o dos filhos, ao hist?rico familiar de pais ausentes ou violentos, ? import?ncia das visitas e cartas para a manuten??o do v?nculo pai-filho, ? esperan?a de recuperar o tempo perdido na cadeia retomando o envolvimento com o filho, quando em liberdade, ? preocupa??o com o futuro dos filhos e com a imagem de pai que ajudou a construir, a sentimentos de culpa, arrependimento e impot?ncia diante do que o filho vive durante o aprisionamento do pai. Considera??es s?o feitas sobre a necessidade de interven??es que visem ?s demandas dos participantes para o exerc?cio da paternidade na pris?o.
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Paternidade no contexto da prematuridade : da interação do bebê ao 3º mês após a alta hospitalarMedeiros, Fernanda Borges de January 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou compreender os percursos singulares rumo à paternidade no contexto da reprodução assistida, desde a gestação até o primeiro ano de vida do(s) bebê(s). Foi realizado um estudo de caso coletivo longitudinal. Participaram três homens que se submeteram, junto com as esposas, à fertilização in vitro, sendo a causa da infertilidade masculina ou mista. Os pais responderam entrevistas semiestruturadas em três momentos: a) terceiro trimestre de gestação; b) terceiro mês de vida do(s) bebê(s); e c) final do primeiro ano de vida do(s) bebê(s). Os percursos singulares foram relatados e analisados a partir da metodologia do relato clínico. Buscou-se, a partir daí, (re)construir esses três percursos, com seus desafios singulares de elaboração e integração da experiência da paternidade, bem como os desafios no percurso da pesquisadora. Pode-se perceber a solidão dos homens que passaram pela experiência da infertilidade e do tratamento, especialmente por eles terem referido que cuidaram mais do que se sentiram cuidados. Destaca-se a importância de se oferecer um espaço de escuta para esses homens, não só em uma situação de pesquisa, mas também na prática do profissional de saúde mental que trabalha nesse contexto. / This study investigated the unique pathways toward fatherhood in the context of assisted reproduction, from pregnancy to the first year of the babies’ lives. A collective longitudinal case study was conducted. Participants were three men who had undergone, along with their wives, in vitro fertilization. The cause of their infertility was male or mixed. Fathers answered semi-structured interviews in three moments: a) third trimester of pregnancy; b) their babies’ third month of life; c) their babies’ first year of life. The unique pathways have been reported and analyzed based on the clinical report methodology. These three pathways were (re)constructed, with their unique challenges concerning elaboration and integration of fatherhood experience, as well as the researcher’s challenges. Loneliness could be felt in the reports of men who have experienced infertility and treatment. They said they cared more than were cared for. The importance of providing a space for listening to these men is emphasized, not only in a research situation, but also in the practice of mental health professionals who work in this context.
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The Social Construction of Black Fatherhood in Responsible Fatherhood ProgramsIsrael, Azaliah, Zajicek, Anna 09 March 2018 (has links)
Since the mid-1990, promoting responsible fatherhood has remained on the national policy agenda, but fatherhood-related policy initiatives have yet to generate tangible outcomes for low-income communities. Almost 1 billion dollars have been allocated to address the combined efforts of marriage and fatherhood education, but the results have been minimal. Recent literature reveals a deep seeded legislative misunderstanding about the reasons behind low marriage rates among low-income couples. Contrary to popular cultural narratives that imply a blatant disregard for marriage, there is evidence that low-income couples respect the institution of marriage. Socio-economic barriers, however, inhibit that union from taking place. Despite this plausible explanation, policy-driven initiatives often employ program curriculums that seek to modify the behaviors of fathers by instilling in them the value of hard work as opposed to addressing the socio-economic circumstances they face. This partly stems from the broader cultural narrative and a related public perception that Black fathers are lazy and unwilling to work. Responsible fatherhood grantees have the potential to begin deconstructing negative perceptions of Black fathers by uncovering new information in these federally funded programs. Using qualitative interviews, this study utilizes a three-article style format to examine the presence of the dominant cultural narratives regarding Black fatherhood in Responsible Fatherhood policies and organizational narratives of the agencies tasked with policy implementation.
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MÄNS FÖRÄLDRASKAP : En kvalitativ studie om fäders upplevelser av föräldraskapet i relation till samhälleliga förväntningar / MEN'S PARENTHOODStrinnholm, Josefina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the experience of being a father first hand, as well as to understand how society creates expectations that influcenc their fatherhood. Fathers have expectations on how they should be in order to be a good father which, amongst other things, involves participation, gratulations and a good relationship to their child. Many times the mother is in the focus as it for many people comes most naturally to have it so. This does not always correspond well with the father’s wishes and can be cause for alienation. Fathers are today very keen to shape how they take on the role as a father and are by redrawing the boundries of fatherhood also reshaping much of masculinity and what it is to be a father. This study was made with five qualitive semi-structured interviews in Skövde, Sweden, with fathers who had a partner and had one or two children under five years of age. A thematic analysis method was used for the interviews which revealed two main themes: ”Participating fathers” and ”Fatherhood - a secondary parent”. The results showed that fathers wants to be a part of the family, not just to have one. It also showed that partners and society’s expectations effects father’s ability to create their own version of fatherhood. The study shows that even if fathers are willing to change the traditional role of fatherhood, they are not capable to do so because the role of notions of masculinity, in relation to fatherhood, is very entrenched in the norm of being a father from society. The conclusion is that there needs to be more open informational discussions with fathers and meeting groups for fathers to share their experience. Aslo, a wider understanding of the impact from the couple relationships and society regarding how fathers percieve themselves as individuals is needed.
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