Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fatiguecrack growth"" "subject:"fatigue.dans growth""
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Estudo sobre o tratamento térmico de envelhecimento interrompido T6I4-65 e influência na propagação de trinca por fadiga em uma liga de alumínio AA7050Lima, Luis Otavio Ribas de 18 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Aluminum alloys have been the primary material of choice for the aircraft due to their properties such as low density, high mechanical and corrosion resistance. Commercial aircraft apply aluminum alloys for the fuselage, wings and supporting structure due to the extensive knowledge in design and production of aluminum components, and most importantly, aluminum alloys continue to be developed, keeping it highly competitive. A great development happen with the heat-treatable alloys, which allow improvement of the mechanical properties. Among this alloys stand out the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu series, known for high strength, toughness and corrosion resistance. The improvement of those alloys occurs by the precipitation of nanometric particles MgZn2, called η phase. This study’s aim was to promote an interrupted heat treatment T6I4-65 in an AA7050 aluminum alloy, with fatigue crack growth resistance as priority. Interrupted heat treatments’ goal is optimizing the consumption of solute atoms during process of nucleation and growth of precipitates as a finely dispersion. The T6I4-65 condition obtained was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, optical and electronic microscopy, mechanical tests as hardness, tensile and fatigue crack growth. The T6I4-65 treatment results in a microstructure with a fine dispersion of precipitated phase η’, about 75% smaller than those resulting from in current use, T7451. This microstructure resulted in a reduction of up to 24% in fatigue crack growth rate compared to that resulting from T7451 treatment, keeping the ductility of 17% of area reduction and yield strength higher than 400MPa. / Ligas de alumínio são o principal material de uso na indústria aeronáutica devido a suas propriedades como baixa densidade, alta resistência mecânica e a corrosão. Aeronaves comerciais utilizam ligas de alumínio em sua fuselagem, asas e na estrutura de suporte devido ao extenso conhecimento no projeto e produção de componentes em alumínio, e mais importante, as ligas de alumínio continuam a serem desenvolvidas, mantendo-se altamente competitivas. Ocorreu um grande avanço com o desenvolvimento das ligas tratáveis termicamente, que permitiram a otimização das propriedades mecânicas. Entre estas ligas tratáveis, destaca se a família Al-Zn-Mg-Cu, conhecidas pela alta resistência mecânica, tenacidade e resistência a corrosão. O aperfeiçoamento destas ligas ocorre pela precipitação de partículas nanométricas de MgZn2, conhecida como fase η. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter um tratamento térmico interrompido T6I4-65 em uma liga de alumínio AA7050 com prioridade ao aumento de resistência à propagação de trinca por fadiga. Tratamentos interrompidos tem por objetivo otimizar o consumo de átomos de soluto durante os processos de nucleação e crescimento dos precipitados endurecedores na liga na forma de dispersão finamente dispersa. A condição T6I4-65 obtida foi analisada por meio de calorimetria diferencial de varredura, DSC, microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura e transmissão, ensaios mecânicos dureza, tração e propagação de trinca por fadiga. Este tratamento resultou em uma microestrutura com uma dispersão de finos precipitados de fase η’, cerca de 75% menores que os resultantes de tratamentos de uso corrente, T7451. Esta microestrutura promoveu a redução de até 24% na taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga em comparação à resultante do tratamento T7451, mantendo grande ductilidade, até 17% de redução de área e limite de escoamento superior a 400MPa.
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Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger AluminiumlegierungenHockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.
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Fatigue crack growth experiments and analyses - from small scale to large scale yielding at constant and variable amplitude loadingLjustell, Pär January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is on fatigue crack growth experiments and assessments of fatigue crack growth rates. Both constant and variable amplitude loads in two different materials are considered; a nickel based super-alloy Inconel 718 and a stainless steel 316L. The considered load levels extend from small scale yielding (SSY) to large scale yielding (LSY) for both materials. The effect of different load schemes on the fatigue crack growth rates is investigated on Inconel 718 and compact tension specimens in Paper A. It is concluded that load decreasing schemes give a to high Paris law exponent compared to constant or increasing load amplitude schemes. Inconel 718 is further analyzed in Paper B where growth rates at variable amplitude loading in notched tensile specimens are assessed. The predictions are based on the fatigue crack growth parameters obtained in Paper A. The crack closure levels are taken into consideration and it is concluded that linear elastic fracture mechanics is incapable of predicting the growth rates in notches that experience large plastic cyclic strains. Even if crack closure free fatigue parameters are used and residual stresses due to plasticity are included. It is also concluded that crack closure free and nominal fatigue crack growth data predict the growth rates equally well. However, if the crack closure free parameters are used, then it is possible to make a statement in advance on the prediction in relation to the experimental outcome. This is not possible with nominal fatigue crack growth parameters. The last three papers consider fatigue crack growth in stainless steel 316L. Here the load is defined as the crack tip opening displacement parameter. Paper C constitutes an investigation on the effect of plastic deformation on the potential drop and consequently the measured crack length. It is concluded that the nominal calibration equation obtained in the undeformed geometry can be used at large plastic deformations. However, two conditions must be met: the reference potential must be taken in the deformed geometry and the reference potential needs to be adjusted at every major change of plastic deformation. The potential drop technique is further used in Paper D and Paper E for crack length measurements at monotonic LSY. Constant amplitude loads are considered in Paper D and two different variable amplitude block loads are investigated in Paper E. The crack tip opening displacement is concluded in Paper D to be an objective parameter able to characterize the load state in two different geometries and at the present load levels. Furthermore, if the crack tip opening displacement is controlled in an experiment and the local load ratio set to zero, then only monotonic LSY will appear due to extensive isotropic hardening, i.e. elastic shake-down. This is also the reason why the linear elastic stress-intensity factor successfully could merge all growth rates, extending from SSY to monotonic LSY along a single line in a Paris law type of diagram, even though the generally accepted criteria for SSY is never fulfilled. For the variable amplitude loads investigated in Paper E, the effect of plastic deformation on measured potential drop is more pronounced. However, also here both the crack tip opening displacement parameter and the linear elastic stress-intensity factor successfully characterized the load state. / <p>QC 20130108</p>
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A dislocation model of plasticity with particular application to fatigue crack closureMcKellar, Dougan Kelk January 2001 (has links)
The ability to predict fatigue crack growth rates is essential in safety critical systems. The discovery of fatigue crack closure in 1970 caused a flourish of research in attempts to simulate this behaviour, which crucially affects crack growth rates. Historically, crack tip plasticity models have been based on one-dimensional rays of plasticity emanating from the crack tip, either co-linear with the crack (for the case of plane stress), or at a chosen angle in the plane of analysis (for plane strain). In this thesis, one such model for plane stress, developed to predict fatigue crack closure, has been refined. It is applied to a study of the relationship between the apparent stress intensity range (easily calculated using linear elastic fracture mechanics), and the true stress intensity range, which includes the effects of plasticity induced fatigue crack closure. Results are presented for all load cases for a finite crack in an infinite plane, and a method is demonstrated which allows the calculation of the true stress intensity range for a growing crack, based only on the apparent stress intensity range for a static crack. Although the yield criterion is satisfied along the plastic ray, these one-dimensional plasticity models violate the yield criterion in the area immediately surrounding the plasticity ray. An area plasticity model is therefore required in order to model the plasticity more accurately. This thesis develops such a model by distributing dislocations over an area. Use of the model reveals that current methods for incremental plasticity algorithms using distributed dislocations produce an over-constrained system, due to misleading assumptions concerning the normality condition. A method is presented which allows the system an extra degree of freedom; this requires the introduction of a parameter, derived using the Prandtl-Reuss flow rule, which relates the magnitude of slip on complementary shear planes. The method is applied to two problems, confirming its validity.
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Fatigue crack propagation in AA 7050-T7451 alloy considering environment, stress ratio, rolling direction and waveform effects / Propagação de trinca por fadiga na liga AA7050-T7451 considerando o efeito do meio ambiente, razão de tensões, direção de laminação e forma de ondaJosé Fernando Cárdenas Barbosa 17 March 2017 (has links)
Main extrinsic and intrinsic modifiers factors of crack growth rate in AA7050-T7451 were assessed in order to provide tools for aeronautical structures designers. These tools cover most necessary information to project aircraft\'s structures using the studied alloy, under damage tolerance philosophy. The experimental methodology consisted of use CT specimens, on TL and LT rolling direction to test its behavior under different conditions of stress ratio, force waveform, and the environment. The stress ratio values were 0.1 and 0.5, the force waveform used were sine and trapezoidal or Dwell under normal air laboratory conditions and salt fog 3.5%NaCl weight in order to simulate the marine environment. In Dwell tests, results were checked with the electrical potential drop technique (DCPD) in addition to the crack opening displacement (COD) method. Using the Walker coefficients, calculated on the present research, could be projected accurately the crack propagation behavior on Paris region and do fatigue life predictions using da/dN and S-N diagrams for different stress ratio values. The corrosion environment increases both crack growth rate and ΔKth due to oxides formation on the crack path that generates a crack closure effect. Dwell carrying makes decrease the crack growth rate by decreasing the slope of the Paris line on log (da/dN) versus log (ΔK) curve, instead of shifting down the line as occurs on titanium alloys. Rolling direction change from LT to TL increase the FCG rate in both threshold and Paris region, where the rate change use to be small. / Os principais fatores modificadores extrínsecos e intrínsecos da taxa de propagação de trincas na liga AA7050-T7451 foram avaliados para fornecer subsídios para projetistas de estruturas aeronáuticas, com base na filosofía de tolerância ao dano. A metodologia experimental consistiu em ensaiar corpos de prova do tipo compact tension (CT) da liga nas direções de laminação TL e LT, para verificar seu comportamento sob diferentes razões de tensões, forma de onda e condição ambiente. Os valores de razão de tensão estudados foram 0,1 e 0,5, as formas de onda foram senoidal e trapezoidal ou de Dwell, em condições normais de laboratório, ao ar, e névoa salina 3,5% NaCl, em massa, para simular um ambiente marinho. No caso dos ensaios Dwell, os resultados foram conferidos pelo método de queda de potencial eléctrico (QPE), além do método de flexibilidade elástica. Usando os coeficientes de Walker calculados a partir dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se projetar com precisão o comportamento da propagação de trinca na região de Paris e prever a vida em fadiga usando os diagramas da/dN e S-N para diferentes valores da razão de tensões. O ambiente corrosivo aumenta tanto a taxa de propagação de trinca, quanto o valor de ΔKth por causa da formação de óxidos na trajetória da trinca, que geram um efeito de fechamento sobre a mesma. Quanto à forma de onda, verificou-se que o carregamento Dwell diminui a taxa de propagação de trinca, diminuindo a inclinação das curvas log (da/dN) versus log (ΔK) na região de Paris, ao invés de deslocá-la paralelamente como ocorre com ligas de titânio. A mudança da direção de laminação de LT para TL aumenta a taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga (PTF) tanto na região de threshold, quanto na região de Paris, onde a mudança de taxa é pequena.
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Approche probabiliste de la tolérance aux dommages / Application au domaine aéronautiqueMattrand, Cécile 30 November 2011 (has links)
En raison de la gravité des accidents liés au phénomène de fatigue-propagation de fissure, les préoccupations de l’industrie aéronautique à assurer l’intégrité des structures soumises à ce mode de sollicitation revêtent un caractère tout à fait essentiel. Les travaux de thèse présentés dans ce mémoire visent à appréhender le problème de sûreté des structures aéronautiques dimensionnées en tolérance aux dommages sous l’angle probabiliste. La formulation et l’application d’une approche fiabiliste menant à des processus de conception et de maintenance fiables des structures aéronautiques en contexte industriel nécessitent cependant de lever un nombre important de verrous scientifiques. Les efforts ont été concentrés au niveau de trois domaines dans ce travail. Une méthodologie a tout d’abord été développée afin de capturer et de retranscrire fidèlement l’aléa du chargement de fatigue à partir de séquences de chargement observées sur des structures en service et monitorées, ce qui constitue une réelle avancée scientifique. Un deuxième axe de recherche a porté sur la sélection d’un modèle mécanique apte à prédire l’évolution de fissure sous chargement d’amplitude variable à coût de calcul modéré. Les travaux se sont ainsi appuyés sur le modèle PREFFAS pour lequel des évolutions ont également été proposées afin de lever l’hypothèse restrictive de périodicité de chargement. Enfin, les analyses probabilistes, produits du couplage entre le modèle mécanique et les modélisations stochastiques préalablement établies, ont entre autre permis de conclure que le chargement est un paramètre qui influe notablement sur la dispersion du phénomène de propagation de fissure. Le dernier objectif de ces travaux a ainsi porté sur la formulation et la résolution du problème de fiabilité en tolérance aux dommages à partir des modèles stochastiques retenus pour le chargement, constituant un réel enjeu scientifique. Une méthode de résolution spécifique du problème de fiabilité a été mise en place afin de répondre aux objectifs fixés et appliquée à des structures jugées représentatives de problèmes réels. / Ensuring the integrity of structural components subjected to fatigue loads remains an increasing concern in the aerospace industry due to the detrimental accidents that might result from fatigue and fracture processes. The research works presented here aim at addressing the question of aircraft safety in the framework of probabilistic fracture mechanics. It should be noticed that a large number of scientific challenges requires to be solved before performing comprehensive probabilistic analyses and assessing the mechanical reliability of components or structures in an industrial context. The contributions made during the PhD are reported here. Efforts are provided on each step of the global probabilistic methodology. The modeling of random fatigue load sequences based on real measured loads, which represents a key and original step in stochastic damage tolerance, is first addressed. The second task consists in choosing a model able to predict the crack growth under variable amplitude loads, i.e. which accounts for load interactions and retardation/acceleration effects, at a moderate computational cost. The PREFFAS crack closure model is selected for this purpose. Modifications are brought in order to circumvent the restrictive assumption of stationary load sequences. Finally, probabilistic analyses resulting from the coupling between the PREFFAS model and the stochastic modeling are carried out. The following conclusion can especially be drawn. Scatter in fatigue loads considerably affects the dispersion of the crack growth phenomenon. Then, it must be taken into account in reliability analyses. The last part of this work focuses on phrasing and solving the reliability problem in damage tolerance according to the selected stochastic loading models, which is a scientific challenge. A dedicated method is established to meet the required objectives and applied to structures representative of real problems.
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Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger AluminiumlegierungenHockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.
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Fatigue fracture characterization by cyclic material forces in viscoelastic solids at small strainKhodor, Jad, Özenç, Kaan, Qinami, Aurel, Lin, Guoyu, Kaliske, Michael 11 June 2024 (has links)
The study at hand introduces a newapproach to characterize fatigue crack growth in small strain linear viscoelastic solids by configurational mechanics. In this study, Prony series with n-Maxwell elements are used to describe the viscoelastic behavior. As a starting point in this work, the local balance of energy momentum is derived using the free energy density. Moreover, at cyclic loading, the cyclic free energy substitutes the free energy. Using the cyclic free energy, the balance of cyclic energy momentum is obtained. The newly derived balance law at cyclic loading is appropriate for each cycle. In the finite element framework, nodal material forces and cyclic nodal material forces are obtained using the weak and discretized forms of the balance of energy momentum and cyclic energy momentum, respectively. The crack driving force and the cyclic crack driving force are determined by the nodal material forces and the cyclic nodal material forces, respectively. Finally, numerical examples are shown to illustrate path-independence of the domain integrals using material forces and cyclic material forces. The existence of the balance of energy momentum and cyclic energy momentum are also illustrated by numerical examples.
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