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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des relations entre arthropodes et rickettsia felis / Sudy of relationship between arthropods and rickettsia felis

Dieme, Constentin 24 November 2015 (has links)
La lutte anti-vectorielle est l’un des volets le plus important de l’entomologie médicale et nécessite une identification précise des vecteurs. Cette dernière décennie, la technique du MALDI-TOF MS a prouvé son potentiel comme outil rapide et efficace pour l'identification des arthropodes hématophages adultes. Dès lorsNous nous sommes intéressés à la mise au point d’un protocole d’identification des stades aquatiques de moustique par MALDI-TOF MS d’une part. D’autre part la détection d’un pathogène dans un arthropode n’implique pas forcement sa capacité à transmettre. L’incrimination d’un arthropode comme vecteur respecte certaines règles allant de la suspicion à la démonstration de sa compétence vectorielle au laboratoire. Afin de mieux comprendre l’épidémiologie de R. felis nous avons d’abord participé à une investigation conduite à l’Ile de la Réunion, en testant des puces, les seuls vecteurs biologiques connus jusqu’à présent. Ensuite Nous avons démontré le rôle potentiel des moustiques en particulier d’Anopheles gambiae à transmettre Rickettsia felis. Enfin nous avons utilisé le MALDI-TOF MS pour la détermination du statut infectieux d’Anopheles gambiae à R. felis. Nous proposons également un cycle probable de transmission de R. felis à l’homme incluant les psoques et les moustiques. / Vector control is one of the most important aspects of medical entomology and requires accurate identification of vectors. Within the past decade, the MALDI-TOF MS technique has proven its potential as a fast and effective tool for identification of adult blood-sucking arthropods. From then on we were interested in the development of an identification protocol of aquatic stages of mosquitoes by MALDI-TOF MS. On the other hand, the detection of a pathogen in an arthropod does not necessarily mean its ability to transmit. Incrimination of an arthropod as vector follows certain rules ranging from suspicion to demonstrate its vector competence in the laboratory. To better understand the epidemiology of R. felis we first participated in an investigation conducted in Reunion, testing fleas, the only biological vectors known to date. We demonstrated the potential role of the mosquito particularly Anopheles gambiae, in the transmission of R. felis. Finally, we used the MALDI-TOF MS for the determination of the Anopheles gambiae infection status to R. felis. We also offer a probable transmission cycle of R. felis to man including psocids and mosquitoes.

Identification des facteurs de variation de la prédation exercée par les chats domestiques (Felis silvestris catus) en milieu rural / Identification of factors affecting the predation exert by domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) in a rural area

Forin-Wiart, Marie-Amélie 19 December 2014 (has links)
La prédation exercée par le Chat domestique (Felis silvestris catus) joue un rôle majeur dans la conservation de certaines espèces proies et la prévention de zoonoses. L'objectif de cette étude était d'identifier les facteurs de variation de cette prédation en milieu rural. L'étude a été conduite dans les Ardennes. La population étudiée comptait 143 individus, dont 44 % de chats de propriétaire (nourris ad libitum, 80 % stérilisés) et 56 % de chats de ferme (peu nourris, non stérilisés). Le DNA metabarcoding et le génotypage ont permis de détecter la fréquence d'apparition des aliments dans des fèces collectées sur le terrain et d'attribuer ces fèces à l'une ou l'autre des catégories de chats. Des individus ont été équipés de colliers GPS et d'accéléromètres tridimensionnels. L'éthogramme accélérométrique d'une séquence de chasse a été construit afin de pouvoir, à terme, relever les événements de prédation et de consommation des proies des individus équipés. Enfin, des variables associées à la prédation ont été mise en relation avec leur sociabilité envers les humains. Les chats ont essentiellement consommé des rongeurs et des aliments d'origine anthropique. En été, les chats de propriétaire chassaient aussi fréquemment que les chats de ferme, tandis qu'en hiver ils chassaient beaucoup moins souvent que ces derniers. Les chats de propriétaire ont de plus petits domaines vitaux que les chats de ferme. Les deux catégories de chats ont un rayon d'action restreint lorsque la pluviométrie est élevée et ont pour proies principales Microtus arvalis et Arvicola terrestris. Le degré de sociabilité des chats vis-à-vis des humains semble affecter leur succès de capture diurne de proies. / The predation exerted by the Domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is of special concerns for conservation and prevention of zoonosis issues. This study aims to identify the factors of variation of the predation exerted by cats in a rural landscape. It has been conducted in the Ardennes region. The population studied was composed of 143 individuals, including 44% of house cats (fed ad libitum, 80% sterilized) and 56% of farm cats (poorly fed, not sterilized). DNA metabarcoding and genotyping technics allowed to detect occurrences of food items in field-collected feces and to attribute those feces to one or the other cat categories. Some individuals were equipped with a collar composed by a GPS unit and a tri-axial accelerometer device. The ethogram of a hunting sequence based on accelerometry was constructed to gather information concerning the occurrences of predation and the consumption of the preys by the equipped individuals. Finally, some variables associated to the predation were put in relation with the sociability of cats towards humans. The cats essentially consumed rodents and anthropogenic food. During the summer, the house cats were hunting as frequently as the farm cats, whereas during the winter they were hunting a lot less comparing to the farm cats. Both cat categories have smaller daily movement range during high rainfall periods and their main preys are Microtus arvalis and Arvicola terrestris. The sociability degree of the cats towards humans seems to affect their diurnal stalk success.

Evolution de l'épidémiologie et des critères diagnostiques du paludisme clinique à Dielmo de 1990 à 2010

Roucher, Clémentine 17 December 2012 (has links)
En Afrique tropicale, là où le paludisme est fortement endémique, la plupart des individus sont semi-immuns et les infections asymptomatiques sont très répandues. Ainsi la détection de parasites dans le sang de malades fébriles n'est pas un critère suffisant pour distinguer le paludisme des autres causes de fièvre. A Dielmo, un village du Sénégal d'environ 500 habitants en 2010, un suivi épidémiologique continu très étroit du paludisme a débuté en 1990. Dans ce village où la transmission est pérenne, la mise en place de moyens de lutte et de prévention contre le paludisme de plus en plus efficaces a profondément transformé l'épidémiologie du paludisme. Dans ce travail, nous analysons l'impact de ces interventions sur les prévalences parasitaires, les densités parasitaires et les critères diagnostiques du paludisme et nous mesurons l'évolution du paludisme clinique à Plasmodium falciparum, P. malariae et P. ovale de juin 1990 à décembre 2010. Les données parasitologiques et cliniques ont été analysées par régression logistique à effet aléatoire pour étudier la relation entre les densités parasitaires et le risque de fièvre. Les prévalences parasitaires des trois espèces plasmodiales ont considérablement diminué lors de l'abandon de la chloroquine en traitement de première ligne et de son remplacement par des combinaisons thérapeutiques, puis sont devenues presque nulles après la mise en place de moustiquaires imprégnées d'insecticides à longue durée d'action. Les seuils pyrogéniques calculés nous ont permis de mesurer la densité d'incidence des accès palustres et d'étudier l'impact des mesures de lutte sur la morbidité palustre dans la population. / In tropical Africa, where malaria is highly endemic, most people are semi-immune and asymptomatic infections are widespread. Thus, the detection of malaria parasites in the blood of febrile patients is not a sufficient criterion for distinguishing malaria from other causes of fever. In Dielmo, a Senegalese village of about 500 inhabitants in 2010, a very closely continuous epidemiological monitoring of malaria began in 1990. In this village where the transmission is perennial, the establishment of more effective means of control and prevention against malaria have profoundly changed the epidemiology of malaria. In this work, we analyze the impact of these interventions on the parasite prevalences, the parasite densities and the malaria diagnostic criteria and we measure the evolution of Plasmodium falciparum, P. malariae and P. ovale clinical malaria from June 1990 to December 2010 in Dielmo. Parasitological and clinical data are analyzed in a random effect logistic regression to investigate the relationship between parasite density and fever risk. The prevalence of the three Plasmodium species decreased dramatically with the abandonment of chloroquine as first line treatment and his replacing with the combination therapies and became almost zero after the introduction of long lasting insecticidal nets. Pyrogenic thresholds calculated enabled us to measure the incidence density of malaria and to study the impact of intervention methods on malaria morbidity in the population.

Ocorrência de Chlamydophila felis e do plasmídeo críptico em gatis nas cidades de São Paulo e Osasco / Occurrence of Chlamydophila felis and cryptic plasmid in catteries in the cities of São Paulo and Osasco

Gonsales, Fernanda Fidelis 06 December 2013 (has links)
A infecção de trato respiratório superior em gatos é uma afecção muito frequente em indivíduos que vivem em abrigos, com elevada morbidade e em alguns casos, fatal. O herpesvírus felino tipo1 (FHV-1) e a Chlamydophila felis estão entre os principais causadores. O FHV-1 ocasiona quadros de espirros, secreção nasal e alterações oculares como conjuntivite. A C. felis é responsável pelos piores casos de conjuntivite e apresenta um plasmídeo críptico como possível fator de virulência. A presença dos retrovírus da leucemia felina (FeLV) e/ou imunodeficiência dos felinos (FIV) debilita a função do sistema imunológico, causando imunossupressão e consequentemente aumento no índice de morbidade e mortalidade. Neste trabalho foram avaliados quatro abrigos, três gatis particulares não-comercias (um localizado em Osasco/SP e outros dois São Paulo/SP). Os gatis possuiam alta densidade populacional e a procedência dos gatos alojados era desconhecida. A detecção de FHV-1, como de C. felis e de três genes do plasmídeo criptico foram realizadas por PCR em amostras de mucosa oral e de conjuntiva ocular de ambos os olhos obtidas com swabs de algodão, secos e estéreis. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para a detecção do FIV e FeLV por meio de teste imunoenzimático. O sintomas clínicos dos animais foram classificados de 1 a 4, sendo 4 atribuído àqueles que apresentavam pior sintomatologia. A ocorrência de FIV e FeLV no 1° gatil foi de 4,63% e 3,70%, no 2° gatil foi de 0% e 6,45%, enquanto que no 3° gatil foi 75% e 0% respectivamente, estes vírus não foram detectados no 4° gatil. FHV-1 foi observado em 61,11% dos gatos no 1° gatil; 90,32% no 2° gatil, 100% no 3° gatil e em 89,74% dos animais do 4° gatil. No 1° gatil, 7,41% das amostras apresentavam C. felis, no 2° gatil, 58,06%; no 4° gatil, 23,08%; enquanto que no 3° gatil o agente não foi detectado. Dentre as amostras positivas para C. felis, os genes do plasmídeo críptico foram detectados; no 1o gatil o gene 1 estava presente em 62,50% das amostras, o gene 2 e 3 em 75%, para o 2° gatil obteve-se 61,11% de positividade para os genes 1 e 2 e 55,56% para o gene 3; no 4° gatil o gene 1 e 3 estavam presentes em 77,78% das amostras, o gene 2 em 55,56%. Os óbitos relatados no período do estudo foram de animais classificados com sintomas 3 ou 4 e positivos para C. felis e para o plasmídeo críptico. No presente trabalho foi observada uma elevada ocorrência de C. felis e de seu plasmídeo críptico, apesar da baixa ocorrência de FIV e FeLV nos gatis. / The infection of upper respiratory disease in cats is very common in individuals that living in shelters, with high morbidity, and in some cases, fatal. The feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV- 1) and Chlamydophila felis are agents the main causes. The FHV- 1 causes sneezing, nasal discharge and ocular abnormalities such as conjunctivitis. The C. felis is responsible for the worst cases of conjunctivitis and features a cryptic plasmid as a possible virulence factor. The presence of the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and/or vírus of feline immunodeficiency (FIV) weaken the function of the immune system, causing immunosuppression and therefore increased morbidity and mortality. This study evaluated four shelters, three catteries private non-commercial (one located in Osasco/SP and two in São Paulo/SP). Catteries possessed high population density and cats housed origin was unknown. The detection of FHV- 1 as three genes of the C. felis and cryptic plasmid was performed by PCR in oral mucosa and the ocular conjunctiva of both eyes obtained with cotton swabs, dried and sterile. Blood samples were collected for the detection of FeLV and FIV by enzyme immunoassay. The clinical symptoms of animals were classified from 1 to 4 , with 4 assigned to worst symptoms. The presence of the FIV and FeLV was in the first cattery 4.63% and 3.70%, in the second cattery was 0% and 6.45%, while in the third cattery was 75% and 0%, respectively, these viruses do not were detected in the 4th cattery. FHV- 1 was observed in 61.11 % of the cats in the first cattery; 90.32 % in the second cattery 100 % in the third and 89.74% of the animals of the fourth cattery. In the first cattery, 7.41% of the samples had C. felis, the second cattery, 58.06 %, in the fourth cattery, 23.08%, while the third cattery the agent was not detected. Among the samples positive for C. felis genes were detected cryptic plasmid; in the first cattery, the first gene was present in 62.50%, gene 2 and 3 in 75% of the samples; for the second cattery was obtained 61.11 % positive for 1 and 2 genes and 55.56 % to the third gene; in fourth cattery the first and the third genes were present at 77.78% of the samples in the second gene was in 55.56%. The deaths reported during the study period were classified in animals with symptoms 3 or 4 and positive for C. felis and the cryptic plasmid. In this study we observed a high incidence of C. felis and the cryptic plasmid, despite the low occurrence of FIV and FeLV in catteries.

A codorna japonesa (Coturnix japonica) como hospedeiro para Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon, 1923) Frenkel, 1977 (Apicomplexa: Cystoisosporinae). 2010. / The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) as a host for Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon, 1923) Frenkel, 1977 (Apicomplexa: Cystoisosporinae). 2010.

Rodrigues, Jana?na da Soledad 24 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:15:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Janaina Soledad Rodrigues-pdf.pdf: 4634356 bytes, checksum: 26f90dcd5b3f127e6130fc4b467f87d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Cystoisospora felis is an obligatory intracellular parasite that infecting felines of diverse species, that were contaminated by ingesting sporulated oocysts end/or intermediated host harboring monozoic cysts of this species. In this study, 10 Japanese quails were infected with a pure inoculum consisted by 106 sporulated oocysts of C. felis, after 60 days post infection, liver, spleen, and bursa of Fabricius were removed from each quail and they were given to feed to 3 kittens separately. A forth kitten was infected with 106 sporulated oocysts orally. After shedding oocysts by kittens, they were allowed to sporulate. After that, 50 sporulated oocysts of each infection were measured, having as means of Length, Width and Shape Index the following values: 44.30?2.30, 31.30?1.90 ?m and 1.40?0.1 from kitten fed on liver, 46.30?2.20, 32.90?1.90 ?m and 1.40?0.1 from kitten fed on spleen, 44.80?2.20, 31.20?1.60 ?m and 1.40?0.1 from kitten fed on bursa of Fabricius, and 43.60?1.60, 30.80?1.60 ?m and 1.40?0.1 from kitten infected with sporulated oocysts orally as well as C. felis prepatent and patent periods. By analyzing the frequency of the distribution of values was observed that when the source of infection were liver and spleen, the distribution was more homogeneous, which did not occur when was used cloacal bursa or sporulated oocysts as sources of infection. As conclusions in this work, there were no significant differences among de morphometry of the sporulated oocysts, independent of the source of infection. Moreover, the pre-patent and patent were similar when cats fed on infected viscera of quails experimentally infected with sporulated oocysts of C. felis previously when compared with the animal that received 1x106 sporulated oocysts orally. / Cystoisospora felis ? um parasito intracelular obrigat?rio que acomete fel?deos de diversas esp?cies, que podem se contaminar tanto pela ingest?o de oocistos esporulados, quanto pela ingest?o de tecidos de hospedeiros intermedi?rios infectados previamente com oocistos esporulados. Neste estudo, 10 codornas japonesas foram infectadas com um inoculo puro de oocistos esporulados de C. felis na concentra??o de 1 x 106, e ap?s 60 dias, ba?o, f?gado e bursa dessas codornas infectadas foram oferecidos a tr?s filhotes de gato livres de infec??o. Um quarto gato ainda foi infectado com uma suspens?o de 1 x 106 oocistos esporulados de C. felis por via oral. Ap?s o in?cio da elimina??o, os oocistos foram colocados para esporular e, ap?s a esporula??o, 50 oocistos oriundos de cada infec??o foram mensurados, tendo como m?dias de di?metros maior (DM), menor (dm) e ?ndice morfom?trico os seguintes valores: 44,30?2,30, 31,30?1,90 ?m e 1,40?0,1 para os oriundos do animal infectado com f?gado, 46,30?2,20, 32,90?1,90 ?m e 1,40?0,1 para os oocistos do animal infectado com ba?o, 44,80?2,20, 31,20?1,60 ?m e 1,40?0,1 para os oocistos oriundos do animal infectado com bursa e 43,60?1,60, 30,80?1,60 ?m e 1,40?0,1 para os oocistos do animal que recebeu oocistos por via oral. Ao analisar a distribui??o da frequ?ncia dos valores dessas medidas, pude-se observar que quando a fonte de infec??o utilizada foi f?gado e ba?o, a distribui??o foi mais homog?nea, o que n?o ocorreu quando utilizou-se bursa cloacal ou oocistos esporulados como fonte de infec??o. Com estes resultados foi poss?vel concluir que n?o se observaram diferen?as significativas na morfometria dos oocistos de C. felis independente da fonte de infec??o. Al?m disso, os per?odos pr?-patente e patente foram semelhantes quando os gatos livres de infec??o foram alimentados com v?sceras de codornas, infectadas previamente com oocistos esporulados de C. felis em compara??o com o animal que recebeu 1 x 106 oocistos esporulados por via oral.

The diet of the black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) and caracal (Felis caracal) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Bussiahn, Frans Ernst Carl January 1998 (has links)
The black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) and the caracal (Felis caracal) are considered by most farmers in the Eastern Cape to be responsible for excessive livestock losses (sheep and goats) and are, as such, hunted extensively within the Province. Stomach content analyses of individuals killed during predator control operations indicate that caracal are opportunistic hunters of small to medium-sized mammals, preying predominantly on antelope within farmland. Black-backed jackal are opportunistic omnivores, preying predominantly on livestock and antelope in farmland, while invertebrates and antelope constitute the major food items within a game reserve. The diet of caracal was found to be largely influenced by the age of individual animals with old and young animals being the predominant killers of livestock, whereas black-backed jackal diet is influenced primarily by the social structure exhibited by the species, with male animals exhibiting a marked summer peak in livestock killing, due to the increased energetic demands of parental care associated with a long term pair bond. Two caracal (a sub-adult male and adult female), were radio-tracked within farmland for a total of twelve months, yielding the smallest recorded homerange sizes for the species to date (2.1km² and 1.3km² respectively). No livestock losses were recorded within these homeranges for the duration of the study. These data suggest a relatively high abundance of caracal within Lower Albany and further illustrate that individual animals are capable of preying solely on natural prey species over an extended period, when occurring within livestock farming areas. The analysis of local hunt club records and questionnaires revealed a higher incidence of local black-backed jackal (15.2 PD/Kill), than caracal (34.7 PD/Kill), with a marked seasonal peak in kills, for both species, occurring during summer months. The use of hound packs was found to be more effective in reducing the overall abundance of caracal than black-backed jackal, as this technique was seen to eliminate more adult female caracal than black-backed jackal, during the respective breeding season of each species. Local hunt club owners and farmers were more accurate in identifying problem black-backed jackal (74%), than caracal (59%). Recommendations are presented for minimizing stock losses through the application of selective control of specific problem animals, the use of various control measures and encouraging natural prey abundance.

Ocorrência de Chlamydophila felis e do plasmídeo críptico em gatis nas cidades de São Paulo e Osasco / Occurrence of Chlamydophila felis and cryptic plasmid in catteries in the cities of São Paulo and Osasco

Fernanda Fidelis Gonsales 06 December 2013 (has links)
A infecção de trato respiratório superior em gatos é uma afecção muito frequente em indivíduos que vivem em abrigos, com elevada morbidade e em alguns casos, fatal. O herpesvírus felino tipo1 (FHV-1) e a Chlamydophila felis estão entre os principais causadores. O FHV-1 ocasiona quadros de espirros, secreção nasal e alterações oculares como conjuntivite. A C. felis é responsável pelos piores casos de conjuntivite e apresenta um plasmídeo críptico como possível fator de virulência. A presença dos retrovírus da leucemia felina (FeLV) e/ou imunodeficiência dos felinos (FIV) debilita a função do sistema imunológico, causando imunossupressão e consequentemente aumento no índice de morbidade e mortalidade. Neste trabalho foram avaliados quatro abrigos, três gatis particulares não-comercias (um localizado em Osasco/SP e outros dois São Paulo/SP). Os gatis possuiam alta densidade populacional e a procedência dos gatos alojados era desconhecida. A detecção de FHV-1, como de C. felis e de três genes do plasmídeo criptico foram realizadas por PCR em amostras de mucosa oral e de conjuntiva ocular de ambos os olhos obtidas com swabs de algodão, secos e estéreis. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para a detecção do FIV e FeLV por meio de teste imunoenzimático. O sintomas clínicos dos animais foram classificados de 1 a 4, sendo 4 atribuído àqueles que apresentavam pior sintomatologia. A ocorrência de FIV e FeLV no 1° gatil foi de 4,63% e 3,70%, no 2° gatil foi de 0% e 6,45%, enquanto que no 3° gatil foi 75% e 0% respectivamente, estes vírus não foram detectados no 4° gatil. FHV-1 foi observado em 61,11% dos gatos no 1° gatil; 90,32% no 2° gatil, 100% no 3° gatil e em 89,74% dos animais do 4° gatil. No 1° gatil, 7,41% das amostras apresentavam C. felis, no 2° gatil, 58,06%; no 4° gatil, 23,08%; enquanto que no 3° gatil o agente não foi detectado. Dentre as amostras positivas para C. felis, os genes do plasmídeo críptico foram detectados; no 1o gatil o gene 1 estava presente em 62,50% das amostras, o gene 2 e 3 em 75%, para o 2° gatil obteve-se 61,11% de positividade para os genes 1 e 2 e 55,56% para o gene 3; no 4° gatil o gene 1 e 3 estavam presentes em 77,78% das amostras, o gene 2 em 55,56%. Os óbitos relatados no período do estudo foram de animais classificados com sintomas 3 ou 4 e positivos para C. felis e para o plasmídeo críptico. No presente trabalho foi observada uma elevada ocorrência de C. felis e de seu plasmídeo críptico, apesar da baixa ocorrência de FIV e FeLV nos gatis. / The infection of upper respiratory disease in cats is very common in individuals that living in shelters, with high morbidity, and in some cases, fatal. The feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV- 1) and Chlamydophila felis are agents the main causes. The FHV- 1 causes sneezing, nasal discharge and ocular abnormalities such as conjunctivitis. The C. felis is responsible for the worst cases of conjunctivitis and features a cryptic plasmid as a possible virulence factor. The presence of the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and/or vírus of feline immunodeficiency (FIV) weaken the function of the immune system, causing immunosuppression and therefore increased morbidity and mortality. This study evaluated four shelters, three catteries private non-commercial (one located in Osasco/SP and two in São Paulo/SP). Catteries possessed high population density and cats housed origin was unknown. The detection of FHV- 1 as three genes of the C. felis and cryptic plasmid was performed by PCR in oral mucosa and the ocular conjunctiva of both eyes obtained with cotton swabs, dried and sterile. Blood samples were collected for the detection of FeLV and FIV by enzyme immunoassay. The clinical symptoms of animals were classified from 1 to 4 , with 4 assigned to worst symptoms. The presence of the FIV and FeLV was in the first cattery 4.63% and 3.70%, in the second cattery was 0% and 6.45%, while in the third cattery was 75% and 0%, respectively, these viruses do not were detected in the 4th cattery. FHV- 1 was observed in 61.11 % of the cats in the first cattery; 90.32 % in the second cattery 100 % in the third and 89.74% of the animals of the fourth cattery. In the first cattery, 7.41% of the samples had C. felis, the second cattery, 58.06 %, in the fourth cattery, 23.08%, while the third cattery the agent was not detected. Among the samples positive for C. felis genes were detected cryptic plasmid; in the first cattery, the first gene was present in 62.50%, gene 2 and 3 in 75% of the samples; for the second cattery was obtained 61.11 % positive for 1 and 2 genes and 55.56 % to the third gene; in fourth cattery the first and the third genes were present at 77.78% of the samples in the second gene was in 55.56%. The deaths reported during the study period were classified in animals with symptoms 3 or 4 and positive for C. felis and the cryptic plasmid. In this study we observed a high incidence of C. felis and the cryptic plasmid, despite the low occurrence of FIV and FeLV in catteries.

Rozšíření kočky divoké (Felis silvestris) v ČR / geomatické modelování a ekologický přístup / Distribution of wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Czech Republic / geomatic modelling and ecological approach

Pospíšková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Population of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) are slowly recovering after a severe decline in the 18th century. The wildcat was a rare species already on the beginning of 19th century on the territory of Czech Republic. During the 20th century the species was considered to be extinct and the scarce records to be individuals dispersed from Carpathian or West-European population. Furthermore there was lack of evidence to this observations. With the expansion of photo monitoring methods, there comes pictures of wildcats from the Beskid Mountains, Bohemian Forest, The upper Palatine Forest and Doupov mountains. After more than 60 years there is finely a proof for the presence of wildcats in Czech Republic. To understand its space requirements and dispersion context, and to know if there is a place for wildcats to live in Czech Republic, we made a habitat model in ArcGIS. This rule-based model works with attributes like land cover type, duration of snow cover, aspect and the vertical heterogeneity of terrain. The model was applied also for Slovakia, because the evaluation data only comes from Slovakia. We found out that the occurence of wildcats in the model territory relate to broad-leaf forests, duration of snow cover (>20cm) not exceeding 50 days and the southern exposure. In Czech Republic there is...

Spotted Fever Rickettsioses in Sweden : Aspects of Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations and Co-infections

Lindblom, Anders January 2016 (has links)
The spotted fever group rickettsiae are emerging diseases. They cause damage in their hosts by invading the endothelium in small to medium-sized blood vessels, which results in vasculitis that can cause clinical manifestations from most organs. The present thesis describes the prevalence of Rickettsia helvetica in ticks, the incidence of rickettsial infection based on seroreactivity and seroconversion in humans and their symptoms, from different parts of Sweden and the Åland Islands in Finland. This was accomplished through serological analysis of both retrospective and prospective serum samples from confirmed and suspected tick-bitten individuals compared to individuals with no knowledge of tick exposure (blood donors). We found a comparable seroprevalence to Rickettsia spp. in different geographical areas where ticks are present; it was also comparable to the seroprevalence of Borrelia spp. Seroprevalence was also more common, as suspected, in the tick-exposed group compared to blood donors. In comparison with co-infections with other tick-borne infections (Anaplasma spp. and Borrelia spp.), we could conclude that co-infections do exist and that, based on clinical findings, it is difficult to distinguish which microorganism causes certain clinical manifestations. For reliable conclusions regarding the causative microorganism, the diagnosis should basically rely on diagnostic tests. In comparison with Borrelia spp., seroconversion to Rickettisa spp. was more common in the areas we investigated, indicating that rickettsiosis is a common tick-borne infection in Sweden and most likely underdiagnosed. When investigating patients with meningitis, we found R. felis in cerebrospinal fluid from two patients with subacute meningitis. This was the first report in which R. felis was found and diagnosed in patients in Sweden. The patients recovered without sequelae and without causal treatment. To provide guidelines on when to treat Rickettisa spp. infections, more investigations are needed. The present thesis shows that Rickettsia spp. are common in ticks and do infect humans. Rickettsial infection should be considered in both non-specific or specific symptoms after a tick bite. It was also shown in the thesis that flea-borne rickettsiosis (R. felis) occurs in Sweden and may cause invasive infections

Ocorrência de Mycoplasma spp. e alterações hematológicas em gatos domésticos (Felis catus) naturalmente infectados na cidade de Belém, Pará

SOUSA, Sinerey Karla Salim Aragão de January 2013 (has links)
Mycoplasma haemofelis, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis are the causative agents of feline mycoplasmosis, these agents are gram-negative, pleomorphic, small and that adhere to the surface of erythrocytes of the animal involved. Clinical signs of feline mycoplasmosis are manifestations of acute or chronic anemia, occurring weight loss, anorexia, depression, pale mucous membranes, weakness, joint pain, soreness and occasionally splenomegaly and jaundice, the animal may come to death in severe cases. The diagnosis is based on detection of the parasite in blood smears and also in molecular diagnostics using PCR. Aiming to determine the occurrence of Mycoplasma spp. in domestic cats in a region of Belém, Pará, and hematological changes of animals naturally infected by these parasites were collected 201 blood samples with EDTA for Count Blood Cells (CBC) analysis and extraction of DNA for performing the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as well as blood smears ear tip for detection of the parasite on the surface of erythrocyte. Found 5.47% (11/201) of positive examination of blood smears, being 1.47% (1/68) of males and 7.51% (10/133) than females. The DNA of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum was found in 7.96% (16/201) where 16.17 % (11/68) were males and 3.75% (5/133) females, was detected Mycoplasma haemofelis in 1.49% (3/201) of samples totaling 2.94% (2/68) of males and 0.75% (1/133) of females. The CBC showed changes in erythrocytes, hematocrit and hemoglobin only in those animals with DNA of Mycoplasma haemofelis. / Mycoplasma haemofelis, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum e Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis são os agentes causadores da micoplasmose felina, estes agentes são bactérias gram-negativas, pleomórficas, pequenas e que se aderem à superfície dos eritrócitos do animal acometido. Os sinais clínicos da micoplasmose felina são manifestações de anemia aguda ou crônica, ocorrendo perda de peso, anorexia, depressão, membranas mucosas pálidas, fraqueza, dores articulares, hiperestesia e, ocasionalmente esplenomegalia e icterícia, podendo o animal vir a óbito nos casos mais graves. O diagnóstico é baseado na detecção do parasita em esfregaços sanguíneos e também no diagnóstico molecular pela PCR. Objetivando determinar a ocorrência de Mycoplasma spp. em felinos domésticos da região de Belém-Pará, e as alterações hematológicas dos animais naturalmente infectados por estes parasitos, foram coletadas 201 amostras de sangue com EDTA para análise de hemograma e extração de DNA para realização de Reação em Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR) bem como esfregaços sanguíneos de ponta de orelha para detecção do parasita na superfície do eritrócito. Foram encontrados 5,47% (11/201) de positividade no exame de esfregaço sanguíneo, sendo 1,47% (1/68) de machos e 7,51% (10/133) de fêmeas. O DNA de Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum foi encontrado em 7,96% (16/201) dos animais onde 16,17% (11/68) eram machos e 3,75% (5/133) eram fêmeas, já Mycoplasma haemofelis foi detectado em 1,49% (3/201) das amostras, totalizando 2,94% (2/68) de machos e 0,75% (1/133) de fêmeas. O hemograma mostrou alterações em eritrócitos, volume globular e hemoglobina apenas nos animais em que foi detectado DNA de Mycoplasma haemofelis.

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