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Från ambition till verklighet : En fallstudie av redovisningsregleringsprocessen / From intention to outcome : A casestudy of the accounting regulation processMagnell, Anna, Petersson, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
Background: Many different parties in the society are affected by the financial information delivered by the companies. Therefore, different interests want their ideas to have an impact on the accountning standards. The construction of the accounting standards are illustrated as a pure political process, where lobbying and conflicts of interest are determining factors. Purpose: The purpose is to understand the underlying interests behind regulation of financial accounting in Sweden and how these interests are manifestated in the establishment of accounting standards. Method: The thesis is designed as a casestudy of the regulation process which induced the legislation of the Årsredovisningslagen 6 kap 1 § 3st. The case process has been analysed through interviews and document studies from the arise of the intention of regulation of different interest parties, until the accounting law was established. Results: Lobbying and interest of conflicts exists in accounting regulation processes. Depending on the subject of reglulation, different parties feel their interests beeing challenged. The intensity in the conflict of interest and the incentive to lobby depends on the “matter” of the regulation. The process are governed in the constitution of the private individuals of the deciding regulation body.
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Essays of Financial Performance and Capital StructureLindbergh, Lars January 2003 (has links)
This thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four self-contained essays on financial performance and capital structure. Essay I assesses the strength of strategic inputs into profitability among firms within several sub-sectors within the industrial service sector in the U.S. and Sweden. In this study we employ an ordinary least square regression. The results, coupled with structural observations on production sectors, suggest that significant differences may indeed occur in both productivity and pricing in the two systems, i.e. the U.S. and Sweden. Essay II estimates the impact of operating costs and cost of debt on revenue, profit generation and asset retention in public housing companies in Sweden. A general conclusion to draw from the empirical results is that expentitures on consolidated maintenance is not only associated with short-term rental revenues, but undoubtedly long-term viability as well. Further, first difference results suggested that negotiated rents produced operating profits that kept pace with revenues over the time period of study. Essay III examines the impact of selected financial and contextual variables on managers’ decisions to appropriate funds to tax allowances in small firms in Sweden. The motive for appropriating to the tax allocation reserve is twofold. First, the tax allocation reserve is intended to lower the tax levy on investments financed with internally generated income. Second, it creates a possibility for firms to smooth income over a number of years. The results, from the logistic regression, suggest that financial performance, financial position and prior appropriations do impact on managers’ decision to appropriate. Essay IV examines the association between the two sides of the balance sheet based on financial statement information from small firms in Sweden The results of the multivariate canonical correlation analysis provides some support to the hypotheses that firms develop patterns, in their use of assets and their financing.
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Divulgation sectorielle et gouvernance d'entreprise : le cas de la norme ICCA 1701Saidi, Fethi January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le FASB et le CNC ont adopté dans un projet commun un nouveau mode de présentation de l'information sectorielle, en se fondant sur l'approche proposée par l'AIMR et l'AICPA, intitulée « l'approche organisationnelle » ou « sectorisation organisationnelle ». Suite à ce projet, une nouvelle norme a vu le jour, soit la SFAS 131, « Disclosures about Segments of an Entreprise and Related Information » et le chapitre 1701, « Information sectorielle ». La norme élaborée conjointement entre le FASB et le CNC demande aux sociétés de publier leur information segmentée à partir des découpages faits par les entreprises et servant de base à la prise de leurs décisions opérationnelles ainsi qu'à la mesure de leur performance interne. Selon un bon nombre d'études, la nouvelle norme a enrichi l'environnement informationnel par la production d'un grand volume d'information sectorielle divulguée par les entreprises. En outre, ces études ont démontré que les risques associés à la firme, soient le bid-ask spread, l'asymétrie de l'information et la dispersion des consensus des analystes financiers seront tous réduits suite à l'adoption de cette norme. Malgré l'existence de ce grand support en faveur des vertus de cette norme, il existe néanmoins un nombre grandissant de critiques à son égard. En effet, quantité d'études indiquent que les multiples problèmes que suscite cette norme provoquent la prolifération de choix discrétionnaires en matière de divulgation sectorielle de la part des dirigeants, ce qui peut exercer une influence sur la qualité de l'environnement informationnel de la firme. Par conséquent, et étant donné les avantages et les désavantages de cette norme, on ne peut dire si cette norme contribuera à l'existence d'un environnement informationnel inférieur ou supérieur. Cette étude vise à démontrer l'existence d'une association entre la politique de divulgation sectorielle et la structure de la gouvernance au sein des entreprises canadiennes soumises à la norme ICCA, chapitre 1701. La direction exerce son choix dans la détermination des secteurs à publier, dans l'identification des actifs associés à chaque secteur et dans l'allocation des coûts à l'égard des secteurs afin d'estimer les profits d'exploitation de chacun de ces secteurs. Cette étude examine les variables de gouvernance d'entreprise pouvant influencer le niveau de publication sectorielle choisi. Les associations trouvées entre la publication sectorielle et la gouvernance peuvent fournir un éclairage sur les choix de publication et devraient être pertinentes dans la découverte de nouveaux aspects relatifs aux exigences de publication sectorielle et dans la formulation de nouvelles politiques de publication. Dans cette étude, la principale hypothèse est que la gouvernance à travers ses variables et ses mécanismes détermine le niveau de l'information sectorielle telle qu'elle est publiée par les entreprises canadiennes adoptant la norme ICCA chapitre 1701. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Divulgation sectorielle, SFAS 131, ICCA 1701, Gouvernance d'entreprises, Sectorisation organisationnelle.
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The Relations of New SFAS No.10 and Accrual-Based Earnings ManagementSu, Hui-fang 30 January 2012 (has links)
To consider the international trend and enhance the global competitiveness of Taiwan enterprises, the Government committed to convert the domestic accounting standards to International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). Taiwan Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.10, ¡§Inventories¡¨, was revised to adopt IFRS and effective on January 1, 2009 under this background. New SFAS No.10 has different rules on inventory evaluation and has significant impacts on inventory decision-making and operating profits, which may cause much high pressure on companies¡¦ operating performance. Based on this assumption, this research would like to know whether adopting the new SFAS No.10 can affect earnings management behavior by studying the relations between inventories related financial factors and accrual-based earnings management.
This research takes the absolute value of discretionary accruals (ADA) from the Modified Jones Model as a measuring indicator of earnings management; and selects six sequential quarterly financial statements of listed companies in Taiwan Stock Exchange Market before and after adopting new SFAS No.10. The total sampling periods are twelve quarters from the third quarter of 2007 to the second quarter of 2010. The empirical results of this study are summarized as follows:
1.After adopting New SFAS No.10, the levels of using discretionary accruals for earnings management are significantly reduced.
2.Gross Profit Margin and Inventory Turnover Rate both have significant correlations with using discretionary accruals for earnings management.
3.Companies have shorter product life cycles are more evident in using discretionary accruals for earnings management.
4.Fixed Assets to Total Assets Rate and Provision of Inventory Loss both have no significant correlations with using the discretionary accruals for earnings management.
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Konvergensen av externredovisningens och ekonomistyrningens tidsperioder – med fokus på budget / The convergence of the time periods of financial accounting and management accounting – focusing on budgetGustafsson, Jessica, Sandkvist, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Konvergensen av externredovisningens och ekonomistyrningens tidsperioder – med fokus på budget. Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Jessica Gustafsson och Gustav Sandkvist. Handledare: Stig Sörling och Tomas Källquist. Datum: 2014 - Juni Bakgrund: Sedan länge har en diskussion förts gällande relationen mellan externredovisningen och ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning. En del forskare menar att det råder en konvergens mellan dessa system. Studier som gjorts inom detta område har varit inriktade på olika fördjupningar. Det är bristen på forskning inom fördjupningen om de båda systemens tidsperioder som väckt vårt intresse att utforska detta närmare. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för hur externredovisningens tidsperiod kan påverka företags ekonomistyrning och interna styrmedel, med fokus på budgetering. Metod: Studien har genomförts via en kvalitativ design med en abduktiv ansats. Data samlades in genom intervjuer gjorda via telefon och mejl. För att analysera och redovisa resultaten användes well grounded theory. Resultat: Resultaten visade att de flesta företag, med några enstaka undantag, samkörde externredovisningens tidsperiod med budgetens. Anledningen till detta var för att kunna jämföra och hitta avvikelser. Även koncernkrav, lagar och regler låg till grund för denna samkörning. Slutsats: Ett genomgående mönster var att en samkörning av externredovisningens tidsperiod gjordes med budgetens. Orsaken till en samkörning är budgetens behov av att jämföras mot något, vilket innebär en sammanstrålning mellan externredovisningen och budgeten. Resultaten genererade bevis för att externredovisningen dominerar den interna ekonomistyrningen vad gäller dess tidsperioder. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till fortsatt forskning är andra fördjupningar inom konvergensen eller andra styrmedel. Vidare är chefers tankesätt, ”mind-set”, kring budgetens planering ytterligare ett förslag eller en fördjupning kring börsnoterade företag. Uppsatsens bidrag: Då detta är ett relativt outforskat ämne har studien bidragit till ny kunskap genom dess empiriska resultat, som även genererat egna observationer. Resultaten bidrar till att skapa förståelse och visa hur externredovisningens tidsperiod kan påverka budgeten och budgetens tidsperiod. Nyckelord: Externredovisning, extern rapportering, ekonomistyrning, budgetering, konvergens, tidsperiod / ABSTRACT Title: The convergence of the time periods of financial accounting and management accounting – focusing on budget. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Author: Jessica Gustafsson and Gustav Sandkvist. Supervisor: Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist. Date: 2014 - June Background: There has been a long-lasting discussion regarding the relationship between financial accounting and management accounting. Some researchers argue that there is a convergence between these systems. Studies in this area have focused on different depressions. It is through lack of research on the depression focusing on the time periods of these systems that aroused our interest to explore this further. Aim: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how the time period of the financial accounting can affect a company’s management accounting and internal control mechanisms, with a focus on budgeting. Method: The study was conducted using a qualitative design with an abductive orientation. Data were collected through interviews made with telephone and email. To analyze and report the results the well grounded theory was used. Result: The results showed that most of the companies, with a few exceptions, used the time period of the financial accounting parallel to the budget. The reason for this was to compare and find deviations. Also claims from the Group, laws and regulations formed the basis for this co-processing. Conclusion: A consistent pattern was that an interconnection of the time period of the financial accounting was made with the budget. The reason for the co-processing is the budget’s need to be compared with something, which means a convergence between financial accounting and the budget. The results generated evidence that the financial accounting dominates the internal management accounting in terms of its time periods. Suggestions for future research: Suggestions for future research is other depressions within the convergence or other steering instruments. Further, managers way of thinking, ”mind-set”, about budget planning is another proposal or a depression within listed companies. Contribution of the thesis: As this is a relatively unexplored topic the study has contributed to new knowledge through its empirical results, which also generated own observations. The results help to create understanding and show how the time period of financial accounting may affect the budget and the budget’s time period. Key words: Financial accounting, external accounting, management accounting, budgeting, convergence, time period
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Les relations fiscalo-comptable : vers un passage de l'ère juridique à l'ère économique ? / The relationships between accouting and taxation : a transition from legal age to economic ageSambou, Siankoloute 06 April 2013 (has links)
Les divergences entre comptabilité et fiscalité ont largement contribué à obscurcir la véritable nature de leur relation. Pourtant l’article 38 quater de l’annexe III au Code Général des Impôts institue une relation complémentaire entre les deux disciplines. En réalité, cette relation complémentaire n’est qu’apparente car dans la plupart des cas de divergences, la fiscalité semble instaurer une domination arbitraire sur la comptabilité. Cette situation, que l’on peut qualifier de compromis s’est inversée au profit de la comptabilité depuis l’avènement des normes comptables internationales dont les règles, particulières en plusieurs points, ont permis au droit comptable un développement sans précédent, ce qui permet de qualifier la relation entre comptabilité et fiscalité de relation de compromis. Se faisant, les normes comptables internationales ont renforcé la tendance qui se dessine dans les sociétés contemporaines : le passage de l’ère juridique à l’ère économique. Les relations entre comptabilité et fiscalité ne sont que le témoin de cette évolution. Les principes de juste valeur et de substance économique au-delà de la forme juridique ont mis à l’ordre du jour des débats doctrinaux classiques tels que l’autonomie du droit fiscal par rapport au droit comptable et le liens qu’entretiennent ces disciplines avec d’autres, qu’elles soient juridiques (droit civil, droit commercial) ou non-juridiques (consolidation, finance). La nouvelle définition des actifs porte la marque de cette interdisciplinarité. Pourtant le système fiscal français n’est pas encore prêt à accueillir ces normes dans leur intégralité. Leur transposition totale dans le Plan Comptable Général entrainerait un abandon du système fiscal actuel pour une évolution vers les systèmes fiscaux anglo-saxons tout en entraînant des difficultés sources d’insécurité pour le droit fiscal. / Oppositions between accounting and taxation have led into some difficulties regarding the qualification of the real relation between accounting and taxation in France. Article 38 of the FTC seems to impose a complementary relation between accouting and taxation. In fact, this complementary relation is not true, since Tax rules often have an influence on accounting rules when they are in opposition. This particular situation can be qualified as a compromise between Accounting and Tax rules. Since the introduction of International Accounting Standards rules in The French Accounting System, the compromise between accounting and Taxation seems to benefit from the accounting rules. It does exit a huge influence of accounting on tax rules: accounting rules are becoming more relevant than in the past. By the way, the International Accounting Standards have reinforced the trend that is emerging in contemporary societies. This trend is the passage from a legal area to an economic area. The relationship between accounting and taxation is the witness of this evolution. Principles of fair value and substance over form have uploaded the debate over the relationship between Tax and Accounting and how they interact with other disciplines such as civil law, commercial law, finance and accounting. The new definition of Assets due to the IFRS influence on tax is the proof of the connection existing between the different disciplines. The French tax system is not ready yet to accept the full version of IFRS. Their full implementation would lead into an unsecured tax law system.
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Eliminação do método de consolidação proporcional para reconhecimento dos investimentos em joint ventures: quais os impactos para as empresas do mercado brasileiro? / Eliminating the proportionate consolidation method for recognizing interests in Joint Ventures: what are the impacts for companies from brazilian capital market?Raquel Wille Sarquis 22 January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar os impactos da eliminação do método de consolidação proporcional, com a adoção da IFRS 11, para as empresas do mercado brasileiro com investimentos em joint ventures. A aplicação da IFRS 11 trouxe impactos tanto em termos conceituais quanto práticos. Entretanto, a principal alteração foi a eliminação da consolidação proporcional como uma alternativa para o reconhecimento dos investimentos em joint ventures, considerando que esse era o método utilizado por muitos países e que, conforme alguns autores, produzia informações de maior relevância. Para tanto, primeiramente analisaram-se as 111 comment letters enviadas em resposta ao Exposure Draft 09, sendo que esta análise demonstrou que a maior parte dos respondentes não concordavam com a emissão da IFRS 11 como proposta no ED 09, principalmente em relação à eliminação do método de consolidação proporcional. Na sequência, avaliaram-se os impactos da transição da consolidação proporcional para o MEP nos valores reportados pelas empresas do mercado brasileiro com investimentos joint ventures, com a finalidade de verificar se essas diferenças são estatisticamente significantes. A população construída nesta pesquisa é formada por 79 empresas do mercado brasileiro que apresentavam as características necessárias. Utilizando Testes de Média, os resultados indicam que, exceto para as variáveis Fluxo de Caixa das Atividades de Financiamento, Indicadores de Liquidez e Composição do Endividamento, todas as demais 16 variáveis analisadas apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes quando da transição da consolidação proporcional para o MEP. Ademais, esse impacto é mais evidente em alguns setores como Bens Industriais, Construção e Transporte, Utilidade Pública. Esses resultados levam à aceitação da hipótese proposta, de que os valores reportados pelas empresas do mercado brasileiro com investimentos em joint ventures após a adoção da IFRS 11 são significativamente diferentes dos valores que vinham sendo reportados até então. Esses achados são importantes considerando que essa alteração impacta não apenas os indicadores contábeis em si, mas outras variáveis que estão atreladas a esses indicadores, como a necessidade de renegociação de covenants, além de evidenciar uma das principais críticas ao MEP: a possibilidade de as empresas utilizarem desses investimentos para retirar dívidas do balanço. Por fim, este trabalho propôs um modelo de conciliação entre as demonstrações contábeis elaboradas pela consolidação proporcional e pelo MEP, com a finalidade de verificar se os usuários da informação contábil poderiam estimar, utilizando as informações divulgadas em notas explicativas, quais seriam os valores reportados pelas empresas pela consolidação proporcional. Utilizando uma amostra de 45 empresas e considerando aceitável uma diferença de até 2%, os ajustes identificados no modelo proposto explicam as diferenças nos valores reportados por aproximadamente 82% das empresas analisadas. Os resultados em conjunto indicam que a eliminação da consolidação proporcional com a adoção da IFRS 11 produziu impacto significativo nos valores reportados pelas empresas do mercado brasileiro, porém, esse impacto pode ser amenizado pelo volume maior de informações sobre as joint ventures, exigidas pela IFRS 12, já que os usuários conseguem estimar quais seriam os valores reportados pelos dois métodos e utilizar o tipo de informação que considerem de maior relevância. / The purpose of this research is to assess the impacts of eliminating the proportionate consolidation method, as a consequence of the adoption of IFRS 11, for companies from Brazilian capital market with joint ventures investments. IFRS 11 adoption brought both conceptual and practical impacts. However, the main change was eliminating the proportionate consolidation as an alternative to recognize joint ventures investments, considering that this was the method used by many countries; which, according to some authors, produces more relevant information. Firstly, the 111 comment letters in response to the Exposure Draft 09 were analyzed, and it demonstrated that the majority of the respondents disagreed with the issuance of IFRS 11 as proposed in the ED 09, especially about the elimination of the proportionate consolidation. Subsequently, it was analyzed the impact of the transition from the proportionate consolidation to the equity method on the accounting amounts reported by companies in the Brazilian capital market with joint venture investments, through statistical analysis. The constructed population for this research is composed by 79 companies which presented the necessary characteristics. Using Mean Tests, the results show that, except for Cash Flow from Financial Activities, Liquidity Indicators and Composition of Debt, all other 16 variables analyzed had statistically significant differences between the proportionate consolidation and the equity method. Moreover, this impact is greater in some sectors, such as Industrial Goods, Construction and Transportation and Public Utilities. These results confirm the hypotheses proposed by this research, that the accounting amounts reported by Brazilian companies with joint ventures investments after IFRS 11 adoption are significantly different from the accounting amounts that had been reported so far. These findings are important because this change impacts not only the financial indicators but also other variables that are tied to these indicators, such as the need of renegotiating covenants, and also highlights one of the main critics of the equity method: the possibility that companies use these investments to remove debts of their own statements of financial position. Finally, this research proposed a conciliation model between the financial statements prepared applying the proportionate consolidation and applying the equity method, in order to verify if the stakeholders could estimate, using only the information disclosed in notes, the accounting amounts reported by companies applying the proportionate consolidation method. Using a sample of 45 companies and considering as acceptable a difference of 2%, the adjustments identified in the model proposed explain the differences in the accounting amounts reported by approximately 82% of the companies analyzed. All these results indicate that the elimination of proportionate consolidation, as a consequence of IFRS 11 adoption, has a significant impact on the accounting amounts reported by Brazilian companies, however, this impact can be mitigated by the greater volume of information about the joint ventures required by IFRS 12, considering that the stakeholders can estimate the accounting amounts reported by the two methods and use the information that they consider most relevant.
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Conservadorismo incondicional nas companhias abertas brasileiras e o contexto da neutralidade tributária / Unconditional conservatism in Brazilian public companies and tax neutrality contextJuliana Pinhata Sanches 08 October 2015 (has links)
Normas contábeis e normas fiscais desempenham um papel fundamental dentre os determinantes da qualidade da informação contábil. A Lei nº 11.638, de 2007, legitimou o processo de adoção das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade (IFRS) no Brasil e introduziu um regime contábil desvinculado da finalidade tributária no país. Dentre os objetivos da referida Lei, estão a redução da influência da legislação fiscal nas normas contábeis e a melhora da qualidade do reporte financeiro, uma vez que as IFRS são consideradas normas de qualidade superior. A literatura internacional apresenta evidências de redução no poder informativo dos lucros em ambientes nos quais normas contábeis e tributárias estão fortemente vinculadas. Ademais, a influência da legislação fiscal sobre a contabilidade financeira é apontada como um incentivo ao conservadorismo incondicional, um viés que não apresenta vantagens à eficiência contratual nos mercados financeiros por não atribuir informação nova ao investidor. Nesse sentido, espera-se que a neutralidade tributária, instituída a partir da Lei nº 11.638/07, proporcione ao Brasil um ambiente institucional mais adequado ao reporte financeiro de qualidade, ao desvincular a contabilidade financeira da contabilidade fiscal. Diante do exposto, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar se o advento da neutralidade tributária influencia o conservadorismo incondicional nas companhias de capital aberto no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada envolve regressões para dados em painel. A amostra é composta por companhias abertas brasileiras com informações divulgadas na base de dados Economática® no período de 2002 a 2014. Os resultados evidenciam diferenças na relação entre tributação e reporte financeiro entre firmas sujeitas a diferentes níveis de pressão no mercado acionário brasileiro. São encontrados indícios de conservadorismo incondicional em empresas sujeitas a maior pressão do mercado acionário, apenas. Nesse mesmo grupo, observa-se que a tributação não induz o conservadorismo incondicional nos lucros divulgados, o que é esperado num contexto de neutralidade tributária. / Accounting standards and tax rules play a key role between determinants of accounting information´s quality. Law No. 11.638/2007 legitimized the adoption process of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil, introducing a decoupled system of tax accounting purposes in the country. The main objectives of Law No. 11.638/2007are to improve financial reporting´s quality and reduce the influence of tax law on accounting standards. International literature shows evidence of lower earnings quality in environments where accounting rules and tax rules are closely linked. Furthermore, the influence of tax legislation on financial accounting is an incentive to unconditional conservatism, pointed as an accounting bias that does not give new information to investors and no advantage to contractual efficiency in financial markets. In this sense, it is expected that tax neutrality to provide an enabling Brazil to improved financial reporting institutional environment, reduction unconditional conservatism in reported earnings. Given the above, this research aims to investigate whether fiscal neutrality influences unconditional conservatism in public companies in Brazil.The methodology involves regressions for panel data. The sample is composed by Brazilian companies with disclosures on the basis of Economática® database in the period 2002-2014. The results show differences in the relationship between taxation and financial reporting among firms subject to different pressure levels in the Brazilian stock market. Unconditional conservatism is found in companies subject to greater pressure from the stock market only. In this same group, it is observed that taxation does not induce unconditional conservatism in reported profits, which is expected in a tax neutrality context.
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Integração do método do custeio variável à demonstração financeira de resultados: um estudo de caso em uma indústria de médio porte. / Variable costing method integration to the financial income statement: a case study in a middle market industry.Cleiton Almeida da Silva 15 January 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda as conflitantes diferenças entre os diversos métodos de custeio apresentados pela literatura em contabilidade gerencial e gestão da produção, destacando a questão dos conflitos de entendimento que são gerados entre o mundo da contabilidade financeira e o mundo da gestão de produção, visto que geralmente os números apresentados e analisados por ambas se mostram discrepantes. Tais conflitos podem muitas vezes ocasionar uma má gestão, com reflexos muitas vezes em decisões de curto prazo inadequadas. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal integrar o método gerencial de custeio variável à demonstração financeira sem prejudicar os resultados agregados; propõe-se para tanto a utilização de um modelo híbrido de análise econômico-financeira que apresenta ao mesmo tempo os resultados determinados pelos critérios gerenciais do custeio variável e os resultados apresentados pela contabilidade financeira baseada no método do custeio por absorção. Como objetivos secundários, busca-se evidenciar os aspectos teóricos que definem os conflitos e limites que permeiam o tema custos quando colocados sob as perspectivas financeira e gerencial e pesquisar a literatura especializada sobre os métodos de custeio, identificando suas principais diferenças. É, portanto efetuada uma revisão geral da literatura relacionada a sistemas, métodos e artefatos de custeio e gestão econômica da produção a fim de proporcionar um quadro geral que delineie o contexto mencionado, incluindo, mas não se limitando, às questões normativas que permeiam o tema. A pesquisa é construída e baseada em um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa, onde se busca capturar, além da questão das diferenças numéricas, as nuances de gestão e compreensão de resultados vivenciados por uma empresa real. Proporciona-se uma visão integrada do processo de custeio que traz visibilidade tanto à tomada de decisão gerencial, quanto aos impactos causados nos resultados agregados finais apresentados pela contabilidade financeira. / This research deals with the conflicting differences among the diverse costing methods presented by the literature in management accounting and production management, focusing on the question of the understanding conflicts which are created between the accounting world and the production management world since the figures presented and analyzed by both are usually disparate. Such conflicts may sometimes drive to a poor management, with reflex many times in inadequate short term decision making. The research has as main objective to integrate the management method of variable costing to the financial statement without impairing the aggregated results. It is proposed for it the utilization of a hybrid model of analysis that presents at the same time the results determined from management criteria of direct costing and the results determined from the financial accounting, based on absorption costing. As secondary objectives it pursues to evidence the theoretical aspects that define the conflicts and limits which permeate the costing topic when put under the management accounting and the financial accounting perspectives and to raise specialized literature about costing methods, identifying their main differences. Thus, it is performed a general revision on the literature related to systems, methods and tools for costing and economic production management, aiming at providing a general framework that delineates the mentioned context, including, but not limiting to, the questions that permeate the subject. The research is constructed and based on a case study with qualitative approach, where it seeks to capture, besides the numeric differences question, the nuances of managing and understanding the results experienced by a real company. It provides an integrated view of the costing process that enlightens both the management decision making and the impacts caused in final aggregated results from financial accounting.
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Bakomliggande orsaker till uppdelning i intern- och externredovisning : - En studie av tre K3-företag i tillverkningsbranschenStenberg Enbuske, Jenny, Göransson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Redovisning används för att på ett smidigt sätt kommunicera ut ekonomisk information till företagets olika intressenter, såsom aktieägare, potentiella investerare, chefer, anställda, långivare och stat. Den grundar sig i att företagets olika intressenter, som kan delas in i interna och externa, vill ha tillgång till viss information. Det finns flertalet skillnader mellan det som redovisas internt och det som redovisas externt. Dessa skillnader är bland annat de lagstadgade kraven, vem som ska använda sig av informationen, i vilket sammanhang informationen ska användas samt hur ofta och aktuell information som intressenten behöver. Det är även en stor skillnad mellan vilken tillgång de externa och interna intressenterna har till informationen. De interna intressenterna har direkt tillgång till information medan de externa intressenterna får förlita sig på den information som företaget väljer att publicera offentligt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka varför företag gör en uppdelning av sin redovisning i intern- och externredovisning och varför de inte väljer att redovisa dessa tillsammans. Studien bygger på teorier kring isomorfism, legitimitet, intressenter samt teori kring konkurrens, företagshemligheter och risker. Teorier kopplas till intervjuer gjorda med representanter från tre stycken tillverkande K3-företag för att besvara studiens forskningsfråga angående uppdelningen av redovisningen. Intervjuerna genomfördes med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide där intervjuaren har större möjlighet att ställa följdfrågor. Svaren från intervjuerna bidrar till att, genom ett nutids- och verklighetsperspektiv, visa på hur redovisningen fungerar i tillverkande företag år 2017. Studiens resultat visar att företagen gör en uppdelning av redovisningen i intern- och externredovisning på grund av faktorer som beslutsfattning och konkurrens. Företagens interna och externa intressenter har olika behov och krav på den information som företagen lämnar för att kunna använda den till beslutsfattande. Externredovisningen ger inte tillräckligt med underlag för de interna intressenternas beslutsfattande för att de ska kunna fatta snabba och rättbeslut. Medan internredovisningen i sin tur kan vara alltför omfattande för vissa externa intressenter. Ur ett konkurrensperspektiv vill företagen inte att deras konkurrenter ska kunna ta del av företagets internredovisning för att de inte ska få tillgång till deras framgångsrecept. De företag som ingår i studien vill behålla sina konkurrensfördelar och skydda sina affärsmöjligheter för att öka sin lönsamhet och effektivitet. / Accounting is used to easily communicate financial information to the company's various stakeholders, such as shareholders, potential investors, managers, employees, lenders and state. It is based on that the company's various stakeholders, which can be divided into internal and external, want access to certain information. There are several differences between what is reported internally and what is reported externally. These differences include the statutory requirements, who will use the information, the context in which the information is to be used and how often and current information the stakeholder needs. There is also a big difference between the access the external and internal stakeholders have to the information. Internal stakeholders have direct access to information while external stakeholders have to rely on information that the company selects to publish. The purpose of this study is to investigate why companies make a division of their accounts in management and financial accounting and why they do not report them together. The study is based on theories about isomorphism, legitimacy, stakeholders, and theory of competition, business secrets and risks. Theories are linked to interviews made with representatives from three manufacturing K3 companies to answer the study's research question regarding the division of the accounts. The interviews were conducted with a semi-structured interview guide where the interviewers have a greater opportunity to ask supplementary questions. The responses from the interviews contribute to show how the accounting in manufacturing companies works in 2017, in a contemporary and realistic perspective. The study's results show that the companies make a division of the accounts in management and financial accounting due to factors such as decision-making and competition. The company's internal and external stakeholders have different needs and requirements for the information that companies provide in order to use it for decision-making. The financial accounting does not provide sufficient information for the decision-making of internal stakeholders in order to make quick and correct decisions. While management accounting could be too extensive for some external stakeholders. From a competitive perspective, companies do not want their competitors to be able to access the company's management accounting so that they cannot access their recipe of success. The companies included in the study want to maintain their competitive advantages and protect their business opportunities to increase its profitability and efficiency.
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