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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur påverkar bolags finansiella stress revisorers formuleringar av going concern yttranden?

Grönlund, Anton, Hallgren, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Finansiell information ska vara kvalitetssäkrad och ligga till grund för ekonomiskt beslutsfattande för intressenter. En del av denna information berör revisorns åtagande att bedöma ett bolags fortlevnadsförmåga, going concern, och yttra sig kring detta. Tidigare har två steg identifierats i processen att utfärda going concern yttranden men forskare på området menar att det är nödvändigt att lägga till ett tredje steg; med vilken tydlighet yttrandet formuleras. Vad som påverkar utfärdandet och formuleringen av yttranden är oklart men vissa forskare menar attnär klienter är finansiellt stressade utfärdas going concern yttranden och ju mer finansiellt stressat ett bolag är, desto tydligare formulerar revisorn sitt yttrande. I dagsläget saknas en standard för hur svenska revisorer exakt ska formulera sina yttranden. Revisorerna har därmed makten att påverka hur intressenterna uppfattar ett bolags going concern.Syftet med studien var att utforska hur tydligt svenska revisorer formulerar going concern yttranden i konkursbolags senaste revisionsberättelse, samt identifiera hur olika typer av indikatorer på finansiell stress påverkar tydligheten i revisorernas formuleringar av going concern yttranden. Urvalsramen utgjordes av samtliga svenska bolag som gått i konkurs under tidsperioden januari-september år 2014. 4443 bolag undersöktes varav 358 uppfyllde kraven för studien och utgjorde därmed grunden för analys och slutsats. Resultatet framställdes genom ordinal logistisk regression och visar att svenska revisorer i hög utsträckning formulerar tydliga going concern yttranden och att vissa indikatorer på finansiell stress har en påverkan påtydligheten i going concern yttrandena. Studien visar att tre indikatorer på finansiell stress – eget kapital understiger halva aktiekapitalet, underskott i balanserade vinstmedel och långfristiga skulder dividerat med totala tillgångar – inverkar på tydligheten i going concern yttrandena. / Financial information is supposed to be quality assured and form the basis foreconomic decision-making for stakeholders. Some of this information affects the auditor's obligation to assess a company's survival skills, going concern, and to speak about this. Previously, two steps has been identified in the process to issue a going concern opinion but researchers in the field believe that it is necessary to add a third stage; the clarity with which the opinion is formulated. What affects the decision to issue a going concern opinion and the formulation of these opinions is uncertain, but some scholars believe that when clients are financially stressed more opinions are issued. Furthermore they believe that the more financially stressed a company is the more clearly the auditor's opinion is formulated. In the current situation is no standard for how Swedish auditors exactly should formulate their opinions. The auditors thus have the power to influence how stakeholders perceive a company'sgoing concern.The purpose of this study was to explore how clearly Swedish auditors formulates going concern opinions in the bankrupt company's latest audit report, and identify how different types of indicators of financial stress affects the clarity of the auditors formulations. The sampling frame consisted of all Swedish companies that have gone bankrupt during the period from January to September of 2014. 4443 companies were examined of which 358 met the criteria for the study and thus constituted the basis for the analysis and conclusion. The result was produced by ordinal logistic regression and show that Swedish auditors largely formulates clear going concern opinions and some indicators of financial stress has an impact on the clarity of thegoing concern opinions. The study shows that three indicators of financial stress ”equity is less than half the share capital, deficit in retained earnings, long-term debt divided by total assets” affects the formulation of going concern opinions. / <p>2016-06-03</p>

Att förutspå framtiden - Finansiell stress och dess påverkan på träffsäkerheten i ett going concern-yttrande

Hedenberg, Lena, Bengtsson, Carl-Johan January 2016 (has links)
Ett bolags finansiella rapportering är en viktig informationskälla för dess intressenter. När en revisor granskar ett bolags finansiella situationen ger det en kvalitetssäkring som kan vara avgörande för intressenternas beslutsfattande. Dock har ett antal revisionsskandaler, såsom Enronskandalen, lett till att revisionskvaliteten har ifrågasatts. Det första steget i revisionen är att identifiera om det råder tvivel om ett bolags fortlevnad, det andra steget är att avgöra om revisorn ska yttra sig angående going concern. Om ett bolag möter finansiell problematik kan det anses vara finansiellt stressat vilket kan ge revisorn incitament att utfärda ett going concernyttrande (GCY) och olika indikatorer på finansiell stress kan påverka yttrandets träffsäkerhet. Ytterligare en aspekt som kan påverka träffsäkerheten i ett GCY är enligt tidigare forskning revisorns byråtillhörighet där skillnader kan förekomma mellan grupperna Big 4 och non-Big4. Dock har det påvisats att Big 4 och non-Big 4 inte är homogena grupper.Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och analysera skillnader i träffsäkerhet vid utfärdandet av GCY bland bolag som sedermera drabbats av konkurs, dels vid förekomsten av finansiell stress och dels kopplat till skillnader beroende på revisorns byråtillhörighet. Studiens urvalsram utgjordes av samtliga reviderade bolag som drabbats av konkurs mellan januari-september år 2014. 1 407 av dessa konkursdrabbade bolag ingick i datainsamlingen då de uppfyllde premisserna för studien. I resultatet presenteras träffsäkerheten i utfärdade GCY och hur det kan kopplas till olika indikatorer på finansiell stress, korrelationen mellan ett GCY och indikatorer på finansiell stress samt hur träffsäkerheten i utfärdade GCY och olika indikatorer på finansiell stress kan kopplas till byråtillhörighet. Dataanalysen inkluderade binär logistisk regression, ordinal logistisk regression och korrelationsanalys. Studien påvisade att finansiell stress har en positiv påverkan på träffsäkerheten i ett GCY. Vidare påvisade studien en störreträffsäkerhet bland Big 4 än bland byråer tillhörande gruppen non-Big 4. Studien påvisade även skillnader inom båda dessa grupper varvid andra egenskaper hos revisionsbyråerna än dess storlek tycks ha en inverkan på träffsäkerheten. / A company's financial reports is an important source of information for its stakeholders. As an auditor reviews a company's financial situation it gives a seal of quality to it which could be critical for the stakeholders in their decision making. However, a number of auditing scandals, such as the Enron scandal, has led to the quality of the audit being questioned. The first step ofthe audit is to review a company's financial information and to identify if there are doubts about its survival, the second step is to determine if there is a need to issue a going concern opinion (GCO). A company facing financial problems can be considered financially distressed which can give the auditor an incentive to issue a GCO and different indicators of financial distresscan affect the accuracy of the GCO to different degrees. According to previous research, the auditors’ bureau affiliation can also be an aspect affecting the accuracy of a GCO and the accuracy can differ between the groups Big 4 and non-Big 4. However, in previous research it has been demonstrated that Big 4 and non-Big 4 are not homogenous groups.The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse differences in the accuracy of issued GCO’s among companies that later was affected by bankruptcy as financial distress occurred and also linked to differences depending on the auditor’s bureau affiliation. The study's sampling frame consisted of all audited companies affected by bankruptcy between January-September in 2014. 1 407 of these companies were used for the data gathering as they met the premises set for the study. The result presents the accuracy of issued GCO’s and how it can be linked to various indicators of financial distress, the correlation between a GCO and indicators of financial distress and how the accuracy of an issued GCO and various indicators of financial stress can be linked to bureau affiliation. This was conducted by using binary logistic regression, ordinal logistic regression and correlation analysis. The study showed that financial distress has a positive impact on the accuracy of a GCO. Furthermore, the study showed an increased accuracy for Big 4 in comparison to non-Big 4. The result also demonstrated thatdifferences within these groups exists whereby other characteristics of the bureau can have an impact on the accuracy of a GCO, rather than size. / <p>2016-06-03</p>

Modelování predikce úpadku ve zpracovatelském průmyslu / Bankruptcy prediction modelling in manufacturing branch

Synková, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation of a bankruptcy model for the manufacturing industry in the Czech Republic using logit analysis. The theoretical part defines the concept of bankruptcy model, financial distress and financial health of the company. This section is focused on the influence of macroeconomics on the accuracy of these models, a look into their history and description of selected models. The practical part of the thesis is initially focused on determining the reliability of selected bankruptcy models, and then a new bankruptcy model is compiled.

Modelování predikce úpadku ve zpracovatelském průmyslu / Bankruptcy prediction modelling in manufacturing branch

Kulkusová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aimed at the problematic within the prediction of bankruptcy of companies operating in manufacturing industry in Czech Republic. There are defined terms related to the topic, methods of creating bankruptcy models and selected bankruptcy models in the theoretical part. Analytical part includes testing of the selected bankruptcy models. Thereafter a new bankruptcy model is created, which is subsequently tested and its accuraccy is compared to models from other authors.

Modelování predikce bankrotu ve zpracovatelském průmyslu / Bankruptcy Prediction Modelling in the Manufacturing Industry

Tichá, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of bankruptcy prediction of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the manufacturing industry in selected Central European countries. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the concepts related to the prediction of bankruptcy and methods of model creation. The analytical part of the work includes testing the accuracy of selected bankruptcy model by other authors and creating a new bankruptcy model. The accuracy of the newly created model is then compared with the accuracy of selected models by other authors.

Betala eller spara? : En kvantitativ studie om samband mellan frivillig revision och finansiellt trångmål / Pay or save? : A quantitative study of the relationship between voluntary audit and financial distress

Lilja, Olof, Lundgren, Elena January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka samband mellan finansiellt trångmål och val av frivillig revision för små svenska aktiebolag. Metod: Studien använder en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. I en tvärsnittsstudie har sekundärdata om svenska aktiebolag samlats in från databasen Retriever. Den oberoende variabeln trångmål har operationaliserats utifrån två olika definitioner. Dessa har testats separat mot den beroende variabeln revision genom binär logistisk regression. Resultat och slutsats: Analysen visar att det föreligger ett signifikant positivt samband mellan revision och trångmål utifrån den definition av trångmål som utgår från att ett företags rörelseresultat före räntor, skatt, avskrivningar och goodwillavskrivningar (EBITDA) understiger dess utgifter för räntekostnader. Det finns däremot ett negativt samband mellan revision och trångmål för den definition av trångmål som utgår från att ett företags aktiekapital är förbrukat till mer än hälften. Detta resultat är dock svårtolkat eftersom signifikansen varierar beroende på hur extremvärden hanteras. Det positiva, signifikanta samband som studien har funnit är överensstämmande med tidigare forskning som tyder på att företag i finansiellt trångmål är benägna att välja frivillig revision. Forskningsbidrag: Studien jämför hur flödesmått och kapitalmått påverkar sambandet mellan trångmål och frivillig revision genom att undersöka dessa mått i separata regressioner. Vidare undersöker studien data från ett stort antal små företag och vad vi vet är detta den första studie som undersöker sambandet mellan trångmål och frivillig revision utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv Vidare forskning: Det behövs mer forskning om hur kapitalmått påverkar samband mellan trångmål och frivillig revision. En detaljerad jämförelse med en finsk studie som funnit ett negativt samband mellan trångmål och revision skulle vara av intresse. Även en longitudinell undersökning för att undersöka möjliga kausala samband vore intressant. Ett annat möjligt forskningsområde är att undersöka om små företags val av frivillig revision påverkas av deras val att anlita en redovisningskonsult. / Aim: To investigate the relationship between financial distress and voluntary audit for small Swedish limited companies. Method: The study employs a quantitative method with a deductive approach. In a cross-sectional study, secondary data about Swedish limited companies has been collected from the database Retriever. The independent variable financial distress has been operationalized according to two different definitions. Separate binary logistic regressions have been conducted to test the two definitions of financial distress against the dependent variable audit. Results and Conclusions: The analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between audit and financial distress according to the definition of distress based on a company’s EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization). But there is a negative relationship between audit and financial distress according to the definition of distress based on a company’s forfeited share capital. However, this result is difficult to interpret because the statistical significance varies depending on how outliers are handled. The significant, positive relationship that the study has found confirms previous research saying that companies in financial distress are prone to choose voluntary audits. Contributions: The study compares how a flow measure and a capital measure influence the relationship between financial distress and voluntary audit by exploring these measures in separate regressions. Furthermore, it investigates data from a large number of small companies. To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the relationship between financial distress and voluntary audit from a Swedish perspective. Suggestions for future research: More research about how capital measures influence the relationship between distress and voluntary audit is needed. A detailed comparison with a Finnish study that has found a negative relationship between distress and audit would be of interest. A longitudinal design in order to investigate possible causal relationships would also be interesting. How various levels of threats influence the choice of voluntary audits for companies in distress is also worth continued studies. Another possible field is to examine whether the choice of employing an external accountant affects the choice of voluntary audit for small companies.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evulation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Ovesný, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This thesis assess the financial situation of the company ELSEREMO, a.s. in the years 2001 to 2005 at the basis of selected methods of the financial analysis. It includes proposals of possible solutions of identified problems which should result in the improvement of financial situation of the firm in future years.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evulation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Minařík, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the financial and economic situation of the company RELYFO, spol. s r.o. in the time period of 2004 –2006 by way of prime financial analysis methods. It provides suggestions and recomendations for an improvement of the company´s current position with regards to company opportunities and strategy areas of its future enterprise.

Some comparative aspects of corporate rescue in South African company law

Loubser, Anneli 02 1900 (has links)
South African company law has provided for the rescue of financially distressed companies since 1926 when the statutory procedure of judicial management was introduced by the Companies Act 46 of 1926. Unfortunately, judicial management has never been regarded as a successful corporate rescue procedure and for most of its existence it has been severely criticised on many grounds. The Companies Act 61 of 1973 that replaced the Companies Act 46 of 1926 did very little to improve this situation and judicial management remained underutilised. As a result, the Companies Act 71 of 2008 now introduces two newly-created corporate rescue procedures in the form of business rescue proceedings and the compromise with creditors. This study analyses judicial management and the new corporate rescue procedures to establish whether the identified weaknesses of judicial management have been adequately and effectively addressed in the new procedures. A comparative study with similar procedures in England and Germany is undertaken to determine whether the South African legislature has delivered on its promise to create a system of corporate rescue that will meet the needs of a modern South African economy. Several weaknesses in the new procedures are identified and a number of recommendations are made to improve the relevant provisions and to assist in providing South African company law with an efficient and acceptable corporate rescue regime. / Mercentile Law / LLD (Mercentile Law)

The auditing implications of the going concern assumption underlying the preparation of financial statements

De Villiers, Susanna Salomina 06 1900 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to establish whether auditors in South Africa also fail to issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption underlying financial statements the reasons for auditors' failure to issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption The hypotheses of this study are tested by examining professional auditing standards and secondary data on the going concern assumption conducting an empirical study of listed industrial compames whose listings were terminated because of financial failure This study provides evidence that auditors in South Africa fail to Issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption advances specific reasons for this failure / Auditing / M. Comm. (Auditing)

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