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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuel Load and Fire Behaviour in the Southern Ontario Tallgrass Prairie

Kidnie, Susan M. 12 February 2010 (has links)
Prescribed burning is an important management tool for the restoration and maintenance of tallgrass prairies. To improve fire behaviour prediction in tallgrass prairies, I assessed three different aspects of fire behaviour - heat of combustion, fuel load and rate of spread. Heat of combustion was found to vary amongst certain tallgrass species but the relatively small differences in means is unlikely to contribute significantly to fire behaviour. Average fuel loads in Ontario tallgrass prairie sites were found to be higher than current default value used in fire behaviour prediction. Three rapid fuel load assessment techniques were tested. Finally, the predictions of three fire behaviour prediction systems - the FBP System, BehavePlus and an Australian grassfire spread model, were compared with actual fire behaviour observations. The FBP System was found to perform poorly while both BehavePlus and the Australian model exhibited relatively strong relationships between observed and predicted rates of spread.

Fuel Load and Fire Behaviour in the Southern Ontario Tallgrass Prairie

Kidnie, Susan M. 12 February 2010 (has links)
Prescribed burning is an important management tool for the restoration and maintenance of tallgrass prairies. To improve fire behaviour prediction in tallgrass prairies, I assessed three different aspects of fire behaviour - heat of combustion, fuel load and rate of spread. Heat of combustion was found to vary amongst certain tallgrass species but the relatively small differences in means is unlikely to contribute significantly to fire behaviour. Average fuel loads in Ontario tallgrass prairie sites were found to be higher than current default value used in fire behaviour prediction. Three rapid fuel load assessment techniques were tested. Finally, the predictions of three fire behaviour prediction systems - the FBP System, BehavePlus and an Australian grassfire spread model, were compared with actual fire behaviour observations. The FBP System was found to perform poorly while both BehavePlus and the Australian model exhibited relatively strong relationships between observed and predicted rates of spread.

Våtmarkers relation till skogsbränder : En litteraturstudie och GIS-analys av intakta och utdikade våtmarker i borealt svenskt skogslandskap / The relationship of wetlands to wildfires

Rune, Rufus, Tidblad, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Som en följd av global uppvärmning blir det allt viktigare med resiliens mot klimatkrisens konsekvenser, däribland mer frekventa skogsbränder. Då våtmarker kan behålla vatten och ge resiliens mot torka och bränder är det intressant att undersöka relationen mellan våtmarker och skogsbränder. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka våtmarkers påverkan på skogsbränder i boreala skogsmiljöer, där frågeställningarna berör antändningsrisk, intensitet, brandskador, areell spridning och utdikning. Arbetet genomförs som litteraturstudie och GIS-analys med fokus på brandspridning. I GIS genomfördes först en multikriterieanalys och sedan en modellering av brandförlopp, i två områden i Hälsingland. Enligt analys och tolkning av resultat är fuktighet, grundvattennivå, vegetation, ytstruktur och storlek de viktigaste faktorerna i våtmarkers relation till skogsbränder. Sannolikhet för antändning, brandintensitet och brandskador minskar alla med ökad fuktighet, ökad grundvattennivå, gott om vitmossa och mindre av annan vegetation. Dessa faktorer gör även våtmarker till bättre brandbarriärer, speciellt i kombination med ökad storlek och heterogen ytstruktur. I motsats är våtmarker med lägre fuktighet och grundvattennivå, större bränsletillgång och träd sämre som barriärer mot skogsbrand och upplever intensivare bränder. Under extrem torka riskerar dock alla våtmarker, i olika utsträckning, att torka ut till den grad att bränder sprider sig över dem.GIS-analysen visar en koppling mellan sankmarker och områden med långsam brandspridning under normala förhållanden, och en stor lokal variation i förutsättningarna för brandspridning. Utdikning av våtmarker försämrar våtmarkernas resiliens mot skogsbränder, och skapar en risk för torvbränder, med allvarliga konsekvenser. En återvätning av utdikade våtmarker skulle förbättra deras brandresiliens. / As a result of global warming, it is ever more important with resilience towards the consequences of the climate crisis, including more frequent wildfires. Since wetlands can retain water and give resilience towards drought and fires, it is interesting to explore the relation between wetlands and wildfires. This study aims to research the influence of wetlands on wildfires in boreal forest environments, with research questions regarding risk of ignition, fire intensity, fire damage severity, areal spread and wetland drainage. The work consists of a literature review and GIS analysis focusing on fire spread. The GIS analysis is done through a multi-criteria analysis and afterwards a modeling of fire development, in two areas in Hälsingland, Sweden. According to analysis and interpretation of the result, the most important factors in the relation between wetlands and wildfires are moisture, water table level, vegetation, surface structure and wetland size. Probability of ignition, fire intensity and fire damage are all reduced with increased moisture, higher water table, plenty of sphagnum moss and less other vegetation. These factors also improve wetland efficiency as barriers against fire, especially in combination with increased size and a heterogeneous surface structure. On the contrary, wetlands with a lower moisture level and water table, larger fuel availability and trees function less efficiently as fire barriers and experience more intense fires. During extreme drought, however, all wetlands to a different extent risk drying out to the point where fire can spread over them. The GIS analysis displays a connection between fens and areas with slow fire propagation under normal conditions, as well as a large local variation in the factors influencing wildfire propagation. Wetland drainage deteriorates wetland resilience against wildfires, and creates a risk of peat fires, with severe consequences. Rewetting of drained wetlands would improve their fire resilience.

Brandspridning i äldre trähusbebyggelse : Brandskyddsinventering av Rademachersmedjorna i centrala Eskilstuna

Ingelmark, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
It is very important to protect buildings against fire. Especially older wooden buildings and areas with a historically important heritage, i.e. areas that cannot be restored to their original condition upon loss. In Eskilstuna one such area is located - Rademachersmedjorna. On behalf of Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB a documentation of Rademachersmedjorna’s constructional fire protection has been conducted in this report in order to have the area's fire protection level documented. The purpose of this study has been, via systematic field studies, to provide an overview of Rademachersmedjorna and document the area’s current fire protection level. Based on this information, a visualization of the area's constructional fire protection and risk zones has been developed to give a simple overview for users, managers and owners. The inventory can be used by Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB for a quick and easy visualization of Rademachersmedjorna’s fire protection level and risk zones. Furthermore, this information could be used as a basis for planning future safety prevention efforts. The documentation over the area is based on the assessment method Bedömning av brandskydd i kulturbebyggelse (hereafter referred to as BSV-k) and the parts this method includes. There are a total of 16 buildings at the Rademacher area and only one building achieved an acceptable fire protection level according to BSV-k. There are several zones in the area that pose a higher risk for the occurrence of fire and fire spread. These higher vulnerable fire hazard zones are spread out over Rademachersmedjorna which means that the whole area quickly can get involved in case of fire. In this context it is important to avoid fire what so ever may arise. Removing combustible material in escape routes, in attics and combustible materials nearby the buildings are some fire prevention measures which can be applied. It is also important to note objects such as bins and wooden planks that exist between the buildings being potential fire carriers. In cases where the buildings distance to a nearby located building is very short, the potential fire carriers pose little threat as the fire can spread directly from building to building. To achieve an acceptable level of fire protection for Rademachersmedjorna - according to this study's assessment method - is sufficient in many cases to apply fire prevention.

Building a fire propagation system in real-time graphics / Skapande av brandspridningssystem i realtidsgrafik

Olsson, Kristian January 2017 (has links)
This report covers the creation of a dynamic fire propagation method for a real-time environment. The purpose is to see if it is possible to create a system that can control fire propagation behaviour and visual design based on some sort of simple parametrization, the purpose stems from the lack of a system to control and design a fire propagation scenario. To attain the results, a fire propagation method is devised based on the purpose of having a parameter based system, this method is created through the use of scripting in a real-time game engine to control visuals and behaviour of built in particle systems. Results show fire propagation through an example scenario where the fire behaves differently based on the material that is burning, based on parameters set by an artist. These results conclude that is it possible to create a parameter based fire propagation system and that it can be used to change the visual design and behaviour and be expanded to provide better artist input and control. The report suggests further research in the area of simplified controlled fire simulation in real-time engines, and usability. / Den här rapporten täcker skapandet av en metod för dynamisk eldspridning i en realtidsmiljö. Syftet är att se om det är möjligt att skapa ett system som kan kontrollera spridningsbeteendet och den visuella designen av elden baserat på någon sorts simplifierad parametrisering, Syftet härstammar ifrån att det saknas system där man kan kontrollera och designa ett eldspridningsscenario. För att nå resultat så skapas en metod som är baserad på syftet att använda ett parameterbaserat system, denna metoden skapas med hjälp av programmering i en realtidsmotor genom att kontrollera det visuella samt beteendet hos inbyggda partikelsystem. Resultatet visar eldspridning genom ett exempelscenario där elden beter sig olika baserat på vilket material som brinner, baserat på parametrar som är satta av en artist. Slutsatsen av resultatet visar att det är möjligt att skapa ett parameterbaserat eldspridningssystem och att det kan användas för att kontrollera den visuella designen och beteende samt att det kan expanderas för att förse artister med bättre kontroll över systemet. Rapporten föreslår fortsatta studier inom området simplifierade kontrollerade eldsimulationer inom realtidsmotorer, och användarvänlighet.

BRANDSSPRIDNING I ÄLDRETRÄHUSBEBYGGELSE : Brandskyddsinventering av Rademachersmedjorna i centrala Eskilstuna

Ingelmark, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
Sedan forskning inom ämnet brandskydd för byggnader inleddes på 1900-talets andra hälfthar intresset för att bygga allt högre och mer komplexa byggnader ökat. I och med detta harhögre krav på brandskydd samt lagar och regler som beskriver de olika krav som ställsutvecklats.Äldre kulturhistoriskt viktiga bebyggelser i Sverige har svårt att uppfylla dessa krav.Samtidigt som det ställs höga krav på såväl organisatoriskt som byggnadsteknisktbrandskydd spelar byggnadernas kulturhistoriska värde en avgörande roll i hur brandskyddettillåts implementeras och i vilken omfattning. Det blir därför en avvägning mellan vad som ärmöjligt att göra ur brandskyddssynpunkt och ur en kulturhistorisk aspekt. I både Sverige ochNorge har man vid brandskyddsinventeringar kommit fram till ett flertalbrandskyddslösningar som varit möjliga att tillämpa.Ett exempel på dessa kulturhistoriska trähusbebyggelser är Rademachersmedjorna iEskilstuna. På mitten av 1600-talet beordrade den dåvarande konungen Karl X Gustaf att ettflertal stensmedjor skulle uppföras i Eskilstuna. I samband med konungens död 1660 föllplanerna och endast ett 20-tal smedjebyggnader uppfördes och då istället i trä. Endast sex avdessa smedjebyggnader finns bevarade och utgör de Rademachersmedjor som området ärkänt för idag.Syftet med denna studie är att genom systematiska fältstudier skapa en översikt över ochdokumentera Rademachersmedjornas nuvarande brandskydd. Utifrån detta materialvisualiseras områdets byggnadstekniska brandskydd samt riskzoner på ett översiktligt sättför brukare, förvaltare och ägare. Vidare fokuseras arbetet på brandspridningsaspekten samtrespektive byggnads nuvarande brandskydd. Detta innebär att den kulturmässiga aspektenendast kommer att beröras översiktligt.Denna studie baseras på bedömningsmodellen Bedömning av brandskydd ikulturbebyggelse (härefter kallat BSV-k) och de delar denna omfattar. Detta innebär att detbefintliga brandskydd som inte omfattas av bedömningsmetoden inte kommer att bedömas,däremot kommer detta brandskydd översiktligt beröras i samband medbyggnadsbeskrivningarna.Av Rademacherområdets totalt 16 byggnader uppnår endast en byggnad brandskyddsnivånacceptabelt brandskydd. Detta medför att områdets totala brandskydd är bristfälligt sett urdagens brandskyddsperspektiv. På Rademacherområdet har uppmärksammats ett flertalzoner som utgör en högre risk för uppkomst av brand. Dessa högre utsatta riskzoner ärspridda över hela Rademacherområdet vilket innebär att en uppkommen brand i områdetsena del kan komma att spridas vidare till andra delar av området. I och med detta kan storadelar av området snabbt bli involverat. I dessa sammanhang är det viktigt att försöka undvikaatt brand över huvud taget kan uppstå. Sådana åtgärder är oftast av enklare karaktär och imånga fall de mest ekonomiskt fördelaktiga. Att ta bort brännbart material i anslutning tillbyggnaden, ta bort löst brännbart material på vindsutrymmen och i utrymningsvägar ärnågra brandförebyggande åtgärder som kan tillämpas på Rademacherområdet. Sådanabrandförebyggande åtgärder utgör delvis ett skydd mot brandspridning. I de fall därbyggnadernas avstånd till angränsande byggnader är mycket kort utgör potentiellabrandbärare, såsom papperskorgar och träplank, ett större hot till vidare brandspridning dåbranden har ett kortare avstånd till brandbäraren jämfört med den närliggande byggnaden.Det redan korta skyddsavståndet mellan två byggnader blir ännu mindre när en potentiellbrandbärare är placerad mellan byggnaderna. Detta innebär att branden kan spridassnabbare till närliggande byggnader och omfatta ett större område.För att nå en acceptabel brandskyddsnivå enligt BSV-k för Rademacherområdet i Eskilstunaräcker det i många fall att tillämpa brandförebyggande åtgärder, såsom att ta bort brännbartmaterial i vindsutrymmen och flytta undan papperskorgar från fasaderna. / It is very important to protect buildings against fire. Especially older wooden buildings andareas with a historically important heritage, i.e. areas that cannot be restored to their originalcondition upon loss. In Eskilstuna one such area is located - Rademachersmedjorna. Onbehalf of Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB a documentation of Rademachersmedjorna’sconstructional fire protection has been conducted in this report in order to have the area'sfire protection level documented. The purpose of this study has been, via systematic fieldstudies, to provide an overview of Rademachersmedjorna and document the area’s currentfire protection level. Based on this information, a visualization of the area's constructionalfire protection and risk zones has been developed to give a simple overview for users,managers and owners. The inventory can be used by Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB for aquick and easy visualization of Rademachersmedjorna’s fire protection level and risk zones.Furthermore, this information could be used as a basis for planning future safety preventionefforts. The documentation over the area is based on the assessment method Bedömning avbrandskydd i kulturbebyggelse (hereafter referred to as BSV-k) and the parts this methodincludes. There are a total of 16 buildings at the Rademacher area and only one buildingachieved an acceptable fire protection level according to BSV-k. There are several zones inthe area that pose a higher risk for the occurrence of fire and fire spread. These highervulnerable fire hazard zones are spread out over Rademachersmedjorna which means thatthe whole area quickly can get involved in case of fire. In this context it is important to avoidfire what so ever may arise. Removing combustible material in escape routes, in attics andcombustible materials nearby the buildings are some fire prevention measures which can beapplied. It is also important to note objects such as bins and wooden planks that existbetween the buildings being potential fire carriers. In cases where the buildings distance to anearby located building is very short, the potential fire carriers pose little threat as the firecan spread directly from building to building. To achieve an acceptable level of fire protectionfor Rademachersmedjorna - according to this study's assessment method - is sufficient inmany cases to apply fire prevention.

To evaluate fire properties of a facade : - a study on semi natural test methods

Martinsson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Due to an increase in the number of large-scale façade fires around the world the interest in the fire hazards of façades has also increased. The hazards of such fires have been acknowledged since earlier and many different test methods have therefore been developed to enable evaluation of the fire properties of wall assemblies. The purpose of this study is to map differences and similarities between existing full-scale test methods that are currently used to evaluate façade systems based on their performance when influenced by fire. The study also includes a review of previous research into parameters and conditions that influence a façade fire. Some past incidents will be used to enable comparison between the tests and a real fire scenario. The review of previous research has been focused in the areas fire spread, fire properties influencing the heat flux from a fire, and comparative studies evaluating differences between existing test methods. For the study of parameters in existing test methods 21 test methods have been identified and included in the study. A detailed compilation of information on each of the included test methods can be found in the tables included in appendix A. The mapping of the differences and similarities of the included methods has resulted in comparisons of wall and specimen specifications, ignition source parameters, measuring points and approval criteria. The increase in interest for façade fire hazards has also led to some new methods being developed and old methods being revised. New methods and unfinished revisions have not been included in the comparison study but are mentioned.  The conclusion of this study is that although the variation between the tests on the detailed methodology level are very high, if you consider the conditions used for approval and evaluation, they can all be linked to identified hazards of façade fires. However, there are some parameters that need to be re-examined. Previous research indicates that the fire load may be the parameter with most influence on the fire scenario. This is one of the parameters that vary the most and at same time it is likely to contribute to different results between the test methods. Another parameter is the influence of wall openings representing windows to overlaying compartments. This is a parameter that could have a significant effect on the outcome of a test.

Developing a 2D Forest Fire Spread Simulation for Enhanced Decision-Making During Catastrophes in Sweden

Gauffin Dahlin, David January 2024 (has links)
This thesis presents the development and evaluation of a 2D simulation model designed to predict the spread and behavior of forest fires, with a specific focus on Swedish forest ecosystems. Despite the model's simplicity and inherent limitations due to assumptions such as homogeneity in fuel distribution and the exclusion of topographical influences, the simulations yield remarkably accurate predictions of fire spread and intensity. The model integrates basic meteorological data (wind speed and direction, temperature) and uses a discretized spatial approach to simulate the dynamics of forest fires. Initial results suggest that even with minimal input variables and broad assumptions, the model offers significant predictive capabilities, highlighting potential areas for future refinement. Key aspects such as the interaction between conduction and advection terms, the role of water vaporization in fire dynamics, and the influence of wind on fire propagation are discussed. The findings encourage further development of the model, aiming at incorporating more complex variables such as topography and more forest fuels, potentially enhancing its utility in real-time fire management and decision-making processes.

The investigation of factors governing ignition and development of fires in heathland vegetation

Plucinski, Matthew Paul, Mathematics & Statistics, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
Heathlands typically experience regimes consisting of frequent and intense fires. These fire regimes play important roles in the lifecycles and population dynamics of all species in these communities. Prescribed fire is commonly applied to heathlands to minimise the risk of wildfires as well as to promote biodiversity. Ignitions in heathlands tend to either be unsustainable, or quickly develop into rapidly spreading intense fires. This presents a major problem for the application of prescribed fire and is the primary focus of this thesis. Heathland ignition has been investigated in three sections; litter ignition; vertical development of fire into the shrub layer; and horizontal spread through the shrub layer. These were studied in laboratory experiments using miniature versions of field fuels. Ignition success in litter layers was related to the dead fuel moisture content. Litter type, ignition source, and presence of wind were found to affect the range of ignitable fuel moisture contents of a litter bed. The effect of litter type was best explained by density. Dense litter beds required drier conditions for ignition than low density litter beds. The vertical development of fire into shrubs was mostly dependent on live fuel moisture content, but crown base height, presence of wind, ignition source, shrub height and the percentage of dead elevated fuel were also important. Horizontal spread of fires through shrub layers was most affected by the presence of a litter layer, with nearly all ignitions successful when there was an underlying litter fire. Fire spread would only occur in shrubs without a litter layer when the shrub layer was dense and dry, or had a substantial dead fuel component. Spread was more likely to be sustained when there was wind. Models predicting the moisture content of dead fuels were tested in heathlands, and as would be expected those that can be calibrated for different fuel types were found to have the best performance. Fuel moisture content and fuel load models were reviewed for heathlands, and a number of recommendations for future research were made.

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