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Önskat transformativt ledarskap i relation till extraversion : Medarbetarperspektivet inom teminalanläggningarna på ett svenskt rederi inom färjetrafikenJohansson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Det transformativa ledarskapet anses vara ett idealt ledarskap i dagens samhälle där egenskaper såsom lyhördhet och individuell motivering hos medarbetarna uppskattas hos många. Studier har tidigare gjorts avseende vilken personlighet ledare med olika ledarskapsattribut besitter, men färre studier har fokuserat på det önskade ledarskapet ur medarbetarnas perspektiv. Därför var syftet med denna studie att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan personlighetsegenskapen extraversion och önskat transformativt ledarskap hos medarbetarna på teminalanläggningarna inom ett medelstort svenskt rederi inom färjetrafiken. Datat samlades in genom en digital undersökningsenkät. Undersökningen sträckte sig över samtliga tre hamnterminaler där totalt 72 personer deltog. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns något signifikant samband mellan önskat transformativt ledarskap och extraversion inom de aktuella anläggningarna. Slutsatsen drogs att andra personlighetsdimensioner inte kan uteslutas som betydelse för att forma ett önskat ledarskapsbeteende, och att variablernas resultat separat trots avsaknaden av samband kan vara värdefullt för företagets verksamheter.
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Style over Substance? A Content Analysis of the Gendered Style of Political Pundits on the "Big Five"Ancarrow, Megan Ashley 28 June 2016 (has links)
It is well known that males dominate politics, both in elected positions and in the media as political pundits (Melber, 2011). Is it the masculine style that is appealing to society? Do popular political pundits (male and female) emulate this masculine style in order to appeal to and persuade their audience? Through a content analysis of the rhetoric of six specified political pundits, it is hypothesized that both males and females are more likely to incorporate masculine styles of rhetoric, and those who display more masculine style traits will be more acceptable to the general audience leading to more airtime and appearances across networks. Through the analysis of the programs' 2013 transcripts, the communicative style of both male and female political pundits of the top five news programs from the big five networks will be studied: ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CBS's Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, and NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. / Master of Arts
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Optimal Synthesis of Planar Five-link Mechanisms for the Production of Nonlinear Mechanical AdvantageBlackett, Ricardo Corey 30 March 2001 (has links)
This thesis presents a technique for the optimal synthesis of planar five-link mechanisms that produce a desired mechanical advantage function over a specified path. Since a five-bar linkage has two degrees of freedom, small deviations from the specified path are possible without significantly altering the mechanical advantage function. The research shows one potential application, the design of strength machines, where it is important to control force while allowing the user freedom of motion.
In the past, closed-form analytical synthesis techniques have been used to design mechanical-advantage-generating linkages. This method is time consuming and case specific. However, optimal synthesis techniques apply to the general case and present a robust solution procedure. This thesis uses the non-linear pattern search technique of Hooke and Jeeves to synthesize five-bar linkages. The search technique matches user strength curves and mechanism resistance curves to produce a five-link mechanism. This mechanism produces the desired mechanical-advantage function and serves as the basis for strength training machines. Unlike analytical synthesis, optimization allows direct incorporation of a greater number of design constraints, thus resulting in solutions that are more practical. The pattern search technique aims to minimize a given objective function that depends primarily on the force generating capabilities and kinematic constraints on of the linkage. / Master of Science
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Toward a periodic table of personality: mapping personality scales between the five-factor model and the circumplex modelWoods, S.A., Anderson, Neil 04 1900 (has links)
Yes / In this study we examine the structures of ten personality inventories widely used for personnel assessment, by mapping the scales of personality inventories (PIs) to the lexical Big Five circumplex model resulting in a ‘Periodic Table of Personality’. Correlations between 273 scales from ten internationally popular PIs with independent markers of the lexical Big Five are reported, based on data from samples in two countries (UK N = 286; USA N = 1,046), permitting us to map these scales onto the AB5C framework. Emerging from our findings we propose a common facet framework derived from the scales of the PIs in our study. These results provide important insights into the literature on criterion-related validity of personality traits, and enable researchers and practitioners to understand how different PI scales converge and diverge and how compound PI scales may be constructed or replicated. Implications for research and practice are considered.
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Personlighet och preferens av forskningsmetod för studenters kandidatuppsatserKottorp, Anton, Sjöstedt, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Studien utgick från femfaktorteorin som bygger på fem personlighetsfaktorer: samvetsgrannhet, öppenhet, extraversion, vänlighet och neuroticism. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om dessa personlighetsfaktorer påverkar studenters val mellan en kvantitativ eller kvalitativ forskningsmetod för en kandidatuppsats, samt om kön och andra studierelaterade variabler påverkar detta val. Tidigare forskning antyder att personlighet påverkar bland annat val av programinriktning på universitetet och yrke. Om personlighet påverkar val av forskningsmetod är däremot inte något som tidigare har undersökts. Etthundratre studenter deltog i enkätundersökningen som bestod av personlighetstestet Big Five Inventory, samt frågor om studierelaterade variabler. Data analyserades med hjälp av korrelationstest och regressionsanalys. Studien fann ingen koppling mellan personlighetsdimensionerna och val av forskningsmetod, däremot med kön och studierelaterade variabler, däribland universitetets genomgång av forskningsmetoderna samt huruvida studenten ansåg sitt program vara utmanande eller ej. Mer forskning behövs för att säkerställa att personlighet inte har någon koppling till val forskningsmetod för studenter.
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Personality and its relationship with training motivationCorreal, Cristina T. 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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An Investigation of the Evolution of the Minimalist Shoe Through a Review of Research LiteratureSommarvong, Samantha L. 01 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
As an investigation of the evolution of the minimalist shoes, the purpose of this thesis was to examine popularity trends of the rise and fall of the minimalist movement. By evaluating the history and research behind the designs of the minimalist shoes, this thesis viewed the peak in popularity when minimalist shoes first made their debut. Initially, footwear sales skyrocketed upon its introduction. Its popularity grew due the prospective effects of improving athletic performance and the possibility of decreasing the prevalence of running-related injuries. To understand the sales trends of the footwear industry, various shoe examples from the different categories of footwear padding were also examined. Hence, after learning more about each type of footwear, it is crucial to understand how to transition safely and without injury. Injury prevalence has been suggested to be associated with the change in biomechanics involved with changing a runner’s footwear. Through the review of research literature on the subject, 33 sources of peerreviewed studies, found via Google Scholar or EBSCOHost using select key word searches, were taken into account. After reviewing the results and conclusions, a common finding suggest that more research is needed to come to clear consensus. There is not enough evidence to suggest that the use of minimalist shoes either lowered the risk of injury or improved performance. Hence, the decline of minimalist movement may have been due to the unfulfilled benefits that were proposed. After consumers did not reap the benefits of transitioning to minimalist shoes, sales trends continued to fall.
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Kan du se vem jag är? : En kvantitativ studie om första intryckets bedömning och individens självuppfattning / Can you see who i am? : A quantitative study on first impression assessment and individual self-perceptionPääjärvi, Hanna, Eriksson, Ibba January 2024 (has links)
Tänker du på det första intryck du får av någon du möter i vardagen? Kanske du funderar på hur dem är som person? Efter att ha sett någon för första gången bildas omedelbart ett första intryck och en uppfattning om dennes personlighet. Syftet med vår kvasiexperimentella studie är att undersöka hur bedömningen baserad på första intrycket av en individs personlighets stämmer överens med hur individen uppfattar sig själv. Urvalet bestod av 10 deltagare, sex kvinnor och fyra män. Åldersspannet låg mellan 23 till 55 år (M= 31,6; SD= 12,0). Deltagare har genomfört personlighetstest, fått se bilder av andra deltagare och sedan bedömt hur de uppfattat deras personlighet. Differensmåtten belyste att deltagare tenderade att självskatta högre poäng än vad de blev bedömda inom personlighetsdragen. Bedömningarna och självskattningarna inom några av personlighetsdragen visade en måttlig till stor effektstyrka (d.v.s. samvetsgrannhet, öppenhet, neuroticism). Men i studien förekom ingen signifikant korrelation mellan bedömd och självskattad personlighet. / Do you think about the impression you make of someone you meet in everyday life? Maybe you are thinking about what they are like as a person? Upon meeting someone, an impression of their personality swiftly develops. Our quasi- experimental study aimed to explore if assessment based on the first impression of an individual's personality is consistent with how the individual perceives themself. The sample consisted of 10 participants, six women and four men. Participants' age range was between 23 to 55 years old (M= 31,6; SD= 12,0). Participants underwent personality tests, viewed images of other participants, and then assessed how they perceived their personality. Differential measure showed that participants tended to self-assess higher scores than they were rated within the personality traits. The ratings and self-assessments in some of the personality traits showed a moderate to large effect size (i.e. conscientiousness, openness, neuroticism). However, there was no significant correlation between rated and self-assessed personality in the study.
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L'influence des traits du Big Five et de l'activité occupationnelle sur l'efficacité de la psychothérapie auprès de personnes souffrant d'un trouble de la personnalité et consultant dans un programme d'hôpital de jourFellouri, Charlène 02 February 2024 (has links)
Cette étude longitudinale sur 6 semaines a pour objectif d’évaluer la contribution de l’activité occupationnelle sur l’amélioration en psychothérapie en considérant les traits de personnalité du Big Five auprès d’une clientèle souffrant de troubles de la personnalité (TP) suivie dans un programme d’hôpital de jour. L’échantillon d’intérêt se compose de 211 participants souffrant d’un TP et référés dans un programme d’hôpital de jour à la suite d’un épisode de crise ayant nécessité une consultation à l’urgence. Malgré les constats de la littérature, les résultats de cette recherche ne permettent pas d’observer de différence statistiquement significative sur l’amélioration en psychothérapie entre les participants avec une activité occupationnelle comparativement à ceux sans activité occupationnelle. De plus, aucun des cinq traits de la personnalité du modèle des Big Five n’est associé à l’amélioration thérapeutique. Par ailleurs, des effets d’interaction sont observés entre le statut occupationnel et les traits de personnalité pour prédire l’amélioration durant le suivi. D’abord, les participants sans activité occupationnelle qui rapportent un degré élevé d’Ouverture à l’expérience s’améliorent davantage en ce qui a trait à leurs difficultés interpersonnelles en cours du suivi. De plus, un degré élevé de Conscience chez les participants sans activité occupationnelle est associé à une moins bonne amélioration quant à leurs symptômes de détresse en cours de suivi alors qu’il est associé à une plus forte amélioration des symptômes chez les participants avec une activité occupationnelle. Les études futures devraient répliquer le protocole employé dans le présent mémoire auprès d’un échantillon plus large, en documentant les motifs de consultation ainsi que les raisons de l’abandon thérapeutique. / The objective of this 6 weeks longitudinal study is to assess the contribution of occupational activity on improvement in psychotherapy, considering the Big Five personality traits of the Big Five in a clientele suffering from personality disorders (PD) followed in a day hospital treatment program. The sample of interest consists of participants with PD and referred to a day hospital program following a crisis episode requiring an emergency visit. Despite the findings in the literature, the results of this research do not demonstrate a statistically significant difference in the improvement in psychotherapy between participants with an occupational activity compared to those without occupational activity. In addition, none of the Big Five model's five personality traits were associated to therapeutic improvement. However, interaction effects were observed between occupational status and personality traits to predict improvement during treatment. First, participants without occupational activity who report a high degree of Openness to the experience improved more in terms of their interpersonal difficulties during follow-up. In addition, a high degree of Consciousness in participants without occupational activity is associated with less improvement in their distress symptoms during the follow-up, while it is associated with a greater improvement in symptoms in participants with an occupational activity. Future studies should replicate the protocol used in this master's thesis with a larger sample, documenting the reasons for consultation as well as the reasons for discontinuing treatment.
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Appariement des traits de personnalité, satisfaction conjugale et désunionHarvey, Marie-Christine 11 March 2021 (has links)
La présente étude vise à déterminer si les couples se composent d’individus dont les traits de personnalité sont similaires ou complémentaires et à observer la relation entre ces appariements et la satisfaction conjugale. De plus, elle différencie les appariements de traits de personnalité fonctionnels des appariements de traits dysfonctionnels selon des critères théoriques et empiriques (Bégin, Sabourin, Lussier & Wright, 1997). Nous examinons aussi le lien entre ces appariements et la désunion. Un échantillon de 312 couples mariés ou cohabitant a complété l’Inventaire de personnalité NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1991) et l’Échelle d’ajustement dyadique (Spanier, 1976). Les résultats démontrent que les couples dont les traits de personnalité sont similaires sont plus fréquents que ceux dont les traits sont complémentaires. Les couples similaires ne diffèrent pas des couples complémentaires sur les dimensions de l’ajustement dyadique soit le consensus, l’expression affective, la satisfaction et la cohésion. Par contre, les couples similaires fondés sur des traits de personnalité fonctionnels ont un niveau d’ajustement dyadique plus élevé que les couples similaires basés sur des traits dysfonctionnels. Finalement, le type d’appariement ne prédit pas la désunion.
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