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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study on Legal System of Drunk Driving Enforcement by Police Officer

Chou, Ying-chieh 12 August 2008 (has links)
The principal tasks for police officers aren¡¦t beyond the scope of ¡§Society Security¡¨ and ¡§Traffic.¡¨ However, police authorities used to attach greater importance to social security than traffic in the past and were unaware of the harmfulness generated from traffic problems. The casualties as well as property loss resulting from traffic accidents are not less than and go even farther than that of social security (criminal) cases in fact. For traffic problems didn¡¦t receive deserved attention, domestic traffic security and order weren¡¦t improved for so many years. Among which, drunk driving constituted one of the major causes for traffic accident fatalities. Therefore, drunk driving enforcement becomes one of the major tasks for police officers upon traffic law enforcement. Owing to the lack of initiation requirements, execution procedures, and relief measures for drunk driving, necessary inspection and regulation upon communications and other equipments, and control district delimitation, ¡§excessive enforcement¡¨ and ¡§excessive control¡¨ then occurred frequently and public complaints were therefore incurred repeatedly. To prevent tragedies caused by drunk driving and decrease social problems derived consequently, we shall make observation in aspects of society, politics, economy, and legal system as well as consult and deliberate in the advantages of other countries to remedy defects. The final conclusion shall be made after being examined from aspects of administrative organization, personnel system, fund budget, and the design and application of limitation of administrative power, with proper rehabilitation by means of administrative relief, and further monitored by the internal and external control mechanism of administrative supervision. The complete and practicable suggestions produced accordingly can therefore provide well-established laws and decrees for police officers to follow pursuant to the system and can accomplish tasks according to law, reason, and feeling in handling measures, and therefore gain instant result upon the law enforcement of drunk driving. Police officers¡¦ power and prestige in duty execution then can be established and people¡¦s rights can be protected as well to effectively prevent the occurrence of drunk driving accidents. It¡¦s hoped that the problems dwelling in the legal system applied for drunk driving enforcement of the Republic of China can be examined and found by administrative law, with the five major frameworks derived from which, namely, basic principles, administrative organization, limitation of administrative authority, administrative relief, and administrative supervision. And it¡¦s further expected that with the discourse of administrative law¡¦s five major frameworks mentioned above, specific suggestions against the items required for reformation in existing legal system can be brought forth to provide solution or reference for legislative agency in future legislation, establish complete legal system of drunk driving enforcement by police officer, and therefore improve the image of the Republic of China as a country ruled by law.

A Study on Legal System of Assembly and Parade

Yin, Chun-shiang 12 August 2008 (has links)
As it¡¦s proclaimed in Article 14 of Constitution of the Republic of China that ¡§The people shall have freedom of assembly and association,¡¨ the government shall stipulate associated laws to protect people¡¦s freedom to exercise the said right. However, since the practice of Constitution, owing to political environment, the constitution of laws guaranteeing people¡¦s freedom to exercise the right of assembly and parade had been delayed for a long time. Assembly and Parade Law was not promulgated until Jan. 20, 1988 after the martial law declared to be ended. Hence, people can claim the right of assembly and parade and police authority can execute tasks regarding order maintenance accordingly. Nevertheless, the said Law was stipulated under the time and environment that the concept, ¡§Value Society Security above Human Right¡¨ being purposely reinforced. Therefore, controls over people¡¦s basic rights still remained therein. Though Assembly and Parade Law was amended twice and supported by Interpretation of Shih-Zih No. 445 made by Council of Grand Justices, there seemed no changes made on the entire regulation and the shadow of controlling still existed. Therefore, unceasing criticism was generated arguing that it is violation of Constitution. As a result, it¡¦s essential to make a research on how to formulate the legal system of assembly and parade that will ¡§protect people¡¦s freedom of assembly and parade¡¨ as well as ¡§maintain social orders.¡¨ The legal system of assembly and parade of Republic of China is examined herein by the basic methods of administrative law, namely, the five major frameworks, including administrative principles, administrative organization, limitation of administrative power, administrative relief, and administrative supervision from every respect and viewpoint. Meanwhile, bibliography exploration, historical narration, comparative analysis, and generalization analysis are adopted as the principal research approaches to explore whether there¡¦s any improvement required regarding ¡§Legal System of Assembly and Parade¡¨ on the basis of five major frameworks of administrative law. Additionally, practical implementation and suggestions for regulations and actions concerning future assembly and parade are hereby provided to achieve the goal of protecting people¡¦s freedom to assemble and parade and maintaining social orders as well. With the exploration by means of five major frameworks of administrative law, the assembly and parade legal system of Republic of China has formed the prototype as that of countries ruled by law. However, problems such as inappropriate system design, incomplete decrees and laws, uncertain legal concepts and unclear meanings as well as rigid adherence to bureaucrat system still remained in the existing legal system of assembly and parade of Republic of China. As a whole, restriction exceeding protection is also the major cause generating criticism against the legal system of assembly and parade presently. Under this condition, it would result in endless ¡§Police-Civilian Conflicts¡¨ emerged upon assemblies and parades and even the freedom and right that people have for assembly and parade will be violated illegally. The governor shall examine the problems dwelling in assembly and parade legal system of Republic of China on the basis of five major frameworks of administrative law one by one as soon as possible and further to review and perform modification. This is exactly the method of radical reformation and solution.

Empowerment of IT Manager and Performance

Wang, Yu-Ning 20 August 2009 (has links)
Today, computers and communications have changed the relationship among firms, the structure of some existing companies, the advancement of information technology (IT), and increased competition among enterprises. IT plays an important role in enterprise. IT Managers face global competition, and therefore, must be prepared to respond to abrupt changes. They need to ensure their capabilities and resources are sufficient to cope with the environmental challenges that arise. Therefore, this research will concentrate on investigating the relationships among empowerment, leadership style, personality of IT manager and IT department performance. The moderating effects of organizational culture and organizational structure on the relationship between IT manager characteristics and IT department performance are also considered in the study. The result shows four major findings. First, empowerment of IT manager has a significant positive effect on IT department performance. Second, the presence of a transformational leadership style of IT manager has positive effects on IT department performance. Third, IT managers classified as Internal LOC have significantly higher departmental performance than IT managers classified as External LOC. Finally, organizational culture and organizational structure were shown to have no moderating effect between empowerment of IT manager and IT department performance. The findings of this research can serve as a reference for organizations to improve selection of managers with potential for improving department performance.

The Comparative Research on Legal System of Dispatched Worker over Taiwan-strait

Chen, Cheng-Tao 24 August 2009 (has links)
Abstract According to International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No.100 ¡§ Equal Remuneration Convention ¡¨ (1951),and No.135 ¡§ Workers¡¦Representatives Convention ¡¨ (1971). Both Cleraly regular labors don¡¦t be discriminated against employment, and their work remuneration also don¡¦t be exploited. Nowadays, in the era of global economic depression, more and more enterprise and government in order to reduce the human cost, numerously use ¡§ Dispatched Worker ¡¨ form, debase oneself cost to minimum. However, this form also violate the right of labor largely. Therefore, how to regular the legal system which protects the work right of dispatched worker as well as maintains the order of labour market, is the very important issue. The legal system of dispatched worker over Taiwan-strait is examined herein by the basic methods of administrative law, namely, the five major frameworks, including administrative principles, administrative organization, limitation of administrative power, administrative relief, and administrative supervision from every respect and viewpoint. Meanwhile, bibliography exploration, historical narration, comparative analysis, and generalization analysis are adopted as the principal research approaches to explore whether there¡¦s any improvement required regarding ¡§Legal System of Dispatched Worker over Taiwan-strait¡¨ on the basis of five major frameworks of administrative law. Additionally, practical implementation and suggestions for regulations and actions concerning future the legal system of dispatched worker over Taiwan-strait, are hereby provided to achieve the goal of protecting the work right of dispatched worker and maintaining labour market orders as well. With the exploration by means of five major frameworks of administrative law, the legal system of dispatched worker in China district have already ensured. But nowadays in Taiwan district haven¡¦t regulared yet, it still have more unsuitable institution, uncompleted order, equivocal concept and equivocation. From the basic of legal system, the conflicts and influences of every interest groups are also the main reason, which causes no consensus to the legal system of dispatched worker in Taiwan district. In this situation, will cause the dispatched worker continually face ¡§ Equal Work Unequal Remuneration ¡¨, ¡§ Labour Exploited ¡¨, ¡§ Employment Discriminated ¡¨. The relevant administration bodies should positively survey the problem of five major frameworks of administrative law of the legal system of dispatched worker in Taiwan district, as well as further to review and perform modification. This is exactly the method of radical reformation and solution.

Trovärdighetsattribution : Skillnader i lögn- och sanningsbias beroende på syskonplacering, femfaktormodellen och misstänksamhet

Moberg Oleszkiewicz, Simon, Gummesson, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to investigate people’s ability to detect deception and if variables such as birth order, personality and suspiciousness affect this ability. The study was conducted at Växjö University with students as participants (n = 278). A film of two people arguing both for and against their own personal opinions was constructed and participants assessed credibility on a categorical scale (Honest/Dishonest). Neither birth order nor level of suspiciousness revealed significant differences as pertains to credibility attribution. In this study, personality traits showed small differences in that a low degree of Conscientiousness and possibly a high degree of Openness can predict lie bias (more correct classified lies). This study also showed that a truth and lie bias is predicted by positive respectively negative opinions.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan människor och deras förmåga att upptäcka vilseledande information. Syskonplacering, personlighet och misstänksamhet ställdes mot deltagarnas trovärdighetsklassificeringar. Studien genomfördes på Växjö universitet och deltagarna bestod av studenter (n = 278). En film med två personer vilka argumenterade för och emot sina personliga åsikter konstruerades där deltagarna bedömde trovärdighet genom en kategorisk skala (Ärlig/Oärlig). Inga skillnader fanns mellan varken syskonplacering eller misstänksamhet och trovärdighetsbedömning. Personlighet gav små skillnader i trovärdighetsbedömning genom att låg grad av Conscientiousness och eventuellt hög grad av Openness predicerade lögnbias (fler korrekt klassificerade lögner) i denna studie. Studien visade även att sannings- och lögnbias prediceras av positiva respektive negativa åsikter i talarens påståenden.</p>


游森楨, You,Quentin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在以鑽石體系探討台灣晶圓代工產業在發展了30年後,之所以具有國際競爭力各項條件,並在五力模型的分析下,進一步探討台灣晶圓代工產業未來的威脅及具有的優勢。本研究認為,台灣晶圓代工產業具備有鑽石體系中的各項生產因素、需求條件、相關與支援產業以及同業競爭與企業策略等條件,且台灣在發展晶圓代工產業的初期,政府扮演相當重要的要角,是推動這30年來晶圓代工產業蓬勃發展的重要原因。而這台灣獨創的專業晶圓代工模式也因為在國際分工需求下,產生其效益,並帶給台灣半導體上下游產業的垂直分工發展並使半導體產業聚落形成。 另一方面,在以五力模型中的各項威脅因素分析時,發現在同業競爭、供應商以及顧客的各項因素中,其威脅屬於中等程度,並沒有特別具有威脅的一項;而在潛在競爭者的威脅這一部分則更弱了,因為其成本太高以及經營模式和一般整合元件廠商(Integrated Device Manufacturer, IDM)以及記憶體廠商的經營方式不同,使得進入障礙提高;在替代產業的威脅上則是最低的,目前幾乎沒有可以取代晶圓代工產業的產品。故短期間內台灣的晶圓代工產業在國際上具有相當大的優勢。 本研究也針對以上結果綜合提出四個命題。第一、在晶圓代工產業發展初期,政府對鑽石體系中生產因素的策略性協助越多,越容易使其成功;第二、整合性服務與誠信這兩方面表現越佳者,未來越具有競爭力;第三、在供應商、晶圓代工業以及客戶的關係裡,位居買方之產業其轉換成本高;第四、未來唯有資本雄厚的整合元件製造廠(IDM)有能力進入該產業。 / The research shows that Taiwan semiconductor pure foundry industry composes of four well-proven completed environment conditions in Porter’s Diamond Model: Factor Conditions, Demand Conditions, Related and Supporting Industries, and Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry. In addition, the Role of Government, defined as the fifth condition in the model, plays an important role in the early stage. The pure foundry model created by Taiwan also contributes the development of vertical de-integration and the formation of semiconductor cluster. Meanwhile, Five-Force Model is used to analyze the threats of Taiwan semiconductor pure foundry industry, which shows the threat from rivalry among existing competitors, suppliers and buyers is moderate. The threat of new entrants is low, and the threat of substitute products or services is insignificant. In summary, Taiwan semiconductor pure foundry industry still has strong competitive adventages in the near future. The research also provides four propositions. First, the more the government provides assistance to the factor conditions in the early stage, the easier the foundry industry will be successful. Second, the better the integrated services and the higher integrity a company could offer, the more competitive the company will be. Third, in the relationship of supplier, foundry and customer, the roles of buyer have higher switching cost. Fourth, the Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM) companies with sufficient capital are the only type of companies could enter this industry in the future.

Nyttan med styrverktyg inom små konsultföretag : Differentiering och legitimitet på marknaden / The usefulness of management tools within small consulting firms : Differentiation and legitimacy in the market

Dahl, Victor, Andersson, Oscar, Johnsson, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Konsultbranschen kännetecknas av en hög omsättning av aktörer. En anledning till att det ständigt alstras nya mindre aktörer till branschen är att den kan vara lukrativ med låga inträdesbarriärer. Men varför försvinner många aktörer lika fort som de kommer upp? Är det en brist på strategi och styrverktyg som ligger till grund för problemet? Kan det bero på svårigheten för småföretag att skapa sig en solid varumärkeslegitimitet, och finns det en möjligt att med hjälp av styrverktyg stärka företagets varumärkeslegitimitet? Fallföretaget som använts i den här studien är ett litet konsultföretag som vill stärka varumärkeslegitimiteten med hjälp av differentieringsstrategi på marknaden. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att med hjälp av en egenarbetad utvärderingsmodell utvärdera olika långsiktiga styrverktyg inriktade mot små konsult- och tjänsteföretags. Genom att utvärdera för- och nackdelar för tre utvalda styrverktyg och sedan applicera de på ett litet konsultföretag är förhoppningen att studien kan leda fram till rekommendationer gällande styrverktygens nytta och möjlighet till anpassning. Metod: I metodavsnittet förklaras vilka metodiska val som har använts i studien. En presentation av vilken forskningsansats som författarna har utgått efter förklaras också. Vidare så tydliggörs kritiken mot de källor som har använts i studien samt urvalet av data. Slutsats: Efter att styrverktygen utvärderats med hjälp av en egenarbetad utvärderingsmodell konstaterades det att det inte fanns ett optimalt styrverktyg men att alla innehöll värdefulla funktioner. Emellertid visade analysen att det styrverktyg som var mest användbart utifrån fallföretagets förutsättningar var det balanserade styrkortet på grund av dess multipla användbara funktioner och möjlighet till styrning enligt utvald strategi och mål. / Background and Problem: The consulting branch can be recognized by having a high turnover of operators. One reason for this is that the market can be lucrative with its low entry barriers. But why do many operators disappear as soon as they enter the market? Is it because of a lack of strategy and management tools? Could it be due to the difficulty for small businesses to create solid brand legitimacy, and is there a possibility to strengthen it by using management tools? The company used in this study is a small consulting company that desires to strengthen their brand legitimacy with the aid of differentiation strategy in the market. Purpose: With the help of a self-made evaluation model, the purpose of this study is to evaluate different long-term management tools geared towards small consulting and service companies. By evaluating the pros and cons of the three selected management tools and then apply those at a small consulting company, an expectation is that the study could lead to recommendations regarding the management tools benefits and possibilities for adaption. Method: In the methodology section the methodological choices of the study are explained. There is also a presentation of the research approach that has been used. Furthermore, the selection of data and the criticism of the sources used in the study are discussed. Results and conclusion: After that the management tools had been evaluated using the evaluation tool, it was found that there was no optimal management tool but that they all contained valuable features. However, the analysis showed that the management tool that was most advantageous based on the company’s prospects was the balanced scorecard because of its multiple useful features and its ability to control according to the company’s strategy and goal.

Multifaktormodeller på den svenska marknaden - En studie av OMX Stockholm mellan 1996 och 2014 / Asset pricing models on the swedish market - A study of OMX Stockholm between 1996 and 2014

Hammarfrid, Peter, Henningsson, Tom January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund:CAPM räcker i flera tillfällen inte till för att estimera framtida avkastning. Vissa av prisavvikelsernafrån CAPM är väldokumenterade och har bestått över tid, vilket har lett till uppkomsten avkorrigerande faktorer. En modell som använder sig av två sådana korrigerande faktorer är Fama ochFrenchs tre-faktormodell. Den har testats flertalet gånger på den svenska marknaden där den visat gehögre förklaringsgrader än CAPM. År 2012 samt år 2014 presenterades två nya multifaktormodeller,som genom test på börsmarknaden i USA lyckats fånga upp prisavvikelser bättre än trefaktormodellen.Syfte:Denna studie ämnar undersöka om Fama och Frenchs fem-faktormodell samt Hue, Xue, Zhang´s Qfaktormodelltillför förklaringsvärde för Stockholmsbörsens avkastning i jämförelse med Fama-Frenchs trefaktormodell. Studien analyserar även modellernas konjunkturkänslighet samt faktorernasbetydelse.Metod:Forskningsprocessen är av deduktiv karaktär. Befintliga teorier i form av multifaktormodeller förprissättning av aktier testas med hjälp av empiriska observationer från den svenska marknaden.Studien tillämpar ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt och ekonometriska verktyg används för attsäkerställa statistisk signifikans.Resultat:Studien visar att Q-faktormodellen inte tillför förklaringsvärde jämfört med FF3M. FF5M ger resultatsom marginellt överträffar FF3M gällande dess förklaringsgrad. Anledningen till att FF5M presterarbättre bör rimligen ligga i faktorn HML. Resultaten visar också att modellerna är instabila i kortatidsperioder men tenderar ge bättre prediktioner i lågkonjunktur relativt till högkonjunktur. / Background:CAPM isn’t in some cases sufficient for explaining expected stock return. Some of CAPM´smispricing errors are well documented and time persistent which has led rise to the usage of correctivefactors. One model that make use of two such corrective factors are the Fama and French three factormodel. It´s been comprehensively tested on the Swedish market where it has shown to achieve higherexplanatory power then the CAPM. In the year of 2012 and 2014 two new Asset Pricing Models wereintroduced, which on the US stock market better captured many of the best known anomalies.Aim:The aim of the study is to test if the Fama and French five factor model as well as the Q-factor model,could contribute to increased explanatory power beyond the three factor model. The study also analyzethe models cyclical sensitivity as well as the individual factor significance.MethodologyThe knowledge building process takes a deductive approach. Existing theories in the form of assetpricing models are tested based on empirical observations in the Swedish market. The research take aquantitative approach and make use of econometric tools in order to ensure statistic accuratesignificance.Result:This research shows no contribution of explanatory power for the Q-factor model, beyond thatachieved from the Fama and French three factor model. The five factor model achieve marginallyhigher explanatory power compared to the tree factor model. The most likely reason why FF5Machieve better results than the Q-factor model is believed to lie in the usage of the factor HML. Theresults also shows that all of the tested models are very instable when used in a short time perspective.Although there are some clear indication on increasing explanatory power in recession compared to inan ongoing bull market.


Wicaksono, Teguh Yudo 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines heterogeneity in the value of a statistical life (henceforth VSL) stemming from employer-provided health insurance (henceforth EHI) and worker sorting. The dissertation consists of three essays. In the first essay (Chapter 2), I investigate the effect of health-driven productivity on the wage compensation for mortality risk, and how EHI influences VSL using the US labor market data. In this chapter I build a framework showing that the level of job risks influences the incentive of employers to provide EHI. The basic notion of the framework is that health insurance is an investment in health and health is a form of general human capital. Employers are willing to invest in employees' health and pay the associated costs as long as they can recoup the costs of health investment. Occupational hazards, however, are harmful to health; productivity gains from health tend to decline as risk increases, resulting in lower health investment made by employers. As a result, the workers in risky jobs have to contribute more to their health investment in the form of lower wages than do workers in safe jobs. This behavioral response pushes down the wage offer curve of the insured in high risk occupations. Consequently, workers with health insurance, on average, accept a lower risk premium, leading to a lower VSL. Empirical findings from this dissertation suggest evidence of heterogeneity in VSL due to health insurance status: the estimated VSL for workers with health insurance is lower than those without one. In the second essay (Chapter 3), I extend the framework of the second chapter into the United Kingdom (the UK) labor market. Different from the US, the UK has universal health care system in which all eligible individuals (almost all the UK citizens) are covered by publicly-provided health care. This chapter also provides evidence that private medical insurance in the universal health care system affects the risk premium. Despite the fact that the UK and the US have different institutional settings in health coverage, findings from the UK are, to some extent, qualitatively similar to the US. A major issue in estimates of VSL is that people are not randomly assigned to jobs. That is, heterogeneous people would sort into jobs based on their preferences on risk and safety-related skills. Thus, failure to account for heterogeneity in both risk preferences and safety-related skills will bias the estimated VSL. In the third essay (Chapter 4), I discuss worker sorting and how it may affect the mortality risk premium. In this chapter, I focus on the role of personality traits in safety-related skill and their influence on worker sorting based on job risk. I use Five-Factor Model of personality or also known as the ‘’Big Five” personality traits. The big 5 personality traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. In my framework, these personality traits are inputs and the technology of skill formation transforms the traits into safety-related skill.

Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Maternal Use of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) and Dispensary Treatment for Diarrhea among Children Under Five Years Old: Pakistan DHS (2012-13)

Aziz, Summera 11 August 2015 (has links)
Abstract Objectives: Diarrheal disease is a global health challenge that assumes gigantic importance with regard to child health in developing countries like Pakistan. Prompt medical attention and proper use of Oral Re-hydration Therapy (ORT) by mothers helps prevent dehydration and secondary complications among affected children. However, ORT use among mothers in Pakistan is low. This study seeks to examine how various socio-demographic factors impact the use of ORT and dispensary treatment among mothers of children affected with diarrhea. Methods:Data from Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (2012-2013) was used for the study. The study sample consisted of women aged 15-49 years old resident in Punjab region (N= 505) with children under five years old who had diarrhea within two weeks of the survey. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were used to determine relationships between maternal socio-demographic characteristics and use of ORT and dispensary care. P-values Results: After controlling for place of residence, educational level and frequency of watching television, caregivers whose children had fever with diarrheal episodes had nearly two-fold increased odds of using ORT treatment [OR= 1.9, (95% CI: 1.28-2.82)], compared to those whose children did not have fever. Similarly poor and middle class socioeconomic status (SES) participants had 3 times increased odds [OR= 2.76, [95% CI: 1.1 -6.89)] of using dispensary treatment when compared to upper class mothers. Place of residence was not a significant predictor of ORT or dispensary use. Discussion: These findings are consistent with other studies that show that mothers’ socioeconomic status are a good indicator of their knowledge about ORT use, and health care seeking behavior. On the other hand, maternal place of residence was not a significant predictor of ORT use, or consultation at a dispensary, even though other studies have found significant associations. Conclusion: Interventions aimed at improving low-income mothers’ knowledge about diarrhea management can include lay medical personnel, such as dispensers, who are often the easily accessible medical resource to this population. Therefore, dispensers should be provided with further training to increase their knowledge and skills in treating children with diarrhea. Future studies that are more rigorous should be conducted to examine this public health issue.

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