Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fixedpoint"" "subject:"fixed9point""
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Malha síncrona digital \"Tanlock\" com estimação de frequência e ganho adaptativo para convergência rápida. / Adaptive gain time delay Tanlock loop with frequency estimation and fast convergence.Diego Paolo Ferruzzo Correa 05 May 2011 (has links)
Nas últimas três décadas os phase locked loops (PLLs) totalmente digitais têm recebido muita atenção devido, principalmente, às vantagens que eles oferecem em comparação aos PLLs analógicos. Essas vantagens incluem melhor desempenho, maior velocidade e confiabilidade, tamanho reduzido e menor custo. Os PLLs também são amplamente utilizados em sistemas de comunicações e em outras aplicações digitais. A presente dissertação é uma contribuição no campo dos PLLs digitais adaptativos e otimizados para a sua implementação em hardware. É feito uma análise de suas características dinâmicas e proposta uma nova estrutura de PLL digital capaz de melhorar a resposta da malha em termos de tempo de aquisição e largura de banda. A Malha Síncrona Digital \"Tanlock\" com Estimação de Frequência e Ganho Adaptativo para Convergência Rápida, como é chamada, foi desenvolvida a partir da malha digital \"Tanlock\", utilizando-se teoremas de ponto fixo e mapas contrativos para determinar as condições de ganho que garantam convergência rápida e melhor utilização da largura de banda. Resultados das simulações são comparados com os obtidos teoricamente para avaliar o desempenho da malha proposta. / In the last three decades, fully-digital Phase-Locked-Loops (PLLs) systems have received a lot of attention due to its advantages in comparison with analog PLLs. These advantages include improved transient response, reliability and also reduced size and cost. The PLLs are widely used in communications systems and many other digital applications. This dissertation is a contribution to the field of digital adaptive PLLs optimized to hardware implementation. Here, a new PLL structure is presented; the Frequency Sensing Adaptive TDTL is an improvement to the classic Time-Delay Tanlock structure, alowing fast convergence to the synchronous states, using fixed-point theorems and contractive maps to determine the gain conditions which ensure the rapid convergence and also providing wider bandwidth. The results of simulations are compared with those obtained theoretically in order to assess the loop performance.
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Parallel gaming related algorithms for an embedded media processorTolunay, John January 2012 (has links)
A new type of computing architecture called ePUMA is under development by the ePUMA Research Team at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Linköping University in Linköping. This contains several single instruction multiple data (SIMD) cores, which are called SIMD Units, where up to 64 computations can be done in parallel. The goal with the architecture is to create a low-power chip with good performance for embedded applications. One possible application is video games. In this work we have studied a selected set of video game related algorithms, including a Pseudo-Random Number Generator, Clipping and Rasterization & Fragment Processing, analyzing how well they fit the ePUMA platform.
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Computational fluid-structure interaction with the moving immersed boundary method / Résolution de l’interaction fluide-structure par la méthode des frontières immergées mobilesCai, Shang-Gui 30 May 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de frontières immergées a été développée pour la simulation d'interaction fluide-structure, appelée la méthode de frontières immergées mobiles (en langage anglo-saxon: MIBM). L'objectif principal de cette nouvelle méthode est de déplacer arbitrairement les solides à géométrie complexe dans un fluide visqueux incompressible, sans remailler le domaine fluide. Cette nouvelle méthode a l'avantage d'imposer la condition de non-glissement à l'interface d'une manière exacte via une force sans introduire des constantes artificielles modélisant la structure rigide. Cet avantage conduit également à la satisfaction de la condition CFL avec un pas de temps plus grand. Pour un calcul précis de la force induite par les frontières mobiles, un système linéaire a été introduit et résolu par la méthode de gradient conjugué. La méthode proposée peut être intégrée facilement dans des solveurs résolvant les équations de Navier-Stokes. Dans ce travail la MIBM a été mise en œuvre en couplage avec un solveur fluide utilisant une méthode de projection adaptée pour obtenir des solutions d'ordre deux en temps et en espace. Le champ de pression a été obtenu par l'équation de Poisson qui a été résolue à l'aide de la méthode du gradient conjugué préconditionné par la méthode multi-grille. La combinaison de ces deux méthodes a permis un gain de temps considérable par rapport aux méthodes classiques de la résolution des systèmes linéaires. De plus le code de calcul développé a été parallélisé sur l'unité graphique GPU équipée de la bibliothèque CUDA pour aboutir à des hautes performances de calcul. Enfin, comme application de nos travaux sur la MIBM, nous avons étudié le couplage "fort" d'interaction fluide-structure (IFS). Pour ce type de couplage, un schéma implicite partitionné a été adopté dans lequel les conditions à l'interface sont satisfaites via un schéma de type "point fixe". Pour réduire le temps de calcul inhérent à cette application, un nouveau schéma de couplage a été proposé pour éviter la résolution de l'équation de Poisson durant les itérations du "point fixe". Cette nouvelle façon de résoudre les problèmes IFS a montré des performances prometteuses pour des systèmes en IFS complexe. / In this thesis a novel non-body conforming mesh formulation is developed, called the moving immersed boundary method (MIBM), for the numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The primary goal is to enable solids of complex shape to move arbitrarily in an incompressible viscous fluid, without fitting the solid boundary motion with dynamic meshes. This novel method enforces the no-slip boundary condition exactly at the fluid-solid interface with a boundary force, without introducing any artificial constants to the rigid body formulation. As a result, large time step can be used in current method. To determine the boundary force more efficiently in case of moving boundaries, an additional moving force equation is derived and the resulting system is solved by the conjugate gradient method. The proposed method is highly portable and can be integrated into any fluid solver as a plug-in. In the present thesis, the MIBM is implemented in the fluid solver based on the projection method. In order to obtain results of high accuracy, the rotational incremental pressure correction projection method is adopted, which is free of numerical boundary layer and is second order accurate. To accelerate the calculation of the pressure Poisson equation, the multi-grid method is employed as a preconditioner together with the conjugate gradient method as a solver. The code is further parallelized on the graphics processing unit (GPU) with the CUDA library to enjoy high performance computing. At last, the proposed MIBM is applied to the study of two-way FSI problem. For stability and modularity reasons, a partitioned implicit scheme is selected for this strongly coupled problem. The interface matching of fluid and solid variables is realized through a fixed point iteration. To reduce the computational cost, a novel efficient coupling scheme is proposed by removing the time-consuming pressure Poisson equation from this fixed point interaction. The proposed method has shown a promising performance in modeling complex FSI system.
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Hardwarová realizace numerického integrátoru s metodou vyššího řádu / Hardware Realization of Higher Order Numerical IntegratorMatečný, František January 2018 (has links)
This work describes numerical integration and solution for ordinary differential equations by the Taylor series by different types of integrators. The next part is a description of floating point and fixed point arithmetic. Subsequently, we are presenting designs and calculation methods for parallels multiplication and division integrators in floating point and fixed point arithmetic. The designs were realized in VHDL and implemented on FPGA. Finally we summarizes the proposed solution and compare time complexity with another numerical methods.
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Implementace umělé neuronové sítě do obvodu FPGA / FPGA implementation of artificial neural networkČermák, Justin January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis describes the design of effective working artificial neural network in FPGA Virtex-5 series with the maximum use of the possibility of parallelization. The theoretical part contains basic information on artificial neural networks, FPGA and VHDL. The practical part describes the used format of the variables, creating non-linear function, the principle of calculation the single layers, or the possibility of parameter settings generated artificial neural networks.
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Développements du modèle adjoint de la différentiation algorithmique destinés aux applications intensives en calcul / Extensions of algorithmic differentiation by source transformation inspired by modern scientific computingTaftaf, Ala 17 January 2017 (has links)
Le mode adjoint de la Différentiation Algorithmique (DA) est particulièrement intéressant pour le calcul des gradients. Cependant, ce mode utilise les valeurs intermédiaires de la simulation d'origine dans l'ordre inverse à un coût qui augmente avec la longueur de la simulation. La DA cherche des stratégies pour réduire ce coût, par exemple en profitant de la structure du programme donné. Dans ce travail, nous considérons d'une part le cas des boucles à point-fixe pour lesquels plusieurs auteurs ont proposé des stratégies adjointes adaptées. Parmi ces stratégies, nous choisissons celle de B. Christianson. Nous spécifions la méthode choisie et nous décrivons la manière dont nous l'avons implémentée dans l'outil de DA Tapenade. Les expériences sur une application de taille moyenne montrent une réduction importante de la consommation de mémoire. D'autre part, nous étudions le checkpointing dans le cas de programmes parallèles MPI avec des communications point-à-point. Nous proposons des techniques pour appliquer le checkpointing à ces programmes. Nous fournissons des éléments de preuve de correction de nos techniques et nous les expérimentons sur des codes représentatifs. Ce travail a été effectué dans le cadre du projet européen ``AboutFlow'' / The adjoint mode of Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) is particularly attractive for computing gradients. However, this mode needs to use the intermediate values of the original simulation in reverse order at a cost that increases with the length of the simulation. AD research looks for strategies to reduce this cost, for instance by taking advantage of the structure of the given program. In this work, we consider on one hand the frequent case of Fixed-Point loops for which several authors have proposed adapted adjoint strategies. Among these strategies, we select the one introduced by B. Christianson. We specify further the selected method and we describe the way we implemented it inside the AD tool Tapenade. Experiments on a medium-size application shows a major reduction of the memory needed to store trajectories. On the other hand, we study checkpointing in the case of MPI parallel programs with point-to-point communications. We propose techniques to apply checkpointing to these programs. We provide proof of correctness of our techniques and we experiment them on representative CFD codes
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Analyse d'un problème d'interaction fluide-structure avec des conditions aux limites de type frottement à l'interface / Analysis of a fluid-structure interaction problem with friction type boundary conditionsAyed, Hela 16 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'analyse mathématique et numérique d'un problème d'interaction fluide-structure stationnaire, couplant un fluide newtonien, visqueux et incompressible, modélisé par les équations de Stokes 2D et une structure déformable, décrite par les équations d'une poutre 1D. Le fluide et la structure sont couplés via une condition aux limites de type frottement à l'interface.Dans l'étude théorique, nous montrons un résultat d'existence et unicité de solutions faibles, dans le cadre de petits déplacements, du problème de couplage fluide structure avec une condition de glissement de type Tresca en utilisant le théorème de point fixe de Schauder.Dans l'analyse numérique, nous étudions d'abord, l'approximation du problème de Stokes avec la condition de Tresca par une méthode d'éléments finis mixtes à quatre champs. Nous montrons ensuite une estimation d'erreur a priori optimale pour des données régulières et nous réalisons des tests numériques. Enfin, nous présentons un algorithme de point fixe pour la simulation numérique du problème couplé avec des conditions aux limites non linéaires. / This PHD thesis is devoted to the theoretical and numerical analysis of a stationary fluid-structure interaction problem between an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid, modeled by the 2D Stokes equations, and a deformable structure modeled by the 1D beam equations.The fluid and structure are coupled via a friction boundary condition at the fluid-structure interface.In the theoretical study, we prove the existence of a unique weak solution, under small displacements, of the fluid-structure interaction problem under a slip boundary condition of friction type (SBCF) by using Schauder fixed point theorem.In the numerical analysis, we first study a mixed finite element approximation of the Stokes equations under SBCF.We also prove an optimal a priori error estimate for regular data and we provide numerical examples.Finally, we present a fixed point algorithm for numerical simulation of the coupled problem under nonlinear boundary conditions.
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Use of Gravity Sensors for Free Space OrientationGarcia-Fernández, Victor January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with different approaches to filtering the signal output of a three axis accelerometerfor free space orientation, that is, finding the orientation of a sensor relative to gravity. Theplatform this orientation system is to be developed for is a low-power, high-efficiency fixed-pointmath microprocessor, therefore efficiency and mathematical operation precision are factors thatalso need to be taken into consideration in this work.This is an exploratory work which goals are to analize potential filtering solutions for free spaceorientation with a three-axis accelerometer, develop a tool to validate the theorical analysis, studythe repercusions of limited precision math on those algorithms and implement a filtering solutionas versatile as possible.The goal of finding the orientation with the output of an accelerometer and without a prioriinformation is deceptively simple: while in relaxed state and within inertial systems the outputof a three axis accelerometer and the direction of gravity is the same, when that hypothesis istaken away measurements output by the accelerometer include both gravity and acceleration dueto external forces applied to the system.The contributions of this thesis are a discussion of potential solutions for free space orientationwith unrestrictive preconditions by use of an accelerometer, and an implementation of such solutionfor the MSP430, popular platform of choice for digital signal processing. The main purposeof such a solution is to improve the precision with which gravity is estimated from the outputof the accelerometer. Potential applications of this work are relative position tracking, mapping,positioning systems (for example, within buildings or vehicles, where any other existing positioningsystem cannot work, such as tunnels for GPS).Instead of just low-pass filtering the output of the accelerometer, estimations to the state ofexternal forces applied to the system and tracking of changes to those forces are presented. Tomodel that system, the Kalman filter and the Particle filter are introduced and analyzed as potentialsolutions.This document includes a discussion of both Kalman and Particle filters, implementation ofa tool to compare and validate the models to estimate gravity, a discussion of the effect of fixedpoint math to those models and an implementation of a gravity estimation algorithm that is typeand plattform agnosic based on the output of a 3-axis accelerometer.All relevant code has been included as an appendix to this work This thesis deals with di_erent approaches to _ltering the signal output of a three axis accelerometer for free space orientation, that is, _nding the orientation of a sensor relative to gravity. The plattform this orientation system is to be developed for is a low-power, high-e_ciency _xed-point math microprocessor, therefore e_ciency and mathematical operation precision are factors that also need to be taken into consideration in this work. This is an exploratory work which goals are to analize potential _ltering solutions for free space orientation with a three-axis accelerometer, develop a tool to validate the theorical analysis, study the repercusions of limited precision math on those algorithms and implement a _ltering solution as versatile as possible. The goal of _nding the orientation with the output of an accelerometer and without a priori information is deceptively simple: while in relaxed state and within inertial systems the output of a three axis accelerometer and the direction of gravity is the same, when that hypothesis is taken away measurements output by the accelerometer include both gravity and acceleration due to external forces applied to the system. The contributions of this thesis are a discussion of potential solutions for free space orientation with unrestrictive preconditions by use of an accelerometer, and an implementation of such solution for the MSP430, popular platform of choice for digital signal processing. The main purpose of such a solution is to improve the precision with which gravity is estimated from the output of the accelerometer. Potential applications of this work are relative position tracking, mapping, positioning systems (for example, within buildings or vehicles, where any other existing positioning system cannot work, such as tunnels for GPS). Instead of just low-pass _ltering the output of the accelerometer, estimations to the state of external forces applied to the system and tracking of changes to those forces are presented. To model that system, the Kalman _lter and the Particle _lter are introduced and analyzed as potential solutions. This document includes a discussion of both Kalman and Particle _lters, implementation of a tool to compare and validate the models to estimate gravity, a discussion of the e_ect of _xed point math to those models and an implementation of a gravity estimation algorithm that is type and plattform agnosic based on the output of a 3-axis accelerometer. All relevant code has been included as an appendix to this work. / Denna avhandling beskriver olika metoder för filtrering av utsignalen från en tre-axlig accelerationsmätare för orientering i ledigt utrymme, det vill säga att finna en sensors orientering iförhållande till tyngdkraften. Den plattform detta orienteringssystem ska utvecklas för är en högeffektivmikro-processor med fixed-point matematik, därför är även matematisk operationsprecisionoch efiektivitet faktorer som måste beaktas i detta arbete.Detta är ett förberedande arbete där målet är att analysera möjliga filtreringslösningar för friutrymmesorientering med en tre-axlig accelerationsmätare, utveckla ett verktyg för att validerateoretisk analys, studera konsekvenserna av att använda begränsad precisionsmatematik både algoritmernaoch implementera en filtreringslösning för mikroprocessorerna.Målet med att finna orienteringen med hjälp av utsignalen från en accelerationsmätare ochutan a priori-information är bedrägligt enkel: I avslappnat tillstånd och inom interna system ärutgången hos en tre-axlig accelerationsmätare och tyngdkraftens riktning densamma, när den hypotesenär borttagen visar mätningar att utgång av accelerometern inkluderar både gravitationoch acceleration pågrund av yttre påfrestningarna påsystemet.Bidragen från denna uppsats är en diskussion om möjliga lösningar för orientering i frittutrymme med orestriktiva förutsättningar genom användning av en accelerationsmätare, och ettgenomförande av en sådan lösning för fixed-point matematik mikrokontrollerna. Det huvudsakligasyftet med en sådan läsning är att förbättra den precision med vilken gravitation uppskattas frånutsignalen från en accelerationsmätare. Potentiella tillämpningar av detta arbete är relativ positionsspårning, kartläggning, positioneringssystem (till exempel inom byggnader eller fordon, därandra befintliga positioneringssystem inte kan arbeta, till exempel tunnlar för GPS).Istället för att bara lågpass-filtrera utsignalen från en accelerationsmätare appliceras uppskattningartill stadiet av yttre krafter påsystemet och spårning av ändringar i dessa krafter presenteras.För att modellera systemet introduceras Kalman-filter och partikelfilter för att analyseras som potentiellalösningar.Det här dokumentet innehåller en diskussion om både Kalman och Partikelfilter, implementationav ett verktyg för att jämföra och validera modeller i syfte att uppskatta gravitationen,en diskussion om effekten av fixed-point matematik för dessa modeller och ett genomförande aven gravitationsuppskattningsalgoritm för mikrokontrollerna utifrån utgången hos en treaxlig accelerometer.Relevant kod finns som bilaga till detta arbete.. Denna avhandling beskriver olika metoder för filtrering av utsignalen från en tre-axlig accelerationsm ätare för orientering i ledigt utrymme, det vill säga att finna en sensors orientering i förhållande till tyngdkraften. Den plattform detta orienteringssystem ska utvecklas för är en högeffektiv mikro-processor med fixed-point matematik, därför är även matematisk operationsprecision och efiektivitet faktorer som måste beaktas i detta arbete. Detta är ett förberedande arbete där målet är att analysera möjliga filtreringslösningar för fri utrymmesorientering med en tre-axlig accelerationsmätare, utveckla ett verktyg för att validera teoretisk analys, studera konsekvenserna av att använda begränsad precisionsmatematik både algoritmerna och implementera en filtreringslösning för mikroprocessorerna. Målet med att finna orienteringen med hjälp av utsignalen från en accelerationsmätare och utan a priori-information är bedrägligt enkel: I avslappnat tillstånd och inom interna system är utgången hos en tre-axlig accelerationsmätare och tyngdkraftens riktning densamma, när den hypotesen är borttagen visar mätningar att utgång av accelerometern inkluderar både gravitation och acceleration pågrund av yttre påfrestningarna påsystemet. Bidragen från denna uppsats är en diskussion om möjliga lösningar för orientering i fritt utrymme med orestriktiva förutsättningar genom användning av en accelerationsmätare, och ett genomförande av en sådan lösning för fixed-point matematik mikrokontrollerna. Det huvudsakliga syftet med en sådan läsning är att förbättra den precision med vilken gravitation uppskattas från utsignalen från en accelerationsmätare. Potentiella tillämpningar av detta arbete är relativ positionssp årning, kartläggning, positioneringssystem (till exempel inom byggnader eller fordon, där andra befintliga positioneringssystem inte kan arbeta, till exempel tunnlar för GPS). Istället för att bara lågpass-filtrera utsignalen från en accelerationsmätare appliceras uppskattningar till stadiet av yttre krafter påsystemet och spårning av ändringar i dessa krafter presenteras. För att modellera systemet introduceras Kalman-filter och partikelfilter för att analyseras som potentiella lösningar. Det här dokumentet innehåller en diskussion om både Kalman och Partikelfilter, implementation av ett verktyg för att jämföra och validera modeller i syfte att uppskatta gravitationen, en diskussion om effekten av fixed-point matematik för dessa modeller och ett genomförande av en gravitationsuppskattningsalgoritm för mikrokontrollerna utifrån utgången hos en treaxlig accelerometer. Relevant kod finns som bilaga till detta arbete.. / Este documento presenta y discute diferentes soluciones para filtrar la señal de salida de un acelerómetro triaxial con el objetivo de conocer su orientación en el espacio libre, es decir, estimar la orientacifion del senson en relación con la gravedad. La plataforma sobre la cual estos algoritmos han de ser desplegados es un microcontrolador de bajo consumo y alta eficiencia, TI MSP430, por ello, la eficiencia y la precisión de las operaciones matemáticas en los diferentes algoritmos son también tratadas en este documento. Éste es un trabajo de exploración cuyos objectivos son el análisis de soluciones para el filtrado de la señal de un acelerómetro triaxial, el desarrollo de una herramienta para la validación del análisis teórico, el estudio de la repercusión sobre los algoritmos de filtrado de la limitada precisión en las operaciones matemáticas, y la implementación de una solución de filtrado para el microcontrolador MSP430 de Texas Instruments. Encontrar la orientación de un sensor con la señal de salida de un acelerómetro es un abjetivo relativamente complejo: mientras el sensor están estacionario, la señal de salida es la orientación, pero cuando fuerzas externas son aplicadas sobre el sensor, estas fuerzas contribuyen como ruido al problema que se presenta. Las contribuciones de este documento son una discusión sobre potenciales soluciones para el filtrado de la señal de un acelerómetro triaxial para la orientación en el espacio libre, y una implementación de una solución para el microcontrolador MSP430, plataforma popular para el proceso digital de señales. La principal misión de esta implementación es la mejora de la precisión con la que se estima la dirección de la gravedad mediante el uso de un acelerómetro triaxial. Aplicaciones potenciales están relacionadas con seguimiento de posición, mapeado, sistemas de posicionamiento (por ejemplo, dentro de vehiculos o edificios donde otros sistemas no funcionarían, como por ejemplo GPS en un túnel). En lugar de un simple filtro paso bajo para eliminar el ruido introducido por fuerzas externas, estimaciones del estado de las fuerzas externas y filtros para el seguimiento de las mismas son presentados en este documento. Para modelar dicho sistema, se introcucen el filtro de Kalman y el filtro de Partículas, y ambos se analizan como soluciones para este problema. Este documento incluye una discusión de ambos tros, la implementacion de una herramienta de validación para los mismos, anfialisis del efecto de la introducción de álgebra de punto fijo sobre los modelos, y una implementacion del sistema para el MSP430 de Texas Instruments. El código relevante de este trabajo se incluye como apéndice a este trabajo.
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Distributed Network Processing and Optimization under Communication ConstraintChang Shen Lee (11184969) 26 July 2021 (has links)
<div>In recent years, the amount of data in the information processing systems has significantly increased, which is also referred to as big-data. The design of systems handling big-data calls for a scalable approach, which brings distributed systems into the picture. In contrast to centralized systems, data are spread across the network of agents in the distributed system, and agents cooperatively complete tasks through local communications and local computations. However, the design and analysis of distributed systems, in which no central coordinators with complete information are present, are challenging tasks. In order to support communication among agents to enable multi-agent coordination among others, practical communication constraints should be taken into consideration in the design and analysis of such systems. The focus of this dissertation is to provide design and analysis of distributed network processing using finite-rate communications among agents. In particular, we address the following open questions: 1) can one design algorithms balancing a graph weight matrix using finite-rate and simplex communications among agents? 2) can one design algorithms computing the average of agents’ states using finite-rate and simplex communications? and 3) going beyond of ad-hoc algorithmic designs, can one design a black-box mechanism transforming a general class of algorithms with unquantized communication to their finite-bit quantized counterparts?</div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation addresses the above questions. First, we propose novel distributed algorithms solving the weight-balancing and average consensus problems using only finite-rate simplex communications among agents, compliant to the directed nature of the network topology. A novel convergence analysis is put forth, based on a new metric inspired by the</div><div>positional system representations. In the second half of this dissertation, distributed optimization subject to quantized communications is studied. Specifically, we consider a general class of linearly convergent distributed algorithms cast as fixed-point iterate, and propose a novel black-box quantization mechanism. In the proposed mechanism, a novel quantizer preserving linear convergence is proposed, which is proved to be more communication efficient than state-of-the-art quantization mechanisms. Extensive numerical results validate our theoretical findings.</div>
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Implémentation optimale de filtres linéaires en arithmétique virgule fixe / Optimal implementation of linear filters in fixed-point arithmeticLopez, Benoit 27 November 2014 (has links)
De nombreux systèmes embarqués implémentent des applications de traitement du signal, notamment lors de communications. Certains de ces traitements sont effectués par des filtres linéaires, qu'il est donc nécessaire de mettre en oeuvre numériquement sur ces cibles. Les systèmes embarqués sont sujets à diverses contraintes qu'il faut optimiser tout en conservant des systèmes fiables en terme de performance et de précision. L'arithmétique virgule fixe est généralement préférée à l'arithmétique flottante pour des systèmes embarqués de traitement du signal, entre autres car elle est moins coûteuse, disponibles dans tous les systèmes, permet d'utiliser des largeurs arbitraires sur des cibles matérielles et est généralement suffisante en terme de précision pour les applications de traitement du signal. Le calcul en virgule fixe nécessite d'aligner les positions des virgules pour ainsi rendre cohérent des calculs à base de nombres entiers. Cela implique des quantifications et l'enjeu est donc de minimiser la répercussion de ces arrondis sur le résultat final, en proposant une garantie sur l'erreur sur la sortie. Une méthodologie a été proposée durant cette thèse qui, à partir d'un algorithme de filtre linéaire, utilise une méthode analytique pour implémenter cet algorithme en virgule fixe et générer du code. Cette méthodologie considère à la fois les implémentations logicielles, et les implémentations matérielles qui impliquent la résolution d'un problème d'optimisation. Un outil, nommé FiPoGen, a été développé pour mettre en oeuvre les méthodes proposées et fournir automatiquement un code virgule fixe implémentant un filtre donné avec garantie sur l'erreur sur la sortie. / Embedded systems implement signal processing systems, such as linear filters, for example for communication through networks. These devices are subject to various constraints, such as power consumption, time-To-Market, area consumption, and so on, that is necessary to optimize while guaranteeing reliability and accuracy of the implemented systems. Fixed-Point arithmetic is generally used instead of floating-Point arithmetic for signal processing embedded systems because it is less expensive, all devices support fixed-Point numbers (as they are implemented only using integers), allows arbitrary word-Lengths in hardware implementation and is enough accurate for signal processing programs. Fixed-Point computations need the operands of an operation to be aligned together with the same position of the binary point. This leads to quantification errors and the goal is to minimize these round-Off effects onto the final result, by proposing a guarantee on the output error. During this thesis, a methodology has been proposed which implements a given algorithm in fixed-Point using analytical approach, and generates some codes. This methodology consider both software and hardware targets. The hardware approach is realized solving a word-Length optimization problem. A tool, named FiPoGen, has been developed that realizes this methodology and automatically yields fixed-Point code corresponding to a given filter algorithm with a guarantee on the output error.
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