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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les dépôts d’objets pariétaux des grottes ornées au Paléolithique supérieur : gestes, comportements symboliques, cultures / The parietal deposits of objects in decorated caves in the upper Palaeolithic : gestures, symbolic behavior, cultures

Peyroux, Magali 06 July 2012 (has links)
Les grottes sont un environnement particulier aux propriétés géophysiques singulières. C’est un milieu qui offre une conservation exceptionnelle et dans lequel s’inscrit, dans la matrice minérale, la marque du moindre geste qui y est réalisé. Assidument fréquentées au Paléolithique supérieur, de nombreuses cavités renferment des témoignages variés du passage des hommes. L’art pariétal est un des témoins, parfois spectaculaire, de cette fréquentation. D’autres vestiges (marques, objets, aménagements…) y sont aussi observables. Souvent moins visibles, moins spectaculaires car faisant entrer en jeu des éléments plus communs, l’intérêt de ces vestiges, dans la compréhension des comportements préhistoriques, a été reconnu tardivement dans l’histoire de la discipline. Parmi ces diverses traces d’activités humaines, et faisant suite aux travaux initiateurs sur le sujet (Bégouën et Clottes, 1981 ; Clottes 2007 et 2009), nous nous intéressons ici aux dépôts d’objets en paroi. Aucune étude approfondie et croisée à grande échelle de ce phénomène n’avait été conduite jusqu’ici. Les différentes matérialisations de ces gestes de dépôts, leurs constituants fondamentaux, les cultures et les territoires concernés ainsi que l’approfondissement de la connaissance des comportements humains en grottes ornées au travers de l’étude de ces gestes ont été les principaux axes de notre recherche.Nous avons ainsi identifié la présence de ces gestes de dépôts dans une quarantaine de sites ornés répartis sur l’espace franco-cantabrique durant tout le Paléolithique supérieur. Nous avons essentiellement basé la construction de notre méthode d’étude et notre analyse sur l’étude exhaustive et contextualisée de ces dépôts dans six sites français : Blanchard, Foissac, Gargas inférieure, Gargas supérieure, Le Mammouth et Le Pigeonnier. La priorité était pour nous de proposer une lecture interprétative des comportements à l’origine de ces dépôts. La matière dure animale (à l’état de fragments), et dans une moindre mesure le silex et l’ocre, sont les éléments essentiellement constitutifs de ces dépôts. Les résultats montrent que ces derniers sont omniprésents dans les grottes ornées. Ils ne sont cependant pas tous en tout point comparable. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence différentes catégories de gestes de dépôts. La plupart sont intentionnels mais sous-tendus par des motivations distinctes (symbolique, pragmatique, personnelle…). Nous avons identifié quatre pratiques symboliques où le dépôt est un medium permettant une connexion (« reliance ») avec l’Invisible par l’intermédiaire de la paroi-réceptacle.Ces pratiques (très fréquemment observées au Magdalénien et au Gravettien) sont des comportements symboliques fondamentaux qui motivent la fréquentation des cavités par ces populations préhistoriques durant tout le Paléolithique supérieur. Elles sont intimement reliées aux modes de vie, aux traditions culturelles et à la cosmogonie des sociétés préhistoriques. Ces pratiques préhistoriques peuvent être envisagées selon l’idée d’une possible affiliation à certains des grands universaux qui participent du fonds commun symbolique, et même spirituel, de l’humanité. / Caves are a particular environment with singular geophysics properties. It is an environment which offers an exceptional preservation and in which registers, in the mineral matrix, the mark of the slightest gesture which is realized there. Assidument frequented in the upper Palaeolithic, numerous cavities contain varied vestiges of the human passage.The parietal Art is one of the marks, sometimes spectacular, of this frequentation.Other vestiges (marks, objects, arrangements…) are there also observable. Often less visible, less spectacular because using more common elements, the interest of these vestiges, in the understanding of the prehistoric behavior, was late recognized in the history of the discipline. Among these diverse tracks of human activities, and following upon the works initiators on the subject (Bégouën et Clottes, 1981 ; Clottes 2007 et 2009), we are interested here in the deposits of objects in rock face. No in-depth and crossed study on a large scale of this phenomenon had been led up to here.The various realizations of these gestures of deposits, their fundamental constituents, the cultures and the concerned territories as well as the deepening of the knowledge of the human behavior in decorated caves through the study of these gestures were the main axes of our research.We so identified the presence of these gestures of deposits in about forty decorated sites distributed on the French-Catabric space during all the upper Palaeolithic. We essentially based the construction of our method of study and our analysis on the exhaustive and contextualised study of these deposits in six French sites : Blanchard, Foissac, Gargas inférieure, Gargas supérieure, Le Mammouth et Le Pigeonnier. The priority was for us to propose an interpretative reading of the behavior at the origin of these deposits. The animal hard material (in the state of fragments), and to a lesser extent the flint and the ochre, are the essentially constituent elements of these deposits. The results show that these last ones are omnipresent in the decorated caves. They are not however all completely comparable. We were able to bring to light various categories of gestures of deposits. Most are deliberate but underlain by different motivations (symbolic, pragmatic, personal…). We identified four symbolic practices where the deposit is a medium allowing a connection (« reliance ») with the Invisible through the rock face - receptacle.These practices (very frequently observed in the Magdalenian and in the Gravettian) are fundamental symbolic behavior which motivate the frequentation of cavities by these prehistoric populations during all the upper Palaeolithic. They are intimately bound with the lifestyles, with the cultural traditions and with the cosmogony of the prehistoric societies. These prehistoric practices can be envisaged according to the idea of a possible affiliation in some of the big universals which participate in the symbolic common fund, and even spiritual, in the humanity.


Simone, Diana Marie 14 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Influência de genótipo, maturidade e tempo de armazenamento na qualidade de silagens de grãos de milho com alta umidade / Influence of genotype, maturity and lenght of storage on silage corn grain quality with high moisture

Fernandes, Juliana 25 July 2014 (has links)
O experimento avaliou os efeitos da ensilagem, da maturidade e do genótipo na matriz amido-protéica e no valor nutritivo de silagens de grão de milho com alta umidade. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com esquema fatorial 2×3×5: dois genótipos (duro ou dentado), três pontos de maturação (ponto de ensilagem de planta inteira, ponto de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco) e cinco tempos de armazenamento (0, 7, 21, 60 e 120 dias), com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por híbridos de milho AG 1051 (dentado) e IAC 8390 (duro). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as suas médias comparadas pelo Teste Tukey (5%). Foram avaliadas as características físicas dos grãos ao longo da maturidade, características físico-químicas, composição química e perfil fermentativo das silagens, extração e quantificação de proteínas prolaminas (zeínas) e degradabilidade ruminal in situ da matéria seca e de amido das silagens. Nos grãos, as concentrações de proteínas prolaminas foram maiores para o híbrido duro (P < 0,01) e aumentaram conforme a maturidade, sendo que a vitreosidade teve alta correlação com a concentração dessas proteínas. Já na silagem, os teores de proteínas prolaminas foram similares para grão úmido e grão seco reconstituído ao longo do período de armazenamento, independentemente do híbrido ensilado. O teor de nitrogênio amoniacal e proteína solúvel das silagens aumentaram (P < 0,01) ao longo do período de armazenamento. Silagens de grão seco reconstituído apresentaram maiores valores de pH, maiores teores de ácido butírico, etanol, acetona e 2,3-butanodiol. A maior degradabilidade ruminal de amido foi correlacionada negativamente (P < 0,01) com a concentração de proteínas prolaminas e positivamente relacionada (P < 0,01) aos teores de proteína solúvel e nitrogênio amoniacal. O efeito de genótipo e maturidade foram superados por tempos de armazenamento superiores a 60 dias, no tocante à degradabilidade ruminal das silagens. Silagens de grão seco reconstituído apresentaram maiores perdas de matéria seca e qualidade higiênica inferior às silagens de grão úmido. / The experiment evaluated the effects of silage maturity and genotype on starch-protein matrix and nutritive values of corn grain silage with high moisture. The experiment design was randomized blocks with 2 × 3 × 5 factorial: two genotypes (flint or dent), three maturity stages (whole plant silage stage, moisture grain stage and dry grain stage) and five lengths of storage (0, 7, 21, 60 and 120 days), with four replications. The treatments were composed by two corn hybrids - AG 1051 (dent) and IAC 8390 (flint). The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the averages were compared by Tukey test (5%). Corn grains physical characteristics along the maturity, physicochemical characteristics, chemical composition and fermentation characteristics of silages, extraction and quantitation of prolamin protein (zein) and dry matter and starch in situ silage degradability were evaluated. In corn grains, the concentration of prolamin protein was higher for hybrid flint (P < 0.01) and also increased with maturity, and the vitreousness had higher correlation with the concentration of these proteins. Furthermore in silages, prolamin proteins were similar to high moisture grain and dry grain reconstituted, along with storage, regardless of the hybrid. In silage, the ammonia nitrogen and soluble crude protein contents increased (P < 0.01) during the length of storage. Reconstituted dry grain silages had higher pH, higher concentrations of butyric acid, ethanol, acetone and 2,3 - butanediol. The highest ruminal starch degradability was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with the prolamin protein concentration and positively (P < 0.01) related to soluble crude protein and ammonia nitrogen protein levels. The effect of genotype and maturity were overcome by 60 days length of storage, according to ruminal degradability of silages. Reconstituted dry grain silages had higher DM losses and the hygienic quality was lower compared with high moisture corn silages.

Influência do genótipo e maturidade na diversidade microbiológica em milho grão para silagem / Influence of genotype and maturity in microbiological diversity in corn grain for silage

Carvalho, Paula de Almeida 11 July 2014 (has links)
O histórico agronômico da cultura, em geral, explica a comunidade microbiana presente na massa ensilada, entretanto, a diversidade e o grau de contaminação da população microbiana epifítica pode auxiliar na compreensão do padrão de fermentação da silagem e da estabilidade desse produto quando em exposição ao ambiente aeróbio. No presente trabalho, foram avaliados a influência do genótipo, maturidade e período de estocagem na composição da comunidade bacteriana em silagens de grãos de milho. Para isso, dois cultivares de milho AG 1051 (\"dent\") e IAC 8390 (\"flint\") foram colhidos em três estágios de maturidade (ponto de silagem de planta inteira, ponto de silagem de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco), moídos e ensilados por 0, 7 e 120 dias. Atualmente, a aplicação de técnicas de microbiologia molecular permite acessar alterações causadas nestas comunidades de maneira independente do cultivo bacteriano, por esse motivo, a comunidade bacteriana foi avaliada por meio da técnica de Eletroforese em Gel de Gradiente Desnaturante (DGGE) e sequenciamento dos produtos de PCR via sistema MiSeqTM Illumina. Foi demonstrado que em silagens de grãos de milho contendo alta umidade, os diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da cultura, e por conseguinte, do grão, são os principais determinantes da composição da comunidade bacteriana deste, sendo menos importantes o genótipo das plantas e os tempos de estocagem das silagens. Aos 120 dias de estocagem nas amostras de grão seco reconstituído, as sequências afiliadas ao gênero Clostridium representaram total de aproximadamente 40% das sequências afiliadas aos gêneros encontrados, enquanto o gênero Lactobacillus representou menos de 7% das sequências afiliadas a este gênero. Provavelmente, grãos secos sofrem mais estresse a campo, o que consequentemente, pode interferir na qualidade higiênico sanitária das silagens desses grãos. Com base nestes resultados fica evidenciada a possibilidade de realização de recomendações potenciais de aditivos específicos para ensilagem de grãos de milho, direcionados para cada ponto de maturidade da cultura. / The agronomic background of crops in general, explains the microbial community present in silage, however, diversity and contamination status may help on understanding the silage fermentation profile and aerobic stability. In the present work, the influence of factors such as different genotypes, different stages of plants development and storage time in the composition of bacterial communities were evaluated. On this way, maize cultivars AG 1051 (\"dent\") and IAC 8390 (\"flint\") were harvested in three physiological stages (whole plant silage, wet grain silage and dry grain), the grain were grounded and ensiled for 0, 7 and 120 days. Nowadays, the applications of techniques of molecular microbiology allow assessing the shifts caused on these communities by a culture independent approach, therefore, bacterial community were evaluated by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis technique (DGGE), and PCR products were sequenced by Illumina MiSeqTM System. It was demonstrated that in high moisture corn silage, different stages of plants development are main determinants of bacterial community composition rather than the plants genotypes and storage time. In addition in the samples of reconstituted dry grain, it was demonstrated that after 120 days of storage, sequences affiliated to the gender Clostridium accounted for a total of approximately 40% of total sequences affiliated to genera found, while the genus Lactobacillus represented less than 7% of sequences affiliated to this gender. Probably dried grains suffer more stress at field conditions, which in turn can interfere with the sanitary hygienic quality of silages obtained from these grains. At least, based on these results it is clear the possibility of performing potential specific additives recommendations, unique at each stage of maize plants development.

Influência do genótipo e maturidade na diversidade microbiológica em milho grão para silagem / Influence of genotype and maturity in microbiological diversity in corn grain for silage

Paula de Almeida Carvalho 11 July 2014 (has links)
O histórico agronômico da cultura, em geral, explica a comunidade microbiana presente na massa ensilada, entretanto, a diversidade e o grau de contaminação da população microbiana epifítica pode auxiliar na compreensão do padrão de fermentação da silagem e da estabilidade desse produto quando em exposição ao ambiente aeróbio. No presente trabalho, foram avaliados a influência do genótipo, maturidade e período de estocagem na composição da comunidade bacteriana em silagens de grãos de milho. Para isso, dois cultivares de milho AG 1051 (\"dent\") e IAC 8390 (\"flint\") foram colhidos em três estágios de maturidade (ponto de silagem de planta inteira, ponto de silagem de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco), moídos e ensilados por 0, 7 e 120 dias. Atualmente, a aplicação de técnicas de microbiologia molecular permite acessar alterações causadas nestas comunidades de maneira independente do cultivo bacteriano, por esse motivo, a comunidade bacteriana foi avaliada por meio da técnica de Eletroforese em Gel de Gradiente Desnaturante (DGGE) e sequenciamento dos produtos de PCR via sistema MiSeqTM Illumina. Foi demonstrado que em silagens de grãos de milho contendo alta umidade, os diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da cultura, e por conseguinte, do grão, são os principais determinantes da composição da comunidade bacteriana deste, sendo menos importantes o genótipo das plantas e os tempos de estocagem das silagens. Aos 120 dias de estocagem nas amostras de grão seco reconstituído, as sequências afiliadas ao gênero Clostridium representaram total de aproximadamente 40% das sequências afiliadas aos gêneros encontrados, enquanto o gênero Lactobacillus representou menos de 7% das sequências afiliadas a este gênero. Provavelmente, grãos secos sofrem mais estresse a campo, o que consequentemente, pode interferir na qualidade higiênico sanitária das silagens desses grãos. Com base nestes resultados fica evidenciada a possibilidade de realização de recomendações potenciais de aditivos específicos para ensilagem de grãos de milho, direcionados para cada ponto de maturidade da cultura. / The agronomic background of crops in general, explains the microbial community present in silage, however, diversity and contamination status may help on understanding the silage fermentation profile and aerobic stability. In the present work, the influence of factors such as different genotypes, different stages of plants development and storage time in the composition of bacterial communities were evaluated. On this way, maize cultivars AG 1051 (\"dent\") and IAC 8390 (\"flint\") were harvested in three physiological stages (whole plant silage, wet grain silage and dry grain), the grain were grounded and ensiled for 0, 7 and 120 days. Nowadays, the applications of techniques of molecular microbiology allow assessing the shifts caused on these communities by a culture independent approach, therefore, bacterial community were evaluated by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis technique (DGGE), and PCR products were sequenced by Illumina MiSeqTM System. It was demonstrated that in high moisture corn silage, different stages of plants development are main determinants of bacterial community composition rather than the plants genotypes and storage time. In addition in the samples of reconstituted dry grain, it was demonstrated that after 120 days of storage, sequences affiliated to the gender Clostridium accounted for a total of approximately 40% of total sequences affiliated to genera found, while the genus Lactobacillus represented less than 7% of sequences affiliated to this gender. Probably dried grains suffer more stress at field conditions, which in turn can interfere with the sanitary hygienic quality of silages obtained from these grains. At least, based on these results it is clear the possibility of performing potential specific additives recommendations, unique at each stage of maize plants development.

Influência de genótipo, maturidade e tempo de armazenamento na qualidade de silagens de grãos de milho com alta umidade / Influence of genotype, maturity and lenght of storage on silage corn grain quality with high moisture

Juliana Fernandes 25 July 2014 (has links)
O experimento avaliou os efeitos da ensilagem, da maturidade e do genótipo na matriz amido-protéica e no valor nutritivo de silagens de grão de milho com alta umidade. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com esquema fatorial 2×3×5: dois genótipos (duro ou dentado), três pontos de maturação (ponto de ensilagem de planta inteira, ponto de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco) e cinco tempos de armazenamento (0, 7, 21, 60 e 120 dias), com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por híbridos de milho AG 1051 (dentado) e IAC 8390 (duro). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as suas médias comparadas pelo Teste Tukey (5%). Foram avaliadas as características físicas dos grãos ao longo da maturidade, características físico-químicas, composição química e perfil fermentativo das silagens, extração e quantificação de proteínas prolaminas (zeínas) e degradabilidade ruminal in situ da matéria seca e de amido das silagens. Nos grãos, as concentrações de proteínas prolaminas foram maiores para o híbrido duro (P < 0,01) e aumentaram conforme a maturidade, sendo que a vitreosidade teve alta correlação com a concentração dessas proteínas. Já na silagem, os teores de proteínas prolaminas foram similares para grão úmido e grão seco reconstituído ao longo do período de armazenamento, independentemente do híbrido ensilado. O teor de nitrogênio amoniacal e proteína solúvel das silagens aumentaram (P < 0,01) ao longo do período de armazenamento. Silagens de grão seco reconstituído apresentaram maiores valores de pH, maiores teores de ácido butírico, etanol, acetona e 2,3-butanodiol. A maior degradabilidade ruminal de amido foi correlacionada negativamente (P < 0,01) com a concentração de proteínas prolaminas e positivamente relacionada (P < 0,01) aos teores de proteína solúvel e nitrogênio amoniacal. O efeito de genótipo e maturidade foram superados por tempos de armazenamento superiores a 60 dias, no tocante à degradabilidade ruminal das silagens. Silagens de grão seco reconstituído apresentaram maiores perdas de matéria seca e qualidade higiênica inferior às silagens de grão úmido. / The experiment evaluated the effects of silage maturity and genotype on starch-protein matrix and nutritive values of corn grain silage with high moisture. The experiment design was randomized blocks with 2 × 3 × 5 factorial: two genotypes (flint or dent), three maturity stages (whole plant silage stage, moisture grain stage and dry grain stage) and five lengths of storage (0, 7, 21, 60 and 120 days), with four replications. The treatments were composed by two corn hybrids - AG 1051 (dent) and IAC 8390 (flint). The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the averages were compared by Tukey test (5%). Corn grains physical characteristics along the maturity, physicochemical characteristics, chemical composition and fermentation characteristics of silages, extraction and quantitation of prolamin protein (zein) and dry matter and starch in situ silage degradability were evaluated. In corn grains, the concentration of prolamin protein was higher for hybrid flint (P < 0.01) and also increased with maturity, and the vitreousness had higher correlation with the concentration of these proteins. Furthermore in silages, prolamin proteins were similar to high moisture grain and dry grain reconstituted, along with storage, regardless of the hybrid. In silage, the ammonia nitrogen and soluble crude protein contents increased (P < 0.01) during the length of storage. Reconstituted dry grain silages had higher pH, higher concentrations of butyric acid, ethanol, acetone and 2,3 - butanediol. The highest ruminal starch degradability was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with the prolamin protein concentration and positively (P < 0.01) related to soluble crude protein and ammonia nitrogen protein levels. The effect of genotype and maturity were overcome by 60 days length of storage, according to ruminal degradability of silages. Reconstituted dry grain silages had higher DM losses and the hygienic quality was lower compared with high moisture corn silages.

Contamination: A Lighting Design of "An Enemy of the People"

Baker, Thomas Andrew 28 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Éclairage de la tracéologie lithique sur le système techno-économique nomade châtelperronien / The chatelperronian settlement and techno-economical systems : a functional point of view / El aporte de la traceología sobre el sistema tecno-económico nómada chatelperroniense

Baillet, Mickaël 20 February 2017 (has links)
Pour l’extrême ouest eurasiatique, le problème demeure de savoir selon quelles modalités anthropologiques Neandertal et l’Homme d’Anatomie Moderne (HAM) se sont succédés, lors d’une sous-époque artificiellement qualifiée de « Transition ». Une solution pourrait selon nous venir d’une approche globale du système techno-économique nomade, là où l’approche technologique des industries lithiques, mise en oeuvre de façon privilégiée jusqu’à aujourd’hui, a montré ses limites. Notre thèse applique cette échelle systémique aux industries lithiques châtelperroniennes,depuis le nord de la France jusque dans la corniche vasco-cantabrique. Le Châtelperronien est pa railleurs une culture emblématique du problème évoqué. Nous avons placé la tracéologie lithiqueainsi que l’expérimentation au coeur de notre méthodologie analytique, afin de cerner à la fois les stratégies industrielles et les activités outillées des communautés châtelperroniennes. Tandis que nous nous sommes basé sur des modèles théoriques explicites pour appréhender plus généralement leur système de fonctionnement économique relativement à leur mode de nomadisme. Nous avons également utilisé la tracéologie afin d’éclaircir la problématique taphonomique spécifique au Châtelperronien.Nos observations sur l’état de surface des collections nous pousse finalement à suggérer que la dichotomie entre «sites à indices de passage » et « sites à dépôt archéologique » ne serait pas le résultat taphonomique d’évènements climatiques induisant une érosion à géométrie variable(i.e. intersites et/ou intrasites), comme nos prédécesseurs concevaient habituellement cette problématique spécifique. Au contraire, elles témoigneraient bien d’un mode d’occupation très contrasté du territoire. L’analyse fonctionnelle des industries, de son côté, abonde également dans ce sens en révélant que les stratégies industrielles reflètent une double partition, à la fois humaine et économique.En effet, d’une part, le « support de Châtelperron » équipe notamment des individus missionnés sur des sites logistiques tels que des haltes de chasse, afin qu’ils fabriquent et utilisent tour à tour des armatures de sagaie ou des couteaux de boucherie. D’autre part, d’autres haltes logistiques sont conçues comme la conjonction entre le renouvellement de l’industrie lithique et la réalisation d’activités spécialisées à caractère vivrier (boucherie) et artisanal (peausserie, et très probablement industrie osseuse). Quant aux campements résidentiels, manifestement très rares et alors sous abris rocheux, ils accueillent l’ensemble du groupe et sont le lieu où sont mis en oeuvre l’ensemble des industries lithique et osseuse, ainsi que la parure, reflétant le panel probablement complet des activités de ces communautés.En somme, il ressort une spécialisation des outils au Châtelperronien, et plus généralement une spécialisation cynégétique du système technique lithique, couplées à un mode logistique de nomadisme sur de vastes territoires. Ceci pourrait refléter une segmentation du groupe par spécialistes, et notamment une partition sociologique dans laquelle la figure du chasseur occupe une place majeure.Enfin, la confrontation de notre modèle châtelperronien spécifique avec les principales cultures de la Transition sur notre aire géographique fait ressortir une définition restrictive du Paléolithique supérieur. En effet, la spécialisation cynégétique du système technique lithique et, corrélativement,celle du statut de chasseur parmi les membres du groupe, représentent selon nous deux traits singularisant les communautés du Paléolithique supérieur. / At the far west of Eurasia, questions persist regarding what factors led anatomically modernhuman groups to succeed Neanderthals during the so called “Middle to Upper PaleolithicTransition.” Technological approaches to lithic analysis, which have until recently been the principal mean used to investigate these questions, have now shown their limitations. Instead, we suggest amore global approach, which examines both techno-economic and settlement systems.Here, we apply this mode of analysis to the Châtelperronian industry, which is found from northernFrance to the Vasco-Cantabrian region of northern Spain and is emblematic of the above-mentionedproblems. Methodologically, we approach this lithic industry by way of use wear analysis andexperimental archaeology. Our aim is to understand both overarching industry strategies and theways in which specific tools were used. We use theoretical models to investigate the relationshipbetween Châtelperronian functional economy and their mode of nomadism, and use traceology to clarify taphonomic problems specific to the Châtelperronian.We observed, using different levels of magnification, that the natural texture of most lithic artifacts appears to be surprisingly well preserved. This leads us to the conclusion that contrary to previous understandings, the perceived dichotomy between “sites à indices de passage” (i.e. coarse grained assemblages) and “sites à dépôt archéologique” (i.e. fine grained assemblages), cannot be the resultof climatic events resulting in different degrees of intersite and/or intrasite erosion. Instead, we suggest that this be the result of different pattern of movement of Châtelperronian groups. Additionally,the results of our use wear analysis suggest that Châtelperronian industrial strategies were the resultof a division in both human and economic terms.We hypothesize that individuals carried lithic blanks to logistical sites (e.g. hunting camps), manufactured so called “Châtelperronian points”, and used these tools as both projectile points and knives for butchery. This type of specialized activity hints at segmentation within a given group. Different type of logistical sites can be associated with different combinations of activities performed at them including the rejuvenation of lithic tools (i.e. flint knapping), the production of food (i.e.butchery), and other craft activities (i.e. hide working and the production of bone and antler tools).In contrast, residential sites were likely home to entire groups. These are rare in the archaeological record, and are always associated with rock shelters. These sites contain lithic and bone tools, as well as personal ornaments, which were manufactured on site. These residential sites can be considered good representations of the Châtelperronian industry as a whole, and likely reflect nearly the entire range of daily activities performed.In sum, Châtelperronian tools were specialized elements of a lithic industry focused on hunting within a system of logistical mobility spanning vast territories. This could reflect a social division of Châtelperronian groups into specialists, with the role of the hunter occupying a primary position. Finally, a comparison of our model of the Châtelperronian to that of other “transitional” cultures of western Eurasia leads us to propose a more restrictive definition of the Upper Paleolithic. We posit that hunting specialization, both in terms of lithic technology and the status of the hunter relativeto other members of the group, represent the only traits which set apart Upper Paleolithic societies. / En el caso del extremo occidental de Eurasia, la cuestión reside en establecer los factores antropológicos que llevaron a la sucesión Neanderthal-“Humanos Anatómicamente Modernos”durante la transición entre el Paleolítico Medio y el Superior. Estimamos que una vía de acercamiento puede derivar de un análisis más global del sistema tecnoeconómico nómada, alejándose deuna perspectiva tecnológica sobre la industria lítica demasiado restringida.Nuestra perspectiva se ha aplicado al estudio de una cultura característica del periodo, el Chatelperroniense,introduciendo un énfasis particular en el análisis funcional de los utillajes líticos y en elestudio de los patrones territoriales de los asentamientos. Para abordar los patrones territoriales,hemos recurrido a modelos teóricos explícitos que los relacionan con sistemas económicos específicos.En el caso del análisis funcional, hemos situado la observación de las huellas de uso y unimportante referencial experimental como núcleo de la metodología desarrollada. En este caso el objetivo es doble ya que se trata de reconocer las estrategias técnicas aplicadas a los propios utillajesde piedra y de reconocer también estas estrategias en los procesos técnicos en los que estos utillajeshan participado. El estudio traceológico ha servido asimismo para abordar cuestiones tafonómicasrelativas a la conservación de los yacimientos estudiados gracias a la lectura de las alteraciones sufridas por las superficies de los utillajes de piedra. Estas evidencias sugieren una conservación inesperadamente buena de los contextos arqueológicos. Ello viene a demostrar que las diferencias entre tipos de yacimientos que se habían observado –que se atribuían a alteraciones tafonómicas diferenciales- son en realidad el resultado de comportamientos y modos de ocupación diferentes ybien contrastados en cada uno de ellos.Por otra parte, los resultados generales del análisis funcional redundan en esta percepción, la deuna partición doble –humana y económica- en el seno de las estrategias técnicas. Nuestros resultadossugieren que existe una primera estrategia que implica una circulación en el territorio depuntas-cuchillos de chatelperron, probablemente transportados por individuos que se desplazana ocupaciones especializadas, como los campamentos de caza; estos instrumentos se utilizarían como cuchillos de carnicería y también como parte de elementos de proyectil. Algunas de estas ocupaciones especializadas reunirían un conjunto algo más complejo de funciones incluyendo larenovación del utillaje lítico agotado y algunos trabajos especializados relacionados con la subsistencia–carnicería- o actividades de elaboración de algunos productos (en piel y materias óseas). Los campamentos residenciales son muy escasos, casi siempre en abrigos y cuevas, y en ellos se llevarían a cabo el conjunto de tareas necesarias para estas comunidades y, en este sentido, puedenconsiderarse representativas de los comportamientos generales durante el periodo.En conjunto, se aprecia una especialización del utillaje durante el Chatelperroniense, muy orientada hacia las actividades cazadores en el marco de un sistema territorial que implica una gran movilidad logística. Ello podría reflejar una segmentación social interna de las comunidades con la apariciónde especialistas entre los que jugaría un papel importante la figura del cazador.Como conclusión, la comparación del modelo que emerge acerca de los comportamientos chatelperronienses con los propios de otras culturas de este periodo de transición en torno al 40.000nos lleva a proponer una definición más restrictiva para caracterizar al conjunto del Paleolítico Superior.En este sentido, planteamos que la especialización cazadora, tanto en lo que afecta al sistema técnico lítico como al estatus del cazador respecto a los otros miembros del grupo, representa el rasgo diferencial esencial que define a las comunidades humanas del Paleolítico superior.

Géoressources et expressions technoculturelles dans le sud du Massif central au Paléolithique supérieur : des déterminismes et des choix / Georessources and techno cultural expressions in the South of the French Massif Central during the Upper Palaeolithic : determinism and choices

Delvigne, Vincent 15 February 2016 (has links)
La pétroarchéologie du silex s’attache à définir les origines des silex retrouvés dans les sites archéologiques. Auvu des avancées méthodologiques récentes (définition toujours plus précise des faciès, vision dynamique duparcours du silex dans son environnement - chaîne évolutive -, mise en place d’une cartographie précise desdomaines minéraux siliceux) il est aujourd’hui possible de préciser non seulement le lieu de formation du silex(gîte primaire) mais également son lieu de collecte (gîte primaire ou secondaire).L’étude exhaustive des silex de collections archéologiques du sud du Massif central à plusieurs moments-clés duPaléolithique supérieur (Gravettien récent et final : Le Blot et Le Rond-de-Saint-Arcons ; Badegoulien : Le Ronddu-Barry et La Roche-à-Tavernat ; et Magdalénien supérieur : Sainte-Anne II) a permis la mise en évidence d’unediversité insoupçonnée de matériaux représentatifs d’un vaste litho-espace (espace géographique comprenantl’ensemble des matériaux considérés). Nous proposons donc un modèle de représentation de l’origine et del’acquisition des matières premières retrouvées sur un site archéologique, non plus sous une forme sito-centrée(en étoile), mais sous la forme d’un réseau de lieux, plus en accord avec les données issues des observationsethnographiques et géographiques. La représentation des différents types de matériaux au sein des industrieslithiques, ainsi que leurs modes d’introduction sur le site, permettent de distinguer les choix opérés par leshommes et les contraintes naturelles subies, autorisant dès lors l’inscription sémantique du litho-espace dans unessai de reconstruction du paléo-espace social. / The petroarchaeology of flint tries to define the origin of flints found in archaeological sites. In view of the recentmethodological advances (definition of the facies always more precise, dynamic vision of the route of the flint inher environment - “evolutionary chain” concept -, precise mapping of the siliceous mineral domains) it isnowadays possible to distinguish not only the formation place of the flint (primary outcrop) but also its retrievalplace (primary or secondary outrcrop).The exhaustive study of archaeological flint collections from the South of the Massif Central of France at varioustimes of the Upper Palaeolithic (recent and final Gravettian: Le Blot and Le Rond-de-Saint-Arcons; Badegoulian:Le Rond-du-Barry and La Roche-à-Tavernat; and Upper Magdalenian: Sainte-Anne II) have permitted thehighlighting of an unexpected diversity of material representative of a huge litho-espace (geographical spaceincluding all the regarded materials). In this respect, we developed a new figuration model of the origin of the rawmaterial discovered in the archaeological site, either in a sito-centred form (like a star), but like a network ofplaces, more in agreement with the ethnographic and geographic data. The presence of different types of flint inthe lithic industries correlated to their introducing pattern on site, allow to distinguish the choices made by theancient men versus the natural constraints they undergone, authorizing consequently the semantic inscription ofthe litho-espace in an attempt of reconstruction of the palaeo-social-space.

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