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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design podlahového mycího stroje pro sedící obsluhu / Design of Ride-on Floor Cleaner

Badin, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this master’s thesis is design of ride-on scrubber-dryer. The thesis concerns own design, which is based on findings from the analysis of the current state of knowledge.

Ubytovací zařízení pro studenty středních škol / Dormitory for secondary school students

Raška, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a development of the executive documentation of a dormitory for secondary school students, namely a youth home located in the cadastral area of Nové Sady u Olomouce. The project as well as the addenda is elaborated according to the current legislature and standards. The youth home is located on the plot number 132/23, in the cadastral area of Nové Sady u Olomouce in the district of Olomouc. There are all necessary infrastructures near the plot and the plot is well accessible via the local road. The youth home is a four-floor building without a cellar and with a saddle roof. The bed capacity of the youth home is 31 and the number of accommodation units is 12.

Assessment of How Digital Twin Can Be Utilized in Manufacturing Companies to Create Business Value

Bestjak, Linnea, Lindqvist, Cassandra January 2020 (has links)
Introduction The paradigm shift in manufacturing that Industry 4.0 brings forth with new advanced technologies and the rapid growth of sensing and controlling technologies enable further visualization and optimization that can contribute to achievingimproved decision-making in manufacturing. A significant new capability is the ability to construct a Digital Twinthat connects the physical and virtual space. However, there are still confusion and obscurity regarding what Digital Twinis and how it can becreated and then used to create value for the company. Therefor the purpose of the thesis is to examine how manufacturing companies can utilize the implementation of Digital Twinand assess Digital Twinin a shop-floor. ➢RQ1: How can DT be beneficial to increase business value in a manufacturing company? ➢RQ2: What changes need to be done in the shop-floor to implement Digital Twin? Methodology A literature review was conducted to provide previous researchand contextwithin the area of Digital Twin. A multiple-case studywas performed at three case companies to gain meaningful insight from a real-world perspective, semi-structured interviews, dialogs, and observations were conductedat the case companies. The analysis was then performed by examining similarities, and dissimilarities between theoretical and empirical data, as well as opportunities in theoretical findings that correspond with challenges in empirical findings. Frame of Reference The literature review increased the authors’ understanding of the research topic and gave context to the concept of Digital Twin. The review is mainly focused on the Digital Twintechnologyand how it is constructed, as well as the applicationsareas. Empirical Findings The empirical findings provide an overview of boththe current and future state of the case companies in relation to organizational, operational, and technological factors. Additionally, it provides a deeper understanding of how shop-floor management is designed at one of the case companies. Analysis The combination of the Frame of Reference and Empirical Findings contributewith important insight on the potential benefits that can be created through the utilizationof Digital Twin, as well as what is requiredin the shop-floor to enable implementation ofDigital Twin. Conclusions The value that can be created utilizing Digital Twinis outlinedand a clearer definition is proposed to avoid misunderstandings and confusion. Requirements that need to be achieved for a successful implementation arecovered as well. A future recommendation is measuring resources and effort in relation to the created value of a Digital Twin.

Effektivare tillgänglighet och användbarhet i flerbostadshus : Balans mellan ekonomiska faktorer och bekvämlighet i planlösningar / More efficient accessibility and adaptability in apartment buildings : Balance between economic factors and comfort in planning solutions

Ghaznawi, Kahanat, Paulos, Maryam January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: It is necessary for disabled people to be treated equally, according to regulation 2001:526 § 1, therefore must everyone have the same terms and conditions. It is important to know people's different conditions and needs in order to create an accessible and useful environment. The Swedish standard contains both normal level and an increased level of accessibility. Studies have shown that normal levels of accessibility are not enough for a comfortable home for disabled persons. Ignorance and economic factors are the reason why there is lack of improvements in accessibility. The aim of the study is therefore to develop knowledge about accessibility that can be used to develop effective floor plans or improve existing floor plans. Method: The methods that is used in this study are poll survey, interviews, literature study and document analysis. Literature study and document analysis increased the writer's knowledge about this subject. Interviews and poll surveys increased the writer's information about the experiences and improvement of comfort in homes for people with disabilities. Findings: The majority of disabled individuals from the interview survey are satisfied with usefulness thanks to housing adjustment measures. Improvements in usability that are desired are, for example, threshold-free areas, installation of automatic doorway, height-adjustable kitchen cabinet and kitchen counter. The study showed that the majority of disabled individuals want increased accessibility in bathroom, kitchen and the hallway in order for the home to be comfortable and useful. An ideal home should have movable and open surfaces with a turning radius of at least 1.5 meters. The dwelling must have an open floor plan with a division into a private and social zone. Implications: The conclusions from this study are that one should strive for well thought-out planning solutions from the beginning in order to avoid large costs afterwards. In addition, big focus should be placed on the kitchen, the bathroom and the hallway, as these rooms are used most and are given high priority. For a usable housing for disabled individuals, these rooms should be built according to the height level of accessibility. A closet/storage room is also required for extra storage. In addition, big focus should be placed on the functions of housing, that is, how the different rooms are linked to each other. For instance, it is better to have an open floor plan because there are fewer partitions, which gives the feeling of an open space and larger housing. Limitations: To limit the study, only accessibility indoors is examined. Ground requirements and technical property requirements are not investigated in the study. The focus is on individuals with reduced ability to move, where mental disabilities are not discussed in this study. Improvements to Vätterhems’ floor plans are only made for the apartment with 3 REK. When sketching the ideal floor plans, the focus has only been on designing an apartment with 2 REK. / Syfte: Eftersom alla människor ska kunna leva med samma villkor och samma förutsättningar, enligt förordning 2001:526 § 1, krävs det att funktionshindrade behandlas på lika sätt. För att skapa en tillgänglig och användbar miljö är det viktigt att känna till människors olika förutsättningar och behov. Svensk standard innehåller både normal nivå och höjd nivå på tillgängligheten. Undersökningar har visat att normalnivå inte är tillräcklig för att en bostad ska vara bekväm för funktionshindrade individer. Orsaken till bristande förbättringar på tillgänglighet är okunskap och ekonomiska faktorer. Målet med studien handlar därför om att ta fram kunskap om tillgänglighet som kan användas för att ta fram effektiva planlösningar eller förbättra befintliga planlösningar. Metod: Enkät, intervjuer, litteraturstudie och dokumentanalys har använts som metod till denna studie. Litteraturstudie och dokumentanalys ökade skribenternas kunskap inom ämnet. Intervjuer och enkäter bidrog med ökad information om funktionshindrades upplevelser och önskemål i bostaden Resultat: Majoriteten av funktionshindrade individer från intervjuundersökningen är nöjda med användbarheten tack vare bostadsanpassningsåtgärder. Förbättringar av användbarheten som önskas är exempelvis tröskelfria områden, installation av automatisk dörröppning, höj- och sänkbart köksskåp och köksbänk. Studien visade att majoriteten av funktionshindrade individer vill ha utökad tillgänglighet i badrum, kök och hallen för att bostaden ska vara bekväm och användbar. En ideal bostad ska ha rörliga och öppna ytor med en vändningsradie på minst 1,5 meter. Bostaden ska ha en öppen planlösning med en uppdelning på privat och social zon. Konsekvenser: Slutsatserna som undersökningen har tagit fram är att man ska sträva efter välgenomtänkta planlösningar redan från början för att slippa stora kostnader i efterhand. Dessutom ska det läggas stor fokus på köket, badrummet och hallen eftersom dessa rum används mest och prioriteras högt. För en användbar bostad till funktionshindrade individer ska dessa rum byggas enligt hög tillgänglighetsnivå. Det krävs även en klädkammare/förråd för extra förvaring. Dessutom ska det läggas stor fokus på bostäders funktioner, det vill säga hur de olika rummen är kopplade till varandra. Det är exempelvis bättre med en öppen planlösning för det är färre mellanväggar vilket ger en känsla av en öppen yta och större bostad. Begränsningar: För att begränsa studien undersöks endast tillgängligheten inomhus. Tomtkrav och tekniska egenskapskrav utreds inte i studien. Fokuset ligger på individer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga där psykisk funktionsförmåga ej avhandlas i denna studie. Förbättringar på Vätterhems planlösningar utförs endast för bostaden med 3 ROK. Vid skissning av de ideala planlösningarna har fokuset endast varit att designa en bostad med 2 ROK.

Effektivt materialutnyttjande vid tillverkning av golvstommar / Efficient use of materials in the manufacture of flooring frames

Andersson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
I ett samhälle med allt större fokus på miljön och användning av förnybara resurser så har efterfrågan på trä som material ökat. En ökad efterfrågan på material kan i sin tur leda till att det kan bli svårt att få tag i material och då gäller det att företagen kan utnyttja sina resurser på bästa sätt och på det viset även kunna minska sina kostnader. Trä är ett organiskt material och har därmed egenskaper som inte förekommer hos andra material. Egenskaperna varierar mellan olika trädslag, inom varje trädslag samt inom varje enskilt träd. Detta beror bland annat på cell och kviststrukturen samt hur träden har växt. Med materialutnyttjande i fokus växte detta examensarbete fram för att kartlägga en produktionslina för golvstommar. Syftet var även att studera möjligheterna att minska materialförlusterna genom att limma ihop materialet två och två innan de gick vidare i processen. För att studera detta genomfördes först en bakgrundsstudie kring trä som material samt limfogning av trä. Därefter genomfördes ett antal fallstudier för att kunna beräkna materialförlusterna i produktionen. Det följdes av en praktisk studie i en testmiljö där det studerades möjligheten att minska materialförlusterna genom att sammanfoga materialet med lim innan sönderdelning till lameller. Resultatet visade att det blev materialförluster både i form av sågspån, som är svårt att göra något åt, samt material som faller sönder till följd av främst kvistar. Materialförlusterna på grund av kvistar finns det möjlighet att minska på genom, vilket de partiska testerna av att sammanfoga materialet med lim innan sönderdelning visade. Att studera sina processer och dess materialutnyttjande är relevant för alla träförädlande företag så att råvaran utnyttjas på bästa möjliga sätt. Det går inte att eliminera alla materialförluster men en åtgärd för att minska materialförlusterna kan i detta fall vara att sammanfoga materialet innan sönderdelning. / In a society with an ever-growing focus on the environment and renewable recourses, the demand for wood as a material will increased. An increase in demand can, however, lead to a shortage in materials. This in turn puts pressure on companies to utilize their resources optimally to both conserve materials and to minimize the costs. Wood is an organic material which gives it unique properties compared to other materials. These properties are not however uniform and can change based on the type of wood. Differences in properties might occur between trees of the same wood species, and even in singular trees. This variety depends on the tree’s cellular and knots structure in addition to how it was grown. The focus of this bachelor thesis was the use of materials in a production line of flooring frames. The aim of this study was also to see if it was possible to minimize the loss of materials by gluing together two pieces of material before processing. The first step in completing this study was to perform a background study which focused on wood as a material and the usage of bonding agents for wood. The background study was then followed by a number of case studies where the loss of materials in the production line was calculated. The case studies were then in turn followed by a practical study performed in a test environment concerning the ability of minimizing material losses by adhering two pieces of material before processing them into lamina. The result showed a loss of materials in form of sawdust and materials breaking after processing, mainly due to knots. The sawdust is difficult to avoid but as the practical study showed, it was possible to reduce the loss of materials caused by knots, by adhering material together before processing it. To study the production and its use of materials is relevant for all wood manufacturing industries to ensure the optimal usage of the material. It is not possible to eliminate all material losses but one possible way to minimize it could be, in this case, to adhere material before it is processes.

Mot balanserad styrning i teamorganiserad produktion

Dabhilkar, Mandar January 2003 (has links)
During the 1990s two contrasting paths to the organization of work have emerged in the Swedish engineering industry: the structure-conservative and structure-innovative. This thesis deals with the latter, and focuses primarily on necessary changes in management control systems that support structureinnovative forms of team-organized work. Three types of management control systems are studied in this thesis: performance management and measurement systems, systems for continuous improvements and wage systems. The empirical base of this thesis consists of data from an exploratory survey study as well as a multiple case study. On a general level, the survey study indicates a lack of congruence between structure and systems. Many companies seem to have started to move along the structure-innovative path but have not changed the management control systems accordingly. However, there are good reasons for doing so. The companies that have chosen the structure-innovative path perform better in terms of productivity, quality and cost reduction. These are also the companies that have changed their management control systems to the greatest extent. The case study provides examples of how management control systems may be changed to fit structure-innovative forms of team-organized work. The main focus has been on the use of Balanced Scorecard. How a strategic continuous improvement capability was developed and sustained in the studied companies is illustrated. The findings extend previous research on new production concepts, which, this thesis argues, are not to be regarded as an issue of technology and vertical division of labour only, but also of supportive management control systems. / <p>QC 20100525</p>

Stomprojektering för påbyggnad av industribyggnad : Att bygga på en smideverkstad / Structural design of core structure : Adding a floor to an industry workshop

Kuczynska, Angelika, Kärkkäinen, Mikko January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett högskoleingenjörs examensarbete inom byggteknik och design på Kungliga Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm, framtagen tillsammans med företaget Oljibe och deras samarbetspartner TH-konsult. Efterfrågan på fler arbetsplatser och större kontorsytor har med tiden blivit allt större på Oljibes huvudkontor i Västberga Industriområde. Då företaget växer vill man nu kunna erbjuda alla anställda en egen plats att jobba vid. Därför har man beslutat att bygga en kontorsvåning på den befintliga verkstaden för att uppfylla målet. Vid projektets start finns både bygglov samt idé på hur påbyggnationen ska se ut. Den nya kontorsvåningen är tänkt att vara både modern och inspirerande för de anställda. Rapporten innehåller beräkningar av last, lastfall och befintliga stommens kapacitet. Slutligen även beräkningar och rekommendation på en möjlig konstruktionslösning för stommen som vi anser fördelaktig. Oljibe har som mål att börja bygga inom snar framtid, så det som i dagsläget endast är ritningar, kommer man snart att kunna se i verkligheten. / This report is the result of a Bachelor thesis in civil engineering at Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Formed in collaboration with Oljibe AB and TH-konsult. The need of more workplaces and a larger office at Oljibes head office in Västberga Industrial area has got greater the past years. Now with the company growing they feel the need to offer all the employees their own working station. Decision has been taken to build one more floor with office space above the workshop beside the head office. This will be enough to satisfy that need. At the start of the thesis there was already a building permit and a design idea for the additional office floor. The new office area is planned to be both modern and inspiring for the employees of the company. This report includes calculations of loads, load cases and capacity of the old core structures. As conclusion also calculations and a recommendation of a possible solution for the new core structure that we see as the most beneficial. Oljibe has set the goal to start constructing in the near future, so it’s soon possible to see it in reality what still is just an idea and drawings. This makes it all little bit more exciting.

Constrained procedural floor plan generation for game environments

Bengtsson, Daniel, Melin, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Background: Procedural content generation (PCG) has become an important subject as the demand for content in modern games has increased. Paradox Arctic is a game development studio that aims to be at the forefront of technological solutions and is therefore interested in furthering their knowledge in PCG. To this end, Paradox Arctic has expressed their interest in a collaborative effort to further explore the subject of procedural floor plan generation. Objective: The main goal of this work is to test whether a solution based on growth, subdivision or a combination thereof, can be used to procedurally generate believable and varied floor plans for game environments, while also conforming to predefined constraints. Method: A solution capable of generating floor plans with the use of growth, subdivision and a combination of both has been implemented and a survey testing the believability and variation of the generated layouts has been conducted. Results &amp; Conclusions: While the results of the subdivision and combined solutions show that more work is necessary before the generated content can be considered believable, the growth based solution presents promising results in terms of believability when generating smaller to medium sized layouts. This believability does however come at the cost of variation. / Bakgrund: Procedural content generation (PCG) har blivit ett alltmer viktigt ämne allteftersom kravet på mängden innehåll i moderna spel har ökat. Paradox Arctic är en spelutvecklingsstudio vars målsättning är att ligga i teknologins framkant och de är därför intresserade av att vidareutveckla sin kompetens inom PCG. Av denna anledning har de uttryckt intresse för ett samarbete inom området “procedurell generering av planlösningar”. Syfte: Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka huruvida lösningar baserade på att växa ytor, fördela ytor i mindre delar eller en kombination av dessa, kan användas för att skapa trovärdiga och varierade planlösningar för spelmiljöer, utan att bryta förutbestämda krav. Metod: En lösning som procedurellt genererar planlösningar genom att växa och/eller fördela dem har implementerats och en undersökning, med syftet att utvärdera trovärdigheten och variationen i de genererade planlösningarna, har utförts. Resultat &amp; Slutsatser: Lösningen som baseras på fördelning av ytor och den kombinerade lösningen, visades av resultaten kräva ytterliggare arbete för att anses generera trovärdiga resultat. Lösningen som baseras på att växa ytor däremot, visade positiva trovärdighetsresultat när små och medelstora planlösningar genererades. Detta goda resultat uppstod dock på bekostnaden av variation mellan de genererade planlösningarna.

Bäckenbottendysfunktion och livskvalitet hos personer 1-5 år efter förlossning / Pelvic floor dysfunction and quality of life in people 1-5 years postpartum

Dalvik, Johanna, Norelius, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Bäckenbottendysfunktion (BBD) är vanligt hos personer som genomgått förlossning, och kan påverka den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten. Fysioterapeutisk behandling av BBD kan både symptomlindra och förbättra den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten (HRQoL). Syfte Att beskriva hur personer 1-5 år postpartum skattar sina bäckenbottenbesvär och sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet, samt att utreda sambandet mellan BBD och HRQoL. Att utreda hur många av deltagarna som fått behandling av fysioterapeut. Metod I tvärsnittsstudien deltog 205 personer med bäckenbottendysfunktion (medelålder 33,56 år, SD=±4,7). En webbenkät publicerades på fyra Facebooksidor. För korrelationerna användes icke-parametrisk statistik och beräknades med Spearmans korrelationskoefficient. Resultat Medianvärdet för deltagarnas skattade BBD med PFDI-20 var 95. Högst skattat av deltagarnas HRQoL mätt med RAND-36 var delskalan fysisk funktion med medianvärde 80, lägst var vitalitet med 35. Korrelationerna mellan BBD och olika delar av HRQoL varierade mellan delskalan smärta (r= -0,550) som högst, emotionell rollfunktion (r= -0,358) som lägst, och alla korrelationer hade p&lt;0.001. Starkast negativ korrelation mellan sexuell dysfunktion och HRQoL hittades inom dimensionen fysisk funktion (r= -0,517), och svagast för vitalitet (r=-0,235). Samtliga korrelationer hade p&lt;0,001. Av samtliga deltagare har 40% träffat fysioterapeut/sjukgymnast. Konklusion Deltagarna skattade sin BBD högre än en normalpopulation. Studien påvisar en negativ korrelation både mellan BBD mätt med PFDI-20, en egenformulerad fråga om sexuell dysfunktion och skattad HRQoL mätt med RAND-36. Trots upplevd BBD har enbart hälften av deltagarna fått vård för sina besvär. / Background Pelvic floor dysfunction (BBD) is common among people post partum, and it can affect the health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Physiotherapy for the pelvic floor can both ease symptoms and improve HRQoL. Purpose To describe how people 1-5 years postpartum estimate their BBD and their HRQoL, and to investigate the correlation between BBD and HRQoL. To investigate how many of the participants that have received treatment from a physiotherapist. Method In this cross-sectional study 205 people with BBD participated (mean age 33.56 years, SD=± 4.7). A web survey was published on four Facebook pages. Non-parametric statistics were used, and calculated with Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results The median value for the participants' estimated BBD with PFDI-20 was 95. The highest of the participants' HRQoL measured with RAND-36 was the subscale physical function with a median value of 80 and the lowest was vitality with 35. The correlations between BBD and the various subscales for HRQoL varied between pain (r = -0.550) as the highest, and emotional role function (r = -0.358) as the lowest, and all correlations had p &lt;0.001. The strongest negative correlation between sexual dysfunction and HRQoL was physical function (r = -0.517), and the weakest was vitality (r = -0.235). All correlations had p &lt;0.001. Of all participants, 40% have seen a physiotherapist. Conclusion The participants rated their BBD higher than an average population. The study shows a negative correlation between BBD measured with PFDI-20, a question about sexual dysfunction and estimated HRQoL measured with RAND-36. Despite perceived BBD, only half of the participants have received care for their problems.

Kinematic and Kinetic Tumbling Take-off Comparisons of a Spring-Floor and an Air Floor™: A Pilot Study

Sands, William A., Kimmel, Wendy L., McNeal, Jeni R., Smith, Sarah L., Penitente, Gabriella, Murray, Steven Ross, Sato, Kimitake, Mizuguchi, Satoshi, Stone, Michael H. 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Tumbling take-offs on floor exercise apparatuses of varying stiffness properties may contribute to apparatus behaviors that lead to increased injury exposure. The purpose of this pilot study was to compare the kinematics, kinetics, and timing performance characteristics of a springfloor and a spring-floor with an added Air Floor™. Five male international gymnasts performed a forward handspring to forward somersault and a round off, flic flac, backward somersault on a standard spring-floor and a spring-floor with an Air Floor™. Performances were measured via high-speed video kinematics (lower extremity joint angles and positions), electromyography of eight lower extremity muscles, mean peak forces on the feet, and timing. Comparisons of spring-floor types, lower extremity joint angles, lower extremity muscle activations, foot forces, and selected durations were determined. The spring floor with Air Floor™ resulted in longer take-off contact durations than spring-floor alone. Dynamic knee angles may indicate an unexpected and potentially injurious motion of the triceps surae musculotendinous structures. This pilot and hypothesis generating study has suggested future research examining dynamic knee position and angle changes, the role of spring-floor vibration and stiffness in take-offs, and take-off muscle activation alignment with the stiffness of the spring-floor. Pragmatically, there appears to be a convergence of evidence indicating that a slower frequency response of the spring floor may assist tumbling performance and reduce stress and strain in the lower extremity.

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