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Contribution à l'étude de la structure-texture du lait de chamelle lors de la coagulation et du traitement thermique : comparaison avec le lait de vache / Contribution to the study of the texture-structure of camel milk during coagulation and heat treatment : comparison with cow milkKamal, Mohammad 21 December 2016 (has links)
Le lait de chamelle constitue l'une des principales ressources alimentaires pour les peuples nomades. Malgré sa richesse en différents composants et sa production non négligeable au niveau mondial, ce produit demeure relativement peu transformé à cause du manque d’études menées sur les caractéristiques et les aptitudes technologiques de ce lait.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, l’évolution de la structure au cours de la coagulation enzymatique et acide des laits de chamelle et de vache crus et chauffés (50 et 70 °C) enrichis en minéraux (calcium et phosphate) a été étudiée. Les cinétiques de coagulation enzymatique et acide des échantillons du lait ont été suivies aux moyens du test de cisaillement dynamique et de la spectroscopie de fluorescence frontale. Les résultats obtenus ont permis, d’une part, de montrer des différences significatives entre les propriétés du coagulum obtenu à partir du lait de chamelle et celui du lait de vache, et d’autre part, d’évaluer l'impact de l’ajout des minéraux (calcium et phosphate) sur les propriétés du coagulum. L’analyse des spectres de fluorescence par analyse en composantes principales (ACP) a permis de caractériser sur le plan moléculaire la structure des gels, et également de discriminer les différentes conditions de coagulation. Les résultats rhéologiques ont montré que l’enrichissement de ces deux types de lait avec le calcium améliorait la fermeté du gel et diminuait le temps de gélification, alors que des effets inverses ont été observés suite à l’ajout du phosphate. L’analyse conjointe des données spectrales et rhéologiques au moyen de l’analyse en composantes communes et poids spécifiques (ACCPS) a montré une forte relation entre la structure au niveau moléculaire et la texture au niveau macroscopique. La deuxième partie de cette thèse a porté sur l’impact du traitement thermique (55 à 75 °C à différents intervalles de temps) sur les changements moléculaires du lait de chamelle. L’application de l’ACCPS aux spectres de la vitamine A, des produits fluorescents de la réaction du Maillard (PFRM) et du NADH a montré une bonne discrimination des échantillons en fonction du couple température-temps. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, de par sa rapidité, la spectroscopie de fluorescence frontale couplée aux méthodes chimiométriques présente un potentiel intéressant pour la caractérisation du lait de chamelle dans différentes conditions. En outre, le spectre de fluorescence d’un lait pourrait être considéré comme une empreinte digitale de celui-ci permettant de l’identifier. / Camel milk is one of the main food resources for nomadic people. Despite its richness in different components and its production in the world, this product remains poorly processed because of the lack of studies conducted on the characteristics and the technological abilities of this milk. In the first part of this thesis, the evolution of the structure during the enzymatic and acid coagulation of raw and heated (50 and 70 °C) camel and cow’s milk following the addition of minerals (calcium and phosphate) was studied. The kinetics of acid and enzymatic-induced coagulation of milk were followed using shear dynamic testing rheology at the macroscopic level and front-face fluorescence spectroscopy at the molecular scale. The obtained results showed significant differences between the properties of the coagulum that depends on the milk species and the level of added minerals (calcium and phosphate). The analysis of spectral data by principal component analysis allowed to characterize the coagulum structure at the molecular level as well as the discrimination of different coagulation conditions. The rheological results showed that the enrichment of both types of milk with calcium improved the gels firmness and reduced the gelation time, while opposite trend was observed following the addition of phosphate. The joint analysis of fluorescence spectral data and rheological measurements by applying common components and specific weights analysis showed a strong relationship between the structure at the molecular scale and the texture at the macroscopic level. The second part of this thesis focused on the impact of heat treatment (55 to 75 °C at different times) on the molecular changes in camel milk. The application of common components and specific weights analysis to the vitamin A, fluorescent Maillard reaction products and NADH fluorescence spectra enabled the discrimination of milk samples according to the temperature and time. The obtained results showed that front-face fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools enabled the characterization of camel milk in different conditions. Additionally, the fluorescence spectrum recorded on milk could be considered as a fingerprint allowing its identification.
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Advanced optical techniques to study biomolecular aggregation processesQuinn, Steven D. January 2014 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterised by a series of biomolecular aggregation events, which include the formation of neurotoxic protein structures composed of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide. In this thesis, fluorescence self-quenching (FSQ) between fluorescently-labelled peptides is introduced as a strategy for detecting and characterizing Aβ aggregates in solution, and for overcoming limitations associated with conventional methods. Using a combination of steady-state, picosecond time-resolved fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, the fluorescence response of HiLyte Fluor 555-labelled Aβ peptides is characterised to demonstrate that Aβ self-assembly organizes the covalently attached probes in close proximity to trigger the self-quenching sensing process over a broad range of conditions. Importantly, N-terminal tagging of β-amyloid peptides is shown to not alter the self-assembly kinetics or the resulting aggregated structures. When performed in Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) format, this method becomes a ratiometric platform to gain insights into amyloid structure and for standardizing in vitro studies of amyloid self-assembly. The ability of FSQ-based methods to monitor the inhibition of Aβ aggregation by model test compounds including the small heat shock protein (Hsp), the amyloid-binding alcohol dehydrogenase protein (ABAD) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) is also demonstrated. Given that Aβ is formed within the cell membrane and is known to induce its disruption, sophisticated single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy methods were developed to quantify membrane dynamics induced by the presence of disrupting agents, such as Aβ and detergents. The solubilisation dynamics of single liposomes induced by the non-ionic surfactant Triton-X 100 (TX-100) were studied in real-time. Using this approach, the swelling and permeabilization steps of the solubilisation process were unambiguously separated within single FRET trajectories, and their kinetic details as a function of Triton-X 100 and presence of cholesterol within the membrane structure were examined. Finally, single-molecule stepwise-photobleaching techniques were employed to study the effect of Aβ oligomers interacting with supported-lipid bilayers, establishing a platform from which to investigate how the presence of a membrane layer affects Aβ oligomerization at the level of individual molecules. Overall, the fluorescence-based strategies for amyloid- and liposome-sensing presented in this work bridges the gap between current morphology-specific techniques and highly-specialized single-molecule methods to provide a biophysical toolbox to investigate the changes in structure, size and molecular interactions accompanying the amyloid aggregation pathway and for the screening of novel therapeutic and diagnostic agents.
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Biofuntionalisation of PLGA based polymer nanoparticles for vectorization : interaction with biomimetic lipid membranes and bio-controlled release / Bio-fonctionalisation de nanoparticules de polymère à base de PLGA pour la vectorisation : interaction avec des membranes lipidiques biomimétiques et vectorisation contrôléeMaheshwari, Neeraj 09 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à développer des nanoparticules de PLGA pour la vectorisation et à étudier l’interaction de ces nanoparticules avec des bicouches phospholipidiques imitant les membranes cellulaires. Pour la vectorisation passive, les changements physico-chimiques ont été contrôlés en incubant les NPs de PLGA (50:50) dans différentes conditions de pH tamponné à des intervalles de temps accrus. Le PLGA a montré plusieurs comportements de dégradation différant selon le pH. La formation de pores a été observée à pH élevé (conditions basiques) tout en préservant le volume des particules mais en modifiant la densité. Par opposition, à faible pH, une érosion superficielle des particules conduisant à une diminution de leur taille a été démontrée. Cette étude a été réalisée à l'aide de la DLS, l’ESEM et la spectrophotométrie. Pour la vectorisation active, les parois des capsules de PLGA (75:25) ont été modifiées par addition de phospholipides. La libération de la sonde fluorescente hydrophile, la calcéine, a été contrôlée en augmentant la température. On a observé qu'avec le DOPC (0,31 mM), la vectorisation peut être déclenchée à l'aide de détergents ou d'une enzyme (PLA2). Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons proposé la formation d'un complexe lipide-polymère ayant lieu à l'intérieur de la matrice, ce qui le rend vulnérable aux enzymes ou détergents induisant sa libération. L'effet des NPs de PLGA sur les bicouches phospholipidiques imitant la membrane cellulaire a été réalisé à l'aide de sondes fluorescentes moléculaires (Prodan et Laurdan). L'étude a été effectuée en calculant la polarisation généralisée (GP) sous l'influence des NPs de PLGA (50:50 et 75:25). L'interaction ayant lieu s’avérait être un phénomène de surface et aucune effet des NPs sur la perméabilité des membranes modèles LUVs et SUVs n’a été souligné. La valeur de Tm des phospholipides est également maintenue lorsque l’étude est menée avec le Laurdan. Les études de GP mené avec la sonde Prodan fournissent la première méthode originale pour déterminer la Tg de PLGA dans des conditions aqueuses. C'est une méthode rapide et facile qui détermine la valeur de Tg de PLGA en temps réel et en utilisant une très petite quantité de l'échantillon. Cette interaction n'est pas affectée par la composition des membranes cellulaires imitant les bicouches. / This thesis aims at developing PLGA nanoparticles for controlled release and investigating its interaction with phospholipid bilayers mimicking cell membranes. For passive controlled release the physiochemical changes were monitored by incubating the PLGA (50:50) NPs in different buffered pH conditions at increased time intervals. PLGA exhibited dissimilar degradation behavior with pore formation for high pH (basic conditions) maintaining the volume of the particles but change in the density, while at low pH it showed surface erosion. There is decrease in the particle size upon incubating in low pH. This study was carried out using DLS, ESEM and spectrophotometry. For active release the walls of PLGA (75:25) capsules were modulated using phospholipids. The release of hydrophilic fluorescent probe Calcein was monitored with increasing the temperature. It was observed that with DOPC (0.31mM) the release can be triggered using detergents or an enzyme (PLA2). We propose the formation of a lipid-polymer complex within the polymer matrix forming plugs which are vulnerable to enzymes/detergents inducing release. The effect of PLGA NPs over the phospholipid bilayers mimicking cell membrane was carried out using molecular fluorescent probes (Prodan and Laurdan). The study was carried out by calculating the generalised polarisation (GP) under the influence of PLGA NPs (50:50 and 75:25). It is found that the interaction is a surface phenomenon and there is no influence of NPs over the permeability of model membranes LUVs and SUVs. The Tm value of the phospholipids is also maintained when studied with Laurdan. Prodan probe GP studies provide first original method to determine the Tg of PLGA in complete aqueous conditions. It is a rapid and easy method which determines the Tg value of PLGA in real time using very small quantity of the sample. This interaction is not affected by the composition of the bilayer mimicking cell membranes.
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Protein-Ligand Interactions and Allosteric Regulation of Activity in DREAM ProteinGonzalez, Walter G 23 March 2016 (has links)
Downstream regulatory antagonist modulator (DREAM) is a calcium sensing protein that co-assembles with KV4 potassium channels to regulate ion currents as well as with DNA in the nucleus, where it regulates gene expression. The interaction of DREAM with A-type KV4 channels and DNA has been shown to regulate neuronal signaling, pain sensing, and memory retention. The role of DREAM in modulation of pain, onset of Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiac pacemaking has set this protein as a novel therapeutic target. Moreover, previous results have shown a Ca2+ dependent interaction between DREAM and KV4/DNA involving surface contacts at the N-terminus of DREAM. However, the mechanisms by which Ca2+ binding at the C-terminus of DREAM induces structural changes at the C- and N-terminus remain unknown. Here, we present the use of biophysics and biochemistry techniques in order to map the interactions of DREAM and numerous small synthetic ligands as well as KV channels. We further demonstrate that a highly conserved network of aromatic residues spanning the C- and N-terminus domains control protein dynamics and the pathways of signal transduction on DREAM. Using molecular dynamics simulations, site directed mutagenesis, and fluorescence spectroscopy we provide strong evidence in support of a highly dynamic mechanism of signal transduction and regulation. A set of aromatic amino acids including Trp169, Phe171, Tyr174, Phe218, Phe235, Phe219, and Phe252 are identified to form a dynamic network involved in propagation of Ca2+ induced structural changes. These amino acids form a hydrophobic network connecting the N- and C-terminus domains of DREAM and are well conserved in other neuronal calcium sensors. In addition, we show evidence in support of a mechanism in which Ca2+ signals are propagated towards the N-terminus and ultimately lead to the rearrangement of the inactive EF-hand 1. The observed structural motions provide a novel mechanism involved in control of the calcium dependent KV4 and DNA binding. Altogether, we provide the first mechanism of intramolecular and intermolecular signal transduction in a Ca2+ binding protein of the neuronal calcium sensor family.
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Advances in hybrid plasmonics : from passive to active functions / Nouvelles avancées en nanoplasmonique hybride : intégration de fonctions passives et activesZhou, Xuan 18 July 2013 (has links)
La plasmonique hybride est un sujet d’actualité qui exploite des interactions physiques entre nano-objets métalliques et d’autres nanomatériaux. En bénéficiant des propriétés de chacun de leurs constituants, les nanostructures hybrides sont utilisées dans de nombreuses applications comme la détection d’espèces bio-chimiques. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une nouvelle nanostructure hybride polymère/metal qui est non seulement utilisée comme nano-émetteur anisotrope qui s’avère aussi être un outil puissant de caractérisation du champ proche optique.La fabrication de cette nouvelle nanostructure est basée sur une approche de par photopolymérisation à l’échelle nanométrique. Cette technique, en comparaison aux méthodes traditionnelles de caractérisation, ne fournit pas seulement l’image de la distribution du champ, mais permet aussi des mesures quantitatives des plasmons de surface avec une résolution sub -5nm, incluant une description fine de la décroissance exponentielle des ondes évanescentes impliquées.A l’aide du mode plasmon dipolaire, une distribution anisotrope de matériau organique est intégrée dans le voisinage de la nanoparticule métallique. Avec une haute concentration de molécules de colorant dans le polymère, l’intensité des signaux de fluorescence et Raman du nano-émetteur hybride dépend de la polarisation incidente. À notre connaissance, il s’agit de la première réalisation d’un nano-émetteur dont le milieu à gain présente une distribution spatiale complexe le rendant sensible à la polarisation / Hybrid plasmonics has given rise to increasing interest in the context of the interaction between metal nano-objects and other materials. By benefiting from each of its constituents, hybrid nanostructures are commonly adopted in studies and optimization of biological and chemical sensors, nanoparticle with high plasmon resonance tunability, and nano-emitters. This PhD thesis presents a hybrid nanostructure of photopolymer/metal nanoparticle that is used as a near-field characterizing tool and as an anisotropic nano-emitter.The fabrication of this hybrid nanostructure is a near-field imprinting process based on nanoscale photopolymerization. This technique, compared with traditional near-field characterization methods, provides not only the image of the field distribution, but also enables quantification of the surface plasmon properties with sub-5nm resolution and reproduction of the exponential decay of the near-field.Under dipolar mode plasmon, the photopolymer was created anisotropically in the vicinity of the metal nanoparticle. With high concentration of dye molecules trapped in the polymer, the hybrid nano-emitter displays surface enhanced fluorescence and Raman signal that is dependent on the incident polarization. To our knowledge, this is the first achievement of the anisotropic nano-emitter based on the inhomogeneous distribution of the active molecule
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Solubilizační schopnosti polysacharidů / Solubilizattion properties of polysaccharidesLenartová, Radka January 2008 (has links)
In this diploma thesis were studied solubilization properties of polysaccharides by using hydrophobic solutes (Sudan Orange G, Sudan Red G, (±)-alpha-Tocopherol, Pyrene, Perylene, Nile red), which were represented by alkyl derivates of hyaluronan. At first, a behaviour of individual hydrophobic solutes was investigated in variously polar solvents (Methanol, 1 Propanol, Chloroforme, Cyklohexane, n Heptane) and in the environment of varying ionic strength (water, 0.1 M and 0.4 M NaCl). Afterwards, solubilization properties of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate model solubilizated the hydrophobic solutes into a core of micelles was examinate. We were interested in the solubilization capacity as the mol of solubilized molecules per mol micelles of surfactant corresponding with a state of micelles saturation. In the case of the solubilization of (±)-alpha-Tocopherol into the core of micelles, it was not possible to determine the solubilization capacity. So we changed the determination of universally solubilization power. The solubilization power is defined as mol of molecules solubilized per mol surfactant relative to the quantity solubilizate at the micelles saturation. Model system of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate as a simple surfactant carrying a negative charge as the alkyl derivates of hyaluronan was selected bacause of its characteristics.The surfactant forms unimolar micelles and its critical micelle concentrations and aggregation numbers are tabelated for the investigated microenvironment. The main aim of the study was investigating of hydrophobic domains of alkyl derivates of hyaluronan as free places for incorporation hydropbobic solutes in the microenvironment of varying ionic strength. The critical aggregation concentrations were determined by the Pyrene 1:3 ratio method. For the research of micropolarity of alkyl derivates hyaluronan’s domains were selected two concentrations of derivates for the next research of solubilization experiments - the first concentration near the critical aggregation concentration and the second concentration above it. The effect of concentration of Pyrene on a core polarity of derivates was investigated. We discovered the influence of the concentration and the other we found a stationary area of the concentration. In the end we investigated the influence of preparation of solutions of derivates of hyaluronan on the core polarity by the concentration of pyrene which corresponds to the stationary area. The study of solubilization properties of alkyl derivates of hyaluronan is not a simple case as we assumed. When we measured spectra of the absorbance, higher concentration of derivates of hyaluronan belittle absorbance of solubilizates. At the experiment of solubilization with Sudan Red G we found out that Sudan Red G is not able to solubilizate into the hydrophobic core of micelles of hyaluronan’s derivates because of lipophilic or steric effects. We had to change Perylene as a new solubilizate. From the measured emission spectra we found saturation micelles. We can express the solubilization power of hyaluronan’s derivates for the concentration of Perylene. The main aim of the diploma thesis was to determine optimal way of the preparation of hyaluronan’s derivates solutions with required degree of solubilization.
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Penetrační vlastnosti polymerních micel na bázi hydrofobizované kyseliny hyaluronové. / The penetration features of the hydrofobized hyaluronic acid – based polymeric micelles.Mischingerová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the penetration features of the hydrofobized hyaluronic acid – based polymeric micelles using Nile red as carried tracer. Furthermore, to implement basic characterization of polymeric micelles for potential cosmetic applications using Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) as carried substance. It was found that the size of the polymeric micelles with carried CoQ10 did not exceed 100 nm. Applied delivery systems based on hydrophobic hyaluronic acid were suitable for potential topical application. Delivery systems with Nile Red as carried tracer demonstrated excellent penetration features. We assume that delivery systems with CoQ10 will exhibit similar penetration features. An issue has appeared whether the carrier breaks or proceeds along with NR to the skin. Moreover, another experiments have been designed which could also verify the penetration features of these systems.
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Studium vlivu kvantových teček na biologické systémy a jejich komponenty / Study of influence of quantum dots to biological systmes and their componentsKoudelková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to summarize the available evidence about quantum dots and their effects on living systems. The text describes methods for the preparation of quantum dots with respect to their characteristics (size, fluorescence wavelength) and methods of quantum dots bio-functionalization of biomolecules. In living organisms is a large number of proteins, because these are considered as one of the main components of the interaction of organisms. Therefore, the work also provides basic information about proteins. Finally, there are described various methods by which the quantum dots may be characterized mainly by differential pulse voltammetry measurement zeta potential and fluorescence measurement. The main objective of this work is to propose models of different environments in which will be degradation of quantum dots with regard to the evaluation of acquired kinetic parameters for predicting the stability of individual quantum dots.
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Difze organickch molekul v hydrogelov©m prosted / Diffusion of organic molecules in the hydrogel environmentHolubov, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with study of hydrogels formed by phase separation of hyaluronan with oppositely charged surfactants cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Septonex. It follows the bachelor thesis and extends the knowledge about the detailed characterisation of the inner environment of the hydrogel by determining the diffusion behaviour of the fluorescent probes Atto 488 and Nile Red using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) technique and its modified version dual-focus fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (2f-FCS). Compared results showed that both methods show similar values and probes specifically interact with CTAB but Atto 488 shows only weak interaction with Septonex compared to Nile Red. Additionally, these interactions were not affected by the molecular weight of hyaluronan. In conclusion, it was recommended to measure this type of hydrogel in a small depth of gel using a conventional method.
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Impacto de peptídeos biologicamente ativos no empacotamento lipídico de membranas modelo /Miasaki, Kenneth Massaharu da Fonseca January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: João Ruggiero Neto / Resumo: Os peptídeos sintéticos L1A (IDGLKAIWKKVADLLKNT-NH2, Q = +3e) e seu análogo acetilado (acL1A, Q = +2e) utilizados neste estudo foram projetados para que tenham características estruturais semelhantes ao peptídeo Polybia-MP1 extraído do veneno da vespa Polybia paulista, em que um dos dois resíduos ácidos ocupa a segunda posição na região Nterminal, e resíduos básicos são terceiros e/ou quartos vizinhos dos resíduos ácidos. Esses peptídeos possuem significativa atividade bactericida seletiva para bactérias Gram-negativas, especialmente Escherichia coli, sem serem hemolíticos. Estudos anteriores, em sistemas modelo, demonstraram que a acetilação do N-terminal resultou no aumento da atividade lítica em vesículas aniônicas (8POPC/2POPG) em comparação com o L1A, o que sugeriu perturbação do empacotamento lipídico de modo mais eficaz para o análogo que é menos carregado. Considerando que a membrana plasmática de bactérias Gram-negativas contém majoritariamente fosfatidiletanolamina (PE) e fosfatidilglicerol (PG), o presente trabalho propôs investigar o impacto dos peptídeos L1A e acL1A em membranas modelo compostas por 3POPE/1DOPG utilizando uma variedade de técnicas experimentais. Os resultados demonstraram que ambos os peptídeos induziram segregação lipídica, sendo o análogo acetilado mais eficiente em recrutar PG e segregar PE. / Abstract: The synthetic peptides L1A (IDGLKAIWKKVADLLKNT-NH2, Q = +3e) and its acetylated analog (acL1A, Q = +2e) used in this study were designed to have some structural features similar to the peptide Polybia-MP1 extracted from the venom of the wasp Polybia paulista, in which one of the acidic residues occupies the second position on the N-terminus region and basic residues are third and/or fourth neighbors of the acidic residues. These peptides display significant bactericidal activity against Gram-negative bacteria, especially Escherichia coli, being non-hemolytic. Previous work performed in model membrane systems has shown that the N-terminal acetylation led to an increase on the lytic activity in anionic vesicles (8POPC/2POPG) compared with L1A, suggesting that the less charged peptide has higher ability to perturb the lipid-packing. Considering that the Gram-negative cell membranes contain mainly phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), the present work proposed to investigate the impact of L1A and acL1A on model membranes composed of 3POPE/1DOPG using a variety of experimental techniques. The results suggested that both peptides induced lipid segregation being the acetylated analog more efficient in recruiting PG and segregating PE. / Mestre
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