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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of calcium ameliorants and coal ash in alleviating the effects of subsoil acidity on maize root development near Middelburg, Mpumalanga

Awkes, Meryl Mandy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Soil Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acidic soils are a major limitation to agriculture worldwide. The Highveld in South Africa has many acidic soils and several coal burning power stations. These coal burning power stations generate alkaline fly ash as a waste material and it can thus serve as an ameliorant to the surrounding acidic soils. A two year field trial was undertaken to compare fly ash and other calcium ameliorants to alleviate the effects of subsoil acidity on maize root development. The field trail was established on Beestepan Farm in Middelburg, Mpumalanga. It consisted of 24 treatments, each done in triplicate, rendering a total of 72 plots. The materials used were unweathered fly ash (CCE 10%), calcitic lime (CCE 77%) and Calmasil (a calcium silicate slag, CCE 99%). Calmasil and lime were applied at rates of 0-, 1-, 2-, and 4t/ha, while fly ash was applied at 0-, 7-, 14- and 28t/ha. These treatments were applied to an acidic sandy loam soils in the presence or absence of 4t/ha gypsum. Beans were harvested after the first season following the application of amendments and maize was harvested in the second season. Yield, root length, leaf and soil analysis was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the different liming materials. The effect of the treatments on fertility indicators such as pH, exchangeable acidity, Ca and Mg was investigated. Results indicated that all liming materials increased topsoil pH, soil nutrient and base status and crop yield in both seasons. Calmasil was the superior liming material in all respects. Fly ash increased pH minimally but reduced exchangeable acidity by 12% and 24% in the first and second seasons, respectively. Fly ash increased topsoil Ca levels from 74 to 102mg/kg and subsoil Ca from 61 to 114mg/kg. Topsoil Mg levels were increased from 7.3 to 16mg/kg and subsoil Mg was increased from 9.4 to 13mg/kg. The consequence of these increased nutrients was the subsequent increased foliar uptake of Ca and Mg. The substantial increase in bean yield from 958 to 1724kg/ha and maize yield from 5569 to 7553kg/ha following ash application compared well with results obtained from lime and Calmasil application. This may partly be due to the presence of additional plant nutrients such as P and K in the fly ash. Dissolution behaviour of fly ash indicates that upon exposure to acidity the release of micronutrients like B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mo, Mn and Zn occurs, and preliminary data shows that there is comparatively little concern regarding heavy metal accumulation in crops. The application of 4t/ha gypsum had no effect on pH and decreased subsoil acidity only minimally however, subsoil Ca status and acid saturation levels were considerably improved which would possibly account for the overall beneficial effect on maize yield, increasing by an average of 1071kg/ha. It was not possible to make any conclusions relating treatment application and maize root length. This field trial has confirmed that fly ash can be used as an efficient liming material and that it compares well with traditional liming materials. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suurgronde is ‘n groot beperking tot landbou wêreldwyd. Die Suid Afrikaanse Hoëveld het menigte suurgronde en verskeie steenkool-aangedrewe kragstasies. Hiedie kragstasies produseer alkaliese vliegas as ‘n afvalproduk. Hierdie vliegas kan dus dien as ‘n grondverbeteringsmiddel vir die aangrensende suurgronde. ‘n Tweejarige veldproef was onderneem om vliegas met ander kalsium-bevattende grondverbetereringsmiddels te vergelyk om die effek van ondergrondse suurheid op mielies op te hef. Hierdie veldproef was opgeset te Beestepan plaas in Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Dit het bestaan uit 24 behandelings wat drie keer herhaal was en lewer dus ‘n totaal van 72 persele. Die kalkmateriale wat gebruik was, is onverweerde vliegas (KKE 10%), kalsitiese kalk (KKE 77%) en Calmasil (‘n kalsium silikaat slak, KKE 99%). Calmasil en kalk was toegedien teen 0-, 1-, 2-, en 4t/ha, en vliegas teen 0-, 7-, 14- en 28t/ha. Hierdie behandelinge was toegedien tot ‘n suur leemsand met of sonder gips. Gips was toegedien teen 4t/ha. Een jaar nadat behandelinge toegedien was, is boontjies geoes en mieles was die daaropvolgende jaar geoes. Opbrengs, wortel lengte blaar- en grondontledings was uitgevoer om effektiwiteit te evalueer. Die effek van die behandelinge op indikatore van grondvrugbaarheid soos pH, uitruilbare suurheid, Ca en Mg was ondersoek. Resultate dui daarop dat alle kalkmateriale die grond se voedingstof- en basisstatus, bogrond pH asook gewasopbreng verhoog het. Calmasil was die beste kalkmateriaal in alle opsigte. Vliegas het die pH minimaal verhoog, terwyl dit die uitruilbare suurheid verminder het met 12% en 24% in die eerste en tweede jaar onderskeidelik. Vliegas het bogrond Ca vlakke vanaf 74 tot 102mg/kg vermeer, sowel as ondergrond Ca vanaf 61 tot 114mg/kg. Bogrond Mg was vermeer vanaf 7.3 tot 16mg/kg, asook ondergrond Mg vanaf 9.4 tot 13 mg/kg. Die gevolg van hierdie verhoogde voedingstowwe was die toename van Ca en Mg in die blare van die gewasse. Die beduidende toename in opbrengste van boontjies vanaf 958 tot 1724mg/kg en mielies vanaf 5569 tot 7553kg/ha na die toediening van vliegas vergelyk goed met die resultate van kalk en Calmasil. Dit is gedeeltelik toe te skryf aan die teenwoordigheid van addisionele plantvoedingstowwe soos P en K in vliegas. Oplossingstudies van vliegas dui op die teenwoordigheid van mikrovoedingstowwe soos B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mo, Mn en Zn. Aanvanklike data wys dat daar relatief min kommer oor swaarmetaal akkumulasie in gewasse is. Alhoewel 4t/ha gips geen effek op pH gehad het nie, en ondergondrondse suurheid minimaal verminder het, het ondergrondse Ca en gevolglik suurversadiging heelwat verbeter. Dit mag moontlik as verduideliking dien vir die oorhoofse voordelige effek van gips op mielie opbrengste, wat verhoog het met ‘n gemiddelde 1071kg/ha. Oorvleuende omstandighede het daartoe gelei dat geen konkrete afleidings gemaak kon word oor die wortel lengte van die mielies nie. Hierdie veldproef bevestig dat vliegas as ‘n effektiewe kalkmateriaal gebruik kan word en goed vergelyk met tradisionele kalkmateriale.

Evaluating the presence of radium-226 in soil surrounding a coal-fired power plant using the multi-agency radiation survey and site investigation manual (MARSSIM)

Herring, Thomas A. (Thomas Andrew) 07 November 2011 (has links)
Coal-fired power plants constitute a significant source of energy production for the United States, and are projected to do so for decades to come. Most of the scrutiny coal-fired power plants receive is in the form of environmental concerns regarding green house gas emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and others. It is known that coal fly ash released through the stacks of coal power plants contains concentrated levels of naturally-occurring radiation, such as Radium-226. However, since the source of radiation is natural and the activity levels are low, there are no nuclear regulatory requirements imposed on coal plants. The focus of this study was to use the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) facility release criteria to determine whether the concentration of naturally occurring Radium-226 present in soil surrounding the Centralia Power Plant is elevated relative to soil collected 80 kilometers away. The non-parametric Wilcoxon Rank Sum test was used to compare twenty-eight soil samples collected within 3.4 kilometers of the Centralia Power Plant stacks against an equal number of reference samples collected in Port Orchard, Washington. It was determined that the average concentration of Radium-226 in soil near the power plant was 1.59 pCi/g, while the average concentration in reference soil was 0.59 pCi/g. The study suggests that the area around the power plant would fail to pass the release criteria of a NRC Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation (MARSSIM) Class 3 survey unit. If it is true that coal fired power plants increase background radiation levels measurably, but not at a level sufficient to cause alarm, it may be sensible to revise the strict emissions standards for nuclear facilities or increase requirements for utilities other than nuclear. / Graduation date: 2012


CRISTIAN CHACÓN QUISPE 04 October 2013 (has links)
[pt] A gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) e seu consequente reaproveitamento ou não é um problema existente no Brasil e no mundo. No Brasil, a produção de energia mediante incineração de RSU ainda está na sua etapa inicial, como por exemplo, com a implantação da Usina Verde no campus da UFRJ, com a consequente produção de subprodutos, como as cinzas volante e de fundo. Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de um solo coluvionar argiloso estabilizado com cinzas de RSU sob carregamento estático, tendo como principal objetivo avaliar a influência destas cinzas misturadas com o solo para possíveis aplicações em obras geotécnicas. Para isso foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mecânica, como ensaios de compactação Proctor Normal e ensaios triaxiais consolidados isotropicamente drenados (CID), para o solo puro e misturas solo-cinza. Foram avaliadas as influências do teor de cinzas (20 por cento, 30 por cento e 40 por cento de cinza volante e de cinza de fundo), bem como do tempo de cura (30 e 60 dias). Os resultados mostram que todas as misturas solo-cinza apresentam melhores parâmetros de resistência, em comparação do solo puro, onde as misturas solo-cinza volante apresentaram melhores resultados quando comparadas às misturas solo-cinza de fundo. A variação de teor de cinza adicionado ao solo, sem cura, mostra que para maiores teores de cinza volante a coesão diminui e ocorre o contrário com a cinza de fundo. Com relação ao tempo de cura, na maioria dos casos houve melhora do comportamento das misturas solo-cinza em comparação ao obtido sem cura. O teor de cinza (volante ou de fundo), tempo de cura e a tensão de confinamento influenciam na deformação volumétrica das misturas solo-cinza, apresentando menores deformações volumétricas para maiores teores de cinza e maiores tempos de cura. As misturas com 40 por cento de cinza volante e 30 por cento de cinza de fundo apresentaram as melhores características de resistência e poderiam ser utilizadas como estabilizante no solo estudado, cumprindo exigências geotécnicas e ambientais, além de rebaixar os custos de obra e dar um destino mais nobre para as cinzas de RSU. / [en] Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and its subsequent reuse or not is an existing problem in Brazil and the world. In Brazil, the production of energy through incineration of MSW is still in its initial stage, for example, with the implementation of Usina Verde on campus at UFRJ, with the consequent production of byproducts, such as fly and bottom ashes. This study presents the behavior of a colluvial clayey soil stabilized with ashes from MSW under static load, with the main objective to evaluate the influence of these ashes mixed with the soil for possible applications in geotechnical works. For this characterization were performed physical, chemical and mechanical tests, as Proctor compaction tests Normal isotropically consolidated and drained triaxial (CID) for the pure and soil-ash mixtures. Were evaluated the influence of the ash content (20 per cent, 30 per cent and 40 per cent fly ash and botton ash) and of curing time (30 and 60 days). The results show that all mixtures soil-ash have better shear strength compared to the pure soil, where the soil- fly ash mixtures showed better results compared to mixtures of soil- bottom ash. The variation of the ash content added to the soil, without curing, shows that higher levels of ash the cohesion decrease and the opposite occurs with the bottom ash. Respect to the curing time, in most cases there was as improvement of the behavior of mixtures soil-ash compared to that obtained without curing. The ash content (fly or bottom), curing time and confinement stress influence the volumetric deformation to soil-ash mixtures, showed lower volumetric deformations to higher concentrations of ash and longer curing times. The mixtures with 40 per cent fly ash and 30 per cent bottom ash, showed the best characteristics of strength and could be used as stabilizer in the studied soil, compliance requirements geotechnical and environmental, in addition to lower labor costs and give a nobler destiny for the ashes of MSW.

Ověření možnosti syntetické přípravy ettringitu a thaumasitu / Verification of the synthetic preparation of ettringite and thaumasite

Hrdina, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
The work is focused on the possibilities of using FBC fly ash for composite cements, monitoring their hydration processes, especially the creation of AFt phase. The possibility of preparing synthetic ettringite and thaumasite and their detection.


LUCIANNA SZELIGA 08 April 2015 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de um solo arenoso estabilizado com cinzas obtidas através da incineração de Resíduo Sólido Urbano (RSU) e cal. Através de um estudo experimental, objetiva-se avaliar a aplicabilidade de misturas solo-cinza e solo-cinza volante-cal em obras geotécnicas como, por exemplo, camadas de aterros sanitários, aterros sobre solos moles e estabilização de taludes. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mecânica (ensaios triaxiais CID) para os materiais envolvidos. Para as misturas solo-cinza volante-cal, adicionou-se 3 porcento de cal em substituição ao peso seco das cinzas. Foram avaliadas as influências do teor de cinza (30 e 40 porcento) e tipo de cinza (volante - CV e fundo - CF), bem como o tempo de cura (0, 60 e 90 dias) para misturas com cinza volante e cal. Os resultados mostram que tanto as misturas com CV, como CF, apresentam resultados satisfatórios. Para ambas as cinzas, as porcentagens de 30 e 40 porcento apresentaram resultados similares, podendo-se adotar o valor de 40 porcento como teor ótimo, uma vez que proporciona a utilização de uma maior quantidade de resíduo. Comparando-se as cinzas, a CF apresentou resultados mais satisfatórios que a CV. Para as misturas com cura, observou-se que no tempo de 60 dias o material sofreu um maior ganho de resistência. Foram utilizados dois métodos de moldagem de corpo de prova para o ensaio com cura, obtendo-se melhor resultado para o método onde a cura era realizada em um corpo de prova pré-moldado. Portanto o uso das cinzas de RSU em mistura com este tipo de solo se mostra satisfatório, uma vez que apresentou um bom comportamento, contribui com o menor consumo de material natural e proporciona uma destinação ambientalmente correta deste resíduo. / [en] This study presents the behavior of a sandy soil stabilized with municipal solid waste ash, and lime. In order to evaluate the applicability of mixtures soil-ash and soil-fly ash-lime for using in geotechnical projects as layers of landfills, embankment on soft soils and slope stability, an experimental campaign is presented. Thus, physical, chemical and mechanical (isotropically consolidated-drained triaxial test) characterization tests were performed for each material and mixtures. It was used 3 percent of lime in the mixtures soil- fly ash-lime, being added in replacement to the dry weight of fly ash. Were evaluated the influence of ash content (30 and 40 percent), type of ash (fly ash and bottom ash) and curing time (0, 60 and 90 days) for mixtures containing fly ash and lime. The results have shown that mixtures with both kinds of ashes present a satisfactory behavior, increasing or maintaining the shear strength parameters similar to the pure material. For both kinds of ashes the variation of the content has not provided significant changes in the strength parameters, therefore, 40 percent can be considered as best content, once it provides a bigger destination of the residue. Comparing fly and bottom ash, the last has presented better results than fly ash. For mixtures with lime and cure, it has been observed better results for 60 days of cure, with greater gain of strength. Two molding methods have been used for preparing the mixture specimen, being obtained a better result with pre modeled specimen. Therefore, the use of municipal solid waste ash for stabilizing this kind of soil for using in the cited works, could minimize the current problems of waste disposal, contribute with the reduction of consumption of natural resources and give a noble use for this material.

Cinzas volantes e ze?litas sint?ticas na composi??o da pasta de cimento classe G e degrada??o por CO2 em condi??es de armazenamento geol?gico de carbono

Ledesma, Roger Braun 15 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Engenharia e Tecnologia de Materiais (engenharia.pg.materiais@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-03T11:34:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta??o Roger vers?o biblioteca.pdf: 9741593 bytes, checksum: 510807346e33704b6f1650648b1f1b19 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-14T11:17:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta??o Roger vers?o biblioteca.pdf: 9741593 bytes, checksum: 510807346e33704b6f1650648b1f1b19 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-14T11:48:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta??o Roger vers?o biblioteca.pdf: 9741593 bytes, checksum: 510807346e33704b6f1650648b1f1b19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-15 / Developing technologies for the capture and geological storage of CO2 has been a constant challenge of the scientific community in the search for solutions that can reduce the environmental impacts caused by the release of this gas into the atmosphere. However, its storage in depleted oil wells has been shown to be a very important point, since the materials applied in wells can suffer degradation in the presence of CO2 in the supercritical state and at high pressures. The objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of the class G cement paste used in cementation of wellbore under conditions of geological carbon storage with replacement of part of the cement by pozoanic materials such as fly ash from the fossil fuel burning of the Candiota Thermoelectric Plant, and synthetic zeolites (4A-1 e 4A-2). The contents of the pozalanas used in substitution of the cement were 5% and 10% in weight. The medium in which samples were submitted for degradation tests was CO2 saturated water at 15 MPa pressure and 90 ?C for 7 and 14 days. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), XRay Diffraction (XRD) and compressive strength tests were the characterization techniques used in this work. The results showed that the use of fly ash increased the compressive strength of the samples after 14 days, mainly for higher percentage of cement replacement by this material (10%), but its chemical degraded layer increased. In case of zeolites 4A-1 use, a lower compressive strength was observed compared to the standard paste, but the degraded layer was reduced. When zeolites 4A-2 were used significant loss of compressive strength was observed from 7 to 14 days, mainly for the proportion of the mixture of 10% and its degraded layer also reduced. / Desenvolver tecnologias para a captura e armazenamento geol?gico de CO2 tem sido um desafio constante da comunidade cient?fica na busca de solu??es que possam reduzir os impactos ambientais provocados pela libera??o desde g?s na atmosfera. Por?m, seu armazenamento em po?os depletados de petr?leo tem se mostrado o ponto mais desafiador, pois os materiais aplicados nestes po?os podem sofrer degrada??o na presen?a de CO2 em estado supercr?tico e em altas press?es. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho da pasta de cimento classe G, utilizada na cimenta??o e tamponamento dos po?os, em condi??es de armazenamento geol?gico de carbono com substitui??o de parte do cimento por materiais pozol?nicos. O material utilizado foi as cinzas volantes, oriundas da queima de carv?o mineral da Usina Termoel?trica de Candiota, e ze?litas 4A comerciais sint?ticas (4A-1 e 4A-2). Os teores utilizados das pozalanas em substitui??o ao cimento foram 5% e 10% em massa. O meio em que foram submetidas as amostras foi de ?gua saturada com CO2 a 15 MPa de press?o a 90? C por 7 e 14 dias. A Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura (MEV), a Difra??o de Raios X (DRX) e o teste de resist?ncia ? compress?o foram as t?cnicas de caracteriza??o utilizadas neste trabalho. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o uso de cinzas volantes aumentou aos 14 dias a resist?ncia ? compress?o das amostras, principalmente para maior a porcentagem de substitui??o do cimento por este material (10%), por?m a camada alterada quimicamente aumentou. Quando utilizadas as ze?litas 4A-1, notou-se uma menor resist?ncia ? compress?o que a pasta padr?o, mas a camada degradada reduziu. No caso das ze?litas 4A-2, foi constatada a perda significativa de resist?ncia ? compress?o dos 7 para 14 dias, principalmente para a amostra contendo 10% dessa zeolita, sendo que a camada alterada quimicamente tamb?m reduziu.

Carbonatation de bétons à forts taux de substitution du ciment par des additions minérales / Carbonation of concretes with high substitution of cement by mineral additions

Younsi, Akli 23 November 2011 (has links)
Le ciment est la principale source des impacts sur l’environnement de l’utilisation du matériau béton. Afin d’optimiser ce dernier d’un point de vue environnemental, il est nécessaire de réduire son dosage en ciment. Cela peut être entrepris en remplaçant une partie du ciment par des additions minérales lors de sa fabrication.Ces travaux de thèse visent à étudier les phénomènes physico-chimiques ayant lieu lors du processus de carbonatation de bétons à forts taux de remplacement du ciment par des additions minérales ainsi que leur résistance à ce type d’attaque.Une campagne expérimentale a été menée sur des bétons de référence préparés à base de ciments courants et sur des Écobétons préparés en substituant une partie du ciment par des cendres volantes ou du laitier de haut-fourneau. Les différentes études menées portent sur la durabilité des Écobétons vis-à-vis de la carbonatation, sur l’équivalence de performances des Écobétons avec celles des bétons de référence, et sur les paramètres de composition et de microstructure contrôlant la cinétique de carbonatation. La carbonatation a été étudiée en conditions accélérées et naturelles. Les résultats montrent que les Écobétons à forts taux de substitution du ciment par des cendres (50 %) ou du laitier (75 %) pourraient remplacer, dans certains cas, les bétons conformes à la norme en vigueur.En complément à l’étude expérimentale, des simulations numériques du couplage hydratation/séchage ont été menées en vue de déterminer l’effet du séchage sur les propriétés contrôlant la cinétique de carbonatation accélérée des bétons étudiés (la porosité, la quantité de Portlandite et le degré de saturation en eau liquide). Les résultats montrent que la cinétique de séchage augmente avec le taux de substitution du ciment par des additions. Ils remettent aussi en cause la pertinence du préconditionnement des échantillons lors de l’essai de carbonatation accélérée mené selon la norme française XP P 18-458 actuellement en vigueur. / Cement is the main source of environmental impacts of concrete use. It is thus recognized that the most pragmatic solution for minimizing environmental impacts of concrete is the reduction of the cement content. This could be achieved by replacing a part of cement by mineral additions such as fly ash or blast-furnace slag during concrete mixing.The present work aims at studying the physico-chemical phenomena occurring during the process of carbonation of concrete mixtures with high substitution rates of cement by mineral additions and their resistance against this type of attack.An experimental campaign was conducted on reference concrete mixtures prepared with common cements and on other concrete mixtures, called “Écobétons” (Green concretes), prepared by replacing a part of cement by fly ash or blast-furnace slag. The study focused on the Écobétons durability, especially their resistance against carbonation, on the equivalence of Écobétons performances with the reference mixtures performances and on the composition and microstructure parameters controlling the kinetics of carbonation. Carbonation has been studied in natural and accelerated conditions. The results show that Écobétons mixtures with high substitution rates of cement by fly ash (50 %) and blast-furnace slag (75 %) could replace, in some cases, concretes that are in accordance with the current standard.In addition to the experimental study, numerical simulations of the coupling between hydration and drying were conducted in order to determine the effect of drying on the properties controlling the accelerated carbonation kinetics of the studied concrete mixtures (porosity, Portlandite content and water saturation degree). The results show that the kinetics of drying increases with the degree of substitution of cement by mineral additions. They also question the relevance of the preconditioning of the samples during accelerated carbonation test conducted according to the French standard XP P 18-458.

The effect of South African quaternary supplementary cementitious blends on corrosion behaviour of concrete reinforcement in chloride and Sulphate media

Akinwale, Abiodun Ebebezer 10 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the strength, durability properties and corrosion resistance of concrete samples using supplementary cementitious blended materials. In this investigation, three supplementary concrete materials (SCMs) were used together with ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) to form cementitious blends at different proportions. The supplementary materials are silica fume (SF), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash (FA). Sixteen (16) different proportions of the cementitious blends were produced. Tests carried out on concrete samples include slump test, compressive strength, oxygen permeability, sorptivity, porosity, chloride conductivity test, resistance to chloride and sulphate attack. The electrode potentials of tested samples were also observed using electrochemical measurements. Concrete specimens prepared with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, up to 60% of blended cements replacement levels were evaluated for their compressive strength at, 7, 14, 28, 90 and 120 days while the specimens were evaluated for durability tests at 28, and 90 days respectively. The results were compared with ordinary Portland cement concrete without blended cement. Voltage, and temperature measurements were also carried out to understand the quality of concrete. The corrosion performance of steel in reinforced concrete was studied and evaluated by electrochemical half-cell potential technique in both sodium chloride, and magnesium sulphate solutions respectively. The reinforced concrete specimens with centrally embedded 12mm steel bar were exposed to chloride and sulphate solutions with the 0.5 M NaCl and MgSO4 concentrations respectively. An impressed voltage technique was carried out to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the combination of quaternary cementitious blended cement, so as to get the combination with optimum performance. Improvement of strength, durability, and corrosion resistance properties of blended concrete samples are observed at different optimum percentages for binary, ternary and quaternary samples. The effect of cementitious blends is recognized in limiting the corrosion potential of the tested SCM concrete samples. Generally, the cementitious blends with limited quantity of SF to 10% have the potential to produce satisfactory concrete. These should however be used for low cost construction, where high quality concrete is not required. / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Анализа примене отпадних и рециклираних материјала за израду порозног бетонског коловоза / Analiza primene otpadnih i recikliranih materijala za izradu poroznog betonskog kolovoza / Analysis of the application of waste and recycled materials for the production of pervious concrete pavements

Šešlija Miloš 24 September 2018 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су анализиране мешавине за израду порозног бетонског коловоза. Пројектовано је укупно 12 различитих врста мешавина. За справљање бетонских мешавина коришћене су фракције природног и рециклираног агрегата. Електрофилтерски пепео, који је отпадни материјал из термоелектрана, коришћен је као минерални додатак, којим је замењен део цемента. Справљено је шест мешавина са рециклираним агрегатом и шест мешавина са природним агрегатом. Лабораторијска испитивања су обухватила испитивање чврстоће при притиску бетона након: 7, 28, 56 и 84 дана, чврстоће при савијању (након 28, 56 и 84 дана), модул еластичности (статички и динамички), отпорност према хабању, коефицијент водопропустљивости и порозност. Добијени резултати потврдили су постављене хипотезе да је са рециклираним агрегатом и електрофилтерским пепелом могуће пројектовати и извести порозни бетонски коловоз.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su analizirane mešavine za izradu poroznog betonskog kolovoza. Projektovano je ukupno 12 različitih vrsta mešavina. Za spravljanje betonskih mešavina korišćene su frakcije prirodnog i recikliranog agregata. Elektrofilterski pepeo, koji je otpadni materijal iz termoelektrana, korišćen je kao mineralni dodatak, kojim je zamenjen deo cementa. Spravljeno je šest mešavina sa recikliranim agregatom i šest mešavina sa prirodnim agregatom. Laboratorijska ispitivanja su obuhvatila ispitivanje čvrstoće pri pritisku betona nakon: 7, 28, 56 i 84 dana, čvrstoće pri savijanju (nakon 28, 56 i 84 dana), modul elastičnosti (statički i dinamički), otpornost prema habanju, koeficijent vodopropustljivosti i poroznost. Dobijeni rezultati potvrdili su postavljene hipoteze da je sa recikliranim agregatom i elektrofilterskim pepelom moguće projektovati i izvesti porozni betonski kolovoz.</p> / <p>In the dissertation, mixtures for the production of pervious concrete pavements are analyzed. The project has a total of 12 different types of mixtures. For the preparation of concrete mixtures, the fractions of natural and recycled aggregates were used. Fly ash, which is a waste material from thermal power plants, was used as a mineral supplement, which replaced a part of cement. Six mixtures with a recycled aggregate and six mixtures with a natural aggregate were collected. Laboratory tests included: compressive strength after 7, 28, 56 and 84 days, felxural strength (after 28, 56 and 84 days), modulus of elasticity (static and dynamic), abrasion, permeability and porosity. The obtained results confirmed the hypotheses that it is possible to design and execute a previous concrete pavement with a recycled aggregate and fly ash.</p>

Corrosion behaviour of fly ash-reinforced aluminum-magnesium alloy A535 composites

Obi, Emenike Raymond 30 September 2008
The corrosion behaviour of cast Al-Mg alloy A535 and its composites containing 10 wt.% and 15 wt.% fly ash, and 10 wt.% hybrid reinforcement (5 wt.% fly ash + 5 wt.% SiC) was investigated using weight-loss and electrochemical corrosion tests, optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS). The tests were conducted in fresh water collected from the South Saskatchewan River and 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution at room temperature. The pH of the salt solution varied from 3 to 9. For comparison, two other aluminum alloys, AA2618 and AA5083-H116, were tested in the same electrolytes. The results of the weight-loss corrosion test showed that unreinforced A535 alloy had a lower corrosion rate in fresh water and seawater environments than the composites at all the tested pH values. The corrosion rate of the composites increased with increasing fly ash content. As expected, the corrosion rates of A535 alloy and the composites tested in fresh water were lower than those in salt solution. The results of the potentiodynamic and cyclic polarization electrochemical tests showed that the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and pitting potential (Epit) of the alloy were more positive than those of the composites. The corrosion and pitting potentials of the composites became more negative (active) with increasing fly ash content. The composites showed more positive (noble) repassivation or protection potential (Erp) than the matrix alloy, with the positivity increasing with fly ash content. Analysis of the electrochemical noise data showed that pitting corrosion was the dominant mode of corrosion for the alloy in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Optical microscopy and SEM revealed that Mg2Si phase and Al-Mg intermetallics corroded preferentially to the matrix. The EDS data indicated that the protective oxide film formed on A535 contained Al2O3 and MgO.

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