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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av betong för 3D-skrivare / Development of concrete for 3D-printers

Liljare, Mattias, Silveira Övrebö, Theodore January 2019 (has links)
3D-printing, också känt som additiv tillverkning, är en tillverkningsmetod som har revolutionerat många branscher och har växt stort både inom industrin och för privat användning. Tekniken använder sig utav en lager-på-lager metod för att tillverka olika objekt. Med dagens teknik går det att printa ut föremål av exempelvis metall, plast, betong och ett flertal andra material. Additiv tillverkning av betong ger möjligheten att skapa nya smarta konstruktionslösningar, vilket medför stora materialbesparingar och minskat materialspill. Produktionskostnader och hastighet kan också dra nytta av metoden genom att minska arbetskraft och eliminera kostnader för tillverkning och montering av gjutformar. Den här studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för vad som krävs för att utveckla ett fungerande betongmaterial för additiv tillverkning. För att additiv tillverkning ska kunna standardiseras, bli mer kommersiellt och få en bredare användning krävs en djupare förståelse av betongens materialegenskaper. Detta eftersom materialet skiljer sig från konventionell betong. Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en betongblandning anpassad för additiv tillverkning. En undersökning görs för att hitta (i) en betongblandning med lämpliga mekaniska materialegenskaper och (ii) en betongblandning som är väl anpassad till 3Dskrivare. Det viktigaste för att en betongblandning ska kunna användas för additiv tillverkning är att blandningen kan pumpas genom systemet och extraheras genom munstycket vid tillverkning samt att slutmaterialet visar bra byggbarhet. Pumpbarhet är förutsättningen för att betongen ska kunna användas i en 3D-skrivare. Betongen ska vara tillräckligt smidig för att kunna pumpas ut genom ett munstycke, men även ha en tillräckligt god inre sammanhållning för att inte deformeras efter att den har pumpats ut. Pumpbarhet påverkas till stor del av vilken sorts pumpsystem som används. Resultaten varierar beroende på vilken pump, munstycke och slang som används vid materialtesterna. Det förefaller att en generell blandning anpassad för flera olika pumpsystem är svårt att uppnå. I det här arbetet har sex olika blandningar med olika variationer testats. Detta ledde till 38 blandningar som genomgått olika tester. De blandningarna med bäst resultat efter finjusteringar var blandning 4.1 och 5.1, de visade hög kvalité för pumpbarhet och byggbarhet. Blandning 4.1 innehåller vatten, anläggningscement, starvis 3040, glenium, CERW, krossballast och glasfibrer och blandning 5.1 är likadant fast med flygaska istället för CERW. / 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a manufacturing method that has revolutionized many industries and has grown widely both in industry and private use. The technique means using a layer-upon-layer method to manufacture different objects. With today's technology, it is possible to print objects of, for example, metal, plastic, concrete and several other materials. Additive manufacturing of concrete structures can be used to create new smart design solutions, which means significant material savings and reduced material waste. Production costs and time reduction may also be achieved using the method due to lower labor requirements and reduced costs for manufacturing and assembling of molds. This study contributes to an increased understanding of what is required to develop a functioning concrete material for additive manufacturing. In order for additive manufacturing to be standardized, become commercial and be broadly used, a deeper understanding of the concrete properties is required. This is because the material used in 3D printing differs from conventional concrete. The purpose of this project is to develop a concrete mixture adapted for additive manufacturing. A survey is made to find (i) a concrete mixture with suitable mechanical material properties, and (ii) a concrete mixture well adapted to 3D printers. The most important thing for a concrete mix to be used for additive production is that the mixture can be pumped through the system and extracted through the nozzle during manufacture and that the final material shows good buildability. Pumpability is a prerequisite for the concrete to be used in a 3D printer. The concrete must be sufficiently flexible to be pumped out through a nozzle, but also have a sufficiently good internal cohesion so as not to deform after it has been pumped out. Pumpability is largely affected by the type of pump system used. The results vary depending on the pump, nozzle and hose used in the material tests. It seems that a general mix adapted to several different pump systems is difficult to achieve. In this work, six different mixtures with different variations have been tested. This led to 38 mixtures that underwent various tests. The mixtures with the best results after fine adjustments were mix 4.1 and 5.1, they showed high quality for pumpability and buildability. Mixture 4.1 contains water, plant cement, starvis 3040, glenium, CERW, crush ballast and glass fibers and mixture 5.1 is similarly fixed with fly ash instead of CERW.

Framtidens klimatvänliga bindemedel i betong : En analys av naturliga puzzolaner som tillsatsmaterial / Future climate-friendly binders in concrete : An analysis of natural pozzolans as supplementary cementitious materials

Sjödin, Sabine, Fredin, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
Betong är ett av världens mest använda byggnadsmaterial, men kan också vara en stor miljöbov. Cementklinker är en betydande beståndsdel i betong som vid tillverkning frigör stora mängder koldioxid, av den anledningen optimeras betongrecept idag genom att ersätta en del av cementen med flygaska som är en restprodukt från kolkraftsindustrin. I takt med att samhället rör sig mot en fossilfri produktion beräknas tillgången till flygaska att avta och material med liknande egenskaper undersöks som alternativa bindemedel i betong.  Syftet med studien är att, genom litteraturstudier och laboratoriska tester, undersöka huruvida naturliga puzzolaner kan ersätta mängden flygaska i en cementsammansättning utan att försämra betongens hållfasthetsegenskaper. Tryckhållfastheten samt hållfasthetsutvecklingen har undersökts hos 150x150x150 mm provkuber med varierande mängd flygaska samt vulkanaska av isländsk pimpsten respektive jordanska tuffer. Målet med studien är att minska mängden, eller helst ersätta hela andelen flygaska i en klimatförbättrad betongsammansättning.  De laboratoriska testerna har utförts enligt svensk standard där totalt 48 provkroppar gjutits. Referenskuben i undersökningen består av 80% portlandkalkstencement och 20% flygaska. Totalt har 6 olika kombinationer av provkuber gjutits där andelen flygaska ersätts med 20%, 15% eller 10% vulkanaska. Vardera provkub har utsatts för tryckhållfasthetsmätning efter 2, 7 samt 28 dygn.  Resultatet av provtryckningen visade att provkuberna innehållande isländsk pimpsten gav en ökad eller oförändrad hållfasthet vid samtliga mätningar, jämfört med referenskuben. Provkuberna innehållande jordanska tuffer medförde däremot en reducering av hållfastheten vid samtliga mätningar, jämfört med referenskuben. Provkuberna innehållande vulkanaska från isländsk pimpsten gav högst sluthållfasthet då ingen flygaska förekom i sammansättningen och något sämre värden vid inblandning av flygaska, till skillnad från provkuberna innehållande vulkanaska från jordanska tuffer som utan flygaska i princip stannade av i sin hållfasthetstillväxt efter 7 dygn. Skillnaden i resultatet mellan vulkanaska av pimpsten respektive tuffer antyder att vilken typ av material det är samt dess ursprung har betydelse för hur det presterar som bindemedel i betong. / Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world, but it can also be a major environmental culprit. Cement clinker is a significant component of concrete that releases large amounts of carbon dioxide during production. For this reason, concrete recipes are now optimized by replacing some of the cement with fly ash, which is a byproduct from the coal power industry. As society moves towards fossil-free production, the availability of fly ash is expected to decrease, and materials with similar properties are being investigated as alternative binders in concrete.  The purpose of the study is to investigate, through literature review and laboratory tests, whether natural pozzolans can replace the amount of fly ash in a cement composition without deteriorating the strength properties of the concrete. The compressive strength and strength development have been studied on 150x150x150 mm test cubes with varying amounts of fly ash and volcanic ash from Icelandic pumice and Jordanian tuffs. The goal of the study is to reduce the amount, or preferably replace the entire portion, of fly ash in a climate-improved concrete composition. The laboratory tests have been performed according to Swedish standards, where a total of 48 test specimens have been cast. The reference cube in the study consists of 80% Portland limestone cement and 20% fly ash. A total of 6 different combinations of test cubes have been cast, where the proportion of fly ash is replaced with 20%, 15%, or 10% volcanic ash. Each test cube has been subjected to compressive strength measurement after 2, 7, and 28 days. The results of the compression testing showed that the test cubes containing Icelandic pumice provided increased or unchanged strength at all measurements, compared to the reference cube. However, the test cubes containing Jordanian tuffs resulted in a reduction of strength at all measurements, compared to the reference cube. The test cubes containing volcanic ash from Icelandic pumice provided the highest final strength when no fly ash was present in the composition, and slightly lower values when fly ash was added, unlike the test cubes containing volcanic ash from Jordanian tuffs which essentially plateaued in their strength development after 7 days without fly ash. The difference in results between volcanic ash from pumice and tuffs suggests that the type and origin of the material are significant factors in how they perform as a binder in concrete.

Jämförelser av tryckhållfasthet och uttorkning av betong med lägre klimatpåverkan

Gustavsson, Elias, Dahlberg, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Betong är ett av de vanligaste byggnadsmaterialen och har goda egenskaper som hög beständighet, god formbarhet och lång livslängd. Huvudbeståndsdelen cement orsakar däremot en negativ klimatpåverkan där tillverkningen av bindemedlet cement står för cirka 8 procent av världens koldioxidutsläpp. För att minska de stora koldioxidutsläppen finns det alternativa bindemedel där de vanligaste är flygaska och masugnsslagg, vilket är restprodukter från kolkraft- och stålindustrin. Alternativa bindemedel är det mest effektiva sättet på kort sikt att minska klimatpåverkan. Däremot kan inte de alternativa bindemedlen ersätta cement helt utan att tryckhållfastheten försämras, vilket gör att upp till 20 procent vanligtvis ersätts. För att byggbranschen i en större utsträckning ska tillämpa betong med lägre klimatpåverkan är det viktigt att egenskaperna är minst lika bra som hos traditionell betong. Uttorkningsegenskaperna är av stor vikt då uttorkningstiden är styrande för applicering av golvmaterial. När det kommer till hållfasthet tillverkas idag komponenter med överkvalité, vilket gör att en onödigt stor mängd cement används. Ett klimatsmart alternativ skulle vara att ändra nuvarande norm på klassificeringen av hållfastheten. Dagens norm klassificerar hållfastheten vid 28 dygn efter gjutning. Betong fortsätter dock att öka i hållfasthet efter 28 dygn, men ökningen är inte stor hos traditionell betong, medan betong med alternativa bindemedel fortsätter att härda i en högre grad efter 28 dygn. Skulle en klassificering av hållfastheten hos betong med lägre klimatpåverkan bestämmas i ett senare skede som 56 eller 91 dygn, skulle konstruktionens krav fortfarande uppfyllas samtidigt som mängden cement kan reduceras. Idag behöver byggprojekt vänta på uttorkningstiden, vilket medför att ett projekt sällan är färdigt redan vid 28 dygn. Det gör att byggnaden inte belastar betongplattan fullt ut vid 28 dygn och den potentiella hållfastheten behöver inte uppfyllas förrän i ett senare skede. Om hållfasthetsklassen sänks tillkommer dock ett högre vattencementtal, vilket gör att krav på uttorkningsegenskaperna ökar. Tillsammans med Skanska jämfördes i föreliggande arbete betongrecept med lägre klimatpåverkan i tryckhållfasthet och uttorkning. Det var två Portlandkompositcement av typen CEM II/B-M, med cirka 20 procent slagg eller flygaska. De jämfördes även mot en referensbetong av typen CEM II/A-LL. Provkropparna gjöts vid Skanskas betonglabb i Farsta och testades sedan för uttorkning och hållfasthet av auktoriserade företag. Studien tyder på att det inte finns någon anledning att välja bort slagg eller flygaska när det kommer tilltryckhållfasthet och uttorkning. Det går att argumentera för att betong med alternativa bindemedel har högre hållfasthet vid 7 och 28 dygn i jämförelse med traditionell betong i föreliggande arbete, där slaggbaserad betong är cirka 16 procent högre och betong med flygaska är cirka 5 procent högre. Hållfasthetsutvecklingen från 28 till 91 dygn tyder på att betong med alternativa bindemedel ökar med cirka 12 procent medan traditionell betong nästan stannar av, där hållfasthetsutvecklingen är cirka 4 procent. Det går att argumentera för att slaggbaserad betong har cirka 2 och 5 procent snabbare uttorkning vid 35 och 85 dygn i jämförelse med traditionell betong, medan betong med flygaska tenderar att torka ut minst lika bra vid 35 dygn och cirka 3 procent snabbare vid 85 dygn. Resultaten tyder på att vid en minskad hållfasthetsklass skulle betong med lägre klimatpåverkan inte medföra samma förlängda uttorkningstid som en traditionell betong. En klassificering i ett senare skede som 56 eller 91 dygn för betong med lägre klimatpåverkan indikerar på att konstruktionens krav fortfarande skulle uppfyllas, cementanvändningen reduceras och klimatpåverkan minskas. / Concrete is one of the most common building materials and possesses favorable properties such as high durability, good workability, and long lifespan. However, its main component, cement, has a negative climate impact, with cement production accounting for approximately 8 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. To reduce these CO2 emissions alternative binders can be used. The most common being fly ash and blast furnace slag, which are by-products of the coal power and steel industries. Alternative binders are the most effective way to reduce climate impact. Alternative binders cannot completely replace cement without lose strength, which means that up to 20 precent is usually replaced. For the construction industry to more widely adopt concrete with lower climate impact, it is important that the properties are at least as good as those of traditional concrete. Drying properties are crucial since drying time dictates the application of flooring materials. In terms of strength, components are currently manufactured with high qualities, leading to unnecessary large amounts of cement being used. A climate-smart alternative would be to change the current norm for strength classification. Today strength classifies at 28 days after casting. Concrete continues to gain strength beyond 28 days, but the increase is not significant in traditional concrete, whereas concrete with alternative binders continues to cure to a greater extent after 28 days. If the strength classification were determined at a later stage, such as 56 or 91 days, the construction's requirements would still be met while reducing the amount of cement used. Today construction projects need to wait for the drying time, meaning a project is rarely completed at 28 days. This means the building does not fully load the concrete slab at 28 days, and the potential strength does not need to be achieved until a later stage. However, if the strength class is lowered the demands on drying increases. In collaboration with Skanska, concrete with lower climate impact was compered in terms of strength and drying. Two Portland composite cements of the type CEM II/B-M, around 20 percent of slag or fly ash, were compared to a reference concrete of the type CEM II/A-LL. The test specimens were cast at Skanska's concrete lab in Farsta and tested for strength and drying by authorized companies. The study suggests that there is no reason to avoid slag or fly ash concerning compressive strength and drying. It can be argued that concrete with alternative binders has higher strength at 7 and 28 days compared to traditional concrete, with slag-based concrete being approximately 16 percent stronger and fly ash concrete about 5 percent stronger. The strength development from 28 to 91 days indicates that concrete with alternative binders increases by about 12 percent, while traditional concrete almost levels off, with a strength development of about 4 percent. It can also be argued that slag-based concrete has about 2 and 5 percent faster drying at 35 and 85 days compared to traditional concrete, while fly ash concrete tends to dry at least as well at 35 days and about 3 percent faster at 85 days compared to traditional concrete. The results indicate that with a reduced strength class, concrete with lower climate impact would not entail the same extended drying time as traditional concrete. Classification at a later stage, such as 56 or 91 days, for concrete with lower climate impact indicates that the construction's requirements would still be met, cement usage would be reduced, and climate impact minimized.

Geochemical and mineralogical evaluation of toxic contaminants mobility in weathered coal fly ash : as a case study, Tutuka dumpsite, South Africa

Akinyemi, Segun Ajayi. January 2011 (has links)
The current study therefore aims to provide a comprehensive characterisation of weathered dry disposed ash cores, to reveal mobility patterns of chemical species as a function of depth and age of ash, with a view to assessing the potential environmental impacts. Fifty-nine samples were taken from 3 drilled cores obtained respectively from the 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of sequentially dumped, weathered, dry disposed ash in an ash dump site at Tutuka - a South African coal burning power station.

Geochemical and mineralogical evaluation of toxic contaminants mobility in weathered coal fly ash: as a case study, Tutuka dump site, South Africa

Akinyemi, Segun Ajayi January 2011 (has links)
<p>The management and disposal of huge volumes of coal combustion by products such as fly ash has constituted a major challenge to the environment. In most cases due to the inadequate alternative use of coal fly ash, the discarded waste is stored in holding ponds, slag heaps, or stock piled in ash dumps. This practice has raised concerns on the prospect of inorganic metals release to the surface and groundwater in the vicinity of the ash dump. Acceptable scientific studies are lacking to determine the best ash disposal practices. Moreover, knowledge about the mobility patterns of inorganic species as a function of mineralogical association or pH susceptibility of the dry disposed ash dump under natural weathering conditions are scarce in the literature. Fundamental understanding of chemical interactions of dry disposed ash with ingressed CO2 from atmosphere, percolating rain water and brine irrigation within ash disposal sites were seen as key areas requiring investigation. The mineralogical association of inorganic species in the dry disposed ash cores can be identified and quantified. This would provide a basis for understanding of chemical weathering, mineralogical transformations or mobility patterns of these inorganic species in the dry ash disposal scenario. The current study therefore aims to provide a comprehensive characterisation of weathered dry disposed ash cores, to reveal mobility patterns of chemical species as a function of depth and age of ash, with a view to assessing the potential environmental impacts. Fifty-nine samples were taken from 3 drilled cores obtained respectively from the 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of sequentially dumped,&nbsp / weathered, dry disposed ash in an ash dump site at Tutuka - a South African coal burning power station. The core samples were characterized using standard analytical procedures viz: X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) techniques, Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. A modified sequential extraction (SE) method was used in this study. The chemical partitioning, mobility and weathering patterns in 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of the ash dump were respectively investigated using this modified sequential extraction scheme. The sequence of the extractions was as follows: (1) water soluble, (2) exchangeable, (3) carbonate, (4) iron and manganese and (5) residual. The results obtained from the 5 steps sequential extraction scheme were validated with the total metal content of the original sample using mass balance method. The distribution of major and trace elements in the different liquid fractions obtained after each step of sequential extraction of the 59 drilled core samples was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The data generated for various ash core samples were explored for the systematic analysis of mineralogical transformation and change in ash chemistry with ageing of the ash. Furthermore, the data was analyzed to reveal the impact of ingressed CO2 from atmosphere, infiltrating rain water and brine irrigation on the chemistry of ash core samples. Major mineral phases in original ash core samples prior to extraction are quartz (SiO2) and mullite (3Al2O3&middot / 2SiO2). Other minor mineral phases identified were hematite (Fe2O3), calcite (CaCO3), lime (CaO), anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8), mica (Ca (Mg, Al)3 (Al3Si) O10 (OH)2), and enstatite (Mg2Si2O6). X-ray diffraction results show significant loss of crystallinity in the older ash cores. The presence of minor phases of calcite and mica in dry disposed ash cores are attributed to reduction in the pore water pH due to hydration, carbonation and pozzolanic reactions. The X-ray diffraction technique was unable to detect Fe-oxyhydroxide phase and morealuminosilicate phases in ash core samples due to their low abundance and amorphous character. X-ray fluorescence results of the original ash core samples showed the presence of major oxides, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, while CaO, K2O, TiO2, Na2O, MnO, MgO, P2O5, and SO3 occur in minor concentrations. The ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 classified the original core samples prior to extraction as a silico-aluminate class F fly ash. The ternary plot of major elements in 1-year-old ash core samples was both sialic and ferrocalsialic but 8 year and 20-year-old ash core samples were sialic in chemical composition. It is noteworthy that the mass % of SiO2 varies through the depth of the core with an increase of nearly 3 %, to 58 mass % of SiO2 at a depth of 6 m in the 1-year-old core whereas in the case of the 8-year-old core a 2 % increase of SiO2 to a level of 57.5 mass % can be observed at levels between 4-8 m, showing dissolution of major components in the matrix of older ash cores.. The Na2O content of the Tutuka ash cores was low and varied between 0.6-1.1 mass % for 1-year-old ash cores to around 0.6-0.8 mass % for 8-year-old ash cores. Sodium levels were higher in 1-year-old ash cores compared to 8 year and 20-year-old ashcores. Observed trends indicate that quick weathering of the ash (within a year) leached out Na+ from the ash dump. No evidence of Na+ encapsulation even though the ash dump was brine irrigated. Thus the dry disposal ash placement method does not result in a sustainable salt sink for Na-containing species over time. The total content of each of the elements in 1 year and 20-year-old ash cores was normalised with their total content in fresh ash from same power station to show enrichment and depletion factor. Major elements such as K+, Mn showed enrichment in 1-year-old ash cores whereas Al, Si, Na+, Ti, Ca, Mg, S and Fe showed depletion due to over time erosion. Trace elements such as Cr, Sr, P, Ba, Pb, V and Zn showed enrichment but Ni, Y, Zr showed depletion attributed to over time erosion. In 20-year-old ash cores, major elements such as Al, Na+ and Mn showed enrichment while Si, K+, Fe, Mg and Ca showed depletion highlighting their mobility. Trends indicated intensive flushing of major soluble components such as buffering constituents (CaO) by percolating rain water. The 1-year-old and 20-year-old coal ash cores showed a lower pH and greater loss/depletion of the soluble buffering constituents than the 2-week-old placed ash, indicating significant chemical weathering within a year. Based&nbsp / on ANC results the leaching behaviours of Ca, Mg, Na+, K+, Se, Cr, and Sr were found to be controlled by the pH of the leachant indicating high mobility of major soluble species in the ash cores when in contact with slightly acid rain water. Other investigated toxic metals such as As, Mo and Pb showed amphoteric behaviour with respect to the pH of the leachant. Chemical alterations and formation of transient minor secondary mineral phases was found to have a significant effect on the acid susceptibility and depletion pattern of chemical species in the core ash samples when compared to fresh ash. These ANC results correlated well with the data generated from the sequential extraction scheme. Based on sequential extraction results elements, showed noticeable mobility in the water soluble, exchangeable and carbonate fractions due to adsorption and desorption caused by variations in the pore water pH. In contrast, slight mobility of elements in the Fe and Mn, and residual fractions of dry disposed fly ashes are attributed to the co-precipitation and dissolution of minor amount of less soluble secondary phase overtime. The 1-year-old dry disposed ash cores were the least weathered among the 3 drilled ash cores. Therefore low concentration of toxic metals in older ash cores were ascribed to extensive weathering with slower release from residual mineral phases over time. Elements were found to associate with different mineral phases depending on the age or depth of the core samples showing greater heterogeneity in dispersion. For instance the average amount of total calcium in different mineral associations of 1-year-old ash cores is as follows / water soluble (10.2 %), exchangeable (37.04 %), carbonate (37.9 %), Fe and Mn (7.1 %) and residual (2.97 %). The amount of total Na+ in different mineral phases of 1-year-old ash cores followed this trend: water soluble (21 %), exchangeable (11.26 %), carbonate (2.6 %), Fe and Mn (4.7 %) and residual (53.9 %). The non-leachable portion of the total Na+ content (namely that contained in the residual fraction) in the 1-year-old ash core samples under conditions found in nature ranged between 5-91 %. This non-leachable portion of the Na+ showed the metastability of the mineral phases with which residual Na+ associates. Results showed older ash cores are enriched in toxic elements. Toxic elements such as As, B, Cr, Mo and Pb are enriched in the residual fraction of older ash cores. For instance As concentration in the residual fraction varied between 0.0003- 0.00043 mg kg-1 for 1-year-old ash cores to around 0.0003-0.0015 mg kg-1 for 20-year-old ash cores. This suggests that the older ash is enriched in toxic elements hence dust from the ash dump would be toxic to human health. The knowledge of mobility and ecotoxicological significance of coal fly ash is needed when considering its disposal or reuse in the environment. The mobility and ecotoxicology of inorganic metals in coal fly ash are determined by (i) mineralogical associations of inorganic species (ii) in-homogeneity in the ash dumps (iii) long and short term exposure to ingress CO2 and percolating rain water. Management issues such as inconsistent placement of ash in the dumps, poor choice of ash dump site, in-homogeneity in brine irrigation, no record of salt load put on the ash dumps and lack of proper monitoring requires improvement. The thesis provides justification for the use of the modified sequential extraction scheme as a predictive tool and could be employed in a similar research work. This thesis also proved that the dry ash disposal method was not environmental friendly in terms of overall leaching potential after significant chemical weathering. Moreover the study proved that the practice of brine co-disposal or irrigation on ash dumps is not sustainable as the ash dump did not act as a salt sink.</p>

Geochemical and mineralogical evaluation of toxic contaminants mobility in weathered coal fly ash: as a case study, Tutuka dump site, South Africa

Akinyemi, Segun Ajayi January 2011 (has links)
<p>The management and disposal of huge volumes of coal combustion by products such as fly ash has constituted a major challenge to the environment. In most cases due to the inadequate alternative use of coal fly ash, the discarded waste is stored in holding ponds, slag heaps, or stock piled in ash dumps. This practice has raised concerns on the prospect of inorganic metals release to the surface and groundwater in the vicinity of the ash dump. Acceptable scientific studies are lacking to determine the best ash disposal practices. Moreover, knowledge about the mobility patterns of inorganic species as a function of mineralogical association or pH susceptibility of the dry disposed ash dump under natural weathering conditions are scarce in the literature. Fundamental understanding of chemical interactions of dry disposed ash with ingressed CO2 from atmosphere, percolating rain water and brine irrigation within ash disposal sites were seen as key areas requiring investigation. The mineralogical association of inorganic species in the dry disposed ash cores can be identified and quantified. This would provide a basis for understanding of chemical weathering, mineralogical transformations or mobility patterns of these inorganic species in the dry ash disposal scenario. The current study therefore aims to provide a comprehensive characterisation of weathered dry disposed ash cores, to reveal mobility patterns of chemical species as a function of depth and age of ash, with a view to assessing the potential environmental impacts. Fifty-nine samples were taken from 3 drilled cores obtained respectively from the 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of sequentially dumped,&nbsp / weathered, dry disposed ash in an ash dump site at Tutuka - a South African coal burning power station. The core samples were characterized using standard analytical procedures viz: X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) techniques, Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. A modified sequential extraction (SE) method was used in this study. The chemical partitioning, mobility and weathering patterns in 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of the ash dump were respectively investigated using this modified sequential extraction scheme. The sequence of the extractions was as follows: (1) water soluble, (2) exchangeable, (3) carbonate, (4) iron and manganese and (5) residual. The results obtained from the 5 steps sequential extraction scheme were validated with the total metal content of the original sample using mass balance method. The distribution of major and trace elements in the different liquid fractions obtained after each step of sequential extraction of the 59 drilled core samples was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The data generated for various ash core samples were explored for the systematic analysis of mineralogical transformation and change in ash chemistry with ageing of the ash. Furthermore, the data was analyzed to reveal the impact of ingressed CO2 from atmosphere, infiltrating rain water and brine irrigation on the chemistry of ash core samples. Major mineral phases in original ash core samples prior to extraction are quartz (SiO2) and mullite (3Al2O3&middot / 2SiO2). Other minor mineral phases identified were hematite (Fe2O3), calcite (CaCO3), lime (CaO), anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8), mica (Ca (Mg, Al)3 (Al3Si) O10 (OH)2), and enstatite (Mg2Si2O6). X-ray diffraction results show significant loss of crystallinity in the older ash cores. The presence of minor phases of calcite and mica in dry disposed ash cores are attributed to reduction in the pore water pH due to hydration, carbonation and pozzolanic reactions. The X-ray diffraction technique was unable to detect Fe-oxyhydroxide phase and morealuminosilicate phases in ash core samples due to their low abundance and amorphous character. X-ray fluorescence results of the original ash core samples showed the presence of major oxides, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, while CaO, K2O, TiO2, Na2O, MnO, MgO, P2O5, and SO3 occur in minor concentrations. The ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 classified the original core samples prior to extraction as a silico-aluminate class F fly ash. The ternary plot of major elements in 1-year-old ash core samples was both sialic and ferrocalsialic but 8 year and 20-year-old ash core samples were sialic in chemical composition. It is noteworthy that the mass % of SiO2 varies through the depth of the core with an increase of nearly 3 %, to 58 mass % of SiO2 at a depth of 6 m in the 1-year-old core whereas in the case of the 8-year-old core a 2 % increase of SiO2 to a level of 57.5 mass % can be observed at levels between 4-8 m, showing dissolution of major components in the matrix of older ash cores.. The Na2O content of the Tutuka ash cores was low and varied between 0.6-1.1 mass % for 1-year-old ash cores to around 0.6-0.8 mass % for 8-year-old ash cores. Sodium levels were higher in 1-year-old ash cores compared to 8 year and 20-year-old ashcores. Observed trends indicate that quick weathering of the ash (within a year) leached out Na+ from the ash dump. No evidence of Na+ encapsulation even though the ash dump was brine irrigated. Thus the dry disposal ash placement method does not result in a sustainable salt sink for Na-containing species over time. The total content of each of the elements in 1 year and 20-year-old ash cores was normalised with their total content in fresh ash from same power station to show enrichment and depletion factor. Major elements such as K+, Mn showed enrichment in 1-year-old ash cores whereas Al, Si, Na+, Ti, Ca, Mg, S and Fe showed depletion due to over time erosion. Trace elements such as Cr, Sr, P, Ba, Pb, V and Zn showed enrichment but Ni, Y, Zr showed depletion attributed to over time erosion. In 20-year-old ash cores, major elements such as Al, Na+ and Mn showed enrichment while Si, K+, Fe, Mg and Ca showed depletion highlighting their mobility. Trends indicated intensive flushing of major soluble components such as buffering constituents (CaO) by percolating rain water. The 1-year-old and 20-year-old coal ash cores showed a lower pH and greater loss/depletion of the soluble buffering constituents than the 2-week-old placed ash, indicating significant chemical weathering within a year. Based&nbsp / on ANC results the leaching behaviours of Ca, Mg, Na+, K+, Se, Cr, and Sr were found to be controlled by the pH of the leachant indicating high mobility of major soluble species in the ash cores when in contact with slightly acid rain water. Other investigated toxic metals such as As, Mo and Pb showed amphoteric behaviour with respect to the pH of the leachant. Chemical alterations and formation of transient minor secondary mineral phases was found to have a significant effect on the acid susceptibility and depletion pattern of chemical species in the core ash samples when compared to fresh ash. These ANC results correlated well with the data generated from the sequential extraction scheme. Based on sequential extraction results elements, showed noticeable mobility in the water soluble, exchangeable and carbonate fractions due to adsorption and desorption caused by variations in the pore water pH. In contrast, slight mobility of elements in the Fe and Mn, and residual fractions of dry disposed fly ashes are attributed to the co-precipitation and dissolution of minor amount of less soluble secondary phase overtime. The 1-year-old dry disposed ash cores were the least weathered among the 3 drilled ash cores. Therefore low concentration of toxic metals in older ash cores were ascribed to extensive weathering with slower release from residual mineral phases over time. Elements were found to associate with different mineral phases depending on the age or depth of the core samples showing greater heterogeneity in dispersion. For instance the average amount of total calcium in different mineral associations of 1-year-old ash cores is as follows / water soluble (10.2 %), exchangeable (37.04 %), carbonate (37.9 %), Fe and Mn (7.1 %) and residual (2.97 %). The amount of total Na+ in different mineral phases of 1-year-old ash cores followed this trend: water soluble (21 %), exchangeable (11.26 %), carbonate (2.6 %), Fe and Mn (4.7 %) and residual (53.9 %). The non-leachable portion of the total Na+ content (namely that contained in the residual fraction) in the 1-year-old ash core samples under conditions found in nature ranged between 5-91 %. This non-leachable portion of the Na+ showed the metastability of the mineral phases with which residual Na+ associates. Results showed older ash cores are enriched in toxic elements. Toxic elements such as As, B, Cr, Mo and Pb are enriched in the residual fraction of older ash cores. For instance As concentration in the residual fraction varied between 0.0003- 0.00043 mg kg-1 for 1-year-old ash cores to around 0.0003-0.0015 mg kg-1 for 20-year-old ash cores. This suggests that the older ash is enriched in toxic elements hence dust from the ash dump would be toxic to human health. The knowledge of mobility and ecotoxicological significance of coal fly ash is needed when considering its disposal or reuse in the environment. The mobility and ecotoxicology of inorganic metals in coal fly ash are determined by (i) mineralogical associations of inorganic species (ii) in-homogeneity in the ash dumps (iii) long and short term exposure to ingress CO2 and percolating rain water. Management issues such as inconsistent placement of ash in the dumps, poor choice of ash dump site, in-homogeneity in brine irrigation, no record of salt load put on the ash dumps and lack of proper monitoring requires improvement. The thesis provides justification for the use of the modified sequential extraction scheme as a predictive tool and could be employed in a similar research work. This thesis also proved that the dry ash disposal method was not environmental friendly in terms of overall leaching potential after significant chemical weathering. Moreover the study proved that the practice of brine co-disposal or irrigation on ash dumps is not sustainable as the ash dump did not act as a salt sink.</p>

Geochemical and mineralogical evaluation of toxic contaminants mobility in weathered coal fly ash : as a case study, Tutuka dumpsite, South Africa

Akinyemi, Segun Ajayi. January 2011 (has links)
The current study therefore aims to provide a comprehensive characterisation of weathered dry disposed ash cores, to reveal mobility patterns of chemical species as a function of depth and age of ash, with a view to assessing the potential environmental impacts. Fifty-nine samples were taken from 3 drilled cores obtained respectively from the 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of sequentially dumped, weathered, dry disposed ash in an ash dump site at Tutuka - a South African coal burning power station.

Geochemical and mineralogical evaluation of toxic contaminants mobility in weathered coal fly ash: as a case study, Tutuka dump site, South Africa

Akinyemi, Segun Ajayi January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The management and disposal of huge volumes of coal combustion by products such as fly ash has constituted a major challenge to the environment. In most cases due to the inadequate alternative use of coal fly ash, the discarded waste is stored in holding ponds, slag heaps, or stock piled in ash dumps. This practice has raised concerns on the prospect of inorganic metals release to the surface and groundwater in the vicinity of the ash dump. Acceptable scientific studies are lacking to determine the best ash disposal practices. Moreover, knowledge about the mobility patterns of inorganic species as a function of mineralogical association or pH susceptibility of the dry disposed ash dump under natural weathering conditions are scarce in the literature. Fundamental understanding of chemical interactions of dry disposed ash with ingressed CO2 from atmosphere, percolating rain water and brine irrigation within ash disposal sites were seen as key areas requiring investigation. The mineralogical association of inorganic species in the dry disposed ash cores can be identified and quantified. This would provide a basis for understanding of chemical weathering, mineralogical transformations or mobility patterns of these inorganic species in the dry ash disposal scenario. The current study therefore aims to provide a comprehensive characterisation of weathered dry disposed ash cores, to reveal mobility patterns of chemical species as a function of depth and age of ash, with a view to assessing the potential environmental impacts. Fifty-nine samples were taken from 3 drilled cores obtained respectively from the 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of sequentially dumped, weathered, dry disposed ash in an ash dump site at Tutuka - a South African coal burning power station. The core samples were characterized using standard analytical procedures viz: X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) techniques, Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. A modified sequential extraction (SE) method was used in this study. The chemical partitioning, mobility and weathering patterns in 1 year, 8 year and 20-year-old sections of the ash dump were respectively investigated using this modified sequential extraction scheme. The sequence of the extractions was as follows: (1) water soluble, (2) exchangeable, (3) carbonate, (4) iron and manganese and (5) residual. The results obtained from the 5 steps sequential extraction scheme were validated with the total metal content of the original sample using mass balance method. The distribution of major and trace elements in the different liquid fractions obtained after each step of sequential extraction of the 59 drilled core samples was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The data generated for various ash core samples were explored for the systematic analysis of mineralogical transformation and change in ash chemistry with ageing of the ash. Furthermore, the data was analyzed to reveal the impact of ingressed CO2 from atmosphere, infiltrating rain water and brine irrigation on the chemistry of ash core samples. Major mineral phases in original ash core samples prior to extraction are quartz (SiO2) and mullite (Al2O3·2SiO2). Other minor mineral phases identified were hematite (Fe2O3), calcite (CaCO3), lime (CaO), anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8), mica (Ca (Mg, Al)3 (Al3Si) O10 (OH)2), and enstatite (Mg2Si2O6). X-ray diffraction results show significant loss of crystallinity in the older ash cores. The presence of minor phases of calcite and mica in dry disposed ash cores are attributed to reduction in the pore water pH due to hydration, carbonation and pozzolanic reactions. The X-ray diffraction technique was unable to detect Fe-oxyhydroxide phase and morealuminosilicate phases in ash core samples due to their low abundance and amorphous character. X-ray fluorescence results of the original ash core samples showed the presence of major oxides, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, while CaO, K2O, TiO2, Na2O, MnO, MgO, P2O5, and SO3 occur in minor concentrations. The ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 classified the original core samples prior to extraction as a silico-aluminate class F fly ash. The ternary plot of major elements in 1-year-old ash core samples was both sialic and ferrocalsialic but 8 year and 20-year-old ash core samples were sialic in chemical composition. It is noteworthy that the mass % of SiO2 varies through the depth of the core with an increase of nearly 3 %, to 58 mass % of SiO2 at a depth of 6 m in the 1-year-old core whereas in the case of the 8-year-old core a 2 % increase of SiO2 to a level of 57.5 mass % can be observed at levels between 4-8 m, showing dissolution of major components in the matrix of older ash cores.. The Na2O content of the Tutuka ash cores was low and varied between 0.6-1.1 mass % for 1-year-old ash cores to around 0.6-0.8 mass % for 8-year-old ash cores. Sodium levels were higher in 1-year-old ash cores compared to 8 year and 20-year-old ashcores. Observed trends indicate that quick weathering of the ash (within a year) leached out Na+ from the ash dump. No evidence of Na+ encapsulation even though the ash dump was brine irrigated. Thus the dry disposal ash placement method does not result in a sustainable salt sink for Na-containing species over time. The total content of each of the elements in 1 year and 20-year-old ash cores was normalised with their total content in fresh ash from same power station to show enrichment and depletion factor. Major elements such as K+, Mn showed enrichment in 1-year-old ash cores whereas Al, Si, Na+, Ti, Ca, Mg, S and Fe showed depletion due to over time erosion. Trace elements such as Cr, Sr, P, Ba, Pb, V and Zn showed enrichment but Ni, Y, Zr showed depletion attributed to over time erosion. In 20-year-old ash cores, major elements such as Al, Na+ and Mn showed enrichment while Si, K+, Fe, Mg and Ca showed depletion highlighting their mobility. Trends indicated intensive flushing of major soluble components such as buffering constituents (CaO) by percolating rain water. The 1-year-old and 20-year-old coal ash cores showed a lower pH and greater loss/depletion of the soluble buffering constituents than the 2-week-old placed ash, indicating significant chemical weathering within a year. Based on ANC results the leaching behaviours of Ca, Mg, Na+, K+, Se, Cr, and Sr were found to be controlled by the pH of the leachant indicating high mobility of major soluble species in the ash cores when in contact with slightly acid rain water. Other investigated toxic metals such as As, Mo and Pb showed amphoteric behaviour with respect to the pH of the leachant. Chemical alterations and formation of transient minor secondary mineral phases was found to have a significant effect on the acid susceptibility and depletion pattern of chemical species in the core ash samples when compared to fresh ash. These ANC results correlated well with the data generated from the sequential extraction scheme. Based on sequential extraction results elements, showed noticeable mobility in the water soluble, exchangeable and carbonate fractions due to adsorption and desorption caused by variations in the pore water pH. In contrast, slight mobility of elements in the Fe and Mn, and residual fractions of dry disposed fly ashes are attributed to the co-precipitation and dissolution of minor amount of less soluble secondary phase overtime. The 1-year-old dry disposed ash cores were the least weathered among the 3 drilled ash cores. Therefore low concentration of toxic metals in older ash cores were ascribed to extensive weathering with slower release from residual mineral phases over time. Elements were found to associate with different mineral phases depending on the age or depth of the core samples showing greater heterogeneity in dispersion. For instance the average amount of total calcium in different mineral associations of 1-year-old ash cores is as follows; water soluble (10.2 %), exchangeable (37.04 %), carbonate (37.9 %), Fe and Mn (7.1 %) and residual (2.97 %). The amount of total Na+ in different mineral phases of 1-year-old ash cores followed this trend: water soluble (21 %), exchangeable (11.26 %), carbonate (2.6 %), Fe and Mn (4.7 %) and residual (53.9 %). The non-leachable portion of the total Na+ content (namely that contained in the residual fraction) in the 1-year-old ash core samples under conditions found in nature ranged between 5-91 %. This non-leachable portion of the Na+ showed the metastability of the mineral phases with which residual Na+ associates. Results showed older ash cores are enriched in toxic elements. Toxic elements such as As, B, Cr, Mo and Pb are enriched in the residual fraction of older ash cores. For instance As concentration in the residual fraction varied between 0.0003- 0.00043 mg kg-1 for 1-year-old ash cores to around 0.0003-0.0015 mg kg-1 for 20-year-old ash cores. This suggests that the older ash is enriched in toxic elements hence dust from the ash dump would be toxic to human health. The knowledge of mobility and ecotoxicological significance of coal fly ash is needed when considering its disposal or reuse in the environment. The mobility and ecotoxicology of inorganic metals in coal fly ash are determined by (i) mineralogical associations of inorganic species (ii) in-homogeneity in the ash dumps (iii) long and short term exposure to ingress CO2 and percolating rain water. Management issues such as inconsistent placement of ash in the dumps, poor choice of ash dump site, in-homogeneity in brine irrigation, no record of salt load put on the ash dumps and lack of proper monitoring requires improvement. The thesis provides justification for the use of the modified sequential extraction scheme as a predictive tool and could be employed in a similar research work. This thesis also proved that the dry ash disposal method was not environmental friendly in terms of overall leaching potential after significant chemical weathering. Moreover the study proved that the practice of brine co-disposal or irrigation on ash dumps is not sustainable as the ash dump did not act as a salt sink. / South Africa

Studium mikrostruktury autoklávovaného pórobetonu s využitím druhotných surovin / Study of microstructure of autoclaved aerated concrete with using of secondary raw materials

Martanová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Autoclaved aerated concrete is a used building material, especially for its thermal insulating properties. During autoclaving, an aerated concrete microstructure produces crystalline CSH phases, primarily tobermorite. The ingoing substances are calcium oxide and silica. In addition to commonly used raw materials, secondary raw materials rich in silicon dioxide can be used for production. The use of secondary raw materials gives the opportunity for the construction industry to be more environmentally friendly. Another benefit is the reduction of financial costs. The work explores the influence of individual secondary raw materials on the microstructure. High-temperature fly ash, fluid fly ash, cinder, ground glass and zeolite were used The raw materials were mixed with unalloyed lime at a molar ratio of calcium oxide to silicon dioxide of 0.73 and 1.0. Autoclaving capsules were used to synthesize tobermorite under laboratory conditions. Autoclave was performed at 170 °C and 190 °C with hydrothermal durations of 4, 8 and 16 hours. The most important influence on the microstructure was high-temperature fly ash, on the contrary, the greatest influence on the mechanical properties is attributed to the ground glass.

Ekonomické aspekty environmentálního užití stavebních materiálů na bázi sekundárních surovin. / Economic aspects of environmental use of building materials based on secondary raw materials.

Ťažký, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The disses thesis is focused on usage of secondary raw materials from the electric power industry, specifically fly ash as a component for the building industry, concentrated on concrete. Two main streams are covered, environmental and economical. Reasons, which led to focus on the selected subject are coming mainly from the scarcity and availability of high-quality mineral resources, environmental pressure for usage of industry byproduct, reducing emissions and economical pressure to reduce production cost, especially raw materials. The main purpose of the work was to verify the possibility of increasing the usability of fly ash as a mineral additive in the technology of concrete production with materials retrieved from coal fired power plants and applying mechanical activation of fly ash. The main goal of the experimental part of work was to demonstrate improvement of fresh and hardened concrete properties as a main condition to support economic efficiency of mechanical activated fly ash. Base on previous facts the methodology was covering two main areas, the experimental and the assessment. Relatively large sets of tests were performed, using a wide range of tested high temperature fly ash and fluidized bed combustion fly ash granulometrically treated, by mixing and grinding. Results of the testing confirmed focused parameters for concrete and mortar mechanical properties, total economical efficiency of the targeted solution and the subject of the dissertation. In the experiment section has been retrieved valuable findings contributing to the overall knowledge of the faculty, also for the practical application. The results of the tests confirmed the achievement of the planned target parameters, both in terms of physical and mechanical properties of experienced mortars and concretes, as well as the overall economic efficiency of the proposed design and the topic of the disses thesis. Within the experimental work, valuable professional knowledge and benefits w

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