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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A escola e a consumo alimentar de adolescentes matriculados na rede pública de ensino. / The school and food consumption of adolescents registered in brazilian public schools.

Daniela Cristina Rossetto Caroba 15 October 2002 (has links)
A adolescência é entendida como um estágio intermediário entre a infância e a idade adulta e caracteriza-se como um período de crescimento físico e desenvolvimento acelerados. Os adolescentes são muitas vezes considerados um grupo exposto ao risco nutricional devido a seus hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida. A promoção de estilos para uma vida saudável pode contribuir para a saúde de crianças e adolescentes, sendo que as unidades de ensino se apresentam como um espaço privilegiado para esse tipo de atividade. Objetivou-se conhecer o estado nutricional, preferências alimentares e estilo de vida de 578 adolescentes, de ambos os gêneros, matriculados em sete escolas públicas da cidade de Piracicaba, estado de São Paulo. Foram analisados os indicadores antropométricos (escore Z de altura para idade – ZAI e escore Z de peso para idade – ZPI) e a distribuição do Índice de Massa Corporal – IMC. Por meio da aplicação de um questionário, foram obtidas, junto aos escolares, informações referentes às práticas alimentares, atividade física e estilo de vida. Adotando-se formulário específico, preenchido pelos pais e/ou responsáveis, foi possível a identificação das condições sócio-econômicas das famílias dos escolares. Professores de ciências e de educação física (n= 26) das escolas foram entrevistados com o objetivo de identificar o grau de conhecimento dos mesmos sobre o tema "alimentação e nutrição". Foram elaboradas tabelas de contingência, acompanhadas dos testes de qui-quadrado e análise de regressão múltipla. Entre os principais resultados, merece destaque a reduzida prevalência (4,0%) de escolares com escore ZAI < &#8722;2. Observou-se 22,1% de escolares com IMC &#8805;85 ° P (indicativo de sobrepeso). Nesta pesquisa não foi possível verificar a associação (estatisticamente significativa) entre as variáveis renda familiar per capita e estado nutricional. Verificou-se que os alimentos mais consumidos diariamente pelos escolares foram: arroz, feijão, pão, leite, frutas, sucos, margarina, café, verduras e achocolatados. Cerca de 70% dos jovens costumavam comprar alimentos na cantina, com predomínio da preferência para alimentos ricos em açúcar e gorduras. Adotando-se a técnica estatística de regressão múltipla, foi possível notar que em cada mês adicional na vida dos meninos há aumento do consumo de 4,33 kcal, enquanto para as meninas o consumo diminui 2,14 kcal por mês. Verificou-se que os adolescentes permanecem, em média, 4 horas assistindo à televisão diariamente e que 78,6% dos entrevistados praticam esportes. Observou-se, tendo por base os dados obtidos junto aos professores, que os temas mais abordados por eles em sala de aula enfocam a relação dos nutrientes e suas funções e a alimentação balanceada. Os docentes reconhecem, unanimemente, a forte influência exercida pela televisão sobre os hábitos alimentares dos escolares. A implementação de programas de educação nutricional dirigidos aos adolescentes tem importância incontestável, como recurso para incentivá-los à adoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis e estilo de vida que favoreçam a qualidade de vida. / Adolescence is understood as an intermediate stage between childhood and adulthood, and is characterized as a period of high growth and development. Adolescents are oftentimes considered as a group exposed to nutritional risk due to their eating habits as well as their lifestyles. The promotion of styles for a healthy life may contribute for the health of children and adolescents, and school life represents a significant space for such an activity. The main objective of this paper was to investigate the nutritional status, food preferences and life style of 578 adolescents, of both genders, registered in the public schools (n= 7) of the city of Piracicaba – SP. Anthropometrical indicators were analyzed (Z-scores of height-for-age – ZAI, and Z-scores for weight-for-age –ZPI), and the distribution of the Body Mass Index – BMI. By applying a questionnaire, information was gathered about the students' eating habits, physical activity and lifestyle. By a specific formulary filled out by a parent or guardian, the social and economic status of the student’s family was identified. Science and physical education teachers (n= 26) of the schools were also interviewed with the purpose of assessing their knowledge on food and nutrition. Tables of contingence were drafted, attached to the chi-square tests and multiple regression analyses performed. The following results were among the main findings: a low percentage (4,0%) of the students showed a ZAI score <– 2, 22,1% of them exhibited BMI &#8804; 85° P (an indication of overweightness). This research effort did not reveal any statistically significant relationship between the family's per-capita income and the student's nutritional status. It was verified that the most consumed daily foods were: rice, dry beans, bread, milk, fruits, juices, margarine, coffee, greens and chocolate. About 70% of the young sujects frequently bought food at the school cafeteria, preferring foods rich in sugar and fat. Using the multiple regression statistics technique, it was possible to notice that at each additional month in the boys’ life there was an additon of 4.33 kcal to his diet, whereas for girls, there was a decrease of 2.14 kcal per month. It was also ascertained that adolescents watch television for an average of 4 hours daily and that 78,6% of the interviewed adolescents practice some kind of sport. Considering the data obtained from the teachers, it was verified that the main subject approached in class was the relationship between nutrients and their functions, and also the concept of a balanced meal. The teachers recognized, collectively, the strong influence from TV on the adolescents' food habits. The implementation of programs for nutritional education addressed to the adolescent should be of unquestionable importance as a means of motivating young citizens to have both healthy foods and lifestyles – thereby upgrading the quality of life.

Consumo alimentar e estilo de vida: um estudo longitudinal com estudantes universitários / Diet and lifestyle: a longitudinal study of college students

Gabrielle Aparecida Cardoso 14 April 2016 (has links)
A universidade é um local de aprendizagem no qual conhecimento acadêmico, social e cultural permeia a relação entre os estudantes, onde estes terão a oportunidade de vivenciar diferentes situações durante o curso. A maior preocupação é como esta experiência influenciará o estado nutricional com a possível mudança dos hábitos cotidianos, como abuso de bebidas alcoólicas, uso irrestrito de suplementos vitamínicos e alimentares e a alimentação inadequada. O consumo alimentar de universitários foi o foco desta pesquisa que teve como objetivo geral identificar as principais mudanças do consumo de alimentos/ bebidas e estilos de vida por meio de estudo de coorte, envolvendo estudantes ingressantes nos cursos de graduação da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" - ESALQ/USP, e como objetivos específicos desenvolver, validar e aplicar um instrumento com a finalidade de identificar medidas comportamentais relacionadas aos hábitos de consumo alimentar, atividade física, situação socioeconômica e relacionar as informações obtidas ao estado nutricional do estudante; descrever o consumo dentro e fora do domicílio. Participaram da pesquisa estudantes com idade entre 18 e 30 anos. Um questionário foi aplicado juntamente com a avaliação antropométrica para mensuração do peso, altura e classificação do estado nutricional por meio do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Este protocolo foi repetido após 8 meses de curso para que fosse identificada a situação do estado nutricional de cada indivíduo relacionada às mudanças do comportamento alimentar. Os dados coletados foram armazenados em base de dados no Microsoft Excel, sendo analisados por meio do Statistical Analysis System. Os dados quantitativos foram expressos em média e desvio-padrão (DP) com cálculos de intervalos de confiança de 95%. O teste do qui-quadrado foi utilizado para comparar a distribuição da prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade quanto à variável sexo, associando-se ao IMC. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de Pearson para verificação de concordância entre peso e altura aferidos e referidos. Foi realizada análise de regressão múltipla para identificação da mudança de consumo entre as fases, assim como para peso corporal. Utilizou-se o nível de significância de 5%. Observaram-se entre as duas fases quantidades preocupantes de nutrientes ingeridos aquém ou além dos limites preconizados para ambos os sexos; destaque para o elevado consumo de sódio, e insatisfatório de carotenóides. No caso dos carotenóides, houve crescimento significativo da contribuição da categoria 3 para as alunas. O consumo de cafeína na segunda fase foi maior, predominando o fornecimento pelos alimentos ultraprocessados. De forma geral houve aumento do consumo de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados. Observou-se aumento (significativo a 5%) no consumo de lipídios. Constatou-se diminuição na prática de exercícios físicos e aumento na ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, e destas com energéticos e no tabagismo. Concluiu-se que o ingresso na universidade contribui para a mudança nos hábitos alimentares e estilos de vida de maneira negativa, sendo necessária intervenção adequada visando a promoção da saúde dos estudantes. / The college is a learning place where academic, social and cultural knowledge exists in the relationship between students, where they will have the opportunity to experience different situations during the course. The biggest concern is how this experience will influence on the nutritional status with the possible change in daily habits, such as alcohol abuse, unrestricted use of vitamin and food supplements and inadequate nutrition. Dietary intake of students was the focus of this research aimed to identify the main changes in the consumption of food, beverage and lifestyles through cohort study, involving freshman students in undergraduate courses of the Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz \" - ESALQ/USP, and specific objectives are to develop, validate and apply an instrument in order to identify behavioral measures related to food habits, physical activity, socioeconomic status and relate the information obtained to the nutritional status of the student, describe consumption inside and outside the home. the participants were students, aged between 18 and 30 years. A questionnaire was administered along with the anthropometric for measuring weight, height and classification of nutritional status using the Body Mass Index (BMI). This protocol was repeated after 8-month course to be identified the situation of the nutritional state of each individual related to eating behavior changes. The collected data were stored in a database in Microsoft Excel (2007 version), and analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System software (version 9.3). Quantitative data were expressed as mean and standard deviation (SD) with calculation of 95% confidence intervals. The chi-square test was used to compare the distribution of the prevalence of overweight and obesity and gender, associating with BMI. We used the intraclass correlation coefficient of Pearson to check correlation between weight and height measured and reported. It was performed multiple regression analysis to identify the change in consumption between phases, as well as body weight. Used the significance level of 5%. They were observed between the two phases worrying amounts of nutrient intake below or above the recommended limits for both sexes; especially the high sodium intake, and poor carotenoids. In the case of carotenoids, a significant growth of the category 3 contribution to the students. Caffeine consumption was higher in the second phase, predominantly supply the ultra-processed food. Overall there was an increase in the consumption of processed foods and ultra-processed. There was an increase (significant at 5%) in the consumption of lipids. Found a decrease in physical exercise and increased intake of alcohol, and those with energy and tobacco. It was concluded that entry into the university contributes to the change in eating habits and lifestyles in a negative way, requiring appropriate intervention to combat harmful habits to aiming to promote the health of students.

Padrão alimentar e estado nutricional: caracterização de escolares de município paulista. / Alimentary standard and nutritional status: characterization of students from a municipal district in São Paulo state.

Vanessa Maestro 15 January 2003 (has links)
A literatura especializada tem registrado, com ênfase, que a alimentação tem função primordial para o atendimento das necessidades energéticas e nutricionais das crianças e adolescentes e, ainda, exercem papel fundamental para a prevenção de doenças na fase adulta. O consumo freqüente de dietas inadequadas, aliadas muitas vezes ao sedentarismo, podem comprometer o estado nutricional dos escolares. A conscientização das crianças e adolescentes para um estilo de vida mais saudável faz-se necessária, contribuindo para a promoção e consolidação de hábitos saudáveis. Face ao exposto, julgou-se pertinente analisar a situação da população jovem, que vive em município cuja população ocupa, predominantemente, a área rural. Para tanto, foi definida amostra (n = 508) representativa dos alunos da rede pública de ensino de Piedade, São Paulo, com vistas a conhecer o estado nutricional e alguns de seus condicionantes, o consumo alimentar e o estilo de vida dos alunos amostrados, com idade entre 6 e 18 anos. Foram analisados os indicadores antropométricos (escore Z de altura para idade – ZAI) e a distribuição do Índice de Massa Corporal – IMC. Os dados sobre o consumo alimentar e estilo de vida dos escolares foram obtidos por meio de um questionário. Também utilizando-se questionários específicos identificou-se as condições socioeconômicas das famílias. Entre os principais resultados, vale ressaltar que apenas 3% dos escolares apresentaram ZAI < –2 (indicativo de déficit de altura). Observou-se 13,4% dos escolares com IMC³ 85º P. Verificou-se forte associação entre o IMC dos escolares e o trabalho da mãe fora de casa. Entre os alimentos mais citados nas dietas dos escolares destacam-se: arroz, pão, feijão, hortaliças, leite, carne bovina, café, margarina e achocolatado em pó. Merece destaque a baixa ingestão, entre os escolares, de energia, fibras, folacina, vitamina C, vitamina A, vitamina E, cálcio, ferro e zinco. Foi observado consumo considerado elevado de proteínas, vitamina B12 e selênio. A análise da participação dos macronutrientes no valor energético total revelou que cerca de 65% dos alunos apresentaram dietas inadequadas, não tendo sido observadas diferenças expressivas quando se analisou os resultados discriminando o grupo, de acordo com o sexo. Quando se analisou os resultados, tendo por base as dietas dos alunos classificados de acordo com a idade, maior proporção (66,2%) de dietas inadequadas foi observada entre o grupo mais jovem (com idade inferior a 10 anos). Verificou-se que os escolares permanecem em média 3,3 horas diárias expostos à programação televisiva. O estado nutricional da população pode ser classificado como satisfatório, mas em relação ao consumo de alimentos, faz-se necessário a intervenção com vistas, por exemplo, à reeducação alimentar, a fim de oferecer subsídios aos escolares para a adoção de práticas alimentares benéficas à saúde. / The specialized literature has registered, with emphasis, that the feeding has primordial function in supplying children and teenagers energy and nutritional needs and, still, they have a fundamental role for the prevention of diseases in the adult phase. The frequent consumption of inadequate diets, allied to inactiveness, may put under risk students nutritional status. Children and teenagers awareness for a healthier lifestyle has become necessary, contributing to the promotion and consolidation of healthy habits. Therefore, the analysis of the situation of the young population was considered pertinent, once they live in a municipal district which population is located, predominantly, in the rural area. This way, a representative sample of students from the public teaching net of Piedade, São Paulo, was defined (n = 508), aiming to know the nutritional status and some of their restrictions, the alimentary consumption and the lifestyle of the sampled students, between 6 and 18 years old. The anthropometrical indicators were analyzed (Z-score of height-for-age – ZAI) and the distribution of the Index of Body Mass Index – BMI. The information on the alimentary consumption and the students’ lifestyle were obtained through a questionnaire. Also through specific questionnaires the socioeconomic conditions of the families were identified. Among the main results, it is worth to emphasize that only 3% of the students presented ZAI < –2 (indicative of height deficit). It was observed that 13,4% of the students with IMC ³ 85 o P. A strong association was verified between the students' BMI and the fact of having the mother' working out of home. Among the most mentioned foods in the students' diets we can stand out: rice, bread, bean, vegetables, milk, bovine meat, coffee, margarine and powdered chocolate. We have to highlight and turn attention to the low ingestion, among the students, of energy, fibers, folacin, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, iron and zinc. A high consumption of proteins, vitamin B12 and selenium was observed. The analysis of the participation of the macronutrients in the total energy value revealed that about 65% of the students presented inadequate diets, not having been observed expressive differences when analyzed the results discriminating the group, concerning gender. When the results were analyzed, based on students' diets classified concerning age, a larger proportion (66,2%) of inadequate diets was observed among the youngest group (10 years old or less). It was verified that the students spend an average of 3,3 hours daily in front of television. The nutritional status of the population can be classified as satisfactory, but concerning the consumption of foods, it is necessary an intervention aiming, for instance, an alimentary reeducation, in order to offer subsidies to the students to adopt beneficial alimentary practices to the health.

Consumo de carotenoides no Brasil: a contribuição da alimentação fora do domicílio / Carotenoids consumption in Brazil: a contribution of out-of-home food intake

Rodrigo Dantas Amancio 08 October 2012 (has links)
Carotenoides são considerados substâncias bioativas e seu consumo tem sido associado à prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Os carotenoides com atividade pró-vitamínica atuam no combate à hipovitaminose A. O objetivo desta dissertação foi descrever a ingestão de carotenoides, destacando a contribuição do consumo fora do domicílio, de acordo com fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e estado nutricional, além de identificar as principais fontes alimentares presentes na dieta da população brasileira. Utilizou-se como base de dados as informações integrantes do bloco de consumo alimentar pessoal, da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2008-2009), realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), que envolveu 34.003 indivíduos com idade de 10 anos ou mais. Um banco de dados foi construído para viabilizar o cálculo das quantidades (médias) de carotenoides presentes na dieta dos participantes da amostra. Foram utilizadas principalmente informações contidas na base Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) e a Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Carotenoides em Alimentos. Foram elaboradas análises estatísticas descritivas envolvendo o cálculo de ingestão de carotenoides no domicílio e fora dele e as variáveis selecionadas. O consumo médio per capita foi de 4.117,0 &micro;g/dia para carotenoides totais e 2.337,9 &micro;g/dia para os pró-vitamínicos A. As maiores médias de ingestão de carotenoides (totais; pró-vitamínicos) foram identificadas entre os seguintes grupos: mulheres (4.245,8 &micro;g/dia; 2.458,9 &micro;g/dia), moradores do meio urbano (4.143,2 &micro;g/dia; 2.364,20 &micro;g/dia), habitantes da Região Sul (4.987,6 &micro;g/dia; 2.948,9 &micro;g/dia), idosos (4.694,3 &micro;g/dia; 2.853,8 &micro;g/dia), indivíduos com os maiores rendimentos (5.596,7 &micro;g/dia; 3.236,6 &micro;g/dia), com curso de pós-graduação completo (7.009,7 &micro;g/dia; 4.143,5 &micro;g/dia), de cor amarela (5.692,7 &micro;g/dia; 3.436,9 &micro;g/dia) e aqueles classificados com os maiores Índice de Massa Corporal - IMC (4.445,1 &micro;g/dia; 2.535,0 &micro;g/dia). Constatou-se que a contribuição fora do domicílio representou até ¼ da ingestão total de carotenoides. Observou-se que os indivíduos do sexo feminino, idade acima de 60 anos e obesos, embora ingerissem maiores quantidades destas substâncias, integraram os grupamentos que (em relação ao total) apresentaram menor participação na ingestão fora do domicílio. O crescimento da renda e da escolaridade foi fundamental para proporcionar níveis mais elevados de consumo. As principais fontes de carotenoides na dieta da população brasileira foram: salada, suco, alface, tomate, mamão, melancia, abóbora, batata-doce, cenoura, milho verde e ovo de galinha. Fora do domicílio prevaleceu a ingestão dos três primeiros alimentos/preparações. Os níveis de ingestão revelaram-se expressivamente inferiores aos preconizados como seguros. Medidas de incentivo ao consumo de frutas, verduras, legumes e seus derivados (fontes de carotenoides), sobretudo entre os jovens, são necessárias e prioritárias, especialmente com vistas à prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e no combate à hipovitaminose A. / Carotenoids are considered bioactive substances and its consumption has been associated to prevention of chronic non communicable diseases. The carotenoids with pro-vitamin activity act against hypovitaminosis A. The aim of this dissertation was to report the carotenoids intake, highlighting the contribution of outof- home food consumption, accordingly with socioeconomic and demographical factors, nutritional status, also to identify the main food sources in the diet of Brazilian population. A secondary data from the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey - POF - was used, published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The sample consisted of 34,003 study subjects (13,569 households), with at least 10 years-old. A database was built to allow the calculation of quantities (average) of carotenoids in the diet of study participants. Information was used primarily by the Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Brazilian Table of Carotenoids Composition in Food. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed for calculation of carotenoid intake at home and out-of-home consumption. The average daily consumption per capita was 4,117.0 &micro;g/day for total carotenoids and 2,337.9 &micro;g/day for provitamin A carotenoids. The highest average intake of carotenoids (total; provitaminic) was found between the following groups: women (4,245.8 &micro;g/day; 2,458.9 &micro;g/day), urban dwellers (4,143.2 &micro;g/day; 2,364.20 &micro;g/day), South region population (4,987.6 &micro;g/day; 2,948.9 &micro;g/day), elderly people (4,694.3 &micro;g/day; 2,853.8 &micro;g/day), high-income individuals (5,596.7 &micro;g/day; 3,236.6 &micro;g/day), with full graduate degree (7,009.7 &micro;g/day; 4,143.5 &micro;g/day), yellow skinned person (5,692.7 &micro;g/day; 3,436.9 &micro;g/day) and those classified with highest Body Mass Index (BMI) (4,445.1 &micro;g/day; 2,535.0 &micro;g/day). The out-ofhome contribution found in this present study represented up to ¼ of the total intake of carotenoids. It was observed that individuals over 60 years, female and obese people, although ingested larger amount of these substances, belonged to the groups (in relation with total) which showed less interest in out-of-home eating. The increase in income and education was essential to provide higher levels of consumption. The main dietary carotenoids sources of Brazilian population were: salad, juice, lettuce, tomato, papaya, watermelon, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, corn and chicken egg. The consumption of first three food/preparation prevailed outside the home. The intake levels showed expressively lower than those recommended as safe. Policies to promote the consumption of fruits, vegetables and derived products (carotenoids sources) are necessary and priority, particularly among young people, especially aiming to prevent the risk of chronic diseases and combating hypovitaminosis A.

The Effect of Food Safety and Quality on the Consumption and Price of Meat in Beijing, China

Shang, Xia January 2011 (has links)
China's economic success has helped it become one of the largest markets in the world. As a result, the demand for agricultural commodities in China has experienced a significant increase. Increasingly affluent Chinese people are paying increasing attention to food safety and quality instead of just quantity. Understanding how meat demands and prices are related to food safety and quality in Beijing will provide guidance for industry and policymakers interested in the Chinese meat market. The purpose of this study is to develop two models to analyze meat demand and prices associated with food safety and quality respectively. First, An Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) is used to investigate the effects of food safety on meat consumption. To address the potential bias of zero consumption in the estimation procedures, a simulated maximum likelihood (SML) estimation is applied in the regression. Second, we analyze the implicit price of meat with the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes using a hedonic price model. Five meat categories are regressed on several intrinsic and extrinsic attributes in the model using household survey data collected in Beijing in 2007. The key results of this research have two major outcomes. First, food safety has a significant and positive influence on meat consumption for Beijing residents. Second, the quality-related attributes or characteristics such as meat appearance, supermarket, meat brand, and processed meat as well as demographic variables such as household head's income have a significantly positive influence on the price of meat, which suggest that the consumers in Beijing are willing to pay a price premium to guarantee the quality and safety of meat.

Impact of dietary patterns on academic performance of Zimbabwe College Students

Mpofu, Molyn January 2015 (has links)
DEd (Curriculum Studies) / College students in Zimbabwe were facing many challenges in adopting proper dietary patterns which promote learning. This study sought to establish the impact of Socio-Economic factors and dietary patterns in particular on the academic performance of college students in Zimbabwe. The study established challenges that were faced by college students in making choices of dietary patterns that promote learning. Factors that influence choice of dietary patterns for college students were established in this study. The case study was Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic College in Zimbabwe with a population of 206 students and a sample of 102 participants was purposively selected. A mixed-methods research, using quantitative and qualitative approaches was employed and questionnaires, interviews, observation and document analysis were used to collect data. Findings are presented from both questionnaire and interview data in combination, with interview data playing the role of supplementing quantitative findings and probing detailed information. Quantitative data was analysed using the IBM SPSS Version 23.0 while qualitative data was coded into themes and synthesised into quantitative data to support or refute quantitative data. Research indicates that diet quality and overall health status of college students are among the prominent factors which contribute to poor student academic performance worldwide. The experiences and perceptions held by the college students and cooks were investigated. The main study findings showed that if students follow proper dietary patterns they may perform well in their studies since relationship between nutrition and academic work lies on the notion that a healthy body is able to maintain a healthy mind, which suggests that certain risk factors for a physically ill-health are also risk factors for cognitive impairment. This study made recommendations for dietary patterns that promote learning in academic domains. It also developed a model valuable for dietary patterns. / `

Influence of the heifer international pass on programme on livehoods of households: the case of Wanezi Ward in Mberengwa District of Zimbabwe

Chidembo, Ranganai 16 September 2019 (has links)
MRDV / Institute for Rural Development / Food and nutritional insecurity, poverty and hunger are some of the 21st -century challenges baffling most developing economies. Worldwide, 1.2 billion people are estimated to be living in poverty. Since 1990, the number of people living in extreme poverty has increased by over 50 million in 2014. Among the many public and private institutions that have made several gritty efforts to address the poverty challenge is the Heifer international through its Heifer International Pass on Programme (HIPP). Under the HIPP, the Pass on the Gift programme has been implemented in Ward 1 of Mberengwa District for over two decades targeting the food and nutritional insecure, hungry and poverty-stricken people who are given a gift in form of cattle, goats, chicken etc. This was done with the belief that the gift will add value to their asset base and serve as stepping stone out of poverty, food and nutrition insecurity. Various reports have been written on how the programme helped in improving household livelihood. However, the voice of the beneficiaries was not being heard. This study explored how the Pass-on-the-Gift programme influenced the household‘s livelihoods in Ward 1, Mberengwa District of Zimbabwe. A multi-stage integrated approach was employed. Both the case study and a cross-sectional survey designs were employed. Two sequentially integrated phases were followed. On the first phase, a case study was used to gather data from the Heifer International Pass on Programme beneficiaries and other key stakeholders. During this stage, data were collected using a semistructured interview guide. Results obtained from the first phase informed formulation of the questionnaire used in the second phase. Respondents were purposefully sampled in both stages. Data obtained through semi-structured interviews were analyzed using Atlas ti 8 software while that from a survey was analyzed using IBM SPPS version 25 software to generate descriptive statistics and inferential statistics components. Results from the first phase of data collection were triangulated with those from the second phase. This synchronized the two data sets and allowed subsequent discussion of the results. The research findings revealed that the HIPP influenced all the households of the participating farmers financially, socially and economically where p= 0.000. Thus, the study confirmed that the notion that cattle ownership can be used as an avenue of confronting the multi-dimensional rural development challenges. Furthermore, it was revealed that cattle ownership empowers the rural smallholder farmers and has potential to assist households dismantle the perpetual dependency on external support, improve their livelihoods and contribute to sustainable development goals. / NRF

Faktory vysvětlující spotřební chování: výzkum spotřebitelů biopotravin na vzorku obyvatel hl. m. Prahy a okresu Znojmo / Explanatory factors of consumer behaviour: the survey of organic food consumers conducted on sample of inhabitants of Prague and Znojmo district

Zvěřinová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Production, processing, transport and consumption of food form a significant part of the environmental burden. Organic farming and organic food production represent for many experts, policymakers and for a part of lay public a way to reduce the environmental burden. The volume of organic food production hinges on, among others, the willingness of consumers to prefer organic food to conventional food and also to change consumer behaviour. Although organic food consumer and purchase behaviour is sometimes found to be environmentally motivated, health motives are prevailing in many developed countries. Recently, organic food consumption has grown significantly in developed countries. The diploma thesis is for these reasons aimed at analysis of motivational factors and barriers that affect consumer's purchase decision-making related to organic food. First, the overview of scientific literature concerning organic food consumption behaviour is presented. Factors that explain it can be divided into four major types: attitudinal variables, contextual forces, personal capabilities and habits. In the diploma thesis, we focus on risk perception, which can be classified as the attitudinal variable. Considering the perception of health and environmental risks, it is important to point out that manufactured...

Klimatsmarta Stockholmare : En granskning av Stockholms stads klimatarbete utifrån ekologisk modernisering och ecological citizenship / A climate friendly Stockholm : A review of Stockholm's climate efforts based on ecological modernization and ecological citizenship

Gustafsson, Ulrika, Simonsson, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
I denna rapport undersöks på vilka sätt Stockholms stad försöker minska invånarnas klimatpåverkan när det gäller konsumtion av mat och transporter. Med utgångspunkt i teorierna om ekologisk modernisering (EM) och ecological citizenship (EC) studeras Stockholms stads dokument och planer för klimatarbete. Vad gäller transporter så genomför Stockholms stad åtgärder för att minska biltrafiken och användningen av fossila bränslen, effektivisera godstrafiken samt öka cykel, gång och kollektivtrafik. Det finns betydligt färre åtgärder som rör livsmedel. De som finns är informativa styrmedel riktade till privatpersoner och företag med tips på hur klimatpåverkan från mat kan minskas, till exempel genom att äta mindre kött. Sammantaget har Stockholms stads åtgärder ett mer lokalt än globalt fokus, åtgärderna bygger mer på innovationer än beteendeförändringar. Den uttalade anledningen för förändring handlar om god livskvalitet i Stockholm snarare än global rättvisa. Detta leder till slutsatsen att Stockholms stads klimatarbete präglas av EM i betydligt större utsträckning än EC. Detta är inte oväntat eftersom EM länge varit dominerande i den miljöpolitiska debatten. EM har fått mycket kritik för att sakna globalt perspektiv, därför kan dess effektivitet för att lösa globala problem ifrågasättas.

Becoming Vegan : Consumers’ perceived barriers when transitioning to a vegan diet

Burenius, Johanna, Lien, Louise January 2021 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to identify challenges experienced amongst consumers in Stockholm when transitioning to a vegan diet. Five consumers between the ages of 24-27 have during a period of one month assumed the task of transitioning to a vegan diet. The results were analyzed through the lens of The Multidisciplinary Model of the main factors affecting consumer behaviour in the food domain and as well as the Cognitive dissonance theory to enable a deeper analysis. The study shows that information, supply and psychological influences are three main areas in which barriers are present. Lack of marketing in store and online, lack of clear labeling on products and lack of supply in both stores and restaurants were the most apparent challenges experienced amongst consumers which can be barriers when transitioning to a vegan diet. Furthermore, psychological influences that were perceived as barriers by the consumers was the presence of dissonance and the feeling of lack of support and inspiration.

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