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Livsmedelsproducenters hantering av coronapandemin – problem, lösningar och lärdomar : Verksamhetschefers upplevelser av organisationsförändring under coronapandeminMessaoudi, Younas January 2022 (has links)
In this study, we have delved deeply into the European food industry's response to the altered reality during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through qualitative interviews with six business leaders from different parts of the sector, combined with a comprehensive literature review, we have strived to enhance the understanding of the organizational changes and strategic solutions that the industry has employed to navigate the crisis. The challenges we observed included disruptions in the supplychain, stress among employees due to illness and work-related pressure, as well as shifting sales and market patterns. Despite these difficulties, the companies managed to adapt by restructuring their organizations and leadership styles, which mitigated the negative impact of the pandemic. Some of the most significant lessons included the importance of having a flexible and adaptable organizational structure, and the necessity to develop effective communication strategies and leadership methods during uncertain times. The results of our study also point out that there is a need to integrate social aspects into food production and distribution. This would increase companies' resilience and ability to maintain operations in an increasingly uncertain global context. We found that the pandemic has contributed to increasing the importance of local production and consumption, strengthening the role of digital technology in streamlining communication and workflows, and focusing more on companies' sustainability initiatives and responsibilities. To further utilize these insights, we propose future research focusing on tracking companies' adaptations over time, comparing different industries and regions, and examining how the implementation of changes is related to the achievement of sustainability goals. We also underscore that both quantitative and qualitative research methods should be used to gain adeeper understanding of the processes driven by crises like the pandemic. In summary, our study shows that, despite the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought, food producers in Europe have demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt and reshape their organizations and business models. The main lesson is that flexibility, communication, and rapid adaptation are crucial in handling crises and ensuring a sustainable and resilient food industry. This insight can assist policymakers and industry leaders in formulating more effective strategies and guidelines to promote a more sustainable and resilient organization.
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Handcrafting The Change They Want To Eat In The World? An Inquiry Into The Who, What, and Why of Artisanal Food Production in Central OhioCaricofe, Erin E. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Konsumentcentrerad innovation – den hemliga kryddan inom livsmedelsindustrin : Hur en livsmedelsproducent kan blir mer konsumentcentrerad i sin produktutveckling / Consumer oriented innovation – the secret ingredient within the food industry : How the product development of a food producer can become more consumer orientedStorsved, Viktor, Säfström, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
Matbranschen är en bransch där få stora innovationer sker. Under de senaste åren har marknaden sett en kraftig utveckling av återförsäljares egna varumärken vilka konkurrerar ut befintliga produkter från livsmedelsproducenter genom deras billigare pris. Vidare medför det faktum att återförsäljare är en mellanhand mellan livsmedelsproducenter och konsument att en distans mellan producent och konsument uppstår. För att bemöta konkurrensen från återförsäljarnas egna varumärken behöver producenter komma med produktinnovationer som lyckas ta konsumenternas preferenser i beaktning. Med grund i detta samt att tidigare studier inom området saknas formulerades studiens syfte till: att undersöka hur utvecklingen av nya produkter hos en leverantör inom den svenska livsmedelsindustrin kan bli mer konsumentcentrerad. Tre huvudområden identifierades för att angripa problemet: affärsmodeller, innovation och värdeskapande och genom en djupdykning i vetenskaplig litteratur inom dessa områden togs slutligen en analysmodell fram. Studiens tre huvudområden låg till grund för en kvalitativ, enkel fallstudie av en svensk livsmedelsproducent. Empiriska data samlades in genom 19 semistrukturerade intervjuer och två studiebesök i produktionen. Intervjuerna genomfördes på ett antal utvalda avdelningar inom fallföretaget för att få en omfattande förståelse för dels hur en livsmedelsproducent utvecklar produkter, dels hur produktutvecklingen skulle kunna bli mer konsumentcentrerad. Studien resulterade i fem slutsatser: Externa samarbeten främjar produktutvecklingen eftersom de ger möjlighet till att samla in och utföra nya idéer genom att bidra med nya perspektiv och kompetenser. Obalans i inflytande och brist på transparens kan påverka externa samarbeten negativt. Studien visade även att distansen mellan leverantörer och konsument försvårar leverantörens möjligheter att förstå konsumentens värdeskapande vilket komplicerar konsumentcentrerad produktutveckling. Insamlandet av konsumentåsikter möjliggör för användandet av verktyg för att mäta och därmed möjligheten att förstå konsumentens värdeskapande. Återförsäljare och konsumenter skapar värde utifrån olika faktorer vilket är viktigt att ta i beaktande vid utveckling av nya produkter för att fokusera rätt värdeerbjudande mot rätt kund. Utifrån slutsatserna formulerades sex rekommendationer där livsmedelsproducenter rekommenderas att utveckla samarbeten för att främja produktutvecklingen. Vidare rekommenderas mer transparens inom samarbeten för att förbättra befintliga samarbeten och få till nya externa samarbeten. Distansen mellan leverantör och konsument bör minskas och konsumenten bör involveras mer för att främja en konsumentcentrerad produktutveckling. Vidare bör leverantörer strukturera insamlingen av konsumentåsikter och vara medvetna om skillnaden mellan återförsäljares och konsumentens värdeskapande. Vidare diskuterades studiens begränsningar och förslag på framtida forskning. För ett få en mer nyanserad bild av det identifierade problemet hade återförsäljare och konsumenter kunnat intervjuas. / The food industry is an industry where few innovations occur. Within the last years the market has seen a heavy increase in retailers’ own brands which are outcompeting products from food producers due to their lower price. Furthermore, the fact that a retailer is a middle hand between food producers and consumers means that there is a distance between producers and consumers. To meet the competition from the retailers’ own brands, producers need to provide product innovations which are capable of taking consumer preferences into account. Based on this and the lack of studies within the area the purpose of the study became: to investigate how the development of new products at a supplier within the Swedish food industry can become more consumer oriented. Three main areas were identified to attack the problem: business models, innovation, and value creation, and through a deep dive in academic literature within these areas an analytical model was created. The study’s three main areas were the basis of a qualitative, single case study of a Swedish food producer. Empirical data was obtained through 19 semi structured interviews and study visits at two of the producer’s production sites. The interviews were carried out at a few specifically chosen departments within the case company to obtain a holistic understanding of how a food producer develops products but also how the development of products can become more consumer oriented. The study resulted in five conclusions: External collaborations promote product development because they provide the opportunity to collect and execute new ideas by contributing with new perspectives and competences. Imbalance in influence and lack of transparency can negatively affect external collaborations. The study also showed that the distance between a supplier and consumer makes it difficult for the supplier to understand the value creation of the consumer which complicates consumer-oriented product development. The collection of consumer opinions enables the use of tools to measure and understand the value creation of the consumer. Retailers and consumers create value based on different factors which are important to take into account when developing new products in order to focus the correct value proposition on the correct customer. Based on the conclusions, six recommendations were formulated where food producers are recommended to develop external collaborations to promote product development. Furthermore, more transparency within external collaborations is recommended to improve existing and to obtain new external collaborations. The distance between a supplier and consumer should be reduced and the consumer should be involved more to promote consumer-oriented product development. Furthermore, suppliers should structure the collection of opinions from consumers and be aware of the differences between retailers and consumers value creation. Furthermore, the constraints of the study were discussed along with suggestions for further studies. To obtain a more nuanced picture of the identified problem, retailers and consumers could have been interviewed as well.
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