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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samhällsuppbyggnad och demokratisering i Bosnien-Hercegovina : En utvärdering av SIDA:s aktuella verksamheter i Bosnien ur ett fredsperspektiv

Jönsson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>SIDA’s relief work in Bosnia aims at making the country ready for a membership in the EU where the main focus lies in the creation of a sustainable state as well as liberalizing the market to create an increased economic cooperation between Bosnia and the rest of Europe. These ambitions are closely related to the neo-liberal theory of state building which aims at creating democratic societies in line with the western democracy model, with a liberal economy constituting its base. Despite generous financial aid, the democratic and economic development in Bosnia is moving very slowly and the ethnical tensions seem to grow despite international involvement in the country. The purpose of this study is to evaluate SIDA’s present relief work in Bosnia out of a peace perspective. Possibilities and problems with SIDA’s work will be brought up and the study intends to answer whether SIDA’s work in Bosnia serves the perspective of peace. The methodological procedure consists of an analysis of the documents on SIDA’s current relief work in Bosnia and a literature study of theories concerning state building.</p><p>The results of the study show that the parts of SIDA’s work in Bosnia that ground in the neo-liberal theory betweentimes undermine economic and democratic development as well as peace. Investments are made to gear Bosnia to European requirements which makes it difficult to accommodate specific Bosnian needs. In the conclusion, a more bottom-up inspired development work from SIDA is therefore suggested where the focus will be on working more from the local and civil society together with actively creating jobs in order to increase the economic development.</p>

Pacifism och andra världskriget : En undersökning av en svensk kristen tidnings pacifistiska hållning under andra världskriget

Viberg, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p><img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi" /></p><p>Uppsatsens syfte var att definiera tidningen Missionsbanerets pacifism problematiserad utifrån andra världskrigets konflikter mellan stormakterna och mellan de totalitära staterna och Sveriges nordiska grannländer. Tidningen har kategoriserats efter sin hållning till pragmatisk respektive radikal pacifism utifrån konflikterna och dess hantering av pacifismens grundproblem, hur man ska handskas med en aggressiv motståndare som inte tar hänsyn till fredsbevarande arbete. Tidningen har även placerats in i ett större svenskt sammanhang. Följande frågor har använts i undersökningen:</p><p>1: Vilken syn hade tidningen på andra världskriget och krig i stort? 2: Vad var synen på andra världskrigets orsaker? 3: Hur betraktades stormakternas inbördes konflikter, deras medverkan i kriget och deras ideologier i förhållande till tidningens pacifistiska grundsyn? 4: Hur betraktades Finlands, Norges och (Danmarks) situation, deras krigsåtgärder och deras eventuella rättigheter till sina landområden i förhållande till tidningens pacifistiska grundsyn?</p><p>Tidningens nummer har bearbetats mellan perioden 17 november 1938 till 27 september 1945 där de artiklar som haft anknytning till kriget och världsläget i stort utvalts till analysen.</p><p>Resultaten visar att tidningen övervägande var en radikalpacifistisk tidning. Olika omständigheter gjorde emellertid att denna i vissa fall mildrades. Exempel på sådana var att tidningen godkände referat av kristna soldaters berättelser och vittnesbörd. Ett fåtal artiklar visar även på en syn att kriget kunde leda till något positivt till exempel genom att människor i sin nöd började söka Gud. När det gäller behandlingen av pacifismens grundproblem intog tidningen en radikalpacifistisk hållning inför konflikterna mellan stormakterna. I konflikten Finland-Sovjetunionen var hållningen mer åt det pragmatiskt pacifistiska hållet. Denna skillnad berodde förmodligen på en möjlig fruktan inför kommunismens eventuella utbredning, ett broderskapsförhållande till finländarna och en vilja att väcka förståelse hos läsarna för finlands folks nöd och behov.</p><p>I ett svenskt sammanhang höll tidningen en moralisk linjen då tidningen sällan kompromissade med sin pacifism. Vidare gick tidningen emot normen i den svenska pressen om krigsmaktens betydelser för freden eller för landets intressen.</p>

Zinnemann re-watched Fred Zinnemanns Filme über das Leben mit und nach dem Krieg

Dehn, Jens January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Univ., Diss., 2006

Frågan är - flera sanningar, en lögn? : en kartläggning av hur religion framställs i läromedel grundade på ett massmedialt flöde under 2000-talets första decennium

Johannes, Ståhlnacke January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how different religious traditions are portrayed in teaching materials based on news reports. The main question concerns the way in which religious practices and holidays are described and in which contexts religion is presented. The method includes a both quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The study concludes that certain religious practices are presented in a way that describes the practitioners as more faithful and homogenous than others. This was especially prominent among Muslims and to a certain extent Hindus. The results also show that in the learning content, Islam revolves much more around wars and conflicts. This is not the case regarding Christianity, which is more often presented in everyday contexts and together with positive topics. Altogether, this leads to the conclusion that different images of the religions emerge with the unavoidable consequence that some traditions are presented as more peaceful than others.

Skapandet av ett fredligt samhälle. Vad kan vi göra? : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om skolans och deras egen roll i skapandet av en fredligare värld

Pozo, Irupé January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine what upper secondary school students think that they themselves and their school can do to create a peaceful society. The study combine qualitative and quantitative methods based on questionnaires distributed among 328 students in three high schools in Sweden. The survey is a combination of multiple choice and open questions. For the analysis of quantitative responses the computer program SPSS was used producing frequency tables and response rate schemes. To analyze the questionnaire's qualitative part a narrative analysis method was used. The central theoretical framework of the study is research on peace, positive peace, peace education and racism. The conclusion of the study is that most students in the survey believe that the school plays an important role in establishing and supporting peaceful values, both with the students and in society at large. Students feel that school should take on more responsibility as a peacemaking force than it does today. They also expressed that the schools need to work more with anti-racism, harassment and bullying and that they think that the teachers ought to get more training in these subjects. According to the students, their most important role as individuals is to act in a way that promotes a peaceful society while also living by what they preach.  They underlined the importance that each individual must take upon themselves to play an active role in promoting a peaceful society and they also stressed the importance of working together to bring these changes.

Fred Jewell, 1875-1936 : his life as composer of circus and band music, bandmaster, and publisher

Conrad, Charles P. January 1994 (has links)
Fred Jewell was one of the leading composers of band and circus music of the early twentieth century. Born in Worthington, Indiana in 1875, he started his musical career at age sixteen as a baritone player in a circus band. He rose to the position of bandmaster for the Barnum and Bailey, Gentry Brothers, Hagenbeck-Wallace, and Sells-Floto Circuses. He wrote dozens of marches and other pieces of music for the circus. Upon returning to Indiana, he began to concentrate on the concert band, writing music in several genre for that ensemble.He relocated to Iowa from 1918-1923, where he established his publishing company and directed the Iowa Brigade Band. He returned to Worthington in 1923, where he became director at the local high school and the President of the Town Council. His publishing business grew during the 1920s, and he was named director of the Indianapolis Murat Temple Shrine Band, one of the nation's leading Masonic ensembles. Frequently in demand as a guest conductor, he joined the American Bandmasters Association and wrote many marches for the educational market. He guided his publishing company through the depression years until his death in 1936.It is as a composer of marches that Jewell is remembered decades after his death. Several of his marches, including "E Pluribus Unum," "Gentry's Triumphal," "The Screamer," and "Quality-plus" have remained in the repertoire of concert bands. Following Jewell's biography, this study includes a chronological discussion of his works, with each piece of music analyzed brieflyas to instrumentation, form, and facts of publication. Jewell's scoring styles and his publishing career are also discussed.An increased interest in the influence of American bands during Jewell's lifetime has stimulated researchers in that area. Jewell, as one of the leading figures of the time, can be thought of as a model typical of enterprising musicians and composers whose careers spanned a wide spectrum, both geographically and in versatility. Their impact on the artistic development of America is just beginning to be recognized. / School of Music

Polimorfismo y divergencia en genes implicados en la resistencia al frío en "Drosophila".

Arboleda Bustos, Carlos Eduardo 17 October 2008 (has links)
El objetivo principal de la tesis doctoral es analizar la evolución molecular de genes implicados en la tolerancia y aclimatación al frío en Drosophila, ya que estos genes son buenos candidatos de haber sufrido cambios adaptativos. Los genes elegidos fueron Frost(Fst) y Drosophila cold acclimation gene(Dca) que en D. melanogaster se sobreexpresan tras someter a los individuos a un estrés por frío. Posteriormente, el estudio se amplió al gen CG6296, que al igual que Fst codifica una proteína con diversos motivos PEEST en la región terminal, y al gen Regucalcin (RC), que es un gen parálogo de Dca. Para conseguir el objetivo propuesto se analizó el nivel y patrón de polimorfismo intraespecífico en poblaciones naturales de D. melanogaster y D. subobscura, y la divergencia interespecífica en diversas especies del género Drosophila. Las poblaciones de D. melanogaster estudiadas procedían de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia (Barcelona) y Montemayor (Córdoba). No se detectaron diferencias genéticas significativas del polimorfismo nucleotídico en ninguno de los genes analizados entre ambas poblaciones a pesar de estar ubicadas a diferente latitud. Las poblaciones de D. subobscura analizadas procedían de Riba-roja d'Ebre (Cataluña) y El Pedroso (Galicia). Los niveles de variación nucleotídica detectados en el gen Fst de D. melanogaster son considerablemente bajos y sugieren que en o cerca del gen Fst se ha producido un arrastre selectivo o hitchhiking. La ubicación de dicho gen en una región con niveles reducidos de recombinación apoyaría esta idea. La divergencia nucleotídica se analizó 9 especies del género Drosophila. Los análisis realizados por medio del relative rate test detectaron un exceso significativo de sustituciones no sinónimas en el linaje de D. erecta. El gen Fst, al igual que el gen CG6296, presenta una gran variación interespecífica en el número de motivos PEEST, resultado que indicaría que dicho gen está evolucionando rápidamente por inserciones/deleciones de estos motivos.El patrón de polimorfismo observado en la región 5' flanqueante del gen Dca no se ajusta al neutralismo ni en D. melanogaster ni en D. subobscura. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de la desviación es diferente en las dos especies. Este resultado indicaría la acción de la selección, probablemente direccional, en las secuencias reguladoras del gen Dca. La divergencia nucleotídica de dicho gen fue estudiada conjuntamente en 12 especies de Drosophila. Este análisis permitió detectar diferentes procesos de duplicación independientes del gen Dca, ya que éste presenta tres copias adyacentes en D. ananassae y dos en D. pseudoobscura y D. willistoni.En D. melanogaster el gen RC presenta un exceso significativo de mutaciones derivadas segregando a elevada frecuencia probablemente causado por un barrido selectivo. En el grupo obscura, el test de MK muestra un exceso significativo de diferencias no sinónimas fijadas entre D. subobscura y D. madeirensis o D. guanche, resultado que indicaría un acumulo de cambios adaptativos durante la divergencia de las especies del clúster subobscura. Este resultado se corroboró en el análisis de la divergencia del gen RC en 11 especies del género Drosophila. El alto nivel de similitud nucleotídica y aminoacídica de los genes Dca y RC sugieren que ambos se formaron después de un evento de duplicación génica. Los análisis de maximum likelihood indican que estos genes se encuentran evolucionando de forma diferente. En los linajes de especies que viven en zonas templadas, el gen Dca (pero no el gen RC) presenta mayores niveles de constricción funcional en comparación a los observados en los linajes de especies típicamente tropicales. Además, en las ramas de linajes de especies de zonas templadas se identificaron dos posiciones aminoacídicas que presentan una elevada probabilidad de haber evolucionado bajo selección positiva. / Genes involved in cold acclimation and tolerance are good candidates to have suffered adaptive changes. With the aim of detecting the action of natural selection on these genes, nucleotide polymorphism and divergence at Fst (Frost) and Dca (Drosophila cold acclimation gene) was analyzed in Drosophila. The analysis was extended to CG6296, as the protein encoded by this gene shares some characteristics with FST, and Regucalcin (RC) that is a paralog of Dca. The results obtained revealed different aspects of the molecular evolution of these genes and suggested the action of selection in some of them. First, Fst has an unusual low level of nucleotide variation in D. melanogaster, which is consistent with a selective sweep in or near this gene. Second, the pattern of polymorphism in the 5' flanking region of Dca differed from expectations of the neutral model by the Tajima and Fu and Li tests in both species, which suggests the action of selection on the regulatory regions of Dca. Third, the MK test indicated a decoupling between synonymous and nonsynonymous polymorphism at RC in D. subobscura and divergence between this species and D. madeirensis and D. guanche. Four, Fst is evolving rapidly by insertions/deletions that cause important interespecific differences in the length of the FST protein. Five, the gene Dca originated by a duplication event after the split of the Sophophora and Drosophila subgenera but that predated the radiation of the Sophophora species. Six, maximum likelihood analysis indicated a rapid evolution of Dca in the branch leading to the Sophophora species likely due to the acquisition of a new function. Seven, Dca is evolving differentially in the lineages of species from temperate areas relative to tropical species. Finally, two amino acid sites that have likely evolved by positive selection were identified in the DCA protein.

A pedogigical study and practice guide for significant original euphonium solo compositions for the undergraduate level

Meixner, Brian. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of North Texas, 2007. / System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Accompanied by 4 recitals, recorded Nov. 3, 2003, Apr. 5, 2004, Apr. 18, 2005, and June 8, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 46-48).

Examining the role of problem solving appraisal and narcissism in leader behavior : a test of Fielder's prediction in an unfavorable situation /

Baker, Charles E., January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 98-109). Also available on the Internet.

Examining the role of problem solving appraisal and narcissism in leader behavior a test of Fielder's prediction in an unfavorable situation /

Baker, Charles E., January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 98-109). Also available on the Internet.

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