Spelling suggestions: "subject:"friday"" "subject:"holidays""
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Mediální pokrytí Fridays for Future / Media coverage of Fridays for FutureHonc, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The present thesis investigates the impact of the global strike for climate organised by the Fridays for Future movement and led by Greta Thunberg on the approach of selected Czech media toward their coverage of environmental topics. By applying the method of quantitative content analysis, the thesis aims to uncover how Czech media reported on a clearly defined area of ecological problems and incidental environmental topics before and after the protest, while dedicating special attention to the representation of topics and frames in media agenda and the coverage of the respective persons and organisations involved. The theoretical section defines global ecological issues and presents theoretical concepts relevant for studying the media coverage of environmental topics and the impact of social movements and their protests on the agenda of the topics at hand with regard to historical and societal contexts. The thesis' methodology introduces the primary and secondary research questions and explains the choice of the variables of interest for the subsequent quantitative content analysis of selected Czech media. The practical part interprets the results of the analysis and presents a discussion which confronts the results with insights from comparable foreign studies and dissertations mentioned in the...
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Varje ljud skapar ett eko : Åsikter och Uppfattningar angående Klimatförändringar / Every Sound Creates Echoes : Echo-Chambers, Opinions, and Perceptions on Climate ChangeVig, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur individer och grupper uttrycker sina åsikter om klimatförändringar i svenska nyhetsmedier och om det finns echo-chambers i klimatdiskursen. I studien användes en kritisk diskursanalys för att undersöka ett riktat urval av 13 nyhetsartiklar från svenska tidningar. Artiklarna analyserades för att förstå hur argument om klimatförändringar konstrueras, vilka argument som används för att stödja olika narrativ och hur svensk media kan påverka medborgarnas åsikter och uppfattningar om klimatförändringar. Analysen avslöjade två distinkta echo-chambers inom diskursen. Den första echo-chambern ramar in klimatförändringarna som en brådskande fråga relaterad till politisk inkompetens, globala företag och banker. Denna echo-chamber beskriver ofta ett domedagsperspektiv, vilket kan ge läsarna en känsla av hjälplöshet eller förnekelse. En andra echo-chamber visar skepsis mot antagandet att klimatförändringarna är ett resultat av antropogen verksamhet. Skepticismen grundar sig på förnekelse, brist på kunskap och politiska ideologier, vilket har hindrat ansträngningarna att ta itu med klimatförändringars effekter. Misstron mot informationskällor, inklusive media och vetenskapliga organisationer, påverkar denna grupps uppfattningar, vilket leder till skepticism mot de vetenskapliga bevisen för klimatförändringarna. Studien belyser de positiva och negativa effekterna av echo-chambers i diskurser kring komplexa ämnen, dessa understryker vikten av att bedöma tillförlitliga informationskällor (i), aktivt söka nya perspektiv (ii) och främja öppna, respektfulla dialoger för att minska polariseringen och för att effektivt ta itu med klimatkrisen (iii). Studien lyfter fram den avgörande roll som kollektiva åtgärder och kritiskt tänkande spelar för att lösa klimatkrisen, samtidigt som man erkänner de utmaningar som är förknippade med lösningarna. Vidare utforskar studien potentialen i konceptet The power of ten och mediernas roll som uppmuntrar proaktiv och konstruktiv informationsdelning. / This thesis examines how individuals and groups express their views on climate change in Swedish news media and whether there are echo chambers in the climate discourse. The study used a critical discourse analysis to examine a targeted sample of 13 news articles from Swedish newspapers. The articles were analysed to understand how arguments about climate change are constructed, which arguments are used to support different narratives, and how Swedish media coverage can influence citizens opinions and perceptions about climate change.The analysis revealed two distinct echo chambers in the discourse. The first echo-chamber framed climate change as an urgent matter related to political incompetence, global corporations, and banks. This echo-chamber often described a doomsday perspective, which can leave readers with feelings of helplessness or denial. The second echo-chamber showed scepticism towards the assumption that climate change is a result of anthropogenic activities. The scepticism is based on denial, lack of knowledge, and political ideologies, which hindered efforts to address the impacts of climate change. Mistrust in information sources, including the media and scientific organizations, influence this group's perceptions, leading to scepticism towards the scientific evidence of climate change. This study highlights the positive and negative effects of echo chambers in discourses around complex topics, these underlines the importance of assessing reliable information sources (i), actively seeking new perspectives (ii), and promoting open, respectful dialogues to reduce polarization and to effectively address the climate crisis (iii). The study highlights the crucial role that collective action and critical thinking play in solving the climate crisis, while recog-nizing the challenges associated with the solutions. Furthermore, the study explores the poten-tial of The power of ten concept and the role of the media encouraging proactive and con-structive information sharing.
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Fridays for Future and Mondays for Memes: How Climate Crisis Memes Mobilize Social Media UsersJohann, Michael, Höhnle, Lukas, Dombrowski, Jana 25 August 2023 (has links)
Modern protest movements rely on digital activism on social media, which serves as a conduit for mobilization. In the social media landscape, internet memes have emerged as a popular practice of expressing political protest. Although it is known that social media facilitates mobilization, researchers have neglected how distinct types of content affect mobilization. Moreover, research regarding users’ perspectives on mobilization through memes is lacking. To close these research gaps, this study investigates memes in the context of climate protest mobilization. Based on the four-step model of mobilization, a survey of users who create and share memes related to the Fridays for Future movement on social media (N = 325) revealed that the prosumption of climate crisis memes increases users’ issue involvement and strengthens their online networks. These factors serve as crucial mediators in the relationship between users’ prosumption of climate crisis memes and political participation. The results suggest that mobilization through memes is effective at raising awareness of political issues and strengthening online discussion networks, which means that it has strategic potential for protest movements. By looking at memes from the perspective of their creators and examining a specific type of social media content, this study contributes to the literature on digital mobilization.
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The Influence of Controversial Protest Actions by Activist Groups on the Online Climate Debate : A Case Study on the Climate Debate on Twitter in Germany Related to the German Activist Group the Last Generation in Comparison to Fridays for Future GermanyHuebscher, Christina January 2023 (has links)
In Germany, the Last Generation emerged as a new climate activist group at the end of 2021. The group is considered rather controversial due to their contested protest actions of for instance vandalizing artwork. This study examines the influence of their controversial protest actions on the online climate debate on Twitter, compared to actions of Fridays for Future Germany, which enjoy a less contested reputation. The three chosen activities per group were analyzed with the help of a case study approach using content and sentiment analysis. The analysis was then conducted based on the three following concepts: deliberation, on the one side, which fosters constructive debates, as well as communitarianism and liberal individualism, on the other side, which can foster polarization. The analysis revealed that polarization dominated the online climate debate generated by the posts of the two groups. As such, hostile attitudes, condescending language, as well as monologic statements fostered communitarianism and liberal individualism within the comment sections of the Twitter posts. Yet, also deliberation was visible, but to the greatest extend within the comment section of a non-controversial activity of Fridays for Future Germany. This, among others, led to the conclusion that the protest actions of activist groups do have an influence on the climate debate. As such, the controversial activities of both groups influenced the climate debate in so far as the debate shifted from the climate debate to the activity itself by for instance focusing on child protection instead of climate change/protection. This was supported by the use of negative sentiments expressed explicitly towards the action of the group(s).
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Klimataktivismens många ansikten : En diskursanalytisk studie om klimataktivism i svensk mediaTaistra, Christine January 2024 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar undersöka vilka diskurser, perspektiv och aktörer som speglas i media kring ämnet klimataktivism. Detta har undersökts genom en kritisk diskursanalys i vilken tematisk analys har använts för att analysera 193 stycken medieartiklar från de fyra mest lästa svenska tidningarna. Studien har utförts i en svensk kontext och begränsats till ett tidsspann mellan 2018-2023. Ytterligare presenteras tidigare forskning inom ämnet för ny klimataktivism samt klimataktivism och media. För analysen av resultatet har Foucaults (2003, 2009) teorier kring disciplin, makt och kunskap, ideologi, diskurser, den reglerande apparaten samt olydnad använts som ett övergripande ramverk, vilka kompletteras med begrepp från Mathiesen (1982). Utöver detta har Becks (2009, 2012) teorier om risksamhälle och hot använts, vilka kompletteras med begrepp från Altheide (2013), för att kunna analysera resultatet på omfattande och djupgående sätt, anpassat till det moderna samhället. Medelst detta visar undersökningen en djupgående och omfattande bild genom att rama in mediers speglande av ämnet klimataktivismen i samtiden. Det visades olika, delvis motstridiga, diskurser: ”kampen för klimatet”, ”klimataktivismen som hot” samt ”politiken som hot”, vilka också innefattar olika mindre diskurser om exempelvis ”domedagen” och ”civil olydnad”. Vidare framkom att alla diskurser innefattar positiva och negativa diskursiva aspekter, där dock alla diskurser och aspekter ramas in av en allomfattande ”riskdiskurs” som uttrycks genom de olika perspektiven inom ämnet klimataktivism. Sist förs en avslutande diskussion om konsekvenserna och utkomsterna av denna diskursiva framställning av klimataktivism; en reflektion kring vad som sker och kan ske genom mediers porträttering och vilken vikt media har för produktionen av upplevelser i samhället. / This qualitative study aims to analyse discourses, perspectives and actors which are represented in media within the topic: climate activism. The study was implemented through critical discourse analysis (CDA) in which thematic analysis was used to analyse the material of 193 news articles from the four most read Swedish newspapers. Furthermore, the study was delimited to Sweden and in a timeframe from 2018-2023. Also, previous research about today’s climate activism and climate activism and media is represented. For the analysis of the results, Foucault’s (2009, 2003) theories about discipline, power and knowledge, ideology, discourse, the ruling apparatus, and disobedience have been used. These theories have been completed by concepts from Mathiesen (1982). Moreover Beck’s (2009, 2012) theories of risk society and threat have been used and completed by concepts from Altheide (2013), to be able to analyse the results in an extensive and profound way which fits today’s modern society. Through that, the study shows a deep and including picture that frames how media portraits the topic: climate activism. The study has shown discourses, that in some ways are contradictory: “fight for the climate”, “climate activists as threat” and “politics as threat”. These discourses include several smaller discourses, for instance “doomsday” and “civil disobedience”. Also, it has been shown that all discourses include positive and negative aspects, yet all discourses and aspects of them set in an all-encompassing “risk-discourse”, which takes form through the different perspectives that are included in the subject of climate activism. Lastly, a final discussion is held about the consequences and outcomes of the discursive representation of climate activism; a reflection about what is and what can be happening because of the representation through media and what significance media has in the production of experience in society. / <p>2024-05-30</p>
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