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Little boys: the potency of peer culture in shaping masculinitiesKeddie, Amanda, kimg@deakin.edu.au,jillj@deakin.edu.au,mikewood@deakin.edu.au,wildol@deakin.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
This study explores the peer group understandings of five male friends between the ages of six and eight years and seeks to examine the ways in which the groups social dynamics interact to define, regulate and maintain dominant and collective understandings of masculinities. Within a self-selected affinity context, and drawing on their lived and imagined experiences, the boys enact and interpret their social worlds.
Adopting the principles of ethnography within a framework of feminist poststructuralism and drawing on theories of groupness and gender(ed) embodiment, the boys understandings of masculinities are captured and interpreted. The key analytic foci are directed towards examining the role of power in the social production of collective schoolboy knowledges, and understanding the processes through which boys subjectify and are subjectified, through social but also bodily discourses. The boys constructions of peer group masculinities are (re)presented through a narrative methodology which foregrounds my interpretation of the groups personal and social relevances and seeks to be inductive in ways that bring to life the boys stories.
The study illuminates the potency of peer culture in shaping and regulating the boys dominant understandings of masculinity. Within this culture strong essentialist and hierarchical values are imported to support a range of gender(ed) and sexual dualisms. Here patriarchal adult culture is regularly mimicked and distorted. Underpinned by constructions of femininity as the negative other, dominant masculinities are embodied, cultivated and championed through physical dominance, physical risk, aggression and violence.
Through feminist poststructural analysis which enables a theorising of the boys subjectivities as fluid, tenuous and often characterised by contradiction and resistance, there exists a potential for interrupting and re-working particular masculinities. Within this framework, more affirmative but equally legitimate understandings and embodiments can be explored. The study presents a warrant for working with early childhood affinity groups to disrupt and contest the dominance and hierarchy of peer culture in an effort to counter-act broader gendered and heterosexist global, state and institutional structures. Framing these assertions is an understanding of the peer context as not only self-limiting and productive of hierarchies, but enabling and generative of affirmative subjectivities.
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Sociala relationer och emotioner hos ungdomar på behandlingshem : En kvalitativ studie om familjens, vänners och myndigheters betydelse för ungdomars utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitetSköld, Eleonor, Svensson, Sofie January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar ungdomars sociala relationer. Mer precist är vi intresserade av att undersöka i) ungdomarnas relationer till familj, vänner och myndigheter ii) vilka emotioner som ungdomarna associerar med sitt drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet samt iii) vilken betydelse relationerna har haft för utvecklingen av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet.</p><p>Vi utförde intervjuer med fyra ungdomar inskrivna på ett behandlingshem för missbruksproblem. Ungdomarna har varit i behandling mellan en och sex månader. Frågorna ställdes utifrån en intervjuguide som bygger på uppsatsens syfte, tidigare forskning och teori.</p><p>Vår tidigare forskning består av studier om sociala relationers inverkan på ungdomar med allvarlig social problematik såsom drogmissbruk och brottslighet. Teorierna handlar om sociala band, skam, skuld och stolthet samt Hirschis sociala kontrollteori.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga respondenter hade försvagade sociala band till sina föräldrar under uppväxten och fram tills de slutade missbruka, vilket troligen har påverkat deras utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet. Sedan ungdomarna blev drogfria har relationen med familjen förbättrats. Samtliga umgås mest med andra antisociala ungdomar, vilket antagligen har haft betydelse för deras egen negativa utveckling. När det gäller relationen till myndigheter hade alla negativa erfarenheter av socialtjänsten och myndigheterna har troligen inte haft någon inverkan på ungdomarnas livssituation. Det har framkommit att samtliga ungdomar bär på skam- och skuldkänslor och att de ofta blir aggressiva när de är påverkade.</p> / <p>This qualitative study aims to examine what characterizes the adolescent’s social relations. More specific, we are interested in examining the adolescent’s relations to family, friends and authorities ii) which emotions the adolescent’s associate with their drug abuse and/or crime and iii) what importance the relations have had for development of drug abuse and/or crime.</p><p>We performed four interviews with youths registered in a treatment clinic for drug abuse. The adolescents have been in treatment for one to six months. The questions were asked from an interview-guide based on the purpose of the essay, previous research and theory.</p><p>Our previous research consists of studies concerning the impact social relations have on youth with serious social problems such as drug abuse and crime. The theories are about social bonds, shame, guilt, pride and Hirschi’s social control theory.</p><p>The result of the study shows that all respondents had weak social bonds to their parents during their childhood and until they ended their drug abuse. That has probably influenced their drug abuse and/or crime development. The adolescent’s relation with their families has improved since they got drug-free. They all spent time with other antisocial youths which probably had an impact on their own negative development. Concerning their relations to authorities they all had negative experiences of the social services and the authorities have most likely not had an impact on the youths life-situation. It emerged that they all carried feelings of shame and guilt and that they all became aggressive when they were under the influence of alcohol and drugs.</p>
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Sociala relationer och emotioner hos ungdomar på behandlingshem : En kvalitativ studie om familjens, vänners och myndigheters betydelse för ungdomars utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitetSköld, Eleonor, Svensson, Sofie January 2006 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar ungdomars sociala relationer. Mer precist är vi intresserade av att undersöka i) ungdomarnas relationer till familj, vänner och myndigheter ii) vilka emotioner som ungdomarna associerar med sitt drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet samt iii) vilken betydelse relationerna har haft för utvecklingen av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet. Vi utförde intervjuer med fyra ungdomar inskrivna på ett behandlingshem för missbruksproblem. Ungdomarna har varit i behandling mellan en och sex månader. Frågorna ställdes utifrån en intervjuguide som bygger på uppsatsens syfte, tidigare forskning och teori. Vår tidigare forskning består av studier om sociala relationers inverkan på ungdomar med allvarlig social problematik såsom drogmissbruk och brottslighet. Teorierna handlar om sociala band, skam, skuld och stolthet samt Hirschis sociala kontrollteori. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga respondenter hade försvagade sociala band till sina föräldrar under uppväxten och fram tills de slutade missbruka, vilket troligen har påverkat deras utveckling av drogmissbruk och/eller kriminalitet. Sedan ungdomarna blev drogfria har relationen med familjen förbättrats. Samtliga umgås mest med andra antisociala ungdomar, vilket antagligen har haft betydelse för deras egen negativa utveckling. När det gäller relationen till myndigheter hade alla negativa erfarenheter av socialtjänsten och myndigheterna har troligen inte haft någon inverkan på ungdomarnas livssituation. Det har framkommit att samtliga ungdomar bär på skam- och skuldkänslor och att de ofta blir aggressiva när de är påverkade. / This qualitative study aims to examine what characterizes the adolescent’s social relations. More specific, we are interested in examining the adolescent’s relations to family, friends and authorities ii) which emotions the adolescent’s associate with their drug abuse and/or crime and iii) what importance the relations have had for development of drug abuse and/or crime. We performed four interviews with youths registered in a treatment clinic for drug abuse. The adolescents have been in treatment for one to six months. The questions were asked from an interview-guide based on the purpose of the essay, previous research and theory. Our previous research consists of studies concerning the impact social relations have on youth with serious social problems such as drug abuse and crime. The theories are about social bonds, shame, guilt, pride and Hirschi’s social control theory. The result of the study shows that all respondents had weak social bonds to their parents during their childhood and until they ended their drug abuse. That has probably influenced their drug abuse and/or crime development. The adolescent’s relation with their families has improved since they got drug-free. They all spent time with other antisocial youths which probably had an impact on their own negative development. Concerning their relations to authorities they all had negative experiences of the social services and the authorities have most likely not had an impact on the youths life-situation. It emerged that they all carried feelings of shame and guilt and that they all became aggressive when they were under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
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Nätvänner : En studie om förekomsten av meningsskapande sociala relationer på nätet och hur de kan förändra relationsmönsterJohansson, Eva January 2006 (has links)
Internet har gett människan helt nya möjligheter och former för att kommunicera. I början var nätet mer ett entydigt redskap, idag talar vi om virtuella gemenskaper och nätkulturer, sociala rum som inte finns fysiskt utan bara i själva kontakten människor emellan. Denna studie undersöker om betydelsefulla och hållbara sociala relationer kan uppstå och utvecklas på nätet, utifrån en teori om att detta är möjligt, och om dessa nätrelationer leder till en förskjutning i nätanvändarens sociala umgänge. Studien bygger på en enkät som gjorts på nätet hösten 2005, besvarad av 208 respondenter i ett självselektivt urval. Enkäten är huvudsakligen kvalitativ, då det är de berättande svaren på de öppna frågorna som till största delen utgör empiri i denna studie. Resultatet är inte representativt för nätanvändare i stort utan enbart som exempel på hur nätanvändare kan använda nätet för social relationsreproduktion. Studiens syfte är ge en förståelse om fenomenet nätvänner, såväl som att ge uppslag till kommande forskning på området nätrelationer. Resultatet visar att betydelsefulla och hållbara sociala relationer kan uppstå och utvecklas på nätet, trots brist på fysiska möten. Nätvänner kan upplevas som mycket betydelsefulla, ge starkt socialt stöd och vara en väg ut ur social isolering för dem som befinner sig i svåra livssituationer. Nätvänner kan också ses som en resurs för praktisk hjälp i vardagslivet. Svaren visar att tiden för umgänge med nätvänner främst tas från fritidsaktiviteter, men även till viss del från tidigare umgänge med familj och vänner. Ungefär en tredjedel av respondenterna har idag mer umgänge med nätvänner än med övriga vänner, jämfört med för tio år sedan. En slutsats i denna studie är att nätet har blivit ett viktigt verktyg för social interaktion. / Net surfers make friends online. This study, by Eva Johansson, shows that the net users who use the net for relational purpose can form meaningful and sustainable social relations with other net users whom they have never met in real life (IRL), and may never meet face to face. 208 net users have answered a survey about social relations on the net. The purpose of this study is to find out if meaningful social relations can develop on the net; and function as a feasibility study for future research in this sphere. Using the net for relational purposes is becoming a growing trend. The answers in this mainly qualitative study gives a hint of what social relations, formed and developed on the net, may mean for the individual. It can mean everything from practical help and finding those with similar interests, to strong social support in difficult life situations. A majority of the respondents are women and many of them are middle aged. They have a considerable skill and experience as net users, and do use the net for their own purposes. About a third of the respondents spend more social time with net friends than IRL-friends today, compared to ten years ago. The time used for social interaction on the net is mainly taken from leisure time but also from time spent with family members and with friends face to face.
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Nätvänner : En studie om förekomsten av meningsskapande sociala relationer på nätet och hur de kan förändra relationsmönsterJohansson, Eva January 2006 (has links)
<p>Internet har gett människan helt nya möjligheter och former för att kommunicera. I början var nätet mer ett entydigt redskap, idag talar vi om virtuella gemenskaper och nätkulturer, sociala rum som inte finns fysiskt utan bara i själva kontakten människor emellan.</p><p>Denna studie undersöker om betydelsefulla och hållbara sociala relationer kan uppstå och utvecklas på nätet, utifrån en teori om att detta är möjligt, och om dessa nätrelationer leder till en förskjutning i nätanvändarens sociala umgänge. Studien bygger på en enkät som gjorts på nätet hösten 2005, besvarad av 208 respondenter i ett självselektivt urval. Enkäten är huvudsakligen kvalitativ, då det är de berättande svaren på de öppna frågorna som till största delen utgör empiri i denna studie. Resultatet är inte representativt för nätanvändare i stort utan enbart som exempel på hur nätanvändare kan använda nätet för social relationsreproduktion. Studiens syfte är ge en förståelse om fenomenet nätvänner, såväl som att ge uppslag till kommande forskning på området nätrelationer.</p><p>Resultatet visar att betydelsefulla och hållbara sociala relationer kan uppstå och utvecklas på nätet, trots brist på fysiska möten. Nätvänner kan upplevas som mycket betydelsefulla, ge starkt socialt stöd och vara en väg ut ur social isolering för dem som befinner sig i svåra livssituationer. Nätvänner kan också ses som en resurs för praktisk hjälp i vardagslivet. Svaren visar att tiden för umgänge med nätvänner främst tas från fritidsaktiviteter, men även till viss del från tidigare umgänge med familj och vänner. Ungefär en tredjedel av respondenterna har idag mer umgänge med nätvänner än med övriga vänner, jämfört med för tio år sedan. En slutsats i denna studie är att nätet har blivit ett viktigt verktyg för social interaktion.</p> / <p>Net surfers make friends online. This study, by Eva Johansson, shows that the net users who use the net for relational purpose can form meaningful and sustainable social relations with other net users whom they have never met in real life (IRL), and may never meet face to face. 208 net users have answered a survey about social relations on the net. The purpose of this study is to find out if meaningful social relations can develop on the net; and function as a feasibility study for future research in this sphere. Using the net for relational purposes is becoming a growing trend. The answers in this mainly qualitative study gives a hint of what social relations, formed and developed on the net, may mean for the individual. It can mean everything from practical help and finding those with similar interests, to strong social support in difficult life situations. A majority of the respondents are women and many of them are middle aged. They have a considerable skill and experience as net users, and do use the net for their own purposes. About a third of the respondents spend more social time with net friends than IRL-friends today, compared to ten years ago. The time used for social interaction on the net is mainly taken from leisure time but also from time spent with family members and with friends face to face.</p>
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Orsaker till kriminalitet : En studie om tidigare kriminellas livsberättelser / Causes of Crime : A study of former criminals life storiesFinn, Sara, Yilmaz, Kadir January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för några bakomliggande orsaker till varför människor begår kriminella handlingar. Studiens övergripande frågeställningar är följande; På vilket sätt påverkar umgängeskretsen en individs förutsättningar för att utveckla en kriminell livsstil? Hur kan dessa bakomliggande orsaker till kriminalitet förklaras och förstås? Frågeställningarna besvaras genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem individer med tidigare kriminell bakgrund. Med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod struktureras intervjumaterialet upp i tre teman vilka har formulerats med utgångspunkt i det datamaterial som har samlats in. Analysen görs med hjälp av tidigare forskning och teorier om differentiella associationer och förstärkningar, symbolisk interaktionism, stämpling och sociala band. Studien visar att de intervjuade hamnade i kriminalitet till följd av att deras uppväxt, skolsituation och umgänge interagerade negativt med varandra. Gemensamt för samtliga intervjuade informanter är att de hade bristfällig kontakt med båda föräldrarna under uppväxten. Den uteblivna tryggheten från föräldrarna var något de istället sökte i sin umgängeskrets. Informanternas skolgång kantades av dåliga skolprestationer där de ofta umgicks med personer som misskötte sig. / The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of some underlying causes of why people commit criminal acts. The general questions of the study are; in what way does the social circle of friends affect the individual’s prerequisites for developing a criminal lifestyle? How can these underlying causes of crime be explained and understood? The questions are answered by semi-structured interviews with five individuals with previous criminal background. With the use of a thematic analysis method the interview material was structured into three themes that have been formulated based on the datasets that have been collected. The analysis is done with the use of previous research and theories of differential association and reinforcements, symbolic interactionism, labeling and social bond. The study shows that the interview participants end up in crime as a result of their growth, school situation and their circle of friends interacted in a negative way. Common to all those interviewed informants is that they had insufficient contact with both parents during childhood. The lack of assurance from the parents was something they instead searched for in their social circle of friends. The informants schooling was consisted of poor school performances, and they often socialized with friends who also misbehaved.
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D. L. Moody and Swedes : Shaping Evangelical Identity among Swedish Mission Friends 1867–1899Gustafson, David M. January 2008 (has links)
The American Dwight L. Moody (1837–1899) was the most famous revivalist of the late 1800s and exercised a wide and lasting influence on the Protestant world, reaching Swedes in Sweden and America. His influence was felt among Swedes despite the fact that he was of English heritage, never visited Sweden or any Scandinavian country, and never spoke a word of the Swedish language. Nevertheless, he became a “hero” revivalist among Swedish Mission Friends in Sweden and America. Moody’s early ministry was centered in Chicago, the largest urban population of Swedes in the United States. In 1867, he first came into contact with Swedish immigrants in Chicago known as Mission Friends. The church that he founded, Chicago Avenue Church, later organized a Swedish fellowship. Many Swedes who immigrated to America, a land of religious pluralism, were eager to adopt Moody’s beliefs and methods. Fredrik Franson who joined Moody’s church became a proponent of the American revivalist’s beliefs and methods, spreading them in America, Sweden and other countries. E. A. Skogsbergh, a pioneer of the Mission Covenant in America, adopted Moody’s preaching style so much that he became known as “the Swedish Moody.” News of Moody’s large revival campaigns in Great Britain from 1873–1875 traveled quickly to Sweden, making “Mr. Moody” a household name in homes of many Mission Friends. Moody’s sermons published in Sweden were distributed in books, newspapers, and colporteur tracts, and led to the spread of Sweden’s “Moody fever” from 1875–1880. P. P. Waldenström cited Moody as an example of evangelical cooperation in events leading to the founding of Svenska Missionsförbundet (Swedish Mission Covenant). Songs of Moody’s musical partner, Ira D. Sankey, were translated into Swedish by Theodor Truvé and Erik Nyström and sung in homes and mission houses. Moody’s influence extended even to Sweden’s Archbishop Nathan Söderblom who during his college years attended Moody’s student conference at Northfield, Massachusetts. As Mission Friends adopted Moody’s alliance ideal, beliefs, and methods, their religious identity shifted in the direction of Moody’s new American evangelicalism.
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Helping students synthesize a short-term international mission experience into their lives and ministriesYohn, Brett. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2006. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-148).
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Seberealizace seniorů v domově s pečovatelskou službou / Self-realization Seniors in a Nursing HomeŠIMEČKOVÁ, Irena January 2016 (has links)
The issue of age and aging is for each of us increasingly topical theme. Many seniors did not expect to live to such an old age. It is understandable that older people gradually decrease forces and concluded that they wish to be placed into the residence facilities. It should be added that senior decision must be voluntary, surely it cannot be enforced. His family and friends can be supportive them. In a situation where a senior is quite independent, but his health is deteriorating and it is expected that she will need help in coping with common activities, you may submit an application for placement in a nursing home. Seniors and the municipalities that own nursing home conclude a proper tenancy agreement and a nursing proposes what specific steps they need. In order to better adapt the senior in a nursing home, he can take the furniture from his home, pictures or photographs. The advantage for the senior may be that there live his friends in the home and he knows its surroundings. Often it is in a nursing home better for access to health care services and transport than in his previous residence. Another advantage is the program that a nursing home for the elderly creates. It is self-evident that even seniors can create their own program. Even seniors can find self-fulfillment. They attend clubs for the elderly, educated at the universities of the third age, going to the theatre, visiting places of interest or going for walks. The topic of my thesis is Self-realization of Seniors in a Nursing Home. The aim is to map the factors that influence the fulfillment of seniors in a particular nursing home. It was established a major research question: How do seniors feel self-fulfillment with support for care services? To answer the main research questions were four research questions. It was used strategy to qualitative research method of questioning and semi-structured interview technique. The research was conducted in a nursing home in Tyl Street in Czech Budweis. Nursing services are provided Ledax, o.p.s. The research showed that seniors feel safe and know their rights. Seniors indicated that they are satisfied with the nursing home, on the other hand they want to remain independent as long as possible. Interviewees agreed that their health is not perfect but they are trying to take everything easy. They fear that they will become totally dependent on the care of others. Furthermore, it´s very difficult to cope with the loss of neighbors, with whom they established friendships, reported that seniors who live here more than a decade. They also agreed that there were neighborly relations better organized before and used to have much more social events. Seniors who are at home a shorter period of time said that neighborly relations are good. All seniors are in regular contact with their family and friends. They prefer personal visit, but if there´s the worst, they call their friends up. Seniors take part in leisure activities organized by the nursing home, especially women. The research also showed that seniors would welcome more leisure activities. During the interview some of elderly said that they tried to invent various leisure activities for the others, but unfortunately- without success. On answering the main research question - how older people perceive self-fulfillment with support for care services? I can say that for the elderly is an important support for care services both in their daily affairs and leisure activities. In case they have a problem, some of the respondents agreed that it is the care service where they turn for advice. The results of this work will be handed over to social workers and seniors in nursing homes in Tyl Street in Czech Budweis.
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A educação especial no município de Porto Ferreira-SP: 1972 a 2011Loureiro, Aline Dozzi Tezza 29 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-29 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The number of students with disabilities in schools is increasing every year due to government support, both for the public school as to private institutions. Thinking about it, this research was carried out to understand the organization and operation of Special Education in Porto Ferreira, Brazil. The authors substantiate this research work in a critical perspective (Saviani, Januzzi, Ferraro, Gatti). Methodology used in document analysis of all documents relating to special education in the municipality (laws, decrees, minutes of meetings, newspaper accounts municipal, school census data), as well as the use of interviewing people related to special education. The results point towards: a) the importance of the private institution, the philanthropic (Association of Parents and Friends of Handicapped-APAE) has since its inception until the present day, b) the absence of a project political intended for students with disabilities in primary schools in the municipality, c) the "absence" of a social movement of persons with disabilities in the county searched. / O número de alunos com deficiência matriculados nas escolas vem aumentando a cada ano, devido aos apoios do governo, tanto para a escola pública como para as instituições privadas. Pensando nisso, esta pesquisa teve com objetivo compreender a organização e o funcionamento da Educação Especial no município de Porto Ferreira, SP. Os autores que fundamentaram esta pesquisa trabalham em uma perspectiva crítica (Saviani, Januzzi, Ferraro, Gatti). Na metodologia utilizamos análise documental de todos os documentos referentes à educação especial no município (leis, decretos, atas de reuniões, notícias dos jornais municipais, dados do censo escolar), bem como o uso de entrevista de pessoas ligadas a educação especial. Os resultados obtidos apontam no sentido de constatarmos: a) a importância que a instituição privada, de cunho filantrópico (Associação dos Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais- APAE) tem desde sua criação, até os dias de hoje; b) a ausência de um projeto político destinado aos alunos com deficiências nas escolas básicas do município; c) a ausência de um movimento social das pessoas com deficiências no município pesquisado.
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