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Efeito de um programa voltado para o desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais em crianças pré-escolares: intervenção na comunidadeGomes, Thaylla Carvalho Cavalcante 20 February 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Mental health prevention focus on the healthy development in various stages of life, and seek anticipated actions to reduce the risks and problems that hinder healthy development. Mental health prevention programs seek to strengthen socio-emotional skills and minimize the effects of risk factors (environmental and individual). The Friends Program- Fun Friends – is a preventive intervention aimed at children aged 4 to 7 years with evidence of effectiveness in the development of social-emotional abilities and in the reduction of anxiety. It is the only intervention program with this objective developed for this age group. However, there is only one studies in Latin America with this program. Thus, the objective of the present study is to verify the effect of the Friends Program - Fun Friends – in reducing the emotional/behavioral problems of children living in a community with an high index of social vulnerability. The study included 40 participants: 17 children aged 4 to 5 years attending a single municipal school for children in a city in the São Paulo area, 17 parents/guardians of children, and 6 teachers. The children were assigned to participate in the project by the faculty of the institution that identified those who were at risk for the development of Behavioral problems. There were 10 consecutive group meetings with children's activities and 2 meetings of reinforcement of the developed abilities, having interval of one month between meetings. The intervention was carried out in the school premises. Parents and teachers evaluated children's behaviors before and after the intervention. The results show that, in the parents perspective, there was no statistical difference regarding the anxiety symptoms evaluated using the PAS scale (p=0.139) and in the emotional/behavioral problem scales of CBCL/1.5-5 (p=0.508). In the teachers' perspective, there was a reduction of the anxiety symptoms on the PAS-TR scale (p=0.004) and the emotional/behavioral problems scales on the C-TRF (p=0.008). Several children no longer had problems in the clinical range at various C-TRF scales, indicating a significant decrease in emotional/behavioral problems. Thus, the present study evidenced that the use of the Friends - Fun Friends - program with preschool children showed a positive effect in the perspective of the teachers, even when partially applied (with low parental participation) in a Brazilian community with high index of social vulnerability. It discusses the importance of each environment in the development and maintenance of children's behavioral repertoire, as well as variables that may be associated with differences in the results found considering the informants. It is hoped that the study may foster new selective prevention work, collaborating to establish public policies aimed at children's mental health. / A prevenção em saúde mental tem como foco o desenvolvimento saudável do sujeito em suas diversas fases da vida, além de buscar, por meio de ações antecipadas, reduzir os riscos e problemas que impedem o desenvolvimento saudável. Tais programas buscam fortalecer as habilidades socioemocionais e minimizar os efeitos dos fatores de risco (ambientais e individuais). O método Friends – Fun Friends – é um programa preventivo voltado crianças de 4 a 7 anos com evidencias de efetividade no desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais e na redução da ansiedade. Apesar de ser o único programa interventivo com esse objetivo desenvolvido para essa faixa etária, apenas um estudo foi realizado na América Latina com esse programa. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito do método Friends - Fun Friends – na redução dos problemas emocionais/comportamentais de crianças de uma comunidade com alto índice de vulnerabilidade social. O estudo contou com 40 participantes, sendo 17 crianças com idades entre 4 a 5 anos que frequentam uma única escola municipal de ensino infantil de uma cidade da grande São Paulo, 17 pais/responsáveis das crianças e 6 professoras. As crianças foram indicadas para participar do projeto pelo corpo docente da instituição que identificou aquelas que estavam em situação de risco para o desenvolvimento de problemas de comportamento. Foram realizados 10 encontros grupais consecutivos (semanais) com atividades infantis e 2 encontros de reforço das habilidades desenvolvidas, com intervalo de um mês entre os encontros. A intervenção foi realizada nas dependências da escola. Os pais e professores avaliaram os comportamentos das crianças antes e depois da intervenção. Os resultados evidenciam que, na visão dos pais/responsáveis, não houve diferença estatística no que se refere aos sintomas de ansiedade avaliados pela escala PAS (p=0,139) e na escala total de problemas emocionais/comportamentais do CBCL/1,5-5 (p=0,508). Na perspectiva das professoras, houve redução estatisticamente significativas dos sintomas de ansiedade na escala PAS-TR (p=0,004) e na escala total de problemas emocionais/comportamentais no C-TRF (p=0,008). Diversas crianças deixaram de apresentar problemas com intensidade/frequência indicativos da faixa clínica em diversas escalas do C-TRF, o que significa uma diminuição significativa dos problemas emocionais/comportamentais. Dessa forma, o presente estudo evidenciou que a aplicação do método Friends – Fun Friends – com crianças pré-escolares obteve efeito positivo sobre a ansiedade e problemas de comportamento na perspectiva das professoras, mesmo quando aplicado parcialmente (com reduzida participação dos pais) em uma comunidade brasileira com elevado índice de vulnerabilidade social. Discute-se a importância de cada ambiente no desenvolvimento e manutenção do repertório comportamental infantil, bem como variáveis que podem estar associadas com as diferenças nos resultados encontrados a partir dos múltiplos informantes. Espera-se que o estudo possa fomentar novos trabalhos de prevenção seletiva, e colaborar para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas voltadas para a saúde mental infantil.
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”Det blir som att jobba med en liten satellit från resten av solsystemet” : En kvalitativ studie om nätverkets betydelse för ungdomar i substansbruksbehandling / “It is like working with a small satellite from the rest of the solar system” : A qualitative study regarding the meaning of the social network in adolescents’ treatment against substance useHogevik, Elisabeth, Jacobsson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The aim for this study was to examine how social workers perceive the social network’s function and involvement in an adolescent’s process toward changing a substance use. The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with social workers in Mini-Maria facilities, working with youths/adolescents in psychosocial substance use treatment. The interviews were analysed with a brief inspiration from the approach of thematic analysis. The ecological systems theory as well as a perspective on the theory of social capital were used for interpretation of the result. The overall conclusion is that adolescents’ networks have a large impact on their substance use treatment, both in terms of the outcome as well as the meaning to the adolescent itself. Parents of youths are frequently involved in the practical treatment, while friends rarely are, but they both form a central part regarding the process of change. The social capital is also of great importance since it is constructed within the different parts of the social network where the youth experiences support. Social capital can therefore be both constructive and destructive depending on the structure of those relationships.
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Westerners in Li Hongzhang's mufu : with references to Gustav Detring and Hosea Ballou MorsePo, Chung Yam 01 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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L'amitié en droit privé / Friendship in private lawRochat, Charlotte 04 December 2015 (has links)
L’amitié en droit privé est un sujet qui peut surprendre, par sa teinte oxymorique. L’amitié, situation de fait et relation informelle, semble très peu juridique. Elle peut désigner des formes d’intimité différentes, qui représentent des degrés d’amitié, pouvant soulever des problèmes juridiques différents. Cette nature polysémique, conjuguée à la difficulté d’identification d’un phénomène factuel et fugace rendent toute tentative de définition de l’amitié stérile. De ce fait, toute approche notionnelle comme normative est inaccessible. Pourtant, le droit n’ignore pas l’amitié. Il la redoute mais la protège également. L’intérêt de l’étude est de démontrer comment le droit s’accommode de l’absence de définition de ce phénomène pour lui offrir une place. Une approche fractionnée, en fonction des enjeux soulevés, permet au droit d’appréhender l’amitié dans chacune de ses formes, de l’amitié utilitariste à l’amitié durable et stable, sans avoir besoin d’une définition générale et abstraite. Cette approche téléologique permet également de laisser à l’amitié un domaine de liberté car l’appréhension de l’amitié nécessite de prendre en considération le libre choix qui la caractérise. Elle ne peut donc être saisie uniquement par une norme impérative. L’appréhension juridique de l’amitié contourne l’écueil de sa définition par un subtil équilibre entre norme, contrat et juge. Le droit privé dépasse tout ce qui semblait être rédhibitoire à première vue et qui rendait cette interaction presque inconcevable. C’est là sans doute la réelle originalité de cette interaction : au-delà du dépassement de la nécessité d’une définition juridique, l’amitié a sa place en droit privé / Friendship is one of the most important social institutions : it binds society together. Yet, we could wonder what the law has to do with it. It seems impossible to define friendship, and the law needs a definition to identify a relationship. However, private law does not ignore friendship. The law copes with it about partiality, about conflicts of interests and about several misdeneanors. Law fears friendship as it may change the balance of interests protected by law. It also happens in Contract law, when friendship is the reason of binding. On the other side, law has to protect friendship, as it is important for the personal development. Friendship is included in protection of privacy by the European Court of Human Right. Friendship is also protected because it can be useful to take care for individual interests, especially when family collapses. Thus, a friend can give an organ to save his friend, he can relay his friend’s will when he is unabled. Friendship do matter in Private Law, even if it cannot be precisely defined. It could even have more legal attention in the future. The real point of the study is to show how the law can deal with this lack of legal definition, and manage to apprehend friendship
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Efekt souseda a jeho vliv na volební chování v českých parlamentních volbách / The Friends and Neighbours Effect and Its Relevance to Voting Behaviour in Czech Parliamentary ElectionsPileček, Radek January 2020 (has links)
Voter decision-making about which political party to support in the elections is a very complex process. One of the key factors influencing our voting behaviour is the effect of particular candidates in terms of their local activities. Many Czech and also foreign studies show that candidates gain significantly higher preferences in the municipality of their residence and its surroundings. Within the analyzed parliamentary elections, this is reflected not only by the territorial concentration of preferential votes, but also by higher local electoral support of the political parties or movements represented by these candidates. This diploma thesis examines, among other things, differences in the strength of the described effect (technically called the friends and neighbours effect) between candidates from different political parties and in different regions of Czechia. Quantitative research has shown greater local strength and spatial extent of friends and neighbours effect for leading candidates from non-metropolitan areas who have experiences from local or regional politics, such as mayors or regional councilors. In the 2017 parliamentary elections, the friends and neighbours effect mostly influenced the spatial patterns of electoral support of the KDU-ČSL and the STAN movement and on the other...
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Zodpovědnost mezinárodních neziskových organizací / Accountability of international NGOsStaša, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis concerns two current issues filling scholarly magazines in recent years. The first one is a discourse about the global civil society, its existence, definition and scope. Thesis maps the basic approaches and creates three groups of authors: globalists, skeptics and empiricists. The second issue is about the need of better accountability which arises after few scandals of global institutions in the early years of new century. The scandals didn't avoid the international non-governmental organizations. The diploma thesis summarizes few types of typologies of accountability and introduces the basic areas divided into the two groups: moral and political accountability and procedural and internal accountability. The research part of thesis comprises the accountability assessment of three branches of international non-governmental organizations: Amnesty International, Greenpeace and Hnutí DUHA - The Friends of the Earth. The goal was to find the appropriate methodology for assessing the national branches and verify it. The main result is the modification of an existing methodology of One World Trust organization and the finding that the organizations have the low rate of accountability.
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A proof-of-concept of the audio tour guide application, SoundTracker, aimed at friends and familyBassam Abdulhamid, Ansam, Jamshaid Gill, Namra January 2018 (has links)
Kontextmedvetenhet kan användas i turistguide applikationer för att bidra användare med information och tjänster. Majoriteten av turistguide applikationer utvecklas vanligtvis för utbildnings eller historiska ändamål. Den här studien presenterar en konceptvalidering av den opublicerade ljuvandrings applikationen "SoundTracker", i syfte att förbättra den. Den nya "SoundTracker" prototypen inriktar sig inte på utbildnings eller historiska ändamål, utan den är inriktad på inspelning, uppspelning, och delning av personliga ljudvandringar med vänner och familj. Konceptvalideringen är begränsad av de definierade forskningsfrågorna i den här uppsatsen. Det handlar i korta drag om en förbättring av noggranheten på de inlästa GPS koordinaterna från en användares position, för att förse användaren med en trevlig användarupplevelse. Dessutom är grafiska användargränssnittet av den originala prototypen förbättrat, och testat genom webb enkäter. Vad gäller delnings funktionaliteten, en test applikation är skapad för att hitta essentiella aspekter som behöver tas hänsyn till i den nya "SoundTracker" prototypen när en användare vill dela ett ljudspår med vänner och familj. Test applikationen testas baserat på samlade svar genom en semi strukturerad interview på människor i åldersgruppen 20-30 år.De erhållna resultaten indikerar på att genom användning av Kalman filter, förbättras noggrannheten på användarens position, vilket resulterar i en ljudvandring med mindre avvikelser jämfört med en GPS-sensor. Vad gäller det förbättrade grafiska användargränssnittet, det var enklare för användarna att förstå den förbättrade prototypen såväl som navigera igenom den, än fallet med den originala prototypen. Användarna finner det även intressant när en delningsfunktion implementeras med designen som diskuteras i det här arbetet. / Context-awareness can be used in tour guide applications in order to provide users with information and services. The majority of tour guide applications are usually developed for educational or historical review purposes. This paper presents a proof-of-concept of the unpublished audio tour guide application, “SoundTracker”, with the aim of improving it. The new “SoundTracker” prototype does not aim for educational or historical review purposes, instead it is aimed for recording, listening and sharing personal audio tour guides with friends and family. The proof-of-concept is limited by the defined research questions found in this paper. In summary, the accuracy of the read-in GPS coordinates of a user’s position is enhanced with Kalman filter, to give an enjoyable user experience. Additionally, the graphical user interface of the original prototype is improved and tested through web-surveys. As for the sharing functionality, a test application is created in order to find what necessary aspects need to be considered in the new "SoundTracker" prototype when a user wants to share a sound-walk with friends and family. The test application is tested based on responses obtained through a semi-structured interview from people in the age of 20-30 years.The obtained results indicate that, with use of Kalman filter, the location accuracy of the user is enhanced, which results in a sound-walk with less deviations compared to location accuracy of only GPS-sensor. Regarding the improved graphical user interface, users found the new "SoundTracker" prototype easier to understand, as well as to navigate through it, than the case in the original prototype. Users also find it interesting when a sharing function is implemented with the design that is discussed in this work.
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Social support and youths' resilience in disadvantaged neighborhood contextsColburn, Sindhia 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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中国人留学生における親密圏の変容 / チュウゴクジン リュウガクセイ ニオケル シンミツケン ノ ヘンヨウ李 文, Wen Li 20 March 2021 (has links)
中国人留学生の親密圏を構成する「家族」と「友人」とのネットワークは、以前と比べてその構造が大きく変化していった。中国人留学生の親密圏の中心は、「生活圏中心」から「自文化圏中心」に変容してきた。一方、中国人留学生の「微信」に対する利用習慣は彼らの親密圏を中国人ネットワークに偏らせることにつながっている。中国における共同体としての家族が、「自文化中心」の親密圏をさらに強化している。しかし「日本人友人との連絡の頻度」が高いほど、「日本人とのコミュニケーションに対する満足感」が高いことも分かった。「自文化圏中心」の親密圏が中国人留学生の異文化適応にネガティブな影響を与えるといえる。 / The network of family and friends that make up the intimate sphere of Chinese international students has changed significantly compared to before. The center of the intimate sphere of Chinese international students has changed from "centered on the living area" to "centered on the self-cultural area." On the other hand, the usage habits of Chinese students for "Wechat" have led to their intimacy being biased toward the Chinese network. The family as a community in China strengthens the "self-cultural center" intimacy. However, it was also found that the higher the "frequency of contact with Japanese friends", the higher the "satisfaction with communication with Japanese people". It can be said that the intimate sphere of "self-cultural center" has a negative impact on the cross-cultural adaptation of Chinese international students. / 博士(社会学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Creating an Institutional LegacyCotton, Darrell Anthony 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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