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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Relationship Between Participation in Cross Career Learning Communities and Teacher Retention

Afolabi, Comfort Y 17 May 2013 (has links)
As teacher turnover and the demands for accountability and student achievement persist, the need to hire and retain quality teachers becomes increasingly vital. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between participation in Cross Career Learning Communities (CCLC), a type of Professional Learning Community (PLC), and teacher retention in participating Network for Enhancing Teacher-Quality (NET-Q) schools in a southeastern state. One-to-one exact matching was used to match 251 teachers in CCLC groups to 251 control teachers on eight variables including both system and individual level variables. Results showed a ten percent significant difference between the retention percentages within the state public school systems favoring CCLC teachers, χ2(1) = 21.17, N = 502, p < .05, with a medium effect size of h = .4. For teachers participating in CCLCs, a secondary research question asked if there were any differences in teacher retention in schools that had mandatory participation versus those that had voluntary participation. No significant difference was found between participation types and teacher retention. Furthermore, no significant difference was found in the attrition rates between the novice and the veteran teachers participating in the CCLCs. Based on a question from the NET-Q survey, the percentage of teachers indicating that their participation in CCLCs positively influenced their decision to continue in teaching, estimated at 31%, was statistically significant. This study extends the research on one particular type of PLC to teacher retention. The findings of this study may aid school leaders in better understanding how they can address and impact teacher retention in teaching and in their school buildings. Suggestions for future research and implications for policies addressing teacher support and retention are discussed.

In memory of cats : the camera and the ordinary moment : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Fine Arts at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Korver, Ruth M. January 2009 (has links)
In memory of cats: The camera and the ordinary moment looks at the way in which families use photographs to remember the past. Photography’s offer of memory is limited to a visual trace, so strategies of oral telling are examined to interrogate the way in which memories can be recovered from photographs. Martha Langford’s study of the similarities between structures in oral culture and the photograph album and Annette Kuhn’s strategies for reading family photographs in a broader historical context, are used to examine and recover memories from my own photographic archive. Using moving image to record those memories and then tell how that photographic evidence has shaped my present, is a process suggested by Linda Williams in her writing about how postmodern documentary can use the past to intervene in the present. Other documentary styles, performative documentary and the essay film, offer a structure for personal memories to be revisited and re-presented to public viewers. Offering a space for personal or specific memories to be understood or related to by a viewer is discussed by Lisa Saltzman, who looks at indexical forms other than the photograph, like casting and tracing. These ideas culminated in my video work, A Clowder of Cats, which explores the losses that have been a part of my history, through photographs of the cats my family has owned. The camera gives us a strategy to remember moments that may otherwise have been forgotten, and moving image provides a space for those ordinary moments to be bought back to the present.

The response of the Historic Peace Churches to the internment of the Japanese Americans during World War II /

Lord, Charles R. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1981. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 110-115).

Efekt souseda ve volbách v Královéhradeckém kraji / Friends and Neighbours Effect on Voting in the Královéhoradecký Region

Frič, David January 2018 (has links)
David Frič FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS EFFECT ON VOTING IN THE KRÁLOVÉHRADECKÝ REGION Abstract This work deals with one of spatially contextual impacts on electoral behavior, namely the so- called friends and neighbours effect. It consists of influencing a voter's favor by the residence of a candidate around which the candidate usually gains more votes than an average for the whole constituency or more votes than would be expected by other criteria. The work verifies attendance and strength of this effect on the example of three kinds of elections in Královéhradecký Region. It analyzes friends and neighbours effect on voting in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies, the Regional Council and the Senate. The results of potency of the effect are examined separately in each of these elections and then compares results of the analyzes of these elections to each other, thereby provides a unique comparative perspective of this phenomenon in the Czech electoral systems. The significance of the friends and neighbours effect is also compared among selected political actors. The main part of the analysis focuses on their electoral results in individual municipalities as well as in the whole region, with regard to differences in results of candidates' hometowns. To illustrate the significance of the friends and...

Idiomatische falsche Freunde im deutsch-schwedischen Wortschatz

Belin, Anna January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Meio Ambiente, Use Mas Não Abuse : concepções e práticas em Educação Ambiental da/na Amigos da Natureza (2001/2012) / "Environment, Use but not Abuse": Concepts and Practices in Environmental Education / the Friends of Nature Magazine (2001/2012)

Santos, Nicheli Rodrigues 21 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:55:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nicheli_Rodrigues_Santos.pdf: 8944935 bytes, checksum: 95fbb526c2f0ed6da566059b483a70da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research discusses the concepts and practices of environmental education of the publisher and Friends of Nature magazine, based in Rondon, Paraná, it was created in August 2001 by the businessman Arno Kunzler. The company was born presenting having as one of his main concerns to produce materials to support discussions and activities focused on environmental issues. The magazine, that in its first year had just a local movement, passed in the early 2002 to be sold to other states of Brazil. This trait was maintained throughout more than ten years of existence of the publisher, which in 2012 had provided materials for almost all states from the country. Publisher and magazine came at a time when local authorities sought to deconstruct the image of Paraná as a place of destruction and sought to consolidate a region that know how developing and caring for nature at the same time. Thus, the research historicizes the process of creating and consolidating the publisher and the magazine Friends of Nature, during the years 2001 to 2012, at both the local and national levels. Accordingly, discusses the construction of texts and images from the magazine, the partnerships that have been established, the public that sought to achieve, the forms of sale and the debates that have instituted. With the analysis of texts and images from the magazine was also possible to see a shift of the reading public, with the transformation of the production of a periodical aimed at a juvenile audience, in a courseware aimed at giving methodological support to teachers. Along the way we tried to understand the reasons that led the producers of Friends of Nature to expand the readership of the magazine. In investigating the change was possible to see that she was part of the search for the dissemination project of society that is in the magazine. The analysis of this society project was realized in this research as a constituent of fluid and constantly changing relations between humans and nature. Therefore, in addition to the material produced, this relationship is imbued with symbolic aspects which have changed along with the ideas and values throughout history. Based on these symbolic moments of the constitution, we analyze how on the creation, publication and circulation of the magazine are not at stake only the strategies, concepts and practices of environmental education, but also searching for legitimation processes, around which should be the use of Nature by humans / A presente pesquisa problematiza concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental da Editora e Revista Amigos da Natureza, sediadas em Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná; criada em agosto de 2001, pelo empresário Arno Kunzler. A Editora nasceu apresentando como uma de suas principais preocupações produzir materiais de apoio para debates e atividades voltadas a questões ambientais. A revista que em seu primeiro ano teve uma circulação local, passando já, em 2002, a ser comercializada para outros estados do Brasil. Característica essa que se manteve ao longo dos mais de dez anos de existência da Editora, que em 2012, já havia fornecido materiais para quase todos os estados do País. Editora e revista surgiram num momento em que poderes públicos locais buscavam desconstruir a imagem do Oeste do Paraná como espaço de destruição e visavam consolidar a de uma região que saberia desenvolver e cuidar da natureza ao mesmo tempo. Assim, a pesquisa historiciza o processo de criação e consolidação da Editora e revista Amigos da Natureza, durante os anos de 2001 a 2012, tanto em âmbito local, quanto nacional. Nesse sentido, problematiza a construção dos textos e imagens da revista, as parcerias que foram estabelecidas, o público que se buscou atingir, as formas de venda e os debates que a instituíram. Com a análise dos textos e imagens da revista também foi possível perceber um redirecionamento do público leitor, com a transformação da produção de um periódico destinado a um público infanto-juvenil, em um material didático que visava dar apoio metodológico a professores. Nesse percurso, procurou-se apreender os motivos que levaram os produtores da Amigos da Natureza a ampliar o público leitor da revista. Na investigação da mudança foi possível perceber que ela fez parte da busca pela disseminação do projeto de sociedade que se encontra na revista. A análise desse projeto de sociedade foi percebida nesta pesquisa como parte constituinte da fluída e constante transformação das relações entre humanos e natureza. Pois, para além do material produzido, essa relação está imbuída de aspectos simbólicos que se modificaram juntamente com as concepções e valores ao longo da história. Tendo como base esses momentos de constituição do simbólico, analisa-se que na criação, publicação e circulação da revista não estão em jogo apenas estratégias, concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental, mas também processos de busca pela legitimação, em torno da qual deve ser a utilização da natureza pelos humanos

Imagem corporal na infância: uma investigação qualitativa

Cipriani, Flávia Marcele 18 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-03-21T13:44:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 flaviamarcelecipriani.pdf: 2745157 bytes, checksum: 78d40feedfc55f8565f639b2e56a2e85 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-22T11:39:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 flaviamarcelecipriani.pdf: 2745157 bytes, checksum: 78d40feedfc55f8565f639b2e56a2e85 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-22T11:39:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 flaviamarcelecipriani.pdf: 2745157 bytes, checksum: 78d40feedfc55f8565f639b2e56a2e85 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-18 / Objetivo: Investigar atitudes (crenças, comportamentos, afetos e satisfação corporal) relacionados à imagem corporal de crianças de 06 a 08 anos de idade, da cidade de Juiz Fora, MG. Método: Participaram da pesquisa 32 meninos e 32 meninas, estudantes de escolas públicas, com média de 7,15 (DP= 0,64) anos de idade. As crianças foram separadas em 8 grupos, 4 compostos apenas por meninas e 4 por meninos. Cada grupo contou com 8 indivíduos participantes. Foi utilizada a técnica de Grupo Focal. As reuniões aconteceram em dias alternados e tiveram a média aproximada de 60 minutos de duração. As sessões foram gravadas em áudio e vídeo e, posteriormente, transcritas na íntegra para análise. Os dados obtidos foram tratados com a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (2010) e com estatística descritiva. A massa e a estatura corporal foram mensuradas para estimar o estado nutricional dos participantes. Resultados: Verificou-se, a partir das categorias, Autorretrato e Aparência Corporal, emergidas dos temas e vocábulos expressos nos comentários das crianças participantes, que, desde a infância, a relação estabelecida entre o corpo, a família, os amigos e a mídia resultam em consideráveis influências socioculturais à dimensão atitudinal voltada à imagem corporal na infância. Crenças, pensamentos e sentimentos com o corpo emergiram nos grupos focais, o que corrobora a possível insatisfação corporal desde a mais tenra idade. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram significativas semelhanças e diferenças entre meninos e meninas, no que tange ao constructo multifacetado da imagem corporal. Os meninos se mostraram preocupados principalmente com a definição do corpo, sobretudo, do abdome, com a muscularidade e cor da pele. Habilidades e superpoderes também foram salientados como relevantes aos personagens masculinos da mídia. As meninas se preocuparam mais com os cabelos e com a magreza. A frequência à academia para o alcance de um corpo ideal, bem como a importância dos acessórios, dos calçados e das vestimentas foram ressaltados por ambos os sexos. Comentários dos meninos voltados à sexualidade mereceram destaque na pesquisa. Salienta-se que a mídia foi considerada como um dos principais fatores de risco ao estereotipo de corpo ideal e consequente insatisfação com a aparência. A preocupação com os comentários e a aceitação dos amigos foi um fator que emergiu dos grupos. Ademais, as similaridades com o corpo e as preferências associadas à família emergiram em diversos momentos. Considerações Finais: Embora este estudo qualitativo não intencione generalizações, seus achados ressaltam a importância de considerar que estratégias de prevenção devem ser valorizadas nas escolas e com as famílias para que favoreçam, integralmente, os aspectos do desenvolvimento humano e a formação da criança, considerando a imagem corporal positiva. / Objective: Investigate actions (beliefs, behaviors, affects and body satisfaction), related to the body image of children between 06 and 08 years old, from the city of Juiz de Fora, MG. Method: The participants were 32 boys and 32 girls, students of public schools, with an average of 7.15 (SD=0.64) years old. The children were divided into 8 groups, 4 composed only of girls and 4 of boys. Each group had 8 individuals participating. The focus group technique was used. The meetings happened on alternate days and had the average duration of 60 minutes. The sections were recorded in audio and video and, later, transcribed for analysis. The data obtained were treated with the Bardin’s Content Analysis technique (2010) e with descriptive statistics. The mass and body height were measured to estimate the nutritional status of the participants. Results: It was verified, from the categories, self portrait e body appearance, of themes and words expressed in the comments of the participating children that, since childhood, the relation established among the body, the family, friends and the media results in considerable socio-cultural influences on attitudinal dimension focused on the body image during childhood. Beliefs, thoughts and feelings to the body emerged in the focus group, which supports the idea of possible body dissatisfaction since the early ages. The results of the main research showed significant similarities and differences between boys and girls with respect to the multifaceted construct of body image. The boys were concerned about the definition, especially of the abdomen, with muscularity and skin color. Skills and superpowers were also emphasized as relevant to the characters of the male media. The girls were more concerned with their hair and thinness. Attendance to the gym to achieve an ideal body, as well as the importance of accessories, shoes and clothing were highlighted by both genders. Comments from the boys focused on sexuality should be highlighted in the research. It is noted that the media was considered as a major risk factor for the ideal body stereotype and consequent dissatisfaction with appearance. The concern with comments and acceptance of friends was a factor that emerged in the groups. Moreover, the similarities with the body and the preferences related to family emerged in several moments. Final Considerations: Although this qualitative study does not intend generalizations, its findings underscore the importance of considering strategies should be valued in schools and with the families so they will fully promote the aspect of human development and the education of the children, considering the good body image.

Terapia ocupacional : caminhos e perspectivas / Occupational therapy : paths and perspectives

Granado, Andréa Rebollo, 1975- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Adriana Lia Friszman de Laplane / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T07:53:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Granado_AndreaRebollo_M.pdf: 995351 bytes, checksum: b8458a11f71c23deecf157706f57ec9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este estudo se propõe a conhecer a trajetória e compreender o papel da Terapia Ocupacional nas APAES do Estado de São Paulo. Estas instituições atendem pessoas com deficiência intelectual, e oferecem atendimentos em várias áreas da educação e saúde, dentre essas a Terapia Ocupacional que está presente na maioria dos planos terapêuticos e educacionais dos usuários. A pesquisa seguiu uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, utilizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas, gravadas com 06 terapeutas ocupacionais que atuaram ou atuam em APAES do estado de São Paulo. Inicialmente buscou-se resgatar alguns aspectos históricos da profissão e das instituições no Brasil. Em seguida considerando a analise do material, procurou-se destacar os aspectos relativos ao papel do profissional de terapia ocupacional nas décadas de 80, 90 e 2000 e suas bases teórico-metodológicas de atuação sendo possível refletir sobre as perspectivas atuais e futuras de participação deste profissional nas instituições. Descritores: Terapia Ocupacional. APAE, Deficiência Intelectual / Abstract: This study aims to know the history and understand the role of occupational therapy in APAES the State of São Paulo. These institutions serving people with intellectual disabilities, and offer consultations in various areas of education and health, among these occupational therapy which is present in most therapeutic and educational plans of users. The research followed a predominantly qualitative approach, we used semi-structured interviews, recorded with 06 occupational therapists who worked together in APAES the state of São Paulo. Initially we attempted to rescue some historical aspects of the profession and institutions in Brazil. After considering the analysis of the material sought to highlight those aspects of the role of occupational therapy professional in the 80, 90 and 2000 and its theoretical and methodological bases of operation being possible to reflect on the current and future prospects of participation of professional institutions. Keywords: Occupational Therapy, APAE. Intellectual Disability / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação

Arbeitszugführer und Zugmeldestellen : Zur Übersetzung fachspezifischer Begriffe im Bereich Bahn und Gleisbau / Work train drivers and traffic control : The translation of specific technical language in the field of railway transport

Dreger Eriksson, Kerstin January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the translation of the specific technical language of railway transport from Swedish into German. The analysis is based on a self-conducted translation of selected passages of rules and regulations issued by the Swedish government agency Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration). The following questions serve as a starting point: Which factors influence the final choice of a translation equivalent when several options are available? Which translation strategies can be used to close a lexical gap in the target language? And, furthermore, how can ”false friends” be identified so that terminological errors can be avoided in the target text? The essay is divided into two parts. The first part introduces major concepts such as equivalence, denotative equivalence and false friends. The second part consists of an analysis which discusses a selection of representative examples from the translation. The first part of the analysis focuses on cases where the target language provides several translation equivalents. By analyzing the semantics and comparing the related meanings of these equivalents, it was possible to pin down the most suitable term in the target language. In most cases the final term choice was confirmed by parallel texts. The second part discusses cases where the target language lacks an equivalent technical term. In most cases the lexical gaps could be closed by loaning the source-language term and adding a short explanation in the target text. The final section is devoted to false friends. By consulting parallel texts, several false friends in the target language were identified and also removed from an earlier version of the target text.

Assexuados, libidinosos ou um paradoxo sexual? Gênero e sexualidade em pessoas com deficiência intelectual / Asexual, lewd or sexual paradox? Gender and sexuality in people with intellectual disabilities

Simões, Julian, 1984- 03 June 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Filomena Gregori / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T12:16:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Simoes_Julian_M.pdf: 2033136 bytes, checksum: f09ac501f60bfdf63206f849ffee19ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Deficiente ou não o corpo carrega marcas sociais e culturais apreendidas em processos de interação. Vista por este ângulo, o empreendimento investigativo por mim realizado se divide em três eixos analíticos. No primeiro eixo busco reconstituir a disputa conceitual sobre os termos "deficiência" e "deficiência intelectual". A proposta é pensar os deslizamentos semânticos do conceito e as implicações políticas dessas transformações. No segundo eixo procuro analisar os discursos dos professores, técnicos especialistas e funcionários da APAE de Vila de Santa Rita, bem como os prontuários de atendimento dos matriculados. O Objetivo é compreender como é formulada a noção de "deficiência" e de "deficiência intelectual", a fim de reconhecer quais categorias operam e como elas ganham significado na instituição. Ainda são analisadas as implicações dessas categorias no modo como é entendida, mas também como é tratada, a sexualidade dos alunos matriculados na APAE. No terceiro eixo o intuito é evidenciar como a "deficiência intelectual" é percebida pelos alunos da APAE e quais as categorias operam na construção do desejo afetivo e sexual destes. Dessa maneira, proponho descontruir tanto a imagem de sujeito anormal como a imagem de uma sexualidade descontrolada associada aos alunos com deficiência intelectual / Abstract: Disabled or not the body carries social and cultural brands seized in interaction processes. Viewed from this angle, this investigative project I conducted is divided into three analytical axes. In the first point I seek to reconstruct the conceptual dispute over the terms "disability" and "intellectual disability". The proposal is to think the semantic slips of the concept and policy implications of these transformations. In the second axis I analyze the discourses of teachers, technical specialists and employees of APAE in Vila de Santa Rita, as well as the medical charts of the enrolled. The goal is to understand how it is formulated the concept of "disability" and "intellectual disability" in order to recognize which categories they operate and how they acquire meaning in the institution. Are further analyzed the implications of these categories in the way it is understood, but also how it is treated, the sexuality of students enrolled in APAE. The third axis the intent is to show how "intellectual disability" is perceived by students of APAE and which categories operate in the construction of these affective and sexual desire. Thus, I propose to deconstruct the image of abnormal subject as well as the image of an uncontrolled sexuality associated with students with intellectual disabilities / Mestrado / Antropologia Social / Mestre em Antropologia Social

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