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Påverkar en potentiell väns beteende mäns och kvinnors vilja att vara vän? : En studie om hur vuxnas vilja att vara vän med en individ påverkas beroende på om individen är impulsiv eller inte / Does a potential friend’s behavior affect men’s and women’s will to be friends? : A study on how adults’ willingness to be friends with an individual is affected depending on whether the individual is impulsive or notKarlsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om upplevd impulsivitet hos en potentiell vän kan påverka män respektive kvinnors vilja att vara vän med den personen. Studien genomfördes med en 2x2 oberoende mätning med mellangruppsdesign. Den beroende variabeln var skattning av viljan till vänskap. Första oberoende variabeln var personlighetstyp som presenterades i två olika scenarier med två betingelser; impulsiv och eftertänksam. Den andra oberoende variabeln var kön med två betingelser; man och kvinna. Båda scenarier var identiska förutom omformuleringar beroende på betingelse. Självskattad vänskapskvalité och självskattat personlighetsdrag kontrollerades för. Tidigare forskning baserad på barn har visat att impulsiva barn blivit mer avvisade och mer impopulära än andra barn. Genom att undersöka hur vuxnas vilja att vara vän med en person påverkas beroende på hur personen beter sig är därför aktuellt eftersom det då kan framkomma om detta förekommer även i vuxen ålder. En 2x2 oberoende ANOVA visade att det fanns en interaktionseffekt mellan Kön x Scenario vilket indikerar att kön och scenario spelade stor roll för den beroende variabeln. Studien visade att kön hade en påverkan på resultatet; kvinnor var mindre benägna till att vara vän med en impulsiv person jämfört med en eftertänksam person. För männen i undersökningen spelade inte scenario någon roll gällande viljan att vara vän vilket indikerar på att de bryr sig mindre om en potentiell vän är impulsiv eller eftertänksam. Möjligen kan det vara att kvinnor lägger mer energi på sina vänskapskretsar och hur en potentiell vän ska bete sig i större utsträckning än vad män gör. / The aim with this study was to investigate whether perceived impulsivity of a potential friend can affect men’s and women’s willingness to be friends with that person. The study was conducted with a 2x2 independent measurement with a between groups design. The dependent variable was a self-assessed rating of the will of friendship. The first independent variable was the personality type that was presented in the two different scenarios with two conditions; impulsive and thoughtful. The second independent variable was gender which also had two conditions; men and women. The scenarios was identical except for some language changes depending on the condition. Self-assessed rating of friendship quality and self-assessed rating of personality traits were controlled for. Previous research based on children has shown that impulsive children become more peer rejected and unpopular than other children. By examining how adults’ willingness to be friends with a person is affected, depending on the other person’s behavior, it may be concluded that this rejection even occurs in adulthood. A 2 x 2 independent ANOVA indicated that there was an interaction effect between Gender x Scenario which means that gender and scenario had a great influence on the dependent variable. The study indicated that gender had an impact on the result; women were less likely to be friends with an impulsive person compared to a person that is thoughtful. The two different scenarios did not matter for the men in this study regarding the will to be friends, which indicates that they did not care about if a potential friend was impulsive or thoughtful. This could possibly depend on that women put greater effort in their relationships with their friends and more thought in how a potential friend should behave to a greater extent than men do.
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Secure Attachment to Friends and its Association with Body AppreciationErixon, My, Joyce, Alma January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, researchers have become interested in the concept of a positive body image. Interpersonal relationships influence the acceptance and appreciation of the body. However, prior studies on positive body image has almost exclusively focused on studying general instead of specific relationships. The present study sought to investigate whether the association between secure attachment to friends and body appreciation is moderated by the personality trait Extraversion in young adults. The participants were 194 men and women aged 18 to 25 years (M = 22, SD = 1.78) who completed a questionnaire measuring body appreciation, secure attachment to friends and Extraversion. The results of a hierarchal regression showed that secure attachment to friends did not predict body appreciation and that Extraversion did not have a moderating effect. Extraversion was, however, positively associated with body appreciation, above and beyond the effect of sex, BMI and parental socioeconomic status. These findings contribute to a richer understanding of the potential advantages of including Extraversion when studying body image in young adults. / Begreppet positiv kroppsbild har under den senaste tiden börjat att fånga forskares intresse. Acceptans och uppskattning av sin kropp påverkas av interpersonella relationer. Tidigare studier på positiv kroppsbild har dock nästan uteslutande fokuserat på att studera generella istället för specifika relationer. Denna studie syftade till att utforska huruvida trygg anknytning till vänner hos unga vuxna påverkar kroppsuppskattningen och om sambandet modereras av personlighetsdraget Extraversion. Deltagarna var 194 kvinnor och män i åldrarna 18 till 25 år (M = 22, SD = 1.78) som besvarade en enkät gällande kroppsuppskattning, trygg anknytning till vänner och extraversion. Resultatet av en hierarkisk regression visade att trygg anknytning till vänner inte förutspådde kroppsuppskattning och att extraversion inte hade en modererande effekt. Extraversion var dock positivt korrelerat med kroppsuppskattning, även efter det att kön, BMI och föräldrars socioekonomiska status kontrollerats för. Dessa fynd bidrar till en större förståelse för de potentiella fördelarna med att inkludera extraversion vid studier av positiv kroppsbild bland unga vuxna.
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Le développement des conduites agressives chez les élèves populaires au secondaire : l'affiliation à des amis populaires et agressifs comme facteur médiateurMireault, Sandrine 04 1900 (has links)
La popularité des jeunes à l’adolescence est reconnue comme étant associée à l’augmentation des conduites agressives à travers le temps. Par contre, peu d’études s’intéressent aux mécanismes permettant d’expliquer ce lien. La présente étude vise à évaluer dans quelle mesure les caractéristiques des amis (i.e., niveaux moyens de popularité et d’agressivité) peuvent jouer un rôle médiateur et permettent d’expliquer la relation entre la popularité et le développement de l’agressivité au début du secondaire. Cette étude longitudinale a été menée auprès de 621 élèves de première et deuxième secondaires provenant de trois écoles secondaires publiques situées dans des milieux socio-économiques défavorisés de la région de Montréal. À trois reprises sur une période d’un an, la popularité perçue et l’agressivité des participants ont été évaluées à partir d’une procédure de nominations par les pairs. De la même façon, l’identité et les caractéristiques des amis ont été évaluées de manière répétée. Les résultats montrent que la popularité perçue en secondaire 1 favorise l’affiliation avec des amis qui sont de plus en plus populaires et agressifs au début du secondaire 2. En retour, l’établissement de relation d’amitié avec des amis agressifs permet d’expliquer l’augmentation des conduites agressives à travers le temps. Aussi bien chez les filles que chez les garçons, l’association entre la popularité perçue et la manifestation ultérieure de comportements agressifs s’explique ainsi par les caractéristiques des amis. La discussion porte sur l’importance du contexte relationnel lorsqu’il s’agit de rendre compte des conséquences développementales associées au fait d’être perçu comme étant populaire au début de l’adolescence. / Teenagers’ popularity is known to be linked to an increase in aggressive behaviors through time. However, few studies have explored the mechanisms that can explain this association. This study aims to assess to which extent friends’ popularity and aggressivity can possibly play a mediating role to explain the relationship between popularity and aggressivity at the beginning of high school. The sample of this longitudinal study consists of 621 students in 7th and 8th grade from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds who attended three public high schools in the Montreal area. The participants’ popularity and aggressivity scores were measured using a peer nominated protocol and assessed three times over a period of one year. Friends’ identity and characteristics were also measured repeatedly using the same procedure. Results show that participants’ popularity in the beginning of 7th grade promotes friendships with peers who are more and more popular and aggressive at the beginning of 8th grade. In return, friendships with aggressive peers can explain the increase in aggressive conducts at the end of 8th grade. The association between perceived popularity and aggressivity, for both boys and girls, can be explained by friends’ characteristics. The discussion focuses on the importance of the relational context when it comes to accounting for the developmental consequences associated with being perceived as popular in early adolescence.
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Aziza's Friendship Compendium, 1st Edition (Annotated and Expanded)Ahmad, Aziza January 2021 (has links)
Aziza's Friendship Compendium, 1st Edition is my illustrated textbook that is part-compendium, part-manifesto. It provides a social, cultural and political analysis of friendship as an inherently anti-oppression, radical tool of resistance. This study of friendship investigates the form and function of friendship, as well as how neoliberalism and the patriarchy cause friction in its functioning, and the ultimate fantasy of friendship that is possible through its untangling of systems of oppression. The Annotated and Expanded version of the Compendium shared here details the process and outcomes surrounding this publication and my master's degree project as a whole. This project is an argument for friendship, a celebration of friendship, a dissection of friendship and a resurrection and recontextualisation of friendship. ˜”*°•♥ I hope you & your friends enjoy it ♥•°*”˜
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Evaluace realizace programu Zipyho kamarádi u dětí mladšího školního věku / Evaluation of Zippy's friends for primary school age childrenMasařová, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the Zippy's Friends prevention program, which is aimed at promoting social skills among children between 5-7 years of age. The first part of the thesis presents the theoretical framework for the main practical part. The goal was to conduct an evaluation of the implementation of this programme. The thesis is focused on alternative uses of the methodology and application. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with five respondents. The research shows that working with the methodology is not just a matter of the teacher within the classroom, but it involves a wider sphere of professionals working with children. In practice, the methodology is used not only for children between 5-7 years of age, but also for older children with various specificities. According to the respondents, some flexibility in working with the methodology and adapting it to the needs of specific children seems to be effective. According to interviewees, the Zippy's Friends methodology is a very versatile tool that can be used in different ways. However, the essence of the programme in the form of "Zippy Tips" and the Zippy's Friends story remains in most cases. Despite the fact that none of the evaluations conducted so far have dealt directly with alternative uses, some similar conclusions...
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Stefan George und die "Kosmische Runde", 1897-1904Hoffmann, Helga January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Predictors of College Students' Dating Violence Perceptions and Help-seeking RecommendationsHutchinson, Kathleen M. 27 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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New families? Tradition and change in partnering and relationshipsDuncan, Simon, Phillips, M. January 2008 (has links)
No / The family as a social institution is often said to be undergoing rapid change or even crisis. Commentary in the media and by policy-makers sometimes claims a `breakdown¿ of the family, asserting that intimate ties of loving and caring are becoming more individualised and self-centred, even selfish. Some scholars see this as part of a broader process whereby traditional social ties such as class, religion and family are fading away. Instead, they argue, people are `compelled to choose their own biographies¿ and personal relationships are being individually and actively chosen from a diverse range of possibilities. Statistically speaking, marriage is decreasing in popularity, whilst living alone, cohabitation and births outside marriage are increasing. But what do trends like this mean? Does this mean `family breakdown¿ or, as much in-depth family research has argued, just that the outward form of families is changing but the inner core - the value people attach to their family relationships ¿ remains central? This project tried to answer this question by examining the British public¿s attitude to different family relationships and parenting arrangements. It looked particularly at cohabitation and marriage, partnering, divorce, solo living, living apart together, same sex relationships and friends.
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Uncovering One Teacher's Knowledge of Arts Integration for Developing English Learners' Reading Comprehension: A Self-StudyMcCulloch, Tina RaLinn 01 April 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore what I, a general education classroom teacher, know about using arts integration to build English Learners (ELs) reading comprehension. As the primary researcher, I am a fifth-grade, general education teacher in an intermountain West, Title 1, urban school where the typical classroom contains over 50% EL students. The studys two other participants were Martha, the director of the universitys arts partnership, and Camilla, a fellow faculty member who integrates arts into her curriculum. This qualitative Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practice research methodology was utilized to uncover my knowledge of teaching practices and pedagogy while simultaneously focusing on student learning (LaBoskey, 2004; Loughran, 2007; Pinnegar & Hamilton, 2009). I used Miles and Huberman (1994) to examine three arts-integrated curriculum units, first and second annotations, and critical friend commentaries in order to uncover the practical and theoretical influences resident in my teaching (Fenstermacher, 1984; Miles & Huberman, 1994; Pinnegar & Hamilton, 2009). The findings revealed five main themes: arts integration, reading comprehension, intentional planning, teacher knowledge, and class culture. Arts integration increased ELs abilities to build requisite schema, acquire essential vocabulary, and attend to oral reading fluency to increase text comprehension. Furthermore, by understanding these themes and their subcategories, I uncovered my tacit knowledge (Polyani, 1967) as it related to my decision-making process for using arts integration. Likewise, the self-study methodology allowed me to articulate my personal practical knowledge of ELs needs and why I employed art-integrative practices to introduce and reinforce content area understandings.
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The Effects Of Power Distance, And Gender On The Use Of Nonverbal Immediacy Behaviors In Symmetrical And Asymmetrical Power CondSantilli, Vincent 01 January 2010 (has links)
Previous cross-cultural research in nonverbal immediacy indicates that nonverbal immediacy behavior varies across cultures, and some researchers have suggested that power distance might serve as a moderating variable, however no research has systematically set out to determine whether that is the case. This study assessed the perceived use of nonverbal immediacy under symmetric and asymmetric power conditions, as well as gender, in three cultures: Brazil, Kenya, and the United States. Quantitative data was collected from 527 participants who completed a nonverbal immediacy measure and an individual power distance measure under either a symmetric or an asymmetric power condition. Results related to power distance partially supported the idea that cultural power distance may act as a moderating variable with regard to the use of nonverbal immediacy behaviors. Related to gender, results revealed that: (a) female participants perceived more nonverbal immediacy behaviors than males, (b) under symmetric power conditions females were perceived to use more nonverbal immediacy than males, and (c) under asymmetric power conditions there was no statistically significant difference between use of nonverbal immediacy behaviors between females and males. Implications of results, limitations, and suggestions for future research are presented.
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