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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La presencia de Wari en San José de Moro

Castillo, Luis Jaime 10 April 2018 (has links)
Wari Presence in the San José de Moro SiteSan José de Moro has been recognized as one of the most important Late Moche sites in the Jequetepeque Valley. Throughout 10 years of continuous excavations a detailed ocupational history has been obtained, and the site has been interpreted as a regional ceremonial center and an elite cemetery. High status burials, such as the Priestess of Moro, have been excavated, and it is from this site that most of the Late Moche Fine Line Ceramics comes. In this context, finding large quantities of Wari, Wari-derived, and Polychrome Moche ceramics is puzzling. It is during late Moche, and apparently at the same time as Fine Line decoration was being incorporated, that the first evidence of Wari show up at Moro. Wari influence at the site seems to have two phases, the first one associated with Late Moche, and related to the Middle Horizon 1, and the second associated with the Transitional Period, and represented by the presence of Middle Horizon 2 ceramics. In this article I advance an explanation of the conditions under which the Wari influence was accepted, and the consecuences of its presence in the ultimate colapse of Moche society. / San José de Moro ha sido reconocido como uno de los sitios Mochica Tardíos más importantes en el valle de Jequetepeque. A lo largo de 10 años de excavaciones, se ha obtenido una historia ocupacional detallada y se ha interpretado el sitio como un centro ceremonial regional y cementerio de elite. Se han excavado entierros de alto status, como el de la Sacerdotisa de Moro, y es de este sitio que proviene la mayoría de la cerámica de línea fina Mochica Tardío. En este contexto, sorprende encontrar grandes cantidades de cerámica wari, wari derivado o mochica polícromo. Es durante el periodo Mochica Tardio -y, al parecer, a la vez que se incorporaba la decoración de línea fina- que las primeras evidencias de Wari aparecen en San José de Moro. La influencia wari en el sitio parece tener dos fases: la primera asociada con el periodo Mochica Tardío, relacionada con el Horizonte Medio 1, y la segunda con el Periodo Transicional, representada por la presencia de la cerámica del Horizonte Medio 2. En este artículo se adelanta una explicación de las condiciones bajo las cuales fue aceptada la influencia wari y las consecuencias de su presencia en el colapso definitivo de la sociedad moche.

Wari en Palpa y Nasca: perspectivas desde el punto de vista funerario

Isla, Johny A. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Wari in Palpa and Nasca: Perspectives from Funerary Point of ViewThis paper presents new evidences of Wari presence in the Palpa-Nasca region, on Peru's south coast. On the basis of the study of more than 200 intact mortuary contexts from both Nasca and Wari cultures, patterns in the mortuary customs of the people living in the Palpa and Nasca valleys during the Middle Horizon are described. In order to identify diagnostic changes the principal characteristics of the Nasca and Wari funerary contexts were recorded and compared (based primarily on associations with Loro or Chakipampa ceramic styles, respectively). These changes were also analyzed in light of evidence available from similar contexts in the Ayacucho region. Details of the tomb construction, associated materials, and particularly the mortuary treatment of the individuals, indicate that the funerary customs during the Middle Horizon changed substantially when compared with those of the Nasca culture. I argue that these changes document the formation of a new political and social order imposed by the Wari culture. / Este artículo expone nuevas evidencias relacionadas con la presencia wari en la cuenca del río Grande, en la costa sur del Perú. En base al estudio de más de 200 contextos funerarios intactos de las culturas Nasca y Wari, se describen los cambios ocurridos en las costumbres funerarias de las poblaciones establecidas en los valles de Palpa y Nasca durante el Horizonte Medio. Para identificar tales cambios, se han documentado las principales características de los contextos funerarios nasca y wari (principalmente de los estilos Loro y Chakipampa) y se han establecido comparaciones entre ambas. Estos cambios se discuten a la luz de evidencias disponibles de contextos similares encontrados en la región de Ayacucho. Los detalles de la construcción de las estructuras funerarias, los materiales asociados y, especialmente, el tratamiento de los individuos, indican que las costumbres funerarias durante el Horizonte Medio cambiaron de manera sustancial con respecto a aquellas de la cultura Nasca. En tal sentido, se plantea que estos cambios ocurrieron debido al establecimiento de un nuevo orden político y social promovido por la cultura Wari.

Sacerdotes y tejedores en la provincia inka de Pachacamac

Cornejo, Miguel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Priests and Weavers in the Inka Province of PachacamacBy following the principle that offerings, accompanying the dead, can be used effectively to determine the former occupation the deceased, we can extend our knowledge of the social organisation of the Province of  Pachacamac. The meaning of offerings in terms of level of social status and occupation is interpreted by artifacts which probably belonged the deceased, including those which would include personal items and the tools of the trade, both of which would confirm what kind of social status the deceased enjoyed and what trade he or she pursued. This suits particularly well if the tools and other instruments for specific tasks show signs of wear and if there are half-finished products, such as textiles or nets. In this article I want to identify aspects concerning two specialists groups: the priests and weavers. / Investigaciones arqueológicas han comprobado que, durante el Periodo Intermedio Tardío y el Horizonte Tardío, algunos contextos funerarios son diagnósticos en la identificación de especialidades u oficios laborales. Esto puede demostrarse en la provincia inka de Pachacamac y en este artículo se intenta caracterizar algunos aspectos de dos grupos de especialistas identificados por el análisis arqueológico, apoyado por importantes y reveladoras informaciones etnohistóricas. Es interés del autor mostrar los resultados de sus investigaciones respecto a los sacerdotes y tejedores andinos.

La décoration architectonique des monuments édens, lignons et sénons, du règne d'Antonin à celui des Sévères / Architectural carved ornaments of the Aedui, Lingones and Senons monuments, from the reign of Antoninus to the Severan dynasty.

Ribolet, Mathieu 01 December 2017 (has links)
La monumentalisation de l’architecture figure parmi les marqueurs les plus éloquents de la pénétration de la culture romaine en Gaule, après la conquête. Peu de temps après l’instauration du Principat, de nouveaux édifices couverts de sculpture ornementale viennent en effet bouleverser le paysage architectural désormais gallo-romain. Sans précédent dans les constructions laténiennes, les décors architectoniques connaissent dès lors une importante diffusion et évoluent au gré d’influences diverses dont les premières sont dictées par des jalons métropolitains comme le temple de Mars Ultor.Plusieurs auteurs ont déjà proposé des synthèses retraçant l’évolution des décors architecturaux de Rome à l’époque impériale, pour le Ier siècle notamment. Elles sont en revanche beaucoup plus rares dès lors que l’on s’intéresse aux provinces de l’Empire et en particulier au nord des Gaules et aux Germanies, alors même que le matériel y est abondant. Ce constat est d’autant plus vrai à mesure que l’on avance vers la dynastie des Antonins puis vers les Sévères, à tel point que la seconde moitié du IIe et le IIIe siècles sont des époques quasiment désertées par les chercheurs.Situé dans la lignée de travaux récents concernant le décor architectonique « tardif » en Gaule et dans les Germanies (Genainville, Champlieu, Neumagen, Bordeaux, Pont-sainte-Maxence), ce travail propose une nouvelle synthèse centrée sur les deux derniers tiers du IIe et le IIIe siècle de notre ère. À partir d’un corpus réuni au sein des territoires éduen, lingon et sénon, il tente d’une part de caractériser les décors employés sur les bases, colonnes, chapiteaux, architraves, frises et corniches. En mettant en lumière une évolution pour chacun de ces éléments, il est alors possible de dégager des éléments chrono-typologiques. La question du répertoire ornemental est également abordée, ce qui permet de s’interroger sur les mécanismes évolutifs, la circulation des modèles et les différentes contraintes qui président aux changements observés. Enfin, l’étude des blocs permet de proposer plusieurs restitutions et d’ainsi avoir une idée de l’activité architecturale qui caractérise les différents sites observés. / The development of monumental stone architecture was part of the most telling clues about roman culture entering in Gaul, after Cesar’s conquest. Short while after the Principate started, new buildings covered with ornamental sculpture created a new architectural landscape in the territories that thus formed the roman Gauls. Even though architectonic ornaments had no precedent in the Iron Age, their spread quickly became very important. Ornaments thus started to evolve, taking monuments from Rome itself as first models ; for example the temple of Mars Ultor.Several authors have already written papers about the evolution of architectonic ornaments in the Imperial Rome, in particular for the Ist century AD. However, publications about the Provinces of the Empire are scarcer, especially regarding north of Gauls and Germanies. This observation is even more obvious for later periods such as the second half of the IInd and the IIIrd century A.D.My thesis belongs to a serie of recent works about « late » architectonic ornaments in roman Gauls and Germanies (about collections such as those of Genainville, Champlieu, Neumagen, Bordeaux, Pont-sainte-Maxence). It focus on a period from the years 130 to the years 230 AD (approximately from the reign of Antoninus to this of Alexander Severus). From a corpus gathered over three civitates (Aedui, Lingones, Senones), my work tries to define which ornaments were employed on the components of architectural orders (basis, columns, capitals, architrave, friezes, cornices), to understand how they were allocated, and to highlight how they evolved over decades. Ornamental repertory is also an important point : it allows to question about evolution mechanisms, patterns diffusion and other reasons that made handcrafters change their carving techniques. To finish, studying architectonic pieces provide possibilities of reconstructing monuments, so as to have a idea of what was building activity like in the three studied civitates.

A antiguidadde clássica na representação do feminino : pranteadoras do Cemitério Evangélico de Porto Alegre (1890-1930)

Carvalho, Luiza Fabiana Neitzke de January 2009 (has links)
A pesquisa intitulada A antiguidade clássica na representação do feminino: pranteadoras do Cemitério Evangélico de Porto Alegre (1890-1930) analisa a influência da cultura greco-romana na representação das figuras femininas desta necrópole e apresenta um inventariado das pranteadoras. O estudo aborda também as duas marmorarias mais atuantes na capital gaúcha: a Casa Aloys e a Marmoraria Lonardi, que realizaram a colocação de algumas destas esculturas. O inventário contempla não somente a tipologia das pranteadoras, mas os materiais utilizados na arte funerária do Evangélico. A análise das pranteadoras foi amparada na presença social e moral da mulher republicana, retratada nas páginas das revistas Globo e Kodak, importantes publicações do período sobre o qual versa este estudo. / This research comprises an analysis of the greek and roman culture influences on the representation of the female figures in the necropolis indicated by its title: The classical antiquity in the female representation: mourners of the Evangélico Cemetery of Porto Alegre (1890-1930), as well as an inventory of the mourners in that cemetery. The study also approaches the two more active marble yards in the city of Porto Alegre: the Casa Aloys and the Lonardi Marble Yard, which has done the placement of some of these funerary sculptures. The inventory does not comprehend only the mourners’ typology, but also an identification of the materials employed at the funerary arts of the Evangélico Cemetery. The mourners’ analysis took in consideration the social and moral presence of the republican woman as portrayed in the Globo and Kodak magazines´ pages, which were important publications in the period that this study discusses.

Desnudando a masculinidade: representações de nudez e seminudez na estatuária funerária paulistana (1920-1950) / Baring masculinity: representations of nudity and seminudity in the funeral statuary of São Paulo (1920-1950)

Carneiro, Maristela 23 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-07-26T18:33:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Maristela Carneiro - 2016.pdf: 16401247 bytes, checksum: cf5205ad11c1b846300726287b386db8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-07-27T15:20:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Maristela Carneiro - 2016.pdf: 16401247 bytes, checksum: cf5205ad11c1b846300726287b386db8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T15:20:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Maristela Carneiro - 2016.pdf: 16401247 bytes, checksum: cf5205ad11c1b846300726287b386db8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis investigates the use of nudity and seminudity and the multiple representations of masculinity in the modern funerary art at the city of São Paulo, looking at the collection of sculptures of the Consolação, Araçá and São Paulo cemeteries, situated in São Paulo State Capital, between 1920 and 1950. This work is a result of the doctorate research done for in the post-graduation program in History, at Universidade Federal de Goiás PPGH/UFG, supervised by Professor Dr. Maria Elizia Borges, furthermore by other resources obtained during the Sandwich Doctorate at Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, under supervision of Professor Dr. Fábio Mangone. It is questioned which social and cultural aspects symbolize such male images, paying attention to the proper functions of the space of the cemetery, as an architectural object by definition. These are seen through the prism of Art History, allowing the terms – Art and History – to criticize and transform each other, opening disciplinary borders, as well as conceptual and linguistic ones, enabling for the domain of the historian to be modified by interventions of Art. Through the tabulation of male image occurrences, partially or completely naked, is observed that Italian aesthetic premises, especially those of the Novecento, have significant influence over the elaboration of São Paulo funerary art. This sculptures utilize often depictions that highlight sensibility in face of death, as well as the virility associated with work, on the other hand – in other words, there is no single, unchanging discourse on masculinity in the time period investigated. The analysis of the composition of the sculptures allow reconstructing partially the musings of the sculptors and their aesthetic expressivity as well as the meanings of their use of nudity and seminudity in the funerary art of the period. Furthermore, it is poited out that open air cemeteries allow for the exhibition of depictions of a masculinity sensitive and/or virile with greater expressive liberty. In short, these sculptures, as images, are historically localized and at the same time, bearers of a variety of temporalities and spatialities in the foundations, ever permeated by a continuous process of reconfiguration, from both, Past and Present. “Baring” them allows to find vestiges of Italian expression in the Tropical lands. / A presente tese investiga o uso da nudez e da seminudez e as múltiplas representações de masculinidade na arte funerária modernista da cidade de São Paulo, a partir do acervo escultórico dos Cemitérios da Consolação, Araçá e São Paulo, instalados na capital paulista, no período de 1920 a 1950. Resulta do doutoramento junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, da Universidade Federal de Goiás (PPGH/UFG), sob a orientação da Profª Dra. Maria Elizia Borges, outrossim dos subsídios obtidos quando da realização de período sanduíche na Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, sob a tutela do Profº Dr. Fábio Mangone. Questiona-se que aspectos sociais e culturais tais imagens masculinas simbolizam, atentando para as funções próprias do espaço cemiterial, enquanto objeto arquitetônico por definição. As mesmas são tomadas a partir do prisma da história da arte, que permite que os vocábulos em questão – arte e história – possam se criticar e transformar reciprocamente, abrindo as fronteiras disciplinares, conceituais e linguísticas, bem como possibilitando que os domínios do historiador sejam modificados pelas clivagens da arte. A partir do inventário das ocorrências de imagens masculinas, parcial ou completamente despidas, observou-se que os pressupostos estéticos italianos, sobretudo do Novecento, influenciam de modo singular a tessitura da arte funerária paulistana. As esculturas em questão se utilizam de representações que ora destacam a sensibilidade perante a morte, ora deixam em relevo a virilidade em associação ao mundo do trabalho – em outras palavras, não constituem um discurso único e imutável sobre o ser masculino no período investigado. A análise da composição das esculturas permite recuperar parte dos devaneios dos escultores e sua expressividade estética e os significados do uso da nudez e da seminudez corporal na arte funerária. Ademais, evidencia-se que os cemitérios a céu aberto permitem a exposição de representações de uma masculinidade sensível e/ou viril com maior liberdade expressiva. Em síntese, as esculturas em questão, enquanto imagens, são historicamente localizadas e ao mesmo tempo, portadoras de diferentes temporalidades e espacialidades em seus fundamentos, sempre permeadas por um processo contínuo de reconfiguração, tanto do passado quanto do presente. “Desnudálas” permite que se encontrem vestígios da expressão italiana nas terras tropicais.

As práticas mortuárias na região da Argólida entre os séculos XI e VIII a.C. / Mortuary practices in the Argolid between the eleventh and the eighth centuries BC

Camila Diogo de Souza 02 July 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de doutorado pretende levantar, catalogar e examinar os vestígios arqueológicos dos contextos funerários, datados entre o intervalo do século XI ao VIII a.C. nos principais sítios da região da Argólida (Mapas 1, 2 e 3), Argos, Tirinto, Asine, Micenas, Náuplia e Lerna. Comparando tais dados entre si, e discutindo-os a partir de fundamentos teórico-metodológicos da Arqueologia das Práticas Mortuárias, objetivamos, por fim, levantar considerações sobre os costumes funerários dessa área, revelando possíveis padrões de enterramento e de comportamento sócio-cultural inseridos nas mudanças políticas ocorridas em um período de longa duração, principalmente, durante o período denominado de Alto Arcaísmo, o século VIII a.C., com o processo de formação da pólis argiva. / This thesis intends to gather, catalogue and analyze the archaeological data from the funerary contexts, dated from the XI to the VIII centuries BC in the main sites of the Argive plain (Maps 1, 2 and 3). Finally, it is also our aim to compare the data collected and discuss them through the theoretical and methodological basis of the Archaeology of Mortuary Practices trying to reach some questions and considerations about the funerary customs and burial patterns of this region and also possible social and cultural behavior characteristic of the shifts occurred mainly during the VIII century BC.

Pratiques funéraires et identité biologique des populations du Sud Caucase, du Néolithique à la fin de la culture Kura-Araxe (6ème - 3ème millénaire av. J.-C.) : une approche archéo-anthropologique / Mortuary practices and biological identity of Southern Caucasus population from the Neolithic to the late Kura-Araxe culture (6th - 3rd millennium BC) : an archaeo-anthropological approach

Poulmarc'h, Modwene 11 September 2014 (has links)
Les restes humains et les pratiques funéraires allant du Néolithique à la fin de la culture Kura-Araxe (6ème au 3ème millénaire) n’avaient jusqu’à aujourd’hui fait l’objet d’études approfondies. Afin de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des pratiques funéraires et des caractéristiques biologiques de ces populations il a été entrepris de réévaluer les données publiées, de réexaminer les restes humains issus de fouilles anciennes et de mettre à profit l’apport de données issues des fouilles récentes dans la région, cela au travers d’un nouveau regard, celui de l’archéothanatologie. L’analyse détaillée des gestes funéraires a été mise en relation avec une analyse du recrutement funéraire, mais également avec une analyse anthropologique incorporant divers paramétres (morphologie et morphométrie, variations anatomiques non métriques, indicateurs de stress et pathologies).Sur l’ensemble du Sud Caucase, 132 sites où la présence de sépultures est attestée : cinq pour le Néolithique, 21 pour le Chalcolithique et 111 pour la culture Kura-Araxe. La réévaluation des anciennes données a permis de répartir les sépultures en sept catégories: les tombes en fosses, les inhumations dans les contenants en céramique, les tombes construites de formes variables, les tombe en fer à cheval, les cistes, les kourganes et les tombes surmontées en surface d’un amas de pierres. Les tombes néolithiques sont rares : il s’agit de tombes en fosse associées à l’habitat, dans lesquelles les individus sont en position fléchie sur l’un des côtés. Les sépultures chalcolithiques sont un légèrement nombreuses qu’à la période précédente. Trois nouveaux types de tombes apparaissent : les inhumations dans un contenant en céramique, les kourganes et les tombes surmontées d’un amas de pierres. Les tombes en fosse demeurent les plus nombreuses, et toujours en lien avec l’habitat ; les défunts sont le plus souvent inhumés en position fléchie sur l’un des côtés. Par ailleurs, les inhumations dans un contenant en céramique semblent destinées à accueillir les très jeunes immatures. Le kourgane marque les débuts de la dissociation entre le lieu d’inhumation et le lieu d’habitat, qui débute à la fin du Chalcolithique, se poursuit dans la seconde moitié du 4ème millénaire et semble se généraliser à partir de la première moitié du 3ème millénaire. Le signalement des tombes en surface apparaît lui aussi au cours du Chalcolithique, traduisant un changement des mentalités. On assiste au cours de la culture Kura-Araxe à une augmentation frappante du nombre de sites où la présence de sépultures est attestée. Les types de tombe se diversifient : outre les tombes en fosses, les kourganes et les tombes surmontées en surface d’un amas de pierres, qui perdurent, trois autres types de tombe apparaissent : les tombes de formes variables, les cistes et les tombes en fer à cheval. Cette diversification illustre une multiplicité des pratiques. En revanche, la diversité observée au niveau des types de tombe s’oppose à une grande homogénéité dans le positionnement des individus : la position fléchie sur l’un des deux côtés domine clairement. Des cartes de répartition des sites ont été établies en fonction des différents types de tombes identifiés et des modes de dépôt des défunts. Enfin, les méthodes de l’archéothanatologie ont permis de mieux appréhender les modes de dépôts et de mettre en évidence des gestes insoupçonnés (position assise, lien de contention, contenant en matière périssable). Cette recherche offre la possibilité d’avoir un regard d’ensemble sur les populations vivant au cours de ces périodes dans le Sud Caucase. Des gestes et des pratiques funéraires jusque là insoupçonnés ont été mis en lumière grâce à l’emploi des méthodes de l’archéothanatologie. / Human remains and funerary practices of the Neolithic period to the end of the Kura-Araxe’s culture (6th to 3rd millennium) in the Southern Caucasus have not been thus far the subject of bio-anthropological studies. In order to contribute to a better understanding of funeral practices and the biological characteristics of southern Caucasus populations, a reassessment of published data related to human remains recorded from ancient excavations and new approaches of analyses, archaeothanatology, of new data from recent excavations in the region has been undertaken. A detailed study is conducted based on funeral gestures reconstruction, burial type’s analyses, and various anthropological aspects (morphology and Morphometry, non metric anatomic variations, stress indicators and pathology). 132 sites incorporating graves are attested in the Southern Caucasus: five Neolithic sites, 21 chalcolithic sites and 111 sites of Kura-Araxe’s culture. The review of the old data revealed seven categories of burials: pit grave, burial in ceramic container, Constructed tomb with various shapes, horseshoe grave, cist burial, kurgans and stones covered graves. The Neolithic tombs are rare. It comprises pit burials located within settlement area with inhumation of individuals in flexed position on one side. Chalcolithic graves are slightly more recurrent than earlier period. Three new types of tombs are used: burials in ceramic container, kurgans and stones covered tombs. Pit burials remained the most numerous, and regularly associated with settlement area. The deceased are usually buried in flexed position on one side. Furthermore, burials in ceramic container appeared to be designed especially for immature young deceased. At the end of Chalcolithic, Kurgan marked the beginnings of the partition between the burial area and the settlement area. The Kurgan practices continued in the second half of the 4th millennium and appear to be wide and commonly spread around the first half of the 3rd millennium. In addition, stone covered burials started to be used during the Chalcolithic period. This shift between underground burials and constructed marks to locate burials reflects a change of society’s mentalities. During the Kura-Araxes culture, a striking increase in the number of sites with burials is attested. Tomb types are diversified. In addition to pit burials, the Kurgans and stone covered burials continued to be practiced meanwhile, three other types of Tomb appeared: the Constructed tombs of various shapes, the cists burials and horseshoe graves. This diversification demonstrates a multiplicity of practices. On the other hand, the analyses of inhumation position revealed more regular customs: the flexed position on one side is clearly the most used. Distribution maps of burial sites are established on the basis of the variability of identified grave types and deceased position. Finally, the archaeothanatology methods allowed better understanding of deposits patterns and highlighted the practice of unexpected gestures (seating, use of tie, perishable container). This research offers the possibility to have an overall view of the Southern Caucasus living population between the 6th and the 3rd millennium BC. Some mortuary gestures and funerary practices until now unsuspected have been revealed once applying the archeothanatology methods

Bioanthropologie et pratiques funéraires des populations néolithiques du Proche-Orient : l’impact de la Néolithisation : étude de sept sites syriens – 9820-6000 cal. BC / Bioanthropology and funerary practices of Near-East neolithic's populations : the impact of the Neolithisation : study of seven syrian sites - 9820-6000 cal. BC

Chamel, Berenice 30 September 2014 (has links)
La Néolithisation au Proche-Orient est une période phare de l’histoire de l’humanité : c’est en effet à ce moment qu’interviennent de grands changements dans l’économie de subsistance, apportés par l’invention de l’agriculture et de l’élevage. D’autres changements dans le mode de vie sont également engendrés par la sédentarisation et, en dernier lieu, par l’invention de la céramique en tant que récipient. Ces bouleversements que connaissent les populations néolithiques s’observent aussi bien dans l’état sanitaire que dans les pratiques funéraires. Le travail entrepris a donc consisté à étudier les sépultures et les restes humains provenant de sept sites syriens répartis sur toute la période de la Néolithisation. Les pratiques funéraires se complexifient tout au long de la période, bien que les sépultures primaires et individuelles, avec un dépôt des corps en position fléchie sur le côté, soient longtemps restées la norme. Dès le PPNA, des sépultures sont directement associées à certains bâtiments, avant que des lieux d’inhumations spécifiques apparaissent à la fin du PPNB. L’étude anthropologique s’est concentrée sur les pathologies infectieuses osseuses et dentaires ainsi que sur les indicateurs de stress, selectionnés parmi les marqueurs les plus pertinents. Ainsi la tuberculose, la périostite, les caries, les abcès, la perte de dents ante-mortem, la maladie parodontale, les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire, la Cribra orbitalia et l’hyperostose poreuse ont été systématiquement recherchés sur les squelettes. Après une étude des changements dans l’état de santé des populations site par site, les individus ont été regroupés par périodes afin de mettre en évidence l’impact de la Néolithisation dans une étude diachronique. L’avènement de l’agriculture semble avoir entrainé une augmentation des pathologies dentaires et des indicateurs de stress à la période du PPNB ancien, tandis qu’un pic de stress, enregistré au PPNB moyen, pourrait être relié à l’introduction de l’élevage, qui a pu entrainer des carences alimentaires et peut-être l’apparition de nouvelles maladies infectieuses. De même, la plupart des indicateurs laissent entrevoir une certaine dégradation de l’état sanitaire lors de la dernière période étudiée, le Néolithique céramique. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence que les changements intervenus dans l’état de santé sont loin d’être linéaires ; des fluctuations se produisent entre les périodes selon les différents indicateurs, et c’est au PPNB qu’apparaissent les bouleversements les plus importants. Il semblerait en outre que le degré de gravité des pathologies évolue de façon non linéaire tout au long de la Néolithisation. / The Neolithisation of the Near-East is a key period in the history of humanity, when huge changes occur in subsistence economy, triggered by agriculture and animal husbandry. Other changes in lifestyle are generated by sedentarization and eventually by the invention of pottery as container. The disruptions known by the Neolithic populations are to be found both in their health status and funerary practices. The sepultures and human remains from seven Syrian archaeological sites are studied in this work over the entire period of Neolithisation. The funerary practices become more complex over time, although the primary individual sepultures, with the corpse laid in a flexed position on one side, remain the standard for a long time. From the PPNA, some sepultures are directly associated with particular buildings, until specific burial areas appear towards the end of the PPNB. The bioanthropological study focuses on infectious diseases affecting bones and teeth and on stress indicators, with a selection of the most relevant features. The skeletons were thus systematically examined for signs of tuberculosis, periostitis, dental caries and abcesses, ante-mortem tooth loss, periodontal disease, dental hypoplasia, Cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. A site by site study of health status changes was carried out first, then the individuals were gathered by period in order to bring to light the impact of the Neolithisation processes in a diachronic study. The advent of agriculture seems to have entailed an increase in dental pathologies and stress indicators in the early PPNB, and a peak of stress registered in the middle PPNB could be related to the introduction of animal husbandry, creating dietary deficiency and new infectious diseases. Most of the markers indicate a deterioration in health status during the last studied period, the Pottery Neolithic. This work establishes that changes in health status were far from linear; the different indicators pointing to fluctuations between the periods, with the most important changes featuring in the PPNB. Furthermore, it suggests that the severity of the pathologies evolved in a non linear way throughout the Neolithisation.

Analyse technique, textuelle et paléographique d'un Livre des morts inédit conservé au Musée du Vatican (Inv. n 38603) / Technical, textual and palaeographic analysis of an unpublished Book of the dead preserved in the Vatican Museum (Inv. No. 38603)

Albert, Florence 08 April 2010 (has links)
Le papyrus du Vatican n° inv. 38603 est un Livre des morts hiératique daté de l’époque tardive, provenant vraisemblablement de la ville de Thèbes et contenant un certain nombre d’originalités iconographiques et textuelles. Son étude exhaustive est entreprise à l’aide d’une présentation détaillée, d’une traduction complète, d’un commentaire de chacun des textes qui le composent, d’une mise en contexte au sein de la documentation tardive du genre et d’une paléographie. Ces éléments permettent de mettre en valeur divers aspects des croyances funéraires des égyptiens de cette époque. D’autre part, ils autorisent à resserrer la datation du papyrus autour de 300 av. J.-C. et à replacer le document dans un contexte précis en forte relation avec la religion et les cultes osiriens qui se développent à Thèbes à partir de laTroisième Période intermédiaire. / The Papyrus Vatican inv. No 38603 is a hieratic Book of the Dead dated of the late period, coming probably from the city of Thebes and containing a number of textual and iconographic peculiarities. His comprehensive study is undertaken using a detailed presentation, a complete translation, a commentary on each of its component texts, a contextualization within the late documentation of the type and a paleography. These elements can highlight various aspects of Egyptian funerary beliefs of that time. On the other hand, they allow for closer dating of papyrus around 300 BC. and put the document in a specific context in strong relationship with religion and cults of Osiris that develop at Thebes since the Third Intermediate Period.

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