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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Integración de sistemas para la documentación, gestión y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico: el parque arqueológico de las tumbas de la Vía Latina en Roma

Rinaldi, Simona 31 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] En la civilización de la antigua Roma, tres de los aspectos más importantes de la vida cotidiana estaban vinculados a la arquitectura: las termas, los acueductos y las tumbas. Esta investigación propone el estudio de la integración de sistemas avanzados para la documentación, gestión y valorización del patrimonio arquitectónico funerario de la Vía Latina y la Vía Appia Antica, en estrecha relación con el tema del Paisaje Cultural. De hecho, el Parque de las Tumbas Latinas alberga uno de los complejos funerarios más importantes, que en la actualidad conserva inalterado el aspecto tradicional del antiguo paisaje romano. A lo largo de una vía empedrada, como todas las vías consulares, la Vía Latina (al igual que la Vía Appia Antica), que, como recuerda Livio, conectaba en su día las ciudades de Roma con Capua, mantiene aún el "congelado" trazado urbano/paisajístico antiguo. El tema de la carretera y el sistema de infraestructuras es, de hecho, una manifestación de una necesidad humana fundamental, la del movimiento, y refleja la historia de toda la humanidad en su evolución. En la actualidad, a lo largo de un tramo de unos 450 metros, hay numerosas tumbas de diversos tipos construidas entre la época republicana y la Alta Edad Media. Este estudio no se centra exclusivamente en el patrimonio arquitectónico de las antiguas tumbas, sino que también pretende realizar un análisis urbanístico de la red de infraestructuras que conecta el yacimiento arqueológico con el centro histórico de Roma y de la relación que se establece entre los restos antiguos y el paisaje tradicional del Lacio en el que se contextualizan: el Ager Romanus. Este aspecto es muy importante para toda la propuesta de investigación, ya que es parte integrante de todo el análisis. De hecho, la sinergia derivada de la relación entre estos componentes, que convergen en su forma esencial, es: "una síntesis de los elementos visuales que insisten en un espacio incluido en un único círculo de horizonte" (Biasutti, 1962). En el caso concreto, el paisaje de la Vía Latina y la Vía Appia Antica es una realidad muy compleja que consiste en la interrelación entre las ruinas (Tumbas), los elementos bióticos, el centro histórico y la red urbana periférica compuesta por las antiguas vías que han de convivir con la continua expansión de los ejes contemporáneos. Por lo tanto, este sistema polifacético del Ager Romanus y del sitio cultural Vía Latina/Appia Antica es comparable a una estructura viva y dinámica y, como tal, debe ser analizada. El último aspecto clave que la investigación quiere abordar es la catalogación. De hecho, los sitios y monumentos históricos no se pueden mantener sólo mediante su uso y utilización pasiva, sino activando todas las operaciones de protección y conservación mediante intervenciones directas (mantenimiento/restauración) e indirectas, como la catalogación constante de las obras históricas y la consiguiente "catalogación dinámica". En el caso de las tumbas de la Vía Latina y de la Vía Appia Antica, este procedimiento está actualmente incompleto: uno de los objetivos de la investigación será la creación de un archivo/base de datos que permita el seguimiento constante de las tumbas antiguas. Para diseñar una herramienta de protección y gestión tan "potente", será necesario utilizar las técnicas de levantamiento arquitectónico más avanzadas que se utilizan actualmente (como el escaneo láser y la fotogrametría, junto con programas informáticos de análisis específicos), acompañadas de un estudio en profundidad de las técnicas de construcción antiguas. / [CA] En la civilització de l'antiga Roma, tres dels aspectes més importants de la vida quotidiana estaven vinculats a l'arquitectura: les termes, els aqüeductes i les tombes. Esta investigació proposa l'estudi de la integració de sistemes avançats per a la documentació, gestió i valoració del patrimoni arquitectònic funerari de la Via Latina i la Via Appia Antica, en estreta relació amb el tema del Paisatge Cultural. De fet, el Parc de les Tombes Latines alberga un dels complexos funeraris més importants, que en l'actualitat conserva inalterat l'aspecte tradicional de l'antic paisatge romà. Al llarg d'una via empedrada, com totes les vies consulars, la Via Latina (igual que la Via Appia Antica), que, com recorda Livio, connectava al seu dia les ciutats de Roma amb Capua, manté encara el congelado traçat urbano/paisajístico antic. El tema de la carretera i el sistema d'infraestructures és, de fet, una manifestació d'una necessitat humana fonamental, la del moviment, i reflectix la història de tota la humanitat en la seua evolució. En l'actualitat, al llarg d'un tram d'uns 450 metres, hi ha nombroses tombes de diversos tipus construïdes entre l'època republicana i l'Alta Edat Mitjana. Este estudi no se centra exclusivament en el patrimoni arquitectònic de les antigues tombes, sinó que també pretén realitzar una anàlisi urbanística de la xarxa d'infraestructures que connecta el jaciment arqueològic amb el centre històric de Roma i de la relació que s'establix entre les restes antigues i el paisatge tradicional del Llis en què es contextualitzen: l'Ager Romanus. Este aspecte és molt important per a tota la proposta d'investigació, ja que és part integrant de tota l'anàlisi. De fet, la sinergia derivada de la relació entre estos components, que convergixen en la seua forma essencial, és "una síntesi dels elements visuals que insistixen en un espai inclòs en un únic cercle d'horizonte" (Biasutti, 1962). En el cas concret, el paisatge de la Via Latina i la Via Appia Antica és una realitat molt complexa que consistix en la interrelació entre les ruïnes (Tombes), els elements biòtics, el centre històric i la xarxa urbana perifèrica composta per les antigues vies que han de conviure amb la contínua expansió dels eixos contemporanis. Per tant, este sistema polifacètic de l'Ager Romanus i del lloc cultural Via Latina/Appia Antica és comparable a una estructura viva i dinàmica i, com a tal, ha de ser analitzada. L'últim aspecte clau que la investigació vol abordar és la catalogació. De fet, els llocs i monuments històrics no es poden mantindre només per mitjà del seu ús i utilització passiva, sinó activant totes les operacions de protecció i conservació per mitjà d'intervencions directes (mantenimiento/restauración) i indirectes, com la catalogació constant de les obres històriques i la consegüent "catalogación dinámica". En el cas de les tombes de la Via Latina i de la Via Appia Antica, este procediment està actualment incomplet: un dels objectius de la investigació serà la creació d'un archivo/base de dades que permeta el seguiment constant de les tombes antigues. Per a dissenyar una ferramenta de protecció i gestió tan "potente" serà necessari utilitzar les tècniques d'alçament arquitectònic més avançades que s'utilitzen actualment (com l'escaneig làser i la fotogrametria, junt amb programes informàtics d'anàlisis específiques), acompanyades d'un estudi en profunditat de les tècniques de construcció antigues. / [EN] In the civilization of ancient Rome, three of the most important aspects of daily life were linked to architecture: the Baths, the Aqueducts and the Tombs. This research proposes the study of the integration of advanced systems for the documentation, management and valorization of the architectural funerary heritage of the Via Latina and Via Appia Antica, in close relation to the theme of Cultural Landscape. In fact, the Park of the Latin Tombs is home to one of the most important funerary complexes, which currently preserves the traditional appearance of the ancient Roman landscape unchanged. Along a cobbled road, like all consular roads, the Via Latina (as well as the Via Appia Antica), which, as recalled by Livio, once connected the cities of Rome with Capua, still maintains the "frozen" ancient urban/landscape layout. The theme of the road and the infrastructure system is, in fact, a manifestation of a fundamental human need, that of movement, and reflects the history of all humanity in its evolution. Today, along a stretch of about 450 meters, there are numerous tombs of various types built between the Republican Age and the early Middle Ages. This study does not focus exclusively on the architectural heritage of the ancient tombs, but also aims at an urban analysis of the infrastructural network connecting the archaeological site to the historical center of Rome and of the relationship established between the ancient remains and the traditional landscape of Lazio in which they are contextualized: the Ager Romanus. This aspect is very important for the entire research proposal, as it is an integral part of the entire analysis. In fact, the synergy derived from the relationship between these components, which converge in their essential form, is: "a synthesis of the visual elements that insist on a space included in a single circle of horizon" (Biasutti, 1962). In the specific case, the landscape of the Via Latina and the Via Appia Antica is a very complex reality that consists in the interrelation between the ruins (Tombs), the biotic elements, the historical center and the peripheral urban network composed by the ancient roads that have to coexist with the continuous expansion of the contemporary axes. Therefore, this multifaceted system of the Ager Romanus and the Via Latina/Appia Antica cultural site is comparable to a living and dynamic structure and, as such, must be analyzed. The last key aspect that the research wants to address is cataloguing. In fact, historical sites and monuments cannot be maintained only by using them and using them passively, but by activating all the operations of protection and conservation through direct interventions (maintenance/restoration) and indirect ones such as the constant cataloguing of historical works and the consequent "dynamic cataloguing". For the Tombs of the Via Latina and the Via Appia Antica this procedure is currently incomplete: one of the objectives of the research will be the creation of a file/database that will allow the constant monitoring of the ancient Tombs. In order to design such a 'powerful' protection and management tool, it will be necessary to use the most advanced architectural survey techniques currently in use (such as laser scanning and photogrammetry, in conjunction with specific analysis software) accompanied by an in-depth study of ancient construction techniques. / Rinaldi, S. (2022). Integración de sistemas para la documentación, gestión y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico: el parque arqueológico de las tumbas de la Vía Latina en Roma [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188939

Recherches sur le système de représentations symboliques de l’art néolithique aux textes des pyramides- Origines et formation des éléments de la religion solaire de l’Egypte antique / Research on the symbolic representations system in Egypt from Neolithic art to the pyramid texts.- Origin and formation of solar religion elements in pharaonic Egypt

Sweydan, Francois 28 February 2011 (has links)
Dès les premières dynasties, le pictogramme fut dans l’écriture le prolongement des représentations figuratives naturalistes, logogrammes dans les palettes funéraires décorées protodynastiques. Ce constat nous porte à les mettre en correspondance avec l’art pariétal du néolithique nubien, le prédynastique égyptien, et celui des aires culturelles périphériques. La reconsidération des pétroglyphes en tant que symboles et idéogrammes, c’est-à-dire des mythogrammes autant que des logogrammes-phonogrammes polysémiques permet de dégager un système structurel de représentations symboliques universel dans la vallée du Nil. Essentiellement funéraire, il est organisé autour d’une nouvelle lecture en relation aux mythes fondateurs de l’Œil d’Horus/solaire, s’exprime dans des rites primitifs de revivification, de renaissance, néolithiques et prédynastiques, explicités ensuite durant les premières dynasties sur des tablettes, des sceaux-cylindres votifs, et l’onction du mort avec les sept huiles canoniques et, enfin, dans les Textes des Pyramides. Contrairement à l’idée commune d’opposition des notions de Nature-Culture, il est question de les conjuguer, de réconcilier la dualité non binaire et de voir, par exemple, les fonctions héliotrope et/ou héliophore des animaux du bestiaire soudanien, avec Sokar le faucon funéraire, les garants bienveillants des métamorphoses et de renaissance du soleil/des défunts, par ailleurs, félidés, canidés, antilopes…, investis du numineux des divinités tutélaires. À la lueur d’une nouvelle lecture du mythe “osirien” primitif de métamorphose, nous reconsidérons les conceptions sur le sacrifice animal sur des bases d’anthropologie religieuse. Loin d’une maîtrise et soumission de la nature, et d’un diffusionnisme, l’interculturalité de la pensée mythique archaïque première dans la vallée nubiano-égyptienne et des régions périphériques multiethniques implique, vis-à-vis du monde naturel et des forces spirituelles numineuses, la transculturalité des conceptions solaires et le partage pluriculturel, transhistorique des croyances résurrectionnelles polycycliques. Ainsi, les pétroglyphes d’animaux, les scènes de chasse animale, les représentations de barques, de sandales, etc., sont de nature funéraire votive, apotropaïque. / Since the beginning of the first dynasties, the pictogram in writing was the extension of naturalistic figurative representations, logograms in the decorated funerary protodynastic palettes. This statement carry us to link them with the parietal art of Neolithic Nubia, the egyptian Predynastic, and peripheral cultural areas. We have reconsidered the petroglyphs as polysemic symbols and ideograms, i.e. mythograms as well polysemic logograms-phonograms, allowing us to draw up a structural system of symbolic representations, universal in the Nile valley. Basically funerary, the system is organised around a new reading in connection with the founding of the ‘Eye of Horus’/solar myths, and express itself in primitive Neolithic and Predynastic rites of revivification, rebirth, more explicit afterwards during the first dynasties on labels, votive cylinder-seals, and anointing the deads with the seven holy canonical oils, finally in the Pyramid Texts. Contrary to the common idea which opposite the Nature-Culture notions, there is some question to combine them, to reconcile the non-binary duality and to see, for example, the heliotrope functions and/or heliophore animals of the sub-Saharan bestiary, with Sokar the funerary hawk, the benevolent guarantors for the rebirth and metamorphosis of the sun/deads; otherwise felids, canids, antelopes…, invested by the numinous of the protecting divinities. In consequence of a new reading of the primitive ‘osirian’ myth of metamorphosis, we have reconsidered the conceptions about animal sacrifice on the basis of religious anthropology. Far from bringing under control and submission of nature, and diffusionnism, the intercultural (cross-cultural) of the first archaic mythic thought in the multi-ethnic nubian-egyptian valley and associated neighbouring areas involves, towards the natural world and the numinous spiritual strengths, the cross-cultural of solar conceptions and multicultural, trans-historic sharing of the polycyclic resurrectional believes. Thus, the animal petroglyphs, cynegetic scenes, boats and sandals representations, etc., are of funerary votive, apotropaic nature.

Philistine burial practices in cultural context

Fugitt, Stephen Mark 30 November 2003 (has links)
This paper traces burials from Iron Age I Canaan that reflect an influence of Philistine culture. This influence can be measured by the presence of Philistine bichrome pottery or other evidence related to this ancient biblical people. A major road block to the clearest possible understanding of Philistine burials is that no cemeteries have been found at any of the earliest settlements of the biblical Philistines, the Pentapolis. The Old Testament lists these cities as Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza (e.g. Joshua 13:3). Though extensive excavation has been conducted at most of these sites, they have yet to yield a necropolis. Excavations are still being done at Tell es-Safi/Gath and Ashkelon, so hopefully the future will supply researchers with data to help clarify this rather vague area of Philistine studies. Recognizing these limitations, the paper presents a "symbiotic model," which identifies some of the areas of shared culture from the Canaanite context. Examples of this symbiosis are seen as the amalgamated result of people groups living in close proximity to each other and influencing the customs and practices of their neighbors. A Mycenaean origin of the Philistines is an underlying supposition of the research laid out in this paper. Because of this origin, and the other influences upon the early Philistine settlers in Canaan, a certain amount of cultural comparison becomes necessary to be able to understand the developing Philistine culture of Iron I. The paper includes a map of tombs and burials bearing Philistine influence and a map identifying different types of tombs and their locations. The variety of tomb types is an important facet of Philistine custom. The strong Egyptian influence upon Canaan and the surrounding area at that time in history is inescapable. Evidence of this influence will be explored. The inclusion of a chapter on the anthropoid clay coffins, and the Philistines' relationship to them, struggles with the scholarly interpretations. Finally, a chapter on literary implications strives to shed light on possible Philistine burial practices from the perspective of the Old Testament and other applicable literatures of the ancient Near East. / Old Testament / D. Th.

台灣殯葬用地區位之研究--土地使用競租模型的新制度觀點 / A study of the location of funerary lands in Taiwan: review bid-rent models of land use from the new institutional perspective

楊國柱 Unknown Date (has links)
新古典理論探析土地利用區位之決定,純粹從資源與技術因素探討理性人的經濟行為,而忽略經濟活動中人的受限理性因素,以及制度運行的交易成本因素,致無法圓滿解釋殯葬用地區位之形成。本文將抗爭交易成本當成都市地租理論的自變項,嘗試修正Alonso等人的新古典競租模型,並建構適合殯葬設施用途的競租理論,進而分析陰宅之負擔地租能力提高是否入侵陽宅用地,及抗爭阻力大小與殯葬用地區位距市申心遠近之關係。經實證結果發現,由於高額抗爭交易成本之存在,縱使人們對於陰宅需求增加,陰宅之負擔地租能力提高,亦可能無法入侵陽宅用地,迫使開發者往更遠離市中心之區位設置殯葬設施。高額抗爭交易成本隱含制度供給不足現象,同時阻礙了土地資源利用之合理有效配置。其次,殯葬設施設置之抗爭阻力大小與地點距離並無必然關係,顯示忽略交易成本因素,而純粹以地點距離為區位選擇考量的公共政策之缺陷。上開分析不但能深化新古典都市地租理論之意涵,也將有助於對鄰避型設施設置區位問題之掌握與了解,提供改善鄰避衝突公共政策問題之理論基礎。 經藉由交易成本理論觀點,探析殯葬用地區位管理政策之結果,發現我國之政策設計主要係基於確保公共衛生及避免妨害生活環境,於主要法規規範設置地點及距離,而忽略抗爭交易成本之制度因素存在。至於相關法規規範土地使用分區,其禁止設置的分區較多,容許設置的分區較少,有待調整改進。源於上述政策缺陷,本文研擬改進構想,包括賦予抗爭與反抗爭之間更多自主協商空間;強化殯葬設施規劃之人間性與文化性;改革不合時宜之殯葬禮儀文化;以及地方政府應慎選適當地點劃設專用區,供設置經營殯葬設施使用等,如欲落實至應用層面,有待制定法律將改進構想納入其中。 本文共分七章,第一章為緒論、第二章由文獻評述中獲得啟發,以建立分析架構。第三章從殯葬用地區位選擇之發展歷史中,探究在都市發展的過程中,殯葬用地相對於非殯葬用地的區位變遷情形,及其影響此種變遷的制度或非制度因素。第四章檢視傳統新古典區位理論運用於探究殯葬用地區位之限制,並從新制度主義交易成本理論之修正觀點建立本文之研究假設。第五章依研究假設實證估算抗爭交易成本之存在,並比較分析各殯葬設施設置抗爭案例,以了解抗爭交易成本大小與殯葬設施區位之關係及其隱含的制度、經濟與規劃意義。第六章根據實證分析結果,並配套考量行政管制及文化等其他制度因素,進而嘗試研議提供政府從事殯葬用地規劃與管理之參考決策。第七章為結論與建議。 關鍵字:殯葬用地、區位、交易成本、新古典競租模型、新制度主義 / Neo-classicalism explores the decision of the location of the land use by mainly analyzing the human economic behavior through the factors of resources and techniques. However, the theory is not able to explain the formation of the location of funerary lands well because it neglects people are restricted by the factors of bounded rationality in the economic activities and the transaction costs when the institutions is functioning. The paper tries to amend the Neoclassical Bid-Rent Model of Alonso by defining the factor of resisting transaction costs as the independent variable of the urban land rent theory, and establishes the suitable Bid-Rent theory for firnerary facilities. Furthermore, the paper analyzes if enhancing the ability of affording the rent of the firnerary Land will invade the nonfunerary land, the relationship between the degree of resisting obstruction and the distance from the firnerary land to the CBD. Through the identification, the funerary land won't invade the nonfunerary land due to the high resisting transaction cost even increasing the demand and the ability of affording the rent of the funerary land, thus, it will force the developer to establish the funerary facilities far away CBD. High resisting transaction costs imply the lack of system supply and hinder the reasonable and efficient allocation of the land resource use simultaneously. This expose the defect of the public policy for location decision only considering the site distance but neglect the factor of the transaction cost. The above analysis will not only deeply elaborate the Neo-Classical Urban Land Theory, but will also be helpful to understand the issue of sitting NIMBY facilities and to provide the basis of the theory to improve the public policies of NIMBY conflicts. Exploring the administrative policy of location selection through the transaction costs theory,The paper find out that in order to preserve public health and prevent disorder of living environment, the law regulates the site and distance from populous or water conservation areas without considering the transaction costs. In addition, the zoning system concerning the construction of funerary facilities puts more emphasis on prohibition than permission, which needs to be improved. Owing to the policy limitations, the paper proposes the improvement of the policies as follows. First, leave more spaces for negotiation between resistance parties and developers. Second, design the funerary facilities to meet human and cultural needs. Third, reform the culture of funeral rites. Fourth, choose the suitable site and plan special zones to provide the suitable areas for construction and management of funerary facilities. The relevant laws have to be amended or to be established so that the policies suggestion will be put to practice. Keywords : Funerary Lands, Location, Transaction Costs, Neoclassical Bid-Rent Model, Neoinstitutionalism

Reconstruction et étude de la variabilité du régime alimentaire des sociétés préhispaniques de la basse vallée de Santa, Pérou

Desrosiers, Emilie 01 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche porte principalement sur la reconstruction du régime alimentaire à l’aide d’une approche paléochimique. Des analyses isotopiques du carbone de l’azote ont été réalisées sur le collagène des os sur un échantillon de trente-huit individus provenant de trois sites différents de la basse vallée de Santa, sur la côte nord du Pérou : El Castillo, Guadalupito et Huaca China. Parmi les individus sélectionnés, certains sont affiliés aux groupes des Gallinazo, des Mochica, des Tanguche ou des Chimú couvrant ainsi la Période intermédiaire ancienne, l’Horizon moyen et la Période intermédiaire récente. L’approche isotopique a été utilisée afin de caractériser dans un premier temps, le régime alimentaire de la population globale en la comparant à d’autres groupes préhispaniques de l’Aire andine. Les résultats obtenus sur trente-deux individus suggèrent une alimentation variée incluant le maïs ainsi que des ressources marines, illustrant que ces groupes agriculteurs exploitaient les deux types d’écosystèmes à leur portée. Ces résultats sont supportés par l’analyse du carbone sur l’apatite pour cinq individus. Le second but fut d’étudier la variabilité du régime alimentaire entre les différents individus de l’échantillon, en fonction de la période d’occupation, du site de provenance, de l’affiliation culturelle, de l’âge et du sexe et du statut social. La petite taille de l’échantillon a limité considérablement la discussion de ces différents paramètres. Il a toutefois été possible de remarquer un accès aux ressources riches en protéines plus avantageux pour les hommes et la présence de possibles différences dans l’alimentation chez les individus juvéniles. Finalement, la confrontation des données funéraires à la reconstruction du régime alimentaire a été faite pour cinq cas particuliers de pratiques funéraires provenant du site El Castillo, premier centre régional de la civilisation Mochica dans la basse vallée de Santa. Dans tous les cas, le régime alimentaire suggéré par les compositions isotopiques supporte les interprétations des statuts sociaux de ces individus faites à partir des contextes funéraires. / This research focuses on the reconstruction of diet using a chemical approach. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes were analyzed on a bone collagen sample of thirty-eight individuals from three different sites of the Lower Santa valley, on the north coast of Peru : El Castillo, Guadalupito and Huaca China. Among those individuals selected, some are affiliated with groups of Gallinazo, Moche, Tanguche and Chimu, dated to the Ancient Intermediate Period, Middle Horizon and Recent Intermediate Period. The isotopic approach has been used to characterize in a first step, the diet of the entire population by comparing with some other prehispanic groups from the Andean area. The results of thirty-two individuals suggest a mixed diet including maize and marines resources, showing that these agriculturist groups exploited their surrounding ecosystems. These results are supported by the carbon analysis on bone apatite for five individuals. The second aim was to study the variability of the diet between individuals in the sample, depending on the time period, site, cultural identity, age and sex and social status. The small sample size has considerably limited the discussion of these parameters. However, it was possible to note a more preferential access to high proteins resources for men and some possible differences in diet among juveniles. Finally, the comparison between dietary reconstruction and funerary patterns was made for five cases of burial pratices at El Castillo site, the first Moche regional center in the Lower Santa valley. In all cases, diet suggested by isotopic compositions is consistent with interpretations of the funerary context about the individual status.

Fracturation sur os frais ou sur os sec de la voûte crânienne : approche méthodologique et application archéologique / Skull vault fracturing on fresh bone or dry bone : methodological approach and archaeological application

Jordana, Fabienne 13 January 2010 (has links)
Etablir le diagnostic différentiel entre des fractures réalisées sur os frais de celles produites sur os sec permet, quelle que soit la période chronologique considérée, une approche interprétative relative à l’attitude comportementale humaine qu’ils s’agissent des relations au sein d’un groupe ou face à une autre population, ainsi que les gestes réservés aux morts. Ainsi peuvent être envisagés le cannibalisme, des comportements de violence, ou des pratiques funéraires originales. Si certaines méthodes analytiques existaient pour le squelette infracrânien, aucun référentiel permettant de différentier les fractures sur os frais (intentionnelles ou non) des cassures sur os secs n’est actuellement disponible pour le squelette crânien. Notre objectif de recherche s’est donc concentré sur un essai de détermination des critères statistiquement valides de distinction du moment de fracturation sur os fossiles. Une partie importante de ce travail est consacrée aux études expérimentales menées pour tenter de distinguer une différence de comportement mécanique entre une fracture réalisée sur os frais de celle réalisée sur os sec (essais mécaniques, rugosimétrie confocale, microtomographie ou numérisation des pièces osseuses). Puis, les critères de la médecine légale sont discutés à partir d’échantillons osseux provenant de séries archéologiques différentes d’un point de vue chronologique et géographique et relevant de problématiques différentes. Il ressort de ce travail que très peu de critères pris individuellement sont suffisamment pertinents pour différencier fracturation sur os frais et fracturation sur os sec (décollement de la lame corticale). Ils doivent toujours être discutés à l’échelle d’une série archéologique et non sur un échantillon isolé, seul ou sorti de son contexte. Dans le meilleur des cas, ils nous permettent de proposer des hypothèses (cannibalisme, pression des sédiments…) qui devront être corroborées en fonction du contexte archéologique et anthropologique par une analyse interdisciplinaire. / Establishing a differential diagnosis between fresh bone fractures and dry bone fractures allows, whatever the chronological period considered, an interpretative approach relating to the human behaviours within a group or another population, as well as the deaths gestures. Thus, cannibalism, violent behaviours, or original funerary practices can be considered. If some analytical methods existed for the infracranial skeleton, no references allowing for the differentiation between fresh bone fractures (intentional or not) and dry bone breaks were available for the cranial skeleton. Thus, our research objective concentrated on a determination trial of statistically valid criteria that distinguished the fracturing moment on fossil bones. An important part of our work concerned experimental studies undertaken to distinguish a mechanical behavioural difference between fresh bone fractures and dry bone fractures (mechanical tests, rugosimetry, microtomography, or bone pieces digitalization). Forensic medicine criteria was also discussed with osseous samples coming from different archeological series that were taken from chronological and geographical points of view and used to represent each different problem. It appears that there exist very few criteria taken individually that are sufficiently relevant to differentiate fracturing on fresh bone and fracturing on dry bone (delamination). They must always be discussed on an archeological series scale and not on an isolated sample, either alone or taken out of context. In the best of the cases, they enable us to propose assumptions (cannibalism, pressure of the sediments…) that will have to be corroborated according to the archaeological and anthropological context by an interdisciplinary analysis.

As práticas mortuárias dos caçadores-coletores pré-históricos da região de Lagoa Santa (MG): um estudo de caso do sítio arqueológico \"Lapa do Santo\" / The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region: a case study of the Santo Rockshelter archaeological site

Strauss, André Menezes 20 August 2010 (has links)
A região de Lagoa Santa é mundialmente famosa pela quantidade, qualidade e antiguidade dos remanescentes esqueletais humanos nela encontrados. Entretanto, muito pouco é conhecido sobre as práticas mortuárias dos grupos que ocuparam a região. A versão vigente na literatura é que essas eram extremamente simples, expeditas e homogêneas. Na presente dissertação esse quadro é questionado. A partir da descrição dos 26 sepultamentos encontrados na Lapa do Santo, foi possível determinar que diferentes padrões funerários se sucederam ao longo do Holoceno. Portanto, as práticas mortuárias da região não apresentam a alegada homogeneidade cronológica. Dentre os padrões de sepultamento identificados no sítio, o de número 1 se destaca não só pela sua antiguidade (8800-8200 AP), mas por apresentar uma forte ênfase na manipulação do corpo, incluindo o caso de decapitação mais antigo do Novo Mundo. Portanto, o registro da Lapa do Santo indica um quadro muito mais complexo e sofisticado para a paisagem mortuária da região de Lagoa Santa do que aquele proposto pela literatura. Mais do que isso, mostra que, ao contrário do que se imaginava, a ênfase na manipulação do corpo no início do Holoceno não era uma característica limitada à região andina. / The Lagoa Santa region is famous for the quantity, quality and antiquity of its human skeletal remains. However, little is known about the mortuary practices of those who inhabited the region. According to literature this practices were very simple, expedient and homogeneous. In this dissertation, this scenario is challenged. Based on the descriptions of 26 human burials found in Lapa do Santo it was established that several distinct burial patterns occurred in the site during Holocene. Thereafter, the idea that in Lagoa Santa the mortuary practices were chronologically homogeneous can no longer be supported. Among the different burial patterns indentified in this site Pattern 1 highlights not only for its antiquity (8800-8200 BP) but also because it presents a strong emphasis in the manipulation of the body, including the oldest case of decapitation ever recorded in the New World. Thereafter, the burials from Lapa do Santo points to a more complex scenario for the mortuary practices in the region of Lagoa Santa than was previously though. Besides, it shows that contrary to was once believed, the emphasis on body manipulation during Early Holocene was not restricted to the Andean region, as was once thought. The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region: a case study of the Santo Rockshelter archaeological site.

Décor et architecture des monuments funéraires de la fin du Ier siècle de notre ère à la fin du IIIe siècle à Cumes et en Campanie / Decor and architecture of funerary monuments from the end of the 1st to the end of the 3rd century AD at Cumae and in Campania

Neyme, Dorothée 09 December 2017 (has links)
Le sujet de ce doctorat prend comme point de départ les découvertes faites dans la nécropole romaine de la Porte Médiane de Cumes (Campanie, Italie), où les fouilles archéologiques du Centre Jean Bérard (CJB, 3133-CNRS-EfR) ont révélé des tombes monumentales d’époque antonine et sévérienne aux décors funéraires bien conservés. Ces données étaient précieuses car insérées dans un contexte archéologique parfaitement documenté, ce qui donnait l’occasion de reprendre le dossier de la peinture funéraire d’époque impériale en Campanie, méconnue, en raison notamment de sa position chronologique située entre les grandes découvertes des cités vésuviennes et l’essor des catacombes chrétiennes, qui ont attiré toutes les attentions jusqu’à une époque récente. Après avoir dressé un état de la situation de ce corpus longtemps négligé, l’étude a permis, sur la base du matériel inédit de Cumes, de préciser : le cadre chronologique, les caractéristiques iconographiques et techniques, et les liens qui unissent le décor et le contexte architectural. Des questionnements qui reflètent les aspirations des commanditaires, permettant une lecture sociale de l’époque. / This doctorate takes as its starting point the discoveries made in the roman necropolis of the Porta Mediana of Cumae (Campania, Italy), where the archaeological excavations made by the Centre Jean Bérard (CJB, 3133-CNRS-EfR) revealed monumental graves from Antonine and Severian times, whose funerary paintings well preserved.These pieces of information were really precious, as being inserted in a pretty well documented archaeological background, giving the chance to reopen the file of funeral painting from imperial ages in Campania, little known, especially because of its chronological position situated in between the vesuvian cities' great discoveries and the christian catacombs' rise, which until recent times have been focusing most of the attentions.After presenting the situation of this corpus disregarded for a long time, this study, based on the new material from Cumae, permitted to define : the chronological frame, the technical and iconographical features, and the link between the decoration and the architecture. Issues reflecting the graves owner ‘s aspirations, by offering a social reading of the age

Pratiques funéraires, squelettes et inégalités sociales : étude d'un échantillon des élites bretonnes à l'époque moderne / Funerary practices, skeletons and social inequalities : study of a sample of Breton elites during the modern era

Colleter, Rozenn 25 October 2018 (has links)
Objectifs : Dans les populations du passé, la recherche d'inégalités en termes d'accès à la santé (nourriture, stress, etc.) est régulièrement au cœur des débats. Toutefois, elle se heurte à des questions méthodologiques et de conservation. Nous avons abordé cette problématique via l'étude d'une population moderne en confrontant données biologiques et historiques afin d'approcher d'éventuelles concordances ou divergences et proposer une méthodologie. Matériel et Méthode : Une série d'Époque moderne issue du couvent des Jacobins de Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), pour laquelle il existe de nombreuses données contextuelles, a servi de cadre à cette recherche. En fonction de l'emplacement de leur tombe dans le couvent, les sujets peuvent être affectés à différentes communautés (nobles, religieux, Tiers-État). Après avoir distribué les sujets par phases chronologiques, selon une approche archéologique heuristique, des groupes ont été constitués sur la base de postulats socio-économiques. Des différences entre groupes ont alors été recherchées, tant sur le plan culturel (pratiques funéraires), que biologique. Nous avons ainsi réalisé une étude anthropologique et paléoépidémiologique large pour laquelle ont aussi été pris en compte des marqueurs isotopiques, certains novateurs. Résultats et discussion : Selon les paramètres utilisés, des différences significatives entre les groupes et entre les périodes peuvent être observées et mises en relation avec des événements historiques ou des inégalités sociales. Toutefois, pour beaucoup d'entre eux, on observe plus un gradient qu'une différence absolue. Cela pose la question d'une part de l'utilisation de ces marqueurs en l'absence de données historiques qui puissent orienter la discussion, d'autre part d'inégalités pas toujours flagrantes entre certains groupes de sujets durant l'Ancien Régime en Bretagne. Conclusion : Pour des populations pour lesquelles il n'existerait pas de données historiques, seule la formulation d'hypothèses robustes permettrait de tester certains marqueurs et de les exploiter en termes d'inégalités sinon sociales du moins d'accès à des paramètres intéressant la santé au sens large. / Objectives: Among the past populations, the search for health-related inequalities (food, stress, etc.) is customarily debated. Nonetheless, it is often limited by methodological and preservation issues. The present dissertation tackles this matter thanks to the study of a Modern population by comparing biological and historical data. The goal being to estimate likeness or divergence in the sample and to suggest a methodology. Material and methods: A Modern series from the Jacobins' convent in Rennes (Brittany) was used here, for which numerous contextual data were recorded. According to the location of their tomb in the convent, the subjects can be linked to various communities (aristocrats, clergymen, commoners). After spreading the subjects in different chronological phases following a heuristic archaeological approach, groups were reconstituted on the basis of socio-economical postulates. Cultural (funerary practices) as well as biological variations between the samples were sought for. A large anthropological and paleoepidemiological study was thus undergone, for which isotopic markers were also taken into account (some of them being innovative). Results and discussion: According to the settings that were used, significant disparities among the different groups and periods can be noticed and related to historical events or social inequalities. Nevertheless, for many markers, it is more a gradient than an absolute difference that can be observed. On the one hand, it tackles the issue of the use of those markers without any historical data which could orient the discussion. On the other hand, it questions sometimes not so visible inequalities between certain groups of subjects during the Ancien Régime in Brittany. Conclusion: For populations for which historical data would be lacking, the only solution to test specific markers would be to formulate strong hypotheses which would enable researchers to exploit them in terms of inequalities -if not social ones at least related to health disparities generally speaking.


LODDO, RITA LAURA 17 March 2015 (has links)
Oggetto della tesi è lo studio del “Solone democratico”, di cui si ricostruisce la genesi attraverso le testimonianze degli antichi e le riflessioni dei moderni. Per sottoporre a verifica l’affermazione aristotelica che riconduce a Solone l’origine della democrazia, sono state prese in considerazione primariamente quelle misure che riguardano la costituzione (Eliea, bulé dei Quattrocento, accesso alle cariche), al fine di comprendere se il giudizio degli antichi si basò su una valutazione condivisibile dell’azione del legislatore. Si sono ritenute ugualmente indicative, a questo scopo, alcune leggi ordinarie attribuite a Solone (legge sull’inattività, legislazione funeraria, leggi sulle donne, legislazione assistenziale): di queste leggi si è indagata l’origine soloniana e la compatibilità con il resto della legislazione dell’Ateniese a partire dalla valutazione del loro significato. La tesi è completata da tre appendici che sviluppano alcuni dei temi emersi nel corso dell’indagine e considerati meritevoli di approfondimento: si tratta della questione procedurale nella legge sull’inattività; della datazione e del commento di una legge funeraria concernente alcuni obblighi del demarco; della connessione fra Solone e l’Areopago. / The aim of this thesis is the study of the “democratic Solon”, whose genesis has been reconstructed through the ancients’ accounts and the works of modern scholars. To test the Aristotelian statement that traces the origin of democracy to Solon, we have primarily considered those measures that concern the constitution (Heliaia, boule of the Four Hundred, access to high offices), in order to understand if the ancients’ judgement was based on a shareable assessment of the legislator action. For that purpose some ordinary laws attributed to Solon - on idleness, on women, funerary and welfare laws - have been considered equally indicative. Of these laws it has been investigated the Solonian origin and compatibility with the rest of the Solonian legislation, starting from an assessment of their meaning. To complement the present thesis there are three appendixes which develop some of the themes that arose during the investigation and that have been considered worth to be deepened. It is the case of the procedural question regarding the law on idleness; the dating and comment of a funerary law concerning some duties of the demarch; of the connection between Solon and the Areopagos.

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