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Functional Anatomy and Development of Cactus RamificationsSchwager, Hannes 12 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Cacti (Cactaceae) represent a family of highly specialized angiosperm plants with a native range of distribution restricted to the American continents. Columnar cacti of the sub-family Cactoideae evolved in adaptation to their arid or semi-arid habitats characteristics that distinguish them from most other dicot plants, e.g. the stem succulence with a strongly vascularized storage parenchyma and the presence of the spine wearing areoles.
Although cacti have been in cultivation since the discovery of America, some studies even suggest the agricultural use in pre-colombian times, and many scientific investigations were carried out on the functional morphology and anatomy with regard to biomechanical adaptations of the found structures, no research focused on the branch-stem attachment.
The most conspicuous features of such a ramification are the pronounced constrictions at the branch-stem junctions that are also present in the lignified vascular structures within the succulent cortex. Based on Finite Element Analyses of ramification models it could be demonstrated that these indentations in the region of high flexural and torsional stresses are not regions of structural weakness, e.g. allowing vegetative propagation. On the contrary, they can be regarded as anatomical adaptations to increase the stability by fine-tuning the stress state and stress directions in the junction along prevalent fiber directions.
The development of the woody support structure within the succulent cortex of the parental shoot can be traced back to the leaf and bud traces of the dormant axillary buds. Surprisingly, these initials also develop into another woody structure supporting the flowers of the cacti. As these two support structures differ significantly in their macroscopic and microscopic anatomy and as they develop from the same initial state as leaf/bud traces, another objective of this work was to analyze the secondary growth of the two structures with traditional botanic investigation methods.
The results of these investigations reveal a wood dimorphism consisting of an early parenchymatous phase followed later by fibrous wood in both kind of support structure. In vegetative branches, the woody support structures have the typical ringlike arrangement as found in the stele of the parental shoot, whereas the flower support structures have a reticular arrangement of interconnected woody strands. This fundamentally different anatomy of the support structures results from the formation of an interfascicular cambium between the leaf/bud traces when a vegetative branch forms or its absence in the case of a flower.
After shedding light on the functional morphology and anatomy of the cactus ramification and their development the question arises if the found load adaptation strategies may serve to improve technical fiber composite structures analogue to the design recommendation developed from the biomechanical analyses of tree ramifications. Such a biomimetic transfer from the cactus ramification as biological role model to a technical implementation and the adaptation of the fine-tuned geometric shape and arrangement of lignified strengthening tissues might contribute to the development of alternative concepts for branched fiber-reinforced composite structures within a limited design space.
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Detektion funktioneller RNAs in Genomsequenzen / Detection of functional RNAs in genome sequencesHeinemeyer, Isabelle 15 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Genomweite Transkriptionsanalyse von Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 / Genomewide transcriptional Analysis of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1Hovey, Raymond Leonard 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Präradiotherapeutische Dosimetrie mittels einer einzigen Uptake-Messung / Dose planning of radioiodine therapy by a single uptake measurement of benign thyroidal diseaseAppold, Ulrike 11 March 2014 (has links)
Vor jeder Radioiodtherapie (RIT) sowohl bei Patienten mit einer funktionell relevanten Schilddrüsenautonomie als auch bei Patienten mit einem Morbus Basedow schreibt der Gesetzgeber in Deutschland eine individuelle Dosimetrie zu Vermeidung einer unnötigen Strahlenbelastung vor. Das Ziel des Radioiodtests ist es, eine möglichst genaue Vorhersage der individuellen Radioiodkinetik zu treffen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es neben der theoretischen Begründung und Beschreibung der 1-Punkt-Messung, den Nachweis der Machbarkeit und Effektivität dieses neuen dosimetrischen Ansatzes im klinischen Kontext zu führen. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden die klinischen Ergebnisse der hier ausgewerteten Patienten mit publizierten Daten verglichen. Desweiteren wurden Einflussfaktoren auf den Erfolg bzw. Misserfolg der RIT evaluiert.
Dieser neue dosimetrische Ansatz nach Prof. Luig verwendet eine späte Uptake-Messung nach 7 Tage und geht von einem krankheitsspezifischen Erreichen der Aktivitätsmaxima in der Schilddrüse aus.
In dieser retrospektiven Auswertung wurde die Daten von 169 Patienten ausgewertet, die im Zeitraum von April 2006 bis Dezember 2008 in der Nuklearmedizin der UMG aufgrund einer funktionellen Autonomie oder einer Immunogenen Hyperthyreose einer präradioiodtherapeutischen Dosimetrie mittels einer einzigen Uptake-Messung unterzogen wurden. Die Erfolgsrate nach einmaliger RIT lag bei Patienten mit einer Autonomie bei 92,2% und bei Patienten mit einem Morbus Basedow bei 85,7%. Als statistisch signifikanter Einflussfaktor für den Misserfolg einer RIT zeigte sich bei beiden Krankheitsbildern ein erhöhter Technetiumsuppressionsuptake (TcTUs).
Zusammenfassend liegt der Vorteil 1-Punkt-Messung beim Radioiodtest in der guten Durchführbarkeit und vor allem in seiner klinischen Effizienz.
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The Impact of Genome-Wide Supported Schizophrenia Risk Variants in the Neurogranin Gene on Brain Structure and FunctionWalton, Esther, Geisler, Daniel, Hass, Johannes, Liu, Jingyu, Turner, Jessica, Yendiki, Anastasia, Smolka, Michael N., Ho, Beng-Choon, Manoach, Dara S., Gollub, Randy L., Rößner, Veit, Calhoun, Vince D., Ehrlich, Stefan 06 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The neural mechanisms underlying genetic risk for schizophrenia, a highly heritable psychiatric condition, are still under investigation. New schizophrenia risk genes discovered through genome-wide association studies (GWAS), such as neurogranin (NRGN), can be used to identify these mechanisms. In this study we examined the association of two common NRGN risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with functional and structural brain-based intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia. We obtained structural, functional MRI and genotype data of 92 schizophrenia patients and 114 healthy volunteers from the multisite Mind Clinical Imaging Consortium study. Two schizophrenia-associated NRGN SNPs (rs12807809 and rs12541) were tested for association with working memory-elicited dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) activity and surface-wide cortical thickness. NRGN rs12541 risk allele homozygotes (TT) displayed increased working memory-related activity in several brain regions, including the left DLPFC, left insula, left somatosensory cortex and the cingulate cortex, when compared to non-risk allele carriers. NRGN rs12807809 non-risk allele (C) carriers showed reduced cortical gray matter thickness compared to risk allele homozygotes (TT) in an area comprising the right pericalcarine gyrus, the right cuneus, and the right lingual gyrus. Our study highlights the effects of schizophrenia risk variants in the NRGN gene on functional and structural brain-based intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia. These results support recent GWAS findings and further implicate NRGN in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia by suggesting that genetic NRGN risk variants contribute to subtle changes in neural functioning and anatomy that can be quantified with neuroimaging methods.
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Funktionelle Charakterisierung von CD16+ MonozytensubpopulationenKraus, Stephan Georg 19 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Seit 20 Jahren unterteilt man Monozyten in eine klassische CD14++/CD16-Population und eine proinflammatorische CD16+ Population. Letztere macht 10-20 % der peripheren Blutmonozyten aus und ist unter verschiedenen pathologischen Zuständen drastisch erhöht. Seit Kurzem wird die CD16+ Fraktion in zwei weitere Untergruppen aufgeteilt, die CD14++/CD16+ und die CD14+/CD16+ Monozyten. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde versucht, die relativ neue und wenig charakterisierte Subpopulation der CD14++/CD16+ Monozyten näher zu beschreiben. Es sollte die Frage beantwortet werden, ob diese sich von den übrigen Subpopulationen abzugrenzen lässt und damit als eigenständige Zellgruppe anzusehen ist. Die von gesunden Spendern gewonnen peripheren mononukleären Blutzellen (PBMCs) wurden mithilfe einer Magnetsäulenvorseparation von einem Großteil der T-, B- und NK-Zellen befreit. Die restlichen Zellen wurden mit Anti-CD14-FITC und Anti-CD16-PE markiert. In einem Hochgeschwindigkeitssortierer wurden diese, anhand ihres Fluoreszenzmusters, in die drei Subpopulationen CD14++/CD16- (Sub1), CD14++/CD16+ (Sub2) und CD14+/CD16+ (Sub3) aufgeteilt. Durch dieses Verfahren konnte ein hoher Reinheitsgrad erreicht werden. Die erhaltenen Subpopulationen wurden mit heterologen CD4+ T-Lymphozyten zusammen gebracht. Die Reaktion dieser T-Zellen auf die verschiedenen Subpopulationen wurde im Proliferations- und Sekretionsassay (IFN-γ, IL-4) studiert. Des Weiteren wurde die Zytokinsekretion der Monozytenarten nach definierter Stimulierung (LPS, Zymosan, aktivierte T-Zellen) analysiert. In einem zweiten Versuchskomplex wurden aus den jeweiligen Subpopulationen unreife dendritische Zellen (Sub-DCs) differenziert und diese auf bestimmte Oberflächenmarker bzw. deren Verhalten mit heterologen CD4+ T-Zellen im Proliferations-/Sekretionsassay (IFN-γ, IL-4) untersucht. Nach 7 Tagen Inkubation fanden sich im Sub2- und Sub3-Ansatz ca. 10 % mehr proliferierende T-Zellen als im Sub1-Ansatz. Dabei lag der Anteil der CD25+ T-Zellen in diesen beiden Versuchsansätzen ebenfalls um 10 % höher. Der Proliferationsassay über 14 Tage zeigte für die Sub3 ca. 10-15 % mehr proliferierende T-Zellen als für die anderen Populationen. Das Niveau der CD25-Expression der T-Zellen war hierbei in allen drei Ansätzen gleich. Im Sekretionsassay induzierten alle drei Subpopulationen eine Th1-Antwort, jedoch mit einem leicht höheren Anteil IFN-γ-positiver T-Zellen für die CD16+ Monozyten. Durch LPS-Gabe produzierten die CD14+/CD16+ Monozyten am meisten TNF-α, gefolgt von den CD14++/CD16+. Bei den CD14++/CD16- fanden sich die geringsten Mengen an TNF-α. Zusammen mit aktivierten T-Zellen demonstrierten die CD14++/CD16+ Monozyten die stärkste TNF-α-Sekretion unter allen anderen Subpopulationen. Für die beiden CD16+ Populationen wurden nach LPS-Stimulation höhere Werte für IL-1β bestimmt als für die klassischen Monozyten. Sowohl im LPS- als auch im Zymosanansatz lag die IL-6-Sekretion der CD14++/CD16- Subpopulation über der der anderen zwei Fraktionen. Unter allen drei Stimuli wurden die höchsten Werte für IL-8 bei den CD14++/CD16- Monozyten detektiert, gefolgt von den CD14++/CD16+. Am niedrigsten lag die IL-8-Produktion bei den CD14+/CD16+. Die IL-10-Sekretion im LPS- und im Zymosanansatz der CD14++/CD16- und CD14++/CD16+ Monozyten war gegenüber der CD14+/CD16+ Subpopulation erhöht. Nach Entwicklung der unreifen dendritischen Zellen aus den entsprechenden Monozytenarten weisen diese eine differenzierte Morphologie auf. Die DCs der CD14+/CD16+ Monozyten hatten eine stärkere HLA-DR-Expression in der mittleren Fluoreszenzintensität als die anderen beiden Sub-DC-Populationen, wobei sich keine Unterschiede in der HLA-DRExpressionsintensität zwischen Sub1- und Sub2-DCs feststellen ließen. Der Anteil der CD11c positiven Zellen war bei den Sub1-DCs deutlich größer als bei den Sub2-DCs. Dagegen exprimierten die Sub3-DCs praktisch kein CD11c. Im Proliferationsassay über 7 Tage ergaben sich keine signifikanten Differenzen zwischen den Subpopulationen. Allerdings zeigte sich eine Tendenz zu geringeren Werten im Anteil proliferierender bzw. CD25-positiver T-Lymphozyten für den Sub2-DC-Ansatz. Nach 14 Tagen im Assay war der Anteil der proliferierenden T-Zellen bei den Sub1-DCs um 10 % höher als bei den Sub2-DCs. Es fanden sich ca. 10 % mehr CD25+ T-Zellen im Sub1-DC-Ansatz als in den anderen beiden Ansätzen. Der Sekretionsassay erbrachte für alle Sub-DCs eine Th1-Induktion der T-Zellen. Dabei ließen sich keine Abweichungen im Anteil IFN-γ-positiver T-Zellen zwischen den einzelnen Sub-DC-Kulturen nachweisen. Die gewonnen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit verdeutlichen auf der einen Seite das proinflammatorische Potential (z.B. TNF-α-Sekretion, erhöhte Proliferation), auf der anderen Seite die antiinflammatorische Komponente (IL-10-Sekretion) der CD14++/CD16+ Monozyten. Eine Rolle in der Regulation von entzündlichen und infektiologischen Erkrankungen erscheint für diese Subpopulation denkbar. Die Subpopulation 2 kann dabei als eigenständige Monozytenfraktion betrachtet werden. Die funktionellen Unterschiede zwischen den analysierten Monozytensubpopulationen zeigten sich auch nach deren Differenzierung zu unreifen dendritischen Zellen. In Anbetracht des erhöhten Anteils der CD16+ Monozyten im Rahmen diverser autoimmuner Krankheiten und der immer klarer werdenden Unterteilung in eine CD14++/CD16+ und eine CD14+/CD16+ Subpopulation, sollten weitere Untersuchungen zur klinischen Relevanz dieser Monozytengruppen durchgeführt werden. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse könnten bei der Zuordnung und Interpretation in diese zukünftigen klinischen Befunde behilflich sein. / For more than 20 years monocytes were subdivided in the classical CD14++/CD16- population and the proinflammatory CD16+ populations. The latter one includes about 10-20 % of the peripheral blood monocytes and is dramatically expanded under different pathological circumstances. Recently, the CD16+ fraction was further subdivided into two subpopulations: The CD14++/CD16+ and CD14+/CD16+ monocytes. In the present paper, the subpopulation of CD14++/CD16+ monocytes was characterized in order to answer the question if this subset can be distinguished as an independent cell population. T cells, B cells and NK cells were depleted from peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PBMCs) from healthy donors using immunomagnetic cell separation. Subsequently, the pre-separated cells were stained with anti-CD14-FITC and anti-CD16-PE and separated by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) in three subpopulations: The CD14++/CD16- (Sub1), the CD14++/CD16+ (Sub2) and the CD14+/CD16+ (Sub3). The achieved purity was sufficient for the subsequent experiments. The obtained subpopulations were co-cultured together with heterologous CD4+ T lymphocytes. The reaction of these T cells to the different subpopulations was studied in the proliferation and secretion assay (IFN-γ, IL-4). Furthermore, the cytokine secretion of the monocyte subsets after defined stimulation (LPS, Zymosan, activated T cells) was analysed. In a second set of experiments, immature dendritic cells were differentiated from the monocyte subpopulations (Sub-DCs) and phenotypically and functionally characterized according to the expression of cell surface markers and the response to heterologous CD4+ T cells in the proliferation/secretion assay (IFN-γ, IL-4). After 7 days of incubation, the Sub2 and Sub3 of the monocytes induced approximately 10 % higher proliferation rates of T cells than the Sub1. The resulting frequency of CD25+ T cells in these two co-culture settings was also 10 % higher. The proliferation analysis after 14 days again showed for the Sub3 ca. 10-15 % more proliferating T cells than for the other populations. At this, the frequency of CD25 expression was equal in all co-cultures. In the secretion assay all three subpopulations induced a Th1 response, but the range of IFN-γ-positive T cells was somewhat higher for the CD16+ monocytes. Under LPS stimulation the CD14+/CD16+ monocytes produced the highest amounts of TNF-α followed by the CD14++/CD16+. The CD14++/CD16- showed the lowest amounts of TNF-α. In co-culture with activated T cells the CD14++/CD16+ monocytes demonstrated the strongest TNF-α secretion from all subpopulations. After LPS stimulation, a higher level of IL-1β was measured for both CD16+ populations than for the classical monocytes. In the LPS and the Zymosan stimulated cultures, the IL-6 secretion of the CD14++/CD16- subpopulation was higher than in the two other fractions. Under all three stimuli the highest levels of IL-8 were detected for the CD14++/CD16- monocytes followed by the CD14++/CD16+. The lowest IL-8 production was found by the CD14+/CD16+. The IL-10 secretion of the CD14++/CD16- and CD14++/CD16+ monocytes was increased compared to the CD14+/CD16+ subpopulation after LPS and Zymosan stimulation. The in vitro generated immature dendritic cells from the different monocyte subsets showed a differentiated morphology. The DCs of the CD14+/CD16+ monocytes had the strongest HLA-DR expression compared to the other two Sub-DC populations. No differences in the HLA-DR intensity were found between the Sub1- and Sub2-DCs. The rate of CD11c-positive cells was significantly higher in the Sub1-DCs than in the Sub2-DCs. However, the Sub3-DCs expressed no CD11c altogether. The proliferation assay over 7 days showed no significant differences between the subpopulations. Nevertheless, a tendency for lower levels of proliferating or CD25-positive T lymphocytes was seen in T cells co-cultured with the Sub2-DC. After 14 days, the ratio of proliferating T cells was 10 % higher with the Sub1-DCs than with the Sub2-DCs. The Sub1-DC co-culture yielded ca. 10 % more CD25+ T cells than the other two. The secretion assay revealed for all Sub-DCs a Th1 response of the T cells, with no differences in the amount of IFN-γ-positive T cells between the Sub-DC cultures. The results illustrate on one hand the proinflammatory potential (e.g. TNF-α secretion, higher proliferation), on the other hand the antiinflammatory effect (IL-10 secretion) of CD14++/CD16+ monocytes. A role in the regulation of inflammatory and infectious diseases seems to be possible for this subpopulation. The subpopulation 2 can be regarded as an independent fraction of monocytes. The functional differences between the analyzed monocyte subpopulations are further underscored following differentiation into immature dendritic cells. Considering the increased proportion of CD16+ monocytes in various autoimmune diseases and their clear subdivision in a CD14++/CD16+ and a CD14+/CD16+ subpopulation, new investigations about the clinical relevance are warranted. The findings obtained in the work presented could be in the basis for these future clinical studies.
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Adansonia digitata and Adansonia gregorii fruit shells serve as a protection against high temperatures experienced during wildfiresKempe, Andreas, Neinhuis, Christoph, Lautenschläger, Thea 09 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The thick and woody shell of the fruit of Adansonia species cannot be explained solely by adaptation to zoochory or hydrochory. Since the trunks of Adansonia possess a thick and fire-resistant bark and wildfires occur regularly in its habitat (savannah), we examined with the African Adanonia digitata and the Australian Adansonia gregorii whether the fruit offers protection against high heat typically experienced in wildfires. Heat-resistance tests were conducted by applying a simple heat test based on known temperature and temperature residence times occurring in savannah fires and complemented by tests to reveal the impact of heat on germination since long-term seed dormancy is known for Adansonia. Germination tests with acid treated and heat treated seeds were performed to establish if heat also increased germination rate as effectively as acid treatments have been found to do. Heat was found to increase germination rate, but not as effectively as treatment with acid, therefore fruits exposed to high temperatures experienced in wildfires may have a better chance of germination than fruits that were not exposed to wildfires. The ability of the investigated fruits to protect seeds from high temperatures suggests that wildfires may have played a role in the evolution of the hard-shell structure typically found in Adansonia.
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Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik25 July 2017 (has links)
Seit 1996 wird von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach die Buchreihe „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ herausgegeben, in der herausragende wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Technischen Universität Dresden, insbesondere auch des Institutes für Festkörperelektronik, publiziert werden. Zu den bisher vorliegenden Bänden sind seitdem weitere Bände hinzugekommen. Das Profil des Institutes wird durch folgende Forschungsgebiete geprägt: Thermische Infrarotsensoren, Piezoresistive Sensoren auf der Basis quellfähiger Hydrogele, Ultraschalltechnik, Funktionelle Dünnschichten, Nanoptische Sensoren. Mit der Berufung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach auf den Lehrstuhl für Festkörperelektronik zum 01.01.1996 wurde das Spektrum der Forschungsarbeiten insbesondere um die Fachgebiete der Siliziumsensoren für unterschiedliche Meßgrößen und des Entwurfs komplexer Sensor- und Aktor-Systeme in der Mikrosystemtechnik erweitert. Das Zusammenwirken von Physik, Elektronik und Technologie der Mikroelektronik bei Forschung, Entwicklung und Fertigung sowie Applikation leistungsfähiger Sensoren ist Gegenstand von Lehre und Forschung des IFE. / Since 1996 the book series „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach has been published. The aim of this series is the publication of outstanding scientific contributions of TU Dresden, especially of those compiled at the Institute for Solid-State Electronics. The Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (Institut für Festkörperelektronik - IFE) is one of 12 laboratories of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Technische Universität Dresden. Together with the Semiconductor Technology and Microsystems Lab and several chairs of the Circuits and Systems and the Packaging Labs, the Solid-State Electronics Laboratory is responsible for the microelectronics specialization in the Electrical Engineering program. Research and teaching field of the Institute for Solid-State Electronics are dedicated to the interaction of physics, electronics and (microelectronics) technology in: materials research, technology, and solid state sensor operational principles, application of sensors for special measurement problems, design of sensors and sensor systems including the simulation of components as well as of complex systems, development of thin films and multilayer stacks for sensor applications, application of ultrasound for nondestructive evaluation, medical diagnostics and process measurement technology.
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Brain responses to odor mixtures with sub-threshold componentsHummel, Thomas, Olgun, Selda, Gerber, Johannes, Huchel, Ursula, Frasnelli, Johannes 06 February 2014 (has links)
Although most odorants we encounter in daily life are mixtures of several chemical substances, we still lack significant information on how we perceive and how the brain processes mixtures of odorants. We aimed to investigate the processing of odor mixtures using behavioral measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The odor mixture contained a target odor (ambroxan) in a concentration at which it could be perceived by half of the subjects (sensitive group); the other half could not perceive the odor (insensitive group). In line with previous findings on multi-component odor mixtures, both groups of subjects were not able to distinguish a complex odor mixture containing or not containing the target odor. However, sensitive subjects had stronger activations than insensitive subjects in chemosensory processing areas such as the insula when exposed to the mixture containing the target odor. Furthermore, the sensitive group exhibited larger brain activations when presented with the odor mixture containing the target odor compared to the odor mixture without the target odor; this difference was smaller, though present for the insensitive group. In conclusion, we show that a target odor presented within a mixture of odors can influence brain activations although on a psychophysical level subjects are not able to distinguish the mixture with and without the target. On the practical side these results suggest that the addition of a certain compound to a mixture of odors may not be detected on a cognitive level; however, this additional odor may significantly change the cerebral processing of this mixture. In this context, FMRI offers unique possibilities to look at the subliminal effects of odors.
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The Impact of Genome-Wide Supported Schizophrenia Risk Variants in the Neurogranin Gene on Brain Structure and FunctionWalton, Esther, Geisler, Daniel, Hass, Johannes, Liu, Jingyu, Turner, Jessica, Yendiki, Anastasia, Smolka, Michael N., Ho, Beng-Choon, Manoach, Dara S., Gollub, Randy L., Rößner, Veit, Calhoun, Vince D., Ehrlich, Stefan 06 February 2014 (has links)
The neural mechanisms underlying genetic risk for schizophrenia, a highly heritable psychiatric condition, are still under investigation. New schizophrenia risk genes discovered through genome-wide association studies (GWAS), such as neurogranin (NRGN), can be used to identify these mechanisms. In this study we examined the association of two common NRGN risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with functional and structural brain-based intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia. We obtained structural, functional MRI and genotype data of 92 schizophrenia patients and 114 healthy volunteers from the multisite Mind Clinical Imaging Consortium study. Two schizophrenia-associated NRGN SNPs (rs12807809 and rs12541) were tested for association with working memory-elicited dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) activity and surface-wide cortical thickness. NRGN rs12541 risk allele homozygotes (TT) displayed increased working memory-related activity in several brain regions, including the left DLPFC, left insula, left somatosensory cortex and the cingulate cortex, when compared to non-risk allele carriers. NRGN rs12807809 non-risk allele (C) carriers showed reduced cortical gray matter thickness compared to risk allele homozygotes (TT) in an area comprising the right pericalcarine gyrus, the right cuneus, and the right lingual gyrus. Our study highlights the effects of schizophrenia risk variants in the NRGN gene on functional and structural brain-based intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia. These results support recent GWAS findings and further implicate NRGN in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia by suggesting that genetic NRGN risk variants contribute to subtle changes in neural functioning and anatomy that can be quantified with neuroimaging methods.
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