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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La nature, les conditions et les limites de la relation infirmière/soigné selon la notion d'intersubjectivité chez Gabriel Marcel

Verdon, Chantal 19 April 2018 (has links)
La relation infirmière/soigné est une dimension essentielle de la pratique et de la discipline infirmières. Elle s'illustre par l'entremise de modèles et de phases incluant une terminologie multiple et variée. Une recension plus exhaustive expose une certaine confusion dans la littérature infirmière, surtout là où les termes s'entremêlent et deviennent interchangeables. Cet état de fait est susceptible, pour les infirmières, d'influencer la façon dont elles mettent en place et développent leurs relations avec le soigné. Aussi, pour tenter de clarifier le tout, la notion d'intersubjectivité a été suggérée comme concept phare. Celuici permet en effet d'offrir un regard novateur sur ce qui unit deux personnes entre elles. Le choix de s'appuyer particulièrement sur les écrits de Gabriel Marcel, un philosophe du courant existentiel, s'explique par le fait que sa pensée ouvre à la conscience de soi et à l'importance de considérer d'abord qui l'on est pour ensuite aller vers les autres. La pensée de Gabriel Marcel et particulièrement sa description de l'intersubjectivité conduisent à trois thèmes: le lien entre deux personnes, le passage de soi vers l'autre et la « communion ». Par une approche dialectique qui permet de comparer les écrits infirmiers à ceux de Gabriel Marcel, plusieurs propositions sont émises en vue de préciser la nature, les conditions et les limites de la relation à l'autre. Ces propositions ont mené à l'élaboration d'un Modèle Intersubjectif d'une Rencontre Infirmière/Soigné (MIRIS). Selon ce dernier, la rencontre avec l'autre offre deux trajectoires possibles : une relation créée grâce à l'intersubjectivité, ou une communication fonctionnelle générée par son contraire, la non-intersubjectivité. Alors que la nature de la relation se définit par la symétrie et l'ouverture sur soi, ses limites correspondent au seuil à ne pas franchir, soit la communication unidirectionnelle. En somme, le MIRIS clarifie la terminologie sur la relation infirmière/soigné, les niveaux et les rôles que jouent les multiples termes qui l'entourent. Ce modèle offre une logique et une structure pouvant faciliter la compréhension du phénomène de la relation et guider les infirmières concernant le développement d'un véritable lien avec le soigné, constituant essentiel au soin.

Creating Eternity: The Coesistence of Time in One Hundred Years of Solitude

Cook, Kelli Cargile 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the coexistence of time in Gabriel Garcfa Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude as a cause of the supernatural events, the hereditary memory, and the solitude and to examine the effects of this mythical time frame on character development, plot, narrative structure, and theme. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the parchments as creators of mythical time. The second, third, and fourth chapters investigate the effects of this unconventional time. Supernatural events, clairvoyance, and solitude are all examined as effects. The final chapter correlates the writing of the parchments with the writing of the novel and explains the effects of unconventional time on the reader. Thus, this thesis illustrates how the coexistence of time functions of two levels: the level of the parchments and the level of the novel.

L’attesa d’amore nel romanzo del Novecento : Marcel Proust, A la Recherche du temps perdu, Thomas Mann, Joseph und seine Brüder, Gabriel García Márquez, El amor en los tiempos del cólera / L’attente amoureuse dans le roman du XXe siècle : Marcel Proust, A la Recherche du temps perdu, Thomas Mann, Joseph und seine Brüder, Gabriel García Márquez, El amor en los tiempos del cólera / Love waiting in the 20th century novel : Marcel Proust, A la Recherche du temps perdu, Thomas Mann, Joseph und seine Brüder, Gabriel García Márquez, El amor en los tiempos del cólera

Abignente, Elisabetta 16 January 2012 (has links)
Temps de solitude et de patience, de silence et de lenteur : la dimension de l’attente amoureuse pourrait paraître un sentiment désuet, peut-être archaïque, donc vidé de sens à l’époque de la globalisation, de l’abolition des distances et de la vitesse des communications. Ses représentations romanesques au XXe siècle nous démontrent, au contraire, comment l’attente amoureuse peut se révéler un paradigme très intéressant pour comprendre, à travers la littérature, les contradictions de l’homme moderne. Le but de la présente étude comparatiste est de définir une sorte de « modèle » des représentations romanesques de l’attente amoureuse au XXe siècle à travers une comparaison entre trois grandes œuvres narratives du siècle passé : A la Recherche du temps perdu (1913-1927) de Marcel Proust, Joseph und seine Brüder (1933-1943) de Thomas Mann et El amor en los tiempos del cólera (1985) de G. García Márquez. En se fondant sur les réflexions sur l’attente amoureuse offertes par Roland Barthes (Fragments d’un discours amoureux, 1977 et Le discours amoureux, 2007) et en ouvrant la comparaison à d’autres textes romanesques et dramatiques du siècle passé, cette recherche se propose d’étudier le rapport entre le temps impalpable et suspendu de l’attente et les problèmes de la fiction romanesques, tel qu’il se présente dans tout au long du XXe siècle. / Love waiting is a time of patience and solitude, silence and slowness: it may seem like an obsolete and archaic sentiment, deprived of all meaning in the age of globalization, shortening of distance and rapidity of communications. Its representations in the 20th century novel, instead, show how the love waiting proves to be an interesting paradigm to understand the contradictions of contemporary humanity through the literature. This comparative research aims to define a sort of “model” of representations of the love waiting in the 20th century novel by the comparison between three important novels of the last century: Marcel Proust’s A la Recherche du temps perdu (1913-1927), Thomas Mann’s Joseph und seine Brüder (1933-1943) and Gabriel García Márquez’s El amor en los tiempos del cólera (1985). Drowing inspiration from Roland Barthes’ ideas about love waiting (Fragments d’un discours amoureux, 1977 and Le discours amoureux, 2007) and also widening the comparison to other narrative texts and pieces of the last century, this work aims to analyse the relation between the suspended and impalpable time of waiting on one side and the complex form of novel on the other side, as it occurs over the 20th century.

Personnages comme Bouc émissaire dans les oeuvres de Gabriel Garcia Marquez / Characters as scapegoats in the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Mepango Matala, Sonia 15 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'étudier la question du Bouc Emissaire dans les œuvres de Gabriel García Márquez. Le thème du Bouc Emissaire est étroitement lié aux personnages dont l'existence semble attachée à ce phénomène. Soumis à leur triste sort, il est difficile d'envisager les personnages de Gabriel García Márquez en dehors de ces cercles vicieux. L'auteur associe inconsciemment ou pas ce phénomène du Bouc Emissaire aux thèmes tels que ceux de la Maison, du Corps meurtri ou sublimé, de l'Identité, de l'Altérité... qui seront exploités tout au long de ce travail. Il est donc intéressant de se demander pourquoi l'auteur semble ressentir le besoin pressant et permanent de construire des sociétés fictives faites avec et par des personnages boucs émissaires. En se servant de l'écriture, l'auteur semble dévoiler et affronter son univers personnel, le monde, notre actualité. Aussi, ce travail compte bien interroger certains ouvrages de Gabriel García Márquez afin d'observer dans un premier temps les éléments nécessaires à la formation du Bouc Emissaire. Puis notre analyse nous permettra de voir comment se manifestent les phénomènes d'exclusion en parallèle avec les réalités sociétales, tout en gardant en toile de fond la vie de l'auteur. / This thesis proposes to study the issue of Scapegoat in the works of Gabriel García Márquez. The theme of the Scapegoat is closely related to characters whose existence seems attached to this phenomenon. Submitted to their fate, it is difficult to imagine the characters in Gabriel García Márquez outside these vicious circles. The author combines unconsciously or not this phenomenon Scapegoat themes such as those of the House, the bruised body or sublimate, Identity, Otherness ... of which will be used throughout this work. It is therefore interesting to ask why the author seems to feel the pressing need to build permanent and fictitious companies made with the characters and scapegoats. By using writing, the author seems to reveal and confront his personal universe, the world, our news. Also, this work intends to examine certain works of Gabriel García Márquez to observe in the first place the elements necessary for the formation of the Scapegoat. Then our analysis allow us to see how phenomena occur in parallel with the exclusion societal realities, keeping in the background the life of the author.

Computational And Combinatorial Problems On Some Geometric Proximity Graphs

Khopkar, Abhijeet 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we focus on the study of computational and combinatorial problems on various geometric proximity graphs. Delaunay and Gabriel graphs are widely studied geometric proximity structures. These graphs have been extensively studied for their applications in wireless networks. Motivated by the applications in localized wireless routing, relaxed versions of these graphs known as Locally Delaunay Graphs (LDGs) and Locally Gabriel Graphs(LGGs) were proposed. A geometric graph G=(V,E)is called a Locally Gabriel Graph if for every( u,v) ϵ E the disk with uv as diameter does not contain any neighbor of u or v in G. Thus, two edges (u, v) and(u, w)where u,v,w ϵ V conflict with each other if ∠uwv ≥ or ∠uvw≥π and cannot co-exist in an LGG. We propose another generalization of LGGs called Generalized locally Gabriel Graphs(GLGGs)in the context when certain edges are forbidden in the graph. For a given geometric graph G=(V,E), we define G′=(V,E′) as GLGG if G′is an LGG and E′⊆E. Unlike a Gabriel Graph ,there is no unique LGG or GLGG for a given point set because no edge is necessarily included or excluded. This property allows us to choose an LGG/GLGG that optimizes a parameter of interest in the graph. While Gabriel graphs are planar graphs, there exist LGGs with super linear number of edges. Also, there exist point sets where a Gabriel graph has dilation of Ω(√n)and there exist LGGs on the same point sets with dilation O(1). We study these graphs for various parameters like edge complexity(the maximum number of edges in these graphs),size of an independent set and dilation. We show that computing an edge maximum GLGG for a given problem instance is NP-hard and also APX-hard. We also show that computing an LGG on a given point set with minimum dilation is NP-hard. Then, we give an algorithm to verify whether a given geometric graph G=(V,E)is an LGG with running time O(ElogV+ V). We show that any LGG on n vertices has an independent set of size Ω(√nlogn). We show that there exists point sets with n points such that any LGG on it has dilation Ω(√n) that matches with the known upper bound. Then, we study some greedy heuristics to compute LGGs with experimental evaluation. Experimental evaluations for the points on a uniform grid and random point sets suggest that there exist LGGs with super-linear number of edges along with an independent set of near-linear size. Unit distance graphs(UDGs) are well studied geometric graphs. In this graph, an edge exists between two points if and only if the Euclidean distance between the points is unity. UDGs have been studied extensively for various properties most notably for their edge complexity and chromatic number. These graphs have also been studied for various special point sets most notably the case when the points are in convex position. Note that the UDGs form a sub class of the LGGs. UDGs/LGGs on convex point sets have O(nlogn) edges. The best known lower bound on the edge complexity of these graphs is 2n−7 when all the points are in convex position. A bipartite graph is called an ordered bipartite graph when the vertex set in each partition has a total order on its vertices. We introduce a family of ordered bipartite graphs with restrictions on some paths called path restricted ordered bi partite graphs (PRBGs)and show that their study is motivated by LGGs and UDGs on convex point sets. We show that a PRBG can be extracted from the UDGs/LGGs on convex point sets. First, we characterize a special kind of paths in PRBGs called forward paths, then we study some structural properties of these graphs. We show that a PRBG on n vertices has O(nlogn) edges and the bound is tight. It gives an alternate proof of O(nlogn)upper bound for the maximum number of edges in UDGs/LGGs on convex point sets. We study PRBGs with restrictions to the length of the forward paths and show an improved bound on the edge complexity when the length of the longest forward path is bounded. Then, we study the hierarchical structure amongst these graphs classes. Notably, we show that the class of UDGs on convex point sets is a strict sub class of LGGs on convex point sets.

The Nocturnes of Frédéric Chopin and Gabriel Fauré, a Lecture Recital, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Other Composers for Piano

Roberson, Richard E. 12 1900 (has links)
The romantic piano literature contains three important collections of nocturnes. The nocturnes of John Field (1782-1837) were the first to appear, and were followed by collections from Frederic Chopin (1810-1849) and Gabriel Faure (1845-1924). While the relationship of the nocturnes of Field to those of Chopin is well documented, the corresponding relationship between Faure and Chopin is not. This study contains a detailed examination of this relationship, and shows the precise nature of Chopin's strong influence on Faure's early nocturnes, as well as the nature of Faure's growth from that influence. Chopin's influence was strongest in the area of harmonic language, as Faure carried certain of Chopin's techniques to logical extremes. Faure also adopted ternary form as the important form for the piece from Chopin. Faure's use of this form shows both similarities and differences from that found in Chopin. Faure's early nocturnes employ the same basic textures as Chopin's nocturnes, but Faure's later works abandon this in favor of increasingly contrapuntal writing. Chopin's influence is weakest in the area of melodic construction, as Faure's melodies often show a rigorous motivic construction which is not found in Chopin.

A Study to Determine the Effect of Certain School Music Techniques on Children's Attitudes

McLaughlin, Roberta, 1912- 08 1900 (has links)
The investigator wished to determine the effect of certain school music techniques on children's attitudes.

Euskal literatura garaikidea kritika genetikoaren argitan : Aresti, Sarrionandia, Saizarbitoria eta Atxagaren idazlanen sorkuntza prozesua aztergai / La littérature basque contemporaine sous l'éclairage de la critique génétique : analyse du processus de création dans les oeuvres d'Aresti, de Sarrionaindia, de Saizarbitoria et d'Atxaga / Contemporary Basque literature in the light of genetic criticism : A study on the creative process of Aresti's, Sarrionandia's, Saizarbitoria's and Atxaga's writings

Ayerbe Sudupe, Mikel 14 July 2016 (has links)
L’objectif premier de cette recherche était de mettre en évidence, à partir des concepts de genèse et processus d’écriture, les poétiques, les réflexions créatives et les tendances esthétiques sous-jacentes aux travaux de Gabriel Aresti, Joseba Sarrionandia, Ramon Saizarbitoria et Bernardo Atxaga. La critique génétique prétend étudier les processus d’écriture-lecture et de réécriture-relecture, le processus d’écriture se trouvant au centre de ce courant de recherche : « l’objet étudié ne sera pas le texte produit, mais la production du texte » (Grésillon, 1985). Le texte étant le résultat de différents choix au cours de son développement, −« le texte, en principe, est un choix de texte » (Bellemin-Nöel, 1997)-, nous avons étudié les différentes phases de création du texte et les modifications provenant des variantes de la construction textuelle. En somme, par la relecture et la réinterprétation du parcours littéraire d’Aresti, Saizarbitoria, Atxaga et Sarrionandia, nous avons tenté, à travers le recueil des différents témoignages écrits, de présenter leur évolution, avec curiosité et minutie. Nous avons analysé la rédaction de nouvelles, de pièces de théâtre et de romans chez Aresti, pour suivre l’évolution de ses textes. De même, l’observation de nouvelles et poèmes de Sarrionandia nous a permis de mettre en évidence sa tendance à réécrire de façon récurrente ses nouvelles et ses poèmes pour des rééditions ou des éditions actualisées et de détailler l’évolution textuelle de ses nouvelles et poèmes. Au troisième chapitre, nous avons établi les dossiers génétiques des auteurs objets de l’étude. D’une part, nous avons analysé l’évolution et le développement de la narration de Ramon Saizarbitoria, par l’étude d’Egunero hasten delako. Une édition génétique plus complète de l’œuvre publiée pour la première fois en 1969 et réécrite et rééditée en 2007a révélé le processus de création sous-jacent à cette réécriture, par une étude approfondie des avant-textes, constitués de manuscrits, de tapuscrits et de témoignages des différentes périodes d’écriture. Puis, au quatrième chapitre, nous avons analysé avec précision l’importance des relectures et réécritures dans l’œuvre de Bernardo Atxaga, à partir de réécritures dans certains de ses travaux publiés. Puis, nous avons étudié les autres avant-textes que nous avons pu nous procurer. Cela nous a permis de démontrer que les réécritures et les reformulations ont toujours revêtu une importance capitale dans le processus créatif de l’auteur, dès ses débuts. / The chief concern of this study is to highlight the poetics, reflections on the creative process and aesthetics under Gabriel Aresti's, Joseba Sarrionandia's, Ramon Saizarbitoria's and Bernardo Atxaga's writings in the light of concepts such as genesis and writing process. Genetic criticism takes the writing-reading and the rewriting-rereading process as its object of analysis. This field doesn't focus on the final text, but rather on the writing process, “the object of anaysis is not the produced text but the production of the text” (Grésillon 1985). With this approach, genetic critics want to study the creative process by which the work came to be, analysing and interpreting all of its writing stages. In order to carry out this reasearch, I have studied some selected author's published texts and avant-textes. The avant-text, “would be the reconstruction of the testimonies prior to the final text, analysed by a critical method” (Bellemin-Nöel 1977). This is the selected Basque author's corpus which has been studied: In Aresti's case, I have supplied documentary evidence of the evolution of his novel Mundu munduan, published in 1925 and based on the play Oilarganeko etxola batean. As I have found some significant rewriting traces in it, I also have referred to the author's other plays, short stories and letters. I have paid close attention to the constant re-reading and re-writing practice in Joseba Sarrionandia's short stories and poems. The writer changes and reconstructs his texts in new printed editions. I have also analysed the evolution of Saizarbitoria's narrative work, focusing on the writing stages of his novel Egunero hasten delako. Although it was first published in 1969, I presented not only his rewritten and republished version in 2007 but also drafts, sketches and manuscripts which lead to this work. As far as Atxaga is concerned, rewriting has been important in his work. I have compared his writings as well as analysed his avant-textes. Finally, I have drawn some conclusions and enclosed the avant-textes used for the analysis of the works.


Cardoso, Joselina Alves 16 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOSELINA ALVES CARDOSO.pdf: 672127 bytes, checksum: ee5fa46ed1693cf680b5b22c7904727c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-16 / The present work aims to analyse the history, structure and operation of the chronicle. The starting point is the origin of this genre, how it turned throughout and the form it reached singularity as a literary genre, crating, throughout the years, representative persons who gave the chronicle its characteristic as a literary genre that has its place reserved on the press. It is considered studies that have been made by stablished writers. The study is divided in three chapters. It is also studied the structure of the literary genres: from drama to novel, from short story to chronicle. Aristóteles is the starting point to the textual organization of the genres. The study of the literary genres interests to this work because it helps to understand the chronicle as a independent genre. As the structure of the chronicle is analysed, that is characterized for its poetic expression, it is also studied the characteristic of each genre, in order to, at the end of the work, the reader knows the objective of this research. For having a particular connection between writers and the journalistic press, on the third charpter it is analysed the production of four writers from Goiás (Aidenor Aires, Brasigóis Felício, Gabriel Nascente and Luiz de Aquino) writers who publish chronicles in two daily newspapers: O Popular and Diário da Manhã. Along the analyses it is included passages of their chronicles and passages of the interviews the writers gave to the author of this work. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a história, estrutura e funcionamento da crônica literária no jornal. O ponto de partida é o estudo sobre a gênese desse gênero, como ele se transfigurou ao longo dos tempos e a forma com que atingiu a singularidade como gênero literário, criando, durante sua trajetória, representantes atuantes e conscientes do papel que a crônica, como gênero literário, pode oferecer ao espaço no jornal reservado à produção literária. Levam-se em conta estudos feitos por autores consagrados. Divide-se o trabalho em três capítulos. Vê-se, também, a estrutura dos gêneros literários: do drama ao romance, do conto à crônica. Aristóteles é o ponto de partida, para que façamos a devida organização textual por gênero. O estudo dos gêneros literários interessa ao trabalho na medida em que auxilia na compreensão da crônica como gênero literário. À medida que se faz a descrição da estrutura, que é caracterizada pela expressividade poética, estuda-se a característica específica de cada tipologia abordada, a fim de que, ao término do trabalho, o leitor tenha noção geral das teorias que nortearam este trabalho. Por haver uma relação particularizada entre os cronistas e as empresas jornalísticas, analisam-se, no terceiro capítulo, quatro autores goianos (Aidenor Aires, Brasigóis Felício, Gabriel Nascente e Luiz de Aquino), cujas crônicas são publicadas em dois jornais diários de Goiás: O Popular e Diário da Manhã. Ao longo das análises, incluem-se trechos de crônicas e das entrevistas concedidas pelos cronistas à autora desta dissertação.

Geoquímica elementar com ênfase em elementos terras raras em mármores do bloco São Gabriel no escudo Sul-rio-grandense

Parisi, Giovani Nunes January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rosimeri Vergara (rosimerivergara@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-12-11T20:02:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Giovani Nunes Parisi 2018 Dissertação.pdf: 4002594 bytes, checksum: 976b398edffec278577b6c3d951dfc9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Dayse Pestana (dayse.pestana@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-12-12T12:09:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Giovani Nunes Parisi 2018 Dissertação.pdf: 4002594 bytes, checksum: 976b398edffec278577b6c3d951dfc9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-12T12:09:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giovani Nunes Parisi 2018 Dissertação.pdf: 4002594 bytes, checksum: 976b398edffec278577b6c3d951dfc9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / A presente dissertação apresenta resultados petrográficos e litoquímicos de mármores calcíticos e dolomíticos coletados em quatro áreas distintas do Bloco São Gabriel, que seguem: (i) área Batovi, (ii) Área Palma; (iii) Área Passo Feio; e (iv) Área Porongos. O conjunto de mármores que afloram nessas áreas compõe um grupo mineralogicamente homogêneo. O carbonato predomina largamente sobre os outros minerais na composição modal destas rochas. Entretanto em algumas áreas, onde há minerais magnesianos como a serpentina e o talco, pode haver uma tendência a dolomitização. Após a análise e tabulação de dados das amostras de mármores calcíticos e dolomíticos, ficou estabelecido um critério prospectivo para os mármores do Bloco São Gabriel, onde foi possível separar duas populações de mármores. A primeira composta pelas áreas (i) Batovi e (ii) Palma com mármores de composição predominante Calcítica e uma segunda população de mármores predominantemente Dolomíticos, composta pelas áreas (iii) Passo Feio e (iv) Porongos. Já o estudo geoquímico, através dos Elementos Terras Raras na sequência Metassedimentar de origem carbonática, constatou que amostras apresentaram anomalias negativas de Cério e positiva de Eu. No que se refere à anomalia negativa de Ce, que ocorre devido à baixa concentração de Elementos Terras Raras da água do mar. Esta anomalia de Ce é em consequência do Ce+4e o Ce+3, terem um grande campo de estabilidade Eh-Ph. A anomalia negativa de Ce em rochas sedimentares, particularmente em rochas carbonáticas, tem sido utilizada comumente como um argumento de origem marinha, enquanto a sua inexistência é atribuída à influência de águas continentais, particularmente para rochas carbonáticas. Quanto à anomalia positiva de Eu nos sedimentos marinhos ou na água do mar, esta tem sido atribuída a um fluxo hidrotermal. / The present dissertation presents petrographic and litoquímicos results of calcitic and dolomitic marbles collected in four distinct areas of the São Gabriel Block, which follow: (i) Batovi area, (ii) Palma Area; (iii) Passo Feio Area; and (iv) Porongos Area. The set of marbles that appear in these areas make up a mineralogically homogeneous group. The carbonate predominates largely of the modal composition of these rocks. However in some areas where there are magnesian minerals such as serpentine and talc, there may be a tendency to dolomite. After analyzing and tabulating data of the samples of calcitic and dolomitic marbles, a prospective criterion was established for the marbles of the São Gabriel Block, where it was possible to separate two populations of marbles. The first one consists of the areas (i) Batovi and (ii) Palma with marbles of predominantly Calcitic composition and a second population of predominantly dolomite marbles, composed of (iii) Feio and (iv) Porongos areas. On the other hand, the geochemical study, through the Rare Earth Elements in the Metassedimentary sequence of carbonate origin, found that samples presented negative anomalies of Cerium and positive of Eu. Regarding the negative anomaly of Ce, this occurs due to the low concentration of Rare Earth Elements of sea water. This Ce anomaly is a consequence of Ce + 4e and Ce + 3, having a large Eh-Ph stability field. The negative anomaly of Ce in sedimentary rocks, particularly in carbonate rocks, has been commonly used as an argument of marine origin, while its absence is attributed to the influence of continental waters, particularly for carbonate rocks. As for the positive anomaly of Eu in marine sediments and in sea water, this has been attributed to a hydrothermal flow.

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