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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigations on Quaternary environmental changes based on malacological analyses and stable isotope signals

Richter, Christiane 14 April 2021 (has links)
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Investigating drivers of diversification in a co-distributed community of terrestrial gastropods from the Pacific Northwest

Smith, Megan L. 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Plži, stromy, pH, podloží a epifytické lišejníky / Gastropods, trees, pH, subsoil and epiphytic lichens

Pelant, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Epiphytic lichens are under considerable grazing pressure due to invertebrate lichenivores, mostly gastropods. Preferences of tree-climbing gastropods affect vertical distribution of lichens, their habitat preferences and whole area of distribution. Higher grazing pressure is expected on sites with basic subsoil and sufficient sources of calcium, where the abundance of gastropods is higher. Most of researches about the topic of grazing pressure were therefore conducted on such sites, although this hypothesis has never been formally tested. Epiphytic communities are also affected by pH and other properties specific to its photophyte. Nevertheless, it is not known, if the same applies for grazing gastropods and how is the grazing pressure affected by tree species. I have addressed these questions in my thesis. I set an 80-days-long field transplantation experiment in the mixed forest of Moravský kras (South Moravia, Czech Republic). Glass fiber meshes with lichen thalli were placed on sixty trunks of three tree species (Carpinus betulus - hornbeam, Abies alba - fir, Fagus sylvatica - common beech) on both calcareous (limestone) and acidic (granodiorite) sites. Abundance and diversity of gastropods were measured. Determined grazing pressure was higher than pressure detected by other authors and was...
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Neue Erkenntnisse über die Taxonomie, Systematik und Evolution von Süßwasserschnecken (Viviparidae und Truncatelloidea) aus China / Novel insights into the taxonomy, systematics and evolution of freshwater gastropods (Viviparidae and Truncatelloidea) from China

Zhang, Lejia 02 May 2024 (has links)
Diese Arbeit stellt eine umfassende Reihe von Fallstudien zur Taxonomie, Systematik und Evolution von zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Gruppen von Süßwasserschnecken aus China zusammen, der Familie Viviparidae und der Überfamilie Truncatelloidea. Auf der Grundlage eines integrativen Ansatzes, der Morphologie, Anatomie, molekulare Methoden, Ökologie und Biogeographie kombiniert, liefert die vorliegende Arbeit eine Reihe systematischer Revisionen und die bisher vollständigste Liste gültiger Arten der Viviparidae aus China. Innerhalb der Viviparidae werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei neue Gattungen, neun neue rezente Arten, eine neue fossile Art, 11 neue Kombinationen und ein neues Synonym vorgeschlagen. Die phylogenetische Position der neuen Taxa innerhalb der Viviparidae wird diskutiert. In Bezug auf die Truncatelloidea liefert die vorliegende Arbeit die erste fossil kalibrierte Phylogenie auf der Grundlage von fünf Genen, die die meisten existierenden Familien der Truncatelloidea abdeckt. Eine neue Familie, eine neue Gattung und zwei neue Arten, die alle in China endemisch sind, werden hier beschrieben. Die seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert verschollene sessile Süßwasserschnecke Helicostoa ist wiederentdeckt und hier erstmals systematisch untersucht worden. Neben ihrer sessilen Lebensweise im Süßwasser stellt die neue Helicostoa-Art einen der bemerkenswertesten Fälle von Sexualdimorphismus bei Mollusken dar. Die fossil kalibrierte Phylogenie der Truncatelloidea deutet darauf hin, dass die einzigartige schnecken aus dem Fuxian-See eine neue Art innerhalb einer neuen Familie, der Squamapicidae fam. nov., sein sollte. Die datierte Phylogenie zeigt, dass diese neue Familie ihren Ursprung im Tethys-Ozean während der späten Kreidezeit hat. Insgesamt werden in dieser Arbeit nicht nur viele Taxa der Süßwasserschnecken aus China revidiert und beschrieben, sondern es wird auch ein robusterer systematischer Rahmen für diese beiden alten Schneckengruppen geschaffen. / This thesis compiles a comprehensive set of case studies on the taxonomy, systematics and evolution of two most diverse groups of freshwater gastropods from China, family Viviparidae and superfamily Truncatelloidea. Based on an integrative approach combining morphology, anatomy, molecular methods, ecology and biogeography, the present thesis provides a series of systematic revisions and the most complete list of valid species of Viviparidae from China so far. Within Viviparidae, two new genera, nine new extant species, one new fossil species, 11 new combiniations and one new synonym are proposed in the present thesis. The phylogenetic position of the new taxa within Viviparidae is discussed based on molecular phylogenetic trees. With regard to Truncatelloidea, the present thesis provides the first fossil calibrated phylogeny based on five genes, covering most extant families of Truncatelloidea. One new family, one new genus and two new species all endemic to China are proposed herein. The sessile freshwater gastropod Helicostoa lost for more than a century is rediscovered and systematically studied for the first time. Besides its sessile life style in freshwater, the new species of Helicostoa represents one of the most remarkable cases of sexual dimorphism within molluscs. The fossil calibrated phylogeny of Truncatelloidea suggests that the unique freshwater microgastropod species from Fuxian Lake of China should be a new species of a new genus within a new family, Squamapicidae. fam. nov.. The dated phylogeny reveals that this new family of freshwater gastropods originated in the Tethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous. This thesis not only revises and describes many taxa of Viviparidae and Truncatelloidea from China, but also provides a more robust systematic frameworks for these two ancient snail groups. It also reveals several interesting cases of species radiations and evolutionary innovations, which contribute to a better understanding of their evolution.
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Testing a riverine radiation - Evolutionary systematics of an endemic, viviparous freshwater gastropod in the Kaek River, Thailand

Lentge-Maaß, Nora 18 October 2021 (has links)
Die Prozesse, durch die Organismen an ihre Umwelt angepasst werden, und die zur Vielfalt der Organismen führen, sind Gegenstand evolutionsbiologischer Fragestellungen. Üblicherweise startet Artenbildung durch das graduelle Auftreten physischer Barrieren, welches dann in reproduktive Inkompatibilitäten und/oder ökologische Differenzierungen mündet. Obwohl die weltweite Biodiversität hauptsächlich durch wirbellose Organismen gestellt wird, sind diese in Studien zu Artenbildungsmechanismen unterrepräsentiert. Eine beeindruckende Evolutionsgeschichte von etwa 550 Millionen Jahren weisen die Mollusken auf, bei denen es zu einer dramatischen Variation der Körperbaupläne und einer enormen morphologischen Variabilität kam. Süßwassermollusken sind besonders als Studienobjekte geeignet, da sie ein durch natürliche Barrieren begrenztes Habitat bewohnen. Die Süßwasserschnecken der Gattung Brotia bilden einen Artenschwarm im Kaek River in Thailand und sind eine der wenigen bekannten Schneckenradiationen im Süßwasser. Brandt beschrieb zehn Brotia-Arten, dieser Befund wurde später auf sieben Arten begrenzt. Demnach unterscheiden sich diese Schnecken in der Morphologie ihrer Schale und bilden drei verschiedene Radulatypen aus. Die Analysen dieses integrierten evolutionssystematischen Datensatzes aus traditionellen und modernen morphologischen und genetischen Methoden deuten darauf hin, dass die Anzahl an Brotia-Arten noch kleiner ist als die vorherigen Studien vermuten ließen. Es finden sich jeweils zwei genetische Cluster am Oberlauf und am Unterlauf des Kaek River; mit einer Mischzone im Mittelauf. Eine Analyse der genetisch bestimmten Individuen dieser Cluster zeigte signifikante Schalenmorphologische Unterschiede. Weiterführende Studien müssen klären, ob diese durch genomische Untersuchungen aufgedeckten Cluster lediglich Populationen weniger, aber phänotypisch extrem diverser Brotia-Arten sind. / Evolutionary biologists try to untangle and explain two major features of the living world, viz. the process by which organisms adapt to their environment and the processes that lead to species diversity. Speciation might start by physical isolation, which can also be accumulative and further result in reproductive incompatibilities and/or ecological differences. Although invertebrates represent the majority of biodiversity they are underrepresented in speciation studies. The at least 550 million years of evolution within the phylum Mollusca have resulted in a dramatic variation in body plans and enormous morphological diversity, which makes them an ideal group for comparative studies of phenotypic diversity, speciation and radiation. Freshwater mollusc taxa are exceptionally suited for such studies because they inhabit an environment with clear boundaries that act as dispersal barriers. The Brotia species flock found along the Kaek River in northern Thailand is one of very few known radiations of gastropods in a riverine setting. The species were reported to exhibit distinct shell morphologies and radula types. The main objective of this study was to investigate this species swarm, potentially being a new system to study speciation and even adaptive radiation in invertebrates in a riverine setting. Morphology and ecology, inter- and intraspecific divergence of Brotia were investigated. The analyses of an integrated dataset found hints that the actual number of species might be substantially lower than expected. Both, mitochondrial and nuclear markers revealed a geographic structure separating headwaters from the lower river courses, with an area of admixture in between. Additionally, in both geographic areas two clusters were identified, which are significantly different in morphology. Future studies will have to determine whether these clusters are populations of originally only two, but now highly diverse Brotia species.
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Réponse de la communauté de mollusques aux perturbations physiques et chimiques dans un grand lac fluvial (Lac Saint-Pierre, Fleuve Saint-Laurent, QC)

Genovese, Amélie 04 1900 (has links)
Les mollusques sont des indicateurs de perturbations anthropiques et environnementales. Ce groupe de macroinvertébrés représente en outre une source importante de nourriture pour les poissons et les oiseaux aquatiques du littoral. Les hypothèses de cette étude sont que la communauté de mollusques est influencée indirectement par les tributaires agricoles et/ou par des variables environnementales (comme la dessiccation et l'exposition aux vagues) puisque ces perturbations sont susceptibles de modifier leurs sources alimentaires et leur habitat. Les indicateurs de la réponse des mollusques aux agents perturbateurs sont la composition, la diversité, la densité, ainsi que la biomasse des espèces. En septembre 2013, des mesures de paramètres physico-chimiques de l'eau ont été réalisées, et des échantillons de mollusques et de végétation aquatique ont été prélevés à 14 sites le long des rives du lac Saint-Pierre (Fleuve Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada). Le long de la rive nord, les sites fortement exposés à l'action du vent, situés à de plus grandes élévations, affichaient une plus faible densité, biomasse et richesse spécifique de mollusques que les sites de la rive sud, en milieu plus abrité et profond. Les sites physiquement perturbés étaient caractérisés par de faibles biomasses en macrophytes submergés. Les sphaeriidae apparaissent comme des exceptions à ces patrons, montrant une abondance plus élevée aux sites presque dépourvus de macrophytes. Bien que les variables physiques et l'habitat exercent une influence déterminante sur les communautés de mollusques, les gastéropodes et les moules unionidés étaient également affectés par la dégradation de la qualité de l'eau dans le panache des tributaires agricoles. La richesse, la densité et la biomasse des gastéropodes étaient négativement influencées par des teneurs élevées de matières en suspension et de fer dissous. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que la communauté de mollusques du lac Saint-Pierre est directement affectée par l'émersion périodique, l'exposition au vent, et indirectement par l'effet de ces variables physiques sur les macrophytes qui constituent leur habitat. / Molluscs are indicators of anthropogenic and environmental disturbances and constitute an important food source for littoral fish and aquatic birds. The main hypotheses put forward for our study are that the mollusc community is impacted by the agricultural tributaries and/or by physical variables (desiccation, exposure to waves) through changes in food and habitat. The indicators used were mollusc species composition, diversity, density, and biomass. Over the course of two weeks in September 2013, we sampled physical/chemical water variables, collected aquatic vegetation and molluscs at 14 sites on both shores of Lake Saint-Pierre (St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada). Sites located at higher elevations, subjected to recent water level fluctuations, and exposed to wind fetch along the north shore, had lower gastropod and unionid mussel richness, density, and biomass than less-exposed sites located at lower elevations along the south shore. These physically disturbed sites were characterized by low biomasses of submerged macrophytes. Sphaerid clams appeared to be notable exceptions to these patterns, showing their highest abundances at sites almost devoid of macrophytes. In spite of the fact that physical and habitat variables exerted a strong effect on mollusc communities, gastropod and unionid mussels were additionally affected by degraded water quality originating from agricultural tributaries. Gastropod richness, density, and biomass were negatively influenced by high levels of total suspended matter and dissolved iron. Our results show that the mollusc community in Lake Saint-Pierre was primarily affected by the direct influence of periodic emersion, wind exposure, and indirectly through the effect of these physical variables on macrophyte habitat.
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Gastropod fauna on organic falls at the Southwest Atlantic deep-sea / Fauna de gastrópodes em quedas orgânicas de mar profundo no Atlântico Sudoeste

Bruno Henrique de Moraes e Souza 22 June 2018 (has links)
The present study characterized the deep-sea gastropods community collected on whale bones and wood parcels artificially implanted in the deep Southwest Atlantic Ocean at 1500 and 3300 m depth for 23 months. A total of 5493 gastropods were collected and their distribution, abundance and diversity on substrates, depths and latitudes were calculated. Species richness and abundance of gastropods were higher in whale bones and deeper sites. Latitude did not seem to influence the distribution of mollusks. Five species were selected due to their abundance and possible ecological importance for further studies. Three were new species of the superfamily Abyssochrisoidea and were morphologically and genetically described (two Rubyspira and one Cordesia). The other two were Hyslogyrina rissoela (Heterobranchia) and Lusitanops cingulatus (Neogastropoda). To understand their feeding behavior and dispersal strategies were conduced stable isotopes analyzes, observations of gut content, and radular and larval shell morphology. Larval shell of most species suggested planktotrophic development. Animals on different growth stages were found. Gastropods presented a diversity of feeding strategies, such as bacterial mats grazing, predation and specialized bone eating. The overlap of this fauna with other chemosynthetic environments and with other basins corroborate with the ecological stepping stone hypothesis. Besides that, phylogenetic studies about Abyssochrysoidea were made. Their phylogenetic position within the Caenogastropoda are still uncertain but this group is considered closely related with Littorinidae. These snails are endemic from chemosynthetic environments, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and organic falls in the deep-sea. The genus Rubyspira is not settled at family level and no molecular studies were made for Cordesia. The present study also attempts to assign these groups phylogenetically. Concatenated COI, 16S, 18S and 28S and individual gene trees were constructed for maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. In all analyses the family Newtoniellidae were a sister group of Abyssochrysoidea. Morphological and genetic evidences suggest that Rubyspira and Cordesia are closer related to Abyssochrysos than to other provannid snails. The most accepted hypothesis is that Provannidae is paraphyletic. However, there are other ideas that indicates Rubyspira and Cordesia could be included in Abyssochrysidae or the Provannidae should be considered Abyssochrysidae. A morphologic revision of the superfamily should be made to better understand the relation within the group. Clades within the Abyssochrysoidea were always well supported and similar to those found in the literature. The position of Rubyspira and Cordesia within Abyssochrysoidea suggest whale bones and wood parcels did not play an evolutionary role as stepping stones for this group. / O presente estudo caracterizou a comunidade de gastrópodes de mar profundo coletados em carcaças de baleia e parcelas de madeira artificialmente implantadas no Sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico profundo a 1500 e 3300 m de profundidade por 23 meses. Um total de 5493 gastrópodes foram coletados e sua distribuição, abundância e biodiversidade nos substratos, profundidades e latitudes foram calculados. A riqueza e abundância dos gastrópodes foi maior nos ossos de baleia e em maiores profundidades. A latitude parece não ter influenciado na distribuição dos moluscos. Cinco espécies foram selecionadas devido à abundância e possível importância ecológica. Três são novas espécies da superfamília Abyssochrysoidea que foram descritas morfologicamente e filogeneticamente (duas Rubyspira e uma Cordesia). As outras duas foram Hyalogirina rissoela (Heterobranchia) e Lusitanops cingulatus (Neogastropoda). Para compreender os hábitos alimentares e de dispersão desses animais análises de isótopos estáveis, observações do conteúdo do trato digestório, da morfologia das rádulas e das conchas larvais foram realizadas. A concha larval da maioria das espécies sugere um desenvolvimento planctotrófico. Os moluscos encontrados apresentaram diversos tipos de hábitos alimentares como raspadores de carpete bacteriano, predadores e especialistas de ossos. A sobreposição dessa fauna com a de outros ambientes quimiossintéticos e de outras bacias oceânicas colabora com a hipótese ecológica das \"stepping stones\" no mar profundo. Além disso, estudos sobre a posição filogenética dos Abyssochrysoidea foi feita. Sua posição nos Caenogastropoda ainda é incerta, mas são considerados próximos aos Littorinidae. Esses animais são endêmicos de ambientes quimiossintéticos, como fontes hidrotermais de mar profundo, fontes frias e quedas orgânicas. O gênero Rubyspira não está atribuído à nenhuma Família e não foram realizados estudos moleculares para Cordesia. Esse estudo também tenta organizar esses grupos filogeneticamente. Árvores concatenadas e individuais dos genes COI, 16S, 18S e 28S foram construídas para máxima verossimilhança e análise bayesiana. Em todos resultados a família Newtoniellidae foi um grupo irmão dos Abyssochrysoidea. Evidências morfológicas e genéticas s para que sugerem que Rubyspira e Cordesia então mais próximos dos Abyssochrysos do que de outros provannides. A teoria mais aceita é de que os Provannidae são parafileticos. Porém há outras ideias de que Rubyspira e Cordesia poderiam ser inclusos em Abyssochrysidae, ou que os Provannidae fossem considerados Abyssochrysidae. Uma revisão dessa superfamilia deveria se feita para entender as relações desse grupo. Os clados de Abyssochrysoidea sempre foram bem suportados como na literatura. A posição de Rubyspira e Cordesia nos Abyssochrysoidea. aponta que os ossos de baleia e parcelas de madeira possam não terem servido como \"stepping stones\" evolutivas para esses gastrópodes.
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Gastropod fauna on organic falls at the Southwest Atlantic deep-sea / Fauna de gastrópodes em quedas orgânicas de mar profundo no Atlântico Sudoeste

Souza, Bruno Henrique de Moraes e 22 June 2018 (has links)
The present study characterized the deep-sea gastropods community collected on whale bones and wood parcels artificially implanted in the deep Southwest Atlantic Ocean at 1500 and 3300 m depth for 23 months. A total of 5493 gastropods were collected and their distribution, abundance and diversity on substrates, depths and latitudes were calculated. Species richness and abundance of gastropods were higher in whale bones and deeper sites. Latitude did not seem to influence the distribution of mollusks. Five species were selected due to their abundance and possible ecological importance for further studies. Three were new species of the superfamily Abyssochrisoidea and were morphologically and genetically described (two Rubyspira and one Cordesia). The other two were Hyslogyrina rissoela (Heterobranchia) and Lusitanops cingulatus (Neogastropoda). To understand their feeding behavior and dispersal strategies were conduced stable isotopes analyzes, observations of gut content, and radular and larval shell morphology. Larval shell of most species suggested planktotrophic development. Animals on different growth stages were found. Gastropods presented a diversity of feeding strategies, such as bacterial mats grazing, predation and specialized bone eating. The overlap of this fauna with other chemosynthetic environments and with other basins corroborate with the ecological stepping stone hypothesis. Besides that, phylogenetic studies about Abyssochrysoidea were made. Their phylogenetic position within the Caenogastropoda are still uncertain but this group is considered closely related with Littorinidae. These snails are endemic from chemosynthetic environments, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and organic falls in the deep-sea. The genus Rubyspira is not settled at family level and no molecular studies were made for Cordesia. The present study also attempts to assign these groups phylogenetically. Concatenated COI, 16S, 18S and 28S and individual gene trees were constructed for maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. In all analyses the family Newtoniellidae were a sister group of Abyssochrysoidea. Morphological and genetic evidences suggest that Rubyspira and Cordesia are closer related to Abyssochrysos than to other provannid snails. The most accepted hypothesis is that Provannidae is paraphyletic. However, there are other ideas that indicates Rubyspira and Cordesia could be included in Abyssochrysidae or the Provannidae should be considered Abyssochrysidae. A morphologic revision of the superfamily should be made to better understand the relation within the group. Clades within the Abyssochrysoidea were always well supported and similar to those found in the literature. The position of Rubyspira and Cordesia within Abyssochrysoidea suggest whale bones and wood parcels did not play an evolutionary role as stepping stones for this group. / O presente estudo caracterizou a comunidade de gastrópodes de mar profundo coletados em carcaças de baleia e parcelas de madeira artificialmente implantadas no Sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico profundo a 1500 e 3300 m de profundidade por 23 meses. Um total de 5493 gastrópodes foram coletados e sua distribuição, abundância e biodiversidade nos substratos, profundidades e latitudes foram calculados. A riqueza e abundância dos gastrópodes foi maior nos ossos de baleia e em maiores profundidades. A latitude parece não ter influenciado na distribuição dos moluscos. Cinco espécies foram selecionadas devido à abundância e possível importância ecológica. Três são novas espécies da superfamília Abyssochrysoidea que foram descritas morfologicamente e filogeneticamente (duas Rubyspira e uma Cordesia). As outras duas foram Hyalogirina rissoela (Heterobranchia) e Lusitanops cingulatus (Neogastropoda). Para compreender os hábitos alimentares e de dispersão desses animais análises de isótopos estáveis, observações do conteúdo do trato digestório, da morfologia das rádulas e das conchas larvais foram realizadas. A concha larval da maioria das espécies sugere um desenvolvimento planctotrófico. Os moluscos encontrados apresentaram diversos tipos de hábitos alimentares como raspadores de carpete bacteriano, predadores e especialistas de ossos. A sobreposição dessa fauna com a de outros ambientes quimiossintéticos e de outras bacias oceânicas colabora com a hipótese ecológica das \"stepping stones\" no mar profundo. Além disso, estudos sobre a posição filogenética dos Abyssochrysoidea foi feita. Sua posição nos Caenogastropoda ainda é incerta, mas são considerados próximos aos Littorinidae. Esses animais são endêmicos de ambientes quimiossintéticos, como fontes hidrotermais de mar profundo, fontes frias e quedas orgânicas. O gênero Rubyspira não está atribuído à nenhuma Família e não foram realizados estudos moleculares para Cordesia. Esse estudo também tenta organizar esses grupos filogeneticamente. Árvores concatenadas e individuais dos genes COI, 16S, 18S e 28S foram construídas para máxima verossimilhança e análise bayesiana. Em todos resultados a família Newtoniellidae foi um grupo irmão dos Abyssochrysoidea. Evidências morfológicas e genéticas s para que sugerem que Rubyspira e Cordesia então mais próximos dos Abyssochrysos do que de outros provannides. A teoria mais aceita é de que os Provannidae são parafileticos. Porém há outras ideias de que Rubyspira e Cordesia poderiam ser inclusos em Abyssochrysidae, ou que os Provannidae fossem considerados Abyssochrysidae. Uma revisão dessa superfamilia deveria se feita para entender as relações desse grupo. Os clados de Abyssochrysoidea sempre foram bem suportados como na literatura. A posição de Rubyspira e Cordesia nos Abyssochrysoidea. aponta que os ossos de baleia e parcelas de madeira possam não terem servido como \"stepping stones\" evolutivas para esses gastrópodes.
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Dynamique des interactions biofilm/macro-organismes : conséquences sur les organismes et les propriétés hydrauliques et écologiques de l'interface eau/sédiment / Biofilm/macro-organisms interactions dynamic : consequences on the organisms and on the ecological and hydraulic properties of the water/sediment interface

Estragnat, Valerian 01 July 2019 (has links)
Dans un contexte global d'augmentation de la population, les réserves en eau des nappes phréatiques sont de plus en plus sollicitées. Pour pallier à cette exploitation, des systèmes d’infiltration artificiels ont été mis en place pour recharger les nappes avec de l’eau de surface. Néanmoins, ces systèmes subissent des pertes d’efficacité liées au colmatage du support d’infiltration par des processus physiques, chimiques ou biologiques. Face à ce phénomène, le travail de thèse a pour but de tester la faisabilité d’une technique d’ingénierie écologique par introduction d’un gastéropode, V. viviparus, pour limiter le colmatage de l’interface eau/sédiment de bassins d’infiltration utilisés pour recharger artificiellement l’aquifère sous-jacent au Rhône. Par des approches expérimentales, deux volets ont été abordés, (1) la dynamique des interactions biofilm/brouteur et les conséquences sur l’état physiologique du gastéropode et (2) la dynamique des interactions biofilm/gastéropode et les conséquences sur les propriétés hydrauliques et écologiques de l’interface eau/sédiment. Les résultats ont mis en évidence que (1) V. viviparus pouvait se maintenir dans les bassins d’infiltration aux différentes saisons, (2) V. viviparus pouvait limiter le colmatage biologique de l’interface eau/sédiment soit par ses actions trophiques (broutage), soit par des actions physiques (déplacement, pelletisation) et (3) V. viviparus n’a pas eu d’effet positif sur l’infiltration lorsque le colmatage était chimique. Pour conclure, V. viviparus apparait comme un bon candidat pour des solutions d’ingénierie écologique visant à restaurer des interfaces eau/sédiment, colmatées par un biofilm phototrophe. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives sur l’utilisation de solutions basées sur la nature à plus large échelle spatiale (e.g. pilote) et à des milieux naturels comme les zones humides / With the global increase of the population, groundwater reserves are increasingly exploited. To circumvent this problem, managed aquifer recharge systems using surface water are used worldwide. Nevertheless, the hydraulic performance of these systems is often altered by physical, chemical or biological clogging. This work aim to test the sustainability of ecological engineering solution based on the introduction of the gastropod, V. viviparus, to attenuate the clogging of the water/sediment interface of infiltration basins use for the recharge of the Rhône river aquifer. Two sections have been addressed with experimental approaches, (1) dynamic of biofilm/grazer interaction and its consequences on the physiological state of the gastropod and (2) dynamic of biofilm/grazer interaction and its consequences on the hydraulic and ecological properties of the water/sediment interface. Results show that (1) V. viviparus is able to survive in the infiltration basins at contrasted seasons, (2) V. viviparus can attenuate the biological clogging of the water/sediment interface, ether by trophic interaction (grazing) or physical actions (crawling activity, pelletization), and (3) V. viviparus has no positive effect on infiltration in case of chemical clogging. To conclude, V. viviparus appears to be a good candidate for ecological engineering solutions aiming to preserve and restore water/sediment interface impacted by biological clogging. This work provides useful information for the study of natured based solutions at larger scale (experimental pilot) and in natural ecosystems as wetlands
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High Resolution Reconstruction of Rainfall Using Stable Isotopes in Growth Bands of Terrestrial Gastropod

Rangarajan, Ravi January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Reconstruction studies of seasonal rainfall utilizing stable isotope based proxy approach suffer from the limitations of time resolutions. Conventional methods and archives limit the achievable resolution to annual scales. However, high resolution reconstruction (seasonal to sub-weekly scale) can be achieved in proxy records where growth rates are high enough to leave spatial signatures in an organically or inorganically deposited layer such as growth bands. In this study, aragonitic skeleton of the gastropod Lissachatina fulica (Bowdich, Giant African Land Snails) is investigated with an aim to achieve sub-weekly scale reconstruction of the Indian monsoon rainfall. These terrestrial gastropods are native of Africa and highly invasive. Their evolution in the geological time period dates back to the Pliocene and is presently distributed across the tropical belt. They exhibit a high growth rate in the presence of water and high relative humidity in the environment. As a result, they are ideally suited for the task of palaeo seasonality reconstruction. The isotopic patterns recorded in their growth bands reveal composition of environmental water at seasonal time scales. In vitro studies were carried out on L. fulica to estimate their growth rates and growth responses to changes in the physical conditions within the culture chamber. The Indian monsoon rainfall exhibits characteristic dry spells that are generally sandwiched between periods of active phases of high rainfall during the South West monsoon season. These dry spells are typically characterized by rainfall with low intensity. Isotope fingerprinting of the rain water at daily time resolution, covering the years of 2007-10 exhibited distinct isotopic ratios for the dry and wet spells. Dry spells were clearly demarcated in the record with isotopically enriched signature. In addition, the study indentified the role of three distinct moisture sources on δ18O of rain water at Bangalore, India. The variability in the oxygen isotopic composition of the Indian monsoon rainfall is predominantly controlled by this source moisture variability at inter annual time scales, while temperature and amount of rainfall tend to dominate the variability in the precipitation isotopes at seasonal and weekly scales. Simultaneous isotopic analyses of both rainwater and shell carbonates growth bands were undertaken to understand their relationship to aid in high resolution reconstruction. Carbonate found in the growth bands of the gastropods, which is precipitated under equilibrium condition from rainwater, preserves the signature of rainfall. This provides an opportunity to reconstruct rainfall parameters (i.e. amount and moisture sources) knowing the variability in shell carbonates. Stable isotopic ratios measured across the growth bands of live shell specimens collected from the southern and eastern Indian regions (Bangalore and Kolkata, respectively) were compared with the rainfall isotope ratios at these two locations; signature of dry spells were clearly identified from the study of isotopic composition in the growth bands of the gastropod specimens. The approach was also extended to older samples from historical archives from eastern Indian region (Kolkata, East India). Individual specimens belonging to the same species of gastropod, which were collected during the monsoon season of the year 1918 were used for reconstructing the seasonal pattern in monsoon rainfall over the region. The record of variation in the isotopic composition seen in the shell was compared with the rainfall data from Indian Metrological Division observatory at Kolkata station. The year 1918 was characterized as a major drought year and the signature of dry period was seen preserved in the specimen. The work under taken in this thesis will widen the scope of seasonality reconstruction using terrestrial shell fossils from palaeo records, which have been rarely investigated in paleoclimate studies from the perspective of understanding the seasonal precipitation variability.
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