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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FERNANDA MAGALHAES SILVA 24 July 2003 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho procura analisar a coluna Cinematographo,assinada por Joe, um dos pseudônimos de Paulo Barreto, que foi publicada na Gazeta de Notícias entre agosto de 1907 e dezembro de 1910. A análise dos originais permite estabelecer a diferença entre a coluna e o livro homônimo, publicado em 1909. O estudo pretende ainda demonstrar a singularidade da narrativa do autor nesta série e a importância da crônica e da imprensa na definição do cenário cultural da Belle Époque carioca sob dois aspectos: como forma de profissionalização dos literatos e como parte do esforço de compreensão da experiência de modernização vivida pela capital federal no início do século XX. A análise também permite perceber o interesse do autor pela vida moderna assim como afirmar que o progresso técnico que marcou o período está presente tanto na forma quanto no conteúdo dessa série de crônicas. / [en] This work aims to analyze the column Cinematographo, written by Joe, one of Paulo Barreto s pseudonyms, which was published in Gazeta de Notícias from August 1907 to December 1910. The manuscripts analysis allows to set up the difference between the column and the homonym book, issued in 1909. The study also tries to show the author s unique narrative in this sequence of texts and the importance of the chronicle and of the press in the definition of the cultural scene of Belle Époque in Rio de Janeiro city under two aspects: as a way of literati professionalization and as part of the effort of comprehension of the modernization experience lived by the federal capital in the beginning of the 20th century. The analysis reveals the writer s interest in the modern life, as allows to assert that the technical progress, characteristic of the period, is present both in form and sense of these chronicles.

Comunicação Científica na Medicina Tropical no contexto da Ciência da informação (Séculos XIX e XX)

Santana, Celeste Maria de Oliveira 01 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Valdinei Souza (neisouza@hotmail.com) on 2015-10-07T17:56:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final Celeste.pdf: 2424628 bytes, checksum: cc72295255e39e5dbecce8de2ada24b1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Urania Araujo (urania@ufba.br) on 2015-10-22T20:25:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final Celeste.pdf: 2424628 bytes, checksum: cc72295255e39e5dbecce8de2ada24b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-22T20:25:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final Celeste.pdf: 2424628 bytes, checksum: cc72295255e39e5dbecce8de2ada24b1 (MD5) / Tratar-se-á de pesquisa sobre a história da ciência em um campo do saber científico: a medicina tropical na Bahia no contexto da ciência da informação. Nesse sentido, a Escola Tropicalista Baiana dos séculos XIX e XX, respectivamente à construção do conhecimento científico realizada pelas comunidades científicas através das suas contribuições publicadas na Gazeta Médica da Bahia, periódico considerado o primeiro veículo de comunicação científica da área médica brasileira, é o foco deste estudo. O século XIX focaliza os três pesquisadores estrangeiros: o alemão Wucherer, o escocês Paterson e o português Silva Lima, considerados como verdadeiros fundadores da medicina experimental no Brasil com a apresentação de novos métodos de pesquisas aplicados na identificação e cura de doenças tropicais na população carente de Salvador. Segundo Caldas Coni (1952), referencial teórico desta pesquisa, a medicina da Bahia é dividida em três épocas ou estágios de evolução: 1ª) Época empírica (de 1500 a 1808 - data da fundação do ensino médico); 2ª) Época dos sistemas teóricos (de 1808 a 1866 - ano da fundação da Gazeta Médica da Bahia) e a 3ª) Época científica (de 1866 a 1972) onde os trabalhos publicados na GMB, pelos tropicalistas nesses períodos, mostram claramente o espírito de observação com que foram elaborados e assinalam o início da época científica da medicina baiana. Anteriormente a esta época, especificamente a “empírica” (indígena, africana e jesuítica) exercida por uma “chusma heteróclita de curandeiros” a medicina largamente praticada foi a dos pagés, que empiricamente descobriam os efeitos de nossas plantas medicinais. A evolução da Escola Tropicalista Baiana da época científica ao século XX, focaliza Pirajá da Silva, Octavio Mangabeira, Aluizio Prata, Rodolfo Teixeira, Zilton Andrade, Sonia Andrade, José Carlos Bina, Mitermayer Galvão dos Reis e pesquisadores que muito contribuíram nesse período, nos vários campos do conhecimento científico da Medicina Tropical na Bahia. Os resultados desta pesquisa apresentam contribuições científicas da Escola Tropicalista Baiana dos séculos XIX e XX, a partir da inserção da ciência da informação com ênfase nos estudos acerca da análise da comunicação científica / Abstract- Will research it is on the history of science in a field of scientific nowledge, tropical medicine in Bahia in the context of information science. In this ense secondly, the Bahian Tropicalist School of the nineteenth and twentieth, respectively, to the construction of scientific knowledge held by the scientific communities through their contributions published in the Medical Gazette of Bahia, periodic considered the first vehicle of scientific communication in the medical Brazilian, is the focus of this study. The nineteenth century focuses on three foreign researchers: Wucherer the German, the Scot Paterson and Portuguese Silva Lima, considered as true founders of experimental medicine in Brazil with the presentation of new research methods applied in the identification and cure of tropical diseases in the population lacking Salvador. According Caldas Coni (1952) theoretical framework of this research, medicine Bahia is divided into three periods or stages of evolution: 1) Season empirical (from 1500 to 1808 - the date of the foundation of medical education); 2nd) season of theoretical systems (from 1808 to 1866 - the year of the founding of the Medical Gazette of Bahia; and 3rd) season Scientific (1866-1972) where works published in the Medical Gazette of Bahia by tropicalists such period clearly show the spirit of observation which were developed and mark the beginning of the scientific era of medicine Bahia. Prior to this time, specifically the "empirical" (indigenous, African and Jesuit) exerted by a "mob heteroclite healers” medicine was widely practiced of the shamans, who discovered empirically the effects of our medicinal plants. The evolution of the School of Bahian Tropicalist scientific age to thet wentieth century, focusing Pirajá da Silva, Octávio Mangabeira, Aluizio Prata, Rodolfo Teixeira, Zilton Andrade, Sonia Andrade,José Carlos Bina, Mitermayer Galvão Reis and researchers who contributed greatly during this period, in various fields of scientific knowledge in Bahia Tropical Medicine. These results show tropicalist Bahia school of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, from the insertion of information sciences with emphasis studies about analysis of scientific communication.

Le Québec anglophone: une communauté distincte du reste du Canada? : étude comparative des positions éditoriales de deux journaux anglophones - The Gazette et The Globe and Mail - en rapport avec certains débats publics au Québec et au Canada de 1976 à 1982

Lacasse, Chantal 13 December 2023 (has links)
Les sociétés canadienne et québécoise se sont tissées au fil des rencontres avec l'altérité. Notre analyse comparative des éditoriaux de The Gazette et du Globe and Mail s'inscrit à un moment où s'opère, sur la scène provinciale, un renversement du rapport de force entre les deux communautés linguistiques québécoises, l'anglophone et la francophone, et, sur la scène fédérale, une véritable refondation identitaire du pays. En raison de son inscription dans la socialité franco-québécoise, le discours de The Gazette paraît être le fruit « d'un processus incessant d'échanges, d'emprunts, de négociations, de transmissions et de transformations » avec l'autre, à savoir les Franco-Québécois. Par son appropriation de matériaux culturels franco-québécois, le journal montréalais exprime une affiliation fluide et plurielle, voire de l'ordre de celle du caméléon, modifiant son épiderme selon les circonstances et les environnements. C'est ainsi que, suivant les contextes politiques, idéologiques et discursifs, cette position est québécoise, anglo-québécoise, canadienne ou canadienne-anglaise. En incorporant la variable « Québec » au cœur de son équation éditoriale, The Gazette saisit et présente, avec plus d'empathie, de justesse et de subtilité que ne le fait le Globe and Mail, les enjeux liés aux réalités québécoises et canadiennes. Dénuées du « fardeau » québécois, les analyses que publie le Globe and Mail sont plus distancées, mais aussi moins éclairées, à l'endroit de la donne québécoise, entre autres parce que le quotidien torontois n'inclut pas, ou inclut très peu, le Québec dans sa vision du Canada. / Canadian and Quebec societies have been woven together through encounters with otherness. Our comparative analysis of the editorials of The Gazette and The Globe and Mail takes place at a time when, on the provincial scene, the balance of power between Quebec's two main linguistic communities, anglophone and francophone, is shifting and, on the federal scene, the country is undergoing a true reshaping of its identity. As a result of being embedded in Franco-Quebec sociality, The Gazette's discourse appears to be the result of "a continuous process of exchange, borrowing, negotiation, transmission and transformation" with the other, namely Franco-Quebecers. By its appropriation of Franco-Quebec cultural materials, the Montreal newspaper expresses a fluid and plural affiliation, similar to the skin of a chameleon, adapting itself in response to circumstances and environments. Thus, depending on the political, ideological and discursive contexts, this position is Québécois, Anglo-Québécois, Canadian, or English- Canadian. By incorporating the "Québec" variable into its editorial equation, The Gazette captures and presents the issues related to Quebec and Canadian realities with more empathy, accuracy and subtlety than does The Globe and Mail. Without the Quebec "burden", the analyses published by The Globe and Mail are more distanced, and also less insightful, with regard to the Quebec situation, partly because the Toronto newspaper does not include Quebec in its vision of Canada, or only slightly.

Deviant Society: The Self-Reliant "Other" in Transcendental America

Bhagwanani, Ashna 22 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation utilizes theories of deviance in conjunction with literary methods of reading and analyzing to study a range of deviant or transgressive characters in American literature of the 1840s and 50s. I justify this methodology on the basis of the intersecting and related histories of Emersonian self-reliance and deviance in American thought. I contend that each of the texts of self-reliance discussed by the dissertation – The National Police Gazette (1845-present), Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) and My Bondage and My Freedom (1855), Margaret Fuller’s Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845), Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” (1849) and Walden (1854), and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter (1850) and The Blithedale Romance (1852) – actually sanctions deviance. Since deviance is endorsed by these texts in some shape or form, it is a critical component of American culture; consequently American culture is one that promotes deviance. My work on Douglass and Thoreau employs the sociological theories of Robert K. Merton (1949) to investigate the tensions between the culturally lauded goal of self-reliance and the legitimate means for securing this. I explore the importance of Transcendentalist self-reliance to the American Dream ethos and the ways in which it is valorized by each protagonist. The work on the National Police Gazette puts popular and elite forms of literary discourse into conversation with one another. My primary concern here is with explaining why and how specific self-reliant behaviours are deemed “deviant” in the literary context, but “criminal” by popular works. The chapters on female deviance elucidate the confines of women’s writing and writing about women as well as the acceptable female modes of conduct during the nineteenth century. They also focus on the ways female characters engaged in deviance from within these rigid frameworks. A functionalist interrogation of female deviance underscores the ways society is united against those women who are classed as unwomanly or unfeminine. My conclusion seeks to reinvigorate the conversation regarding the intersection between literature and the social sciences and suggests that literature in many ways often anticipates sociological theory. Ultimately, I conclude by broadening the category of the self-reliant individual to include, for instance, females and African-American slaves who were otherwise not imagined to possess such tendencies. Thus, this dissertation revises notions of Emerson’s concept of self-reliance by positioning it instead as a call to arms for all Americans to engage in deviant or socially transgressive behaviour.

Deviant Society: The Self-Reliant "Other" in Transcendental America

Bhagwanani, Ashna 22 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation utilizes theories of deviance in conjunction with literary methods of reading and analyzing to study a range of deviant or transgressive characters in American literature of the 1840s and 50s. I justify this methodology on the basis of the intersecting and related histories of Emersonian self-reliance and deviance in American thought. I contend that each of the texts of self-reliance discussed by the dissertation – The National Police Gazette (1845-present), Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) and My Bondage and My Freedom (1855), Margaret Fuller’s Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845), Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” (1849) and Walden (1854), and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter (1850) and The Blithedale Romance (1852) – actually sanctions deviance. Since deviance is endorsed by these texts in some shape or form, it is a critical component of American culture; consequently American culture is one that promotes deviance. My work on Douglass and Thoreau employs the sociological theories of Robert K. Merton (1949) to investigate the tensions between the culturally lauded goal of self-reliance and the legitimate means for securing this. I explore the importance of Transcendentalist self-reliance to the American Dream ethos and the ways in which it is valorized by each protagonist. The work on the National Police Gazette puts popular and elite forms of literary discourse into conversation with one another. My primary concern here is with explaining why and how specific self-reliant behaviours are deemed “deviant” in the literary context, but “criminal” by popular works. The chapters on female deviance elucidate the confines of women’s writing and writing about women as well as the acceptable female modes of conduct during the nineteenth century. They also focus on the ways female characters engaged in deviance from within these rigid frameworks. A functionalist interrogation of female deviance underscores the ways society is united against those women who are classed as unwomanly or unfeminine. My conclusion seeks to reinvigorate the conversation regarding the intersection between literature and the social sciences and suggests that literature in many ways often anticipates sociological theory. Ultimately, I conclude by broadening the category of the self-reliant individual to include, for instance, females and African-American slaves who were otherwise not imagined to possess such tendencies. Thus, this dissertation revises notions of Emerson’s concept of self-reliance by positioning it instead as a call to arms for all Americans to engage in deviant or socially transgressive behaviour.

Journalisme et influence politique pendant la révolution de 1848 : l’exemple de la Nouvelle gazette rhénane / Journalism and political power during the revolution in 1848 : based on the studies of die Neue Rheinische Zeitung

Mattes, Gudrun 02 March 2015 (has links)
Notre travail a comme objectif d’étudier la fonction de la Nouvelle gazette rhénane pendant la révolution de 1848 en Allemagne. A partir d’un corpus constitué des numéros du journal, y compris les éditions spéciales et les suppléments, notre étude analyse la conception du journal voulue par ses fondateurs, sa réalisation journalistique ainsi que l’évolution de sa ligne politique. Comme outil d’analyse nous nous appuyons sur la notion de l’espace public, notamment de l’espace public bourgeois, conçue par Jürgen Habermas en 1961, mais aussi sur les notions d’un espace public plébéien et d’un espace public prolétarien que la recherche a développées entre-temps. Après avoir étudié l’état de l’espace public en Allemagne, l’évolution du mouvement ouvrier avant et au début de la révolution et les prémices de la Nouvelle gazette rhénane, nous développons l’hypothèse que le journal fut un projet indépendant, explicitement conçu pour l’espace public bourgeois, en parallèle avec le projet de la Ligue des communistes qui, elle, a été créée à l’attention du mouvement ouvrier et pour l’espace public prolétarien naissant. La conception de la Nouvelle gazette rhénane puise ses sources dans les analyses de ses fondateurs, notamment de son rédacteur en chef Karl Marx, notamment en ce qui concerne la situation en Allemagne et en Europe. Suivant ces analyses, le journal a l’exigence de peser sur le cours de la révolution. L’idée de départ est de faire pression sur les parties progressistes de la bourgeoisie. En conséquence sa stratégie est de s’insérer dans le mouvement démocrate afin de pousser les démocrates vers une politique de confrontation avec la monarchie absolue. En s’adaptant au début de son existence aux critères de l’espace public bourgeois, la Nouvelle gazette rhénane correspond aux critères d’excellence de son époque : son travail rédactionnel, son organisation, sa production matérielle et sa distribution sont à la pointe du journalisme politique. Notre étude statistique des articles concernant l’Allemagne et l’étranger montre qu’il s’agit d’un journal prussien qui bénéficie d’un réseau dense de correspondants dans les régions et les Etats d’Allemagne ainsi qu’en Europe. Un accent particulier est porté sur les informations venant des pays européens. Ce fait s’explique par la conception européenne que le journal a de la révolution de 1848.La particularité du journal est à notre sens qu’il a accompagné toutes les modifications de l’espace public pendant la révolution. Sa politique se caractérise par la défense de la révolution et en premier lieu la défense de la liberté de la presse. Confronté à un morcellement et une destruction partielle de l’espace public bourgeois, sa ligne politique évolue d’une critique de la politique des parlements de Francfort et de Berlin vers une ligne de plus en plus insurrectionnelle. Notamment pendant les crises de septembre et de novembre, son influence sur les démocrates est notable sans qu’elle puisse s’imposer entièrement. En réaction à un bilan négatif de la politique du mouvement démocrate, ses rédacteurs quittent leurs fonctions dirigeantes au sein du mouvement au printemps 1849 pour intégrer la fraternité ouvrière (Allgemeine Deutsche Arbeiterverbrüderung) de Leipzig. Cette décision correspond à une orientation vers l’espace public prolétarien ; le processus de cette réorientation est cependant interrompu par la fin de la révolution et ne pourra pas se concrétiser. / Our work has the objective of studying the function of die Neue Rheinische Zeitung during the German revolution in 1848. Our work is based on a corpus that consists of all the numbers of the journal that comprise of special editions and supplements. Our study analyses the conception of the newspaper as imagined by its founders, its journalistic creation as well as the evolution of its political direction. The basis of our analysis is the notion of public sphere, notably the bourgeois public sphere conceived by Jürgen Habermas in 1961 but also the notions of the plebeian public sphere and the proletarian public sphere. These notions had been developped by the research in the meantime.After having studied the situation of the public sphere in Germany and the evolution of the labour movement that already existed at the start of the revolution and the beginnings of die Neue Rheinische Zeitung, we developped the hypothesis that the journal was an independent project conceived for the bourgeois public sphere in parallel with the project of the Communist League, which was created for the attention of the labour movement and the emerging proletarian public sphere. The conception of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung takes its inspiration from his founders, namely chief contributor Karl Marx and his analyses about the situation in Germany and in Europe. According to his analysis, the newspaper had an impact on the course of the revolution. The first idea behind it is to put the progressive parties under pressure. Consequently, his strategy is to enter the democratic movement in order to push its members towards a political confrontation with the monarchy. At the start of its existence, it adapted itself to the criteria of the bourgeois public sphere and therefore matched the criteria and the political standards of journalism at that time in terms of writing skills, organization, production and distribution. Our statistics of the articles dealing with Germany and other foreign countries show that it is about a Prussian newspaper, which benefited from a wide network of correspondents in the regions and states in Germany as well as Europe. Information coming from European countries is extremely important, certainly because of the European conception which the journal developed of the revolution in 1848. A particular feature of the journal is that it followed all the changes of the public sphere during the revolution. Its politics was characterized by the defence of the revolution ad in the first instance of the Freedom of the Press. Confronted by a splitting up and a partial destruction of the bourgeois public sphere, the political movement started moving from a critic of the Parliaments in Frankfurt and Berlin into a more and more insurrectional direction against the government. During the crises of September and November 1848, its influence on the democrats is notable without being completely imposing. In reaction to the negative results of the democratic political movement, the contributors started quitting the leadership in Rhineland in spring 1849 to integrate die Allgemeine Deutsche Arbeiterverbrüderung of Leipzig. The decision corresponded to a changing direction towards the proletarian public sphere whose progress had been interrupted by the end of the revolution and could not be realized.

The 1901 Fort Wayne, Indiana City Election: A Political Dialogue of Ethnic Tension

Brown, Nancy Eileen January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 1901, three German American candidates ran for the office of mayor in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The winner, Henry Berghoff, had emigrated from Germany as a teenager. This thesis examines the election discourse in the partisan press for signs of ethnic tension. The first chapter places Fort Wayne in historical context of German immigration and Indiana history. The second and third chapters investigate the editorial pages for evidence of ethnic tension. I also reference a few articles of an editorial nature outside of the editorial pages. The second chapter provides background information about the election and examines indications of the candidates’ ethnicity and references to the German language papers. The third chapter considers the editorial comment about Germany, the intertwining of ethnicity and the issues, and ethnic name-calling. In order to identify underlying bias for or against Germany and to better understand the context of the references to German ethnicity, the fourth chapter explores the portrayal of Germany in the Fort Wayne papers.

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