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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handlingar talar starkare än ord : En kvalitativ undersökning om konsumenters attityd och beteende inom Fast Fashion

Hatami, Arina, Chowdhury, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att söka djupare förståelse för Gen-Z konsumenters lojalitet i form av hur deras attityder och beteende skiljer sig mot Fast Fashion handel och hur sambandet mellan dem kan se ut. Vidare syftar denna studie att identifiera konsekvenserna av de olika uppfattningarna i form Word of Mouth. Forskningsfrågor: <ul type="disc">Hur ser konsumenternas bild ut av ett varumärke inom Fast Fashion och vad beror detta på? Hur ser skillnaden ut mellan konsumenters attityd och beteende gentemot ett Fast Fashion varumärke? Hur ser konsumenters lojalitet ut i helhet till ett Fast Fashion varumärke baserat på attitydmässiga samt beteendemässiga faktorer? Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ ansats och datan har samlats in med hjälp av fokusgrupper samt djupintervjuer i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teoretisk referensram: De teorier som används i denna studie är Varumärkesbild, Varumärkesattityd, Varumärkeslojalitet, Lojalitetsmodell samt Lojalitetsindelning av Dick och Basu (1994), Lojalitetspyramiden av Aaker (1991) och slutligen Word of Mouth. Slutsatser: Slutsatserna är att respondenterna har en negativ varumärkesbild av H&amp;M som varumärke. Det identifierades även en motsägelse mellan respondenters attityder och beteenden då de skilde sig åt markant. Respondenternas lojalitet till varumärket visade sig vara väldigt svag. De negativa attityderna visade sig även ha stor påverkan på Word of Mouth som sprids konsumenter emellan. / Aim: The aim of this study is to search for a deeper understanding of Gen-Z’s consumer loyalty in the form of their attitudes and behaviour towards Fast Fashion and how the relationship between these factors can look like. Furthermore this study aims to identify the consequences of the the different perceptions in the form of Word of Mouth. Research questions: <ul type="disc">What does consumers brand image look like when it comes to a Fast Fashion brand and what does it depend on? What are the differences between consumers attitudes and behaviour towards a Fast Fashion brand? What does consumers loyalty look like in its whole to a Fast Fashion brand based off attitudinal and behavioural factors? Method: This study is based on a qualitative approach and the data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. Both focus groups and individual interviews have been conducted. Theoretical framework: The theories that have been applied are Brand Image, Brand Attitude, Brand Loyalty, Loyalty Model and Loyalty Classification by Dick &amp; Basu (1994), Loyaltypyramid (Aaker 1991) and finally Word of Mouth. Conclusions: The conclusions are that the respondents has got a negative image of H&amp;M as a brand. A contradiction was also identified between the respondents attitudes and behaviour considering they were very different. The loyalty towards the brand was not very strong. The negative attitudes of the respondents had an significant influence on the brands Word of Mouth.

What makes a fashion apparel brand cool? : An exploratory study on Gen-Z men

Rosén, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Gen-Z are emerging as new consumers in the market, with more demands on brands than previous generations. Despite studies have showcased that brands can be perceived as cool by Gen-Z consumers, there is so far no research investigating what drives a brand to be perceived as cool by Gen-Z consumers. Furthermore, there is no research so far which has explored Gen-Z men in relation to fashion apparel consumption. This research hence seeks to gain a better understanding of Gen-Z men and their perception of cool fashion apparel brands.  Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore what factors drive fashion apparel brands to be perceived as cool by Gen-Z men, and how these factors drive fashion apparel brands to be perceived as cool by Gen-Z men. Method: This study uses a qualitative methodology, consisting of 11 semi-structured interviews on Gen-Z men. An abductive thematic analysis complimented with a theoretical model was used to analyse the interviews, the theoretical model was adapted as a result of the findings.  Conclusions: The conclusions are that 7 different factors drive fashion apparel brands to be perceived as cool by the Gen-Z men in this study. It was found that the factors drive a fashion brand to be cool due to inheriting specific themes, in total 23 different themes were found across the 7 factors, hence the themes are how the seven factors drive a fashion apparel brand to be perceived as cool by the Gen-Z men in this study.

Chinese Gen Z's Knowledge of, Attitude toward, and Behavioral Intentions towards Personal Luxury Fashion Goods available via Drop Marketing Strategies

Huang, Ouya 17 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Finfluencers och Gen Z : En kvalitativ studie av hur finfluencers kan påverka den digitala generationens investeringsbeslut

Lindström, Felix, Seilitz, Wilhelm January 2023 (has links)
I takt med att internet växer sig större och större blir influencers en del av vardagen för många unga och de inriktar sig på många olika områden. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur Gen Z upplever att deras investeringsbeslut kan bli påverkade av finansiella influencers, även kallat finfluencers. Gen Z valdes specifikt eftersom tidigare forskning visade att generationen har vissa specifika karaktärsdrag som påverkar deras beteende på sociala medier och som konsumenter. Med utgång i the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med 12 respondenter som tillhörde Gen Z och hade en disponibel inkomst. Intervjusvaren analyserades sedan genom tematisk analys för att skapa en helhetssyn över hur beteendet kan påverkas. Resultaten från studien visar hur finfluencers kan påverka individer ur Gen Z på olika sätt. Exempelvis kan trovärdigheten hos en finfluencers budskap förstärkas genom att denne har akademisk bakgrund inom ekonomi eller kan presentera tidigare positiva resultat på aktiemarknaden. Det fanns delade meningar om huruvida individer skulle interagera med en finfluencer av sociala skäl men det framgick att individer som saknar kunskaper gällande investeringar löper större risk att bli påverkade av finfluencers. / With the internet growing and growing, influencers have become part of everyday life for youths and they focus on many different areas. The purpose of this study was to examine how Gen Z experiences the influence financial influencers, also known as finfluencers, could have on their investment decisions. Gen Z was chosen because previous research suggests that the generation has certain characteristics that affect their behavior on social media and as consumers. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a framework, semi structured interviews were held with 12 respondents from Gen Z who also had a disposable income. The answers were analyzed using thematic analysis to create a holistic view of how the behavior can be affected. The results show that finfluencers can affect individuals belonging to Gen Z in different ways. Credibility of influencers can be improved by having an academic degree or being able to present positive results from earlier investment activities. There were differing opinions regarding whether individuals would interact with a finfluencer for social reasons. However, the interviews showed that individuals without relevant knowledge are more at risk of being influenced.

Inflationary Pressure: Exploring the Impact of Inflation on Gen Z’s Sustainable Consumption

Jahrl, Erik, Mebrahtom, Betiel January 2024 (has links)
Background: Consumers of Gen Z are facing a reality of high inflation. With their unique characteristics and strong attitudes towards sustainability and environmental concern, this thesis is examining how their sustainable consumption is affected by inflation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of inflation on the sustainable consumption of Generation z.  Method: A paradigm of interpretivism and abductive reasoning is used in the research and a multiple case study was conducted using semi-structured interviews.  Conclusion: Consumers of Gen Z are having a difficult time purchasing sustainable products because of inflation. Sustainable consumption has become difficult to maintain due to having less funds among Gen Z. As a result, Gen z consumers changed their consumption to less- costly and more sustainable alternative in order to adapt to the economic situation.   Despite inflation, our research has shown Gen Z consumers are still dedicated to the issue of sustainability and environment.

Exploring Generational Differences in Emotional Response to the Pandemic

Aros, Michelle 01 January 2022 (has links)
COVID-19 was a pandemic that has impacted the world in various ways and forced everyone to quarantine within the confounds of their homes. As studies investigated the effects of the pandemic, it was found that undergraduate students faced severe emotional and psychological difficulties being “at-risk” for greater psychological distress (Mayorga et al., 2021). Undergraduate students are currently made up of Generation Z individuals who are born from 1995 to 2010 (Ang et al., 2021). The present study investigates the relationship between mental health and generational cultural attitudes to explore whether there is a correlation between the stressors from COVID and generation Z’s cultural attitudes. A hypothesis is that generation z college students with more mental health issues due to COVID stressors will be more collectivist and the other is that Generation Z college students are more likely to experience more distress from COVID stressors than previous generations. Participants were given an online survey with the Individualism and Collectivism Scale (Triandis & Gelfand, 1998), Beck’s Depression Inventory-II (Beck et al., 1996), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1983), and the Covid Stress Scale (Taylor et al., 2020). Data collection includes 183 undergraduate students from the University of Central Florida. Pearson correlations were conducted between depression, anxiety, and COVID stress. Also, a Pearson correlation was also made between individualism, collectivism, and COVID stress. Lastly, a paired sample t-test was conducted to compare the means between individualism and collectivism. Overall, results did not show support for the first hypothesis because although there was a significant correlation between depression, anxiety, and COVID stress, it cannot be told how much COVID stress affected mental health. Additionally, there was no significant correlation between collectivism or individualism and COVID stress, indicating that cultural attitudes did not predict the level of COVID distress. However, results did find that students were statistically more collectivistic than individualistic, which supports a part of my hypothesis. Understanding cohort and generational differences in emotional response to the COVID-19 pandemic will help in recognizing and assisting these groups. This would demonstrate a difference in emotional response to the pandemic between generations that could help in mental health resources in any future emergency situations.

Konsten att framstå som en attraktiv arbetsgivare för generation Z : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsgivare på en mindre ort kan framstå som attraktiv för den yngre generationen i förhållande till urbaniseringen / A qualitative study on how employers in a small town can appear attractive to the younger generation in relation to urbanization.

Stenman, Anton, Vinter, Liisa January 2023 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att få en djupare förståelse kring hur företag på en mindre ort kan attrahera morgondagens humana resurser. Med den ständiga urbaniseringen som sker i Sverige där konkurrensen om arbetskraft växer mellan större och mindre städer upptäcktes en kunskapslucka. Nämligen att ta reda på hur företag, på mindre orter i förhållande till de större städerna kan stärka sitt employer brand och dess attraktivitet för att attrahera den yngre generationen g. Arbetskraften är en stor tillgång för organisationer och med hjälp av employer branding som strategi kan organisationer stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke för att attrahera potentiella arbetssökande. Själva begreppet employer branding, på svenska även kallat arbetsgivarvarumärke myntades för första gången 1996. Employer branding handlar både om att framställa företaget som attraktiv och höja engagemanget hos deras nuvarande anställda, eftersom medarbetarna blir en del av företagets marknadsföring. Vi som har genomfört denna studie fokuserar på att undersöka vilka attribut som Generation Z, i denna text förkortat till Gen Z, uppfattar som attraktiva och hur företag kan arbeta för att möta generationens intressen. De år som Gen Z tillhör varierar mellan olika forskare men det tenderar att vara mellan 1995 – 2010. Det som särskiljer generationen är att de är den första generationen som inte har växt upp utan internet. Denna studie har sitt fokus på en kartongfabrik i södra Dalarna som tillhör en större koncern. I denna studie har vi tittat på forskning kring employer branding, Gen Z, attraktivt arbete och urbanisering. Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod med utgångspunkt i fenomenologin där datainsamlingen har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Metoden valdes för att kunna undersöka fenomenet kring individers upplevelser och erfarenheter. Studien fokuserade på två olika perspektiv, medarbetarperspektivet och elevperspektivet, således valdes fyra medarbetare och sju elever till studiens respondenter. Resultatet visar vilka egenskaper Gen Z finner mest attraktiva hos en framtida arbetsgivare. Kontaktnätet och ryktesspridning har en stor betydelse på individers beslut om arbetsgivare. Ett ytterligare resultat visar även på vikten utav att bygga upp den interna synen på företaget för att det skall spridas externt. En slutsats som dras är att det kampenom arbetskraft mellan större och mindre städer är svår att vinna för de mindre städerna. Det blir viktigt för företag på mindre städer att tidigt knyta kontakt med den yngre generationen, detta ökar chanserna att rekrytera dem när de är i ett stadie i livet då de mindre städerna är attraktiva igen. / The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how employers in a small town can attract future colleagues. Due to the constant urbanization that takes place in Sweden where the competition for labor is growing between larger and smaller towns, a knowledge gap was discovered. To find out how employers, in smaller towns in relation to the larger labor markets, can strengthen their employer brand and it´s attractiveness to attract the younger generation (Gen Z). The workforce is a big asset to organizations and with help from employer branding as a strategy they can strengthen their employer brand to attract potential employees. The concept employer branding, in Swedish called arbetsgivarvarumärke, was coined for the first time in 1996. Employer branding is about highlighting the employer as an attractive workplace and increasing the engagement with their current employees, since the employees becomes a part of the employer marketing. This study focuses on which attributes Gen Z finds attractive and how employers can work to meet the interests of the generation. The years to which Gen Z belongs varies between different researchers but it tends to be between 1995 – 2010. What sets the generation apart is that they are the first generation not to have grown up without the internet This study has it´s focus on a papermill in southern Dalarna that belongs to a bigger company. We have examinated previous research regarding employer branding, Gen Z, attractive work and urbanization. The study is carried out with a qualitative method with it´s starting point in phenomenology where the data was collected through semi structured interviews. The method was chosen to be able to investigate the phenomenon of individuals' experiences and feelings. The study focused on two perspectives, the employees and students, therefore we chose four employees and seven students as respondents. The result shows which qualities Gen Z finds most attractive in a future employer. The social networks and rumors have a big impact on individuals decision making regarding employers. Another result shows the importance of building the internal view of the company in order for it to spread externally. One conclusion that is drawn is that the battle for labor between larger and smaller cities is difficult for the smaller cities to win. It becomes important for companies in smaller cities to establish early contact with the younger generation, this increases the chances of recruiting them when they are at a stage in their lives when the smaller cities are attractive again.

Vart är influencer marketing på väg? : En kvalitativ undersökning gällande svenska generation Zs attityd till influencer marketing

Chowdhury, Rakib January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en ökad förståelse om Gen Zs attityd till influencermarketing och för att undersöka hur Gen Z har blivit påverkade av den mängd sponsrat innehållde exponeras för på sociala medier. För att besvara studiens syfte har två forskningsfrågorframställts. För att samla in empiriskt material och besvara på forskningsfrågorna, genomfördesnio intervjuer med personer mellan 18-28. Under intervjuerna fick deltagarna svara på frågorkopplade till forskningsfrågorna, datan sammanställdes och diskuterades för att besvara studiensforskningsfrågor. Resultatet för forskningsfråga 1 (FF1) visade att Gen Z blir negativt påverkadeav den ökade mängd sponsrat innehåll de exponeras för, respondenterna förklarar att de känt sigöverväldigade vilket har resulterat i att man upplevt minskat förtroende mot influencers.Resultatet för forskningsfråga 2 (FF2) visade att Gen Z har blandade inställningar gällandeinfluencer marketing, men att majoriteten hade en negativ attityd till influencer marketing. Flerarespondenter förklarade att influencer marketing kändes påträngande och skapadeirritationskänslor när de använde olika sociala medieplattformar som Youtube, Instagram ochTiktok. För vidare forskning rekommenderar författaren att undersöka hur den ökade mängdensponsrat innehåll påverkar Gen Zs upplevelser och erfarenheter kopplat till de olika socialamedieplattformarna som Youtube, Tiktok och Instagram. Eftersom dessa tre plattformar ärväldigt olika är även reklamen anpassad till varje enskild plattform, en fördjupad kunskap omdess påverkan på Gen Z och deras inställning till sponsrat innehåll för respektive socialmedieplattform på sociala medieplattform kan hjälpa företag att anpassa deras strategierberoende på vilken plattform de väljer att använda som marknadsföringskanal / The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of Gen Z's attitude towards influencermarketing and to investigate how Gen Z has been influenced by the amount of sponsored contentthey are exposed to on social media. To address the research objective, two research questionswere formulated. To collect empirical data and answer the research questions, nine interviewswere conducted with individuals aged 18-28. During the interviews, participants were askedquestions related to the research questions, which were then analyzed and discussed to presentthe findings. The findings for research question 1( RQ1) indicated that Gen Z is negativelyaffected by the volume of sponsored content they are exposed to. Respondents explained thatthey felt overwhelmed, which led to a decrease in trust towards influencers. The findings forresearch question 2 (RQ2) revealed that Gen Z has mixed attitudes towards influencer marketing,with the majority holding a negative attitude. Several respondents explained that influencermarketing (IM) felt intrusive and generated feelings of irritation when using various social mediaplatforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. For further research, the author recommendscomparing how Gen Z is influenced by the amount of sponsored content they are exposed to andtheir attitudes towards sponsored content on different social media platforms such as YouTube,TikTok, and Instagram. Since these three platforms are distinct, and advertising is tailored toeach platform, a deeper understanding of how Gen Z is influenced and their attitude towardssponsored content on different social media platforms can help companies tailor their strategiesbased on the platform they choose to use as a marketing channel.

Cracking the Code : How organisations can improve attraction and retention of Generation Z

Orrheim, Elin, Thunvall, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Following the increased competition for organisations to attract and retain young talent, organisation must better adapt to the needs and desires of the labour force. In order to better understand their target groups, Generational Theory has gained track within the field of Human Resources. Now, Generation Z enters the labour market and companies might face new challenges in attracting and retaining this young group of workers. However, the recent entry of Generation Z makes it a relatively unexplored topic, calling for extensive research regarding their needs and behaviour.   Previous research on Generation Z during the time of this study existed through quantitative reports provided by organisations, thus calling for academic research within this subject. As such, the purpose of this study is to investigate how Gen Z include their values in their decision making when looking to join an organisation and how this will impact attraction and retention strategies of organisations.   In order to meet the purpose, a qualitative study have been performed, allowing for an engagement with Gen Z not possible through a quantitative study. Focus groups were held to investigate the values of Gen Z and how these values impact their decision-making about joining an organisation. Semi-structured interviews were performed on Human Resource managers represented at two companies to investigate current attraction and retention strategies. The research followed an abductive approach, where the empirical findings were analysed and compared to Generational Theory, P-O fit theory, and existing research regarding Gen Z.   The empirical findings show that values and needs of Generation Z are not fully met by organisations today and key strategical improvements are suggested as a result of the findings. Furthermore, the study shows some different results in the findings on Generation Z in comparison to previous quantitative reports, thus providing an extended view on Generation Z as well as highlighting the need for further qualitative research within the field.

WHAT ATTRACTS GEN Z? : A thesis about how companies strategically are attracting generation Z with IT/digital related competence through their Employer Branding

Jarl, Mathilda January 2018 (has links)
With a new generation entering the labour market, HR departments struggle to stay attractive. The talents are hard to attract and even harder to maintain. The importance of employer branding is therefore essential for both the employer and the seekers, in order to become a match. The generation Z desires to make a change and it is up to the employer to give them the opportunity to influence and make an impact.

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