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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of the gender and professional identities of ab initio pilots

McCarthy, Faye January 2017 (has links)
Despite it being over a century since the first woman gained a pilot s licence, piloting remains a male-dominated profession. Worldwide, only 3% of airline pilots are women and, of these, only 450 hold the rank of Captain, a number who could easily be seated within a single A380. UK airlines are recognising that the low number and proportion of female pilots is an issue and some carriers, including easyJet, have introduced initiatives to promote gender diversity on the flightdeck. However, as there are few female pilots qualifying and applying for airline jobs, there is a compelling need to both examine why relatively few women consider a career as a pilot and then understand the challenges those who do make a non-traditional career choice and enter the profession face during their initial (ab initio) training in reconciling their developing professional identity as a pilot with their gender identity as a woman. The aim of this thesis is to explore the effects of women ab initio pilots minority status on their gender and professional identities. To address this aim, the thesis utilises the Theory of Tokenism, together with concepts of Gender Performativity and Professional Identity, to explore the experiences of ab-initio pilots at two UK-based Flight Training Schools. New empirical evidence, derived from in-depth interviews and surveys, found that female cadets perceive elements of their professional identities differently from men, and women cadets adopt a range of strategies to negotiate conflicts between their developing professional and gender identities. The research examines the experiences of these cadets to make both theoretical and empirical contributions to existing studies of gender-dominated professions as well as offering practical recommendations to airlines and flight training schools who are seeking to encourage more women to qualify as commercial airline pilots.

Crafting Feminism : A Study of the Intersection of Crafts and Contemporary Feminisms in Sweden / Att hantverka feminism : En studie om intersektionen mellan hantverk och samtida feminismer i Sverige

Söderström Gardevåg, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies the intersection of crafts and feminism in the Swedish context by focusing on two events organized in Stockholm in the spring of 2018: a feminist market and a #MeToo tagging event. The thesis focuses on the relationship between crafts and contemporary feminism in the Swedish context, in particular how feminism is expressed and done through crafts as well as what kind of feminism is expressed and whom it can be said to represent. Moreover, the thesis explores possible connections between Swedish feminist crafting and activism. Based on field notes from the two events as well as recorded material from six interviews with seven women from the two events, this thesis suggests that there exists a feminist crafts movement in the Swedish context. Moreover, this thesis shows that there are many ways in which crafts may be feminist, such as when crafts are used to convey explicit feminist statements, when they are placed in public or when they empower women. The kind of feminism expressed through crafts has women as its subject, though without specifying if this includes all women or only certain kinds of women. As demonstrated by the visitors and exhibitors at the feminist market and the tagging event, this feminism seems to mainly attract white, middle-class women and feminists. The question of whether feminist crafts in general, and these two events in particular, are connected to activism cannot be easily determined and it is thus argued that what is of importance is not if these two events can be labeled as activist, but rather if they can be understood as events that make a difference. As a result, this thesis suggests that feminist crafts reflect a broader Swedish feminist discourse that, despite acknowledging the importance of intersectionality, fails to analyze how sex/gender intersect with ethnicity and race. A critical discussion is thus needed within the feminist crafting community where the issue of homogeneity within the community is prioritized. More specifically, this thesis suggests that the community ask itself how it can change, and what actions could be taken in order to make feminist crafts more attractive to a wider group of feminists. Likewise, they should also reflect on the underlying factors as to why this community is homogenous and why it fails to attract a more diverse crowd of feminists. / Denna studie undersöker intersektionen mellan hantverk och feminism i den svenska kontexten genom att fokusera på två evenemang som organiserades i Stockholm under våren 2018: en feministisk marknad och en #MeToo taggning. Uppsatsen fokuserar på relationen mellan hantverk och samtida feminism i den svenska kontexten, framförallt i form av hur feminism uttrycks och görs genom hantverk liksom vilken typ av feminism som uttrycks och vem den kan sägas representera. Dessutom utforskar uppsatsen möjliga kopplingar mellan svenskt feministiskt hantverkande och aktivism. Baserat på fältanteckningar från de två eventen liksom inspelat material från sex intervjuer med sju kvinnor från de två evenemangen så föreslår denna uppsats att det existerar en feministisk hantverksrörelse i den svenska kontexten. Dessutom visar uppsatsen att hantverk kan vara feministiskt på många olika sätt, så som när hantverk används för att förmedla explicita feministiska åsikter, när de tar plats i offentligheten eller när de stärker kvinnor. Den typ av feminism som uttrycks genom hantverk har kvinnor som sitt subjekt, dock utan att specificera om detta inkluderar alla kvinnor eller endast vissa grupper av kvinnor. Besökarna och utställarna vid den feministiska marknaden och taggningen visar att denna typ av feminism främst attraherar vita medelklasskvinnor och -feminister. Frågan om huruvida feministiskt hantverkande i allmänhet, och dessa två evenemang i synnerhet, är kopplade till aktivism kan inte besvaras enkelt och därför argumenterar uppsatsen för att det är viktigare att fokusera på om dessa två evenemang kan sägas göra skillnad snarare än om de kan tillskrivas en form av aktivistetikett. Som sitt resultat så föreslår denna uppsats att feministiskt hantverkande reflekterar en bredare svensk feministisk diskurs som misslyckas med att analysera hur kön/genus är sammanflätat med etnicitet och ras, trots att den erkänner vikten av intersektionellt tänkande. En kritisk diskussion inom den feministiska hantverksrörelsen är därför nödvändig, där frågan om rörelsens homogenitet bör prioriteras. Mer specifikt så föreslår denna uppsats att rörelsen bör fråga sig själv hur den kan förändras och vilka åtgärder som kan tas för att göra feministiskt hantverkande attraktivt för en bredare grupp av feminister. På samma sätt bör den feministiska hantverksrörelsen också reflektera kring underliggande faktorer till varför den egna rörelsen är homogen och varför den misslyckas med att attrahera en mer mångfaldig grupp av feminister.

Idrott och hälsa ur ett genusperspektiv : Hur flickor och pojkar framställs i läroböcker i idrott och hälsa

Sundholm, Mårten, Carlsson, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka läroböcker i ämnet idrott och hälsa för grund- och gymnasieskolan ur ett genusperspektiv. Frågeställningarna är: ● Hur framställs pojkar och flickor i läroböcker i idrott och hälsa? ● Finns det motsätningar mellan läobökerna och läoplanens vädegrund? Metod Studien är en kvantitativ bildanalys samt en kvalitativ textanalys där bilder och texter i läroböcker utgör det empiriska materialet vilket har bearbetats utifrån Hirdmans genusteori. Urvalet av läroböcker kom att omfatta tre stycken, där en var för grundskolan årskurs 7-9 och två för gymnasiet, Idrott 1 & 2. Läroböckerna valdes efter att det gjorts en sökning i Adlibris databas på idrott och hälsa, där tre böcker av intresse dök upp. Resultat Resultatet visar att det finns en ojämn fördelning mellan de båda könen, där pojkar är mer representerade än flickor. Det finns normer som fortfarande finns kvar från förr där skolans värdegrund hamnar i skymundan och där jämlikhetskravet inte nås. Bildanalysen visar detta bland annat genom att det endast var flickor som var klädda i badkläder på bild. Pojkar och flickor framställs ofta i stereotypa könsroller och således framställs de på olika sätt, exempelvis som att flickor inte tycker om tävlingsmomentet i idrotter, medan detta i pojkarnas fall driver dem till att idrotta. I delar av läroböckerna är det dock könsneutralt vilket är framträdande i textanalysen. Slutsats I läroböckerna råder det inte jämställdhet mellan flickor och pojkar, då pojkarna är överrepresenterade. Således finns där en motsättning mellan läroböckernas utformning och skolans värdegrund som den kommer i uttyck i läroplanerna för grund- och gymnasieskolan. Textanalysen visar att det i böckerna finns en dikotomi mellan könen, och att gamla föreställningar om vad som anses vara manligt och kvinnligt fortfarande råder. Böckerna visar även på att idrottens historia i stor utsträckning lever kvar, hur idrotten har styrts av män och varit skapad för män, och att kvinnorna kommit i andra hand.

Gender issues in teacher education in Ireland

Charthaigh, Dearbhal Ni January 1988 (has links)
In 1985 the council of Ministers of Education of the European Community agreed upon a Resolution containing an action programme for equal opportunities in education for girls and boys. One element of that programme was the inclusion of equal opportunities in the curriculum of teacher education. This thesis represents a series of developments in research and curriculum development which have resulted in a Community wide Action Research programme by the Commission of the European Communities to implement the terms of the action programme in all member states. The thesis examines the social and occupational status of women in the Republic of Ireland in the light of the differential education received by boys and girls. The participation of women in mathematics. Science and Technology in particular is examined, and, drawing on the author's own data from a sample of girls in second-level schools, conclusions regarding the nature of teacher education programmes are drawn. The central part of the thesis examines the structure of teacher education in Ireland and the place of equal opportunities in the curricula of all the institutions offering pre-service teacher education. This data is evaluated against the available data from the member states of the European Community and leads, in the final part, to a presentation of a model curriculum for the integration of equal opportunities in both pre- and in-service teacher education. Examples of the integration of gender issues in teacher education are provided from the author's own courses, and the thesis concludes with a proposal for an Action Programme to give expression to the model curriculum design presented in the thesis.

Mindre och mindre tänker jag på att det är olika kön på eleverna : en kvalitativ studie om normkritisk undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Özkan, Gabriel, Rydstedt, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att, med utgångspunkt i ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv, öka kunskapen om normkritisk undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Studiens frågeställningar är -          Vad har genusmedvetna lärare för erfarenheter av och förhållningssätt till normkritisk undervisning? -          Hur arbetar de i praktiken? Metod Vi har utfört kvalitativa intervjuer genomförda med fyra olika lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa från fyra olika skolor undervisande i olika årskurser. Ett bekvämlighetsurval genomfördes utifrån lärares egen uppfattning om genusmedvetenhet. Det teoretiska ramverk vi utgått från är genusteori för analys av empiri. Resultat Studiens resultat visar att medverkande lärare ser, bemöter och bedömer sina elever som individer, inte utifrån kön. Lärarna utgår från läroplanen och har samma krav och förväntningar på pojkar och flickor. Trygghet lyfts fram som en viktig faktor i lärarnas arbete för att bedriva en normkritisk undervisning, då trygghet ökar chansen att eleverna vågar utmana och utvecklas utanför den rådande normen. I det dagliga arbetet finns en tydlig progressionstanke i utformandet av praktiker och lärarna tillämpar pedagogiska regler i exempelvis lagidrotter. Detta för att alla elever ska ha möjlighet till att delta på lika villkor. Slutsats Slutsatser vi kan dra är att i studien deltagande lärare uppger liknande sätt att arbeta normkritiskt. Begrepp som trygghet och individuell förmåga är viktiga utgångspunkter i det normkritiska arbetet. Lärare som ser elever ur ett genusperspektiv ser också elevgrupper ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv där inte enbart kön lyfts fram som viktig faktor för att eleverna skall lyckas i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Lärare som aktivt arbetar normkritiskt med genomtänkta praktiker och val av innehåll upplever att könsnormer blir mindre synliga efter en längre tids sammanhängande undervisning, oavsett ålder på eleverna.

Effects of Acute Carbohydrate Supplementation on Performance for Female, Division I, Collegiate Cheerleaders

Realzola, Rogelio Alberto 08 September 2018 (has links)
<p> This study was designed to investigate carbohydrate supplementation during cheerleading training and its effect on performance. Seventeen participants in four trials; one to gather anthropometric data and 1-repetition maximums, one familiarization trial, a carbohydrate trial, and a placebo trial. The exercises used were power snatches from a hang position, push jerks, front squats, and box squats. The exercises most mimicked a standard strength and conditioning practice for cheerleaders. Performance was measured by calculating the difference between pre- and post-training values in vertical jump repetitions, peak power, average power, peak velocity, and average velocity in a power snatch, and a 200-m shuttle sprint. Performance values for carbohydrate and placebo trials were analyzed using a paired sample t-test, which found no significant difference between the carbohydrate and placebo trials. </p><p>

Violência sexual contra crianças : a inserção da perspectiva de gênero em pesquisas de pós-graduação da área da Educação (1987-2015) /

Spaziani, Raquel Baptista. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador(a): Ana Cláudia Bortolozzi Maia / Banca: Paulo Rennes Marçal Ribeiro / Banca: Cláudia Pereira Vianna / Banca: Jane Felipe de Souza / Banca: Maria Teresa Machado Vilaça / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar como a perspectiva de gênero se insere nas produções acadêmicas sobre violência sexual contra crianças, produzidas em programas de pós-graduação da área da Educação. Os documentos analisados foram dissertações e teses brasileiras sobre violência sexual contra crianças, publicadas entre os anos 1987-2015, levantadas no Banco de Teses e Dissertações do portal CAPES. Primeiramente foi feito um balanço das produções científicas sobre a violência sexual contra crianças de todas as áreas de conhecimento para, depois, realizar uma análise crítica das pesquisas vinculadas à área da Educação. Os sentidos analíticos e interpretativos na utilização da perspectiva de gênero foram tais como: a) sentido completo: abordar não só as diferenças sociais e culturais entre as masculinidades e feminilidades, mas também o entendimento de como se produzem essas diferenças como desigualdades de poder, relacionando-as à violência sexual contra crianças; b) sentido parcial: abordar as diferenças sociais e culturais entre as masculinidades e feminilidades, porém sem explicitar que essas construções de gênero se traduzem em desigualdades de poder, enfocando-se em outras categorias para analisar esse fenômeno; c) invisibilidade da categoria de gênero: não relacionar a perspectiva de gênero à compreensão sobre a violência sexual contra crianças, utilizando outras categorias analíticas para discorrer sobre o fenômeno. Foram localizadas 415 pesquisas (337 disserta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research aimed to investigate how a gender perspective is inserted in the academic productions on sexual violence against children, produced in postgraduate programs in the area of Education. The documents analyzed were Brazilian theses and dissertations on sexual violence against children, published between 1987 and 2015, collected at the Bank of Theses and Dissertations of the CAPES portal. It was first made a balance of scientific production on sexual violence against children in all areas of knowledge to then conduct a review of research related to the field of education. The analytical and interpretive senses in the use of the gender perspective were such as: a) complete sense: address not only the social and cultural differences between masculinity and femininity, but also the understanding of how to produce these differences as power inequalities, relating them to sexual violence against children; b) partial sense: address the social and cultural differences between masculinity and femininity, but without specifying that these buildings gender translate into power inequalities, focusing on other categories to analyze this phenomenon; c) invisibility of gender category: not relate to gender perspective into the understanding of sexual violence against children, using other analytical categories to discuss the phenomenon. 415 surveys (337 dissertations and 78 theses) were found on sexual violence against children, with 31 studies in the area of Education. It was not... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutora

The Correlation between Ankle Laxity and Weakness with the Presence of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) in Female Athletes

Coudray, Claire S. 09 November 2018 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this study was to determine if the strength and range of motion (ROM) of the calf, ankle and/or foot are related to the presence of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) in female athletes. A secondary analysis examined the efficacy of lower leg and/or ankle strengthening and stretching exercises on the presence and treatment of MTSS. The participants were measured for isometric strength of the dorsiflexors, plantarflexors, invertors and evertors, passive and active dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion and eversion ROM, anterior drawer test and weight-bearing lunge test. </p><p> Significant differences between the participants with and without MTSS were tested using two sample independent <i>t</i>-tests for the continuous variables and chi-squares for the categorical variables. Two-way ANOVA was used for the secondary analysis. No statistically significant results were found for the secondary analysis due to the sample size; however, the results of the <i>t</i>-tests and chi-squares showed a significant difference passive plantarflexion ROM, weigh<i>t</i>-bearing lunge test, Body Mass Index (BMI), sport and semesters playing at the collegiate level between participants without MTSS versus with MTSS. This investigation suggests that restricted dorsiflexion, increased plantarflexion, high BMI, type of sports and semesters playing at the collegiate level may be associated to the presence of MTSS in female athletes.</p><p>

Gender, Identity and Tabletop Roleplay Games

ONeal, Rhiannon Patricia 01 December 2011 (has links)
Identity Performativity theory is relatively new to the field of linguistics and as such has been the subject of a growing number of research in linguistics. Most popularly, focus on performativity has been the discursive construction of gendered identity/identities. Though a number of studies have sought to examine the role language performance plays in construction, a surprising few have aimed to look at activities focused on the intentional creation and maintenance of identities in a specifically performative context such as: improvisational acting and roleplaying games. This study uses a social constructionist framework through discourse analysis to examine a community of practice centered around the performance of multiple roles during a 9 hour session of Dungeons and Dragons, a tabletop roleplaying game, in order to see what strategies players employed to call out specific gendered roles and what those strategies might assume about identity construction. Primarily, how does language choice illustrate the theory that identity is not only co-constructed, but that each person embodies a series of sometimes conflicting gender identities that are often contested? The results of the research show evidence that each person constructs for themselves and others not one, but multiple, identities in the course of conversation and often for different purposes.

Felicity: Commentary and Expectations of Professors' Gender

Whited, Elizabeth Jane 01 May 2014 (has links)
Elizabeth Whited used the television show Felicity as a case study to evaluate how male and female professors are portrayed on television. Whited first looked at television as a form of media, then how males and females are portrayed within this particular medium. She interrogated how male and female professors are discussed and viewed through literature before finally looking to see if what the literature says about male and female professors holds true in Felicity.

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