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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní aspekty změny pohlaví / Legal aspects of gender reassignment

Dočekalová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Legal aspects of gender reassignment Abstract Thesis deals with legal aspects of gender reassignment, especially with legal conditions of gender reassignment witch are required by the Czech law. Furthermore, the thesis provides a general introduction to the issue of transsexuality, deals with the etiology of transsexuality, and defines its two fundamental types, namely the MtF and the FtM transsexuality. This thesis also recalls the position of transgender people in society, as transgender people continuously face various forms of discrimination. In particular, the text of the thesis is focused on the legal analysis of the issue of gender reassignment. The thesis deals with all legal regulations that contain provisions concerning gender reassignment. In this manner, it deals with all relevant legal provisions included in the Czech Civil Code, in the Act on Specific Health Services, and in the Registry Act. The thesis also deals with the possible future legal regulation of gender reassignment using the de lege ferenda considerations. This bill could adapt the Czech legal regulation of gender reassignment to the case-law of The European Court of Human Rights as well as the legal standarts in other european countries. In the thesis, there is also the whole process of gender reassignment including both the...

Ar Lietuvoje esantis lyties pakeitimo ribojimas nepažeidžia asmens teisės į privatumą? / Whether restriction of gender reassignment in Lithuania does not violate person's right to privacy?

Vilemavičiūtė, Gabija 14 June 2014 (has links)
Lyties pakeitimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių teisės į privatumą elementų, kurio tikslas, suteikti asmeniui galimybę tapti priešingos lyties atstovu. Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso 2.27 straipsnis, įtvirtinantis teisę pakeisti lytį, nurodo, kad lyties pakeitimo sąlygas bei tvarką reglamentuoja įstatymas. Tačiau tokio įstatymo šiandien Lietuvoje dar nėra, Seimas nėra pritaręs jo projektui. Nors šalyje ši procedūra nėra draudžiama, dėl teisės spragos yra neįgyvendinama. Taigi pagrindinė darbo problema yra lyties pakeitimo ribojimas, lemiantis daugelio transseksualių asmenų padėties neapibrėžtumą. Šiuo atveju susiduriama su negalėjimu atlikti chirurginį lyties keitimą bei sunkumais siekiant teisinio lyties pripažinimo. Pažymėtina, kad tai aktualu ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir užsienio šalyse. Todėl lyties keitimui taikomi ribojimai laikyti globalia problema, kurią būtina spręsti. Darbo tikslas – atlikus teisės aktų, šaltinių bei teismų praktikos analizę lyties pakeitimo atžvilgiu ištirti ir nustatyti, ar pažeidžiama asmens teisė į privatumą esant lyties pakeitimo ribojimui. Darbe keliami uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti teorinę teisės į privatumą ir lyties pakeitimo analizę, pateikiant jų sampratas; 2. Išnagrinėti tarptautinį lyties pakeitimo reglamentavimą ir įvertinti užsienio šalių patirtį lyties pakeitimo atžvilgiu; 3. Atlikti Lietuvos bei užsienio šalių teismų praktikos analizę; 4. Išanalizuoti Lietuvoje esančio lyties pakeitimo ribojimą asmens teisės į privatumą kontekste ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The individual’s right to privacy is one of the most significant and sophisticated in human rights system. Distinguished by its latitude, this law includes a number of elements among which – gender reassignment. Article 2.27 Part 1 of Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania establishes a right to medical gender reassignment, while Article’s Part 2 specifies that conditions and the procedure for the gender reassignment are prescribed by law. In order to legalize a gender reassignment in Lithuania the Gender reassignment draft law was drawn up in June 4, 2003. However, after a lot of debates, the draft was not accepted. Although, the Civil Code establishes the possibility of gender reassignment and does not prevent surgical intervention, due to legal gap, it is impossible to do a full operation of gender reassignment in Lithuania. Thus, the essential problem of this work is restriction of gender reassignment which determines the uncertainty of transsexuals. For this reason, inability to do gender reassignment and difficulties in order to get legal gender recognition is faced. The topicality of this problem is that the situation of transgender persons in Lithuania becomes uncertain because of the refusal to enact the Gender reassignment Act. In such a case, persons who want to change their gender in Lithuania, find them in a difficult situation, because they are not able to receive treatments and for this reason are forced to go to foreign countries. Moreover, the country does... [to full text]

"Vore det inte lättare om du fortsatte vara kille?" : En intervjustudie om transsexuellas upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande / "Wouldn't it be easier if you remained a guy?" : An interview study of transsexuals' experiences of the encounter from health care staff

Ericsson, Ingrid, Milton, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Transsexualism är en könsidentitetsstörning som innebär att en individ identifierar sig med det motsatta könet, och innefattar oftast en önskan om att korrigera sitt kön till det upplevda. I och med denna önskan kommer transsexuella ofta i kontakt med vården och därför krävs vårdpersonal som är kunnig och professionell i sitt bemötande. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa transsexuellas upplevelse av vårdpersonalens bemötande under den könskorrigerande processen. Metod: Studien gjordes med en kvalitativ design och datainsamlingen skedde genom intervjuer av sex transsexuella personer. Insamlad data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Respondenterna upplevde ett bra bemötande när mötet och samtalet genomsyrades av kunskap och professionalism och när personalen utgick ifrån deras livsvärld genom att ha en förstående och bekräftande inställning. När personalen istället tedde sig okunnig och oförstående upplevde sig respondenterna sårbara då de behövde övertala och anpassa sig till personalen för att få önskad vård. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar tydligt att vårdpersonalens bemötande på många sätt påverkar de transsexuella patienternas väg genom den könskorrigerande behandlingen, som för de allra flesta transsexuella är helt livsavgörande. Det är därför av stor vikt att medvetandegöra transsexuella patienters upplevelser, för att på bästa sätt kunna försäkra ett gott bemötande. Klinisk betydelse: Belysandet av transsexuellas upplevelse av bemötandet i vården kan bidra till en ökad medvetenhet om transsexualism och transsexuellas vårdbehov, för att de i framtiden ska kunna erbjudas bättre vård. / Background: Transsexualism is a gender identity disorder, which means that an individual identifies him-/herself with the opposite sex, and this often involves a desire to correct their gender to the experienced one. With this desire, transsexuals often come in contact with health care and because of this it is necessary that care givers are knowledgeable and professional within the encounter. Aim: The aim of this study was to enlighten transsexual’s experience with the encounter from care givers during the gender reassignment. Method: The study was formed by a qualitative design and collection of data consisted in interviewing six transsexual individuals. Collected data was analyzed through a qualitative analysis of the context. Results: The participants experienced a good encounter when the meeting and conversation was imbued with knowledge and professionalism, and when the staff had the patient’s life-world in mind by having an understanding and affirmative attitude. When the personnel instead lacked of knowledge and occurred uncomprehending, the participants experienced vulnerability because they needed to persuade and adapt to the staff in order to get the required care. Conclusion: The result of the study illustrates that the encounter of health care personnel in many ways affect transsexual patients’ journey through the gender reassignment. It is therefore of great significance to acknowledge the experiences of transsexual patients’ to, in the best way possible, assure an adequate encounter. Clinical significance: The enlightenment of transsexual’s experiences of encounters could tribute to an increased consciousness of transsexualism and the health care needs of transsexuals, to offer better future health care.

Transrösten : Enkätundersökning om behov av logopediska insatser för personer i könskorrigeringsprocess i Uppsala-Örebro sjukvårdsregion

Gajsek Lönngren, Emilia January 2012 (has links)
Transsexualism innebär en upplevelse av att det juridiska könet inte stämmer överens med könsidentiteten och följs ofta av en önskan om att korrigera sitt kön så att det överensstämmer med det upplevda. Rösten är en identitetsmarkör och utgör en betydande aspekt av könskorrigeringen. Denna studie utgjordes av en enkät riktad till 24 verksamma röstlogopeder samt 49 personer i könskorrigeringsprocess i Uppsala-Örebro sjukvårdsregion. Enkätstudien ämnade undersöka transsexuella personers upplevda behov av logopediska insatser och i vad mån de tillgodoses, vilka kunskaper logopederna upplever som nödvändiga, faktorer som kan försvåra arbetet samt behandlingsinnehåll. Ett ytterligare syfte var att jämföra resultaten från föreliggande studie med de resultat som framkom i studien av Andersson och Aronsson (2008)  som kartlade logopediskt omhändertagande av transsexuella i norra regionen. Resultaten visade att de transsexuella respondenterna i stor utsträckning upplevde röstproblem, få hade haft logopedkontakt och en stor andel av dem som inte hade träffat logoped ville göra det. Information från vården till personer i könskorrigeringsprocess, angående logopedens roll, var otillfredsställande. Större delen av de personer som hade haft logopedkontakt hade åtminstone i någon mån fått tillräcklig logopedisk hjälp. Resultaten visade även att kunskap om könskorrigeringsprocessen och transrösten är nödvändiga vid behandling av patientgruppen och brist på kunskap och erfarenhet kan utgöra hinder i behandlingen. Behandlingsinnehåll och antal behandlingstillfällen varierade mellan logopeder. Kunskap om hur röstbehandling av transsexuella går till var skiftande bland logopederna i studien. Få logopeder hade tagit del av vårdprogrammet för transsexuella och intresset för vidareutbildning var stort. Resultaten i föreliggande studie visade liknande tendenser som studien utförd av Andersson och Aronsson (2008). / Transsexualism is an experience of the legal sex not matching the gender identity and is often followed by a desire to correct one’s gender so that it is consistent with the perceived. The voice is an identity marker and represents a significant aspect of gender reassignment. This study consisted of a survey of 24 active speech-language pathologists as well as 49 individuals in gender reassignment process in the Uppsala-Örebro Health Care Region. The questionnaire aimed to examine transgender individuals experienced need of speech therapy, and to what extent they are met, what knowledge speech therapists perceive as necessary, factors that can complicate the work and treatment content. A further aim was to compare the results from the present study with the results obtained in the study by Andersson and Aronsson (2008) who mapped the logopedic treatment of transsexuals in the northern region. The results showed that the transgender respondents largely experienced voice problems, few had had speech-language pathologist contact and a large proportion of those who had not met a speech-language pathologist wanted to meet one. Information from health care to individuals in gender reassignment process, regarding the speech-language pathologist’s role, was unsatisfactory. Most of the people who had had a speech-language pathologist contact had, at least to some extent, got sufficient logopedic help. The results also showed that knowledge of the gender reassignment process and trans voice is necessary in the treatment of the patient population and the lack of knowledge and experience can be an obstacle in the treatment. Treatment content and number of treatment sessions varied between speech-language pathologists. Knowledge of voice treatment of transsexuals varied among the speech-language pathologists in the study. Few speech-language pathologists were familiar with the health care program for transsexuals and interest in further training was great. The results of the present study showed similar trends as did the study conducted by Andersson and Aronsson (2008).

"You know a girl when you see one": experiences of surgeons who perform gender/affirmation/reassignment surgery

Christian, Robert 22 January 2016 (has links)
Most recent research on gender affirmation/reassignment surgery focuses on discrimination and health disparities faced by the transgender community, and on perspectives and identity constructions of patients transitioning from one gender presentation to another. However, few studies address perspectives and experiences of the surgeons performing these operations. This exploratory study examines narratives of some of these surgeons in order to understand how they entered this particular practice, and how they perceive and classify these procedures. This study also aims to show the affect these procedures have on these surgeons and their discipline, and how these surgeons navigate the complex relationships between patients, healthcare providers, and surgeons, in the context of social values and popular media perspectives in the United States.

Transexualismo e a cirurgia de transgenitalização / Transsexualism and the sex reassignment surgery.

Marangoni, Thalita Gonçalves 27 March 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o escopo analisar o transexualismo em seus aspectos históricos, culturais, científicos, médicos, jurídicos e bioéticos, em especial quanto à submissão à cirúrgica da transgenitalização, como manifestação do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, do direito de isonomina e do direito à saúde, garantias fundamentais previstas na Constituição Federal. O progresso da medicina permite, há décadas, a mudança de sexo, adequando a genitália do transexual ao seu sexo psicológico, inconciliáveis e antagônicos. Entretanto, o transexual se depara com a falta de dispositivo legal que regulamente o ato cirúrgico de mudança de sexo e a retificação do registro civil, adequando o nome e o sexo do transexual operado à nova situação. O percurso dos interessados na mudança de sexo é difícil, repleto de obstáculos de diversas ordens, onde muitas vezes, o judiciário representa a consolidação do sofrimento e da exclusão social. O exercício pleno da cidadania exige o reconhecimento do direito à redesignação sexual e retificação do nome e do sexo no registro civil, além do direito à família, especificamente, ao casamento e à filiação. O presente estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar que a cirurgia de transgenitalização, bem como a correspondente alteração do registro civil do transexual são formas de concretização de direitos fundamentais, do direito à saúde e meios de proteção à dignidade da pessoa humana. / This thesis has as its main objective to analyze transsexualism in its historical, cultural, scientific , medical, legal and bioethical aspect, especially regarding the performance of the Sex Reassignment Surgery (RSR) as a manifestation of the human dignity principle, the right to isonomy and the right to health, and to fundamental guarantees provided for in the Federal Constitution . Medical advances have made the Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) possible for decades, thus adapting the genitalia of the transsexual to his/her psychological gender, which is irreconcilable and antagonistic. However, the transsexual is faced with the lack of legal provisions to regulate sex change operations and to ratify civil registry records, adjusting the name and the gender of the operated transsexual to the new situation. The ones interested in sex change operations have a long way to go; they will have to overcome all sorts of obstacles, where quite often the judiciary is the consolidation of suffering and social exclusion. The full and effective exercise of citizenship requires a recognition of the right to the Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and to name and gender rectification in civil registries, besides the right to family, more specifically, the right to marriage and to affiliation. This study has as its main objective to demonstrate that the Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) as well as the corresponding modification of the transgender civil registry are embodiments of fundamental rights, and of health rights and they also are safeguards of human dignity.

Hannah Hoch, Til Brugman, Lesbianism, and Weimar Sexual Subculture

Nero, Julie 08 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

I came out of the shadows: South African transgender wellbeing and liminality

Miller, Kirsten Lee 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English and isiZulu / This qualitative study set out to discover the lived experiences of South African transgender individuals within the liminal space of having been confirmed for gender affirming surgery, yet who have not completed their surgery. The aim included seeking out how participants’ wellbeing was affected by being within this liminal space. Six participants were recruited in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. Thematic analysis was used to derive themes from the transcripts. Themes included coming out; relationships; wellbeing; misgendering/misnaming; support; public and private medical care; and liminality. Recommendations for future studies are included, and recommendations on interventions and support are discussed. / Lolu cwaningo lohlobo lwekhethelo lenzelwe ukuthola noma ukubheka izinselelo zabantu abafuna ukushintsha ubulili babo baseNingizimu Afrika ababhekana nazo uma basohlelweni lokuyohlinzwa ngoDokotela ukuze bakhone ukushintsha ubulili babo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukubheka ngqo kubantu abayihambile lena ndima ukuthi bahlukumezeka kanjani ngesikhathi basohlelweni lokuthi bashintshe ubulili babo. Abantu abayisithupha abazibandakanye nalolu cwaningo batholakale eGoli, ePitoli kanye naseKapa. Kusetshenziswe ucwaningo olubheka indikimba ukuze kutholwe izihloko ezivele embalweni osuselwe enkulumeni eqoshiweyo. Izihloko ezivelayo yilezi, ubudlelwano; impilo; ukubizwa ngobulili ongasibona/ukubizwa ngegama okungasilona elakho; ukwesekwa; usizo lwezibhedlela zikahulumeni nezibhedlela ezizimele; kanye nokuba sesimeni sokushintsha ubulili. Izincomo zocwaningo oluzayo zifakiwe nazo, kuphindwe kwakhulunywa noma kwabhekwa ukuthi kungangenelelwa kanjani ngosizo. / M.A. (Clinical Psychology) / Psychology

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