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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ladies av Mara Lee– en chick-lit som alla andra? : En narratologisk och diskursanalytisk studie av Ladies och chick-lit-genren.

Karlsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<!--StartFragment--> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB">My thesis deals with the novel </span><span>Ladies</span><span lang="EN-GB">,</span><span lang="EN-GB"> written in 2007 by the Swedish author Mara Lee. When published, it was received as a book belonging to the chick lit genre but still got good reviews. This combination is really unusual and awoke my interest in the novel. My thesis is therefore an analysis whether </span><span lang="EN-GB">Ladies</span><span lang="EN-GB"> can be considered a chick lit novel or not, and in what way it is similar to or differs from the genre.</span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB"> </span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB">I start my thesis with an overview of former research of chick lit and what earlier was called trivial literature. Here Lisbeth Larsson’s En annan historia, </span><span lang="EN-GB"><span>[</span></span><span lang="EN-GB">Another Story</span><span lang="EN-GB"><span>]</span></span><span lang="EN-GB">,</span><span lang="EN-GB"> Janice Radway’s Reading the Romance and Suzanne Ferriss’ and Mallory Young’s anthology Chick Lit The New Woman’s Fiction were necessary to understand the background of the genre.</span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB">After the research overview I continue with a narratological analysis, using the concepts of Maria Nikolajeva’s Barnbokens byggklossar </span><span lang="EN-GB"><span>[</span></span><span lang="EN-GB">The Bricks of the Children Book</span><span lang="EN-GB"><span>]</span></span><span lang="EN-GB"> to look at the structure of a chick lit story. After finishing my chick lit genre analysis I try to complete my own definition of the genre.</span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB">I find the themes love, sexuality and body focus in </span><span lang="EN-GB">Ladies</span><span lang="EN-GB"> especially interesting and therefore choose to look closer into how these areas are represented in the book. By using Judith Butler’s concepts the heterosexual matrix, the represented gender and Tiina Rosenberg’s hetero normativity I analyse the representation of the themes. </span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB"> </span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB">In the final discussion I compare my different analyses and my conclusion shows that </span><span lang="EN-GB">Ladies</span><span lang="EN-GB"> can’t be considered belonging to the chick lit genre. The biggest difference lies in how love and sexuality are represented in the book compared to chick lit novels. Whereas chick lit in many cases confirms gender stereotypes and conservative norms, </span><span lang="EN-GB">Ladies</span><span lang="EN-GB"> actually, according to my analysis, questions them.</span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB"> </span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB">In the end I am finally doing a short reflection about the novel and the author using Pierre Bourdieus concepts about symbolic resources and ”habitus”. </span> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB"> </span> <!--EndFragment-->

Darbo ir šeimos pareigų derinimas dirbant pamaininį darbą / Work family balance of shift work activities

Prikockytė, Sigita 10 June 2013 (has links)
Šis darbas yra orientuotas šeimos ir darbo sferų derinimą, kuomet moteris dirba pamaininį darbą. Pagrindinis jo tikslas - išsiaiškinti, ar pavyksta suderinti šeimos ir darbo sferas, kuomet moteris dirba pamaininį darbą ir kokiu būdu tai daroma. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai, kuriuos bandoma įgyvendinti darbe, yra išanalizuoti šeimai palankią politiką, taikomą Europoje, pristatyti darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų derinimo modelius, atskleisti su šeimos ir darbo pareigų derinimu susijusias problemas bei ištirti, ar šeimose, kuriose moteris dirba pamaininį darbą, yra šeimos ir darbo pareigų derinimas ir kaip tai vyksta. Tai atlikti padeda kiekybinių tyrimų metodas – apklausa raštu, t.y. anketavimas. Tyrimu buvo išsiaiškinta, kad moterys yra nepatenkintos dirbdamos pamaininį darbą, todėl yra susiduriama su inter – vaidmenų konfliktu, kuris rodo vieno arba kelių vaidmenų lūkesčių neatitikimą. Šiuo atveju konfliktai kyla dėl laiko, skiriamo šeimai stokos. Tačiau, kaip tyrimas atskleidžia, konfliktai sprendžiami atsakomybę už namų ūkį bei vaikų priežiūrą pasidalinant tarp moters ir vyro. Toks atsakomybės pasidalinimas rodo, kad derinant šeimos ir darbo sferas yra vadovaujamasi iš dalies sutampančių sričių modeliu (Jančaitytė, 2006) Taip pat tyrimu buvo atskleista, kad moterys yra patenkints, kaip skirstosi namų bei vaikų priežiūros darbus tarpusavyje, kadangi jų sutuoktiniai/partneriai rodo iniciatyvą užsiimti minėtomis veiklomis. Toks atsakomybės pasidalinimas atskleidžia dedamas pastangas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work is oriented family and work spheres approximation, when the woman works shift work. Its main purpose - to find out if they were to reconcile family and work spheres, where women working shift work and how it is done. The main challenges to attempt to implement the work is to analyze the family-friendly policies for Europe, the present work and family roles of coordination models, the disclosure of family and professional responsibilities relating to coordination problems and to investigate whether the families where women work shift work, a family and work function approximation and how it happens. This facilitates quantitative research method - written survey, ie questionnaire. The study has found that women are dissatisfied with their working shift work, so there is a inter - role conflict, which displays one or more role expectations of conformity. In this case, conflicts arise due to the time allocated to the family. However, as the study reveals, conflicts are solved responsibility for household and child care is shared between a woman and a man. Such a division of responsibility shows that combining work and family spheres is guided overlapping zone model (Jančaitytė, 2006) This study also revealed that women are happy with the way distinguish the home and child care work together because their spouses / partners showing the initiative to engage in those activities. Such a division of responsibility reveals efforts to adapt to each other creating movable two... [to full text]


Hodell, Emily Catherine 01 January 2010 (has links)
The present experiment investigated the role of gender stereotypes in cases in which a battered person kills his or her abuser. Regression analysis revealed an overall gender bias such that mock jurors were more likely to convict a man defendant who had killed his abusive wife than they were when a woman defendant who had killed her husband. Mediational analyses indicated that the relationship between abuser gender and verdict was partially mediated by sympathy toward the victim, and fully mediated by sympathy toward the defendant. Regression analysis also revealed an effect of abuser height, such that conviction rates were higher when an abuser was taller than his or her partner, regardless of abuser gender. Though not significant, trends suggested the act of killing an abusive partner was perceived as a protective act toward the child. Overall, the present study provides evidence that gender biases exist in cases in which a battered person kills his or her abuser.

Borgerlighetens döttrar och söner : Kvinnliga och manliga ideal bland läroverksungdomar, ca. 1880−1930

Backman Prytz, Sara January 2014 (has links)
This study examines how Swedish upper secondary school youth constructed femininity and masculinity in the period 1880–1930. The overall intention of the dissertation is to analyse the gender ideals that are found in texts written by girls and boys in a bourgeois school environment during a period characterised by transformative social changes in society. The source material consists of school magazines and student essays authored by youth in upper secondary boys’ schools, secondary girls’ schools, and co-educational schools.  The study analyses gender stereotypes from five different areas: youth, love life, body, parenting and working life. Boys are prone to use gender stereotypes that emphasise the subordination of women vis-a-vis men. The boys’ usage of stereotypes is thus prominent and is widely used in order to reinforce male dominance. They did not problematise or question their role in the society to any great extent. Girls were, to a significantly greater extent than the boys, keen to problematise women’s traditional role in society. This challenges the images of women as complicit in their own subordination. It seems that the girls have not only been aware of their subordination, but also have been more inclined to strive for their emancipation. The girls’ gender stereotypes are diverse and tolerant, and display progressiveness towards the emancipation movement. The young people’s ideal of moderation emerges as a recurring theme. Both the working class and the upper class are used as deterring examples of excess. The changes in society during this period seems to have had little influence on the ideal gender stereotypes, but in terms of emancipation, appears have made the boys more reactionary than the girls. The daughters of the bourgeois pressed forward; the sons of the bourgeois glanced backward.

Diana – kvinnan bakom fenomenet : En kvalitativ undersökning om stereotypa nyhetsbilder av prinsessan Diana under veckan efter hennes död / Diana – the woman behind the phenomena : A qualitative analysis of stereotypical portraits of Princess Diana in the news during the week after her death

Eldling, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
Princess Diana, or Lady Diana Spencer as she was called at the time,  took the whole world by storm when she at only 20 years of age married in to the British royal family, and thereby became a popular target for the media. It was through the media that people all over the world got to know and love Diana, and when she died in a terrible car accident in Paris, France, in the year of 1997, people mourned the loss of their beloved princess, and blamed the media for causing her tragic death for the chance of getting some photos of her.          Many people loved Diana and looked up to her, and the interest that was shown for her funeral was enormous and worldwide. The death of Diana gave the media a lot to write about, and in this study I investigate how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, and the British newspaper The Guardian portrayed Diana in their articles during the week after her death on August 31 1997, until the day of the funeral September 6 1997. Specifically the study focuses on the portraying of Diana based on gender stereotypes. By using a theory about desirable and non-desirable feminine and masculine traits the conclusion was made that the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet mostly used female stereotypes when portraying Diana, both when it came to desirable and non-desirable traits, and the British newspaper The Guardian mostly described Diana with desirable masculine traits, and feminine non-desirable traits. / Prinsessan Diana, eller Lady Diana Spencer som hon då kallades, tog hela världen med storm när hon endast 20 år gammal gifte in sig i den brittiska kungafamiljen, och därmed blev ett populärt objekt för media. Det var genom media som människor över hela lära känna och älska Diana, och när hon dog i en hemsk bilolycka i Paris, Frankrike, år 1997, sörjde människor förlusten av sin älskade prinsessa, och anklagade media för att ha orsakat hennes tragiska död för chansen att få några foton av henne.          Många älskade Diana och såg upp till henne, och intresset som visades för hennes begravning var enormt och världsomfattande. Dianas död gav media mycket att skriva om, och i denna studie undersöker jag hur den svenska tidningen Aftonbladet, och den brittiska tidningen The Guardian skildrade Diana i sina artiklar under veckan efter hennes död den 31 augusti 1997, fram till dagen för begravningen den 6 september 1997. Studien fokuserar specifikt på skildringen av Diana baserat på könsstereotyper. Genom att använda en teori om önskvärda och icke önskvärda feminina och maskulina egenskapar kunde slutsatsen dras att den svenska tidningen Aftonbladet främst använde kvinnliga stereotyper för att beskriva Diana, både när det gällde önskvärda och icke önskvärda egenskaper, och den brittiska tidningen The Guardian beskrev Diana främst med önkvärda maskulina egenskaper, och icke önskvärda feminina egenskaper.

Obraz ženy v japonské populární kultuře. / Image of Woman in Japanese Popular Culture in the 2nd half of the 20th century

Křivánková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis follows my previous studies of modern Japanese society and popular culture. I will especially focus on gender stereotypes, particularly negative stereotypes concerning women who refuse to bow to a substantial pressure from society endowed with a strong Confucian tradition. It was this very tradition - together with a foreign concept akin to the Western domesticity cult - what gave rise to the ideal of "good wife, wise mother" (rjósai kenbo), which at least in some form remains quite tangible even in contemporary Japanese society. One of the tasks this thesis wants to undertake is to describe how the negative stereotyping of women who stood in either conscious or natural opposition towards this ideal affected portrayal of women in Japanese popular culture (especially comics), which can be a very good perpetuator of all kinds of stereotypes. At the same time, I would like to find out whether it managed to partially subvert at least some of the negative images of women who refused to be good wives and wise mothers. Key words: gender stereotypes, Japan, popular culture, comics, rjósai kenbo, manga


Jhamb, Sumeet 01 May 2018 (has links)
Are men and women equally likely to be perceived by people to possess similar requisite characteristics in comparable yet diverse occupations within management, leadership, and entrepreneurship? Because modern workplaces continue to be impacted by the persistence of varying perceptions of men and women about requisite attributes of successful people in several organizational roles, the concept of gender bias and occupational stereotypes has warranted the attention of theoreticians, scholars, and practitioners to a large extent (Koch, D’Mello, & Sackett, 2015; Kuwabara & Thébaud, 2017; Pinker, 2003; Pinker & Spelke, 2005). Although empirical evidence clearly indicates that gender inequalities in the workplace can have a significant effect on peoples’ perceptions about different characteristics of individuals in general and in specific organizational roles, there is a paucity of research examining these perceptions in a variety of leadership positions. Previous literature has investigated the gendered construction and re-construction of these professions but only to a limited extent (Gupta, Turban, Wasti, & Sikdar, 2009; Heilman, 2001, 2012; Heilman, Wallen, Fuchs, & Tamkins, 2004; Koenig, Eagly, Mitchell, & Ristikari, 2011; Kuwabara & Thébaud, 2017; Ryan, Haslam, Hersby, & Bongiorno, 2011; Schein, 1973, 1975, 2001). However, research in years past has not yet examined the full range of industry and entrepreneurial contexts that may create gender typecasting of roles. By extension, the current study focuses on how the gender-differentiated perceptions of men and women influenced the requisite characteristics of successful professional personnel in various managerial, leadership, and entrepreneurial positions. Specifically, given that these professions are influenced by gender-role expectations and stereotypes, this empirical investigation drew from role congruity theory of prejudice (Eagly & Karau, 2002) to examine the relative degree of perceived overlap between the traits associated with specific roles in management, leadership, and entrepreneurship with the traits commonly associated with men and women in general. Primary data were obtained from a diverse sample of 600 (12 x 50) working adults in the United States (N = 600, 300 women, 300 men) between the ages of 21 and 65. This was accomplished using an online survey designed via Qualtrics and administered through Amazon’s MTurk, from the lens of the classic think manager-think male (TMTM) research paradigm (Schein, 1973, 1975, 2001). The instrument used for data collection was the 92-item Schein Descriptive Index (SDI), which was used to describe sex role stereotypes and perceived requisite characteristics of twelve distinct target groups. The results of this study indicate that the perceived requisite traits of successful leaders and entrepreneurs are construed in predominantly masculine terms. These findings support and further inform the nature, existence, significance, and persistence of the “think manager-think male stereotype effect” (TMTM effect) and the “glass ceiling phenomenon” across a variety of managerial, leadership, and entrepreneurial roles, contexts, and industries. The TMTM effect was stronger among high tech entrepreneurs, CEOs, and entrepreneurs in general, whereas it was lessened for entrepreneurs in educational and health care roles, as well as for middle managers. Additionally, consistent with prior research, TMTM effects were generally either more likely to occur, or were stronger in magnitude among male raters than among female raters. These results largely support role congruity theory of gender differences in management and leadership that indicate incongruity of female gender stereotypes in general with stereotypes about high-status and prominent occupational roles in various organizations (Eagly & Karau, 2002). Specifically, the perceived trait overlap was noted to generally be stronger between men in general and successful leaders in various roles than that between women in general and successful leaders in various similar roles. The findings of the current study are expected to be valuable for those seeking to encourage opportunity regardless of candidate gender in management, entrepreneurship, and leadership, as well as for those promoting the role of women’s advancement in these professions. The study’s results have both theoretical and practical implications. Understanding these perceptions can have a significant impact on the gender biases prevalent in society, in organizations, and even across the specific entrepreneurial contexts and industries investigated within the current study. In today’s super-competitive business environment, firms must appreciate the importance of fostering equal opportunity, avoiding gender biases, and facilitating racial and ethnic diversity.

Gender a dívky na základní škole / Gender and primary school girls

HRONKOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with gender issues. It is divided into two parts, theoretical ? based on literature review and practical ? based on research. The theoretical part deals with the concept of gender as a social construct. It is focused on manifestation of gender stereotypes in various aspects of girl?s and woman?s life. The first chapter defines the most important terms (gender, sex, socialization, identity) and is followed by a chapter dealing with gender stereotypes related to female and male social constructs (of femininity and masculinity). The next part describes manifestation of gender roles, (differences and behaviour) in family. The following chapter shows the picture of woman which is presented in the media (magazines for women, advertisement, publications for children). The last chapter describes manifestation of gender roles in school environment. The practical part presents results of the quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research is based on questionnaire investigation. The qualitative research was conducted through controlled interviews. Both types of research were focused on gender problems ? whether the girls participating in the research realize the effects of gender roles and how they perceive them. The result of this research is that girls are aware of pressure based on gender differences. They realize the conflict between their wishes and reality, but they fully respect the traditional gender division of the worl into the male and female world and they lead their lives in accordance with the traditional gender stereotypes.

Genderové stereotypy u Policie ČR / Gender stereotypes in the Police of the Czech Republic

SCHMIDT, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis highlights the issue of gender stereotypes in the Police of the Czech Republic - among policemen and policewomen who serve at the Regional headquarters of the Police in České Budějovice. The thesis also deals with the demands of the profession and the comparison of gender differences between men and women in this profession. In addition to a simple division of each part of the police and its structure, the history of gender issues is described in detail, as well as examples of stereotypical behaviour, its origins and causes. The thesis deals with the position of women in the society, both in the historical perspective and in the present time. Statistical data are listed here as well as and the numbers of police officers in service - men and women. The thesis focuses on a specific group of police employees - policemen and policewomen officers and police officer working in the town of České Budějovice. The gender issues are a very interesting topic. Differences between male and a female are not only physical, but the individuals of opposite sexes assess each other with the help of learned or acquired stereotypes that they brings from their original families. Gender stereotypes influence the lives of people in this society and they can be found in police staff as well. Considering the growing number of women within the Police of the Czech Republic, there are frequent conflicts between the two sexes. This paper discusses the ways in which the individual members of the opposite sexes perceive their counterparts. The way they are perceived in the emotional as well as the professional domains. The research was conducted using the method of a semantic differential by means of a questionnaire and 100 respondents, policemen as well as policewomen, took part in it.

Growth Mindset Training to Increase Women's Self-Efficacy in Science and Engineering: A Randomized-Controlled Trial

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Undeclared undergraduates participated in an experimental study designed to explore the impact of an Internet-delivered "growth mindset" training on indicators of women's engagement in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics ("STEM") disciplines. This intervention was hypothesized to increase STEM self-efficacy and intentions to pursue STEM by strengthening beliefs in intelligence as malleable ("IQ attitude") and discrediting gender-math stereotypes (strengthening "stereotype disbelief"). Hypothesized relationships between these outcome variables were specified in a path model. The intervention was also hypothesized to bolster academic achievement. Participants consisted of 298 women and 191 men, the majority of whom were self-identified as White (62%) and 18 years old (85%) at the time of the study. Comparison group participants received training on persuasive writing styles and control group participants received no training. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment, comparison, or control groups. At posttest, treatment group scores on measures of IQ attitude, stereotype disbelief, and academic achievement were highest; the effects of group condition on these three outcomes were statistically significant as assessed by analysis of variance. Results of pairwise comparisons indicated that treatment group IQ attitude scores were significantly higher than the average IQ attitude scores of both comparison and control groups. Treatment group scores on stereotype disbelief were significantly higher than those of the comparison group but not those of the control group. GPAs of treatment group participants were significantly higher than those of control group participants but not those of comparison group participants. The effects of group condition on STEM self-efficacy or intentions to pursue STEM were not significant. Results of path analysis indicated that the hypothesized model of the relationships between variables fit to an acceptable degree. However, a model with gender-specific paths from IQ attitude and stereotype disbelief to STEM self-efficacy was found to be superior to the hypothesized model. IQ attitude and stereotype disbelief were positively related; IQ attitude was positively related to men's STEM self-efficacy; stereotype disbelief was positively related to women's STEM self-efficacy, and STEM self-efficacy was positively related to intentions to pursue STEM. Implications and study limitations are discussed, and directions for future research are proposed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2014

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